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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Aug 1937, p. 5

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THURSDXV, AUGUSI 121H, 1937 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO PAGE FIVE JMTtD1?~T 1TI~E~I th choice was theirs. The chil- :-en that were old enough. and OF ITERE T TO WOIW N' tat included a boy. helped Cet _________________________their own supper which was us- ually sandwiches. They had a stret cr. heysaidtha wa1-1restful meal with a book and the -eetcar Thy sid hatwasparNents found it a pleasant change Hint ForHomeodie thebest one of ail. Thie party 0f to have a quiet. peaceful meal ______fotrr had fine camneras. Halifax wth no disciplining necessary. Written for The Statesman does things in leisurely way butThe little girl who was under- byIthn eennHaia tosoi weight. ate about twice as nuch Jessie Allen Brown the tram car t.o take snapslhots as she didodnnyadpto ----must be a record. weight. If the summner holidays are becoming a bit wearing, you1 IIINTS FOR HOMEBODIES The Summer Visitor might adopt this plan with suc- 6S Man's inhumanity to women in cess. A Tourist's Paradise the matter of summer visitors is Lake Trout A Party of four Americans. off hard to understand. People flock Cl oldlk ru sams theanseba Brtic ee to a summer cottage without. de- Cl o]dlk ru sams on ' ie aBr in aifax. swec- finite invitation. Each feels that as good as sa'-mon. Serve with tr ' iy.carhen tHayiam. e t hy ilb wloe A e cucumbers and salad dressing. If the corner of Oxford St. andi Co- Ilik ely they would be if they xere yu ihi o ag o mei bourg Road, they saw a beautiful the only visitors. But ixhen car- iate use, souse the remainder. v\eew 0f the North-Ws Am I-loati after carloati turns up day Cover w-th diluted vînegar and it c1dentally I bave yet to sec a after day. it becomes unbearable * ii ep n oo lae o sm Halifax person turn their hiead to I have known women corne homeda. look at 4t'. Excitedly they asked from their cottage in the iddie Blueberry M1ufins the conductor or the summer because they were 2 cups flour to stop thie car .exhausted froniworkinaý after vis- 4 teaspoonis baýkmnr powder so that t h e cottage on the mainlanti and tbesonsga picuî- 0fitmoved to an island. wbich was 1 eg They got that ýnot nearly as convenient. because 1 cup milk onri e. T h e n - no one could get to them unless 2 tablespoons metedi butter w h e n t h e y special arrangement. A W0o- 1 cup blueberies cam toDa - ~ man whose year round home is '4 cup sugar cause tUnivlr by the ocean in a most beautiful 1_ teaspoon cinnamon sity they want- place. has gone inland for the Sift dry ingredients. Add the ed apictre ýsummer to escape visitors. Every bluebeî-ries. Stir in the milk, it. Th pcaure wf'aone likes to have company but not beaten egg and melted butter. stppt t gtevery one likes unexpecteti comnp- which have been mixed. Stir only1 spues 0fTh e- any or too much. A hostess enough to mix. Bake in a bot Puic G a r JefsiTAllen shoulti be allow-ed te make ber oven of 400c for 25 minutes. Pue, L or- d BroAlln own arrangements and it is a wise Tartar Sauce Nelson Lod H otw ifnall thyule to neyer go to a summer 12cpmynas aesond a ote oapsedeide l the .hoetwithout a definite arrange- 2cpmynas askd Poti topoe bsie te niet.Women at cottages are flot 1 tablespoon choppeti sweet the only sufferers. A f arm is a gherkins lcvely place to spend a day in 1 tablespoon chopped parsley summer and many a farmers wife 1 tablespoon choppeti stuffed SE VEArf M neyer has a Sunday of rest. One olives &v~.r Ti [M family trieti packing a picnic bas- 1 teaspoon choppeti onion ket andi leaving early in the day 1/ teaspoon saIt before visitors coulti arrive. They MiX mayonnaise with the re-j AT A Y TO E OF trieti their own bush but that was maining ingretiients Which have1 Tff Enot f ar enough away for thie ex- been very finly choppeti. Serve T E D Y plaring guests, so they hati to tra-1 with f ish. vel farther afield. The climax __________ came when onc Sunday. on re- turning home. they f ounti that ORONO BOY WEDS their relations had opened a ""in- dow andi climbed in. and hati cat- P»ETERBORO GIRL eni all the footi that was ready for Monday. and toa atd insult to in- Peterboro BaPtist Parsonage Scene jury. bad not even bothered to of James Hamm and Elizabeth "Mv familv is liable to ask for wash the dishes. Jean Pollard Nuptials Kellogg's 'at any uirne of the A Restful Meal day. So 1 keep the pantry i A family was going on a picnic~ A quiet August wedtiîng took well-sîorked. Thc're such a iwhen the little girl asked her mo- place at the parsonage of the convenience." ther if she coulti bave ber share Peterborough Baptist Church on Kellogg's Corn Flakes in of the 'picnic' anid stay at home. Saturday when Elizabeth Jean. milk or creani satisfy that alone, just to be able to eat wherc'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley - i and how she wanted. This w'as Pollarti, became the bride of Cor- hungry feeling miorning, i not allowed but in thinking it rciius James. son of Mr. and Mrs. noon or night. These crisp, ýover, her mother tiecided that Ernest Hamm, Orono. golden flakes are always iprobably the steatiy grind of it- The bride was gowned in a nourishing and satisfying. ting up at a table. watching ber navyý sheer with white accessories Ideal for the bettime supper manners, and always having to a nd carried a beautif ul bouquet of because they encourage sotdnd cat the things she should, was -rose sweet peas. The britiesmaid. sleep. wearing. So the next day she Mliss Mabel James, wore wine Soldby ra-matie sandwiches and put them sheer with white and carried a Soldby go- É-ma-01i on a tray with seime cookies, some bouquet of orchid sweet peas. Mr. ce rs e ve r y- CORN fresh fruit andi a glass of milk. Lloyd Hardy supported the groom. where. Made FLAES' andi tolti her daughter to take ber Rev. J. H. Sutcliffe of Peterbor- London, On t. 1 e-1 where she liked. Immediately the After the marriage a reception 17 1 other children wanted to do this dinner was held at the bride's A ý00 loo.It was such a success thati home. - Regent Street, Lindisay, .Wmz2'loCOR FLAES ost days through the bolidays, where a number of guests gather- M de erd*p ac. , the chiliiren hati their suPper by cd to wish the bride and groom MadeSeter Pakei Boter themselves. They ate an the ver- well. After a short motor trip Tase Botter axdah, in various places in the the happy couple will reside in - t garden, or on the back steps. But Peterborough. WEDDINGS W. J. R. Fowler, Guelph; Dr. and' Mrs. C. R. Jackson. Cleveland. Ohio: MIr. anti Mrs George Daly, Napance; Miss Amy Pope, Mr anti Mrs. Fred M'lls anti Mrs. F. G. Pennel. oh HIamilteon. district, en route te the United, States. For travelling t.he bride w-ore a suit of white taffeta. with a navy blue sheeî- blouse- anti white taffeta bat with tiaint:y nos0 veil. Her gloves, shoca and puise wcre in the same color. They will rEside in Toronto. Mr. Caveî-ly This year the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition completc-s its f:fty-ninitl consecutîve year of oe.ration. a irecord ef uîîinter- rupted proLgre.s wh.ceh places it far in the van of any orhei- an- mîal exposition in the world in point. of continuitv and excel- GORDON E. LOWRY bei- father, wore a simple French STANTON CAVERLY Eaton uGroceteria in CornwalL.lence. nodl ofstifene nion mde n MA RIE JUL 31Mrs. Caverly was formerly a'Frsvalyr tefs p- WED IN TORONTO iodlfstfneinnnmteo MA RE JLY 3 member of the staff of Powdrcll Frsvrl er1h f-tpr sweeping Grecian lines with flow- VdAeadr o omk etrsrain o Boys' Training Sehool Teaeher ing skii-t, a large "Gene witli the Son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Çaverly 1niAeadr o omk etrsrain o Marries Isobel McArthur at Wind** hat of sof t straw, Grecian 1 f Bowmanvills Weds Ches- Out oh town guests inclutied Mr. the pageant at the Canadian Na- Sati satias an lae mttes tk'v le irl, ani Ms. linon c Çaerî, !,tionai Exhibition was a man from St. Aidan's Church sti-snal ad ae iten.tevieGVean r, .; Mrtn . ai rs. H.f Cincinnati. He is first again this ________She carrieti a shower bouquet oahVerdnaQde.; r.and *Mrs ya.-iha o An interesting wedtiing took white roses ant i hues oh the val- The porch ohJ the home ohrotH. Mr.and seats for an r o two-m lparty x place on Saturday, August 7. iri ley. f Che ervllon H.St- Mrs. H. C. Caverly. Bowmanville. TetCoroa tion miwillertenti. St. AitiansAnglican Church. To- Teoî tenat is Dillabough, Ch Jurvl 31.n at- 'eMr. anti Mrs. John HartMss Ta he Creatiopyrotcif ial e.t rona. hcnIsoel ear, dugh Sqire. sste o thegro,-resneathmrigehEithH Miltireti Walsh, Cornwall; Mr. K Docksteatier. earl daught qie.sse ftegomwr seeo h araeroh Mrt . tiFord Beach, Ottawa. A Statesman is a politician who ter oh Mr. anti Mrs. George K. dulce blue stîflencti ninon. matieMrnot Docksteader te St f r.and__________cnsyntiga h ih ie McArthur. became the bride Oh rcedineot.e -style over taffeta with Ms rod okOaer oSa-cas ina tahe tectie or Mr Gî-onE.Lo-r. fthe goldien Yellow~ hat. shocs anti mit- ton A. Cavcrly. oh Toronto, form- - teaching staff of the Boys' Train- tens. She cairiedi a colonial bou- cily oh Cornwall. -son of Mr. anti Beauty is only skin deep; but gets to disguise his breath with inSchool. Bow-manvillc. son oh otiet of Yellow'ý roses anti blue Mrs. H. C. Caverly. oh Bowman- for that matter s0 are freckles. a clave. Mr. E. G. Lowry anti the late Mrs. Mrnfowr . MxStevait Lunty ille.___Ont..__________and_____________and Loewry oh Toronto. Rev. Mr. Bloti- ~.sthe best man. anti Mr. Leslie Pink ant i lte streamers anti g ett officiateti anti the church was Evan.s anti Mr. Gordion Dobbin. white wedding belîs matie a prc.ty decoîated with glatiioli anti sum- of Peterboro. ushers. The wcd- setting for- the ceremnony w ich mer lowcrs. The wetiting music ti:ng mnusic \vas playeti by Mi-. H. was Perfarmeti by Rev. R. C. Tait I wa payd y r.Chler, ndH.'Too, ranstan coi- inserofth TintALmý turing the signing oh tbe register Inaister of Howard Park Uniteti Church. The wetiding music wase r i ks Mr. anti Mrs. jack McKay sang chuî-ch. of hch the groom is a playeti by H. J. MeDonalti oh To- K e s a' SRM "Love You Truly." member. andi turing the signing ront. ÉUE The bride. given in marriage by of the reg1ister. Mr. Eric Tuer, cou-1 Given in marriage by her fa- WMnw)î or ysyuaeasurdaslt her father, wore a graceful gown sm ioh the bride, sang "Because.". ther, the bride wore a gown oh hnw i oree yuaeasrdaslt of eggshell satin matie on princess Af teî- the ceremony a reception 'baby blue silk lace ovcr taffeta, satisfaotion in quality, style and price. lines. The train oh the gown hati w-as helti in the gartiens oh the fashioneti on long princess lines, a wide edging oh Rasepoint lace oîti Mill, where the bride's par- ;with short puffeti sleeve. H11r hat Arrid Odorono Drene Noxema that was worn on the wedtiing enta anti the groam's mother re- was a Patou model oh mohair anti Cream Ibe Liquid Cream ,owns ofhber mother anti grand- cEiveti with the bridi party. Mrs. net. with ashes oh rases trimrming. Deodorant Deodorant Shampoo and Soap mother. The little Peter Pan cal- Lancaster was gawneti in pearl Her lace mittens anti santials la ws dgd it sedperl a- ra cifonovr meicn ea- ah o the same shade as the 39e 35e 59-99 54e sG useti on their dresses, anti ber ty crepe, large black hat. andtrinqetnoh s eetb arrse atilil- Ti ag 0 lee embroitiereti tulle veil helI rom a black accessories, corsage ah "Bet- qe fseter oe n iy pleateti halo. She carrieti a bou- ter Times" rases. Mrs. squires of -the-valley. Ti ag 0 lee 3 quet ohftieep pink rases anti lily ware an empire motiel oh black Misa Pauline Docksteader, of ls oh the valley. anti white chiffon, black bat anti Ottawa. sister oh the - bride. at- Tublr Kot'x -- ------190 MIrs. W. H. Gotisoe as matron'accessories, anti carrieti a bouquet tentied as bridesmaiti, wearing a Pinkham's Conîp.- 89o ofhbonar wore a flowereti peach ýof pansies. For travelling the dress oh white lowereti organz.a .- FREE Tma 5 7 silk taffeta rock with a long fulli bride worc black anti white print- white picture hat anti accessories Tma 5 7 redingote oh peach cable net. but- ced silk, with black anti green ac- oh the same color. Her arm bou- . ihil. Dd' il 7 taneti from the neck ta the waist cesseries. Af ter a mater trip quet was oh Butterfly roses. Cli- wt . Dd' il 7 with tiny taffet-a lbttons. She through the eastern States anti ton C. Caverly, of Vertiun, Que., Health Nova Kelp tabs. 59-98 wore a Juliet cap oh net with seeti the Adirantiacks, the couple wiîî brother ah the bridegroom, waà at ia ete 36 Pearl horming bandis anti taff eta live on Rivercrest Rd., Toronto. the best man. SloAk ete 36 flwes emachth irsa Se Among the Out oh town guests Mrs. Docksteader, mother ohf 39e -Nu-Feet -- -----250 carrieti a bouquet oh h lame coloreti werc:, Mr. Walter Douglas, New the bride, wore a gown oh navy roses. Miss Ena Gall as brides- ýYork City; Mrs. W. Greenlees. figureti chiffon, with a corsage aiof____________ maiti ware a similar h rock in tur- 'Vancouver, B. C.; Misa Winmifreti ivory rases. Her bat was white KelaesS etPkIMiurasreyu godice. quoise blue anti carrieti dep Ycl- 'Gilbert, Vancouver; Mr. anti Mra.1 with blue trim. Mrs. Caverly, me- KrlksSetPcl fxueasrsYu0 0dPcl low roses. Mr. Earl Cunningham IL. G. Dobbin anti family anti Mrs.1 ther oh the bridegroom., was in a Our Spices are fresh, fuil flavored. (iet yours n.ow at prifes ah Bowmanville was the beat man.: George Duncan antifhamily, Pet -1 dresa oh blue chiffon, with a cor- as low as for ordinarY sPices. anti the ushers were Dr. W. H. ýerboro; Miss Kathleen McDonald. sage oh Butterfly roses. Mrs. Da- Gotisoe anti Mr. Jack Pepper. Thîornton, Ont.; Mr. anti Mrs. B. vitison. aunt oh the bride, w-are a Wildroot Hair Deal Wardoni.a Blade and Following the ceremony a re-1 Lancaster anti family; Mr. anti grey crepe. grey accessories anti S ial 90co au Razor Deal, Reg. $1.75 ception w-as helti at Georgia Villa. Mrs. E. Lancaster anti hamily; M:-., a corsage oh Talisman roses. For Vle55c1 For .. ....... __50 where the mether ah the bride re- Franklin Barrett. Mrs. Thomas Buffet luncheon was servedti teT ceiet te riia Prtwer'Lancaster. St. Marys, Ont.; Mrs. more than 30 gucats. anti later Phone 695 P .CO LN ,Ph.B RUSSES ingafrokf rose beige lc n John Douglas anti Mrs. Annie :Mr. andi Mrs. Caverly lef t on a geergette witb pale pink accessar- Britton. Newcastle: Dr. anti Mrs. . motor trip tbreugh the Muskoka ica anti corsage ah pink 'rases. ________________________ Mirs. Lowry, mother ah the groom.: alse receiveti in a cerise chiffon gow~n with white accessories anti white flawers. Mrs. Ernest Blî-sa aunt oh the bride, wearing a Pink flowereti chiffon f rock wi t h mnatching accessries anti corsage oh pink rases, anti Mrs. Violet Mur- matching bat anti corsage of Pink rases, assisteti in receiving. O Later the couple leht for a boat Laeandi on their retum wilî Radaio Demonstrators a iniaiSa£mmmla - U'u.deubLmemand live in Bawmanville. For travel- e w W BS W U ling the bride tionneti a gay f10wIt ere cep foc, olenodyelo1J936 Modela - aise Refrigerator Speclals swagger wool coat with light f ur T la o M k pc o h 98 M dl riig So collar anti matcbing yellow ac- T la o M k pc o h 98 M dl riig S o cessories. -~General Electric, 5 tube, console with Short 3 - Radios, mice tone, Cabinet Modela 0F WIDE INTEREST Sample. Regular $89.95 n Newcastle People Attend Wedding of Ann Laneaster and Walter D. Squires A wedtiing of wide interest took place Saturday afternoan in W - cliffe college chapel, Toronto. when Anne Lenore. only tiaugbter oh Mr. anti Mrs. Frank J. Lan- caster. of Vancouver, B. C.. be- came the bride oh Walter Daviti (Bud) Squires, only son of Mrs. Squires and the late Walter J. Squires, of Toronto. The cere- mony was performed amiti a set- ting of palms and tali standards ah summer flowers by Professor B. W. Horan, of Wycliffe college. The bride, gîven in marriage by ROYAL THEATRE BOWMAN VILLE Mon. - Tues. - Wed. AUGUST 16 - 17 - 18 Walter Winchell, Ben Bernie, Alice Faye, Ned Sparks, Patsy K~elly, Jack Haley 6 Great Stars in Matinees Mon. - Wed. 2.30 p.m. Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. AUGUST 19 - 20 - 21 Paul Kelly and Judith Allen in , 1 To Clear -......,........-...... ..% t b .v v Special Low Prices And Extra Large Trade-in Allowance on Your Present Radio 25 - 1936 Floor and Mantel Models - Brand new, - Sold from $37.50 to $250.00. - Pull Guarantee - Most are ailwave with Steel Tubes We Specialize in RADIOS Over 150 Radios of all Makes to Choose from Phonola Sewing Cabinet Model, 6 Tube, Ail Wave, - 1936 Model. Regular $89.00 .490 Sale Price 1 Only - Majestic, 9 Tube, Console, beau- tif ul walnut cabinet, 1936 model, All-Wave. Regular $199.00 1 90 n"I qnO.lp $129 00 No Finance Co. No Interest No Eiktras 1 only - Stromberg Carlson, AII-Wave, 12 tube, fine cabinet, walnut and Oriental woods, equipped with Labyrinth speaker, 1936 Model- Sold for $325.00 Brand New- Big Reduction 3 - Roger 's Mantel Radios - 1934 Model, A compact Radio, - fully reconditioned. Sold for $34.50. Sale Price .. ... .. .. ... ...... $12.95 Victor Coxnbination Radio and Gramo- phone - Sold for $320.00. Gnaranteed S 99 Sale Price ...... .....................$ 9 9 ]REFRIGERATOR SPECIALS One Norge One General One Genieral Electric Refrigerator Electrie Refrigerator Electrie Refrigerator Regular $139.00 - Regular $235.00 Regular $225.00 For ........5$99.00 For .......5$149.00 For........5$129.00 -NOTE TERMS-- WHY WAIT? - Mid-Summer Sale Ternis arranged to supply your Radio now instead of waiting, providing your present Radio lias a rea- sonable Trade-in value - We wiil carry the balance so that Payments do not begin until late fail. __Also Marsha Hunt and John Howard in "EASY TO TAKE Matinee Saturday 2.30 p.m DON CHRISTIAN OPEN EVENflNGS 38 Sinicoe St., North Oshawa ELECTRIC Phone 84 ¶ J- THREE ONLY CAR 'RADIOS General Electric 1937 Models - Used as De. monstrators in our Show Room - Regular $54.75 - SALE PRIGE $319075 Installation $3.00 extra - Aerials from 1 $1.95 Up. RADIO SERVICE By Factory-Trained Men DAY OR NIGHT Prices ReasonabIe You Can Always Do Better At Don Ch ristian's . I THURSDAY, AUGUST 12TH, 1937 PAGE FIVE THE CANADIAN STATESýMAN, BOW-MANVILLE, ONTARIO Overhauled - Sale Price E ach ............... ........... ... ...... ..... ................ -.,- $ 5 .0 0 m ý A 1

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