PAGE THURSDAY, AUGUST 26TH igr THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO SPORT NEWSý Royals Drop Second Game Lakeshore League Playoff s Locals Fail to Rit in the 'in the matter of strikeouts by a Pinches - FineJ Score is 6 to 4 margin. 4 -2 In five of the nrne frames the defending champions got the first Failing to, hit n the pinches, ahitter on base but with runners thkng whicb Oshawa did with on the pathways, the lefthander much usto theBowmanville was well-nigh invincible. Only in muctigusto thethe second stanza did the Royals Rayals dropped their second if ail to get a man to f irst. It was straight game of the Lakeshore!'Pper's misfortune to have the League final playdowns ta the two Bowmanville errors corne Oshawa Seconds in the Motor, when they would do the most City on Saturday by 4 to 2. harm. Six of the Oshawa hit.s Once again the Royals received came in two innings and both excellent pitching as George Pi- miscues were thrown into one of per equalled Dave Osborne's hurl- 'these sessions. The best individual ing masterpiece of last Wednes- bit of twirling wa.s given by Piper day, but it was of no use as the in the sixth frame. Alter the Rayais failed to hit the elusive of- first man had singled, the Royal ferings of the veteran Lefty Wills. mound artist fanned Young, Bar-- Piper gave up eight hits. one and E'verett in a row and ev- more than allowed by Wills and ery one took a cut at the third had better control than his south- strike. paw adversary, walking onliy one Bowmanvile took a skimpy lead while Wills gave up three passes. in the first when Moise drew a The Oshawa port.s1der shaded him walk, was safe at second when These Prices Effective Until Sat. Night, Aug. 28 j Aylmer Choice Quality White CORN Aylmer Choice Quality Golden WVax BEANS LIBBY'S or SUMMER PRIDE Sweet Wrinkled CHOICE QUALITY Peas 2Tns.23 17-oz. Tins - No. 2 0 -Ne. 2 0 Domestic Shortening 1-lb. Pkg. 4-lb. Pkg. .13 .49- Palmolive SOAP 4 Cakes Palmolive and 1 Dionne Quints' Cut-Out Book Ail for.3 Brunswic SARDINES -Tin .5 Iger Fancy Cohoe Tal SALMO0N - Tn .23 Bulk Pickiing SPICIES - lb. 2 Aylmr Facy Rd, Havy yrup13.1-oz. RaspuierresV~ ins .24 Nay TISSUIE -2 oa W w W .W 'w- w w--- fDominion Welcomes Durham j Old Boys Àài Before You Buy a New Furnace Investi gate the NEW 900 Series Pesas "',Economy" -9FURNACE HERE is a differnt-a better fur- nace. Because of its scientific design, outâtanding performance, S favourable comparison of weight, ~: quality of materials, appearance and workmanship- the Pease 'Economy" Furnace pays steady dividends on î every dollar you invest in it. For over 50 years "Pease" has signified hlgh '~'q ality warmn air fumnacesa nd the *'Economy" has enabled comfort ta cnter marW homes ta which it had long been a stranger. Azk for FREE fully descriptive literoture. A complt onalysis of your own hecting needs given without obligation. MONTH-LY PAYMENTS. 0F COURSE. King Street Bowmanvffle Telephone 682 J Everett drapped the peg on an attempted stolen base, went tc third when Colville singled Moise home. Hall started the Oshawa bal! of the second with a single, ond stole second. Young bit tc -entre for a base, Hall stopping at third and Piper cut off Bag- nell's t.brow ta the base and tbrew out Young ai second. Barnes hifted a high fly to rigbt how- ever. and Hall scored easily after the catch. A tbree rlin rally in the fi! tI %von the garne. Barnes singled ta right. and although they had him caughi off f irst as Evereti falled to bunt, but Bates threw 10w ta firsi, the baIl gaing ia right field and Barnes going ta second. Evereit then clipped a bit over second and the rur.ner scored with Evereit going to second. MeCul- lougb whiffed and Wills tapped ta short, Williams maklng a play on Evereti at third but Moise ctropped the bail and alI bands were safe. Fair f ollowed with a line blow ta lefita score bath runners. The Cameron crew scored their other run in the eigbth. Moise gai a lii e an Everett's second er- ior but was forced by Colwell. With twa oui Williams stung Wills for a bit and Bagnell dupli- cated the feat to chase Colwell in. Box Score Bowmanville: Moise, 3b. 3 1 0 2 0 1 Colwell. 2b. 4 1 1 1 2 0 Calville, rf. 4 0 1 2 0 0 Williams. ss. 4 0 1 1 2 0 B. Bagnell. cf. 4 O0I. 1 1 0 Large If. 3 0 020 0 Corden. lb. 3 0 1 il O O Bates,c. 4 0 2 4 0 1 Piper, p. 3 0 O 0 4 0 Tatals 32 2 7 24 9 2 Oshawa: Fair, cf. 4 01 10 0 Petre, lb. 4 0 08 1 Narmyle c. 4 O 0 6 0 O Hall, 3b. 4 1 2 1 3 0 Young.lIf. 4 O 2 0 0 O Barnes, 2b. 4 1 1 5 5 0 Everett s. 3 1 2 3 2 2 Mcçullough, rf. 3 0 O 3 O O Wills, P. 2 1 0 0 2 0 Totals 32 4 8 27 13 2 Runs batted in, Barnes, Everett. Pair 2, Colville, Bagnell; Two- base bit, Carden; Stolen bases. Williams, Hall, Everett, Wills: Double plays, Hall ta Barnes ta Fetre, Everett ta Barnes ta Petre; Le! t on bases, Osbawa 5, Bow- manville 7; Strike auts, Wills 6, Piper 4; Bases on balîs, Wills 3, Piper 1. Umpires: Crossetof Port Hope, and Gibson of Cobourg. Bricks and Bouquets~ By Nelson E. Osborne As thîs is being written the Royals have their backs to that well known wall, and ta be per- fectly frank. we doubt if they can figbt their way out. Not that it îsn't possible, but it is almost toa much to hope for to think that tbey can win three straight from Osbawa when they have failed to take one decision in the eight games these two teamns have play- ed. Some of these verdicts have been tossed away by Bowmanville, with the game of last Wednesday being the most glaring example. The Motor City representatives did neot deserve one of their four runs but unfortunately that does not seem to matter in the final analysis. But even with the er- rors thrown out, the big differ- ence between the two scjuads is Oshawa's ability to corne through in the clutch. Witb men on bases the Motor boys have a flare for hitting while the Royals bludgeans seldom drive the baIl into safe territory. Nevertheless. we stIli have a chance and wbile there is lufe there is hope, and while the Cam- econ clan have neyer bad to corne from behind such an obstacle1 they have pulled out ot sorne rnighty bad looking boljs. We can recall twice when they have scor- ed five runs in the ninth frame after twa were out. Last year they scored a 12 to 9 win over Picton after the Easterners had taken an eight run advantage in the first frame. Harry "Dutch" Osborne was the hero of that struggle. On Saturday the Rayais neyer had more than one bit i. any inning. and in the previaus garne tbey haci tbree bits i. the firsi turn at bat andi two scratch safe- tues in the ninih. Yau canit win games with bitting like ibat. But in spite o! aU ibhese apparent de- !ects. aur hat is doffed ta Bert1 Peacoclc and bis array o! base-i ballers. Ai ail turnes tbey play heads-up bahl and they neyer seem ta be pressing. A smooth fielding gang. they al tbe answers andi undoubtedly tbey wili carry the Lakeshore League banner far, provided they can win ibat third1 game. For a wbile lasi week it laaked as if the Bowmanville Juniors mrigbt have anoiher chance af playing baîl this year. Pbiiip Vitarelli a! Peterbaro was thrawn oui by the O.B.A.A. but Peterbora says that be was barn on May Isi at 6 o'clock in the morning. and records show that in pasi years1 the Association bas passèd bis1 certificate for Bantam and Juven- ile sa jusi why they sbauld stant to discriminate now us bard to tell. Anybaw, upon a plea !rom1 the Peterbara Club for a reversal1 of the decision, the O.B.A.A. turn-1 ed it over ta the local league. and as Bowmanville feels ibat there bas been no underhanded work by the Liftlock crew he will be gîven a dlean sheet. While this is1 the firsi year that we bave known1 Herb Ralpb, coach o! the Petes.1 we are canvinced tbai he is abave1 trying anytbing like playlng ani aver-age man. Having made a success o! moGt ,'Over 300 Attend Bradley School SCIENCE "Fa urtT a,"What is the end and aim of Canada'L4~SFa o "e ea Despite the tbreatening clauds; the races wben young and old par-sinebttedsoeyo h Iwbich prevailed aIl and ticipated, creating much amuse- ultimate power - a seekng a! ter 9no doubt kept manY away, some nient. Games o!f football and Odc thraugh the study a! bis 300 or more atiended tbe reunion basebaîl were indulged in in Ar-I ways?"-W. H. Furness. vcelebration at Bradley's Schoal thur Millson's fieldi. A very fast "In the material warld, thaught 5on Saturday #.fternaan, August game of basebail was playeci be- bais brougbt to ligbt with great SLD -2ist. tween single and married men, r This is an aId scbool wth a tbe single men winning. Horse- rapidity many use! ul wonders. great deal af history connected soe piching was enJyed by Wit like activity have thoughts' 1with it. I bas been a polling many, tbere being tbree courts swf pinians been rising towards SLDK sub-divisian and the returnis were ,vell patranizeci. The refreshment the realm oi the real, ta the spir- awaited with a greai deal of an- cammittee did wonderful service tacusofhselwrhig ticipation as ta the resulis. Tbe and the tables at dinner and which give impulse ta enquiy."-TA expression "Bradley's ta bear supper time were laden with Mary Baker Eddy. fi-arn." was always smociateci witb choice edibles and none went "Ta know that what is impene- provincial or federal election. away bungry, but many uncom- trable ta us really exists, mani- festing itself as the bigbest wis- v faifre Tbe schaol an the present site frabe dam and the most radiant beauty tiis oran rcby -aThrauh il ublic noand oreig cnet was buili in 1862 and previaus to At nigbt the schoo, bause was which our duli faculties can com- God's work ther usabatfla eno n vnn ocrsat that ibere was a scbool an the the scene o! much pleasure wben prehenci only in their mosti i_ harmony - The remotest trutb the Canadian National Exhibition. opposite corner o! the road on Wilsan's Orchestra a! Oshawa tive formns - ibis knawledge, ibis in bis universe is linked ta ibat An inîeresiing change bas been the Bradley praperty, wbence it provided music wben young and feeling, us at the centre aiOrere wohfie ietheth irne"-i ade ib s eariteeStaeent received ils name. Tbe property olci renewed their youth and trip- lgiausness."-Albert Einstein. E. M. Chapin. oand th e usig teiaeenavTl 5is now awned by W. H. Westlake. peci the light fantastie îiîl mîd- "The persan wha îiksthere 'ado ihyfv e.Te The school yard was then the night. can be any real conflici between For forty years, British bands, strength is twenty-five more tban four corners o! the rond. Two a! Mucb credit is due the commit- science and religion must be USually the representatives o! the nexi largesi band ever to ap- the 01<1 wbo attendeci that tees, tbe trustees and ibeir wives either very yaung in science or famaus regiments whicb bave pear ai Exhibition Park. schaal, Abert Hillis, Hampton, for ibhis succesful happy reunian very ignorant in religion."--'Prof. playedlpromineintpartsav iBru- and Joseph Garfat, Wodstock, whicb will go down inta bisiary. Henry. eain'sveloniaus hisuittry. bave mi lu-l were Present. The present trus- The reunian officers were: Presi- "Let us not f ear that the issues enced Canadian music. Thes ae Dn n eaqitnte. hell os stil tees are Mervin Hepburn, Byron dent, Arthur M. Hardy; Chair- o! natural science shail be scep- been presented ta the Canadian plenîy of rorni h al fae Nesbiti and Evereit Vice. man, F. J. Groat, assisied by Ar-________ The grounds and school and en- thur Millson; Secretary, Mrs. H-. trances were decorated with flags, pascoe. Columbus; Ass't. Secre- buntîng andi streamers. A buge iary. Frank Smith, Enfield; Re- plaiformn was erected in the frant ceptian Committee, Miss Helen af the school for the band and 1Smaie and preseni Ti-ustees and the public speaking. The Good-i tbeir wives; Refresbment Com. 3 ear Band Of Bowmanville fur-j Mr. and Mrs. Norman Yellowlees, nished splendid music during the i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tbampsan, ai ternoon which added spice and 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Smale, Mr. and lufe ta the occasion and wau mucb Mrs. Gardon Leask. Mr. and Mrs. appreciated. Edgar Prescoti: Sports, Evereit No W inter Worries Many met aId friends o! long; Cryderman. Gardon Leask, Bruce ago and many were the bearty Montgomery, Herb Tink, Frank for Me! We Bought handIblasps as aid acquaintance3s Smith; Eniertainment, Mr. and were renewed o! urnes and scenes Mrs. Frank Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. long gane. jas. Parr. Mr. and Mrs. Herman BLUE C A al F. J. Groat, chairman, Hamp- [Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Leask; ton, an ex-pupil andi formerta-FnceArhrMlsnDebr This Year! cher for over 50 years and 43 Vice, Arthur M. Hardy. years in one schaal and teacbing Those present froin a distance ai Bradleys in 1881 and 1882,! included: Frank Moore, Kenil- made 'a few remarks and asked wortb, absent 55 years; Stephen tbe following ex-pupils ta came ta D. Moore. Palmerston; Mrs. Chas. the platform, A. M. Hardy, Supi., E. Adcock and Mr. R. L. Werry, of tbe Goodyear Cao. Bwman- Weekly Star, Montreal; Mr. andi ville; A. L. Pas-coe, Reeve ao! Dar- Mrs. E. R. Garfat and Miss Mar-0 l'ngtdn, Salina; Jas. Gar! ai O! ion, and Jas. Garfat, R. R. 1, r l «o « Wýoodstock; and Rev. Chas. H. 1Woodstock; Mrs. I. Warder and Jeffery o! Lemanville. Mrs. J. R. Brayley, Toronto; Mr. Mr. Hardy, Presideni o! the i-e- and Mrs. Walton Annis. Dunbar- ~ ThO 'U R~Q fU fh Y union conemittee, welcomed the ton; Mr. and Mrs. Erie Pearce VV5A aAE8R IS58 A U PL*NO VO people and spoke af the old schaal and family, Claremant; Mrs. Jas. days and bis former classmates, afi r.JonBih n andi baw much be stijl admired1 Lyle, Brooklin; Rev. C. B. Jeffer Lemonville;d__ p. For Prompt Delivery WHILE you're relaxing in the onifort ef warm ib-eir friends eftep lae. ovi;Mr. and Mrs. J.R' Reee Psco spke ! ie paceSomerville, Cherrywoad; Mr. and o! the aid red scbool bouse in the Mrs. M. Dickinson, Port Hope;% Phone 7 15 Now suimmer weather, don't forget the colder days flot comrnunity lufe and it being the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowen, New- s0 far off. You can save yourself coisiderable foundation af our civilization, and casîle; Miss Olive Davey. Orono; of bis 01<1 former teachers fiow j E. Groat. W. Chas. Werry. Mr. passeci on. M. A. James *reing bis and Mrs. Elmer Gibson, F. L. Van.. . trouble and worry by puttig in your coal order firsi teacher. Sixty scbolars at- Nesi. Mr. andi Mrs. McK. Pen-ritno.Pmpdeveyhasuedfrweer tendeci ai ibat urne. faunci. Mr. andi Mrs. W. Kiiburn rgtnw rmtdlvr sasrdfrweee Mi-. Garfai ib9kught he was jusi ar.d sons, Mr. and Mrs. Ray you choose, and prices are much less costly now invited ta the platform for orna- Smith, Mrs. Jas. Knigbt and I mentatian. be reviewed days af Misses Leta and Ruby, Rabi. H. than they wi be in the next two months. r long ago and still looks young for and Robi. A. Holden, Miss Eleanor his 86 years. Shepherd. Mr. and Mrs. W. G.TH MOTRLABE OLDAES Mr. Jeffery recaUled bis class Smith and Miss Wilma, Oshawa; TEM S EIBECA ELR roam days when he was the onlIy Mr. and A. M. Hardy, How- maie in a af eight and wbat ard Jeffery, Mr. andi Mrs. J. Al- had been instilie i mia bis ii!die -7 bert Cale and Donald, Mr. and Y ur ueWt leC a bis school days and how be was Mrs. Ahf. Deweil and family, Mr. praud of Britisb traditions and and Mrs. Walton Pascoe, Baw- also what the church stands for manville; Mr. andi Mrs. H. L. Pas- ioday. coe, Mr. and Mrs. Art Smith andi These ex-teachers were presenfr, family. Mrs. Donald Yellawlees, F. J. Groat, Mrs. Roy Langmaid, Mlrs. Elsie Heddon andi Mr. Wm F. HosneMrs. Ric Percie and Mountea lu ombs; rmn.SH P ARH& GLL L MB R o, d . Habrn,Mrs.riSomearvie,aH. Montjoy, Caloumbs erMi.abbn H P A D & G LL L M E o ,M d the present teacher, Miss Helen Miss Pereman from Columbus: Phone 715 Bowmanviile Smale. Mr-. John Leask, Ashburn; andi The secreiary, Mrs. H. L. Pas- others. coe <Eleanor Heailie> receiveci letters from Mrs. Emily Beath (Emiy Lick), Toronto: Mrs. Wil Bray iLydia Hazelwood, Taronto; Mrs. Sol Manning (Aggie Orinis- ton),. Ridgetown; and Dr. Mark W. Pascoe, San Gabriel, Cai!.. o expressing regrets ai being unable4 & Y m 6 & f w4Iz ta, attend. John Goirdmaine. Toronto, wi- zard andi magician. entertained the company with some marvel- bous sleigbt o! band tricks for over an bour. Gardon Leask took charge ai EVERYTHING FOR sports ventures, Oshawa is now entering the boxing gaine and fram the card lined up for their firsi program. there is litile doubi but what ibis latesi enterprise w.ili be anoiher triumph. Headiining ibeir pragram is Tommy Bland, of Toronto, gener- ally known as the uncrawned king o! the welterweights. Biand. wbo recently losi a split decision to Wallace, although ho recardeci a previaus win over that wonthy, is a pleasing type o!f figbter. Tommy halds a decision aven Frankie Genovese, the present tilebolder oi thai duvision, and bas also de- feateci Luftspning, a leading con- tender. Unable ta persuade any a! the Canadian boys ta tangie with Tommy, the pramoters vi ere !orc- ed ta go ta the States and bring back '"Curly" Deianey, the top naicb middle-weight boxer. De- laney. wbo is ten pouncis heavier than Blanci, is being managed by Jack Kearns. the man who took Jack Dempsey ta the top. and tbey say Jack neyer p'cks a laser. There is also plenty o! local colar ta ibis apening program as Marvin Linton of Oshawa is meet- ing Tiger Wortihbe beavyweigbt wbo won the second White Hope Tournament. Wortb de! eated Oley Anderson, the 230 pound Swede, in Lansing, Micb., lasi week. This bout, as weii as the Bland-Deiane ' ousi. is a ton- round aff air. A third bout will bring George Blanci, a brother af Tc*tmy. ia the ring witb Jack Bryant o! Wbutby. who will make bis proies- sional debut. Nathin-g is known about Bryant. but wo do knaw ihiat Bland is devoloping ia a fine club figbter, sa Bryant must ho higbly thougbt o! ta be match- eci with a fighter like Georgie Bianci. Arrangements are being com- ploteci for anaiher firsi-rate bout, which wlll give the patrans a four bout card, and with Tomimy Blanci highlgbting the show, a goodly crowd 15 assured. The place is the Oshawa Ai-ena and the urne of the f irst bout is 8.30 p.m. an Fr1- day night, August 27th. SA FETY Ta p#~ce just a littie above the lowest, Oldimobile gives you ail the modern safetY featuzes you want and should have. Look at the new Unisteel Turret Top Body by Fisherwhich surrounds you with solid steel on every side-and salety glass ëw, throughout. Test Oldsmobie's Super - Hydraulic Bralces that assure quick, smooth, straight- line stops at a touch of the brake pedal. Note how Knee-Action Wheels . .. Dual Ride Stabilizers ... anid Center-Control Steering give you a saf e, easy ride and positive control, on any road, without swerving or sidesway. And Oldsmobile i just as de- pendable as itis safe. Itis quality built to give you the utnoet in carefree economical motoring. We invite you bo corne today for* a trial drive in an OldsmobilE 95 h.p. Six or 110 h.p. Eigat. Ask about nionthly paymenta tc. suit your purs. on the Greneral Motors Instaiment Plan. GENERAL MOTORLS INSTALMENT PLAN Ternis To Suit Your Purse Compare delivered prioes and monthly payment terme before you buy any new car.' Vou will find that Gênerai Motors cars offer extra value for the money - . on easy monthly payments to suit your purs., through the General Molors Instalment Plan. Phone 25 10 AND LONG LIFE OLOSMOBILE w "TUE SMARTEST CAR 0F THE YEAE ... THE SMARTEST BUTY 0F TIEN ALL" ROY NICHOLS COURTICE THURSDAY, AUGUST 26TH, 1937 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE