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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Sep 1937, p. 12

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I ~ - - - PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMIAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO The Newcastle Independent Misses Ann and Margaret Bed- its o! a well known moton oil. low, Toronto, were weekend guests Miss Kathieen Toms spent the o! Mn. and Mrs. Cynil Rutland. 'weekead with her sister, Miss The president, Mrs. McLean, Frances Toms, St. Lambert's. Que. took charge of the September Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson, Bill and meeting o! the Woman's Mission- Miss Ruth, have returned to Baw- any Society. Aften singing hymn manville from their outing at "In Christ there is no East oi: "Apple Blossom." Newcastle-afl- West," the presideat led in prayer.i the-Lake. Minutes were read and approved. Mr. and Mns. Ernest Vienkoten Mrs. Nonman Allian eported hav- and daughten. Toronto. are holi- ing sent three dozen quarts of daying at Mrs. M. Lang*s cottage fruit to the Victor Redemptive at the lake. Home. The spciety decided ta ask Weddîng beils are inging mer- Mns. C. W. Slemon. Bowmanville. iîy. hlas, week. this week and next tu be guest speaker at the Falv;eèek. thank-offening meeting. OctDber T'he day aften Mn. W. E. Be- 8 Treasurer Mns. W. E. Bemian mian's cance was 'stolen fnoam tle reported $875 lad been danated boathause at *Bayside." a stolen tcward China Famine Fund: also car was found by t.he Pearce Bro- that forty members o! tle society theîrs and Carl Selby in a small had paid their fees fan the yean. field between a thick cedan grove Strangers Secnetary. Mrs. C. Car- and the Peance orchard near the vetl, made 17 calls during ast upper mînsh. It was an Olcsmo- two montîs. Mrs. George Allîn. bile and the lcense plates lad Peace Secretany, gave a splendid :been tampened with. Papers in reading "Have Ye Kept Faitl.- the car indicated that it had Mns. George Waltan. M i s s i o n 'came fnrom the Ernest Bras. gar- Band leader. Mrs. A. E. Mellawx. age at Mount Forest. The tnaffic Baby Band leader. and Mns. Gea. oficen being notified node down Honey gave reports f nom "School ýwith Mn. Howard Pearce from for Ljeaders," Whitby. Mns . Non- Newcastle wlene le was in con- man Allia's gnoup then took sultation with Constable Gannod charge o! the remainder af the and drave the car to E. C. Hoar's meeting which included a deva- garage. It was recovened next tonal perio>d; reports fnam Her- day. alds; the tapic. abl3y taken by MiSS A popular wedding o! last week Fergusan. "Stonies that must be was that o! Miss Gladys Pollard netold" frram Study Book: and a and Mn. Everett Brown at the solo by Mns. P. Brown. Meeting United Chunch pansonage on Wed- closed with prayen by the presi- nesday, September lst. Rev. S. dent. MacLean pen!armed the cenemony St. George's Cluncl - Rev. D. in the pnesncee of the immediate R. Dewdney, B.A.. Retar. Sun- relatives althougl a large crowd day, Sept. 12th. 8 a.m.-Holy 'o! the friends o! the young couple Communion: il a.m.-Mnnfg wene gatlered outside to show Frayer; 7 p.m.-Eveiisong and their intenest in the eveat and Sermon. shower them with confetti as they Uaited Church - Rev. S. Mac- proceeded !rom the pansonage. Lean. B.A., Pastar. Sunday. Sept. Miss Muriel Shaw was bridesmaid 12th: 10 a.m.-Sunday Scihaol; and Mn. Leroy Brown acted as Il a.m.-Morninig Worship: 7 p. groomsmaa for lis brother. m.-Evening Service. Newcastle Public and Higli Sdhools reopened on Sept. lst with SIX RINKS PLAY the former earnest and capable staff o! teachens back at their FOR DOUGLAS CUP duties and with an attendance o!f- about 115. The bowling green is a scene o! Labor Day interests were varied mucli intenest every Monday aad at Newcastle on Sept. 6th, wlen Friday evening when the six an aenoplane visited the village, inks meet and play in competi- heralding its appnoach with rnusic tioa for the John Douglas Silven fi-om the skies, tIen cincling Cup. The personnel o! the six around and bnoadcasting the mr contending rinks as appearing in Friday& Saturday Sattircay PORT HOPE A ThrilIing Melodrama of the Ruissian Revoluttimi Next Mon. and Tues. Also Charlie McCarthy Next Wed. and Thurs. FARR-LOUIS FIGHT Flannelle W. Philp is as f ollows: JRink i-Wm. Kenefick, Stan.l W. Bradley; Secnetary-Treasurer. Mrs. J. C. Hancock: Directors re- prese nting St. George's Church. R.ev. D. R. Dewdney, Mrs. W. H. Gibson; Directors repnesenting the United Chunch. Rev. S. MacLean and J. W. Glenney. Meeting opened with devotional service with Mrs. W. E. Beman presiding at the piano for the singing o! the hymns. Rev. S. MacLean and Mn. J. W. Glenney led in prayers. and Rev. D. R. Dewdney read a portion o! scrip- tune. John 17: 1-17. Mn. E. M. H. Ward f avored with a solo, "~0 lave that will not let me go." Rev. F. B3. Alînut. B.D.. District Secretary. was present and gave an inspiring- address an the past work, the present accomplish- nients. the purposes and aims of the British and Foreign Bible So- ciety and its auxiliary, the Uppen Canada Bible Society. Collectons will be appointe-d by the local ex- ecutive in due time. They will canvass the village and vicinity for funds ta help on the good work of translating, printing, binding. and distributing the bible in wlale,'and in parts and it is b.oped they will meet with a fri- endly and genenous nesponse when they miake their caîl. PEARCE FAMILY AT BARLEY CAMP The Pearce family and ianed- iate relatives held a picnic at Cream o! Barley Park on Satur- day afternoon, August 28th, ia connection with the Old Durham, Boys' Reunion and in honon of Mr. Oea. A. Pearce who was 80 years a! age on this date. Mem- bers of the farnily present were: Mn. and Mrs. Oea. A. Pearce and Mn. and Mns. Ross C. Pearce, South Danlington; Mn. and Mrs. Ina F. Peance, Bowmanville; Mn. and Mrs. H. R. Pearce, Newcastle; Mr. and Mns. Henry Pearce, Shaws; Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Pearce, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. EnicPea.rce, Clanemont; Mrs. W. H. Pearce, Newcastle; Messrs. En- nest, Kenneth. Albert, Jack, Ross Jr. and Robert Pearce, and Miss- es Minnie. Patricia, Margaret, Vel- ma, Louise and Marilyn Peance; altoc Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer Hezzel- wood and Mickey, Toronto; Messrs Stanley and Garnet Rickard, Shaws; Mn. Meredith, Toronto; and Mn. J. G. Langmaid and Mr. and Mns. Smith, Oshawa. Snapshots o! the group were taken by Mr. Stanley Richard, aften which a sumPtuous supper was served under the direction o! Mrs. R! C. Peance. An hour or two was spent seeing the animais and birds and f inding amusement in DEATHSI BOUNSAL-In Bowmanville, on Fniday. September 3, 1937, Fred- erick Henry Bounsali, age 79 years. STVENSON-In Darlington, on STE y Spebeý.rd 97 Fhodas, Steernt.3rd h1937 Thndoas Steveon, lelved hus band o! MYararerybun, in Hampton Cemete4v. SUMERSFORD - At Moose Jaw. Saskatchewan, on Thursday, September 2, 1937, Thomas Sumensford, age 41 -years. In- terment Bowmanville Cemetery. THOMPSON - In Cartwright, on Wednesday, September 8, 1937. James Thompson, belovcd hus- band o! Annie Maud Patterson. in lus 77th year. Funenal fnom the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Marwood McKee. Lot 20, Con. 3, Cart- wright, Friday, September 10, a' 2 p.m. (S.T.). Interment Union Cemetery, Cadmus. WHITE--In Gravenhurst, on Fni- day. September 3, 1937, Elsie E. Rundle. beloved wif e of S. Ev- erton White, Bethesda. I N MEMORIAM STAPLETON -In loving memorys of our darling boy, Ewart Clare, who passed away September 7, 1930. Deep in our hearts is a picture More precious than silver or gold. 'Tis the picture of our dear lit- tle son, Whose memory will neyer grow old. -Ever remembened by Daddy, Mamma atid Grandma. STRUTT I- in loving memory of our dear husband and f ather, Elias Strutt, who passed away September 6, 1933. I of ten sit and think of you When I arn aIl alone; Memory is the only friend That grief can caîl its own. The f lowers I place upon your grave, r ICouh. Mrs. Kenefick, Mrs. E. C. the play ground equipment while 'rney wîtnen and oecay; Fisher. a numben o! the young people en- But mylove for you who sheeps i Rink 2-C. R. Carveth, Carl .iaïed a f ew sets of tennis on the beneath~ wy Fisher, Mrs. Chris Law, Mrs. Pency concrete courts. Ater the gath- Will neyer fd wy Hare. ering lad dispersed many headed -Even rememtered by Riak 3-Dr. J. A. Butler, Geo. for the House o! Friendship, Bow- Wife and Family.- Jamieson, Mns. Pency Brown, Mns. manville, and viewed the intenest- *..... H. S. Britton. in- collection o! relics o! pioneen IF R'nk 4-H. Brereton. J. E. W. da'ys in Durham. CARD OF THANKSI Philp, Mrs. Breneton, Mrs. Herb<ec Toms. M.adMs avyCre Rink 5-C. T. Batty, Mrs. Car- BAND ENTERTAINS M.adMs avyCne veth, H. S. Britton, H. W. Dudley. wisl te tlank Dr. Storey and Dr. Rink 6-Percy Hare, Hanlan B3EACH RESIDENTS Bell, the superintendeat and F ark er, Artie Toms, Mrs J. A. nurses at the hospital, and the - Butler. The Canadian Legion Band o! !iends and neigîbors for theD ______________ Bowmanville unden the leadership floral tibutes and the kindness oe Bandmaster Fred VonGuaten shown them in their sad bereave- OFFICERS NAMED v isîted Newcastle - on - the - Lake ment in the loss of their infant FORBIB E OCITY on a recent Sunday and rend- son. FOR IBL SOCETY ered an appreciatian prognam for miss Mabel Foster who served Help W ne Newcastle Branch o! the Up- overseas as a nurse in the Great W ne per Canada Bible Society held its War o! 1914-18. In the shade o! W AN T ED - EXPERIENCED annual meeting in the U. C. Sun- the huge, spreading Northern Spy loopens. Herbent Hosieny, next day Sohool hall on Tuesday even- t'-ee on the "Longwood" lawn the Bowman House, Bowmanville. ing, August 17, with the presi- band o! 25 in number opened the 3- dent, Mr. Thos. Moff at, in the pnogram with the, Col. Bogey 3- clair. Mrs. J. C. Hancoch, secre- Mardi. Populan numbens that WANTE - YOUNG GIRL FOR tary, read the minutes and cor- followed included, Sullivan's Op- genenal housework. Apply Mrs. respondence, and also presented, eTatic Gemis and He's a Jolly Good Cattran, phone 505. 3- in the absence o! the treasuren, Fellow. with the "le" being sub- 3- Miss B. Mcîntosh, the treasune's stituted by "she" in everyones MN -ABTOS CIE report showing the tobal amount thougîts on this occasion. The MN -ABTOS CIE sent to the head office in Toronto closing number by Miss Fote' tuswrtcehpeferabuyth cars last year as $50.50. Miss Mcîn- re<uest was the well beloved and epnec epu u o s tosh. owing to 1er prolonged ab- favorite hymn o! countless peo sential, to distribute household, sence f nom the village eveny yean, pIe, "'Abide With Me." Dr. W. H. fanm, medicinal and alîmentary tendened her resignation as treas- Walton-Ball thanked the band on pnoducts in reserved territories. w unen, whîch was regret!ully ac- behal! o! Miss Foster whose mes- Cash terms. Pain profits. No cepted. sage o! tlanks and a.ppreciation isk. Splendid business oppon- The following officers and dir- wvas received with vigonous ap- tunities for workens. ect.ors were eected: President. plause and before îeaviag every Complete information, write: To.Moffat; Vice President, J. member o! the band went to the Familex Co., 570 St. Clement w hs.-venanda and exdhanged greetiags St.. Montreal. 36-1 wtl the benign and graciaus lady WANTED - AN EXPIERIENCED o! "Longwood." wmno ilfrhueok Following this the band pro- Aw ymonrl oh usEwinrS. _______________________ ceeded to the laite front and ren- BwApp l n. Potey,7E1ginSt., dered a second program in front Bo avie.Pne713-t *ýT R S fO a! " o ýKinagle" and "Pierview Cot-MA NTDW HCP.O ________tage' in which are twa invalid MANdl oW A ndTE d WITH AT ladies, Miss Mary Breen and lier handie Fo adir hmeicin sister-in-law, Mrs. Jerry Breen. Poducts iecdDtit.tohom ei It was a lovely day and crowds T.H.Wmahed District.Writ a! people wene gathered round ~T. ouhH adltompany5Joh ~ % 1 LE.thlaite ro en t hevsbandFor Sal sic bth at Miss Foste's and at Nothing happens to us that isFR SALE -C ARLOAD OF not f te sae ntureof s ou- fesh owsandsprngens, Hol- teles sm.ntr o s u- steins and Ayrshlres, froni Ot- ,>,t e Gw nsOrdinarily it is not joy you lack, tawa Valley restricted anea. but he nowedg ofwha jO is SoervlleAve., Oshawa. Phone I .DOW FOR SALE-HOL.STEIN, ye.s.g . m la, ,For the cool nights ahead this is indeed a timely offering. Ample emrbroidery and full sized. - Choice of long or short sleeve. Stock up now. Pure Linen CLOTHS 1 A real saving for particularly with the ris- ing linen prices. Corne ini oolorfast gaily printed "Anne Hathaway" design. Secure yours while we have a complete stock. Size 36x36 .................. each 69c Size 44x44................. each 89c Size 53x53................. each 1. 19 Pure Linen - Colorfast FOR SALE OR RENT Six roorn, modern Bungalow in perfect. condition QUEEN ST. 46 ft. lot, well planted with shrubs and hedge Also for Sale Cheap Dining Roorn Suite, Bed, S p rin gs and Mattress, Kitchen Chairs and Table, 2 Clocks, Radio, Electrie Stove. Apply, opposite, to R. H. WESTAWAY Phone 621. ened. Apply Jos. Fonder, Black- stock. 3- FOR SALE - AYRSHIRE HERD, 6 cows and bull le! t, 2 f reshened in July, 1 due now; aIl register- ed and f ully aecredited. Wilson Abernethy, R. R. 2, Bowman- ville. Phone 2419. 36-1* For Rent APARTMENT TO LET - IMME- diate possession. Apply Mrs. Dinniwell, Silver St., Bowman- ville. 36-1 SMALL STORE TO RENT- Next Knights Fuel Office. Ap- ply Allan Knight. Phane 448. TO LET - IN COWAN BLOCK, one 4-roomed apartment, and one 3-noomed aPartment, heat- ed. modern conveniences. Phone 870. 36-1 TO RENT-A SIX ROOM BRICK lofîse. on Queen Street, wth handwoad floors and ail conven- lences; close to High Sdhool. Apply to Wm. Brook, Bowman- ville. Plane 2628. 32-tf Awning For Sale 'OR SALE - AWNING, 18 Fr. long, good condition; 48 sq. yds. inlaid linoleum, as good as new; set of imon bars for windows. S. G. Clantran, Bawmanville. 36-tf Vegetables For Sale FOR SALE - GHERKINS AND large cucumbers. Mrs. L. Barri- bell. one mile west of Courtice,, north of highway. 36-1 Notice N~OTICE - IF GOODS STORED in Knight Building by C. W. M. Hardy. are not removed by Oc- tober lst, they wiil be sold ta pay for storage charges. Personal M.'EN! GET VIGOR AT ONCE! NEW OSTREX Tonic Tablets contain ràw oyster invigonators and other stimulants. One dose peps up organs, glands. If flot delightcd. maker refunds price paid - $1.25. Cail, write Jury & Lovel. 18-52 Fruit & Vegetables FOR. SALE - TOMATOES. AT F. Bower, Bnadshaw St. Phone 2693. 36-10 FRUIT AND) VEGETABLE.S - I will deliver direct to your home apples, carrots, beets, corn, al- so tomatoes at 50c bushel. Ira Pearce, Concession St. Phone 860. 35-3 Reward' R E WA RD - CANQE, 15MaFI., basswood canoei paînted drab, missing from Beaman's Beach west 0f Newcastle. Information leading to Its recovery will be given $10 reward. W. E. Bea- man. Newcastle. 35-2* Miscellaneous PAINTINO-SIONS AND POST- ers. also trucks, wagons, general pain'ting and enamiel- lmng. J. H. Needham, Centre St., Bowrnanville. Phone 441. WEST END GARAGE AND> MA- chine Shop - We specialize in machinery repairs, general gar- age repairs, welding, towlng service. J. L. Demierllng, Pro- prietor, Bowman-vllle. P h c n e 781. 23-tf Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Richard Werry PhIlp, Deceased TAKE NOTICE that ail pen- sons having clins against the Estate o! Richard Werry Philp, late of the Township of Cart- wright in the County of Durhami, retired fariner, who dled on or about the twentieth day o! Apnil, 1937, are noti!ied ta send full par- ticulars o! their dlaims ta the ua- dersigned solicitors on on befone the thirtieth day o! September, 1937, and that on and a!ter the said date the assets o! the said deceased will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto laving regard only to clainis o! which the executons shaîl then have lad notice. DATED at Lindsay this twenty- fî!th day o! August, 1937. McLaughlin, Fulton, Stinson & Anderson, Victoria Trust Building, Lindsay, Ontario. Solicitors for Richard Henry Philp and Howard Josephi Phllp, Executons. 35-3 1 TC At Nelles' Store God Medal m m 32-oz. jar 22C LUX TOILET SOAP ....... 3 bars 20C FLY COILS-.......................... 4 for 9c Magie BAKING POWDER ige. tin 28c CROWN SYRUP, 2's.--.......... tin 19C SALMON, Pink Seal i 's ...... 2 tins 25c CLOTHES PINS ......... ........ 3 doz. 10c FLOOR WAX, Gold Medal ......... tin 25c I B]W FIVE CLEANSER ........ .....-L c PORK &BEANS TOMATO SO TP libby's - Special! - No. 1 T:ns Campbell's - Extra Special! 3 tins for 25C I 3 tins for 29C Fre eralB wl OVALTU NE 1re eeaSmal- -- --- c BLEor CRYSTAL wt Medium - - - 58c W[flLarge - - - - 98c CORN HRINSO 3 pkgs. .c 1'=- Small pkg. - - lOc Large pkg. - - 25c BIRDSEEDMUSTARD BIRDSEEDKeen's %'s per pkg. IL5o per tin 24C Fs.W. NELLES jury&' Phone 778 For Fast Service Chase Those lViles Wilson's Fly Pads 10e 3 - 25c Fly Tox - - - - 33c-49c Whiiz Fly Fume-- 29c-49c Fly Colis - - - - 3 for 5c Fly Swatters 10 -lc 15C - 59C - 99C PHONE 596 BOWMANVILLE Lovel It Is Done Properly SPECJIALS1 Enos Saits- Castoria-- 47-79 29-59 Pablum - - - - 45 Bile Beans - - - 47 Arrid Creani -39 Dr. Chase's Nerve Food --49 Pond's Creanis 29-49 Aspirin --22-39-98 Fitche 's Sharnpoo -55-1.10 Colgate 's Tooth Paste- 19-33 Nu-Feet- - - - 25 Ipana Faste - - - 43 Sloan 's Lin.- 33-63 Itfs Pickling Time J. & L. Famous Plokie Mixture - One (Gallon Quantity - ....ý. 25e Gem Rings- Certo - - - - Parke 's Catsup1 - - - - 28c Flavor - 35o New, utterly different EYE-GENEgives amazingly a quickeT relief for burning. itcbing 0 hay fever eyes. Soothes irritated eyes 5c almost insianily. . .clemr, t.m- 5 porary bloodshot conditions 'n seconds, or tone backl St.inless. safe. At allir .m4 A BOTTLE department stores. New, Safe /éy go tr EYE-GE NE Y#sReliera. Strog**, Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE OR RENT TO CLOSE AN ESTATE - DE- sin-able farm lands situated oa the south side of Highway No. 2, between Cobourg and Port Hope, compnising parts of Lots 32 and 33, Broken Front, Con- cession A, o! the township o! Hamnilton, 100 acres more on less. bank ban, il', storey frame house. Possçessi:on Aprilý 1, 1938, subject te ight o! fal ploughing. For funiler partic- ulars and tenms o! sale apply to Robert F. Cleinence, Whitby Wesley C. Ashton, Bowmanville Arthur R. Willrnott, Cobourg. 36-3 Wanted WANTE3-WELJ. HEATED UN- !urnished room, liglit huse- keeping. State rent, and apply ta Box XYZ, Dnawen B, Bow- manville. 36-1 WANTED BY REFINED LADY- Position as housekeeper. Apply "W.M." Dnawen B. Bowman- ville. 36-1* WANTED - UTNFIJRNISHED noom by nefined widow lady, must be reasonable and central- ly located. Apply "W.M." Dnaw- er B, Bowmanville. 36-1* Strayed STRAYED-YEAR AND A HALF oId dank red cal! . Finder please noti!y Pete Host, R. R. 6, Bow- manville. 36-1* Imipiements For Sale FOR SALE - SIX OR SEVEN gang plouglis, second-hand. AI- so other rnachinery and single plouglis. Apply Keith Bradley, Pontypool. Phone 82r3. 36-2* Work Wanted HOUSEWORK WANTED - Phone 2251. 36-1* 1 10 FI lucky in the a ladi Collegi ten we but Pý by the f rom tle" w large1 falgar Asi Oshaiw ctntur had r alang Frencl Whitb Hope; Oshi enal IV. ta sell Hall f. i.y. 1 foundi lience with1 Ennis] the c the M~ pany1 eral lSkae's o! thE the d centre the Ir ous. "the streanr changi As, ville,i help v paved recalît Green, 400 m~ the C River. recali scribec le wr( Indiar niage obligec 10gS, T holesE ed sor New on, rn THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH, 1937 FAMILIARIZE gan te make farm implemrents, air about it. It looks what it is, and it was here that the mnany esPecially in the residential sec- HISTORIC ROADS improvements in f arm machinery tions, a.Loyalist city. The United ______ ~ xere made, which contributed so Empire Loyalists who dared al (continiued from Page 7)> valuably to Canadian agriculturij. hardships to leave the new Unit- enougli to seil his -'Castie" However, the Massey factory mov- ed States after the Revolutiofi eend to the Methodists for ed ta Toronto in 1891. an1d corne ta the wilds of Upper es' college--Ontaria Ladies' It is 21 miles from Newcastle Canada, there ta build afresh in ,e which is on our right af- to port Hope. When Father Fen- the wilderness. founded Belleville, epass through the towfl - elon came here in 1668, there was just as they founded many other lerry was flot so lucky, and an Indian village called Germer- settlements in this region about eirony of fate the miaterial aske at the mouth of the river. the Bay of Quinte and the Ut- the crumbling "Perry Cas In later years the f ur trade, Per St. Lawrence. as ultimately used ta en- and saw-mills. and the maldng of Between Shannonville and Des- the already grandiose 'Tra- what I arn assured was a really eronto the road skirts the Indian ,Castle." excellent whisky made Port Hope reserve of TYendinaga-thW first we drive the four miles ta cjuite f amous. tract of land granted ta thé Ini- va, we recail that in the l7th Cobourg, seven miles away, is dians from the Mohawk 'IlalleY -y the French Sulpicians lier natural rival. "Hard Scrab- who c amne to Canada.Cqing the missions at several points ble"" a te erl setlr name American Revolution 1ý4 e their Lake Ontario - one at for Cobourg, but the new name great chief, Josephi Brant, called ýhman's Bay, the port of came along when Prince Albert of iThayendenagea. Brant himiself, Y; one at what is now Port Saxe-Cobourg married Q ue en with the m ajaority of his people, ;and another near Napane?. Victoria. A court house was set settled at what is now Brantford, iawa, of course. is ail Gen- Up here in the early years of the leavmng the leadership here te his ýotors. Peter Perry refused past century, but the present one cousin, Captain John Deserontyon , land in Whitby ta Joseph dates f rom 1856 - the "Victoria after whom Deseronto is named. for the erection of a found- Hall' upstairs having been opened In this town in a littie church The result was that the by the then Prince of Wales on containiflg the communion service ry was started in Oshawa: the occasion of a celebrated baIl. presented te the Mohawks by Scame Robert McLaughlill Cobourg was the headquarters of Que.en Anne. his carniage business f rom the William Weller Stage Coachi And sa. at length, we coma ta kilen, Ontario, ini 1877, - Line in the days before the rail- Napane-e and the end of our rganization which becamne way, later becoming the southem .iourney. cLaughlin Motor Car Com- terminus of the Cobourg-Peter--___________ thiry yarslatr. nd en-borougli Railway. the first steam- vlotors of Canada in 1919. railway in the province. The town AU T N sCorners was the aid name was also the original home of Vic- U T N SALES etown, but as it achleved toria University. now in Toronto: îgnity of a manufacturiflg and the aid college building still h nesge isrcie ý the inhabitants thought stands. being now the counity hos- instruindesirn elasectors o T dianname i mi o melfu- pta.the Estate of the late Thomas Thenaie i sid a man In stage coach days, the coach Hamly.î. Duke St., Bowmanill%, point at the crossing of the 'froin Toronto continued through to sell by public auction at lusà n where the canoe is ex- Cobourg ta the Carrying Place onl late residence, all lus household ,ed for the trail." Prescau'il Bay, just south f Brigh- effects, on Saturday, September we pass through Bawman- ton. Here the passengers alight- il, at 2 pari. D.S.T. Termis cash. t might be a good idea-to ed and praceeded by saiîboat or wmi. J. Challs, auctioneer. 35-2 us appreciate the splendid steamer ta Montreal. The Carry- Shighway of today-if we ing Place was used by the Indians Friday, September 17-Mn. Wil- ed haw the Reverend Anison for centuries before the white liam Romhanyi, 1/2 miles west and Lwhose circuit embraced man came; and, in the early his- 1/2 mile north of Courtice, will sel iles between Bowmanville, tory of Canada, many great peo- by public auction the following: larrying Place. the Trent pie must have passed this way. 2 horses, 2 cows, 200 liens, cultiva- ,and Mud Lake, . . . if we We cross the Trent River at tor,, plow, mower, wagon, the words in which hie de- Trenton. Here begins the orig- barrel spnayer, scuffler, turnip d his journey. "My path," mnal settlers' road, as distinct f nom drill, set tearn harness, new, cjuan- 7ote in 1824, "was a winding the continuation of the Dundas tity of other articles. Termis cash. n trail where noa wheel car- street of Governor Simcoe. Mente Sale at 1.30 p.m. S.T. Elmer Wil- had ever passed. I was was the name of the Indian vil- bur, auctioneer. 36-1 ýd to juinp my horse over lage which stood here, a name ride hirn through deep mud which is preserved today in that and bridgeless streams, guid- of the Bay o! Quinte into which Too Late To Classify metirnes by marked trees." the Trent flows. The Trent hias vcastle, a few miles further always been a great water higli- HOUSE WANTED TO BUY OR ight easily have been a big way. and was used by Champlainl Rent-Six or seven room house f acturing centre instead of on his visit ta the Hurons. with aIl canveniences. Apply arming littie village today. Belleville is a thriving modemi "C.E." Drawer B, Bowmanville. in 1847, Daniel Massey be- town wth a courteous olId-world 3 &1

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