IjitUl I THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25TH, 1937 THE C.\NADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANX'ILLE, ONTARIO of the pictîîres on the wail of Lin-~~~n~r1 Acoin anîd Jefferson and RobertF Scflo l Trustee DIiscusses which FIRST INSTALMENT 0F THE CANADIAN STATESMIAN SERIA TOYLe ar li lwnfon tsirai hur lK ~ (lTh Q.tured quietîx. -"We Iearned later that MWAinuousU~ ~ r . ti 5 arîaler inother lhad j ust died iias i r iulum and2the e*MM. t Ql i~~Atarituni where NMis .Rose snîlsaii-- e ob gO B Peg y I~ riiarv liad bccn able to keeli lie r Iheé- little rooin soniewlbcre aid ate asE i io xa ll n o l ittle as ste eould 1ossiblv exist on.ti ilen Upi Adlike the little savages that we diyo t~Q.fwn1re u e had thouglt lier as and Dr. J. Clark Bell of the' eral Assembly of the Churci-iof ment i -.chljdren misi udge people soniietimes.' ulejcol pr thirty years ago, the Moderater cationa Conied tram page 1) tliedr Vîk, staiv old Saigent loh iîî ehii ok older. His exes met "Wh%- onlv eildreni Don't grown- Contends New Meth- in his address, referred to the in con, an mles caî fdferne*iii whicli lber ftather and Aut tjane r v lv tedil%- as if ie ixere ups iisitudge each othier a lot?' siig- o f Te a c h gchange of view amongst the in- sonablE oesnletsrpodifrneto lvdtlcr1ue.Io'l lvs frt-taig ir iasre." dteî irgsted Lliloe. o fn9telligent. people regarding the in, rat f ather whetle I reher r l ear.sait xaclît aiclored in tiirqtlloise- e' e' w idenied a little and she gasped Scott gave lier a little flashiiîg A rue ofs corporate or personai existence of Suclî Timbuktil for Christmnas or aîîv other )hle war. eatlii ur. -'. sV, j, '.-lîc awiv îî iiniakiiîg bis way sîîîile anîd said quiickl%."0f course. and M isunderstand-,his Satanie Majesty. I need nol and mn time. site said oldIv "Thé onl id r i i ei -on i steîii to tern witiliacrsr; the dance loor towards ler. But l'in afraid tier îl be no hope g n o t e d t is o h e r e e tn time father reiienibers that lie lias a m n)cpie and fini and gocoilinox ig with ai f fortless. purpose- of you judgiug nie antbliîg but the igo Purpose Dvn' hssohrta omn h dalîtr ieu lîcîe igîîs for lier lmsfiîltride that brouglîthii ito lier world's îvorst bore if I doî't stop o liefta a e re anger fro a e- r s tag ie s wi tie .to-t a e r ga d d s ab - fo bls"o'c rii here, ho- e werc a strinig of cars. alead a few seconîds after site realized lus reîîîiîîisciiig. 1 suppose voit hll a Dear Mr. Editor: le samr agvrfotaOss "Yur rn hrClc e flier, and the bouse a, ablaze ith intention. perfectly glorious tiine in Newv In your issue of November 3rd,1 simple devil worship, universally radical gan lier aut. liglit. Rufuis. tlî chauffe'r. hio 'Srry, Philip-ecut. lease,' said York?" you gave a most interesting. if conmmon among primitive and mustt "or.Aunt Jaie. imlt ila.in lica ouig "eithe Sctt Kelvin as he touehied Philiî's 'Hc v " said Chloe. glwiiig somewhat abbreviated. account o! backwaroi peoples. The a nn and 1i must hurrv. See vont abotoaliailtlerout o0 tu1tc1 iou lr n took Clloe ilîta his a little at the ineinory. *"Aîid l'i the proceediflgs at the Teacher'S one o! the staid and circums ect every daybreak. 1imaie 'Nighit!I anîd as siteniutited tlueithe door 1 aîî. eaviiig before before lonig to joi m Convention held in Bowmanvile, Edinburgh newspapers came Out iner. Autt Jaîue sat still for a lonîgtioa- opeîîed anud Žlargaret Gralî'am. pluiîipimge.f riends for a soutberiu eruise over on which occasion several o! the with the glaring head line: "The disabil ment stariîg straight bef re lier. and aîid blonde iii a sîîartly ut gowii ai .C aptc r ilthe Christmas baolidays. 1 au hard- l a es o ed c t na t ou t Deil's Deid." Strange to tell, thiS out fi> then. with a little gusty siguî sie baby-bIu ne auîî elvt caime ta greet Philip said soiething convention- ly wait. Christinas is suicl a stupid. gave their generous bndiction to momentus public announicement ards. opeîued lier book agaliîand begaîî to lier.1 allv regretf ul and stcuîped baek as bariîug seasan!1 Itîl be f un ta gel a new scheme o! work being in- ddntapa oatrayhn mn read. Cloe ias drawnîî jta the group of Cliloe and Scott mioved mb to te dance awav where 1 wa't vei have to troduced to the schools through- noticeably, particularly the art of measui Meawhle luoe ctleduir'.lfju ouuugusouîe bou Žîarart - rhîythm. îhiuik abdut wliat a girl friend of Out the Province. Nothing on the every day living and it may be so teache d tluere Tliere as S tt aid ui'.lv "Iinnew that pneplaeîsbotheiargareat.ii !"highly sim onized susrfa oe w ould w ith the cheerful hope o ! those pil. the warm interior of the rather aId- troduced lere aud hr. Teew ct ais qitI " kSeaht nti aked dthe wîu at hero.std-idcethtapoudrvl-wowthealsuanetllUst fashiond limousine and dg lier ait excellent orchestra. The flor vout and Phluip weretalking about Sotloe ona ir td-idct htapoon éou h iheulasrne elu e eas ofherbag Se ga'.y sooh. ue awn o I houht eruap Idbeteriîug lernnarrawiy as if lie had neyer tion in teaching practîce was be- that the examination system is tainti cigarette cseoutlierbg.Sewas iflCssy0 seen lierTlike beforf.tieg tied1autoinlthepsclools Fith "Deid." Il lit a cigarette and juha ed. S tuffv th ie ther girls w ere s iart v ut an d co uic aer an d a usw er your questions s "Y oieu h e eoest . h uk C h i îm s t edu i nas th e sex per i e t l T e e i hta be s id for able of A unt Jame to mnake su h a fuss uodish : the .uug neu w ore even- uîvsef. You m ight as wel i a a silYou s eson 'l ue ai rstd as î t eif s the I no ifl s m e o! the a aal in t emutionbe s. very ab e r about lier gaiuug away far Christnmas. iuîg attire quite as weil as the nien acecurate information." e ausld scaecîx believe seas.i emoeim gla orinseneroife thyon ga e aina reorm eryt-As But îheuî Auut Jane had been a bit she anîd Betty Pearsahi had kuowuu. Chloe f iuslied lîatiy at the faint chuloe caugélît tivhe oe o aîem rehich the exponerait o! the new tngeut r-olde faer et-a!bNe0 stuffy ever siuce Ciloe had c m e A s Phiîip G ralam . brother o f ler edge ini is voice an d ler br aw n e es Cuuati au ii li x te aîîd f slu d a little. th é use roe n t heof h e e . i tthe e rth. has a c ack tthe a e x-f est i hom e f r am N ew York a week ag . lostess asked lier ta dancee, Ch ie's hilled a îtte. "to n are quite mis- Bt she mt his i e yd f les dree tl and b t h ch h e o!n u s h emdo t he amin tiOf sa crm ckbu t e th eusi -ast id, Lookig shcked and disapproving expelrieticed eves svept carelessly taken. I xas ual askiug questions B sd f im etly: s iecl a d beu ive fino e o s, a ew h m ore ieains s td em ter s ma t, vG ocal when Cbloe lit a cigarette. 0b"e-ae u tgheai oudoul ueaotvn eeyuoie O I certainl' dal All this biather than a grain o! sait, the change be the safest guides in the hum- There ing ta sorine of Chhae's lothes as -uot muaru wlua beld bier iîterest. Suie told xere--ith'ntk-sus, about 'Peaee oui earth. goad will ta boils down to two radical depart- drum way o! every day living. It this. the sprt of thiîîg a ladyv woid xear.' lîer'.eif it ivas beeause lue xas ii -I dau't bother wt'ioke-iS"inu'hîualorte orl eple tures from traditional teaching it always easier to plan a Utopia fectat she -woud be tickled %%-enî il came tile otler meniiniithe roon wre ev- go ta parties wlere other people aefgiigadhtn al tt utm hs hne a aeta owryotawrigcm iut im e for lier t a lea e for Berm u da. cîi îg t igs. A so e as vatchit g vear 'ino ie-s iits' and I w a utildn't and vi ng nd cheatitig. An d a l the such f ar reaching ef ect , for good prom ise durable and suff cient for so f a BetyPersî hd ee ie rai-lir itîa lil-l satinec smile. have conme iere touiglît except that sticky seutiment-the présents that or evil, on the progress o! the pu- the day. age mte th vearlh e lier f in- ier Obithsly be di ît sîr h am a jte uin actc epec't af fard ta buy. but tluat pila, that it is vitally important There must still be some solid__ slpie they feci tluey siuuîîiy must-beeaiise that the parents shoi raz reason why none o! the greater schaai xherc h- had speut the ast carger iuterest thîe others frauukly dis- gliunpse of îthe Little Craxyn P rin- if they dauut give thué Smitbs a pre- Just what is happening. ______asblihe te x îwa yers audCloe xas seeretîx- plaved iuî bier. His cyes heldi a coudi, cess. ____uieste a blse h x f la tte r e d th a t B e tt lik e d li r e n o u g l a p p rseuil gc osti hu g atd ee a st styeiutye d o hiars.e nI na nt heifirsliep la ceh et hers tri cte tm is taiit a instst ems so !me d u c a tiotio a l ftoite lia ettyn hikedpalies.uforglu ahipaim gîsui e hiat a cober sax be s talît dad siftcd ber and tlîc Sinitbs gixe theuru one astiug curriculum o! former years for assessament and why the portaIs -eisat o h al ta lii aua. leaese vseu-ba_ Heosti adsî xa a mare titanî that. their social hf e will each class has been virtually aboi- ta ail the Iearned and techn.ical weekeud aî i nouite1yc cin selo f the juntentioni af askiug: sî ie lîad ta look up~ at lîjîn. Iu bis be comipieteixruiued. Woiîeui seraui- ished. Hitherto the work to, be professions are zealously guarded cruise. I Wluio is tlat inaut ii thue stag h-?a u. guîtlu bby vh rs-bliuîg tbrough the sluops xvorkiuig tue done in any clasa has been de! in- by incluisitive. sceptical and hr "Chiristmnas is '.ucb ait idiotie lbore.' Thîeaie il, businîe'.'.clotiies? Do :'oi c drkseit ' 0 laed, iii lier ginls tadeatb. slecting horrible mou- itely specife n hetahrboiledexaminera.Tecs Betty hadl stated wheuiihiex vere se- iu? f1 b'i-ooelcu a oklk sterosities thiat no salle humnait beilug bas "taught" and the pupils have against the examination aystem pltauuig tefr t. 'Iil e nu î "Iiipri hae (oxyu ii i. xe'ly lai' ine r htsYprs could ever use, or accept xitb aiy\- "learned" according ta the exact can be made to appear !ormid- -el 0xvatfrm g. xbutc vau sou't doitraveta .eeisilî.Thi Peoapleui lîaruhtuIusllyîfoarettheg ut shuîder f dshie. Popl sceduebfrete yar.Tha ifaIlabt. Aahtfro th geera see a seraru) of holl% of unî'tletoe or goiig jito debt ta buiy îhings for their te be replaced by somethitig sa condemnation that most examin- sn? oriceor nýtiii tiat vnf rieuîds. xvhiclî thîir f rieuîds douî't elastie in outline as to be positive- ations seem ta be designed to dis- faintiy reuiuds voit af thue '.îll\ sea- uecd anîd dont xat-oli, is toa !y vague. The new schedule givea Icaver just what the unhappy stu- son." silv for xvord'.. 1. for one.* refus'e only the most general indications dent daes not know. there are cer- By te trri sie rach(l he )i2ta hlave autbiuîg la do withî it !' af the wonk to be covered. That'tain apecific indîctments quite white haonte oui tue bih that.xa lir Bit ilneedu't be like tbat, yui isel! is not sa, revolutionai'y, worthy o! seriouS notice. destination, Chhoe bad î;ucceedd iii kuioxv" said Scott quieliv."Aftr il. u within that schedule the tea- In the year 1935, in London, a fogtigtetnvtig ici-Chri'.tuîîas i'. a littie more thîauî jist cher is not expected ta "teach cmiteudr h himn puritiontlit sh fel atAuii 1burliuug unuxalcd gif t'.ai oana- lin thei reccognized manner - he is ahip o! Sir Michael Sadler, stud- jn' od.Goiuîg ta Bermuda for otîier sa thal sonueouîe auî doit ih:e merelys a i rect - in other words ied the system, particularly as ta Chrisînia'.? ei of course. \\*at 1 /nàuîav buirh souuetlîiug of equai valie ta be a guide, or perhaps merely the results o! the achool leaving girl in ier place xouldu't e.,clige i"~3 t ' / "1 thiat v'oui donit %vautl back aI yon. a sign-post on the road to know- certif icat e exama. They f o u n d è Cbris tuuas. %oui knîaxv or hîalyoit ledge, the pupils picking up most that "the individual examinera _4, forgotten-is a scasoîî of rejaicing, af their information by persoa adapted very diff erent standards"; BU IN SS DRETflRY îlot ahout gift., and parties anîd investigation f ram books, news- that "the fate o! a candidate de- tîuihmt-aboui theic irth iii a f ar- papers, radio. picture houses or pended very largely on the par- BUSINES - j awaycouuutrv af tue unost perfect what not. This self-education isticular examiner ta, whomn his pa- M Nanu x'o ever xalked the eartl.' ta be called "research" and is ta per was asaigned." They alsa LEGAL Ohi-tuiaI 'said Chloe uîîcomfort- be sa wide in scape that the pupil made the startiing discovery that _______________ LE AL 1fably, anudxvas aI a la'.s for something may study practically what he "when 14 experienced examinera ilxauu snàrt' la tahk abouit ne- "fredom" creeps into ail this were give th saepproe I.G.V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. cl'e.tas u et erai rw ise.Ta euiu dwo arce h itr ae Barr'.ster, Solicitor, Notary ligiouu. If onîexvautcd ta go la w1ith a auspiciaus frequeticy. year later, they were f ound ta Phone 351 eburchi. xell, that xvas quite alil ight Whether the educatiotial re- have changedi their verdict o! Royal Batik Bldg., BowmanvMle provided onîe keuit suich f eelinîgs ta aults will be better or worse, in 'pass' or 'f ail' in nearly haîf the Saies self or eIsc chose a prouierly the absence o! a more or lesa pre- candidates." They very ightly W. R. STRIKE ' fashiouuabhe churcb. But Betty and cise !ramne-work foar personal re- concluded that "no process o! bier croxvd seldoun xorried theur search, only the future will show. measurement cati be valid when Barrister. Solicitor, Notary pretty heads about sucli subjeets. No amaunt o! applause or criti- il yields such discrepatit resuits Solicitor for Banik o! Montreal Ys said Scott graxely. 'that. cism cati anticipate resuls. but it in the hanis a! the same exam- money ta Loar'. Phonie791. Thie fact tbal Chrismas lias becuu sa wouid be unwise not ta recognize liners eon twxo occasions. A test o! Bowmativi.lle, Ontario '~\caunnrcializcd that il bas become that thene are obviaus passibili- this kind cannot inspire confi- littie mare tbaîî a seasoui for ex- ties o! chaos in the clasa room dence." a fault of tue îpeopîle, douit Y011 headaches for the teachera. jan examinatioti paper set locally Barrister - Solicitor tlîiuk, anid ual of thée .easoti?' The idea behind ail this is not an a modern language. It was a Notary Public - Etc. Alunost hefone the ast xvand xa: by any means new. Exactly thir- nearly perfect example o!flow -a Law n aUits rances. pokeii lie sîraigliied anîd said cool- ty years ago Dr. Maria Montes- paper ahould not be deaigned. office immediately east o! Royal ly, iini sorrv. lFui afraid Fi bar- soim. the famous Italian edilca.- practically every question hadi Theatre. iuug youu. Anmd lîer's Philip ta dlaim tar, opened a achool in Rame, US- sameé petty "catch" hididen under Phones: Office 688; Home 553. tuie uext danuce. Tiuauk voiu. Nil-' ing what a! terwarda came ta be its seeming simplicity. A stu- Sargenit, an-d good iigit.' known thraughout the wonld as dent. generally competent. could Anud xvtbout xaitiuig for lier ta thie "Montessor'i Method,' the, have f loundered miserably throa DEN ALanî'.vcr, lie bowed and xalkcd away. guiding principles in which werd ils deviaus intricacies. which the DENTAL Pilip) carte up. .miliiug dowvuiaI lier those of "individuality" and O! techntcal equipment o! a success- DR. J. C. DEVITT f insIiec face anid brigit exes as sute freedom." Bailed dlown, the idea-i fui candidate might havre been a' xatclîcd Scatt leave thue roouîî. wsta hild attained his such a humble level as ta periti Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson "Sorry, Fhilip- cut, pease," said Scott Kelvin as etuhd hlps Sorrv- afraid yon wexvc rchiec highest possibilities by following him. with a little luck , ta carry Graduate o! Royal Dental College. shoulder and took ChI<>e nto his arms. stiff. kelvin's a ratier stîuffv, bird, his individual impulses, and, thatl on a conversation with the Duine Bldg.. Bowmativille. Office hoifus, \r. said Chine griînlv. As an illustratian, aone might men- îAil o! which would tend la 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daiiy exeptSn ,lwnuiiOko b xul ae i a'.'lettlcll."n hxouid have rescuied von eanicr. lion haw complet.ely a child may suggest tha sueli element otf fail- day. cOine ù)t li'. parte tuîikl)t iii bbiie.' xsi u b-iiea-uiea' i i ve-dhut u eene a ielix ngsuch u nap heplncleso!raiaco-ifeasmy e nhuet n im Phone 790. House phone 883. clotheis c'. t 'ul' ill. I 'ý aiuterestiuîg lune - fargixe uie. It sî.ructiaul. if he is interested and ' system lies almosl wholly with X-R.ay Equîpment in Office. toi-. Doxx uîin te ilexlagu." hi re- 1 cx l'. l o î-tested Scott sban't bappcuî agaiii.' said Phiip is left alone. But there are ai- ;the examinera and the chaos ofU îurlicd cardle'.'1'. K jý.il, i lIi ,lite., if uit euh-iely cou- xarml, siniliug dowi at I;er xitîî most insuperable difficulties in the1 their methods. Il is 100 ofteu FUNE AL DRECT R eCcant bc nuicl of a lcti,-. ior iu îi"brr Its jut tm1 I re- admirnug cyes. 'Tlîc uights vouiug use o! such a melhod in the clasa forgolten that. the examiners aie FUNERA DIREC OR hcould bave fouuid a morie roper- ileliur i- '.o w11 xvîîeîîthiekids anud I guarauutce velImake \yon for- room particuiarly if the class is. usually the leacheus and the tua- au'. locatuonu,"sie said coalhv. at '. lîicluudilig u suyschf. uscd ta îiresauuîe (lance xitl Scott large, and the chorus a! acclama- 'chers the examinera. In that sensé (hEA IETR O hvsvlesavr od ' uf v\u ria ntl evi. tion which greeted the intro:due - the examiilatioti is just as much FUNRALDIRCTOS O. hex ax ie'a xrv oo cii aI grolliff'. exery uioriug. coin- And ta hiseif. as sie auced. lion of the Montessori Melhoda test ta the teacher's abilily ta service, anî hour. an.y day. dactor-Ibat lue lis, the uliakiuig' ou plete xitli ebsuif feui-anîd nurse. Aud Cioe said. xide-eycd andh a ittie bas now died down ta a murmut teach and the examiner's capac- F. F. MORRIS Co. a hmiliaut surigon, iiiin at." au'.xered j w te brouglit \yonm our Inucheam i uiicasx, 'I odr?' ! uai iapproval. although ity to examine, as il is o! the pu- pment, Arn-Phliih>. uaargnmntatixelx. butmnreat iîooîi reces' . iiia shilinug contamierofqaiedsl p' blty obor.I my modern Mtor Equipilrt n. iii tbe mauîuer ai giviuig thie dcvilIl"u' htklll. iii iI"Cotinuiud IVeIcek the influence o! the idea is aiplsaiiyb aar.I a bulance and Invalid Car. Cali chi. "He lias j ut filibd a year a'. îtiîîi x a. caîcîxviî auge very. definitely seen in modern well be that the way o! escape Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 57. imie-cii i ew York hIol Ctlîuîghîîî. trcîard t wta e i NfEDypeducatianalthry ndpaic lesiamoeameeadex _______________________ad cauld have had lus pick af sev- friikioii - 1isntpssbet discuas ini acting atudy o! the principles mn- n eraI god opeuutrsoaromuid toyui. Bu t UIxa. ~dcsaeao niî .p~mtTedaydtail he variai-s cdef eets nherentIl derlyitig the asseasment a! educa- 0 illseems mnlthe PgTTaseyouTplease' sheme, tia n .na progreas. The ability ta ý GLO88".f.nng t ncîîugcc-mir rîuud " of ns xould dard argle Theuight reidy ften standard to live UPtO, and with tees. itedot2yarnm GL L SSI any Po intwithi Miss Rsc-eiecnber choira up draggy back lesso! an internai reteniau iaaoish hee leen tyoe FLO R G LO S ber' he asked figlitiy amuI shue ias aiche, diuy headaches, urge ta what the educators play- campulsiati inher any tp ahmost sîartled by thue chanuge that a 80 aurely that foika are !F 4 ully cati -Research Work." will o! exam. but orl aeeriei PINT wih Appler - C gay ahmost nockiug 11111e smiic made atoiuhed. Mia. S. J. S. M w probably appeau ta be a little in another !arm. If they do flot am o ih ucaui brawn face. Gat, wrtua. "Back- mare backward. they dlaim to know their pupils Q A Twith Applier 98C MissRase? Rallier a drago, chu1e 0 Iand heaacethe l.lrted meforit a 1 eou lian a.ry and ta be on easy terms with ixasu t she? Tlîiuuand Sternuan - lo n nte nihoy aftr1adFut - change ' .is in the abolition o! their abilities and failUngs, where- h cyspiisterish." Cblac f rowuu- -t . enhes hpdet h l l d "r ,examlnatlotis." The voluble en- foare they wlll be better able ta say cd a 1111le as, she tried tarneember. prising how compleely tis fruit, hr n thuslasm wlth which this innova- which shaîl pass and whlclx fait. Fer Sale BY Vcry! We wene îîever sure tbat tonîc eniedchoira up contipatio, lsion was launched remlnded me Loglcally such an attitude would sli wa liina unil ne ay hey headachea. I..ave pains and il-heakh boineml somewhat o! an incident farnous deny any merit ta any sort o! ex- Iruh .teiegnam ta ber at scboal. Try Frui-a-bvrea. Quick, Sure. 25c. and 50c. in Scottlsh Etcoesiastlcai History aminations rather than extol one D ggl&à Igowd w gire She read It eaning sh egah e-b ain e points of compati- form at the expense o! another. M a n sson e ar w ranuld ildu ringleeon aphy les- F UI--U E son wlth the present changlflg The great majit wera- gaie40 We wene almost as aghast as if anc TV S ' e-cp heIeo oto n rdiztio an îhy wuld tAd whOereby it is com1937 subjects every working rentrevolutiGna in the achools may to the supervision o! con- serve ta explain ta parents and is appraisal for any !orm o! othenas smelhing o! the idea be- The teacher, h s now hind this, the lateat, but certain- whaiiy resPOnýsibieo for the ly nat the last. idea in teaching iment by hia pupiLs o! ta practice. it may well be that ed- able standard.' must tighl- ucalional lheory is slowly advanc- phis contrai and must o! ing tawards some shining goal ity exercise what is really a but movement may not aiways despotiam aven every mo- progreas nor mIuaI change necea- in the class raom. sarily be betermetit. every existence o! an edu- EdJucatanal methods; are dic- aiaheehwever libenal tated by the Department and lit- uception, implies sane rea- tl s le! t these days totieds e level o! altainnment wuth- eretion and _Judgment o! local iher than aulside ils mange. achool boards. The Board o! a level must be exaumned Trustees in Bawmanville ffat in uesuedbysanemode o! any way nesponsible fo ý in- g. It înay be Ihat the change Iroduclion o! the newm e nomr he naming o! such tesling for the mildly criticai personal examsuation' ta cninu- views o! the witer thereonbl upervision" is not so very it naturalîy regards the newe3 il a!ter ail. Even "guidarnce', experimetit wlth at somewhat cau* be checked in ils effects and tbous and quall!ied approval. hop- sresuits. And in this sense ing sincerely that its effect may ,teacher becouules an. exam- be wholhy help!ul ta pupils and with ail the limitations and teachers alike but recognlzing flities o! an authority wîîlu- that the change over ta the new- ixed rules and agreed stand- er method may involve a certain 1Af ter al. the wnitten ex- amount o! confusion and misun- stion pravided a certain derstandinz o! purpose. ire o! Protection for the J. Clark Bell. ier Just as it did for the pu- M.D.. F.R.C.S.Ed. This positive menit cati be I- against ils obviaus uncer- jes andI inaccuracies. but it okatsSho at least a definiteiy f avour- - point in the score. (Held over f rom jast week> ;an instance a! the incum- Home and Sehool Club met at optimism of the Educatiotial No. 9 school. Af 1er the opening Dealers, you refer ta the laI- exercises and the business nu. lea o! grouping Hlistory and transacted. the Club CreetI *as graphy as one under the equi- read by Mrs. Wallace Gibson. A ,title o! "Social Study."I very favaurable mouth organ sala re is a simple charm in ail was given by Gerald Henning. 1It may be a species o! a! - Mrs. W. H. Gibson gave an inter- ltion tc, caU a spade an "ag- esting travelogue o! her trip to, ltural implementf, but that. Flonida last f ah. A guitar selec- ar as we know, wiil not make ltion was given by Gardon Brut- atdeal o! dîfference ta, the tan. Refreshmetits -were served. There's No . littie home as bath require adequate fire insurance protection to safeguard bath ovin- ers against losing their if e sav'ings. Insure today ini a vieil knovin, dependable stock fire insurance company. J. J, MASON & SON Phone 681 Bowmanville hierves on Edge Frrom loss of sleep nerves. You may have headaches or nervous indigestion. Yau may be resthess and irritable and con- stantîy worried aven thuings tbat do nal reaîly matten. AIl these symp- toms wear dovvn the nenve farce and if you cannat sleep, there is no chance ta regain nervaus enengy and vigon. Why not give Dr. Chase's Nerve is nat a narcotiC ta menely induce sîeep but a nestoauiive which wiiI enable yau ta regain the vIgor o! the nenvaus syslem and free yaur- sel! o! the condition whicb is making lite a bunden fan yau. Yau wiII nat beusing il long be!areyouwii under- stand why thene is sa mueh enthus- iasm about this food treatment. DIRU CHASE'S NERVE FOOD r'