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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Nov 1937, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOýVMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25TH, 1937 liher out of school since early in ta the war and in which ten mil- IOctober. lions died and many more mil- I ILClarence Gibson substituted ef- lions suffered andi are still suffer- IIficiently as grocery delivery boy ing. It. had flot been a war ta T e New castle Independent fcr Jared Kimbali during the lat- end war. as wvas often said, and ters visit ta the Royal Winter our hopes that lasting peace Fair. would groiv out of it have flot Mrs. S. Mason broke her hip in sons. Bul n one ae0Municipal Council ld e been realized. BlionWednesday afternoon with Asacsngh ntease - a fail at lier home Wednesday' Shore. also Mrs. Kenneth Neal faimers and theiî* teains and a lage sang. God af Our Fathers. week. Her daugliter. Miss Hattie 'and son Jackie. Oroflo. spent number of villagers taking part in~ followed by the National Anthemi. Mason. was at school when word Thursday at the home of their grading and levelling the road Rev. S. MacLean pronouniced the of the regrettable accident was parents. Mr. and Mrs. Albert side adjacent to the new J. E. A benedîction. bruhttier. Mrs. Mason bias1 Pollard. kinson iran fence along the south suiferedae olyedurn hedy Mrs. Everett Brown. Hudson side aof Bond Head Cemetery. It DURHAM COUNTY tht av fllwe.Heighits. Que.. who lias heen visit- was probably the first time this A marked imProvement is re-! ing hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. AI- ground was ever plowed. the bal- MILK PRODUCERS ported in the condition af Mr.! bert Pollard and renewing ald lowvs and knolls and undulations A E C S L J. R. Fisher, Dean of Newcastle ifriendships. returned home Sat- being the samne as tbey were whrn A E C SL business men, who hias passel urday. the primeval forest. was cut away. througb a very critical illness. St. Georges Chiuich - Rev. D. The levelling will make it possible Durham Milk Producers met in Mr. J. 13. Atknsan, Toron#.o,j R. Dewdney. B.A.. Rector. Sun- ta keep the rank growth of grass Newcastle community hall an No- visited bts sister-in-law. Mrs. Wm.; day, Nov. 28th. lst Sunday in and weeds cut with a machine in vember 13t.h. with the president, Atkinson. Saturday. Mrs. Atkin- Advent: 8 a. m. Holy Commun- the future. J. H. Jase. in the chair. Neil son lias impraved considerably irn: il a.m. Morning Prayer; 2 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dean, Mutton, Bowmanville, acted am but is still unable ta use hier p.m. Sunday Sebool: 7 p.m. Even- Burlington. visited Mr. and Mrs. secretarY. About fifty members, limbs. sang and Sermon Ed. Dean. MostiY from Dariingtan an d Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ragersan United Cburch - Rev.- Mac- Carters Approved Bakery Po Clarke, were present. The chief SunayNov dcts brad.buS, cokie oan items on the agenda were the ap- and family have moved from Leanî, B.A.. Pastor. Spointment cii a d.irectar f rom thisan Newcastle on the Lake into Clarke 28th: il am . Morning Worship; cakes are naw on sale at Chap- district ta the Toronto Milk Pro- Tp., baving taken a lease of Mr. 2.3 pm.Snday Schoal; 7 p.m. man's Superior Store in Newcas- ducers' Association and appoint- Isaac Selby's bouse on the west Evening Sevice: Rev. R. E. Mor- tle. mn f1 eeae aatn boundary road. tan of Paisley, f ormerly af Allis e-_o_1______s o ttn Congratulations ta Mr. andf ton,.,NiI preach morning and ev- the Association's annual meeting Mrs. Frank O'Neil on the birth i eig exchanging pulpits with (Held over fram last week) in Toronto on December 9. Dr. a little daughter on WednesdaY, the pastar. It was aIl in the day's work for J .Ryod.Wloe a Nov. l7th, at the home afilher Saturday. Nov. 27th. sbould be Mr. Alex Prout, buteber-manager ehasen district director and these parents. Dr. and Mrs. R. T. Ru- a red letter day for ail boys and lof Shaw's Beef Ring, wben hieiwere appointed delegates. Neil therford. young men i rom 12 ta 21 years of killed, skinned and dressed on Mutton, Ivison Munday, Stuart C. G. I. T. met Tuesday. Nov. age in Newcastle and vicinity Nov. 10tb, twa large bears for Mr. Morton, S. E. Werry, Russel Wor- 16th. Devatianal was taken by wiien a boys' rally is being held J. L. Marden of Cream aif Barley den, Walter Reynold.s, J. H. Jase. Reta Powell and the study book1 here wit.b sessions in the U.C.S.S.1 Camp. Prof. C. B. Sissons, Lamne Todd by Reta Aldread. The rail call'hall and the Community Hall. Shaw's Beef Ring met Nov. 12. and Fred Tamblyn. was answered by a verse of poet- ThÉe public are cordially învited A very satisf actory seasan lhas Wmn. Wilmott, FMe.d Secretary, ry. Several girls braught their ta attend and witness the activi- been campleted, the ring having Toronto Milk Producers' Associa- knitting wbich is to be made into ties. lhandled 8,270 lbs. of beef fram tion, addressed tbe meeting on mitts and scarves ta be sent away1 New oflicers ai St. George's 20 young cattie slaugbtered and qluotas and the justice of the re- as Christmas gif ts. Patricia Pearce Mens Club are: President, Tom divided inta shases in as many cent increase of 22 cts per 100 lbs. gave a talk on hier experiences at Spencer, Jr.: Vice-President, H. weeks. The butchering was done of milk granted the producers by C.G.I.T. Camp. Ater playing Breretan; Se'y.-Treasurer, Cecil by Mr. Alex Prout, "Kilcolman," the Ontario Milk Board. An in- games and eating candy the Horrocks. at Mrs. J. F. Osborne's. teresting side ligbt for thase pre- meeting closed with "Taps'. Mr. Owen W. FOSter. Pictan, Miss Docathy H'tenning spent sent was Shed on the situation Mr. Irwin Colwill returned last Commissianer for Prince Edward Sunday week in Oshawa, irom a political angle wben the l- Thursday night from bis shooting and Hastings Counties, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gîbsan speaker told of how this justifi- trip north ai the French river. Faster are spending the week visited friends in Toronto. able increase ai 22 cts a 100 lbs. brmnging a deer with him. ýwith tbeir daugbter, Miss Mabel Miss Margaret Sandersan, B.A.. was long overdue but the Milk Miss Margaret Toms. Western Foster. who is delighted ta have and a party of Lindsay fciends Board had asked the Milk Pro- Hospital, Toronto, spent t h e had so many callers since mov- who attended the H. S. Com- ducers ta hold the matter ai de- weekend witb bier parents; Mr.1 ing ta bier new residential quar- mencement, later motored ta manding an increase in the price and Mrs. Herb Toms.î ters on Clarke St. Kingston ta attend the Queen's- of milk in abeyance until after Mr. J. W. Glenny f ractured Congratulations ta Mr. and Varsity rugby gamne. the electian. Mr. Wilmatt dHi some r.'bs at bis nephew. Mr. A. mrs. Jas. Murray on the birtb ai Mr. and Mrs. George Honey. nat knaw what a provincial eîec- W. Glenny's mill last week, and a little son, Kelvin Arthur, in1 aecompanied by Mrs. W. Hl. Cooke tiof if the ofing had ta do with was coniined ta bis home. Fni- Oshawa General Hospità.l on Nov. and daughter Reita, matored ta tbe farmer getting a f air price ends missed bim on Sundayifrom l7tb. Mother and babe are bath Taronto Sunday ta visit with Miss for his mlk. church wbere he is mast faithful daing well. Ruth Honey wbo is attending, The difference between a net- and regular in attendance. Mr. Gea. W. Walton lbas pur-t Victoria University. price ai perhaps a little over 4c Several oi ber Newcastle iriends chased tbe barn from tbe MissesiMr. Jared Kimbal0f Chap- a quart naw reeeived by tbe for- attended the funeral ai the late Blackburn, at the rear o! their man's deiivery service attencled mer and the 13e a quart paid for E Mrs. Robert Jobnstan at Newton- home on Mill St., and bad a bee tbe Royal Winter Fair. milk by Toronta bauseholders ville on Saturday. Death came on Tuesday taking it dawn and. Rev. R. M. Patterson, Sunder- seems quite a spread: but this is quite unexpectedly on Wednesday maving the material ta the Major land, preacbed in Newcastle Un- flOt the producers' i ault or busi- at the home ai ber friends. Mr. Dudley iarm ta be recanstructed ited Churcb an Sunday. Nov. 14. ness. Some of the factors con- and Mrs. Jno. Robinson, Manvers as a paultry bouse. The carpet bail seasan opened tributing to the bigb price of re- St., wbom she irequently visited. Friends are sarry ta, learn ai in Newcastle when the Men's tailed milk in Toronto are: high Sbe bad corme up from Newton- the seriaus illness of Mr. John Club of St. Jobn's Church, Part Salaries paid ta beads oif firms. ville -on the previaus Sunday. nat Scott who sufered a strake. Hope. played St. Gearge's Club ta too anuy miik distributars in Ta-- feeling quite well but aptimisti- Miss Helen Coucb. Newtonville. a draw. ronto and excessive overiapping cally looking fiarward ta attend- a student at the Newcastle bigb Mr. A. E. Mellow, Phm.B., visit- of routes, taa many special de- ing the annual convention of the school, returned ta ber studies on ed bis parents at Napanee, Miss liveries different times a day, milk Women's Institutes oi Ontario in, Manday. Staff and students were M a r g u le c i t le McKay efficiently sald by stores with no charge for Toronto.! glad ta see bier quite recovered managing tbe drug store, assist- bottles, an unwarrantable num- Mrs. Wm. Lake Jr. and two iram lber iliness wbich had kept ed by Mcs. Walter Haigh, in bis ber of milk botties iost, broken absence. and put ta ather use. F Owing ta sickness tbe Public The meeting iearned that the School Commencement bias been volume Of milk Sold ta private pastpaned. It is baped ta hald hausehalders in quart botties it an Friday evening, Nov. 26. canstituted about 60',-, a! the - The motar bigbways are ai whole. The price oi this naw is B 4W L ER S OR S fI IT Dsame use ta the raiiways for last 13 cents a quart, the higbest in __________________ week a car ai saIt arrived at the the price range. Hatels and ses- --C. N. R. station here and was taurants pay iram 8 to 9 cts a mif rr Uk  Â~I trucked away ta mix with the quart and baspitals 7 cts. Pro- sand in piles at canvenient dis- ducers at the meeting couldn't tances aiong the higbway, ta be understand tbe reason for this used wben the surface becomes foi' bospitals are flot charitable icy and slippery. The car ai saIt institutions. vas revenue for the railway. 1 The speaker explained in de-L Mrs. Rabt. Gray is still canfin-,tail the new propasedi quota fan ed ta bier bed. Mcs. Mac.ierrison. mik sbipped ta the city wbeceby C O A T SBawmanville, is waiting on ber the praducens themselves and flot a sun coom built an is tower iacmer's quota. LI ning. y c nt acer iF.H n- M n. Brennan, wbo tests milk and checks the tests ai the num- ta Haliburton tagether an a deeriim intenerssatesip 1 2 hunt. pers. spoke bciefly ai bis wark. Mrs. Menkley Clark was visit- In a great many instances lie Agauli we sio ut the pie~ ing lier brothers and sister near iound littie discrepancy in the of this popular priceci coat. Rossmore when the Rossmore tests but tbis was iat true in Sinart1y taîlot I tof i v nd United Chusch caugbt fire and regard ta every firmn and some no'~eIt w o] f! r s w'n %v as bucned dawn. Massassaga needed careful watching. 1iov1tý oolfabreswariilv churcb wbicli ler people, the Mr. Wilmott voiced tbe feelings iiied and i nterli1un I Don t Broads. attend is anly about twa ai ail present when bie said the w vu t. sho to noi i w miles distant. present increase in the price ai Rev. R. M. Pattersan. Sunder- raw milk delivered in Taronta was Sizes 16 to 44. land, wbo exchanged pulpits with flot as much as the farmers ______________________ Rev. S. MacLean, B.A., was din- sbauld neceive but wbat tbey had nec guest witb Mrs. Macbean at they would hald. the parsanage and bad tea witb flM'r. and Mrs. J. W. Gienny wha UNITED CHURCH W. A. SALE OF knewM him wben hie was st.atianed ARITC YME IN SALE uy.M. oranAli at eta M c. Normean l un AMSTC DYMETN drav Mc.MacLan t Suner- Heîd aver i rom ilast week) - - - land. - Gordon Gloves (hlunoset t' GIove.s w'iîlu long fiai'ýeuctff. Newest faîl and winteî' shades. 8izes tG to 7ý. 98c pair HAIS 00 Values to $ 1.98 Clearing gu'oup of flis senon 1u s popular style Hats. Buîy yuisl an extra hiat at luis lttw' price. Clearing Sale 0f KNITTED SUITS Two-Piece Styles 359 We 1av'e decided ta clear a1 Knitted Suits. Take advantage of1 yoîîrself omie or more tomorrow. ftŽi of ouîr Botany t lis offuýr and1 gel Newcastle Observes Remembrance Day tHeld aveu' icom last week) Newcastle paîd banaur ta the memory ai those who died in the great war af 1914-18 at a public service beld in the community hall an Navember il. Flags were flyung and sehoals and stores were clased. The school ehildren witb theur teachers paraded ta, the hall. Many citizenLs ai Newcastle and Clarke were also present. Reeve C. R. Carveth conductedj the service and with bim. an the platiorm were: Rev. D. R. Dewd- ney. B.A., Rev. S. MacLean. B.A., Mn. C. T. Batty, W. F. Riekard, M.P.. F. B. Lavekin and F. W. Bawen. ex-M.P. The ser'vice apened witb the hymn, O God our Help in Ages Past. with Miss Hattue Mason at the piano. Mc. C. T. Batty read extracts icom Eccles., The Sauts of the Rugteous . .. and Psm. 23. the people accampanying him in unisaon ai ter which Mu'. Rickard read the names af those icam Newcastle wha gave their lives in the ,var. Mc. Lovekin cead the names the Clarke To. men wba neveu' uetui'ned. Mr. H. C. Aliun sounded the Last Post on the tr'ombone and every ane i'emained standing for two minutes silence. Rev. D. R. Dewdney led in u'e- peating the Apastle's Creed and read fruom the Apocrypha. Eccles- iasticus 44:1-15, and delivered the address. He said lie !ound it more difficuit every year as the great war gi'ew more remaet speak on Remembrance Day.tLes than balf ai those before him bad1 any remembi'ance o! that iyar.I He reviewed the events leading up The W. A. ai the United Chuncb met Navemben lltb, at the home a! Mcs. J. A. Butler, Mcs. W. H. Cooke presiding. Mrs. C. R. Car- vetb, acting treasurer in place af Mcs. Ross Dickinson who is stili in bospital if Toronto, gave a re- part ai finances in connectian with the iawl supper. Total re- ceipts were a little avec $400, witb net proceeds ai $169 and some cents. Th pu'agram, f inely appropriate fou' the day. was presented by Mss. T. H. Clemence's graup. It cansisted ai: A solo, The Land We Lave, by Mrs. Kennetb Wecry, accompanied by Mss. E. C. Fisher; a reading, Armistice Day, by Mrs. W. J. Clemence; a neadlng, Re- membrance, Day, by Mrs. E. Tb1acknay; and a reading, Tbank Gad fac Peace. by Mrs. Jno. Hendry. A special number was a ca-apecative gesture by Mrs. A. W. Gienney and Mss. C. R. Car- vetb, the subject ai their atten- tions being Mrs. Howard M. AI- lin, iirst vice-president and a bride ai cecent date. Mrs. Glen- ney read and presented ta Mrs. Allin an address ai congratula- tion and appreciatian ai ber valued wock in the interests ai the W. A. ai tbe church it serves, while Mcs. Carvetb presented bier on behaif of the members witb a lace table clatb, bai! a dazen sul- ver coffee spoons and a cold meat iark. Mcs. AUlin gcaciously ex- pressed hec tbanks. Mrs. Clem- ences group served lunch. W. A.'s contribution ta, the an- nivensary thanlc-offering ai Oct. 3lst, which was aven $500, was $100. Autos For Sale FOR SALE-1932 CHEV. COUPE, ini good condition. Appiy G. Vine, Lberty St. 47-1' DEATrHs CHECKLEY-At Pasadena. Cali- fornia, an Navember 20. 1937, Elizabeth M ar ga r et (Lily>. dearly beloved wie ai Edwin J. Cbeckley. and eldest daughtec o! the late Henry R. Reid, M.D.. late ai Bawmanville. Ontario. COLON-At Newtonvilie. an Sun- day, Navembes 21, 1937, Adrin- da Little. belaved wiie Qi John Colon, in ber 68tb year. Inter- ment at Welcome Cemetery. EDGERTON - In Oshawa, Wed- nesday, Novemben 24, 1937, Mrs. Edgertan, beloved wife of Mc. Herbert Edigerton. Mother o! Mrs. J. A. Living. Bowmanvilie. WILMOT- At the home ai ber cui.Miss E. Bunnham, Ca- bourg, on Wednesday, Novem- ber 24, 1937. Miss Manganet Wiimot. daughten cof the late Allan and Julia Wîlmot, form- erly of Newcastle. in ber 8lst year. Funerai fram St. George's Cburch. Newcastle, Tbursday. Nov. 251h. at 2.30 p.m. Burial in St. George's Cemetery. IIN NMEMORIAM Jl E'ARRINDER-In laving memory ai Mary Earleef Parrinder wha died Navember 24, 1936, in ber, eleventb year. Memories are treasures no one can steal. Death leaves a waund no one can heal, Mary lives witb us in memory stilI. Nat just today but always will. -Lvingly nemembered by Mother, Daddy, Evelyf. Real Estate For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE - SO0L I brick bouse of Centre Street in gaad locality, desirable borne with modern canveniences, wiil be sald very cheap ta close up an estate. Apply A. E. Belîman, King Street West, Bawmanville. Phone 526. 40-tf Livestock For Sale 7OR. SALE - 1 JERSEY COW. freshen rigbt away. Apply Wm. Fee, Burketan. 46-2 FOR SALE-PURE BRED YORK- sbire saws, bred ta farrow Jan. 15. Egecton Hancock. Orona. 46-2* BULL FOR SALE--SHORTHORN bull (January cal!), F a i y Queen breeding, line-bred, rea- sonably priced. Apply Donald E. Gibson, R. R. 4, Bawman- ville. Phone Clarke 3811. 46-2* Lost LOST-A SUM 0F MONEY BE- tween Gaodyear and Prospect St., Thursday or Fridlay. Finder please returfi ta Box MW, The Statesman. 47-1* LOST - BILL FOLU, CO0LO0R bî'awn, souvenir a! Catskill Mts. Rewacd. Return ta Statesman Office. 47-1' Agents Wanted MAN WANTED WITH CAR TO bandie Food and Medicina.l Praduets direct ta homes in Bowvmanville and District. Write T. H. Wacd Company, John South. Hamilton. 46-2* WANTED - MAN WITH CAR. Route experience preierred but flot necessary. Rawieigb's, Dept. ML- 140-M-K, Montreal, Can- ada. 47-1 Wood For Sale FOR SALE - SIX CORDS DRY cord wood. aak, $5.00 a card. Hugb Murphy, Lot 2, Conces- sion 10, Darlington, 1 mile nartb ai Long Sauit cburch. 46-2* For Rent ROOMS FOR RENT - UNFUR- nished: alsa gas stave for sale, in gaod condition. Apply 'DM.'M Drawer B, Bowmanville. Ont. 47-1* FOR RENT-TWO 'UNFURNISH- ed housekeeping rooms. Mrs. H. Connors, Churcb St., Baw- manvîlie. 47-1* For Sale or Rent HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT 7 rooms, moderun cofiveniences, garage and garden. Apply ta W. R. Williams, Lamb's Lane, Bowmanvîlle. 47-.1* Barn For Sale FOR SALE-BARN, 30 x 65, ON foundation, witb lightning rods; quantity ai stave wood; ten ewe iambs. C. A. Avery, Hamp- tan. Phone 1577. 47-1* Wanted WANTED - SMALL ACREAGE, 10 ta 15 acres, close ta tawn. Apply "S.E." Drawer B, Bow- manville, Ont. 47-1' Miscellaneous PAINTING-SIGNS AND POST- ers, also auto trucks, wagons, genenal painting and enaimel- ling. J. H. Needham, Centre St., Bowmanviiie. Phone 441. WEST END GARAGE AND MA- chine Shop - We specialize in machineny nepairs, general gar- age repairs, welding, towing service. J. L. Demerling, Pro- prietor, Bawmanville. Ph on e 781. 23-tf Radio For Sale RADIO FOR SALE--GOOD !USED radia fan sale. barkain. Appiy Box M.F., Statesman Offlce. 46-1' ENTERTAINER Seenre RALPH GORDON, the wonderfully versatile entertain- er, for your ndxt entertain- ment. Illustrated circular free. Address 628b Crawford Street. Toronto. iivery Suite uuaranteect HERE ARE THE DETAILS Nvw I)eLiuxe ereation featuriiig earved shonv-wotd fu'aîie. l.u't in2 rd(yp-seated eoinfort fî'oîn iI(usagless u.prhiug von-I st cm, u ion. Vi tîu vhie ii'of uuateiials ineluidesiI k i'epps. tîided repp t, heîuded repps. Nî.w ,,îudes of uusi hu'oi. gold fIC('ked liownîs. linter- mnm~ei gWtd anid browvn and otiier sniart shades. 3-pJiv~(ov vcilete as illtistrated. TAILORED TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL TASTE F. F. MORRIS Cou 1 Funeral Directors Phone 480 Furniture Mr. J. Jacks will seil by publie auction on Lot 8, Con. 2 (sauth hall), Cartwright, 1 mile forth and 1 miles west o! Burketon, an Manday, November 29, at 1.30 p.m. 5 acres, more or less, ai standing mraple, beech, some pife and hemiock, in 14 acre lots, mare or less. Parties given until April 1. 1939, to remave timber. Good raad for trucks. Termis cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneen. 47-1 "Lest We Forget"l A. H. BOUNSALL Designer and Dealer ia Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc. In Granite and Marbie. Notice of. By-Law A By-law for closîng, and stop- ping up and for selling the soul and !ree-bold ai original i'oad{ allowance. known as and situate, soutbh ai oforiginal naad be- tween lots 28 and 29 in the fiith concession, ai the Township ai Darlington. Wbereas. it is desirable that the said road-allawance shatl be clos- ed. and that the council be autb- orized ta seIl the freehold thecegf, ta such pacty as may ber-eaiter became the purchaser thereof. Naw thenef are. the council of the Corporation ai the Township of Darlington enacts that portion af raad-aiiowance in the sautb bal! o! Concession 5, between lots 28 and 29 be ciosed and soid. A. L. Pascae. Reeve. J. D. Hogarth, Clerk. 45-4 Personal MEN! GET VIIOOR AT ONCE!I NEW OSTREX Tonie Tablets cantain naw Gysten Invigorators and other stimulants. One dose peps Up argans. glands. If not deflghted, makes se! uuds price pald - $1.25. Cali, write Jury & Loveil. 18-52 Wood Sales Maybe it's Fye-strain that tires you out T UE ONLY EYES you'il ever have deserve the bcot of cure. It niay Le eye-strain that makes you fatigued. An examination wiII tell you whether you need glumses or not. .If you do, let us fit your g lasses with the very latest development of ophthalmie science-Tillyer Lenses. TilIyer Lenses are in every way the Lest lenses availahle. They are accurate to the very edge, whether you look Up or down, in or out We are licensed to fit and guarantee Tillyer Lenses. jury & Lovil 'The Rexail Store' Phone 778 King St. BowmanvWie"O When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly. LIVING ROOM ..................Exactly as Shown . . . .... .........This Beautiful 3-Piece C reation $ý -ra ,Otit-of-Towit ('tustomners unay' slare iii this gret Sle . . . 0111' liberal offer ineludes Free Deliver.% anywlIuere in Ontario - or, if .,ou desire the paî'tieflai' Suite shownî lieue. askz for samples of niaterials to ehoose froin. Free on u'equest. aFIREE- Beautiful Plated Floor Lamp and Shade (Retail Value $15.00) with each Cash Purchase of this 3-Piece Suite Studio Couch Sale REPEATED BY REQUESTO We regret that our stock was uxiable to meet the demand for these 1-4 to 1-2 off items Iast week. Morris Co. have secured 8 new show- room samples at similar savings to be cleared Thurs., Fri. and Bat. - Shop Early! STUDIO COUCHES Ail Spring-Filled - Weekend Clearance $22.75 - $39.50 - i E >4 , BRADLEY'S HOME & SCHOOL Miîuer. of Bradlcy's Haine snd Schiool A\.sociationin et Friday niglit, Nox enilter 19t1t. Prcsideiît. Mrs. F. Gilbert, coiductcd tuicbuineiiss. Pro- gressive Lost Heir and Eticlre wcrc cij Pd rizes for n ciîre werc iwon Iti Mc.,. Morlcv Gilrový. Nfuriel Ci- rot;ý- Mc. lvrn iNesîtitt and Mc. Har- olid 1 lepliirn. Ella Mfillson, Flar- enOce . \ tt, i, Eluer MiII s n and ,illI .\slîton were pun/e winncrs for -ilcir. Liiîîch was sccved and a soc- ial ti mc cîjoved. Decemnber îneet- ,iig will bhc lild oui Dcc. 3rd. A good progutuinii .pilain C(, lie speaker is i\cv. \V. F. l3atuiistetl uT 'ow man- Meînbei's aiOntaiOMge No. 26, A. F. & A. M., PorlWpe, ne- cently paid a iraternai visit ta Jei'usalein Ledge at Bowmanve, and couîferred a degree. DuR5 the evening a stciking tribute W paid ta Malcolm B. Benn,. youthiul editon af the Port Hope Guide who died recentiy, and wbo wben Master af the Port Hope iodge was the youngest master in the Province o! Ontario. Lamne Plummer, a Bowmanviile boy, is Worshipful Master ai Part Hope Lcdge. Personal "Released ta the outside world aites 124 Yeans seclusian behind Monastry walls! The Orden o! the Marist Brathers world famaus Tanic (solution a! Biphosphate af Lime) for fervous debiiity, dis- eases of the bones, chronie f nr- bid states and indigestion. &s- peciaily good for gnowing childsen and the aged. The Manist Bnci- thers Tonic bas won gaid medals for results abtained against ail wonld competitons at warlds f airs in Paris, Milan, Turin, Cologne, Brussels, Rio de Janiera, etc., and is secommended and used 'by tbciusands ai physicians tbrough- out the wanld. Is good for colds, bronchitis, catarb, simple sare throat and as a gangle. Get your bottle rigbt today." Price $1.00 for 16 oz. at Alex McGregor's Dnug Store. Phone 792. 47-4 THURSDAY, NOVEIIBER 25TH, 1937

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