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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Nov 1937, p. 1

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~br With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News VOLUME 83 BOWMANVJLLE, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, 1937NUBR4 s'. Brenton Riokard of Shaves and Anson Taylor of Nestieton Nominees - To Hold Election on Dec- ember 4th Elections for the Olden Boys' Parliament in West Durham will be held on Dec. 4th, according to an announcemeni by Neison E. Osborne, secretary o! the Boys' Wonk Board o! Bowmanv.ille. The local board decided ai a meeting a few weeks ago not to send a member f rom Bowman'ville ibis year but ta co-opeirate witb West Durham in serding a member ta nepresent the whole constituency o! this pari o! the county. Nom- ination.s clcsed on Nov. lSth, and contestants in the riding %vill be Brenton Rickand, son o! Mn. and Mrs. W. J. S. Ricka:d, Shaws, and Taylor, son o! Mn. andý Mrs. Roy Taylor, Nesileton. Boys who have passed thein 12tb u rot thein 2th birthday are h gible ta vote. This will be the 17th Older Boys' Paniament. and Kenneth Ingham o! Straiford will be tbe Premier. and Jae Willard o! St. Manys the leader o! the Op- postion. Nelson E. Osborne i, Returning Officer for Bowman- ville district. WINS DISTRICT TITLE Raymond Gilmour Pupil o! Crooked Creek School ini Clarke Tawnship, wba afier wunning the Dunhamn County Pub- lic Speaking Contesi recently, weni or ta bring henon ta Dur- ham by winnlng the District Championship ai Brighton lasi week. Raymond will campete in ATTEND DEANERY BANQUET the Provincial Finals ai ibe O. E. ________A. Convention in Toronto nexi SMore thar 20 membens o! St. Eaater. 'YJohn's A. Y. P. A. attended the annual banquet sporaaned by the Deanery Local Cauncil o! Durham DEMONSTRATION and Northumberland. Nearly two hundred attcrded the banquet A demenstration by experts in which was hcld in Si. Mark's Par- home ligbiing attnacied goad aud- ishi Hall in Port Hope. Among iences ta St. Paul's lecture noom the local people taking pari on on Thursday and Fnsday when the the programa were Mrs. F. A. DilI- Public Utilities Commission spon- ing wha proposed thbe toast ta The sored the event. Association, and Lavenne Dcviii The program includcd a demor- o! Blackstock A. Y. P. A. who pro- stratian by lantern slides and mo- posed the t ast ta The King. Rev. tion pictures o! the value cf gaod C. C. Hý ni o! Blackstock ne- lighting in the home as a means sponded _f- the toast te the o! saving eyc airain. Not only did Church. the lectunens iouch on ibis angle, but ihey demonsinaied bow homes Bowmanviile Rotary Club was could be betier llghted, and ai nepresented ai the inter-city lèss cast. Durng each a! 1er- meeting o! Peterboro Rotary Club noon a draw was madc fan lucky held at the Ernpress Hetel Mon- ticket holdens. Winners*on Thurs- day evenlng by President Rosa day afiennoan were Mrs. G. Ma- 'Stnike, M. A. Neal. W. L. Elliait, baod. a desk lamp; Miss Eva HeIl- T. W. Cawker and Geo. W. James. yan, a table larnpý and Mrs. Jos. In a drawing contest Rosa Strike ManIle, a sandwich toaster. Fri- and Len Elliait each won West- day's winncna weNe, Mns. Wm. clox larm dcocks wbich accounta Quick, a sandwich toaster: Mns, for ~1ese mer getinig 10 work on Wark, a table larnp; and Mrs. Me- timAbese monninga. 1Gnatb, a desk lamp. POPPY RECEIPTS 'ra rti ARE SMALL BUTrGetBrti 3ULES GREATER Numbe,f Poppies SoId Increase In r n p ta But 4wUge Giving Is SmallerTr n p ta Rej>'tShows - Total of £ 1 $140 Was Raised O h w pa jÎ.The Poppy Day Committee re- Z>t the net receipts for the Pop- py Fund of $14000. The net re- ceipts are considerably lower th~is Rev. W. R. Tanton' year. More poppies were sold but Prosperous State - t.he average contribution was low- er and no special subscriptions ed are Fast Decreak were solicited. .C The following is a list of A new siant on conditions in wl-o sold poppies in Bowmanvulle: England was provided for Rotar- Helen Cotton, M. Lemon, D. Tap- ians at their weekly luncheon on son. J. Tkatch, Y. Chals, H. Friday when Rev. W. R. Tanton, Bird, M. Storey, M. Spencer, R. Pastor of Simcoe St. United Hilderley, P. Crook. S. Wilson, S Church, Oshawa, briefly summar- Challis. J. Cochrane, D. Crooks, ized a recent trip to the British W. Ward, D. Venton, R. Evans, Iles and stated that transporta- R. Hooper, G. Hooper, H. Hlooper tion and television in Britain w.cre D. Nickerson. L. Lyle, Jr. Neal far ahead of Canada or United W. Edger, M. Coulter, R. Jacobs: States. H-., Price, O. Prout, M. Nichols, In the last 16 years there has B. ,Kimble, A. Strike, M. Woods, been a rem.arkable change in C. Tait, M. Childs, J. Samis and England. At that time trains were M. Lambourne. dilapidated affairs, flot capable of Oeo. Meadows had charge of great speed or much comfort. the poppy taggers in Newcastle Now the trains and busses are f ar and made sales amounting to ahead of ours both for cheapness, $29.75. comfort and speed. and the result H. Murray had charge of sales is that citizens do a great deal of in Orono District and made sales travelling duning spare time. amounting to $40.00. Television and radio are forg- The POPPY Committee express ing ahead. Recently a statement their sincere thanks to ail who issued by the largest broadcast- assisted in any manner and to ail îng corporation in United States, who assisted by purchasing stated that television might be wreaths. introduced this winter. but not Total number of smaîl poppies guaranteeing it. In England there sold amounted to 3,900, being the were 3000 television sets in and record high sales in this district around London, operating contin- mnade by the POPPY Committee. uously and efficiently. The activity of the building trades was also surprising, said MANY BAPTIZED the speaker. Thousands ofme SUNDAY MORNING have been ernployed continuously IN TRINITY CHURCH ara n ngneal mrvn housing conditions, and the re- Special Musical Program Features îuIt was that erigration has f ail- Evening Service - Organ and en off in England and imnigra- Piano Duos Are Acclaimed tion has begun. As an example, the speaker cited a Canadian Slange congregation was pre- family who necently lef t for Eng- sn at the monning service of land where they obtained em- Trinuty United Church on Sun- Ployment and found a better out- day when a feature was the bap- look for their children's future. tismal service conducted by Rev. Mr. Tanton stated ihat be- S.aisolhedhseeeen cause he was a Canadian he re- chlrnwere baptized: Hazel ceived special privileges while on Grace Webber and Harvey Edgar the visit. being allowed to view the Webber. twin daughter and son intenior of a monastery closed te of Mr. and Mrsi Roy Webber; ýoutsiders and also ta see and talk William Joseph Francis Kirkton. with the children and teachers in son of Mn. and Mrs. Lawson Kirk- the Spanish Basque camps. ton: Donald Hugli McKay, son o!f 08 Mr. and Mrs. Melville McKay; otry in Engand is .much the Shirley Ann Bathgate. daughter saine as in Canada, altho' there of M. an Mr. Peer athgte;is no singing at the meetings, but John Herbert Stainton and Mar- hrisacmounestclg ~orle Jean Stainton. son and whene the men of a communuty Yaughter- f Mr. anP Mrs. Eric are working together for peace, Stainto4 #*,eslie William Phl brotherhood. human welfare and lips. Son -Y Mr. and Mrs. Herberta better world. Phillips: Elizabeth Ann McLean.' Rev. Sidney Davison introduccd daughter, and Ronald Russell the speaker. - Visiting Rotarians McLean. son of Mr. and Mr,. Rus- included H. M. Black. Oshawa., and Ken Hodgetts, Port Hope. (Continued on page 7) President Rosm Stike presided. Darlington and Cartwright Boys Nominated for Boys' Parliament I ~ ~ 1I7g His Honor, Dr. Herbert A. Bruce. left) lias lianded in bis resignation to Prime MNinister \V. L. -lackenzie King. Dr. Bruce is a native of Durbami County , borui Ein Cartwvright Township, and has filled the office in a mannier to w iii the admriration of tbe wbiole of Ontario. Rev. Dr. George Kil- l)atrick ( rigbt) is 'Minister of Meirose United Cbiurcb, iii Haimil- ton. an(d bis appointinent as bead of the United Cburcb Ibeological Collige at Nlontreal, was announced this week. Dr. Kilpatrick is a close personal f riend of Mayor Ross Strike, and lias spok'en bereo ini Triniity Cburcb and at tbe Rotary Club. T. H. LOCKHART UiS RE-ELECTED HEAD 0F BIBLE SOCIETY Ap athy Toward 1 AnnuaI<eetint Held on Sunday -Rer FB. Allnutt of To- rono Seak lnLocal I tp T w r Chrhson Society's i tp T w r Behalf T. H. Lockhart was ne-elected Oshawa Collegiate Teacher Re- President of the Bowmanville veals How Apathy Brouglit Bible Society at the annual meet- Seven Forms of Goveru- ing beld in Trinity United Chunch ment in France in or Sunday evening. Other of- Little Over Century ficers re-elected wene: Vice- Fresident. J. R. Philp: Treasurer, C. A. Johnston; Secreiary, B. H. If Canadians wish their form Mortlock. ,of government ta continue they The meeting was the clasing had beiter do something about it, feature of a day devoted ta the M. F. Kirkland, B.A., teacher ai inieresta of the local society. Rev. the Oshawa Collegiate and Voca- F. B. Alînuti. District Secretany o! tional Institute, told members of tbe Uppen Canada Bible Society, Bowmanville Lions Club or Mon- o f wicb the local society is an day. Mr. Kirkland reviewed the Auxiliary, spoke on Sunday monn-. swif t changes in f orma 0of govenn- ing ir St. Andnew's Church, ir ment in Europear countnies and the afiternoon at New t o n v i 11I e pointed oui ihai they always fol- Presbytenian- Chunch, and or Sur- lowed apathy or the pari of the day evening in Si. Ardrew's Pres- public toward public affairs. byterian Church. Other mninis- Mn. Kinkland was discussing ters made nefenence te the wonk the bistery of France f nom 1789 of the society in their various ta 1870 in wbich the form of gov- churches. err=ent changed no less than The annual meeting was open- seven times, and included nepub- ed witb prayer by Rev. W. P. i cs, ripnarchies and empires. Rogers. A brie! addness. 0utlin- Were you to ask the average ing some of the splendid work o!f emnhwln h ena the Society, was delivened by Rev. Empire would have lasted, jusi Mn. Alînuit. The ineasurers ne- before the Great War, he would port nevealed that local donations have said for a lifetime, but in sent through ta the Ontario Sa- 1918 that Empire collapsed, Mn. cieiy ioialled $7200 and with Kirkland said. If in 1914 one had other donations from Bowmar- asked a Russiar how long the ville sent direct the totikl for the Czarist regime would last, again 'year was $105. the answen would have been for On the motion of Rev. w. F. mary yeans, but in 1917 that Banister and Rev. S. Davison, 'fonm o! goverrment had given Mn. Murell was appointed official way te Communism. I canvassen for the Society in Bow- If we wish to continue oun manville. Mn. MurelI wiU cer- preseni form bf democnatic gev- mence at once bis canvass of the errmert it behoaves every one o! town. and it is haped that he will us te take an irteresi in the civic be received with kindress and and national affaira of Our coun- generosity by tbe citizens. The try, the speaker said. wonk of the Canadian Society bas Mn. Kinkards address.went on been cansidenably impained bY ta deal with the inrd i v id ua falling revenues ir depression changes in French goverriment years, but a wien interesi in the up until the present time, his ad- work o! spneading the gospel by dreas covering that period a! his- means o! the Bible in a 1000 tory pictured in the motion pic- larguages and dialecta is being turc "The Lif e o! Emile Zola" noied. which is a current movie sensa- A nesolutior o! appreciation to1 tion. Rev. F. B. Alînuti for bis services 1Mr. Kinkland was iniroduced a! the day, t.o the officers o! the by Lion Joe O'Neill, and Lion Al- local aociety, and ta the callec- lan Knîght expnessed the club's ions was unanimausly passed. thanka. A resolution providing The benediction was pranounced by Mn. Alînuti. While in towr Mn. Alînut w FIRST INSTALMENT guesi o! Rev. C. R. Spencer ai the Rectory and Rev. W. F. Ban- J (j ister ai St. Pauls Manse. Ù... III I1 Iil P PASTOR US NAMED HEAD 0F COLLEGE Mary ctzens o! Bawrnanville will be inierested in the an- nouncement that Rev. Dr. George Kiipatrick o! Hamilton bas been chosen Principal o! United Thea- logical College, Montreal. Tue 49-yean-old former wan chaplain was selected unanimausly by the Senate and the Board o! the Col- lege. Dr. Kilpatnick succeeds Dr. James Smyth, Principal o! the in- stitution for iwenty-six years. Dr. Smyth resigned recently toacacepi a caîl ta a cburch in Belfast, Ire- lard. The new college head, a son o! the late Prof essor Kilpatrick o! Knox Callege in Toronto, is an Arts graduate o! the University o! Toronto. He compleited his theology course ai New College. Edinburg. During the war. he was aven- seas wiih the 42nd Highlanders. On bis retu.rn, lie went te St. Andrew's Church ai Ottawa. A!- ter church union, he was associai- ed wih Cbaimer's Chuncb in the Capital. Elgbt years ago Dr. KiU- patrick wenite Meirose United Churcb, Harnilton, and be bas been ibene since. Dr. Kllpatrlck, who is a per- sonal friend o! Mayor W. R. Strike, bas addressed the local Rotary Club on sevenal occasions and eaeh urne bas delighted bis audience with bis wlt and wls- dom. 0,IV% .4 V i 4 Iic-50( Coiitiietcitq i ttis issue T/te Statesmiaîr presclîts a neu' seriol story by a popular aut/:or, "C/tlo's Christmas Garail," by' Pt'ggy Dern. Titis u'riter is t/te author of suc/t popular nrovels as "Love in tteSprittqttîne, Love is Always %*cze"'antd "Cottage Colo;n3y." It is a story of a 0tic h girl zw/to /earned to bc tuntau despite lier 7cealt/t. If is a stary t/lot zwiIl grip front t/te openùtng paragrap/t until t/te contclusion of its t/trifty c/tapters. Dot't mniss a single ttstalltncnt. S t a r t "C/t /v's Chtristmtas Carol" today, and look for it cap/t weck in T/te .S'ttsntan. C/tapter I Aunt Jane looked up from bier book and said comfortably, "You look ver3y sweet, my dean-have a îîice titne 1" Chloe, poised for f ligbt in the doorway. the chiffon skirts of bier fucbsia-colored frock billowing above lier high-heeled silver strapped san- dais, a silly littie bip length crmime jacket slipping from bier shouldens that w'ere delectably smooth and creatny, winkled bier white nase dis- dainfully and said darkly, '1l have a pcrfectly paisanaus tume and you darned well know it 1" Public Affairs 1 Dictatorship S VALEDICTORIAN Miss Betty Knox Daughter of Mn. and Mra. J. R. IXnox, Hampton, and one o! the outatanding studentsata Bow- manville High School in recent years, will deliven the valedîctony addneas ai the Commencement Exercises tonigbt and Friday. for the expenditune cf $500 in the Men's Ward ai the Hospital was approved, and new gatcb frame beds, and other modern equip- ment will be instailed. Arciben feature of the meet- ing was the installation o! two new members, Dr. Hart Manning of Oronio, and J. R. Reynolds o! Hampton. They wenc introduced te the Club by Lion Alex McGre- gar, chairman o! the membenship committee. Vice-Presideni W. F. Banisten read the objecta o! the Club and presented the constitui- tiers, and Vice-Presideni George Davidge nead the code of ethics and presented the badges. The new members were formally wel- comed te the Club by Presidert Eveneti Hoar. A guest of the club was Hanry Follick a! the Ontario Training Scbcol staff. The Club decided to attend the meeting 0f the Whitby Lions Club on December 7 in a body and ta provide the prognam. Howv dearly we pay for the things we get for notbing. Clarke Township Youth is Crowned Public Speaking Championof, the District Raymond Gilmour, Last Week Acclaimed Durham Champion Wins 'District Titîe at Brighton - WiIU Compete in Provincial Finals is Far Ahead Lion, Television îer Telis Club Finds OId Land in Very - Numbers of Unemploy- iing Hie Finds STORES REMAIN OPEN DURING DECEIMER A. bas béeen the customn for several years, Bownianville stores will remain open on Wednesday afternoons during the month of December. Cern- mencing next Wednesday this wiil be effective. This special arrangement is made by the merchants to, pfovide adiled shopping time for Christmas gift buyers. Incldentaliy, In the Christmas Number of The Statesman next week, the merchants wiIl tell the story of the preparations they have made to stock the Iargest showing of Christmas mer- chandise since pre-depression days. LOCAL VETERANS HAVE NO UNTEREST IN TRANSIENTS Numerous complaints f r o m Bowmarville, Newcastle and Or- ono bave been made te the local Brancb of the Canadian Legion in regard te inansient collectons o! waste paper and junk calling fram bouse ta house calling themiselves veteran organization representa- tives. The genenal impressian made on those solicited la that the local Canadian Legion benefits from the contributions made. This is not the case. The local Branch o! the Canadian Legion bas no in- teresi and does not benefit in any manner fram these transients. A few weeks ago the local Le- gian were fotunate in baving the Women's Institute o! Onono pro- duce in Bowmanville an operetta "The, Sun Bonnet Girl," a splen- did performance demonsiraiing the bigh quality cf talent in On- ana community. A naminal ad- mission price was made. The lo- cal Bnancb o! the Legien bad a financial loss on the production chue in part te the faci that vet- eran calleciors had been in iawn during the week and ticket sellers wene told "We bave had the vet- erans collecting several urnes ibis week." The local Bnanch of the Cana- dian Legion bas ne iniereat in oui o! town collectars on vetenan salesmen offering calendars or othen producta for sale. It might also be well for citizens to be sure these bouse ta bouse canvassera are vetenans before doing business wiih them. Mrs. Mina Colwell is visiting ber sister, Mrs. A. Bradley, and othen relatives ai Bard Head, Ont. 0 F THE CANADIAN STATESMIAN SERIAL STORY r i s tttt a, By Peggy DernÉ Att Jatie looked up in sbocked reprol. 'Cbloe !' sbe protestcd. 'How cati voit be so ungracins? This party is beittg giveil in your hoor Chube ruade a littie impatient ges- turc, lber lovelv face dlark anid mutin- MIS, lier eVes stormny. -011, 1ktîow. Auiitt lite-l ktîow. Ev-crv-body,'s bcing verv tîice ta ime aînd aIl tbiat--otil%.l't so dartied burcd! It ail semnis so piffling atid ,illv, su sinall-towii. I'm sorry, but il fie~s !" she burst outi impulsivelv. .\tînt Jaies gray eyes were a little chliIId atid lier nialîner ivas stiff. -You are a vers' badly spoiled ittle ,,til) Cbloe Sargent," slie stated cold- l.v. "I tlîink yaur father should be aslîaned of biniseif for sending you North to lie educated, where you could acquire A these silly ideas abouît things and people. If yau had stayed here iii Oakton as I wanted you ta do-"2 "Within sigbt and sourd of the Sargenit Textile Milis, which will sanie day be mine and which mark Oaktoii's chief excuse for existence -sure I know, darling," said Chloe. "I've been away three years and that mnakes ine a "furriner" - and unless I bebiave myseif. people won't like nie. Darling, I know al the things yau are gaing to say-you've said tbeni before. Remnember? I'm sorry, MELBOURNE WIGHT CHOSEN RECEIVER Melbourne J. Wight, well known Darlington farmer and Liberal- party worken, has been appointed Official Re- ceiver unden the Farmers' Creditors Arrangement Act for the County of Durhamn, acconding to an announce- ment from Ottawa. Mn. Wight, a son of the late Jos- epb Wight. Providence, suc- ceeda Cecil G. Mercer. necent- ly elected member of the Leg- islature for Durham. T h e Farmers' Creditors Arrange- ment Act was passed by the Bennett Governmen.t, as a means of helping farmers burdened witb ieavy mort- gage liabilities. Ex-M a yor Milton J. Ellioti, a Conserva- tive appointee, was the firsi receiver for Durham. With the adveni of the King Gov- ernment Mn. Mercer was ap- pointed in place o! Mr. El- liott. MRS. W. A. SHANE US GUEST 0F HONOR AT AFTERNOON TEA Mrs. D. R. Morrison and Mms John Spencer Entertain for Wlfe of Chief Engineer of Radio Station CRCT Mrs. D. R. Mornison and Mrs. John. Spencer were joint hostesses on Saturday ai a tea given in honour of Mrs. W. A. Shane at "Dundurn," the home of Mrs. Spencer. Mrs. Shane moved ber husband to Oakville on Mon- day whene they will live as Mn. Shane takes over as chief engin- eer of the new C. B. C. radio sta- tion ai Hornby. Tea was served in the Uibnary. which was gay witb lovely yellow and Pink chrysanthemuma and yellow tapera. Fifiy aitended the happy event and witnessed the presentation of a fine silver tray to Mrs. Shane on bebalf of ber frienda in Bowmanville. Mns. B. E. Ingliam read the complimen- tary address, and Mrs. John Spen- cer made the presentation. Mrs* A. 0. Thompson poured tea and tea assistanta were Mrs. Geo. E. Chase. Mns. C. E. Rebden. Mrs. C. Gordon Morris and Mrs. J. O'Neill. ROTARY SPEAKER 1-11 try ta be inice." Slie lung lber arns about ber aunt Rev. W. R. Tanton anîd lugged ber childîshly, dropping Miniater o! Simcoe Si. United a ligbt kiss on AuttJate's plump, Church. Oshawa, wbo in an ad- utîiliiied face and Autît jaie put ail dress ai the Rotary Club on Fr1- arn about the young. cager body day told of the even decneasing aînd siglîcd. "Ijf otîly you werei",t sa pretty, unemployment in Great Bitain she siîîiled. "Thene are tumes when I where ýhe claima transportation y'ear r ta spark >ou. It should have and television are fan abead o! beetî done long ago . Are you stili this continent. planintg ta spend Christmas with ____________ your f iends ini Bermuda, Cbloe?" "But of course, darlitîg. Nl H AYOiC U L sbould I change tny miniuitî o1w? tH Y NC U L isir't every girl, I can tell you. who ARE 55 YEARS WED gels ail 'invite' for a mlorjth's cruise______ in the South aboard the Pearsaîl's On Tuesday, November 23, a yacht!1 1 wouldn't miss it for liappy gathenlng assembled ai the wold's," she answered, hotîestly sur- home o! Mn. and Mrs. David Gra- prised that lier aunt sbould ask sucli ham, Haydon, ta assisi in celc- a question. brating the 55th wedding anni- There wvas tbe baresi nmomenit of versary o! ibis woriby couple. biesitatior before Aunt Jane said Af ten a Jolly social urne an ex- carefully, "Il wiIl be lonely hene cellent supper was served, and without y'ou, dear. Your father coutil- good wishes wene extended that cd on lîaving y'ou liere for Christ- they may be spared te, join in mas," she said gently, and Clîloe's many other events in the future. face altered a little, a faintîy stub- Among those present wene: Mn. born iune etching itself about ber and Mrs. Norman Hall and Mr. maouth ai the tonc. and Mns. John Graham, Oshawa, Chlae cut in swiftly before ber Mn. and Mns. Leslie Graham, aunt could say any more. Haydon, and Mrs. Hilda Cross- "Now please. Aunt Jane, don't try man wbo bas been a very faith- ta make me f cel that it would mnake fui and attentive daughten te her (Turn ta Page 10, Please) parents. BOYS' CONCLAVE IN NEWCASTLE THIS SATURDAY Prominent Ontario Boys' Workers To Speak-Discussion Groups, Banquet and Gantes Period Are Features A conclave of boys o! West Durham is scheduled to be held in Newcastle on Saturday, Nov. 27th, when boys f rom ahl over the district are expected to rally ai the United Church for afternoon and evening sessions. Prom 2 p. m. to 2.30 p.m. the urne will be given over to registration, for whlch 25c is charged. This sum takes care of the cost of supper. At 2.30 p.m. Wilbun Howard, well known negro boy worken, will lead in commumity singing, and Rev. Samuel MacLean of Newcastle will extend the offcial welcome. Fol- lowing a talk by Mn. Howard. dis- cussion groups will be formed with Rev. E. Beech in charge of Voca- tions, Rev. W. P. Rogers in charge of Athletics, Rev. W. C. Smith in charge of Temperance, Rev. W. F. Banister in charge of Leisure Tîme, and Rev. A. W. March in charge of Boy and Social Rela- tionships. At 4 o'clock the sum- ming Up of group discussions will be handled by E. R. McLýean. At 4.30 p.m. a perlod of gaines will get under way, and at 6 o'clock ,supper will be held with Rev. Eugene Beech as chairman, E. R. McLean as guest speaker, Wilbur Howard as song leader. Trophies will be presented and the candi- dates in the forthcomning election will speak. VETERANS RALLY ON DECEMBER 2 A district rally of war veterans ai the Legion Hall at Oshawa is being arranged for Thursday, December 2nd, and ail veterans of this district, whethep or flot they are members of the Legion, are invited. The arrangménts for the rally are in charge of W. P. Ward of Bowmanville, Comimand- er of Zone No. 23 of the Leglon. The program wiUl take the forin of a smoker and among those planning to attend are Col. H. R.. Alley, 03B.E., Provincial Presi- dent of the Leglon, Capi. Pair- weather. of Poppy Committee, and Capi. Robinson of the Veter- ans Bureau. Col. L. T. McLaugh- lin of Bowmanvii.le will relate bis impressions of the ga.ingof German and Empire vetermAË~.x Germany this pasi summer. The meeting is arranged so that local veterans will have an opportun- ity to personally meet the Legion President, and also to discuas any problems with Capi. Robinson. Refreshments will be served. BALL CLUB MEETS Members 0f the Bowrnanville Basebali Club, together with play- ers and aIl interested parties, are invited te attend the meeting of the Club at the Bowman House Hotel to-night (Thuraday) at 8 Beautification of Church Pre- mises Carried Out by Old Boy Whose Previous Benefaction have been Numerous Tlie nexi turne you are motor- ing through Enniakillen slacken your speed or betier attill stop at the chuncb and see the wonderful improvemenîs made te the grounds surrounding the united Cburch there. That commendable urge te do aometbinig more for bis native village te, keep it at- inactive and modern bas again gripped that genial person, Mr. H. Wilbur Hutchinson o! Winni- peg, Man. For we learn that ai- ter attending the Durham Old Boys Reunion here in Auguat ibis gentleman lnstructed the Wom- en's Association o! Enniallen Church ta beau-tify the church- surnoundingsanad serd hlm the bill. Thswsdore, A. S. Baker, F--- ,landscape architeot and gardener, Bowmanvllle, was en- gaged and the worc was complet- ed lasi week to t-he entire satis- faction o! ail who have seen it. Firsi a stone curb was built anound the entire church wlth the ground terraced for a distance of 12 feet. This was dore to over- corne the annual sprlng flood o! water going ia i he basemeni. Flowering shrubs tulips and flow- er bed'bave been planied ai the front entrance toilte churcb, sbruba ,lanted on the north, aide and shade trees and othera ta bide the undeairable view ai the South end. A much needed park- ing spaee for cars bas been buli on the lot nanih o! the churcb. This will èliminâte the bazard o! leavlng autos on the roadslde in front o! the church wbere the ever increaslng traffic on the hlgbway lkas made ibis practice dangerous to 111e and property. Wouldn't it be a grand thlng if other churches In Durham Coun- ty would follow this lead set by Ennskllen and beautl!y their surroundlngs. But you ask, who is going te, be the Santa Claus as ihere are toc, few who exemplify the real Joy o! givlng auch as Mn. Hutchinson bas se often shown. Circulation 3000 This Issue Raymond Gilmoun, D u n h a m County oratorical champion and nepresentative fnom C ro0k e d Creek, won firsi pnize in the ona- tory contesi held Friday evening at Brighton under the auspices of District Ratepayers and Trustees Association. Five speakers wbo wene wininers of thein respective county contesta entered. Raymond won the honours with his short address, "Sport on the Fanm." and showed great ability in the art o! onatory. He outlin- ed an ideal comrnunity i which the farmer and bis sons hurried with thein work or else took time offQto take part in aporta in both ilS summer and winter. intimai- ing that ibis would aid in keeping the boys on the f arms. He closed by urging ail to take more inter- est in sports. Second prize was awarded Reta Turpin o! Northumberland Coun- ty, speaking on "My Wild Insect Collection," and third pnize went ta Prince Edward County. This is only the second urne Durham County had a representative in the contesi and great credit is due the winnen A silver cup was awarded him.- Finals of the pro- vincial contest will be held ai the O.E.A. ati us meeting in Toronto nexi spning and by bis victony Gilmour is entitled to be a con- testant. - "'-4 Wïlbur Hutchinson, a Native of Enniskillen is Church Benefactor enna i,.an ý -- wj inan More Circulation News and Advertising Than Any Other Durhami County Newspaper

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