PAGE FIVE TT.TTTVcn.~V ~ ~T1-T 1O~ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO uchdown in the second quarter, noon w-as in chargc of Mrs. Laac Roîh NlcKes~ock. Devotional 5tory Hardy who gave a chapter from the wa~ given hv Miss Ileco Balsun and ped a 15 yard pass toW'smnL ~~l B u e t ville and that wortby ga.loped the,,ua.I n remaining 55 Yards for a toucli Ad y eso EBobon down and this Put the Red teamn back in the battle.E ____ ticiencyth S PR ES Orillia wsundanedhw-B Several times thîs week we have h S P ' Wever and bfore the hall score Dbeen ak t which teaw U Bý0WMANV1LLE JRS. quarter via a sleeper f orward. f orward which nabled Gaudaur toC..T ckviean rklwdo' ARE ELIMINATED Bowmanville made their fîxat I lo!nThesnle ta the desoead- oldhv ee uhstogr ,NR G Y E ISscore in the second period on a[ at 8 to 5. ysgt adocurehs fml we à I RU B E ISfradto Wiseman and a lateral* The second bal! had liardly got Speiolist not o! any noticeable help to the 0' to Colvîlle and in the third ses-ude a Ie Bowmanville B .S as.a Orillia *6ps Bownianville Bld For sion they put on a concerted 75-un1 j ~.Disney Bd.-va C.O.S.S.A. Junior Title at yadmrhfrte -codfie1Ps in tlie backf ield went astray Bd.v 0 point count. and only recovered on (OPP. P. O.) Owen Fagan the best defensiveH VitoiaCllgepon cun.the enemy 40 yard strip but theY Oshawa, Phone 1516 man on the team and about the th pf l1Oluning power iga t mpe ftheirut- e see !te ad0 ya Nr aeraî only player w*o lias shown an ne Boy, ille High Schooî rugby Oriiia showed ita mpe theiut-uled v eepo te 3 andt. oten___ suad rd iahercalegefrI eeori cnael enNmbr~ability to break tlirougli and stop "i the COS.SA. Junior champion-tIo25 yards ntfour plays they made heave crossed the line with ease. a play behind the other team'sh lien they bowed befo ad s- adarcohetd'il apac- All authorities agree and the ine, got involved in a slight ac B< feup W rth daur kicked over the lne, Mason!,ment. tcdnwhhke imaayn-h olr1 on n itraCl eîng rpefoarog.S rt Asithscndeidodd a scîentific examînation o! the tirely. Bill Brown took his place O cun o Vctri Cllgely after Bowmianville had gained this major score seemn to inspire eye is absolutely necessary to a and while lie played very accept- grounds in Toronto on Saturday about 15 yards on an excliange tlie trailing Bowmanvillites who prprcretoM!isdfcs bl.h isnihrtesz o of kicks and a nice runback by -vr o okn up f rom the Eyes can not be fitted at a bar- experience o! Fagan. Undoubted- to Athougli the B. H. S. team1 Mason, but the advantage more bottomn end o! a 14 to 5 score.gancutrobymi.nth l Fanwld av sope t sliweda orevesatleattack. than disappeared as the bali Beginning at their ovin 25 yard iteetoleattsperv- some o! those piledriving plunges a tliey were also erratic and their1 eluded the B. H. S. quarterback nmark, tliey crashed their way ton and efflciency, we should o! Orillia.n mistakes were ahi costly. Twelve! when lie was tackled. Mr. Gau- dow,%n the field to a touchdown. realize what liealth means. n of the winners' Points camne as a daur, wlio is a tiny fellow o! about It took fourteen plays wth Sandy Tissues of the body to be effi- Then too. if, and yhat a bfg if tl result o! Bowmanvilbe fumbles. six feet tliree inclies. promptly Colville carrying the bail on eight cient depend upon the observance it is. Bowmanville liadn't !umb- It But the Oriflia crew was full booted another point. occas.ons and Ticker Crombie o -elw fhalh hnwr e a rtcltmstig ih 1 value for its victory. Featuring That was alI the scoring in the 'four.- These two boys made about o!t theylawst o! healt;wen wpornhale at c ritil iethings mih( th lngkikig ! auau. bo~ rs qarter. wthOrillia having 1'5 f theth85 yards as tbey wentotte Utb elcd.poe aebe eydff erbilBu 4 thlon exceding the pluing e, frqu neg nth l aah truhtehls ty w e zrest periods are therefore essen- Mason, the biggest offne a aloeceld nth lugnýed,1qu a d gei teplyaste.houh hoe hh thir tial. Defects should be remedied not made one fumble throughout the Northerners seldorn made a1 rubber lads seemed unable to get bard working linemen were open- so that energy will not be wasted the season up to this game. Why mistake and while their offensive going. In the second period. Ma- ing. With about twenty yards to tlirbugh improper functioning or do those things have to corne at S consisted mainly of drives thro' son, who alI told had a rather bad go and f ive yards needd to move strain. Lowered vitality througli such times? t the line, tbey threw just enough day o! it. tried to make a shoe- 1 the sticks on a third down, Mas'fl wasted energy lays the body open- forwards to keep Bowmanville on string catch o! Gaudaur's 10wi tossed a pass to Mcllveen who toifcinaddsae on yps efracS( edge. Tbey also made many hoof and the bail took a weird reaclied Out over tbe sideline to The degree in which aur health Bowmanvilie did not play their S Yards on tlieir plunges. hop away f rom him. An Orillian pullit In. This lef t tliem .ust smaue dpnsuo urbtonSudy.eew a o i Each team scored two touch- felI on it and the score was .7 to f ive y ards* short of the goal-line oseasurdc epo endh as, u pon obetofn Sauay Depeas us not, downs. Orillia got the irst onenil. This bit o! bad luck seemed ad !er aplunge liad gained igobsevacoe ient s, excpt-hoWimn asd w eil as sual ndtb when a kick bounced away from to rouse the Bowmanvifle team little. an end run shot Depew out hing o orse accidens, ood Wiemn ind Mi cn ere nt, Mason on the goal-line, a Blue f rom their so-so playlng and they into the open and lie crossed the lith, oore iealtb, pon r ess akling inthle irB. accu.stomedb and White sweatered player drop- immediatey turned in the best ibri e standing up. thereforentdepe upon proper dreadly posiltle B.H S. s hwed Ping on the baIl. Tbey also scor- 'o! action o! the garrie. From lis In the final stanza. the nou exrsen proper rest, prowop reterpssbititis tlan d theiry ed a spectacular major in third own thirty yard line, Mason flip- riding Orillians held off the oig h eercs poernatrei fol in opots, ut Oit lia rd gtavsa ___________________________________________desperate Bowmanville sorties and (to be continued) pulled out o! the bag if they had4 ~found time to add one point ta _________ been liard pressed. As At was they their total. ,dsreterwnsnete ly Orillia - Flying wing, J. Mc-deretirwnicehypa- Keown: lialves, Woods, Devine.B W ANVILLE A D dhesu baltoughout and4 R. Sctt; nap.ook full advantage o! the breaks. Gaudaur; quarter, R.Sot n P. ORT HOPE CLUBS For the !irst time since their op- Peacock: insides. B. MeGill and I P. Kehoe. middles. E. Moore and TIED I CONTES. ening joust with Lindsay, Dame * d IN fickle Fortune deserted the ranlcs -o Keboe; outsides, B. MVcKeown o h omnilts rli m m~ ~~ln McKeisli; subs. Crockford, H. First of Series of Badmntonlmd us smn umlsa h HopeÀ Ist Wean lo! s tthey renvered as. but ___ ~~~~McLean and McLaughlin. HpLatWeon adBwanville only nab- Brown, halves, Crombie, Depew. The Port Hope Garrîson Bad- e n and that at a boss o! *£and Colville; quarter, Mason; minton Club bogan its first series ten yards.t C U E F L SA E snap. James; insides, Casbourne o! out-of-town games in a match 1usadn o h ubr and Crawford; middles, Morden with Bowmanville Club Thursday town crew was uuggan Mellveen. I g g j ~and Riekard; outsides. Wiseman night at the Port Hope Armouries.Wielsdwfedakecuci and Menlveen: subs, J. Gorinan, The events were closely contest- 1ng l is been boterli e cmbined A Y L N4 F. R FO ~~~~C. Gorman, Elliott. Cole, Jack- ed and resulted in a tie *as fol- igbsbe etr ecmie man, Hoar. lows, with the Port Hope players with Riekard to open many a hole mentioned first: for Crombie and wlien he swtch- These values effective Nov. 22nd to 27th_________ ed with Brown in the second hlai Women's Doubles lis work in tbe backfield was ST. PAUL'S CLUB Miss Davidson and Miss Peggy meritarious. Ayler hoce uahty Hale Sqo. TORONTO, DEFEATS Scott defeated by Mrs. L. W. Dip- P Tins '2q peIl and Miss Piokard. 15-12, 15-9. Following closely on Mcllveen's EA R S Sliced Tn LOCAL NET STARS Miss Fox and Miss McBride de- .îeels were Colville and Crombie. Aylmer Choice Quality White fEated by Mrs. D. Smnitli and Mrs. Eacli gained ground consistently No. '2 or Tins WiWnnîng practically ail o! the E. L. Oliver, 13-18. 15-9, 15-12. on sallies through the line and it CORN 16-oz. Tins 2 ladies' doubles and dividing the Miss Armstrong and Miss A. was their plunging that kept Aylmer Choice Quality other events almost equally, St. Armstrong de! eated Mrs. M. Bres- Bowmanville in the gamne in the IMMa - .. M7-z Paul's Badminton Club, Toronto, lin and Miss B. Bagnell, 15-12, early stages. XT_ 0-- 190 1 Ai-pi.t- he oca-wl cluib Saturday 10-15, 15-13. PELAU No. 4 bieve jkTins .*J& 7 Aylmer Choice Quality Whole 26-oz. TOMATOIEs Tins .2 Aylmer Choice Quality GoldenNo2 WAX BEANS 2 Tins.2 B.,down or Beehive Corns No. 2 NO.5 nsyRaUP Tin IL6Tin 5*3 Chase & Sanhorn atd1-b COFFEE Dtd -b. .36 Australian Sultana, RAISINS - - 2 îs..25 CANDIED HOT OXOI E THE FAMILY DRINKP Lemon or Orange QflQ Bulk Rolled lTINS of 4 TINS Of n O AT S was the first major to be count-1 d against Bowmaflville since the . i>ening league game in Lindsay.1 lwmanville also lost that game. ,iggest fault to find was against he line who seldom charged1 heir opponents. And it was a LcCessful sleeper. one of Bow-1 anville's favourite plays that wouglit about their downfe.Il. ~Andig abftecupsto thre mat )flubye playe on bth the tSe Lr adnorshequas anthens îaue gbyneo behtSedn-h or anutuenioetl-iey faid to ,i he Cos aceto eheldJuniors ae gonue.f arhethn fay dote ownve Jun iortleamteuorso ýat matter, a Senior teamn. switching to hockey for a few minutes. Will aIl those who wish ttry out for the Junior Hockey Lam. please get in touch wîth Mo Breslin and leave your name and phone number so lie can .otify You o! the first practice. If this cold streak stays with us their may be a practice this week. t is Breslin's intention to hold two workouts each week. one two- hour session in Orono, and a onel- hour practice at Oshawa. Swanky new sweaters a n d ,tockings are on the way for the team, and with most of last year's squad available. the club hopes to make a better showing. And ;o. while the town wvill again be .epresented bY a team, local fans will have to leave town for their hockey entertainment and the team will neyer be able to show before a home town crowd. Oh well, who knows, we may have a new rink bY the year 2000! qý-4 SOLUNA Miss Nora W'erry, Kedron. at lier brother's, M.\r. 'S. E. WVerrv. Dr. and Mrs. 1J. B. Revnolds. Port Hope, at Mr. Thos. Baker's. Mr. jack Thompson, St. M-\arys, at his uncle's. '.\r. A. J. Balson's. Miss Heleni Baker in Toronto. Mrs. John Penfoiind has returned to Oshawa after spending the soim- mner w-ith 'Nr. NV. T. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Elliott and Mary. Oshiawa, at MIrs. R. J. c Kessock's. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hodgson and Gladys, Tvrone, at '.\r. jack Vel- lowlees'. Miss Muriel Baker, Nicholî's Hos- pital. Peterboro. spent the xveekend at homne. Nirs. Robert Armistrong. Niaple Grove, Miss Ruth Armstrong, R.N., Western Hospital, Toronto,. Mr. Geo. Ross.,Nlortlacli. Sask., xvere Siunda% gu ests at 'Nr. B. G. Stevens' Mrs. S. E. \Verrv vas ini Toronto as delegate to the Central WV. 1. Con- vention at Roval York Hotel. nrçrinStnrlv atr- '9 As St..25pauois tfrtoTo-9. mold defaedby aMrs.rW.R. We rli crdterfrt '\ii)ir rgai wcyair ronto organization to visit here Strike and Miss V. File, 15-10, this year. a large group of spec- - -1 tators crowded the upper club Men's Doubles room,' where they watched the ex- Hrio n avydfae c;ting matches in coxfort and Ha1SnadHavYdfae warmth. while on the courts the Flaxmnan and Flaxmanl, 15-11, heat had been shut off and the 15-13. players could play and ;till re- T. Long and Henry defeated mainf aily col.Callaglian and Oliver. 15-4, 15-10. Resuits were as follows:Brcebyan Bacnuy Ladies' Doubles: Griffiths and defeated by James and Strike, ClmtsdeetdDippell and 1-10, 15-8. I Jaemets. two ames:Srieer and H. M. Ryan and H. R. S. Ryan L RJanes ae Sith n lvedefeated by Edmunds and Sisson, two games; Caldecott and Moon- 1-5 58 56 ey defeNted Pickard and File, two Mixed Doubles games; Clemes and Leach de- Harrison and Miss Fox defeated feated Nanson and ThOmPson. by James and Miss Bagnell, 15- two games; Tomlinson and Wor- 10, 4-15, 15-11. £5 sley defeated Goddard and Dowfl- Harvey and Miss Davidson de- ey. two out of three games. feated 0. Flaxman and Mrs. Dip- Men's Doubles: Caldecott and peU., 18-15, 15-10. Tomlinsofl were defeated by T. Long and Miss McBride de- James and Osborne, two games; feated E. Flaxmnan and Mrs. Little and Lunt were defeated bY Smith, 15-10, 15-7. Flaxman brothers, two out of Henry and E. Armstrong de- three games; Gore and Tucker feated Callaghan and Mrs. Oliver, were defeated by Oliver and Cal- 15-8, 15-12. laghan, two out o! three games; J. Brackenbury and A. Arm- Clemes and Higgs were defeated strong defeated Strike and Miss three; Griffths and Cooling de- G. Brackenbury and Mrs. Brac- feated Dippeil and Sisson, two kenbury defeated by Oliver and games. Mrs. Strike, 15-12, 15-12. Mixed Doubles: Little and Ryan H. R. S. Ryan and Miss Scott lost to Dippell and Osborne, two defeated Edmunds and Miss File. gaines; Caldecott and Clemett 15-12. 6-15, 15-13. lost to James and James, two H. M. Ryan and Mrs. Diamond games; Tueker and Scrivener won defeated by Sisson and Mrs. Bres- from Thompson and Flaxman, lin, 15-12, 12-15, 15-8,. two games; Mr. and Mrs. Tonilin- Coffee was served at the con- son split one game each with clusion o! the games, and men- Smith and Flaxmnan; Higgs and tion was made of a return match...... Griffiths split one game each with in Bowmianville at an early date. Oliver and Brough; Griffiths and _________ Caldecott lost to Nanson and Cal- laghan. two games; Gore arnd DURHAM PLACED Mooney defeated Goddard and Oliver, two games; Lunt and ýFOURTH ATr FAIR Leach defeated File and Strike. two games; Cooling and Worsley Harry Kennedy, Cavan, Wins loat to Pickaxd and Sisson, two Stonehouse Memoria Trophy games; Clemes and Clemes de- At Royal Wlnter Fair f eated Downey and Dippell, two GrvieCnywothbys j Following the games lunch was liveStock judging competition at served to players and visitors. ýhe Royal Winter Fair on Tues- Novembe 16. Duham1 'on- TIhe GIow 0F Healtli OUR GIFT TO YOU It 's Gif t Time and there 's no finer gift than good heaith - Treat yourseif to better heaith by drinking more Gien Rae MIlk. It 's absoiuteiy pure - It cornes from Beiected Herds, ail Government Inspected. A spotiessiy cean Dairy assures you of fresh, pure, dlean milk daily. Phone 2665 Peterboro, winners successively in 1935 and 1936, was seventli. Thirty-seven teamis competed. the largest number o! boys' teams in the history o! the Royal. Leeds county won second lionour, and Prince Edward third. Harry Kennedy of Cavan. a member o! the Durham team. scored the highest marks in the judging o! dairy cattle, winniflg the E. H. Stonehouse memorial trophy, and lie ranked third in the individual honours of the en- tire competition. The distinction o! winning higliest individual honora in the aggregate for al classes o! livestock judged went to William Burchell o! Speiicer- ville in Grenvile county. Bruce Graham of Asphodel attained seventli place in the general It's the tal standing. Both lie and Harry Kennedy o! Cavan made a fine Philco Ca sliowing in the exceptional strong Sounding1 contest in which il11 boys froîn al parts o! the province took pa':t. -Tone Conti Grenville's team won the premier ing Systeni honours for that county's !irst îuîyfg time. fuyfgi "Rake the furnace, Poe25 Chop the wood- Poe25 Thus doth wlnter OF Keep us good." [k: of the town! Inciined Control Panel, Dne-Centric Automatic Tuning, Inciined Board, Concert Grand Speaker, 4-Point troi, Philco Foreign Tun- , 2 Tuning Ranges, Beau- $1 6950 ared Wainut Cabinet,- Stiodv Book<: Master Clifford ,Mil- I Niî-s Jean 1.cach led in praver. 'Mr. ler gave a recitation and Mu riel and'in,îo I )el hjav e an 10h resting topiç Jack, Smith sang a duet. A\t the 'ii t1w nirf teaiche(r training class- church service ReMý. NV. l.ackhian c- : \ii-.- Gh«i Ycliowiees gave a preachied ati excellent sermion and i? -1 and Mî- veli Tink a Misses Pearl Lcach, Gladi~ eiw edo.Nr Vie icbr a less, Kathleeni Baker and Verna Mill- chiarge of itue recation whiich wvas sont favored with a vocal quartet. l a pcture nmng cnîetC No0 meet- Yoiong People's meeting Mondav 1e nuiexi NI nrla iht asounr Un- evening %vas iii charge of Presidenit 1 ion viýit. Fnfield Tihor>Aa%- niglit. Choose frorn Twenty Splendid New Phicos.- Battery Operated or$3.5u All Eiectric$3 95 p sure greatest f oreign receptioli W. J.CRALLIS $7.00 Bowiaflville Early Winter Sale 0f Fine Groceries and Christmas Baking Supplies Do Your Christmas Baking New! New Pitted Dates ..................... 2 lbs. 23e RECLEANED CURRANTS................-------------------2 lb. 25e LEMON or ORANGE PEEL ----- ------------ ------ lb. 15e FINEST COOKING RICE ------------------------------- ----3 lbs. 23c CUT 319XED PEEL ------------------- ----------- lb. 15e GLACE CHERRIES, Red or Green - ---------------- l b. 12o Chocelate Mallow Biscuits ................... 2 lbs. 29e LEXIA RAISINS, with seeds....................-------------2 lbs. 25e AUSTRALIAN SEEDE» LEXIAS, 16 oz. pkg.-------- each 17e IVORY FLAKES -------------------SmaU 10e, Large 23e CHOW SAUCE ..----------------------------- per bottle 10e Falcon, Flnest Quality Mincemeat ................. 2 lbs. 23e BABY CHEDDAR CHEESE------------------------- lb. 25e WHEEN'S CAIWOLIC .-------- -------------------3 bars 14e ÉLUE BELL COFFEE, ils---------------------------------- per lb. 25e VITONE -------- ------------- SmaUl 27c, Med. 47c, Large 87c SUPREME CHOCOLNTE BUDS --------------------------- lb. 13e CROWN SYRUP, 2's............................t------------------ n 18e Meaty New Prunes.. med. 2 bs. 19c - ge. 2lbs. 21c NEW COOKING FIGS ------------ ------------------2 lbS. 25e ROMAN MEAL ---------------------------------- pkg. 32e CANADA CORNSTARCH-----------------------------------e-. h 25elo ROLLED WHEAT, bags ---------------------------ec25 SLICED PINEAPPLE. -------- -------------------------- tin lie F.ý W. Noules Phone 596 Bowma.nville .10 .23 lb. MAGIC Cash in.28 BAKING POWDER GRAPES 3 Ibs for 25c GRAPEFRUIT 5 for 25c P 'iIIs77~ i:u rsix~ GLEN RAE DAIRY R. R. Stevens & Son i