THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2STH, 1937 THE CArNADflAN STATES-MAN. BOXVMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE EIGHT '.\r. and Nlrs. H. L. Pa'cee. Coium- Il SHAWS 1buNr . . . w Panbs cOen in os- NEwTrONVILLE Shaw's Home and School Club Ms L. C. Pascoe visited the RO-a1 m(q n Iîî iitttte met at M.\rs. G. met Tuesday, November 16, with \V inter F-air. tn. Nov. l6th. Owiiig to the ,\atedace Ir H. NtcKec ws IXte \ONX "liIlî.iIt «oftheuPresident. Mrs. \Wallace godl nmbrWinter Fýair. 1Hohnes. Vice-Prcsident, presided for President R. K. Squair was in the Rev. S. Dax ison. Bownianviiic. the mleting. Itemis of business: de- chair. It was decided that the g ave a verv interesting andi edifN inig cideti ta have an exchiange of gîfts m( gentlemen should be responsible atdres eeo tna nteDciie etn;acmicK for the meeting on December 7th.heen ndxo iin.te ecmrmeig;aormteK W. igh, . Pou, F Bnnet Mr. L. Cochrane hias renteti the wa appoilîted ta gather Christnmas hiý aW . W icA.d retapp.ointt aarm formierl' ownied bv hi. father Chiecr for the Port Hope Shielter. an N icar er apinedafor a terni ot vears these articles to he hrought to the ili program committee, and A. Wak- eran Ln a lnc omite .%Ir. Ma\ r lias puirchactd.I r. Pert nlcxt nîecting. f7ollowing program xvas a ss a b Ln exlnhd tenew Ferguons farm and ihas taken pos- given: rolll eau. Customs of other re school report cards and new sys session. fte a i allands;: report of Training Sehool an teni. of grading. Mrs. Norman A~ repre sentativc r heNaion ldct at M.\illbrook, for Junior Home- i Rickard, convener of programn Instituite for the Blind mlatIe hs l U \akn nit calleti 'Tlie 'ilky In commlttee, took charge of the inbstitit~ligarî~ h . Vx iven', Ms.Mlian h programn. Stanley and Brenton Intitilte il a deserving erganization requtested the mnembers to get 111ai Rickard, Charlie Clemence and andi ell deserv&.es l nl spport (if the touch with ail girls in the commun- I ROY Ashton, with. Miss B. Gil- tpublic. bunt it iS a inidictnîent itv and have thosc interested meet at bank at the piano, favoured with against it- that it .heîld dcpend j her home on Nov. 24th ; solo., rs seal elpaedinstrumental on1 men (it .uclî low ca1libre a.s the 1Prcy Brown; paper on "Peace" bv selections. A reading on 'Peace", one îho called I ere. ln une ia.tance Nirs.- Jerry Brown; reading "HoW t was read by Mrs. George AllUn. he soltl an apron te a lady wite ias1 Peace Gardens Grow.' Mrs. Haighi t Mr. Normian Rickard sang a solo. calling on a Ile zihhunr and receivetl poemu. "There Sleep Our Deati," bv 't' Mrs. Walter Rickard was the the pay and i inii.iitelv dru'.e to the -Nrs. Jerry Brown. Lunch xvas serv- tW speaker for the evening and gave ladys home andi demlandeti andi re- et.. tteîîdance 30. Ncxt meeting at t a most interesting word picture ceivuti the 1rice for the saine apron NWrs..\Iilligalls. f of her motor trip to Regina îast froni the inemibers of the iaily, Recent Visitors:h summer. Mrs. George Aluin con- sa\ime the ladv hati authorized i hnmto r. V letr, Oshawa. i ducted a nut contest andflo-d h~ pr ri hsh a with '.\r. and Mrs. A. Redknapp. q ing a backward spefling match ail sureiy insiiltiiîg to sonie %who could I r. J. T. Pearce, Picton. home for a( enjoyed a treat of candy. not afferd te bu\-.. \e are stili an- the weekend. mousi and i wmllng ta support the in- M\rs. J. Colon who has been a suf- Sstitulte but draw the uine agaiiist ex- ferer lor some time passedti t rest 1i tending our support through such in- Suinday morning. Deepest sympathy < divdulsaEthse He madie bis dis- is extended to the bereaveti husband ~appearance beiore anvone thougbt to and-f amily. Recent Visitons: trace him - but it -is hopeti justice 'Mrs. Leuchner anti Roger. Niagara, eertakes him before lie tioes the Ini- with her parents, NWr. anti M\rs. R. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ormiston sitto irpaalebrm . oe and Miss Julia, Bowmanville, at \IsMran Mrs. RgWohm o W. J.Ormison's.ronto, with relatives.d Mr. anti Mrs. L. Stinson. Har- if a girl has a figure like a Mrs. Chas. Reidi in Oshawa fasIte mony, at Mrs. J. Stinson's. clothes-pin she imagines she is week. i Mn. anti Mrs. Thos. Whillier. To- siender and graceful. Mr. anti M\rs. Douglas Ogtien anîd ronto, at Mrs. H. Stinson's. If a man is what bis neighbors bable. Osbawa, with bier parents, .\Mr.i Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Pascoe and 1 think he is, he ought to be and Mrs. Jas. Stone.,t Mr. and Mrs. C. Mackey, Brookln, ashamed of himnself. Miss Olive Johnston, Peterboro, atv home. Mr. ant iMrs. Thos. Sharpe, r ____________________________________anti \rs.\Vm. Sharpe anti Ida, .\Mrs.c hJoe Sharpe andti\Mrs. Antirew Sharpe, Toronto, at Mr. Tupper Jobnston s IS1ARKS HEATREd attentied the funrlo M ARKS THEAT E '.\rs. Robt. Johnston. MsR.Johnston. formerly Ai OSHAWA M.\artha Lockhart, passed away calm- Iv from a quiet sleep inito eternity at tile horne of Mrs. John Robinson, Newceastle. Wetinestiay miorning andi - as buried f rom etnilPrs Thuru. - Fri. - Sat. bvtcrian hrlSaudvftno. Manv f rientis and relatives mourn hier passing. Among those f rom a November 25 - 26 -27 distance wbo attended ber funeral were: M.\r. andti Mrs. H. H. Graham, Robert anti Davis. Peterboro; NIr. "G dilm w a y l"Bruce Lockbart, Ailsa Craig; '-\r. Luke Buttery, Salemn; Mrs. Stan Davis, Woodstock; '.\r. andi Mrs. S. with Jessie Matthews, Nat Pendieton Locklîart. Port Hope; '.\r. andît.i rs. Wilbert Hancock, Peterboro; Mfrs. 1Conne on Cowvboys 9 Harper Aluin, Misses Foec n Roberta Tlîompson. Toronto. Rober Livngsto e, R y Coriganand r. and Mrs. Doluîh Pavne anti son Robet Lvin stoe, ay orrganandanti Miss Rubv Payne, Toronto, with Max Terhune their parents, .\Ir. anti Mrs. Reuben M.\r. and M.\rs. Allan Harris andi - '.\Ir. and M.\rs. Bert Pentecost. To- ronto, at Mr. andît.i rs. Frank Ovens'. Mr. anti W\rs. Ken Griffn id Su d Idnite No~v. 29 say. ant iMr. anti Mrs. George Grif- AND ~fin. Omnemee, with Mr. andti Mrs. S. AND R. Jones. Tu sNW d rs. Thos. Stapleton, .\Wr. adIs M one-T e. - a ed George Stapleton Jr. andc family at '.\r. L. D. Belî's. Ketîdal. Nove ber 9 -30 -Dec mber1 'Recett visitors at Mr. J. Darch's: Nove ber29 -30 Dec mbe \Ir. and Wrs. F. 'Morris andi two W U ,, daiughters, .\Ir. Powell aîîd'M\r. 'Mar- ,]Bill Cracks DowntnWr. and W\rs;. J. Darcli. M\iss 'M\or- risand '.\r. M\artv-n iii the citv. with Grant Withers and Judith Allen W.\rs. J. Wýade ]iil Orono. 'Mr,. Dodd Takes the Aîtr'a And one touch o! fashion makes with Kenny Baker and Frank McHugh "Fnketbooks"soaraed man says Second thoughts often act as mental safety valves. Pre CIhristmas Sale Colder Weather Is Here There 's no doubt about that, and there's no doubt about the fact that Couch, Johnstofl & Cryderman bave the finest showing, and Most complete range of rien'« Overcoats in town. In style, in size range, in materials, in qualitY Lnti in value - we lead. Prioed Upward I Promn $39 Ladies' iCo at s Handsomely f ur trinimed, warm- ly lined and well nmade. Your Choice Leaders in:- STYLE.- QUALITY ...VALUE And up to $59.50 FSED TO WAKE UPI VITH AHEADACHE Now Fresh and Lively Every Morning Here us a man wlio xoke up every oruuiug with a du11 heatiache. Then ruscheuîtransformeti bis tiavs. Reati s letter: -I useti to wake up in the morn- g with a du11 heatiacbe. A year [o, 1 starteti taking Kruscbeuî Saits egularly. Today. I wake up fresh id livelv anti cauî do my tiay's ork vithout any~ exertion. 1 can recom- neutt Kruscben for anvone suf fer- ig fromn heataches andt constipation, .td for putti - g new life into you. 1inteuic to continue with Kruscheui fo the rest of my life."-E.P. Heatiacbes can nearly always lie -aceti to a disortiereti stounacb, anti to the uuîsuspecteti retentioui in the ;stemn of stagnating wvaste m,4erial whiich poisons the blooti. Remove tese poisons - prevent them frouîî formiuîg again - anti vou'l neyer ave to xvorrv auîv more. A~nd that ijust bow Krusclîen Saîts brings uîck anti lasting relief from. beati- ches. KENDAL Sorry to, hear o! the death of M'rs. J. Colin of Newtonville and former resident of our commun- ty. Some of those who have been deer hunting returned home the end o! the week andi report they hiad gooti luck. Mr. and Mrs. George Stapleton Jr. andi fa.mily, Mrs. Thos. Staple- t.on o! Newtonville were Sunday visitors at Mr. L. D. Bell's. Young People's meeting was itancelleti to a nu.mben o! our young people having attendeti the Leadership Training Clams at Bowmanville. I BURKETON Young People's meeting was helti on Thursday night with an attendance of 27. Mr. Orland Bailey was in charge of the pro- gram. Topic was taken by Mrs. W. Hoskin; Mr. Eldon Hubbard reati the scripture lesson, and Rev. J. E. Whithame led in pray- er; Merle Hubbard gave a read- ing, "The Man Who Cleans the Fish"; Dr. Fenguson, Enniskillen. gave an intenesting taik on "Un- written Laws o! Nature." Be sure and attend the League on Tuestiay, Nov. 30, when Pev. W. J. H. Smythe, Port Perry, will give an account of bis recent trip to Ireland. Everybody welcome. Mr. andi Mrs. E. Adams andi family spent Sunday with friencis in Toronto. Mrs. E. Coughill attended the funenal of her cousin. Mr. Wm. Heggepp, in Toronto on Thuns- day. Mr. and Mrs. R. Heard, WVood- ville, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hoskin, Oshawa, Mrs. M. Heard and El- gin, Enniskillen, with Mr. andi Mrs. W. N. Hoskin. CADMUS Recent visitons o! Mns. R. C. Brown: Mn. and Mns. G. Brown, Messrs. Keith anti Ross Brown3 anti Phil GeaI, anti Mn. A. Wolf e. Toronto, Mn. anti Mis. H. Muckle anti Miss Doris Muekie, Bethany. Mn. and Mis. Batten anti family. Oshawa.2 Mns. Wilson anti Billy are visit- ing at their cottage. Mn. anti Mis. Turner. Toronto,1 visiteti with Mns. Cooke recently.I Mn. anti Mrs. D. Davitison antif Mrs. Ferguson, Oshawa, visiteti with Mn. anti Mrs. C. Ferguson on Suntiay. Catimus W. A. anti W. M. S.i met at Mns. Herb Galbraith's on November 16, with a gooti atten- tiance. Presitient Mrs. Cecil Fer-1 guson presideti. Devotional per- ioti was taken by Mns. Bell. The roll eall was answeneti by a scrip- tune verse. A. canti o! thanits was sent fnom Miss Muriel Fallis for fruit duing her illness. Two quilts are to be quilteti anti used for Christmas boxes. Conv,ýner., o! the W. A. will hanti in the:r travelling aprons at the December meeting anti the money patches will be taken off the aprons. The pnogram was in charge o! Mis. Fowlen anti consiteti o! a reading by Mrs. Fred Dayes, Smiting the Rock: Mns. Bell reati an article !rom the Blue Book; an instru- mental by Mis. Stinson; a neati- ing by Mns. Bell, Mati Motoning; anti a reading by Mis. McGill, Misseti Opportunities. Mrs. Fowl- er thanketi ail who helpeti with the pnognam. Collection $1.043. A heanty vote o! thanks was ac- condeti Mrs. Galbraith for use o! hen home. A nut contest was di- recteti by Mrs. Galbraith. Mis. Ferguson anti Mrs. Marlow ne- ceiveti the prizes. Mrs. Fowlen conducteti a guessing contest anti Mrs. C. Smith neceiveti the prize. A lovely lunch was serveti. Ieague openeti with Vice Presi- dent Helen Fowlen in charge. The Bible study was taken by Rev. H. J. Bell and pnognam was in chaxge o! Miss G. Johnston. The topie was taken by Miss Muriel Fallis. Readings wene given by Misses Nora Ginn, Margaret Tbomposn anti Annie Falli. anti a piano solo .by Miss Bindie Gibson. Mr. C. Fallis ententaineti at Devitts Hall on Friday night. He demonstrateti liquiti air which was very intenesting to a lange cnowti. Reatiings anti musical r.umbens were also enîoyed. Lunch was serveti anti the rest o! the evening was spent in dancing. Mn. and Mrs. S. Fenguson anti Ciiff, Bowmanville. visiteti with Mn. anti Mrs. A. E. MeGiIi. Mn. anti Mrs. D. Wilson anti Mn. anti Mrs. R. McGi]l anti Mr. anti Mis. N. Etigerton attendeti the Royal Winten Fair. IMn. anti Mrs. L. Thompson anti baby Jean visiteti with Mn. anti Mrs. O. McQuatie. - - - - - - - - - i - a LONG SAULT and Miss Mabel McRobents spent the weekend in Oshawa and To- ronto. Mn. Walter Murphy visited Mr. Fred Smith, Jr. Mn. Fred Smith and Miss Grace Smith visited Mn. anti Mrs. Mc- Bride, Inglewooti. Mrs. Smith ne- turneti home with them. Mn. Hanry Fraser met with an accident and had to be removeti to Bowmanville Hospital. Several fientis attentiet the celebration o! Mn. anti Mns. Dean Hotigson's lth wetiting anniver- sary on Fnitiay eveniflg. BLACKSTOCK ti c E b I: a c; c c 3 E c a t Jessrs. Neil andi Keith Johnston r I 2ti Roger Dorreli attende<l the gc :oyal Winter Fair.P Mrs. Jabez Wright is attending b, he Women's Institute convention tthe Royal York Hotel in To- onto. A Badminton tournament was ield in the Armouries with Linti-c ;y on November 18. Women's Instituýte will meet C December lst at Mrs. John s Tright's. e: On Wednesday evening Rev. C. 1-Harcourt, Mr. andi Mrs. T. Eotge, Misses Vera Fonder, Isa-a aelle Chilvers, Aileen and Leona >evitt, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hamilton and Mr. L. Devitt attendeti the 1o-a ca council banquet at Port Hope W. A. of St. John's Anglican t Church met Friday night at Mrs. t C.Parr's with an attendance o! 2. An illust.rateti booklet of the .ew hospital in Aklavik was ne- ceiveti from. Bishop Fleming in appreciation of the $25.003 sent by the W. A. to the Building Funti. He saiti they hati nurses in train- ing, several Eskimo girls. The tutiy book chapter, "With Sealeti Orders" was taken by Rev. C. C. Harcourt. Program was in charge of Mrs MeArthun as !ollows: A reatiing "The Pnea.chen's Harti .ot"' by Mns. R. Hamilton; a reatiing by Mrs. A. L. Bailey, "Farmers Plight"; and a readiflg by Mrs. T. Smith, "The Story o! Chrysanthemiums." Lunch wa s served. The Young PEople met Weti- resday night. Mn. Bell took the sionship period andi gave a t.alk on "The True Neighbor." Mr. Frank Carter sang 'The Old Rug- ged Cross." Miss Doris Ma.niow tRok charge of the prognam: Miss Miltired Hoopen gave a reading; M4iss Verna McNally favoreti with an instrumental; Mr. Anson Tay- lor took the topic and spoke on Leadership Training; Miss Gene- vieve Beacock gave a reading. W. A. was helti at the home o! Mr. anti Mrs. T. Sameils. Rev. C. C. Harcourt gave a talk on his trip to Quebec. Lunch was ser- ved. A. Y. P. A. o! the St. John's Anglican Chunch met in the com- munity hall, when they entertain- ed the Bowmanville branch and the newly organizeti bnanch f nom Port Penny. A splendid prograni was put on by the Bowmanville branch, including musical selec- tions and skits, also several inter- esting speeches, anti a contest conducted by Mns. C. C. Harcourt. Lunch was senved. Recent Visitons: Mis. S. Swain with Rev. andi Mrs. M. R. Sandenson. Toronto. Mn. anti Mrs. C. Manlow with Mn. anti Mrs. J. Proutt, Nestle- ton. Mr. anti Mrs. H. Swain anti Mn. anti Mrs. L. Byers with friends at Toron to. Mn. anti Mrs. J. Parr and Bob- bie, Enfielti, with Mn. anti Mrs. L. Swain. Mrs. D. Hooey, Caesanea, with f niends in the vicinity. Miss Lulu Wright, Toronto, wit.h Mr. and Mrs. O. Wright. Mn. anti Mrs. C. Lamb and !am- ily anti Mr. R. G. Lamb with Mn. anti Mns. T. Smith. Mn. Bob Snmith, Toronto, with Mn. andi Mrs. C. Smith. ICLARKE UNION anti little daughten Catherine spent the weekenti with his mo- then in Oshawa. Misses Eileen anti Dorothy Souch anti Miss Mary Jewel, Bowmanville, attentiet the Royal Winten Fair on Saturtiay. Mn. James Nixon bas pretty well f inisheti thneshing anti re- ports a gooti season. Mn. Alex Watson bas the con-1 tract to, fix Mrs. Henrys bouse,I Orono, whlch was partially de- st.royed by fine on Fxitay. Mns. C. A. Cumming visiteti ber mothen, Mrs. John Rickaby. Miss Mamie Archer is busy get- ting ber pupils neatiy for the an- nual Christmas concert. Mn. Keith Tennant attentieti the Home anti School meeting andi dance at Leskarti Monday evening. Mn. Haroldi Shuttleworth is vis- iting Mn. S. D. Souch. Haroldi expects to sail for Englanti in a !ew tiays. Mrs. Idia Stark visiteti ber dau- ghten, Mrs. Gortion Power. 1HAMPTON ' -wauer. visiteti Nir. auîd Nrs. T. Sal- tir. 'vbn .cc)unpaiied theiilhoume. Mîr. auitl Nrs. E. Douncaster, Oshî- awa, wevre Stuntlav guests of 'Mr. aund Nîrs..\\. W. Horni. MIr. anti NIrs. Ilethiek, '.Ir. anti Nîrs..\\. Oke, Euiuiskillei. xere gueqts of Mr. auîd Mrs. Ë.. E. Staples. NIrs. W. Cuniiughanm anti dauigl- tcr, lazel. Camnerait, visitetl lier sis- tee. NIiss Ruul'iv Clatwvortlî'v,. who re- t mirîedhomue w itlî theun. NIr. auîd Mes. C. F.1-orui andt .\cy, Mr. auîtl Wrs. L. Crytierunan speuit Sîuuday ini Toronto. Mrs. Fred Houîey anti Wrs. J. R. Kuiox attentiet the W.I. Convention at the Royal York, Toronto. Mrs. L. Reynoldis visitet f rientis in Ho eis tel rer Ce joe y( e, si af 4 'I FHURS. - FR1. Nov. 25 - 26 - SAT -27 Matinee Saturday, 2.30 p.m. TWO DAYS ONLY MON. - TUES. Nov. 29 - 30 ýWO140çm - & MIPRIAM 44OPKINS JOEL McCREA Oiorles Winninqer- Erik Rhodes: V" wam AH*LOWA MA*IC.LI SftODEftIe CRAWPOAD D.EEASED THRU UNITD ARTISTS Alo MOT Att THE CONS IN SPAIN can queil their ardor, Matinees Monday 4 p.m. Wedneiday 2.30 p.m. streamners andi Japanese parasols and uthe supper tables. ention. Mrsq. W. G. Doitige andt Miss N. forn. vîsitet ini Toronto andt attendt- dRoyal \Vinter Fair. Mr. anti W\rs. WV. Burnett. Osbara, siteti Mr. anti Mrs. W. Wilbur Mr. andti Wrs. Jim Reynoltis at- nteti a wedding of a f rienîtinii To- onto oui Saturtiay. Mr. W. W. Horn is attending tlîe -metery Managers' Association anti demiorial Craftsmans' Association oint Conivention in Toronto. WNrs. Emma Benînett. Bowmanville, isiteti Nfr. anti Mrs. T. Wray. Miss '.I. Katerson is in Toronto vhere she has been receiving treat- rient at the Western Hos')ital. In the absenice of the President, Vice-Pres. Ted Johuis couiductedthelî Youung People's meeting on Fniday ,veniuig. Miss Eleanor Svkes con- lucteti a siuîg-song. The caîl to wor- zp xvas given. by Gordon Baker, fter wliich a story xvas interesting- Itolti by 'Miss Sykes. A poeun xvas cati by Miss Jessie Knox. The pro- graun wvas in cbarge of 'Miss Jess;ie Hogartlî vhîicb inclutietia reading yv Miss Isabelle Rogers; Miss Betty Knox capablv presenteti the topic on Intemîperance": a btumorous reatiing was giveuî by Reg Rackbamn. The Aniual Hot Goose Supper anti Councert on WXetinestiav xvas a deciti- ti success. Abnut 850 people xvere erveti anti ail prouîouuced it auî AI supper anti the service of the waiters excellent. The councert, too. vas verv nucb appreciateti. Miss 'Ma ni o ni Douglas anti ber group of -splendid artists f rom Highlandi Creek anti Toronto, gave a tieligbtful program vhîich containeti vanietv andt spice, and wvas verv pleasing to tbe lange autieunce. During the supper bour bhe crowti was entertaineti witb piano music by Miss N. Horn anti Mrs. C. PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT s> F Phone 2626 King a skilled mechanic. Ris practised eye is quick to detect mechanical parts which are in need of repair, which if allowed to pais unnoticed may later cause îerious lois and i- jury. Our shop is equipped with miodern High Pressure Equipment which ensures your car being pro- perly lubricated. C. A. BARTLETT ROYAL THEATRE BOWMANVI LLE1 Here For Four Full Days WED. - THURS. FR1. . SAT. December 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 And No Increase in Prices Gouch, iohnston & Cryderman Phone 836 LTD. Bowmanville -' .~ci..s. ~I~~c~ S T V-1.1,P I;ilntu-r roc)rn was taste- 1 blended iiicely with the - pretty yel- m Î- m 1 Guarani up pipei of coal good sa also hai Reading . 1 CANADIAN COAL We have just unloaded a car of ALBERTA DOUBLE SCREENED HY-GRADE DEEP SEAM LUMP DRUMMELLER COAL eed fot to oot a Super-Clean Penn- ,This quality 4ÀI&rn% sylvania Hard Goal in J should givle f~YlUail sizes, Semet eolvay itisfaet.lofl.WeULaii Coke, and Genu4Çne ýve our Famous % Welsh Cobles. Ali at 9 Anthracite, reasonable prices. HENRY LATHROPE L 2Ê,7 nr 672Bowmanvlille Bowmanville The Hit of 1937 rtàr à