THIJRSDAY, DECEMBER 2ND, 1937 & THE CA NADI:\N STATESMAN, BONVMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THRFE Blackstock Boys Win Trophies A t ý lie heprt0 tespcatr MAPLE RV About 60 sat down to the ban- îè Newcastle Conclave Saturday quet tables in the S S.hall in the wîîs issHln oi NewcstleConlaveSatudayWe welcome Mr. and Mis. Bert Canidaes or lde B'group of the W. A. served a SUP- Greta Wilkins, Ebenezer. to our Canddats Fo Oler Bys"tained by one of their number. per which the littie boys and big- community. having moveci into Parlamet Peset TeirA tam as ankd i th seiorger boys, young boys and old boys the formerly occupied by - ,,lntPesn Ter Ata a rne nth eiral relished. a meal as they said Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snowden. Pltfrs laks o ~class i the boys' ages averaged that bit the spot, the premier dish A number from the Y. P. U. at- Groups Win Bowen and 16 or over, and junior if average being hot meat pie and plenty of tendedl the officers' congress of Rxckalrd Athletic Trophies ýage was under 16. The winning Il t and more that followed. June Oshawa Presbytery Y. P. U. at The cme thy aw thy on senior team from Blackstock was Alun, Jean Bonathan. R e i t a Hampton. The cmethy sw.the cn-captained by Anson Taylor, and Cooke, Margaret and Patricia When it became known around quered - Rev. H. J. Bela1 i the junior team by Ralph Larmer.i Pearce, Grace Powell and Kath- the Base Line community that Il 0f boys fromBacso. Newcastle had two junior teams i leen Toms assisted the ladies and Mr. and Mrs. Lou Power and gr<~iscompeting and one senior. Thelwaited on the tables. Mrs. J. A. family were moving to Oshawa, They came to the boys' conclave latter won second highest pointslButler had taken a leading part it was felt their neighbors could at_ ,Newcastle Saturdgy, and in in their class and one of the .lun- earlier in arranging the decera-noletemgwthush ig l th1etic contests in the comn- iors second highest in theirs. tions of munis and candles. their appreciation of their willing- ïeý'lttY hall won both the Bowen There was somne confusion ef Rev. E. Beech, Newtonville, of-' ness to help in anything they xere Shield, emblematic of the senior thought in the minds of the boys. f'ciated as chairman and toast- lasked to do as gIl neighbors. championship, and the Ricka.rd the two candidates for the Ilt CUP, emblematic of the junior Older Boys' Parliament and their master and Mr. Wilbur Howard On Tuesday evening, Nov. 23, the li chmin1p ahcmeigsesr eadn h ttso led in lively round the table sing-1 community and a f ew outside team consýsted of f ive boys cap- the town of Bowmanville in the 1n.ifin. pntapesn vnn _______________________coming election. Blackstock f ear- Donald Jose. a Newcastle boy. lin the school house. with Mr. ed that if Bowmanville groups proposed in a neat speech a toast Howard Foley as chairman. A were entitled to vote in the West to "The Church," to which Rev. little while was spent in commun- Durham elections on Dec. 4th. W. c. Smith, Courtice, replied. ity singing with Mrs. Wmn. Wade, EXPERT SERVICE they in the north part of the con- Mr. Thos. A. Rodger, Supt. Of la former resident. at the piano. stituency might be heavily handi- the Newcastle U. C. Sunday school Mr. Foley then asked Mr. and - in capped. They bad put a candi- and principal of the public school, Mrs. Power to come tdr the plat- date in the f ield on the under- delivered an address of welcome. forrn. Mrs. Bruce Metcalf read SIOERE AIS standing that Bowmanville was Mr. Kenneth Heddon, President a nicely worded address. and Fred SHOE REPAIRS not included in West Durham. of Oshawa Presbytery Young Po caîf presented them with an elec- Work done neatly, satisfactor- The Statesman of last week. ple's Union. brought greetings treformeetric irn n ilyandPrmPtyat eaonale however, had intimated that f rom the Union whichi was in oramp lvectrcero, unde Il Andprof yatreaton-l Bowmanville was not sencling a! convention at Hampton. T h e dish and knife. Both Mr. and ag prces. saedo. or arn member to the O. B. P. this year work among boys and the work Mrs. Power t.hanked their fri*ends ag prcae.but wouid ce-operate with the among young people of a morefrte lvygisanivtd rest of West Durham in retaining advanced age is closely related.(otheir ovoeyndgif ts n ine FOR CH-RISTMAS a member. Rev. E. R. MeLean. 'Stanley Rickard who spent so their new home. Short speeches Executive Secretary of the On- much time and thought in plan- We have Men's lVork Boots tarie Boys' Work Board, cleared ning and arranging for this suc- were made by J. L. Metcalf, Rev. andOxfrdsat ttrctie pie- this point when at the evening cessful Beys' Rally is Boys' Work W. C. Smith. A short program and xfods t atracive""~ session he stated definitely that1 convener both of the Oshawa floe:Msc rc n ae es. Also Slippers, Bilifolds, etc. Bowmanville groups were not eh- Presbytery Y. P. U. and the Bay ,rll piano solo, Mrs. W. Wade; gible to register in West Durham of Quinte Conference Y. P. U. vocal solo, Mrs. Ted Foley: mouth JOHN LENZ lists or te vote for West Durham Mr. Heddon assured the boys and org,, solo. Master Ross Metcalf ; WetEn ex e Elot addae.It had by its own their leaders of the hearty co e F io Mlred Meclf rs. Wes En - extLenEllott wish parted f rom West Durham operation of the Y. P. U. in all I %d tevens, Mr. Howard Feley. BOWMANVILLE and been made a separate elec- 'their enterprises. He returned 1Iuc was served. after whicht toral district some years ago and early to Hampton to take his part 'gamnes wre eyed. We are Shad net yet asked the Ontarioeon the program there. . from te lce Mmu nd y . Poe Boys' Work Board te again in-, Chief interest of tuie evening fRece Visitors: clude it as an integral part Ofi centred around the campaign RcnVitos 1West Durham. Bowmanville 15 speeches of the candidates te the Mr. Bob Snowden with Mr. and SL!IST GR still an independent constituency. î7th Older Boys' Parliament and Mrs. EatEesn otel SLEE IESTGIRLThe Rally got under way around 'their sponsors. Arnold Johnston Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Pickardt I B W AN IL E 2 p.m in the U. C. S. S. hall and introduced the candidate from, witli Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown. IN OWM NVLLE afer heformality o registration NsleoArsen Taylor, and cit- Gormley. GandBAU the4' payment of a 25c fee ed bis qualifications. Anson is Miss Iva Foley with her itr GETS EAV wùch overed ahl expenses. Mr. this year teaching school in Mrs. Howard Cryderman, Shaws. lWilbur Howard, celored student Egypt. He is a supporter of the Mrs. A. Trenouth, Base Une. from Victoria University, Toronto, boy premier. Kenneth Ingham of with Mrs. W. J. Snowden. Rememiber how norne of the boys1 led in a sing song which was at Stratford. He name the planks Miss Betty Pingie, Town, with would look at her twice-that lazy,one onuieogeiitan efhspafr an spk 0fMssBtyadMiddSn - dowdy, sleepy, haîf alive girl whoonecnuieo eiltan of ispafr an pk ofMssBtyadMlddSow couldn't be bothered even trying t. od comradeship. Mr. Howard themn one by one. deni. loo atraciv? Bt, aveyo sen wththe boys and their leaders Carl Fisher introduced Brenton Miss Bessie Fee, Burketon, and herlael ?Shes hemot ougt ftr r m any Durham peints Rkd, Newcsle, whe is at- Miss Margaret Borthwîck and girl in town right nw. and Bowmanville in receptive tending Bowmanville High Schoo is0uhAmsrn,1oot The poor girl couldn't help being mood then followed with an op- and pointed eut his qulfiaios Hospital, Weston,. spent Sunday lay osonous wastes clogged ber ening talk. Brenton enunr-iate4 bis iis with Mrs. R. H. Armst.rong. sysem pan-ausnguric acid re- At 3.30 the gathering civided which are in line with thoseof M.adMs rlHuk maied n br bdyto aus bedaceinto five discussion groups as fol- i the leader of the Opposition, gtn d at a ren backache, rheumatic twinges. Sire was lews: Vocations - Rev. E. Beech. Willard of St. Marys. Ah wer Mrs. Cecil Jeffery's. slwddown, robbed'of a clear con- Newtonville: Athletics - Rev. W. listened to attentively and ap- MMr. and Mrs. E. W. Foley and plexion, of pep and energy because P. Rogers, Bowmanville; Temper- plauded vigorousîy. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Foley with inner wastes were flot rinsed away. ac-Re W.ÇSmtCu- ihbcmngeyRv. Mrs. Mark Blackburn, Orono. But Fynnon Salt changed all that. It tice - Lesure Ti m ithev ouW. F. H .Be ckstg ok est ed regulated ber system; eliminated th ire ; esr ie-Rv .F .J el lcsok rsne impurities easily, naturally; drove ou Banister, St. Paul's. Bewmanville; the W. F. Rickard cup and thetin paterRvW.PR- the pnuluiacdeposits, bringing The Boy and His Social Relation- p. W. Bowen shield te, the cap- aigprweRv.WP..0 bakyouthful, snappy suppîeness. ship - Rev. A. W. March, Tyrone. tan cfteBcsoc tam gers, iev W. F. Banister and ains ofMrhW J. S. Rickard.m Fynnon Sait does this because its cor- In due time Rev. E. R. McLean winning them as mentioned above. r .J .Rcad rective ingredients include Sodium, of the Boys' Work Board, To- Mr. Bowen, ex-M.P.P., donerof R.ev. E R. McLean, Toroito, Potassium, Lithium-the very salts of ronto, led in the summing Up of the shield, wus fot present, but gave an inspiring cloeing addressd theeathfondin the waters of famous the findings of the several groups Mr. Rickard. a guest at the head based on the Six C's. He point- British spas. The Fynnon Sait she using the blackboard te mnake ev- table, congratulated the winners e u htteC .E .po takesevery morningputsasmileon the erything clearer. and spoke on the value of ath- gram for boys is a LL day. She's off setting aches and pains i n Cnda rg Y ater years, too, because this pleasant- Teentbigtm efns ei riig Co-operative programn tastiy ne is keeping her system free the consicleration of ahl the groups Bruce Gerrard and Br en t on Church programn of th Ise of tirese troubles. findings and resolutions at this Rickard. respectively, had pre- Comprehensive program Do# let a clogged, acid poisoned time, adjournment was made*to sented in the afternoon the re- Crucial program systemn get you down. Wake it up with the community hall where Rev. ports of the Vocations and the Christian pregram. Fynnon Sait and see how mucir brigiter W. P. Rogers conducted the group Athletics discussion groups. At and better life will be. Your druggist games in which Blackstock teams t.his session Arnold Johnston sub- > sells Fynnon Sait in large 75c packages. showed superior skill with New- mitted the report ef the Tempe r- If you have any difficulty getting sup- castle close on their heels. Com- ance group and Carl Fisher that 1 BLACKSTOCK plies, Write: Laurentian Agencies, St. petition on the part of the boys 'E.R. McLean led in a general dis- Gabriel Street, Montreal. 17 was friendly but keen and inter- cussion of each. Among those Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. H. Larmer on the arrivai of l'a baby girl on November 23rd. . Norma Hooey and Ella Hoskin 1attended the conference of cor- respondents and office staff of î: The Statesman on Saturday. . ..... a' I Congratulations to Mr. and 'Sir 'ilS'( ZMms. Geo. Fowler of Seagrave iii" (nee Viola Mahafiy of Pumple cellaneous shower was tendered them in Purpie Hill schooi bouse TO YOURon Thursday night where a large crowd attended. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Free- man Hepburn and family, aisei Mr. and Mrs. R. Bmown te the vil- J ""**lage. i Mrs. Hilîman is quite ill. Mrs. G. Wright is doingncl after bier operation in Port Perry hospital. A silver tea and a sale of goods was held at the rectory on Fri- Chit a ad O SChristmas day evening, with an atnac Ail New Stock tt nouMsF.H iIl BOXED ASSORTMENTS Bagatelle Boards L~UDJ IAnd an enHcorTetlp flear." Papetries and GiftMrCC.Hrurspk fom *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10CRS ---1e Ppýe-Salgt Sainr nueu n f her «experiences in the Aklavik; 10 CRDS- - - 9C opef - tarlprh Sttionry n uafureaddingby Mrs. F. Hamilton. 12 CARDS - - - - 25c practical boxes. A 1mil,"; community singing: 12 CARDS -- - 39C KIik-Pool - - - - $1.75 5 -516 Rev. C. C. Harcourt gave a talk 12 CRDS- -- -50c25c- $.69on A np Around the Eskimo 212 CARDS - - - - 79c Bsbl an 9 Camp"; Rev. and Mrs. Harcourt 21 CRDS- -- -79eBasbaî Gae .- -79eAttractive sang two hymns in Eskimo; mu- INDIIDUL CRD8 Trais -- -$1.0.$176 eda Chatssic by Messrs. J. Hamilton and H. INDIIDUL CADS rain $100-$.75 Ceda ChstsBailey. A centest was won by lc - 3 for 5c - 2 for 5c 75c Dickies. . TLusnch ad se r 5c - 10c - 15c Table Tennis 75 - 2.5 Mr. L.nhmpsn andMr.Rbt 25c - 79e - $1.00 - $1.50 A Pack of Wolf Cubs has been organized for boys, between the RibbonGt Blocks Cercla Yule ages ef 8 and 12. Tfhe Cubmastem Sels1Sc- 5 -3c 7c- 9 Clipping Logo Rev. C. C. Harcourt, is assisted by Seags 1Cale5dars3Recipee -it9cthree Boy Scouts, Ralph Larmer i Tags Calndar Reipe ithHarold Crawford and Roy Carter. Cord Sets of Dishes Books Candles Meetings are to be heid every Fri 5cseOc 5 - 20e loc- 25c - 50e - $1.00 - $1.75 49e and Bulbs day at 4.15 in the Armouries Se - IOCThere are 20 members te date. Boxed Games Christmas gifts were brought ini Book te be forwarded te Saskatchewan BokDOLLS 15c - 25c - 35e - up Leather Italian at the Young People's Union on Ends Shirley Children's Story Books Go@ds And Wednesday night. Af ter the Bible study, Hector Shortrldge led in 39e - 89C Temple Heidi-- 35c - 50,c - $1,00 Genuine Belgium prayer. Mr. Waldon was in charge $.5DlsMorocco Table of the Culture program which 51.25 DoTops conslsted ef a reading by Miss TopsyWidu>Tp Billfolds Runners Lorna Trewin and a solo by Mr. NvlyPull Toys L. Beacock. The topic on Intem- ovty Nigger Keycases Fountain perance was taken by Mr. W. Dolîs Pick up Sticks Purses Pens Wright. 3 c Babykins Fan-Tell - Bingo License Mecharnal MRen dMmsWierpr: _____________________________________________________________ Mrs. L. Wannan and baby son, Kirby. with Mr. and Mrs. N. Mountjoy. Mm. and Mrs. R. Squelch. Mount Carmel, with Mm. and Mrs. J. Johnston's Bookstore Strong.H ranT:t, Phone 651 Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. H. Mountjoy. AGENTS FOR NEW SERVICE CLEANERS E. Lathangue. Bethany, wlth their sister, Mrs. Robt. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hrooper and Ronald, and Mr. J. Bradburn. e- Egypt, With Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Bradburn. 1 HAMPTON Mr. and Mrs. R. Byers and Miss Mildred Hooper withi Mr. and Young Peeple*.s Union w ere en- Mrs. W. Forder. Egypt. tertained by the Ebenezer Young Mr. and Mrs. L. Byers. Mr. and People on Menday evening when Mrs. H. Swain with Mrs. C. Glide, a pleasant evening was spent. Uxbridge. Many people with4n a wide Mr. and Mis. C. Slemon. Tyrone. radius of Hampton are enjoying w'th Mr. and Mrs. L. Mountjoy. the pleasuîe ef having theiri Mr. and Mrs. C. Dewney and clocks going again and are hear- Jane. Reaboro. and Miss F. Mc- îng themn strike since Mr. Milis Laughlin. Toronto. with Mr. and called. This service can be yours Mrs. J. R. McLaughlin. at reasonable cost. Phone in, 2689. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Beech and Hampton Woman's Missionary family- Mrs. J. Cookman, and Society met at Mrs. Rackham's1 Miss Ruby Griffin, Union, with Nevember 23rd. President Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. Larmer. A. E. Billett presided. Mrs. S. G. Mr. and Mrs. S. VanCamp and Niddery, group leader. took charge1 family, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Van- of the program. Mrs. Jas. Cur- Camp, with Mr. and Mrs. F.1 tis read the devotional leaflet. Werry, Enniskillen. 'Mrs. C. W. Souch read ef the Mr. and Mrs. F. Dixon and grea.test Christian prayer. Mrs. family. Toronto. with his sister, Colwill read of a worshipping Mrs. F. Thompson. church. The study book was in- Mr. and Mrs. W. Marlow, Miss 'troduced by Mrs. Billett, "A New G. Marlow. Mrs. V. Archer and Church Faces a New World." Mr. I. Thempson in Toronto. making it most interesting and Miss Mary Vance, Shirley. with using maps. Mrs. Rackham fol- ber sister. Mrs. A. Henry. lowed wit.h the second chapter, Miss Jean Wright was in Osh- "Unto the Ends of the Earth." awa recently. IMrs. Niddery told of the first1 Mrs. R. Ferguson and family, n'issionaries sent out from Can- Mr. Windover, and Misses Greta ada te China. Miss Thelma Rob- Windover and Verna White. Pet- bins read of the work of Jeant erboro, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Gra- Dow in China. Next meeting at ham. 1Mrs. Sias Williams' on Dec. 21st. Mr. and Mrý;. W. Hoeey with Yon People's Union met on1 Mrs. J. Hooey. Friday night with the president I Miss Mabel VanCamp. Toronto, lin charge. In the absence 0f the with Mr. and Mrs. W. VanCamp. secretary Doreen Perrett, L. Hern Mr. and Mrs. H. Vincent and read the iinutes. Arrangements Mr. R. Smith. Toronto. with Mr. were made to visit Ebenezer Y.P. and Mrs. C. Smith. U. Nov. 29th. A sing song was Rev. Spencer and Rev. Har- engaged in, f ollowed by Ruth Col- court exchanged pulpits on Sun-1 wilî reading the caîl te, worship. day morning. Bible lessons were read by Misses Mrs. C. Ferguson. Cadmus. with lThelma Robbins, Pearl Gilbert bier sister. Mrs. R. Mountjoy.. and Jean Stainton. Mrs. L. CIe- Mrs. R. Mountjoy with ber sis-i mens gave a reading, -Tbere is a ter, Mrs. L. Headley, Burlingten Difference." Prayer was offered _______________________by Ted Johns. Doris Cryderman 1 teck charge of the programn which ZION was under the Cultural depart- mn.Apiano number was given by Madlyn Wilcox. A story "Get- Fh..lileeni Staintoni. Miss Annie ting Wisdom" was read by Mrs. Kilîcoi. Nlr. Gerald Balsoi attended H Salter. Mr. Hilton Peters gave tuie Y'onrîg Pcop)le'5 Congre:s at an interesting talk on hew the Hampton. McIntosh apple received its namne. Recent Viiîors: a treat of which he provided for Miss jean MeMNaster. Toronto. the yeung people at the close of witi lier parents Mr. and M.\rs. J. the meeting. Jessie Hogarth gave W. NlcNaster. a reading "The Old Team." '.\r. and(l Mrs. M. IProut, Bowvman- Recent Visiters: ville. witlb ler pareits, M\r. and M\rs. Ms ldsTuIwt red john Shackleton. * i s Pe sTul ihIred '.\r. and Mfrs. .'T. Stainton and inPterboro. John wiîhtilteir daniglier, Mirs. Ross Miss G. Alger, Oshawa, guest Lee Kedron. of her cousin, Miss Elinor Sykes. .NMr. Fred M.\artvin won second Mrs. Cumberland, Toronto, with prize on grain jin(Iling aIthle Royal hem daughter, Mms. Geo. Farn- \Xinter Fair and received a cashi comb who is iM. award also a trip) te Niagara. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jefirey, '\r.Hrbt Caineren. Txrelie. Mrs. C. E. Jeffrey and Miss Fair- lbelped put iin a culvert in front of cleth, Toronto, with Mms. W. G. Nir. Rav Camieronis, aIse called on Doidge. biis brothier, .\Mr..Jas. Canieron. Mr. Harry Winterburn, accom- M\iss Ada Pascee, Toronto, is vis- panied by Mr. Chambers, Toronto, iting bier brothier. M\r. Frank Pascoe. with Mrs. K. Winterbumn and .\lf .vre, F. B. Glaspel and Tracy ether Hampton friends. Glaspet are attending Guelpbi Winter Mm. and Mrs. Ç. E. Hemn and Fair. Acy with friends in Lindsay. Several attended thie S. -S. Con- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton, Mr. vention at Enniskillen on Wednes- and Mrs. Spraklin, Toronto, were dav. guests of Mrs. J. Colwill. There are quite a few cases of Mr. and Mrs. R. Reytkolds, To- I whoeping congli in tile cemmnrunitv. ronto, guests 0f Miss L. Reynolds. '4 Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn and1 To be proud of virtue is to Mrs. R. Avery, with relatives inipoison yourself with an antidote. Bufi alo. None preaches better than the Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Burns, ant. and she says nothing. Oshawa, at Mrs. J. G. Burns'. Proclaim flot ail thou knowest, Miss Bernice Rogers, Bowman- ail thou owest. ail t.hou hast. nor ville, at home. lail thou canst. -1 Flowers.g1 I Thc Most Appropriate Gift for Christmas 'lo your relatives, fiance or friendsN II4 Send youir Flowers by w'ire and you may bc tf prompt delivery, no duties, no danger ,just a few w'ords at minimum charges and3 ed oiie' receive your Gift at the right time. Order Early . . . The Choice1 eassured of frost, your loy- Watch for our Special Christmas Adv't. next week. Consu]t us about your Gift problems K1NGSWAY GREENHOUSES Greenhouses Phone M63 F£-OWERResidence 2633 %F ~ Flower ShopPhn SHOP r772 31.--------D.N. Friday and Saturday PORT HOPE !1MML Next Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday ~ GOES WILDER! GREATEST COMEDY 5 Weeks in Toronto RIT IN YBARS ______ _____From the I 5ZI6$rn~Store Lingerie Silk Slips - up from 79e Silk Gowns - up from 98e Silk Bloomer -39c-$1.35 Silk Vests-- 49c-95c ! Silk Panties- 29c-$1.25 Satin Dance Sets --$1.25-$3.95 Si1k Dance Sets up from ---98ce Satin Bed Jackets- $1.95à Satin Negligees. $3.95 w Ns~ Hosiery A complete Range Always Appreciated 29c-$.,50_ Guest Towels up from - - - 25e 1Bath Towels uP from - each 25e Lace and Linen Runners - - - 290 Daniask Table Oloths --- - ---- -- - - - -m - - - -m i : ~ . ~ ~ ~ 1 - - - - - - - - -- -- Flannelette Pyjamas ............ 98e to 51.9.5 Flan nelette Gownis............ up from 59C WooI Panties & Vests ......... up from 35e Fabric Gloves................ up from 49c el 'Kid Gloves .................. up from $ 1.25 1 landkerchiefs................Sc to $1.00 Scarfs..................... Flowers . . . . . . . . . . . Umbrellas ...............,, up from $1.50 Purses .................,,, 69c.. to. . $4.50 Pullover Sweaters ............ up from Twin Sweater Sets .......... Ski' SUitS ....................... 2-piece 98c i $2.95 For the Kiddies Silk Dresses .........1.50 up Coats ...............4.95 up Flannelette Pyjamas 98c-$1.49 Kimonos............1.29 up Coat, Legging & Bonnett Sets ...56.95 Sweaters .............98c up Wool Mittens .... pr 25C Ski Suits ............4.95 SHOP EARLY For the Home Lace Table CIoths Laundry Bags .......... 45c.S0c Damask ILinen Towels .. 45e Bed Spreads ... up from 51.49 Blankets ....... pair $1.95Sup Embroidered PiIIow Cases............95c-$2.25 Candlewick Bed Spreads . 53.25 Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Ltd. Phone 536 BowmanvlIe up from 49e 0 . à Md a L-A C, 4M 1-1 lý mé PAGE THREE 1 -- SHOP EARLY