Iri,..LAI4ADAN STAP'S Â~J nCU7AVI!% t w,.~-- --'---- .-. l*"' ilVILLL, JONTARI Nov. 26th, Mary Georgina, young- TAKE LEADING ROLES IN OPERETTAF I - McKee, aged. 12 years. IN HE IM ND DIS ANTPA T Thirty-three relatives share in i the $68.000 estate left by the late J W. W. Tamblyn, former Principal of Bowmanville Union School. Amiong the legacies were gifts of ~ FIFTYYEAR AGOT G Bragg, Superintenclent Of $200 each to Bowmanville, Osh- H Educa n for the Yukon Terri- awa and Whitby High Schools for e From The Canadian Statesman, tory'Dr rank C. Trebilcock, To- the purpose of providing an an- s q, De em er 7, 187ronto Dnvr sJ b z liot To- fuai prize in reading and elocu- o rono nixerity, and many other tion. to be known as the Tamb- M.JH.McMillan has beenlgraduates from the local schooi. lyn Prize. $100 was le! t to Bond o Promoted from the Standard Bank Among bhis students wbxle at Head Cemetery. Newcastle, and ir. this town to the head office in Whitby was Hamar Greenwood, the bulk of the estate went to bis Toronto. M.P. of England, (now Lord widow, cbildren and grandehil-. Vi We are informed that Mr. T. H. Greenwood), and W. E. N. Sin- dren. Vi. Hancock, Reeve of Darlington, clair, KOC., former Ontario Liberal Vis: has decided to retire from counicil. Leader. Vis, and the electors of the north Mr. J. Goodal. caretaker of the VieDIN eastern part havé chosen Mr. W. Queen Ciy oligGrenIo-:N Brent Jr., as theùr representative ronto, has been engaged to super- 1 next year. intend the work o! levelling the McClellan-Payton 10 Miss ThompsoALfa resigned as new bowling green at Queen and 10 11 teacher of the lowest division of Temperance Streets. An attractive house wedding 13 the Central Public School and Birth: Wood - In Darlington, took place Saturday afternoon, Miss Goul&.s been appointed. Nov. l6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Laur- December 4, at the home of Mr. Mr. J. Hoidg,Ëe, Tyrone, bas set- ence Wood, a son and Mrs. William Taibot Payton, Chr e pcer and Aileen Wight, pictured above, took the lea ding tled in Town with his famlily in Brh igno nBw 264 Poplar Plains Road, Toronto, roies in The Bo'sn's Bride." the successful operettstgdnco the brick residence on Ontario St. manville, Nov. l4th t.o Mr. and when their daughter, Margaret nection with the High School Conumencement. The play was pro- 1 recently vacated by Mr. James Mrs. David M. Kilgannon, a son. McKenzie Payt.on, became the duced by Miss Dorothy Bonnycastie and Francis Sutton, wth other 271 Elliott. Deatb: Wood - Near Salem, bride of James Guernsey Mc- members of the schooil staff t.aking an active part. Birth: Parr - Near Enfield, on Dariington. on Nov. 18th, Samuel Clellan, son of Mrs. J. A. Mc- ___________________________ 2 Nov. 3th, to the wife of James Wood, aged 85 years. Clellan and the laie Mr. McClel- 2 Parr, a son. From The Canadian Stat.esman, lan, Bowmanville. 0 "ONLY A DOG!"I TotÈ Married: Harris - Davison - At November 28, 1912 Rev. John Dixon, the rector of _ To the residence of Mr. Wm. Stapies. r onEîot.B a n Grace Church-on-tbe-HiU, offic- C OM MTIE MeO Leskard, on Nov. 23rd, by Eider J. Mr. thenude inthe B.i.ver Meal ated. with Mrs. T. R. Robinson 0._______________ "Only a dog." e H. Shoults, Mr. Arthur Ed Harris, Cnetudrteasie fiea t the organ. During the signing The Ma oit ad of Darlington, to Miss Ella Emma W. C. T. U. at Orono. Ash egsehrseere ct omnsAsoito o or orily ad," ;Visit Davison of Clarke. A 2th century William Tell sang "Ruth and Naomi" and "Be- tice held a successful bazaar on As enwarhedogsnped; dwyFirsi Married: Vice - Scott - At thewsd d B nle cause." Both musicians are ri- December isi in Mr. Edwn Pd-Leagtedgidh da, Chil Mase ObaaOnNo. 01, Y aturdayovr in h pronof Lile ends of the family, and unlique duck's Hall. Proceeds around $70. Only a dog-I had loved and fed. ro Rev. S. H. Eastman, Mr. Walter F.H. Morris, our Bisley idol. Ar-wdinmucwaitrdedsThfny-okcuer itis Vic, r. Dnlngon t Mria turEderchlingd imto well as the conventional weddîng variety o! articles and the daintiiy Oniy a dog,Chl daugbter o! William Scoti Escl., shoot an apple from bis mouih mrhs arranged tables for a! ternoon teaWelihmaa. i. The bride, given in manrage by were the chief attractions to the Only a dog, Chil East Whitby. èwbich he heid with a pencil. tewr ow fVe-ldewil h ihn odad u re opa;Chil Died: Hoar -In Bowmianville, Frank stood across the road and ber ten, o re gowrneo! ien- adies, while atedthhe ihig pndan Bu Itred to pral-"wsai; h Dec. 5, Alice Mary Maud, young- made a bullseye, spilling tbe ap- nasealue creof on rin lcree, he candy cIn te nngtactdsth 'ody. odpl.wsalIChil est daughter of Mr. Samiuel Hoar. ple over Art's face. a aobtoCathnhlecep hlrnin h vnnlars cUdsy in ber 18th year. Rv .BKnyatne h and carried butterfly roses and and the piano supplied amuse- Oiily a dog-but I cried that day.Ch Cbaby's breaih. Adeline Muno !nient afier whîch a laielunch was Died: Ivor - At Cedar Clifi, funerai at Whitby of Rev. A. . Montral attended tbe bride wear- served to all who remained OI dg e Bowmanville. on Dec. 3rd, Miss Wilson. a former pastor o! Ty- ing aega rp ihmth u atflfin Su Margaret Ivor, sister o! Mrs. John rone circuit. who passed away at gpaerycrewthmc- Sunbeam Mission Band met at Buty a faihfu freCd Wesley. yer ng turban and carried Amnerican No. 8 on Friday with tbe Band's Anlyd og, dp o New Hambung, in bis 71styar Beauty roses. Mr. G. C. Bannis- leader, Mrs. Clarence Penfound, AdIcuddpn Enniskillen: A great gloom has According to W. C. Scott Bow- ter Na etmn ncag.QitmscoendO i oeadtutt vr h been cast over this neighborhood manville now bas 432 telephones Ares estionma. in c te hareeig. CQuietomusi foi ndsloead rs tNvr eCi bY the death o! Mr. John Mit- connected and local manager AA. rechoePo wa eldatthedthe eewtn.Cltoe worosip fol- nadgbtyucmpeed chell, fatber o! Dr. J. C. Mitchell, C. Pratt expects to have 500 with- brd'Coehoir lisR.ioe, ihtersos lancnyadgbu o opeed who departed tbis life on Novem- in a few months. the bride's mother welcoming the son Scripture lesson was read by Only a dog, Ci ber26h.Th dcese ws ne irh:Jakmn I Bwmn-guests in wine crepe trimmed Bob Muir and the worship story And I know he'll be atil of the pioneens o! our country, ville, Nov. 22nd. to Mn. andMr.wteculeadasmimth- as bytod y Mrs. Hol Oniy a dog, Ment was higbly respected and mucb P. R. Jackman. a daugbter. îng bat o! crepe witb ostricb ti135. Muir. Mrs. Penfound conducted Waiting faithfully- att beloved by bis intimate friends. Bith: Morris - At Beecb Ave., She wore a corsage o! Talisman the business period. Mite boxes Waiting to welcome me gleef ully-Ho Bomavile Nv 2st t Leu.roses. The groom's mother was in were opened and contents couni- Only a dog-for eternity. Hu TWETY-IV YERS GO an Mr. F.H.Nori. s onLe. flowered chiffon with purpie bat ed. Doreen Phair entertained with . Hour Death: Parsons - Accidentally and orchîd corsage. a reading, and Audrey Phair with Pîevrei urDm nmI.Hour Fron heCaadan t.tema, illd t ewasle.Noemer22 The couplie le! t laier on a mo- a piano solo. A game ended the _________ Hou., Nov T embndaSaer 21, 1912 Joiat NeParostleag e 5 er. tor trip, the bride travelling in a afternoon's entertairiment. Hour. Noveber21,191 JoiahParons agd 6 yers. Lyons blue boucle de laine suit, a Messrs. Afred Welsh and Har- Wbat busy men need is a Hou;. In hedetho! ilia WreFrom The Canadian Statesna.n, gray velour bat and matching ac- old Hughes, Toronto, visited at scbeme that wiil enabie theni to TIbnh M.dA.,oforilmerP rinia December 5, 1912 cessories. the fonmer's home. avoid people with schemes. of Bowmanville Union School, A total of $1115.07 was placed Mrs. J. A. McCleilan, Bowman -____________________________ Bowmanville bas iost one o! its on the collection plates ai the ville, Mr. and Mrs. John Baker most respected citizens and Dur- Tbankoffering in the Methodisi and Miss Vera Baker. R.N., Solina, bain County one o! uts mosi pro- Church on Sunday. attended the wedding. minent native s js.Mr Tamblyn Mr. F. R. Foley bas bougbt the was born ai lnd Heana brick building now occupied as Newcastle, in i14,r He came ta the Royal Theatre, and will con- SEED GRAIN SUGGESTIONS r Bowmanville in 1882 as head- vert it into a parlor shoe store. FO PIG F198l t .V a i master of the Union School. Saturday morning wben the FR0PRN 0 13 Among bis pupils were Prof. Wm. C. P. R. gang were dumping earth .A umrArclua e Parks, Toronto University; James into Vanstone's Pond, one o! the eE A Sumerhs, Ariutul Re Shaw, K.C., Toronto; Dr. E.T. cars ran off the tracks. Prompt prelsntthve, bas reauesotausto Slemnon of Ottawa Normal Scbool;" action on the part o! tbe engineerpuis b folwn im rtt _________________________saved the car from going over, information for farmers: and pnobably saved the lives o! Ontario Department of Agri- several men working below. culture bas jusi completed a cane- Rev.Hug MuroeB.A whofuI survey of the seed situation baRepted a caîl ot. An- hofor the spring seeding o! 1938. hasaccpte a alltoiSt.An-This survey indicates that ibere drew's Presbyterian Chunch at is now sufficient oats and barley Toronto, closes bis work as minis- ntepoic 0io fe h ter o! St. Pauls Oburch, Bow- 1938 seed requirements, provided, manville. on Sunday. o! ore htevr amrwl Birth: Baker - In Darlingion. coue tyha venytfarer wf il near Solina. Nov. 27th, t10 Mr. and gmdaicelyh avd e tebside ori Mr.Jhn Baker, a daughten grain e and ad stasideafor TORPID L VER mB't: Foley - Ai the Methodisi i ed ayfamr pent Coated tongue, upset digestion, Parsonage, Graf ton, November 20 think that because their grain ibis bilîousness, constpation, muddy com- 10 Rev. and Mrs. H. W. Foley, ý year is off colour and a little un- plexion, derangement of the kidneys daughten. ' der stndad sin weghtthat i result from sluggish, iver action and Manriage: Virtue - Devitt - On tiests ae suiae seed.but soon ,disappear ,when the liver fa Sept. 25ih. ai Kintraw. the home btets oireadym ade dshow tha awakened by use of o! Mrs. Jackson, Toronto, by Rev. Wb bsofclrdadudr William Higgs. Mn. Otto Lorne weigbt grain bas been tborougbly M I UI L I iD ..Lî.. P is Vrtue, Tyrone. and Miss Pearl leaned up to a 5017 cul in some ]Kdey Lie P ISM D evitt, Peck. Mich. instances. good seed was secured Deat: Mcee n Catwrihtwbicb gerrinated as hlgh as 90%7. Deah: cKe -In aririgtIf Ibis wonk is done new the cîeaned out grain can be used for feed. - " " " '~ With Ibis in view tbe Depari- TESTMONYmentfeels that if Ontario farm- ens follow out some such policy Chemists' analyses show the there wili be no great shortage o! superioriy of every drop of ;i seed next spring. Tbey wll have Milk praduced at our Dairies. - seed o! known variety and onigmn battled at aur Sani-stations, and wiil not b>e obliged wben delivered ta aur patr o ns' Spring comes ta buy unknown ' homes. Miilk of this puritv andI richness is worth more, basedi seed. pnobably at veny high prices lsmeSHo481 or use weedy ungerminated feed USrfdSsu481 on-ftsý greater warth ini safety grin -Passsng.r Sedn wjgf.Ttn* and food value, does nat cast Many farmers have a fanning a penny more. mill o! some description, which i with a little repain and an extra Bowm nvîle I screen or two, wlll dlean grains. Bo ma vIl The correct scneens, o! course, are important and should any farm- Dairyer be n doubt, the Department Dairy will be glad tb !urnisb Ibis n- Phone 446 or 703 Bownianvile formation on request. Where f ar- mens live wltbin driving and trucking distance o! power clean- ____________________________________________in« plants that bave scourers and UBLIC NEALTH NURSE PRESENTS MONTHLY REPORT The fînsi monthly report o! iss' Gertrude H. Tucker, Public lalth Nurse, is appended. Miss îcker commenced ber duties on ovember lse. and the value, o! le nursing service may be gaged Ythe fig-ures contait'n in the re- 1-' KNIGHT'S FUELS 1 M- 1 1I Pon 210ROY Bowzianville Charlie Mccar, Phofe48 'alPE I * ** e WHY NOT PLAN A BUSINESS CAREER Canada's increasing Business needs more Business executives. Wher-e are these future eaders in Business? Tley %vil be faund b y hundreds in such Young men and %vomen as yu. But yauth must be TRAINED ta fI hes positions eficiently. Plan now to take a Shaw Business Course ai one of Shaw 12 Day Schools. Consut Telephone Directory for loca- tions. The Shaw Plan of individual instruction enables you to join any tre. Shaw Courses lead to eogied standing. Shaw's Model O0 ce gives actual expeience. ShawEmlyment Bureau gives free assistance ta graduates. Instruction also bythe Shaw Home Study method if desired. Health SUPervision sits to newborn infants 2 sits to other infants 19 sits to pre-school children 2 sits to school children 27 Morbldlty - Tuberculosis 1arrested case visited 1suspect visited )contacts visiied contacts atiended the chest clinic in Oshawa; transporta- tion was supplied through the kindness o! the Rotary Club. Commnunicable Disease case Measles reported in Nov. pre school cbildnen compleîed Scarlet, Fever immunization. scbool children com pleted Scarlet Fever immunization. tai 49. Ui no. o! visits for Nov. 80 ceting addressed ------ 2 Schoel Activities is ta scbools ------------ 20 st Aid on dressings - -----66 ýidren having class- 700M inspection -- .--- ---409 ýdren having other insp. .-2 idren receiving Special ?hysical Inspection - - ---20 ildnen rec'v'ng Vision tests 67 idren rec'ng Hearing tests 7 idren baving new defects 30 idren for observation 45 idren re-inspected for Dbservation 98 -insPected conditions- 5bsided 3 'orected 4 Zotified 3 dren witb corrections- ;ew defecis 3 Id defects 9 ldren sent home 7 dd Healtb Conference tendance 26 Liai Healtb Chiic ttendance 1 irs on duty 166 ns in scbool 71 ns in office. 37 ns visiting 40 rs ai clinics ----- 16 rs other activities 3 G. H. Tuckpr, Public Healih Nurse. He loves best whose love Iast.s.1 Every tailor knows a lot of A dilomat is a knocker who Promnising young men. cari criticize things in a way no- Most girls di.slike being kissed - body understands. by the wrong fellow. 1 Christmas GiftI MONET YORDEIRSI -~ k>- -. WHEN in doubi what to give for a Christmnas gift, Sgive money: it is always ac- ceptable, because the recip- jent can select bis or ber own present. You can send the money by mail, in the form of a Bank of Montreal Money Order. It is a safe, convenient and economical way to, maké gifts and to purchase goods by mail order, when you do not -k Money Orders always can be obtained promptly at any of ourW00branches. BANK 0F DMONTIREAL ESTABLISHED 1817 "a bank w/ere mali accounts are welcome" Modern, Experienced Banking Service ... The utcome of 120 Year.' Succe.sful Operation ;s o ma* anouier car. Prices ut foctory, Oshow , m learn about them all by Govrmgt dtelona .,du our showrooms today-and rihadion. ng and dniving the new Me. THE MOST ADVANCED onthM, pamsn ai osit yaurtpurs. n-Buick for yvourself. WVhen CAR IN THE WOLD ,*'" '< in you'I1 realize what we mean ie say it's the car and the .- NICHOLS Courtice nI M-2iili --------------------------- MRFR 01 111V- LANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWXfANTVIT.T.P O%7TiDln 1-l' M-289 I.. 7 Iqqalw ý