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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Dec 1937, p. 7

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THURSDAY, DECEIMBER 9TH, 1937 THE CANADI.-'.X STÂTESMAN, BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO, PAGE SEVEN SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Miss. Margaret Wood, Millbrook, visiting Dr. and Mrs. P. E. Ire- visited Miss E. Allen. land, Toronto. Mr. Garnet Rickard has been Mr. Cecil Mils visited his par- -.,.elected vice president of Quinte ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mil]s, Scu- District Seed Fair. gog. Mrs. R. H. Westaway bas beer. Mr. Jack Hoskin, University 0! Toronto, spent the weeke'id witli his aunt, Miss Greta M. Wickett. Look! Cawker's tender juicy I sirloin or round steak 20c lb. - IIF Friday and Saturday only. * Mrs. J. Hyde, son Harry, and IIf'I~~TîfLuC' aster Peter Deuchey, Toronto, SUGGE TIONS wereguests of Mrs. J. A . McClel- Suaw~îun~lan. GIFT STATIONERY Useful Practical Boxes 25c to $1.69 Attractive Cedar Chests 75e te $2.50 LEATHER GOODS Genuine English Morocco Billfolds - Keycases - Purses 19c to $1.50 TOYS Bagatelle Boards 10c-$1.15 Trains- - - - $1.00-$1.75 Table Tennis - 25c-$1.50 Pickup Sticks - - - 25c Tops -- -----15c-25c Boxed Games-- 15c up Doils -- -----19c up CHRISTMAS CARDS Ail New Stock Boxed Assortments 10 Cards- -- ---19c 12 Cards- -- ---25c 12 Cards- -- ---39c 12 Cards- -- ---50c 21 Cards- -- ---79c Individual Cards le - 3 for 5c - 2 for 5c loc - 15c JOHNSTON'S BOOK STORE Phone 651 Bowmanville BowI for Health A Real Recreation Valuable Prizes to be given Christmas Eve for the foilowing scores: High Score for Single Mani H.Score for Married HO Man High Score for Men 's Doubles Greatest number of head- pins in one game ,Highest score Lad! Bowler Prizès on display in Window High School Students 5c froni 4 to 6 p.m. Wednesday afternoon and night reserved for lodges Out of Town Bowlers are Welconxe % Instruction gladly given beginners Mlartyn's Bowling Ailey Christmas Cake Plain or Iced lb. 35c Miss Ruth Wickett, Toronto. and Miss Marie Barnard, Bailie- boro, were weekend guests of Miss Amber Morton. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Freeman and son Glenn, St. Catharines, visited bis sister, Miss Chrissie Freemian. and her brother, Mr. Ira Purdy. S. Davison. Large well trained RUJMOUJRED APPOINTMENT chorus choir. An interesting ceremony feat- ied the evening service at St. Paul's United Church on Sunday when the officers of the Young People*s Union were installed in office and the young people ook charge of the service. Miss Helen Williams presided at the organ. and the young people occupied the choir staîls. John Graham and Betty Pingle rendered a duet 'Smile as the Years Go By," and George Graham sang 'Dear Lord Forgive" as a solo. Rev. W. F. Banister preached an eloquent sermon, basing bis remarks on the text "Let your light so shine before men that they may see you good works and glorify your father which is in beaven." The officers installed were: President. Geo. W. Graham; Vice President, Ken McQuarrie; Secretary, Sugie, Thompson; Treasurer. Neison Os-! borne; Conveners. Mary McAllis- ter, Ruth Tuerk, Hilda Hall, Eric Swindells. TO VOTE ON BAND BY-LAW JAN. 3RD Miss Jean Galbraith, one of (Contirnued from page 1) Bowmanville's oldest citizens, cel- Th~omas Percy and Herschell ebrated ber 94Vh birthday at ber Hooper. home on Queen Street on Decem- An off er of J. B. Martyn to give ber lst. Slie received the con- a one acre lot immediately north gratulations cf a host of friends. of the C. P. R. to any industry The first baby te occupy Bow- wishing to build on it. was refer- manville Hospital*s new incubator red to the Manufacturers Corn- is making splendid headway ac- minttee. cording te reports. The baby. A request from the Public child of Newcastle parents, was School Board that safety signs be placed in the incubator shortly af- erected at both scbools was re- ter birth, and attending physic- ferreci Vo the Roads and Streets ians believe 'that without the in- Committee with power to act.. cubator the child's chances for The request of the Hospital life were very slim. Tbe incubator Board for tbe installation of a was installed by Mr. R. R. Stevens f ire alarm in the hospital was not o! Maple Grove when he recentîy entertained. The Council was of completely renovated and mosi- the opinion that tbe telephone ernized the cbildren's ward. was by far the best means of noti- fying officiais of a fire. The f ire On a visit Vo Bowmanville last caîl rings both at the Fire Sta- week, Edgar T. Jones, field secre- tion and the Fire Chief's bouse. ary o! the Boy Scout movement, Hospital authorities will be noti- completed arrangements for the fied te this effect. local groups o play hosts Vo the A letter from the Canada Slicer annual district Patrol Leaders Corporation offered te resumne the Conference in March. wben near- payment of taxes and insurance ly one hundred Patrol Leaders on the building, and officiais of and Seconds will meet here for the company will meet the Pin- two days. They will corne f rom ance Committee te reach some Oshawa, Wbitby, Pickering, Lind- agreement. say, Stouffville, Blackstock, Pet- A petition from residents of erboro, Port Hope, Cobourg and Queen and Division streets re- Campbellford. quested the installation of a street Rev. Sidney Davison gave a ligbt haîf way down that street. very heart-searchng sermon in and the Public Property Commit- Trinity United Church on Sunday tee was ordered Vo look into the on the subject "Are You Running matter. Away?" Mrs. W, Roberts sang a Finance Committee presented a solo, 'O Rest in the Lord." The rpr eomnigtepy chor uderdirctin o Dr T.A.ment o! sundry accounts totalling Partridge sang the anthem 'Send $6388.49, ogether with $52.55 for Out Thy Light." In the evening relief. the pastor chose as bis subject, Road Superintendent B i c k e Il 'What is Religion?" Choir rend- was instructed to proceed with ered "O Corne Vo My Heart." the repairs Vo a culvert on Scugog Mvrs. T. W. Cawker and Mrs. J. E. Street, for which the Counties Anderson sang in duet "Trusting Council would pay labor costs. in the Savieur." The 6.40 p.m. __________ Sunday recitals of familiar organ inelodies continue Vo hold inter- CANADA'S HOUR est and are increasing in attend- 0FD TNY H R ance. Dr. Partridge believes in of- OFD S IYH R fering selections that both lay- Cniudfopae1 man and musician alike can ap- oniudrmpae1 preciate and enjoy. Corne next but f irst we must do away with Sunday evening and enjoy this that scourge, political patronage. program at 6.40 p.m., followed by Our population is almost in the an inspiring sermon o! spiritual samne condition as was England's uplift and encouragement by Rev. wben she was great. IV consists1 _______________________of French who gîve us a keenness of logic. British who have endur- _______________________ance and practicality, and other Europeans with ingenuity and steadiness. United States is un- LIBERAL MEETING certain about the final outcome of its evolving population becauseà A meeting of Liberals of the there are within its borders 50 Town of Bowmanvîlle rnany types of people. Canada1 r.eeds wise immigration laws in is called for the future. We must preserve the Tuesday - Dec. l4th best and add Vo it. The people o! Canada sbouldt at 8 o'clock, at the become economics conscicus, be-j cause on it depends the physical.t Balmoral Hotel cultural and spiritual levels of ourr life. We are a favored nation, Election of officers and matters rich in resources o! agriculture. mines, forests and water power, of general interest to the Lib- but there is need o! national su-f erai party will be discussed. pervision Vo preserve these trusti funds. There is also great needt Ail interested Liberals Vo avoid debt, because every debtr is a first mortgage placed againste lnvited to attend. aur resources and should the mortgages become os overbear- W. C. CAVERLY. ing, bankruptcy follows. There ist need for economie planning. c Between 1900 and 1930 the pop- Almond Paste 30c & 40c lb. Give Chocolates This Year They Are Always Appreciated i Jenny Lind - Ganong 's - Robertson 's - Willards - House of Picardy iPackages . * 25c te $3.00 BIGGEST STOCK 0F CRACKERS IN TOWN B elect your Christmas Crackers froni the largest stock xi Bowmanville. They are priced lower this year - 25o box up uChristmas Candies - Ail Varieties .... ...... lb. 12e up Christmas Stockings ..................... each 5c up Candy Canes-5c up - Novelties of ail kinds Order Yonr Christmas Puddings Early A Corbett's Bakery PHONE 890 BOWMANVILLE W. J. Bragg Former member of the Provin- cial Legislature for Dur ha m County. who it is reported will 1shortly be appointed a special in- vestigator under the Liquor Con- trol Act. Mr. Bragg represented Durham from 1919 to 1937, but did not contest; the riding this year. ulation of Canada doùbled, but the wealth of its basic industries increased four and five times. leaving tbe wealth per capita much bigher than if we had al- lowed wide open immigration. Religiously, Canada bas a great opportunity. When pros p e r i t y came to Rome, morality was sac- rificed. Their morality was cen- tred in their country, not in God and that same situation is facing Germany and Russia. In United States there are 30 religious denominations. In Can- ada six. It would be a fine ex- ample Vo, otber countries if Can- ada was the experimental ground where Protestant denominations were first united and where Pro- testants and Catholics; couid learn Vo work together. We have no tradîtional methods Vo hamper us and we can try new tbings, con- cluded Mr. Banister. The other countries o! the world are watcb- ing Canada and God can use our country Vo set them the example if we will let hlm. T. H. Knight introdUced tbe speaker and W. P. Corbett ex- pressed Vo him the appreciation o! the club. Visitors included Capt. Wm. Locke, Oshawa, and F. S. Phillips. who will be a resident o! this community in the near fu- ture. Presdent Ross Strike pre- sided for first part of meeting and laVer turned it over to Vice-Presi- dent Len Elliott,. Next Thursday evening tbe Ro- tary Club will play host at a rural-urban meeting at Black- stock to the citizens of Cartwright holding public offices. ARCDEAON0F YORK HERE SUNDAY (Continued from page 1) locum tenens in tbe absence cf the rector on sick leave. Wbile at Ashburnbam the parish of Lakefield became vacant through the appointment cf Rev. John Farncomb to Newmarket. Dr. Warren was offered the rectory and accepted. In 1889 Dr. War- ren became Rural Dean o! Nor- t.humberland, and in 1905 be was appointed Archdeacon of Peter- bora. One year laVer, in 1906, he was appointed Missionary Secre- tary for the Diocese of Toronto. a position he held until 1935 when the duties were t-aken over by the new Suffragan Bisbop, Dr. Bever- ly. In a recent letter Archdeacon Warren recalled some interesting facts. "In 1887" he says. "that is 50 years ago, Bowmanville was the busy centre of organ and piano manufacture, with a trade extending throughout Canada and penetrating far and wide into for- eign lands. Society was consti- tuted there much the same as in other towns along the front. St. John's Church, under -its rector, the handsome and dignified Dr. Macnab, Canon of St. Alban's ICOMING EVENTS 1 The ladies of Group 4, St. Paul's Church. are having an Afternoon Tea and table of gifts on Friday afternoon, Dec. lth. in St. Paul's S. S. Room. Annual Dance of Clarke and Darlington Football League will be held in Clarernont on Tuesday, 'iec. 14, at 8 o'clock. Admission 5rc a couple. Lunch will be pro- vided. 48-2 Shaw's Christmas Tree and Concert will be held on Wednes- day, Dec. 15. Short play '"Good King Wenceslas." Newcastle S. S. Orchestra. Admission 15c. Salvation Army Homne Cooklng Sale Priday, Dec. 17, at 2.30 p.m. 48- 2 The Women's Institute w:ll meet at the home of Mrs. A. L. Nicholîs, Concession Street, on Priday, De- cember 17, at 3 p.m. Program in charge o! Mrs. Fred Baker andl her graup. Topic: Unexpected guests and haw Vo entertain hem. Guest speaker: Mrs. J. H. Jury. Exchange of gif s. Please note change of date. Salvation Army Christmas Pa- geant, "White Gifts Vo a King," Tuesday, Dec. 21, at 8 p.m. 48-2 SHORTHORN BREEDERS ASSOCIATIÔN The a.nnual meeting of the Dur- ham County Sborthorn Breeders Association will be held aV the 9,1 of Vhe Agricultural RePr,-, Mr. E. A. Summers, l BoMn'Ille on Saturday, Decem- ber 1 f at 2 p.m. AUI nterested In Shorti om-s are cordla.lly lnvlted ta be 'present. a ssell Richardson, President. 8. 1Mhs. Alun, Secretary. Cathedral, had recovered largely from. disruption of earlier years. The number of adherents; was considerable and the church was always comfortably f illed. Dr. Macnab was very kind and con- siderate to bis Young assistant. and gave him both encourage- ment and opportunity to acquire training and experience in the pastoral vocation." The people of Bowrnanville, the Archdeacon says. received him with friendsbip that bas neyer bc-en forgotten. Dr. Warren was mnarried on July 15, 1889, in St. John's Chu rch. There are two cbildren. Edward, and Mrs. J. M. Snetsinger. He was created Arch- deacon o! York in 1920, and still retaiUs tbgt office. And on Sunday morning, tbe Young curate who was ordained here will return and preacb on the saine spot as hie was ordained haîf a century ago, but be returns the 76 year old senior Archdeacon of tbe Diocese cf Toronto, senior ecclesiastical dignitary under the Arcbbisbop and Suffragan Bishop. HONOR ELGIN ST. COUPLE AT 25TH WEDDING PARTY (Continu ed from page 1) es were made by Wm. Yeo. Tom Pingle, wbo is 87 years old. Rev. C. R. Spencer, Billie Williams, Samn Glanville and Leslie Niebols. The Hayes brothers arranged for the cake and decorating and planned the party aIl unknown Vo their mother and father. Sid Lit- tle acted as master of cerernonies and performed his part well. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes bave been good citizens and bave done their part Vo make their f amily l! e an example in the community. Tom- my's long service in the Goodyear shows bow very industricus lie bas been. The hope wus express- ed that they would live in bealth Vo, see their golden wedding anni- versary. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes ex- pressed deep appreciation of the lovely gifts and very kind words. An excellent lunch was served and games played and all bad a very enjoyable time. TRINITY W.M.S. Miniature Christmnas trees, gaily decorated and other Christmas de- corations formed a colýorful settîng for the ~M supper meeting on Tuesday evening. The prograni fol- lowed the Christmas theme and wvas openied by prayer hv Rev. Sidney Davison. 1&s. D. .-ldread read the (levotional leaflet and played the ac- coînpainxient for lier two daughiters. Doris and NMary xxho sang a Christ- nias song very sxeetlv. A Christ- lias storv wvas presented ini the xvay ot a poern recited by I\Mrs. D. Puir(lv "Annie's anxd Willie's P rav- cr \IMrs. Geo. Pritchard sang a Christmnas lhvnin. President st\rs. C. W'. Slemuon toolk the cha~ir for thje business period. Folloiving the Sec. reports officers werc elected for 1938. Installation xvas conducted bv Rev. S. Davison. Praver by 'Mrs. Sleemon closed the mecetin. BOWLING NEWS Rov Pedden's teani climbed into first place iin the Senior Bowlinîg League at Mfartvris Allevs hv taking fontr points f romn the Badmninton Club on i ucsdav night. Tlonight. Tuda.Whiite Rose have a chance to j unhi into toi) position bv turning iin a four point xictorv. Threc points xiii bc 1nogood. it rMust be four or nothing. This is the last gamne of the first schedule and xith So inuich depending on the outcorne tliere is a great deal of interest iin the struggle. The standing ini the Senior League is as follows: Ped. dens.'White Rose, Badmlinton and Ca neilla. In the Initermediate Lea g u c. Sharks are ils the lead witb Wood- wards. Infantines and Iron 'Mcn folloving in that or(lcr. .Another leagîîe (opcratiing ï ist Davis - I-jouît League. comprising teanîs of emnplovees at the Davis- Hoult factorv. There's plenty nf enthusiasrn in this league and los of good sportsnianship displax cd. 'Malloganies are iin the lead. wth \Valnuts. Birches and .\shes follow- ing iin order. The Goodvear Ladies' League has a large following and boîvîs everv Nlonday nlighit at seven. Standings ini this leagule will be given next wveek. Lockhart's School H-orne and School Club mlet Dec. 2n1( witlî the President in charge. Guest speaker -was 'Mrs. Harold AI- lin of Oronio, who gave a report o f tic Wonien's Institute Convention held iii Toronto. Sîxe gave ais excel- lent a(l(ress telling of thc purpose1 of the convention and of the work the Institute has accomiplishcd. Miss Brooks gave a splendid talk on "Vis-i ual Education." in whichi she stated clcarly the îxew systein of rduca- tion adopted for publie sehools. A 1 sing-song conducted by '1r. R. Os- ! borne was mucbi enjoyed. 'N1r. 'M .1 Blackburn moved and Mý1r s. Ed.1 Dean seconded a vote of thanks to those wsho liad taken part i il the prograni. Several iivelv gamnes were enjoyed while refreshnients wvere bcing prepared. music DR. T. A. PARTRIDGE Phone 313 Piano, Organ, Slnging, Theory Rates as follows: Piano (ciass) - - - - 25e Piano (private) - - - 50e Organ --- - - - - $1.00 Siniging - - - 75e Class in voice placement, correct breathing and tone production now forming, 50e lesson. WEST END) GARAGE AND) MA- chine Shop - We specialize in mnachinery repairs, general gar- age repairs. welding. towing service. J. L. Demerling, Pro- prietor, Bowmanville. P h o n e 781. 23-tf CROICE Du rhaniBeetf orFrom Cawker The Butcher Frthe Clirlstmas Traie We have purchased the foilowing choice stock froni Durham Farmers 7 Choice Steers and Heifers from Fred W. Bowen A Choice Steers froni Fred Blackburn 2 .Choice Heifers from Colin Smith Choice Pork, Lamb or Veal Ail Kinds of Poultry - Place Your Order Now SPECIAL - Friday and Saturday , Round or Sirloin Steaks-lb. 2 C FARMERS ATTENTION! Fariners wantisxg a Quarter of Beef order now. - We 'Il open your eyes with our prices. - Why not buy Beef bought froni Duham County Fuares T. W. Cawker 9Butcher Phone 382 BUY PRACTICAL I GIFTS For Christmas At Big savlngs ~I3IIém Stock il0 Adiusters Horsey Block West End Bowmnanville CHRISTMAS OIFT$ FOR EVERYONE Your Christmas Shopping Can Be Easily FOR THE MAN. Done At Your I.D.A. Drug Store. Let Us.ç Gift Problems For You. IN QUESTION Save Larger pI Buy at your y I.D.A. DRUG Lowest Store Prices ROLLS RAZOR t Christ-mas Christmas I PACARDS tationery Tobaccos - LEKTRO BRAVER a beautif ni assortment in beautiful holiday $15.60 of fancy boxes wrappings . SCHICK DRY BHAVER 25c - $2.50 Tobaccos - . 35c-$1.50 < $15.60 lI Cedar Chests Cigars - - 50c-$4.80 HANDLEY 'S CLIPSHAVE 75c - 85c - $1.00 - $2.00 Cigarettes $11.50 $2.25 - $2.75 50o - $1.00 - $2.00~ 4 MIRACLE SHAVER-.. . 4 $12.50 LunacUm dma ir bA mnv PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex McGregor PHONE 792 DRUOS WE DELIVER ¶4 riri'rovt> n-ëtr VAL A j - ý-ý7T THE CA-,ADIAN STÂTESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, PAGE SEVEN 1

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