e - r - - c- - - R- c-c- PAG F OUR~ THE CA.!tLDiAN 5T.XTE-SMA\, THL'RSDAY, DECEMBEL 23RD, 1937 EOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO - fi Il "I ~ r/i $ Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Bache and Denise, Toronto, with aimé--£Miss I. Laing. . Mr. Arnold Wade wth Mrs. Wade in a Toronto hos- - pital.. Mr. and Mrs. Hibbard J D IAVIS and Joyce, Mrs. Foster. Mrs. Lun- 'j"'TONY MARTIN Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Stapleton. . . GLOça,@AR Miss Inez Symons, Morrish. with PESO SIONI -MAT PSnDLSTOoI Ebre Wallace wnth Mr. and Mrs. CD i tNoGSmEEM 09cotSALDW908 J0. Aan AsitDIXI! DIINDAM Herb. Alexander. Markham. -. .- J' >1 PROUIPTVMAURtcI CASE Mr. and Mrs. Willis Jones and MAPJuOlJI WSAvzR.J. LNuagEM Mrs. Savery in Toronto. -... Miss Bacon. R.N., Port Hope, with Mr. h and Mrs. S. R. Jones. U. C. League Tuesd.ay evening Matinee Christnas Day - 2.30 p.m..va.s in charge of the missonary conveners. Mrs. Willis Jones and Matinee Mna - 2.0Am Jack Kimbail. Mrs. George Mc- Monay 2.3 pCullough gave a splendid paper ____________________________________________ from the Study Book; vocal solo, Edna Denau]t; vocal duet, Elsie 0Walîac and Mary Lane; piano Wed. - Thurs. - Fri. - Dec. 29- 30 - 31 ),o0 Ln F1rw AProgram, at the W. I. meeting Aat MsWm. Milligans consisted jof a splendid report on the W. I. AConvention in Toronto, by Mrs. jKaufman Box of Christmas gifts A will he sent ta Port Hope Shelter A% Lunch wa.s served. A Sîncere >sympathy is extended Matineete> the Editor, Mr. James, and Wed. 230 p.A staff, in the loss of a dear fricnd Aand associate in the person of! Pleae noe thse Mis:, E. E. Haycraf t. special datUngs. ~ Nob(oWy wanft.5 to earn money The man who 'eadz a dog-z12e & w ake t'-e f=rzcf a, has soeexc-.:p for growxa rS'n &- Maya tnaws~m . ,~rHAMPTON i~y:ccye~'-e for granted because c z: m 'arn z '2 f Hf ;hings hc doen* M:a - .* et: i-ndM~ ~**- e-..A c.T c MI L nCr.r . . - * - -.a - A . Er.;ar - 2 M r-ara=M' Tr Ec. p:e.s~r.: a;-.nc;C*c.e'-_-' J. H. Abernethy a-, ine....... Mr -ýa'-'- .z 'Xw H Ga-.- M:s ': '--ds -na -dan Hi Painter &Decorator Ea;.dBc- - A ~G-acB~r.T'-"-ya:r.;n o nT hc -z '- c : c : n. a .. - - - : -:,: -' '-rn wee-c : ee 2dn.Ar anrd Mr- .F. Tam- ;n c.c w"c- i B.ar.cfla.rand . W P extends to bis ctistomers *crrcea.. * :--m c ,- . - H= -;.- -- *.ar. nd -S 'day e;e '-'Tee_ cr *-ran.. zren and friends Beat Wishes for T'- e C G I 'T--~c rT.rd: ~rrccr - a Very Merry Christmas na;'.e- . sc' - r-c Sn~a:. ~eTne. -c:a-. r. c' V ar a'- a--L and a Happy and Prosper- . ctp.r4 -2.: e C- c =rzre. C:. ons New Year. The-~c e.W.R nanc a&:;arr ci a C7r.Km..e -z c e 1' --n * '- ~ - - ~er.~C ~ Dc - 'ýe n- c '-c -o:~.r'cr~ .-.:4.cF c. c.'n- f .-cA A The --- M- --ý c'--c-R-'-- c --r ..- 'c- c-ce -.-e SA 1--cam e bpr-- R-.-.'G A '-aO04---caa.'-ae c: m d _z One mae tis ocso ourpea tnou itnsd "- --ra sincerely theNew er r parnge oute A 11P-.: . -j~ A., I A S E-APD NED P: A T- PESION B ARD - l eslsed oiyorqviyad evc.- .c.. A j1 A c' - Al- F. nw tr. Kersidgak.cpotrist -eof COWIING'S DRUG STORE ýn I W ~ - r- e ' v. n ... - Norhumbe:and.tIn (Jan._ -h \o:I>' cnazl.ân and FI-.-:- ' ince-nt (f 13r:a2htc-. an C ROYAL THEA RE Ic- \ezzmoc-rt Unchnangec! ERt-çve-Rav Mlof iPercv. aI ed it' perzuade the Ceruncil tri alte-r BOWMANVILLE the -cî-(uaiizE:d az'-c-rnient rfc*n c, 4Iftieý as fnxed two -.ear- aLo ini Extends Best Wisb.es to its Patrons for a Jayons :1nt Crhc-urz agreemen.t. H1b iaw 5 -df'tdIn the .eco)nd rcadinz Christmasti.de ra'b- 22 t-.. 19. Se-ntimecnt had aiteed -c ,idrahv o- e night. Mr.t Thurs. - Fri. - Dec. 23 - 24 ' NaIo.resclutir',n tc, hav(- a ý%t --.a.prepared waz acdopter] Thur'. Joel McCrea, Barbara Stanwyck in da-.aitcrnoon bv a vr.te if 28 tri 1. )~pre it.o his actiin tri revert tc thi auaicnmacle 1v judge <rC', frrin l1935 wvûe- pkaentlv.vcI "nternes Can't Take Money ir(( ih uiin -' iue n -Alzo - 0r. ni a-ce'c-ments '.howinjz t.pc- iali-.- adverse ef fecis for sotiofc thce municipalitie'. whrse member'. had "Frame Up"cterl previou'.lv for the rescolution. .-MIthamersUpivepresureappar.- FREE MATUNEE FOR CHILDREN tin'e. for the b.law wa5 halted i n itz Friday, December 24th ý'i î19d veas and 22 nav.. Ree'.' il' cc- n of Coib uriz. a-ked that the couir.-i AUl children ini West Durham are cordially invited clb old Special Pr<gram - Continuos fr i p.m. S97000for Schools from Reeve E. C. MfcKeeI of Campbell. Tues - ec.25 -27 28 Schrool'. Commnittee. thow'tne 1937 Sat. - Mon. - Tus e.25-2 -2 rant'. tre> rimnar- and secondlarv' A 'chrol' within and out- idle the coun. ties'.amo-unting to $97.0Ofl. Somne of tIi--' pa'.me-ft'. were a'. foliote':l lI Sch-olzanc- <'lei t:t' c-"# tcs-' Camnr,b-Ilfcrd 51320577: Pc-wx.1I rnaviIc- 14.86.5:C'.hotîrzg 51.. I ()7().C)7: Rrighton S5.212.93: CAon %o,. 5631 31cNeca9tlc- 5. 01:P ,t "" I'I ~ 1-r p- 12.p898 33. AI-o Peterhrr ~ ~ Jj/ cuc'h 5.377.9)2: Hav-ck.S21 C> ec 198 3kA3 and other' in the Orders mut be plaed before Christmas Day kets. _______ MENS OVERCOATS up from $14.95 <wl<oeEîu<II< Epublishesi a day carlier tiran us- Iual considerable copy receiveel too THE CARTER FAMILY Ro isb ' H tl o twekas .hJhs n&Cydr a vlltgArirrH. Battlen . W THE CARTER FAMILY ~~~James were in Cobourg Sunday acJhso Crd m n Phono 855 Bakers for Two Generations Mr. ansi Mrs. G. W. Garner, Poo86LMTE omnll Oshawa, visitesi her motirer. Mrs - immmemm -------- ---------- z0it.D. T. Morris, n Sunday. Christmas Pudding SANTA AT ANTIOCH cowan e:a:~ifar Satta* - - ,nan hce-r.f:z a.ded *o-.M.:.Lew..s WoodW 'F e ene ar-m-a-'- wav -o~ Sa-manade a prema:-ure accm ' n cO idc a C.r'-a ...dcr ;~>~=,::.nPro. - . -.'-e ad h.s brcugh- a p:,e-asan- ev.en- a ':ne examp:e of .ht e - ' ---a :-e -c.- cne Wn-:c - za -_-fe 'e Dcc_ f '-e scnx ccn-n .*n ý :De W. M1r. R E. O0.a2amas -ne 1-e se-noe wabeau- - de-W r.n -' a a'ca c c cs':a2a nee n4ca cnwan:: ea-d of s:encJ:.cc r;é_-- M' sAE - Yc m cm -neDa:s z-eamers. W -c cc=-m'e-'-r-- . c- r - ca-:.. e p.a.rc - c..and a n:c:y dec-a-ed ree.j a eand zrec-oc r c.C cmra::y c:recmmgtr ____________ 'r 4 a mp -: n'--program was en:ovcd: I r- -'z : smar' -, -'.i.-Dvsnir C'-.s Brn BRITISH IDEALS ~ :.c-c-,- c ~ ca m. AneLR-:i G-'- REQUIRED TODAY r':sa -'- ng "A Rcsy Ap-,e.' _:A s-CtC *r.ne -Uror cys: rc:::mb.SAYS EX-.MAYOR W *A ý7. a--: :fpc- F".anc= Co-Kan:voca, soc. y -- - n.an 2'C S---s Ted CcLeuer "c' C.0rrued frm npage -"r-Samma. - co--oe-ad by mŽre c -- h-z- c o--WVN aP-.. a"ness -o--ean _g [ n= comFehing. '4 cver-gmvrre. cm4nWishes You dance -o ---,emsi fEr zand and o-:: so-.-err.enmms are ýL=.Long Ago-: rec:ma . - W Merr-e -Occnp::cms es and morgasrz ::rcf . ure of y r:s -n-rbc, e an.I* iS:ou job andt' 0.-s: an - md .- 1 - ýe W and a Prosperous cf -~D cs :.macg. ' ae an ::eil nDu.- L'Drs oo ard N 'a& - '-re. n- A- Wood andr cc-e'. c- -'az 'rac an teffo:to zp -'J.5-con- iW New Year -e :m.-~~n W. ,.-- ckar ismae eie man 'a e by oaur bao:s and c*:r p-c -- -- ~ e. as:-e-.e co:ra--e\\eW hve e zrnem e- csls aep jn' cc-a.y.as noire coun-.rýs WWe hope that you hveen- .d.enz mn '. aýer.-arehdcr and ene rfmb- joyed a good year, as we - *_;C:ence :.un:ne for m'-e boa"c- have, - -Wand for our pors r..ar-er c .a.ed o ao*be:s m-o S100sîo 'as -o are discon-en:'Y we wish to express gratefulA - e '2 ancd ndn. skunks: quai-e - e -:r aaa.akmberwhr thanks to our customers andA Crzma-i es.-r u-cr boz -.-Oca, z-:0 j. nc- xo-i"d ooner :'-.-e? Tirere : W.z~<j Da PRcbLn." Hecen Wood: ex- no ar..swer. Bu*. we m-ust ac Notice of By-Law c:t'-z.r-sh:Bi-NDSTO4NE'S MEAT MARKEn ;YNOPSIS 0F BY-LAW NO. 133 -e> scra- zoca anne a ce- w - oudW LUaeJue15 E MUN S O ESM T M R E T'rra'~ frmdmoat n'a-enjoyed sec:ms m-he o -emmdame o h N 'aChar.aW ez pyjamasa -,o or can a.-:wiuch ga-.e denocracy to. mire !W Phones 375 -376 Bowmanville A LBand Frd - 4.r4oknss:r ebdo ad.9a Tir f..wrz Ue-sm:cncm : e CT'-e 'ol.eý&uzion of mire probleni rs------------- , -o :c , for m-re-. e se- : r' 'cul t ne.c.--d ccmr r yh mfvarc r"- rnex ; mcm ca:ec a u- for us zme mamirain aur c.vi: and e".-.-nzm a ax of 10 mIlI -.n -c-e enoms amor, o f memory warkregau bet.Iweommh . en4ra: ramec for m-re es:ab ý',-as -e story o! the bt- o0f Chrism mdOesnt matter wher ae: rec: an.d :r.amrerar.ce of a func wap-Onrayed n sorg ana -.verse to maintamir responsible goverir- 1: 'ne sUpport and ard of a arc scripmurc reeadmg. Opng mien* and mamntain acces-s te aur W-------------- awm Bad? w:h a .eo:oS:en-igh' by Jean court-s; zo safeguard democracy. IW Thre said !und me> be admmru-ster- Harness the arviof the shep-' desire to be governed by repre- M iNm iE ,d a co::te-.ce of :h.ree mcm- erd.s and iase men ini casmume - wa sen-atives o! thc majority not thre IM I U I ,er=. appornmed by Caunc. shawn at thc praprtm.E-nmrnority of a betrayed democra-W ne vtirebnd inn keceper wazs brought in'ma cy- Mr. Stewart conc.iuded. W The Mum:cipa Teaure ahie scene as he -10d of is regret Ibzeew hus sa4~ cep uir mna sparte ccont.for not having room f'or the king, training centres ta ceach Briir. c. be dsbursed upan signature of andi grs -in white and silver ca-ç C;Zmzeship and a revival of pride - !avor andi Treasurer 'a-len ap- turnes pertraved angel.s. T his in aur nation; to rededicate ou:-W ro dby chairman of commrit- pageant clases w'th -Jay ta 'mhe sc'ves ta aur crown and me teachW ee - ta be audited annua.1y with Woi'id.-iîberty by gaveznment. nosbv an-W ý-,hr -wn inaces Dr"ýlson. 'Bucingam a.-archyt. Om=rproblems hulsi be;V mirer ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ dscse m--.fnne.Di1sn.Bukgba Fa- in ather places than mIme W Y I. .»-.:ck J. Lye. clerk of thre an; f ishing sang. senior boys who mr abrsos hyae'ec-W- --c:e.hreycrtfythttreae.b hnoeey :h as bareios. Theye nar as i e l s e oroa-ion aofmthe Town o! Bow- a-are s-traw hat-s andi cari'ied poles -ng Conmmunism hroughou-the' an19i;dalge'r'-hc ah 1asynapsms of By-Law er. mather. dausirter a- bauc-tr.î : re --c e ýanI cregamng _sasandbrou-teach'ng Br:i.h cim-izenshrý> n hs ao 133î. --iîch passed f irat andi and tire rrpre'c-:ble young br --W One a ret amyp'se -c-c-nc readings at a mcet.ng of mier tlsev-eryt,*i:r.z e knows or c'pe.'* concludesi *ire speaker.1 I ire Councîl of the Taown o! Boa-- Suspects about her otcher boy fri- .w:th an oazh ikc: -I subscrmbeW nan-vý:Ee. on the lSrlh day o! De- cnds. thus crcat.cg humeor for -ne re maintenance of Iaw and' enbr13.adec u erbto o io re nirpeettv aenIf sssent of the elecmrs 'j air- sef::vocal solo -a-mh ruitar accemr- oment and te pre-sentte ritL cn- Wf P E CI ALS ýa'ned miere*o. tire said By-Law panument by Ne'Lson Cou-.ier : nect' on andi Br-«tisir ns2t-utionsW _____________ again be tLaken into cons4dcr- vocal trio, -Hushabye- by Joan ni- d.cbrcm Haendo n&te fully dsi W mydue ton by the said Ceuncil a! ter 1-arnes .nWodadEý-.vn of citîznsh'p7 ais'SI rpeNgto n ire« expret'an o! anc month !ronr Gordon: chorus by tire scroo.. LadiSt'war: 'a-a intraducesi by $ ie2rdao!ecbr.17. anaCas'a fe:low funeral director and per-- W B-egular $2.95 ----------------------- On Sale * U'J A tenant desiring ta vote on th4ms Wiile hcy werc srnging mmc sonal !rend. F. F. Marris. andi. By-La-w must delirmer te the clcrk last verse Santa Clau~s ar-n-cd tirankesi by Presmdcnt Ross Strike wy Velvet Kimonos ideclara*ion prevmded by sub- andi on being 'oIsi miat hcwas'a:e fr hi-s imcly and thoughm pro- vueua S.0-O SI4UU ecin3o ection 274. chapter for the concert he expressed hirrs vck:ng address. Charles M. Car- 'w '33R.S.O.. 1937. not later thar. regret se the ksddîcs repeazesi rie accompaniesi the speaker from Silknit Pyjamas en sisys before thre vote i"to te ir'Tire Fisiing Song" andi Francms Taranto. 7 akn ______________ Other guesms includesi Maur"ceW Regulai' 51.00 ------- ------ On Sale Thre vote upon thre saisi By-.Law Riadan uetand If O 5 '.nlI be taken at tire time and si do.HuýtHooPer ' WAil WooI Plaid Kimonos place for the holding o! tire an- -st alaBaffdn . MebissCo! teYWRegular S5.95---------------------O ae39 M.onday. January 3rd. 1938. Bridge Cloths ae39 On Tuesday. January 4th. 1938. - c T O NSAYPA Regular 51.50 -------- -------------- On Sale$l.OD at 10 arn.. the Maya: will ap-- W point persans te attend at tire H S,,OGUSp Ldis'Sca f'nal summing up a! tire votes by R O ~ ~ Lde' Sar .0 and $1.50 ----------- On SaleC The 7th day o! January. 1938., f3i. ~0 t eisCrr'.Pr oe ________________________ at 10 arn., in the clerks office is oJan f St. o ter's Church Ca-Hoe.W thre suming d>tinir n ae fo otesgup- "'e'g e t on Monsiay SPECIAL tireappîn'cd tme nd lac for~ - ~ - -..nigirt of St. John's A. Y. P. A. in on. thre saisi By-Law by tire Clerk. h Parish Hall irere. Ater tire 1 7'10 of a milI a, the present c cpening exercises. President Sid-W rate cf asscssment net Csbur eteneda eîom W Substantial Reductions on $1569.40. -~r' tc tire visiting branches. W 7 10 o! a mîll tr.eans a cos: o!fc"'~ In recognition o! tire Chirstma.s W om ns_ o t Dresses 70 cents per thousand o! assesaç- mnnn r-rd seasan a brie! carol service was Y tc eoev> u ment. 91 erii chistIO as hirld. witir Donald Cameran at the y ,ee our Sokbfr o u piano, and the meeting then ad- NOTICE The OId draws to a journed and tire Cirristmmas party Clerk's Notice of Frst Posting got under way in the gaîly decor- FOR THE HOME of Voters' Listi close, ated hall.I -~u:t.~Tire program includesi vocaliW LACE TABLE CLOTHS ,$1.75 - $7.50 V'oters' list 1937 Municpafityof solos by Artirur Cully, with Don X Bewmanvlle, County of Durham, The New Year is'Cameron at tire piano. and by~ LAUNDRY BAIGS- 45c - 50e Notice is hereiry given tirat 1 Lillian 'Naylor with Mrs. LeckwoodW DAMASK LINEN TOWELS 45c have cenmplied with Section 10 o!faw inlat Uic piano. Dorotiry Harnden BED SPREADS up from $1.49 tire Voters' List Act andi that I U nsi Mary- Wilkins presentes tireir yISWtLANKETS up from pair $1.95 have postesi up at my office at To our many customers and tap dance whicir was a feature of EMBROIDERED PILLOW CASES ....... 95C - $2.25 Bawmanville on tire 23rd day o!, tire recent Higir Scirool Coi-y A LWCK E)SRAD$32 Decemnber. 1937, the list o! ail, friends we extend Greetings imrencement. ansi Norma Searle al- W ADE IKBD PED 32 persans enzîtlesi t vote in tire with best wishes for a Merry sa contributed a tap dance. Dora-W TRAY CLOTHES each 50c saisi munipality at Municipali thy Mitchell and Masige Moses _____________________________ Elections. and tirat suc-h li.st re-: Christmas and a Prosperous stages tire Moonligirt Dance. ansi mrains 'miere for inspection. New Year. Frank Tigire ansi Icleen Hatîman Andi I iereby caîl upon all vot-prsneiiercoru-wa'. FOR THE LADIES ers te take immediate proceesi-- Every number was encaresi. ngs 'me have any errors or omis-' uTire remainder a! tire evening P LANNELETTE PYJAMAS 98C - $1.95 'mens correctesi according 'molw 1E was given ove: ta dancingv with1 FLANNELETTE GOWNS up from 59e to hit-frt a ! c A R plfer rc wndls ni et the la.s day for appeal being JAM ES MLU lvimusic -providesi by Bill Aluns amn- WOOL PANTIES and VESTS up from 35e Knox werEire wines ao! Btlîe K ABRIC GLOVES up from 49c cember. 1937. KnxiretewinW o h Datesi 'iis 23rd day o! Deccm- Jeweler BownianvillU uk tdne. KED GLOVES up from $1.25 ber. 1937. > Later dainty refresirments were W ANDKERCHIEFS 5cS - $1.00 A. J. Lyle. Clerk o! tire Town > served ta neariy ane hundresi andK SCARFS up from 49e 51- o! Bowhmanville. i during tire supper hou: Miss Elva FLOWERS up from 25c ______________________________________________Coln o!Part"Hope5ani TJohn y UfRLA . ~ fo l5