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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Dec 1937, p. 5

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y *i~ ~ PAIGEF, ivE .l flU.ftDJ-'fl .1, LJL.'....J2.fliLJflI~ 40flJJ, *Z..fl ***~-.. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Miss Doris Wright has been when a Christmas tree party was visiting in Toronto. heartily enjoyed by ail. Mr. Bloss Campbell, Toronto. Mrs. A. E. Wrenn attended a visited Mr. F. B. Herman Sunday. Christmas Party of the Silver1 Miss Vîvian Martin was guest Cross Women, of the British ain- --ôf Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard. pire, at the Royal York Hotel on Mrs. N. S. B. James visited With Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. E. Staples, To- ~World reveals how e writes is Mrs. 4Winton Bagneil has re- editorials. He says he has theJ turned 'rom a visit with relatives!I Bible at his right hand. the dic- in TG t0. tionary at his left, a in Mr e Mrs. Fred Wighit, Ce- front of hîm, a waste basket be- bor7eeweedget fler hind him, a chair under him, and mother, Mrs. Wm. Jewell. debtss hanging over him. * aid-in-advance subseriptiona Allan Balsen of Hampton waý: li*mi eans a better local news- qa mebereof the first-string paPer. andSunclay 'vening service in Prin- Mrs. Wm. Graham., cess Street United Church recent- Oshawa, visiteld his parents, Mr. ly,. The service was conducted bi, and Mrs. Geo. W. Graham. 1 the Queen's University Theologi- Ydu traverse the world in search cal Society. of which Mr~. Balson of real happiness which is within is a member. the reach of ahl. A centented mincI Anme ffiecsac ea conerslton vey mn.t ives front Bowvmanville. Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. A. Kershaw and and other points assembleci at the Mrs. F. W. Kirkendall, Toronto, home of Mr. and Mrs. Jones, El- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. gin Street. wîhen they gave a party W. A. Edger. in honor of their only daughiter Dr. Harold V. Siemon, Western Irene who graduated from com- Hospital, Toronto, spent the week- mercial school this year and lias end with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. accepted a position with the C. W. Slemnon. Davis-Hoult factory. St. Andrew's Pre sb Yt e ri an We regret to report the deatli qýiurch Services: Christmas Mes- of Mrs. Win. Simpson, one trne sages and music at il a.m. and resident of Elgin Street. Bowman- 7 p.m.; Sunâay School at 2.30 p.m.'ville. who died in Ottawa last Misses Helen Masen and Jean Saturday. December llth. She Morris, Messrs. Robert McIlveen leaves in Bowmanville to mourn and Boyd Siemon, of Macdonald her loss three nieces, Mrs. W. Hall and Ontario Agricultural Woelley, Mrs. A. Lebb and! Mrs. College, Guelph, are spending H. Hughes. andi one nephew. Mr. the Christmas holidays with their Ben King. parents here. Farmers are warned te be on The pupils of Miss Phyllis their guard agyainst c h i c k e n Challis, A.T.C.M., were entertain- thieves who travel in trucks and eti at her studio, Liberty St.. Bow- tell cock-and-bull steries as to inanville, last Saturday afternoon their mission. One plan is said te ROY NICHOLS and bis Sales and Maintenance Staff ~ welcome this opp0rtunity of expressing their apprecia- a tion for a year of pleasant business associations. Our Ssincere wish is that Christmas 1937, may be the happiest i history, and that the New Year shaîl bring you a full measure of success and good health. ROY NICHOLS f Co ice General Motors Dealer OSHAWA THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY December 23 - 24 - 25 'Rootin' Tootin' Rhythm,' with Gene Autry "Time Out For Romance' Claftre Trevor and Michael Whalen MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY * eebr2 8-2 'TIbat's MY Story' with Claudia Morgan and Ralph Morgan Wben Kulghts Were fl with Jack Buchanan and Fay Wray Ailing fer the past six months. .Mns Julia Burley. widew of the late John Burley, passed away iný Bowmanville on December 10th. in hier 78tb year. Mrs. Bunley was a daughter of the late Mn. anti Mrs. George Moses anti was born in Bowmanville. She was marrieti te John Burley more than 50 years age. Mrs. Burley is surviveti by three sisters anti a brother, Mrs. J. W. Dutton, Woodstock. Mrs. James MeBnien. Toronto. anti Mrs. Mar- garet Moore. Saskatoon, anti Et. Moses cf R. R. 9, Kalamazoo. Mich. Mrs. Burley was a member of St. Paul's Uniteti Chunch.' The funeral service wvas helti at the Morris Funeral Chapel on De- cember l2th. bier pastor, Rev. W. F. Banister cenducting the service. A lange number were present te pay their hast tnibute. Pall-bear- ens wene W. H. Thickson. H. J. Babcock. J. McIntyre, Gus Boun- salI. L. Rewe anti Herb Moyse. Intermen, was made in Bowman- ville CemeterY. Ameng these attending the funeral from out of town were Mns. Dutton anti Miss Dutten ef Woodstock, Mn. anti Mrs. W. G. Mititleton. Acion, anti Mrs. W. Z. Watts of Toronto. Note: Before lier death Miss Haycraft had macIe notes con- jcernang ebituary, anti it is from these notes that ihis obit- uary lias been written. i mrs. G. H. Bickell, Bowmanville Anther of Bewmanville's eIder- '~ly Christian women passedt t hec Sreward on December lith, when SMcs. George H. Bickell sucumb- edt t an illness which hati kept ber in beti for almcst a year. SMrs. Bickell, before hec marc- iage. Isobel Davis, was born in MBristol, Englanti, anti camne to WCanatia when only six yeacs ol. The f amily established residence au À-±ampvun, îaî and pose as inspectors foi' tuberculosis. I another is to trick the scales and make a hurried get-away. Selling- and buying between those known is a sure way te henest business. The outsider is so often danger- eus. teo dangerous ta be trusted. A bulletin issued by the Ontario Department of Game and Fisher- r ies3 dealing with t.he .22-calibre 1 rifle has been widely copied in the 1. Province. one result of which c should be that ne boy be givenb one as a Christmas gift. This fire- arm has in years past been fre- quently presented to boys at Christmas. usually by parents who feel that they are ne more dan- gerous than an airgun. Boih the .22 andi the airgun are a nuisance and a danger when in the hands of boys, the former being a killer t and the latter a maimer. Airguns might well be abolished and the .22 reserved oniy fer the use of adults. Services at Trinity United Church will be of special interesi Sunday next. December 26th. Christmas theme in sermon andi music at. the merning service. The1 cvening service will be almesi en-i tirely musical. the choir of 50 voîces will offer three excerpts firom the "Messiah" and the latter part of the service will be a cn dle-light carel service in hh congregations and cheirs will jein. An unusual feature will be the presence ef an eche choir of chil- dren who will occupy the rear gallecy and render several Christ- mas numbers, echoing back n forth with the atiult choir. Chris - mas organ selectiens at 6.40 p.m. Cerne and bring your friends. Doors open ai 6.30 p.m. i OBITUARY Mr.Julia Burley f inahly Bowmanville, where she met hec late husband anti mac- KENDAL ieti bimin 1886._______________ WHer main interest eutside of ber tievtien te hec family, bas been -A splendid crowd atteîîded Kexîdal in the Women's Institute, whene School Christmas Conicert iii thie she ,vas an indefatigable worker Oranîge Hall ou Fridav evening. A intimapter.ieneis asfissE.E.stgood prograrniconsisting of mugie itmt red aMisEE'and dialogues after which Santa SHaycraft. Associate Editor of The distributed loacis et presents.. Statesman, who dieti ast week. M,\rs. Robert Vaîiatta wbo is our Five of Mrs. Bickell's chiltiren oldest resident aîîd resides with ber are still living, Afred, Darwin anti dauglîter, Mrs. A. Jackman, is in a W.Everett anti Mcs. Charles Bagnell, cri tical conition. SBewmanville, anti Mrs. E. Paisley, Recorga .iz fi Iliof S.S. will take ~'Toronto. She is also surviveti y place uday at 10 an. __one brother, Mn. George Davis. Tlee v as ago t lnea London, anti twc sisters, Mrs. W. churcli servieSinday îîîorîîiîg, a Garfai, Londion, anti Mrs. Clan- peddCritasmsgew iv ence Small, Kansas City. U. S. seîîdi .E.ehad Chriî,iiasmssgewas Until hec husband's tieath, less arlwe ugbtechiana than three years age. Bickell (Iliet "Sileîît Niglî-t" \vas suiîg Pr was active anti playeti a large part Berîîice Laiîgstaf f anîd :\gîes Xliite. - in the activities of her home., hec cbucch anti the Women's Institute. But the losof ber husbanti af- fecteti ber healih anti a f ew ~...... months ago she was taken te Bowmanville Hospital where she dieti. The funeral tcok place fromt hec home. King Street. where Rev. S Davison paiti glowing tibute te o ber work anti character in the church anti the ccmmunitY. Bur- ial teck place in Bowmanville Z3fJ Cemetery. Hec six nepbews Wer bearers, Stanley Davis, Pickeing Preti Davis, Toronto. 0Or v i11e Heard, Oshawa, Wilfreti Hamley. Our Best Wishes Bert Mutton ant i WIl Founti, Bowmanville.% Fnientis anti relatives front a for a distance whc attendeti the funeral inclutieti Mrs. K. McVey, Mrs. Mc- Greor,.Mr. anti Mrs. McMillen,A er y ICLARKE UNION Mr. Everett Cain, who bas been visting bis brother at Sudbury, is home. Farmers are busy getting home their winter's supply of wood mihile sleighing is gooti. Mn. anti Mrs. Gordon Power anti tiaugbtec Kathenîne visiteti hec mother at Starkville. Mr. anti Mrs. Ressor anti two sons, Don andti ln, Markbam, visited ber parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Gec. Cain. Christmas tree anti concert la at the school on Thursday nlght. Miss Efleen Souch anti Miss Mamie Archer visited their re- spective homes. Christmas wi3Lh lots of Health, Happi- ness and prosperity in the New Year Bowmanvil le Dairy W. H. Betties -w PACKARD LEKTRO SHAVER $15.60j SCHICK DRY BHAVER $15.60 HANDLEY'S CLTPSHAVE $11.50 MIRACLE SHAVER $12.50 PEN & PENCIL SETS Eclipse - Waterxnan - Parkerà and Sheaffer à 98c _ $15.0 PERKY ALLIN DEAD HE WAS ONLY A DOG Perlku .\lhin is dcad. Perha ît3 von lidnilt kîîowx Perky, but every bulsi-r e~spr along Main Sîrcet knew uniii. I'erky vas a mw;re-baired ter-I rer. 'Marion Allins (dog, and lie w as retty popular along thic strcet. On Fridav l'erkx- nmade the nîlqake of rossing the .lrcet wibout looking otb waus first, and a big truck ru-,bed bis siiiall liodv lxnealb ils wubeels. Plerkx% liked looking int tore windoxvs and he liked butchers' .,indoxvs best of all-alîbougli thev i.;ed t0 inake im mad sonîctîrnes. Buth \Ves Cawker and .\lex Ed- rnondstone bave lifesize niodels uf iogs for cisplav purposes, and \vhen bey werc uied in the windowr, Pur- ,Y would growl and bark and gel a regular visitor i inost stores. and visiled NIr. John Paflon*s. O. Hect a ceocrai favorite. He accomnpanied ____________________ n i Nliss .Allin to worl, everv dav. aîd 'painn speut most of bis limie frisling -S A K IL with pa round or islceping in Len El Iiul _________________________ The ter ,tore where bis mistress is enipfloved. was iv Howuever Perkv is no more. and XXe arc sorrv 10 leari of îthe death Canin. larion bias tibe sy npatlbu of the of NMiss E. E. Haucraft of The by Mrs. bu înes ectionini bis passuîne I ttesianstaff, son aný Recent snow is nakinig Christmîas organ sE cason more ebeerie and Chiristmas Visito TRINITY W.A. lik'e. eno, wi '\Ir. and( Nîfr s. Gordlon Powers, Danch. Decellur imeeting of the W- A\ of Orono, visilud lier mother, NIrs. 1. friends Trninty U nted Cliurcli xas bcld i Sîark,. .Moffat the School Rooni. Tuesdav. Dec. 14 . Nîlrs. Ross Hallowell is borne frein F. L. Sc iit Carlisle .\uenue Cir cle in a xisil viîb N\Ir. and Nî\rs. Lauirence ville Ho ch' arge o- ne prograni. leetiiig XWhit e. NIaple Grove. Mrs.1 opencd witb quiet music playe<l bx Nî 1r. and \frs. 'S. G. HalloNvell day eVE Irs. N.I. F. Hlooper: Nî\rs. WV. isited Nýir. and 1Nîn. Sid Hallowecls. with he Edger read the scripture and Nî\rs Elizabetlbville. South1 EIla Etrike offercd a lovelv Christ- lnispector A. A. Nl\artin and xife. Omit mas prayer. N\Irs. L. '\N. Dippell, Brighton. '.Ir. and Mrs. H. Barrow- F. Cat. President, presided for the business; clougb., Weslex ville. NîrsT. G. Ntor_ sionary Nhiîils ver rad ndappovd tnOrono, visited Nî\rs. John '.\c- on Dec. Cor. Secretary read several letters Kay wbo is seriouslu ill. Mrs. Z from, the sjck and shut-ins. Trea- '.\r. and N.irs. '.\ Garrett, Port duet. suirers report was read and adopted Hope .\Ir. and N-irs. John Stone, Letters xere read froin the West Oronoý, viisited and N.irs. Frank tbanking all for bales sent. A letter Stone. xvas read from N.\r. and NîIrs. J. E Nfr. and N.irs. Ross Hallowell vis- Elliott tbanking thc ladies o f the ited 'Ir. and Nl\rs. E. XVitc, Eliz- Association for the handsomne gît t abetbville. Mrs. presented thern on tlîcir renioval Rev. E. L. Beecli preached a fine rcently f romn town. In recognition oft Nrs Christmas sermon on Suindav at mistor, WV. C. Washiiigton's 93rd birthday Sbilob. Mr. N\irs. Dippell expressed the apprec- Nr L. Bullied iilI spend the wiî- and M~ iation of ber serx'ices in tlie cuiurcb ter -viîb bis daugbter. Irs. Paden, awa, s anîd Nî\rs. C. XW. Slemon presentedl Flint, Nîiclî. Mrs. C: lier xilb a lovelv bouquet of munis N.\r. and Nî\rq. Russell Saverv vi.- Nrs. Washington thanked the ladies iîed at Pelleuille.Mr for hei thughfulessxiireneli- Nrs. Silver and friends visited at Ros bering ber Nîarkham. Ptr NîIrs. T. XV. Cawker presided dur- NiPehe Sîuk.Nwaîe Goult ing ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ýls heeeio offferadcalsp N Sund at ir. N ewcuta s.legust cg one Nleis oEd iîb enned cul-er Oursehool Cli'.r '.\faSlttrelxa,a Wese of the Nominatng Cominittee f0 real success. Great praise is due our present the slate of officers xvhiclî teacher, '.\s I. j. R. Green. aire as followvs: Hon. President- ___________________ Nrs. ( Rev.) S. Davisoii; Past Pie- 0- . Toc sirleft- Ni\rs. L. XV. Dippell : Pres-11 idenit- Nîr.. E. P. Bradt: lst Vice- CARD 0F THANKS 1COW Nîfrs. S. R. janies : 2d Vice-Nifrs a coW. N\I. I-Iutchinson; Rec. Secretar- The relatives of the late Miss Pher Nî\rs. \V. C. lues: Asst Rec. Secre- E. E. Haycraft anti the Edtor cf tar -NIs P. E. Greenfield; Co The Statesinan wish te acknew- Secretarv-M\rs. D. R. Alldrea d lig with grateful appreciatien Treasuirer-N.Irs. L. W. Dippell; the kinti expressions ef sympathy To 'Patrx Comnittee-N\Irs. J. Darch, anti the beautiful floral tibutes NisPeter.., Nîiss Allie Hoskn sent in their recent bereavement. Alil M,\iss Leta jackson. in te Betore leauing the platform Nî'\rs Mr anti Mrs. Jess Spencley anti cemnbe Caxvkcr called on Ni\rs. Eila Strike sons,*Bill anti Gordon, Burleigh given 10 express the tlîanks ofthte A55qoc- Fals. spent Suntiay with Mrs. iation to Nî\rs. Dippell. the retiriiig B3lake Wilkins. jpresileiit. for lier whole.lîeairted efi- .iorts and ber great interest iin the ;work of the Association and Ni\rs. P. .R. Cowliing presented lier witb a beautifull bouquet of munis. M.\rs. Strike then called ounI'\rs. Slemon and Ni\rs. Hutchinson to express their y appreciation of ber services. Mrs. Dippell tlianked the ladies for the .lovelu flowers and their whole- lîhearted co-opratioii dtring lier terni 1of office. Nî\rs. Cawker then tbank,- .cd Irs. Cowliiîg and Nirs. Iues for tlîe Association. . A short programi folloxvcd: piano 1solo, . Niss jean Parîridge: reading. Nî.\iss Thora Davisoni vocal colo, . M \iss Lilliati Naxior accoiipanied lixFT FOý E Dr. Partridge. Attendaîîce 90. We welcoone the Holiday Season for the opportunity it affords us to extend to you our expressions of good will. We off er our sincere good wishes for a Merry Christmas and a f ull measure of happiness and prosperity for the New Year. qWALK]ER STORES, f£J.,MITED >ur I.D.A. Store Wishes Everyone fERRY CHRI$TMi Your Christmas Shopping Can Be E Done At Your I.D.A. Drug Store. Le Gift Problems For Yoi Save - Larger Money Stocks i I.D.A. DRUG Lowest StorePrices IChrist mas Christmas i Sationery Tobaccos *a beautiful assortment i beautiful holiday of fancy boxes wrappings 1425c - $2.50 Tobaccos - 35c-$1.50 In Cedar Chests Cigars --50c-$4.80 75c - 85c- $1.00 - $2.00 Cigaettes $2.25 - $2.75 50C- $1.00-8$2.00 CRNisonsa-Mows - m Page & hy Specially Boxed .... 25e to $500 Vanity Gift aSelsrte (a ai ;Pl lest quality pyralini in attractive design $17.50 AsUU .asily And Speedily et Us Solve Your M. FOR THE LADY livà%m # ' u% nd 'TSETS - $1.25 Up- S 25ec-$5 00 . 23c -$15 oMinZERS $1.00 - $1.50 i IWDERS .00 -$1.35 à 98C - $10.00 Yardleyi Gift Sets WoodburySets - - 49c-98cl isrusn, Como and vilrro e Yardley Sets - - $1.00-$7.15 DERNY GIIT SETS Lentheric Sets- $2.25.$350 Special $2.69 - $2.98 - $4.49 up3 25o - $17.50 Colgate Sets-- - 25c-$1.49 Williams Sets- 49c-98e PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY SChristmas Cards 12 Cards- -- -----5 Alex M cGregor 12 Cards- -- -----9c 21 Cads-------- Indivîiual Cards P 2 for So -5c- 10oc PONE 792 D U SW EIE late to send The Christian Citizeiislip topic whilîi w.,. o,, the i,,bjctl"The Bridge 11f li te.' was giveni bu 'Mr. Fred Corîî-I islb at the Younlg Peoples Meeting. Programini charge of Clarence Bull Y . P included readings bu Jean l ercer. Sunday Je Nu riglt a"(1 Alex LttIe: cutt hac pianio so 1Io, \nnahelle I lendcr%- Two sp 1 n ( ra "), Farn Box d îtalk were rea th, bebible)v Ruv. Byeb : so"; rsL. bvM.wrhrick. .\nnablle lieni- S~F drx and Clarence Bull wcru eboseliMs.P. as (lehating leani for tlPe I)ehatng man, a Tournainent of the Oshawa Proi;_ Squar: bvterv. * piano so Mr. anid Nlrs. ilti Dunhbar. crgan9 Parrvtoivi, and the Seenis famrilv, vocal s BewdIlev, x isited at NIr. anid NIrs. R. v ocal qt Fllots and 'Mr. and NIrs. Wes cuit. L. Elliottîs. H. Barr Mc. ati NI rs. Carni Bell atid On th jeil visited at Mr. anld Mrs. L. D. ening tI Bvll)i. and Mrs \. ack.qoiis. Presidei February, it is true, is a little 1 It's not toc short, but it is likely to pull thro' Statesman as SALEM without bankrupting March. mas gif t. U. meeting was held on j-.: ..::.. evening. Miss M. Colla- ad charge of the program . C nd special Chlristmas sioris C nies - TUU4W.o - ead by Mr. W. Taylor and y Squair; other readings by Let Bagnell's help you with your shopi Cator. Mrs. L. Richards. stock of Candies, Cigalrettes and Tobaccc Cann and Miss J. New- 1 rpxgsh on arecitation by Mr. F. L. 1Wapnsi on :musical numbers were, If it 's flowers you wiant - We are agents slo, Mrs. S. Buttery; mouth Bw avlesods salse selections. Mc. W. Darch: Bwavlesods salse solo. Miss H. Thompson; quartette, Messrs. C. Colla-n Li l ýCoombes. G. Barrie and W. J. DRURCLL rrie. Attenclance 34. Phn41 the previous Wednesday ev - w he Y. P. U. was opened bY 1 ant F. Blackburn, with pray-1 Rev. A. W. March. Mrs. s c gc-g---------------- rtzberg gave an interesting structive talk on the art of g xvhich she illustrated )aper and peneil sketches. opic "'Jesus Gift of Peace' ]y el taken Up by Mrs. P. Readings were g i ve n sH. Gaud. Miss H. Th-omp- cI Mr. Blackburn. Mouth- selections by Mr. W. Taylor.~ trs: Miss Nina Darch. or- ith her mother. Mrs. E. ....Mrs. H. Gaud with sin Toronto. . . . Mrs. W. tand son with Mr. andi Mrs. Squair. enroute te Bowman- osFpîtal te visît her husband. .G. A. Stephens left on Fni- venin, to spend the winter er daughter. Mrs. Schell in Carolina. tted from last week: Mrs. or conducted a special mis- ,' program at the S. S. heur lc 2th, and Mrs. Cater and E.Darch sang a Christmas CUTEX GIlP 20C - 35C - 65C 'ERFUMES - BATH ISALTO PERFUME AT! 39c - 59c - 85c - DUSTING PO 50C - 69C - $1.1 PEN SETS - a year round Christ- Flowers piing. Largest os in Christmas for Jackman 's, Nursery. 1 Bowmanville i'ý- ENNISKILLEN s.Milton Werry, Oshawa,1 ly visited at Mr. Russell Or- n'S. and Mrs. Russell Ormiston Miss Verna Ormiston. Osh-i spent Sunday with Mr. and Charles Gilkes, Canton. and Mrs. John Cole, Mr. Weese. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. s, Consecon. Miss Erma 1. Trenton, were weekend s0f Mr. and Mns. W. E. eStatesman Aparti*ents. m Late To Classify- FOR SALE - HOLSTEIN vdue in a couple of weeks. one 2476. 5- NOTICE oTaxpayers, Township of Darlington road wenk receipts must be Township Office before De- )r 31. 1937. se credit may be ifor samne. F. Dudley, Collecter. 51-2 YOU CA esc - $10 --A U'.Wwdw Qýmf«i

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