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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1938, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THURSDAY, JULY 7TH, 19s THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 4' *one who took part in the contest5 races ;and other games enjovec j MAPLE GROVE themselvcs immenselv. .A ter tlic le 1 izames and etc. supper oi salads Miss Neflie Snowden is taking sandwiches. cakze. tarts and waterl a teacher's course at Toronto. melon was served. On açcount <i Miss Betty Stevens is spending t ain after supper it was impossible two weeks with her cousin,' Miss to plai. ball. so the crowd went Gladys Chapman, Toronto. at "In- home. AIl report a good time. awendawin" Camp for girls, on Lake of Bays. A numiber of friends and neigh- IISOLUNA bors of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Arm-: strong assembled at their home! 1 iSeveral farmers around herE on Monday evening. June 24, and fnse aigls ek spent a very pleasant evening.,fnse angltwek They also presented them w vith a Mr. A. J. Balson is under the nice chair. The groom thanked al] doctors care suffering from pleur- for the lovely gift. '5Y*. Visitors: Bradleys Home & School Club Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Foley and are holding their picnic in their Mr. David Foley. St. Catha rines. school grounds August l6th. with bis sister. Mrs. J. D. Stevens.! Mr. and Mrs. Walter Farrindar Miss Muriel Stevents with the and Evelyn attended the Bal Misses Snowden. Toronto. Brummel wedding at Brooklin on Miss Vera Trimble is holidaying Saturday. at home. Our young people presented their play "For Pete's Sake at Mr. and Mrs. Israel and Miss Leskard Monday night and have Gladys Israel. Rochester, xith Mr. received an invitation to Nestle- and Mrs. Ross Stevens. 'o uut3d Mr. and Mrs. Ted Foley with to uut3d Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown, Gorm- Gru fWmn nttt lev. with Miss Evelvn Tink as con- vener, held a very successful strawberry social at Mr. H. E. Tink*s last Tuesday afternoon. I LONG SAULT Mrs. Percy Pascoe, Pickering, with Miss Norma Richardson as Mr.and'.Irs Hnrv'Mile, Ms.accompanist, favored with vocal Mr ad Mç Hnr~ Iiler Ir~solos. Mies Betty Stevens, Maple Wallace 'Miller. M\rs. Joe \IcRob- ýGrove. recited, and Mrs. Frank~ erts with friends at Orillia. ! Gilbert, Enfield, gave a reading. Mr. Bert Rice attended the we(l-;Misses Evelyn Tink and Heler ding of his sister Výera. in London. iBaker gave piano duets. A delic- Miss Helen Murrav. Toronto. with ious supper was served. Proceeds ber grandp)arents, '.\r. and NMrs. W. about $15 00. Hooey. I isitors: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rey- Miss Jean WVallace and MIr. Robert nolds and family, Toronto, at Mr. Hefford. Toronto, with Misses Jack Reynolds'. . . . Mrs. S. E. Mabel and Dorothy Mi\cRoberts. Werry with Toronto friends.... Church service was held Sundav Miss Ida Reynolds, Toronto, at Mr. evening with Rev. A. W. March in Jack Yellowlees'. . .. Messrs. Bob charge. and Jim Smales and Howard Mill- Thursdav afternoon, June 30th. son with friends at Bright andi Sault friends gathered at the Cream Woodstock. . . . Mr. and Mrs. of Barley Park for the picnic of Charleton McBride, Burton and the Homç and Schl Club. Every- Mary, Peterboro, at Mr. George MCCORMICK- DEERING TWINE -for Real Twine Saisfaction Ç OME to our store for your twine and learn why farmers ail over the country praise and recom- mend McCormiàck-Deering Twine. Every bail is guar- anteed for length, strength. and weight-positive assur- ance that you get full value for your mnoney. %nwIiE PATFITED VER Le* Re WOOD, Agent Phone 597 or 726 Bowmanville -r BE COOL WHILE IT'S HOT . e £Neam is not only a fine cooling food in this warm weather, but provides a delicious change from heavy menus, is no trouble to prepare and contains the neeessary items that sonietimes are omitted in a summer diet. - We heartily recommed tempting, tasty Silver- wood's Ice Cream. CORBETT'S BAKERY Phone 890 JOH NS»MAN VILLE ASBESTOS SIDING SHINGLES con be applied right over the present walls of your homo I * These shingies have the sof t texture of finest wood-yet they are fireproof and will not wear out. They are mod- erate in cost and requine littie if any maintenance as timne goes on. Easy monthly payments. Bowmanville sWhites.... Mr. and Mrs. A. Wil- SCHOOL REPORTS man Robinson. IDusen, Paul Wise, Edwin Bowler. Sin( ( liams. Pr Perry. at Mr. Chas. Grade VI - VII Promoted: Yvonne AId r e ad. nor o e Howsam's and are accompanying (Continued from Page 1)Onyas or*JnAni June Gray, Yvonne Megit. s.Mr. and Mrs. Howsam and Mary Onya'wok Ja Atl on to ees' otr nptoLONG SAULT iSîm Penfound, Yvonne Walmsley, Failed: Bobby Gray, Violet Mc- onatowes mtrti oýGreta Wilkins. Kellar, Olive McManus. Lionel !~Sussex, N. B., to visit Mr. and Report of Long Sault Schooî: O ers ia x Rogerson, Douglas Walton. e Mrs. Mel. Williams. . .. Mrs. W. A. Grade 7-Alan Brown A. Omn arsor adfal era- Thos. A. Rodger, Principal.j lToms. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Grade 6-Alfred Lawson C. inatiebons: Bob a rbaî,Rat oom 2 Isaac Bulmer, Oshawa, Mrs. L. C. Grade 4-Clayton B r o w n A. C serugmeidascrieint Snowden and Miss Betty, Maple Roy Foster C, Helen Partner B., Sundden. Orma Walmsley, Vida a Proniotions Room 2, namsi iGrove, at Mr. Thos. Baker's. . .MîeBEdtWode Walmsley. aphabetical order: --Douglas MillrB E.hWod Grade V to VI-Eileen Aldread, ýMr. and Mrs. Leslie Collacott and A. Recommended: Peter Gravelle.I Tracy Embly, Francis Jose, Bill daughters. Maple Grove. Mrs. Ef- III-Mervey~n Brown D, Doro- Grade V - VIKrkarcMyPudHod , fie Grills. Toronto, at Mr. W. H. thy Foster C. On year's work: Josephine Cour-, Rogerson, Jacqueline Smith, Har- Ac .e Westlake's who is able to be II-Eiîeen Burgess B, Keith Da- tice. Leonard Fisher, Willma old Smith, Kathleen Wise, Marie around ater hîs recent illness. ey A, Joyce Woodley B. Scorgie. Wise. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Widdis, Aileen I - Ray Burgess, Ray Davey, On year's work and final ex- Grade IV to V--Hugh Ai k en, ie and Jinj4my, Detroit, Mrs. Sarah Evelyn Foster, Marshal Miller. aminations: Harold Wilkins. Buddy Bonathan. Viola Cotter. - Brown and Miss Viola, Bowman- Donald Plain. James Woodley. Unsuccessful: Ella Nemis. Balfour LeGresley, Edna Kirk- Aî ville. at Mr.. Livingstone Miller's A - very good: B - good; C - fair: patrick, June Van Dusen. Murray ýb . . . Mr. Geo. H. Hogarth, B.A.. D - poor. Junior Room Walton. Failed: Barbara Bona- ir Toronto, with bis sisters. Miss S. M. VanCamp, teacher. Grade III - V than, Yvonne Van Dusen. Mary Hogarth and Mrs. R. Pas- ____ On year's work: Jean Antil. Grade III to 1V-Betty .Gr ay~.. r1 o.atra xeddtptr BURKETON Wallace Barrabali. Bennie Hane-, Jack Perrin, Bob Purdy, Velmn1 -the west.i wich, Lorne Penfound, Audrey Rogerson, Herman Schmid. Not n _______________ Burketon Public ýSchool June Phair. Frank SaIt, Elsie Vetzal, promoted: John Aldread, Norma promotions: 'Ross Wilson. Aldread, Evelyn McManus.I dHAMPTON Grade VII to VIII-Mary Ad- On year's work and final ex- Grade Il to Grade III-N i c it * ams A, Ruby Bailey A, Murel aminations: Glenn Reynolds, Gor- Britton, Marie Cotter, M a r y eHubbard A. don Robinson. Dewdney, Joan Duck, H a ze Sacrament was administered at Grade VI to VII-Ross Hubbard Conditional: Raymond MacKay. Rowe, Mary Toms. the evening church service on B plus, Ross Aldred B plus, Har- Billie Welsh. Grade I to Grade II-G o r d o n 'Sunday. old Gatcheîî B.GrdII-IVAaknChite ledD - Dr. Wallace Horn, Port Hope. Grade IV to V-Hazel Aldred O ea'G orHrade eI- Veta.adA edasi , RtheAir ead.Dn- * !has been enjoying a few bolidays A, Howard Davey B plus, Albert On year's workanHora e x-etzWa ldr ead uh AlDou.glaen at home. Adams B. On arslwn ork ranefinal e-Button.BllacluenCou, o oula Truste Boad an Quarerly Grade II to III-Effle Glennie A. Aiain:AlnCcrnHl ny i ouek.Jh ou Bordstmet inthecr ucand ues- GaeI oI-ub lrdyn ndebenko, Charles Lake, Margaret Bd enin.ecucho us Grade I-HelenI Hauthoro, el Unsuccessful: Ellen R o z e Il, Kirkpatrick, Jack M c M a n u s. JO en eein.Gaelenn enst athr eil e- PaiRz.Stanley Powell. Mary Schmid. MissLouse oodan cco- enGlenie ErestGathell Ge- ParlRozll.Grade Il Writing Prize -Joan U MisLoie odmnaco-ald Smith. Grade Il Sr.- Duck. Ta epanied ber uncle, Mr. C. Bur- Norma E. Hooey, teacher. On year's work: George Dean, Su___ ro s o M nr a o s uy.A b r r vle ri a ew1, S .N .1 ,D R I G O r.santoMnreal fo.rn July. Lbrtraelle, Erniela inec. S .N.17 ALNT and daugbter are occupying their CDU Grade II Jr. - II Sr. June promotion examînations Scottage at Newcastle on the lakte. June report of S. S. No. 5, Cad- On year's work: Betty Antil, o! S. S. No. 17, Darlington: A girls' softball game between mus. A - Good; B - Satisfactory; Margaret Burrows. Grade IX to Grade X-R u b yv Courtice and Hampton was play- C - Unsatisfactory. On year's work and final ex- Griffin passed in al ber exams .1 Dc ed in the park on Tuesday even- Grade VII to Grade VIII-Sara aminations: Mary Walter, Carl including five departmentals. Va ing. June 28: score 15-10 for the Marlow A, Doris Mountjoy A, Welsh. . Grade VI to Grade VIl-Ro d V home team. Lyda Ginn B. Unsuccessful: Winnie Walter. Simpson 86*, Keith Ferguson 82*, . Anumber from Hampton at- Grade VI ta Grade VIl-Betty Grade I Sr. to II Jr. Erae Vahm ad 7IBlnch*F tZion the Décoration Day service Beacock A, Donald Lansing A, On year's work: Phyllis Adams, Wte 7,HlnRh 7,Jm 2 a onon Sunday afternoon. Our Gordon McCallum B. otn7*HenRam7,Ji 25 male quartette rendered two ap- Grade V to Grade VI-N o r a Annie Gravelle, Joyce Lowe, Jean McLaughlin 61. propriate selections. Ginn B. MacKay, Nellie Nemis, Douglas Grade IV to Grade V-Carl Mc- - Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Grade IV to Grade V-Marlon Nichols, Stanley Taylor. Laughlin 82*, Ada Rahm 81*, E W. E. Stevens in the death o! hier Thompson A, Ronald Ginn B. On year's work and final ex- Betty Simpson 80*, Ralph Knapp Fl 2mother, Mrs. White, near Palmer- Grade III to Grade 1V-J o h n aminations: Billie Gearing, Geor- 78*. -ston. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stevens, Veale A, Eleanor Thompson A. gina Welsh. Grade III to Grade IV-Audrey accompanied by Mrs. R. Burgess, Grade I - Elaine Thompson, Grade I Jr. - I Sr. McLaughlin 86*, Helen Moore 82*, LTyrone, attended the funeral on Doreen Wright. On year's work: Shirley Antil, Alice Simpson 76*. Friday. Helen Fowler, teacher. Ross Graham, Eleanor Hinds, Grade II to Grade III--L 1 o y d Dominion Day clebrations were Teddy Koss, Alvin Taylor, Betty Beech 88*, Jean McLaughlin 86*, 3 quite successful despite the show- ARCHER'S SCHOOL Marie Taylor, Barbara Young. Ray Rahm 80*, Celia Griffin 72.- ery weather. A splendid crowd Unsuccessful: Stei'hen R i ce. Figures denote percent; 60% ýal attended the supper and sports in Arcber's Scbooi Report, S. S. Harvey Rozeli. Pass; 75% or over, Honours * * the park. The play "The Ginger No. 1. Beginners - I Jr. Doris R. Mîlîson, teacher. Girl', put on by the Brougham Grade VII to Grade VIII-Ivan Gwen Dean, Shirley Holmes, young people in the evening, in MountjoY 60. HnyRgrJa oel al the spacious shed, was weil re- Gradle VI to Grade VII-John HryRgrJa oel al COURTICE i ceived by a large and apprecia- Archer 84 (H), George Hawley eKnpci A pleasing surprise was in thel tive audience, and was full o! pep 1 73.7, Mable Avis 69.3, Irene Rahm form o! tbe gathering o! 50 fri- and interest - the cbaracters being 66.9. NWATEPBI COLed n eaie fMs ay 7 well chosen. Grade V to Grade VI-Dorotby WASL PULCSH LedsadrltvsoMr. ay jVisitors: Mrs. C. E. Staples, En- Bowers 77.2 (H), Dorothy Hoskin Senior RoomI birtbday, Juiy 4th. Mrs. Fred Bal- niskiiien, witb Mrs. T. Wray. . . . 74, Aima Graham 68. From Jr. IV to Sr. IVI son and Mr. Fred Courtice, father Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Howden, To- Grade IV ta Grade V-Audrey o r ronto, Mr. O. B. Elliott, Social Mountjoy 78.4 (H), Dorothy Rahm Passed: Farncomb Le Gresliyo r. Adams, were also remem- Creit embr o KiderleyI <bset) ec.(Hon), Genevieve Bowier, Jean bered, it being their birthdays on constituency, Sask., Mrs. Eiiiott1 Grade III to Grade 1V-E 1 s i e Gray, Mable Gray. i aJuly t. rs. alpToe y rean d is and twin daughters, at Mrs. R.i Chandler 70.6. Promoted: June Ailin. Grace r ancy Toded d and M issy Ciato's .. M. ndMrs. Allan i Grade II to 11-Helen Bowers MKlaBtyVnDsn ~i Geaning presented Mrs. Adams Parker, Montreal, with ber mo- (H), Jean Harris (H), Murray Meadows. ibasle n ye srl. - ther, Mrs. M. Goodman, who ac- Larmer (H). Failed: Reta Aidread, Shirley w Mrs. Balsondybox !casocole, companied them on their return Grade I to Grade II-Kennetb ouh and Mn. Courtice a handy box. trip to Montreal. . . . Mr. Harry Larmer (H), James Harris (H), From Sr. 111 ta Jr. IV: Music was furnisbed by the boys. P Wnterburn, Toronto, with the Jean Bowers (H), James Avis Passed: Raymond Aiken. Glenn Strawberries and creamn with ahl *Holweli boys. . . . Mr. and Mrs. (Pass). ; Allun, Ruth Bonathan. Sammy the trimmings made a fitting clos- jW. R. Baiiey, Donald, Conine and K. P. to Grade I-June Whit- Brereton, Ted Hoan, Douglas Van ing. Patsy, Kitchener, with their cou- field (H).__________________ * sins, the Horn family. . .. Dr. Ja- Figures denote per cent. bez H. Elliott, Toronto, Mr. and H. A. Devitt, teacher. *Mrs. Charles P. Holmes, Ottawa, Messrs. Lonne and Roy Chestnut, COURTICE Port Hope, Messrs. Yens Yensen1 and Otto Madsen, Bowmanville,1 Courtice Public Scbool promo-- at Mr. C. J. Kersiake's. . .. Mrs.!Ition report. Names aiphabetically 1 Arthur Stephens and two sons, p C r 'Toronto, with ber mothen, Mns. E. Senior Boom e p C r Stevens. . .. Mn. and Mrs. Brodie GrdrII-VI and Jimmie, Toronto, with their I GaeVI-VI daughten, Mrs. Jim Reynoids.:1 On ycears work: Doreen Phair. Jimmie is remaining. . . . Mrs. Russell MacKav, Ravmond Wig- Jno. Wiliis, Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd gans. Wiiiis, Mn. and Mrs. Frank Pyott, On. aswr n ia x .C Doreen, Greta. Frank and Ralpb. aminations: Johnny~ Gravelle. Mn.~~~~~~ HrdWiisMisateIl Unsuccessful: Bilii Nemis, Her- Chishoime, Toronto, at Mr. Jno:1 Coiwiil's. ..Mn. and Mns. Mil-i Willa Mountjoy, Kedron. witb Mn. ton Avery and Donna Kay, Buf-i H. McGiiF*s. ..Mn. and Mrs. falo, N. Y.. witb Mrs. R. Avery., Chas. Wcnny. Oshawa. at Mr. J. A. ..Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Chant. Mr. 1 Wernys and ceiebrated Mr. Wer- BW and Mns. Chris Chant, Toronto, ny's bitbday. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Mn. and Mrs. Marshall, Oak Lak e, Jack Barrie and Murray, Newton- at Mn. T. M. Chant's. . .. Mns. Will ville, at Mn. Wm. Wright's.... Wilbun and Mrs. Jno. Cowling Rev. anîd Mrs. E. Beiknap and with their sisten, Mrs. Wilbur !amily, Hamlin, N. Y.. Dr. and Burnett, on Sunday who is iii in Mrs. L. B. Williams, Toronto, at Lindsay hospital. . . . Mn. and Mrs. D. Burgmaster's. . .. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sprackiin, Toronto, with Mrs. E. C. Ashton and Harold Mrs. Jno. Colwill on Sunday, and witb Mn. S. Rodmans, Port Penny. with hen attended decoration ser- ýTR vice at Zion. . .. Mr. and Mrs. W. rTaylor and chiidren, Tyrone, witb ber grandmother, Mrs. E. Stev- Eueh dm 'tn-At- ens. . . . Miss Nancy Johns, To- EyesighIL LuUUULiUI ronto. with ber mother. Mrs. C. Johns. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Jack And p Brooks and Orland, Dr. and Mrs .. 1 awDae, Ml and JBaeok, Mn - E ff iciency R otary av, Mril and JBaeon, rs and Mrs. George Edgar, RosenaB and Mn. Harry Worden, Ebenezer,.0B *Miss Betty Snowden, M a p) i e 1~ C.H.Tuck d & nM IENNISKILLEN Disney BIdg. ý'e (opp. P. O.) Oshawa, Phone 1516 Miss G. E. Gieve is on a moton Number 40 trip ta North Bay and other non- thern points. The chiid who sees easîly is the We welcome Rev. H. H. Lackey cbiid who learos. I am afraid we and bis mother, Mrs. Lackey, ta miss this fact and send a child ta, our community. schooi ta get themn out of the way Gordoný Stevens and Ellis Grif- s0 to speak. The duty goes fur- fin have accepted positions on a ther, it may not be the teacher's farm at Weston. fault. It may not be the school Mn. M. J. Hobbs is taking a nunse*s fault. Tbey wouid be ex- summer course at the Agricuitur- ipents indeed who could grasp a ai Coliege, Guelph. 1 few significant facts from any 1 Enniskillen Circuit turned out1 superficiai examinations. These to receive thein new minister, Rev. 'symptoms wben detected should H. H. Lackey. B.A..B.D., who was 1 be invcstigated. Simple glare inducted by Rev. P. L. Jull, BA.,;from paper, blackboards, etc.,ý Brooklin, Thursclay evening, as-,* does not cause pain but the con- sisted bv Rt-v. F. G. Joblin and stant repeated imc o n v- e n i e n c er Rev. R. H. Wylie. B.A. Lunch was brings about the fatigue and so scrved and a social half hour en- the condition creeps upon us un- ,loYed. heeded until some oi the symp- Visitors: Nli. and Mrs. J. L toms like oye fatigue. sleepiness, Robbins and Jîine.- Rochester, headache. squinting, hetrav the N. Y_. with Mi-. F. L. Robbins. xistence of something not right Mr. and Mrs. D. H-icks Harrison, with us. Had we. on the othor, Mr. anîd Mts. R. Stephcns. Gonrie. hand. l)een exposed to an intenseý with relatives hore.W r. andci lght ,ve wocîld have been forcecd Mns. M. J. IHohbs and Joan with to tutui away and so we %would Mr. and Mr: I.I Chantier in Lind- have learneel the cause of the say . . . .I Mi. and Mîr.. R. Gordon trouble. It is glane in Ouîr usuai anid 1-ben with relatives at Oril- occupation that causes ntost trou- lia and Beaventon. . . . Mnl. and bic, wcaning us down graduaily Mrs. Wm. Nichols. Miss Amelia and constantly, and ]et me again Nichols, Port Hope, at Mn. E. A. repeat, "The child who secs easilyj Werny's. . . . Miss Nora Werry, is the chi]d wbo leanns.' Misses Florence, Marion a nd (To be continued) Calithumpian Parade Wil begin at 7.30 pmr., D.S.T., from Publie Sehool Grounds.-New and different displays. Prizes for:- 1 Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Best Character Group, any number. Decorated Biicycle, boy or girl. Decorated Doil or Baby Carniage. Boy or IGIrIl Costume, on foot. Decorated Tricyles. Pony Outfit. Manufacturer or Merehant 's Float. Clown or Comie Character. Jazz Band, 5 or more Players. Delivery Truck or Wagon. Unique Float. ncoe. first Lieutenant-Govet -father- of Ontario's present day of Upper Canada. ,%as the road sy"stem.- CELEBRATE JULY l2th AT ORONO Men 's and Girls' Softball Tourriajent CONCERT-in evening- 'Look Me in the Eye*' kdmission 2 DANCE - in Armouries and Town Hall Two Orchestras. idmission !5c ...... 25e COWLING SELIS FOR LES And Serves You WelI IVe invite you to observe our 10w prices and inspeet the high quality. For Sunburn rncolia - - - - 25c Jnguentine - - - 44c rangel - - - - 50c ;un Tan Oil - - - 39c Special Prices )odd 's Pilîs - - - 27e lacuum Bottles --29c lb. Absorbent --29e ellow 's Syrup- 87,, 15c Noxema - - - 15C 5HAMPOO -- SE CIALO (R!TýýR DENE r)R EN! FORNC7NORM1LY RY MAl dî en : large glass Tumbler with a 1 lb. tin of39 'REEngl1sh Health Saîts. AIl for............---------39 Arrid 1orno Odorono* muni Cream Ice Liquid Deodorant 19C -59c 35c 33c -57c 133ec-59c Sun Goggles for Chfidren i CASHMERE and Adults - - 15c-39c Bathing Caps- 15c-69c TISSUE Shu-Milk - - - 15c CMkdo luwadI Palm Beach - - - 25C Sof* Ptmi White ylWieSo ear 70 SHEETSNalWiehe eae ta the roîll cSME Tube or Liquid - 25c - ~ Cinderella - - - - 50c 3for2VKidine - - - - 50C -SPECIAL- Tubes 25c Listerine Tooth Paste ----26c IVe Test Eyes and Fit Trusses Phone DD (fWJ'fri~1 We 695 P. R. UUIWLlING rugsDei for Crippled Children OM E TO0 Ir PAIR Park July 2Oth A Night of Frolic and Fun At the grounds over Twenty booths with new and snappier games giving every- one a chance to take home worthwhile and useful articles. Hundreds of Attractions Be Sure To Attend In Case of Rain Fair WiIl Be Hld Thursday Evening ('Iu 'BUY YOUR CAR TICKET NOW YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A NEW fI~ OUERETAILS 1938 MODELHVftVLETI U OVER $900 1 Entire Proceeds Will Be Used To "CARE FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN" b emum-rmm- iiiiim__ - THURSDAY, JULY 7TI-1, 19,3ý PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BRWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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