TuE ORONO N EWS New Park St. Pastor Inducted In Impressive. Ceremony Sunday Wîth due rites and ceramony' Bey. S. Littlewood, new pastor of Park St. Church, was inducted Friday night, July lst. Bey. W. C. Smith, Courtice, reprasenting the Presbytary, waa chairman and 4ducted the new pastor. ITeimpressive ceremony com- Inne d with the inging of "Holy, Holy, Holy" and invocation by Bey. Smith. Worship service waa conducted by Bey. H. C. Bell, Biackstock. The choir sang -I Love ta Tell," with Mrs. A. A. Drummond and Mr. W. Raid tak- îng the solo parts. B ey. Bell chose as topic "The M>àtchman," and impressed the facts that wa arealal watchmen, ail rasponsibla for carrying God's warning massage aithaugh not rasponsibla for its raception, and all responsibie for the fulfilling of aur duties ta God and man. Ha closed by urging the cangrega- tion ta heed the word of their naw pastar and ta ca-operate with him in his task. Bev. Littlawoad was then in- ductad by Bey. Smith, Mn. R. H. Wood receiving him on behaîf of the congragation, and Mn. Little- wood responding ta the vows in dlean finm voice. Prayar by Bey. Smith, declara- tion of the pastar's induction, prayar with the congregation standing and closing with the Lord's prayar in unisan, closad this part of the service. Bevs. Bail and Banistan ex- tandad the ight hand of fellow- ship ta the newly inducted minis- tan on behalf of the presbytery. The congregation was pivileg- ed ta hear Bey. Banister of St. Paul's Church, Bowmanville, who gava an address in which humour and admonition were admirably blended, f irst saylag that ha was spéaýing genarally ta ministers. Ha went on ta show the dutias of a mînister unden differant names. He had to ha a preachar and ta tell the truth whethen the people lika it or not and yet tel it in lova; a pastor ta visit the sick, the agad and the delinquent; a minister ta act as a priest and ta let the spirit of God wank thnough hlm; a parson ta ha the chief persan in the community who had ta ha a good example as ha would ha discussed pro and con at every meal as well as othan times; and a member of the pres- bytery ta which ha owed a con- sidarable amount of time. Ha congratulated the people on having the service which ha said brought minister and congrega- tion together, and on calling the Sister rather than having the fpneabytery appoint hlm as thia 1made him belong ta them. Speaking ta the congregatian ha painted out that the eiders should guide and ca-oparate with the minister, by wisdam and ex- ample; the stewards should sup- port the minister financially and not let thc minister worny aven money matters; the choir should nender apprapniate music; the là- dies should ca-apenate as well as provide the food for socials; and the nank and file should ca-oper- ate because they wene the back- grounds of the church. Ha cloaed by unging the cangregation nat ta work the ministen toa hand and ta allaw his wife ta do her own ttasks in han home. 1 Prayer by Bey. Smith followed, yand Bev. Littlewoad closed the service with the benediction. Foliowing the service a necep- 7 ion xvas heid, with W. J. Riddahl, itreasurer of the chunch, intnoduc- ing the new ministen, and Misa M. Davy, president of the W.M.S.. the ministan's wife, toalal present. Mrs. W. M. Stutt, president of the W.A., was aisa on the neception committea. CROUP DUSCUSSES RACE FRIENDSHIP Park St. W. M. S. met Tuesday, the theme being "The Church and Racial Brothenhood." President Miss M. Davy prasided, with Mrs. H. Walsh at the piano. An inter- esting neading on "Thoughts on Racial Bnothenhood" was given by Miss Davy. Announcemants wene made about the bale and the nesuit of the coaking class which brought in aven $22. The next meeting, the baby band, m.ission band and mothens will ha gucats of the society. Misses Carol and Anna Staples favoned with a piano duet, and Gerald and Jean Rainay with a vocal duet "My Pussy", with Mrs. E. Rainey at the piano. Mrs. Gea. Mitchell, Mis. Chas. Wood, Mns. L. Fralick and Mms. M. H. Staples toak part in an interesting dis- cussion lad by Miss M. Davy on the question of racial brotherhood. Mention was made of the losa ta the society of Mrs. 0. W. Scott and fitting tnibute paid by Miss Davy, wha also extended a wel- coma ta Mra. S. Littlewoad and a visiton, Mrs. Adams. Mention was also made of the loss suffared by Mrs. R. Smith and family la thc daath of han mother. ENNUSKILLEN US LOSER TO CLARKE Enniakillan suff ered a scathing defeat Wednesday, Juna 29, when Clarke United trimmed them 3-0, two goals being secured in the firat haîf. Davey scored the firat and Bogie the second. The third goal came in the second haif by Bogie who seemed to be feeling in good trim. Enniakillen battied hard but ware checkad an d double-checked by the rarin' to go Clarkites. BANDS ENTERTAIN MUSIC LOVERS Orono music lovera were well entertained Thursday night with a band and a one-man orchestra. Outside the town hall, members of the Midland Regimental Band in thair brîght uniforma provided their usual fine program under the direction of Mr. M. J. Tam- blyn, in apita of the falling ramn. Up at the corner store Mr. Howard entertained a large crowd (who aither huddled undar the awning or stood under umbrelias) with old favorites - everything fram "The Oid Rugged Cross" to "Turkay in the Straw." Mr. How- ard had a combination of instru- ments and do-dada that could make aounds similar to 17 differ- ant instruments. This man who dlaims to have 'nine children and a wife in London, is touring the country to keep off the relief rola. Ha has piayed on Major Bowas' program. The varlous instruments and do-dada included a harrnon- ica, accordian, snare drum, cym- bal, cow bell, sleigh bell, moo-er, castenettes (bath Spanish and Mexican), electric iran plate, jazz brush, golf club shaf t, knittlag neadie, strap fromn horse collar, towel rack, sait cellar, chain from cuckoo dlock. clarinet horn, kazoo, megaphone, and other articles too numerous to mention. FIRST SERMON US GIVEN BY PASTOR Sunday services at Park Street Church ware largely attended by maxnbers and friands, the occasion being the first services conducted by the new pastor, Rev. S. Little- wood, and aiso a gathèring of Clarke L. 0. L. membera at the evening session. At the morning service the ides expresaed in the sermon was "I wiil not give unto the Lord that which coats me nothing," taken from the Oid Testament tory where an altar was ta be built and the man who ownad the land and the burnt offaering at f irst re- fused pay. The choir selaction was "The Name of Jesus" with Miss Laura Allan taking the solo part. Com- munion was administared at this service. At the evening service about 100 membars of the L.O.L. and L.O.B.A. and Kandal fife and drum band, lad by the latter, marched ta the church and oc- cupied the centra seats. Follow- ing a short parade they marched with Bert Rid at the head and Donna West and Helen Wood car- rying la the fiaga. Music consistad of a salection "Praise the Lord," with Miss L. Aluin taking the soprano solo, and a quartette slaction by Messrs. N. F. Porter, W. Reid, H. C. Aluin and R. Sutton. The pastor chose as topic, "Or- angaism. Wa Naed ItV' Stressing the fact that although the Orange Ordar ahowed their strength nu- merically on July l2th, this par- ade was ta show their dapendenca in God and their sincerity, ha went on ta say that the world neaded Orangamen as it neyer had bafore. IsTrARKVULLE - Farmers cvarywhere are husy with thair hay. Miss Hazel Fails is out again after han recant ilîneas. Mrs. J. J. Meilor is honL- fromn the hospital much impraved in health. Mn. J. J. Mallor conducted an- 4iiversary services at Leakard on Sunday. Rev. E. Beach praached a f ine sermon Sunday monning at Shi- loh ta a good congregation. A goadly numbar of Shilah pao- pie journeyed ta Orono Park on Thunsday and a laatpc d adaplasn pc Shilh W.A. held a successful meeting in the church on Tuesday with Mn. A. Dunn, prasident, in charge. Mrs. Gea. Morton has returnad ta Orono aftar visiting han ma- ther, Mrs. John McKay. Mrs. H. Barrowclough, Wes i a y v i il e, la staying at han mothar's. Mn. John Stark has improved his place by putting a fine new roof on his barn, Martinelis of Kandal doing the wonk. Visiters: Miss Beulah Hallowell, Toronto, is holidaying at home. Miss Erwin. Port Hope, at han cousin's, Mn. Hanb Gilmen. A number of guests at Mn. Fred Todd's. Mn. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell and daughter, Eiizabethville, at Mn. and Mrs. S. G. Hallowell's. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Yule and son, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Savary. Mrs. Gardon, Peterboro, Mrs. Ballagh, Newtonvilla, with Mrs. William Hallowell. Mns. S. G. Hallowell and fam- ily with friands in Orono. Mrs. M. Shutka was home from Hampton for Sunday. SOCIAL ANI Congratulations to Mlton Green and John Grady on being award- ed commercial certificates at Bowmanvilie High School. Picture post carda have been received by Mrs. D. Noble from har grandson, Mr. Kaith McElroy who is in Europe. At time of writ- ing his party were attending the Exhibition at Glasgow. Mr. John Morris is home from the hospitai and la getting along nicaly. Next girls' softbali game here is July l3th with Newcastle.. Next football game is next Wad- nesday when Orono goas to So- lina. Next boys' softbail game is Fni- day - Foreatry and Kirby. Mr. Herman Davis leavas this week for the West after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bert Foster in Bow- manvilie. - Ail the Orono girls did not get off Friday, some leaving Sunday. At present ail are enjoying lifa at the cottage, but wili be home soon. Sympathy la extended to Mrs. Rowland Smith on the death of her mother, Mrs. Rodgers, To- ronto. The naw carpet in the church la attracting much attention. It is certainly attractive in design. Misa Ella Tamblyn, who resign- ed her position at Shaw's School, was the recipient of a presenta- tion at the last meeting of the achool section. Miss Tamblyn was very popular thera and the pao- pie were sorry to lose her. Miss Marjonie Sisson has been visiting la the city. Mrs. Frank Aidron and Madi- son, Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Madison Hall. Master Ard- ron had his tonsils out but is now fine. Mr. Len Gamsby visited in the village. Mr. W. W. Sherwin is vacation- ing at his home hera.* Mrs. Archia McDonald, Milton, visitad her mothar, Mrs. Nail Smith. Orono girls bast at Newcastle Thursday night. Mr. J. J. Mllor and daughter Mary, Crooked Creek, were in the village Thursday night. The young people of Park St. Church are holding a campf ire service at Mr. A. H. Keane's next Thursday night, the l4th. Every- body coma. Congratulations to Mr. and Mra. Paul Snodgrass, nea Neya Rainey, on their recent marriage. Mr. Frank McMullen, Enfild, la visiting hare. Mr. Tony Mcllveen la acting as substitute in a bank at Brockvilie for threa weeks. Congratulations to Mr. and Mra. Ray Canleton, New Ontario, on their recent marriage. Congratulations to Mr. and Mra. Ronald Hagerman, Montreal, nee Doris Osterhout of Orono, on their racent marriage. Pluvius rather put a damper on July lst celabrations, didn't ha? Mr. and Mrs. William Irwin, Mimico, visited her mother, Mrs. Isaac Winter. Miss Ruth Lowden, who has been holidaying la Banff, visitad Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Lowden, and was accompanied by Miss Muriel Hayes, also of Toronto. Mr. and . Mrs. Clifford Winter and two children, Toronto, are visiting Mrs. Isaac Winter. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Winter spent the weekend hera. Mr. Vernon Saunders, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Saundera. Mr. and Mrs. George Keane and Frances, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Keane and Jack, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Keane. Aiso their son John, Toronto, was home. Mr. Garnet Gamsby, Kingston, spant the weekend here. Mrs. Gamsby and son raturned home with him. Mr. Wm. Brown, B.A., Toronto, was guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Brown. Bill arrives home next week for a holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Manteli, Betty, Joan, and Biliy, Peterbono, are camping in the park. Miss Edra Beat, Toronto, visit- ed her mother, Mrs. H. Best. Congratulations to Mr. Tom Turner who was succesaful at Normai. Tom has been engagad to taach at McLean's and is tak- ig a course in Agriculture at Guelph. Mr. Calvin Hamm is taking a D PERSONAL Lcourse at London to work into his degree. Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Evans attended the marriage of her Lniece, Dorothy Robinson to Don- iovan Hynes, on June 30th. Miss Marion Green is taking a course in music in Toronto. Miss Edith Truli is taking a course in Education at Queen's. Mrs. D. Robb has again been appointed instructress in music at the summer school at Jarvis St. Collegiate, Toronto. It lasts f ive weeks and over 600 are enrolled. Miss Mamie Archer is taking a course in Household Science. Miss Betty Rowe, dietitian, Pet- erboro, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rowe. Mrs. McIsaac and Buddy, To- ronto, are hoiidaying at their cot- tage here. Alice will arrive later. Mr. Mclsaac will be here week- ends. Miss Gloria Richardson spent the weekend at home. Carmel S. S., 45 in number, Bethesda Home and School Club, 75 in number, and Shiloh Church, 30 in number, picnicked here June 3Oth. Mr. and Mrs. J. Middleton and family were in Claremprnt Sun- day attending decoration services. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Seymour and Joan, Mr. Gordon Suggitt, Toronto, spent the weekend here. Mrs. Suggitt and daughter Nancy returned home with the latter. Miss Mamie Archer was given a presentation prior to, her leav- ing Clarke Union section. Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Aflin and Ruth, Newcastle, were Sun- day guests of Misses Laura and Isabelle Allmn. Harold assisted Park St. choir at both services. Glad to, see our former citizens, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Chalai, Bowmanviile, at church service Sunday night. Mr. G. F. Rowe, B.A., wife and daughter Barbara, Ottawa, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Rowe. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Piper, To- ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. E. 7Patterson. Among those attending the Car- scadden re-union at Woodbridge on Saturday were: Mr. and Mrs. >John Berry and Roy, Mr. G. Jones, tClifford and Eileen, Mrs. Thos. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Pat- terson and Jim, Mrs. Richard Morton, Ulmont Bullock, ail from. Orono; Mr. and Mrs. H. Galbraith and Marjory, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott and baby, Kendal; Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar and son, Garden Hill; and Mrs. Eddy and daughter, Newcastle. Mrs. R. Fairbairn spent Mon- day in Toronto. Congratulations to, Carol Sta- pies and Anna Staples who both secured first class honors in Grade 2 Theory, and to, Donald Staples on securing honors in Grade 2 Theory, in music. Mrs. R. A. Bragg, Shaw's, is visiting Miss M. Davy and Mrs. L. Fralick. Mrs. Limbert, Toronto, is visit- iing her daughter, Mrs. R. H. Brown. Congratulations to Mr. Glen Tamblyn on securing lst class honors in Grade 2 Theory in mu- sic. We understand Civic Holiday is to, be August 1.- Misses Bernice Wight and Helen Knox, Bowmanville, are visiting Mr. Wm. Hoar. Salvation Army brought a mes- sage of salvation with song and story, Tuesday. W. A. of Park St. Church nmt Tuesday afternoon. Miss F. Cob- bledick gave the treasurer's re- port and Miss L. Aluin a report of the parsonage committee. A wel- comne was extended to, the new minister's wife by the president. Miss Pearl Brooker, Toronto, is visiting Miss M. Smith. George Luxon, ex-councillor, is being buried in Orono to-day (Thursday). Congratulations to Mrs. Richard Morton who on Saturday cele- brated her 83rd birthday. She spent the day with Mrs. Henry LSmith and Mrs. Alfred Thomp- Lson at Woodbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wilson and family, Oshawa, spent Sun- day with her grandfather, Mr. 0. W. Scott. iMisses Phyllis and Ruth1 Low- den and Muriel Hayes visited Miss Doris Lowden, R. N., at Orillia. Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Smith Social & Personal Mrs. Sutherland and daughter, Toronto, and Mr. Beal, were guests of Mrs. Lena Smith. Misses Tourjee, Toronto, spent Sunday with their aunt, Mrs. Mc- Pherson. Mrs. I. Docherty, Toronto, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walsh. Mr. Alden Haw and friends, Toronto, were in the village Sun- day. Addltional Orono News on page six. W. Ogden, W. J. Riddell, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hooey and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Murray were in Brighton Sunday attend- ing the Drumnhead and I. O. O. F. services. Mr. and Mrs. George Budd and sons, St. Catharines. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Richards. CLARKE BOOTERS LOSE CLOSE GAME A game was played between Clarke United and Bowmanville football teams Saturday night in Orono which was a real garn)e, and which was won by the visitors 2-1. About a minute after Re- feree Miller of Oshawa had blown the starting whistle Bowmanville scored through Hollyhead, and after much playing Bogie tied the game. In the second haîf Benny King scored the only goal , ai- though there were many close calis. The game ended 2-1.j TAMBLYN COW US LEADER UN TEST The monthly test bulletin, just issued by the Federal Depart- ment of Agriculture and contain- ing details of ail the records given on the Record of Performance certif icates issued for Holstein cattie during the month of June, credits M. J. Tamblyn, Orono, with having the leading mature cow in the 305 day division. She is Cedar Dale Primrose Segis and produced in 305 days at 5 years of age a total of 444 lb. fat from 12248 lb. milk, average test 3.63% butterfat. Her sire is the import- ed bull Sir Pansy Segis who for some years headed the herds of M. J. and A. J. Tamblyn and in that time making a great name for himself as the sire of high producing cattie. - The Holstein- Friesian Association of Canada. O.C.S. TEACHER FETED BY PUPILS The 0. C.' S. closed their aca- demic year with a pîcnic at the park, and took advantage of the occasion to honor Miss E. Gallo- way who resigned as teacher to accept a similar position at Stoney Creek. About 40 were in attend- ance and enjoyed the facilities of the park and a sumptuous picnic supper. Miss Thelma Myles, president of the Literary Society, read a nicely worded address in which was manifested the excellence of the work of Miss Galloway both as friend and teacher, and which also paid tribute to her work among the young people. Miss Olive Brown and Jim Powers pre- sented Miss Galloway with two vanity lamps. Miss Galloway spoke fi ttmngly and feelingly, thanking the pupils for their gift and remembrance. Mr. R. C. Rosborough, principal of the school, spoke briefly and was heard with pleasure by those present. The pupils enjoyed the after- noon but the happinesa was blight- ed to a great extent by the part- ing from one who in the past yaar had won the heart of every pupil, associate, and friend with whom she has come in contact. ESTATE 0F MARIA RAYMOND Anyone knowing the whare- abouts of Bethiah Pender, William Pendar, Mrs. Osborne, Mrs. Fen- ton and Miss Grifflths (the last three being friends of Mrs. Sal- mon) please communicata with Leonard & Leonard, 320 Bay St., Toronto, Ontario. 27-3 ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announcad of Cathrina Louise, only daughter of Mrs. Arthur L. Townley n the- late Mr. Arthur . Tnle Orono Takes Forestry Into Camp Winning Close Softball Game 11-8 Orono was victorious in the softball game with Forestry on Tuesday. by 11-8. Myles was on the mound for Orono, while Clough caught; for Forestry the battery was Middleton catcher and Neale pitcher. Lowery was plate umpire and Bogie base um- pire. Forestry got three runs in first innings by Middleton, Neale and Wood. Cantreli got the sole score in the second. Two were secured in the fifth through Middleton and Neale, one in the sixth thro' Ogden. and one in the seventh through R. Wood, this one being a homer. Orono got two in the first thro' Watson and West, five in the sec- ond through Myles, N. Wood, Mer- car, West, and Watson, Wast's be- ing a homer. They got four in the fourth through Mercer, Pow- ers, Watson and West, Powers' baing a homer. DUM AND DISTANT HAPPENINGS From The Orono News of June 19, 1913 Twenty-four candidates a r e writing on tiieir entrance exaniin- ation.s here this week. Miss E. M. Wise la presiding. We congratulate Miss Sadia Smiith, daughter of Ed!tor Smith, on passlng lier third year Univer,- sity course wlth honors, also M.r. J. H. Jackson of Kendal on pass- ing f lrst year exams. at Toronto University. Mr. and Mis. G. M. Long and da.ughter Miss Mary lef t Tuesday morning for Vermillion, Alla, where they will spend the sum- mer wfth their sons.'ý Mr. Will Long, residing in California, la ex- pected to visit there durlng the summer when there will be a com- pleta raunion of the Orono fam- lly in one of the nawest prairie towns. Mr. Neil McKenzie of Toronto was guest at Mr. T. Smith's. Miss Gladys Richards of Toron- to was home over the weekend. Mis. Caldwell of Bowmanviile is visiting at Mr. Wes. Thornton's. Messrs E. E. .Pattersoni and Fred Staples were home over the week- end. Mrs. Beit Hockin and young son Chester, of Toronto, are visit- ing friands here. Misses Olga and msma Hooper and Rena Doncaster, Toronto, were home over the weekend. Messrs. William and Jesse Yeo attended the funeral of thei.r ais- ter-in-law, Mis. Alonzo Yeo, at Oshawa last week. Bey. J. G. Anderson of Sask., and sister, Miss A. J. Anderson of Toronto, and Mr. J. W. Scotof Manor, Sask., visited at Mr. S. Haliidays. Mr. E. V. Dyer of Port Hope spent a couple of days in the village vislting his sister, Mrs. A. Callander, and looking up a few subects for tihe Sun Idfe. Mr. Chas. Norton, a former C. N. R. resident engineer, is spend- ing a few days in the village. He came down to witness the Mc- Evoy-Farncomb weddlng at New- castle Tuasday and hlked north to sea the Scouts. Marriage: Steele - Lelgh - At the residance of the bride's par- ents, on Wednesday, June 18, by the Bey. Father F'arguson of Pet- erboro, Mennottia Helen, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Leigh, Orono, to Mr John Alex- ander Steele of Balover, Ontario. COWANVILLEI Miss Dayeli, who bought Mr. John Allan's farm on the third lina, has moved in for the sum- mer, accompanied by her sister and brother and his wife and two daughters. Mr. Mult Graham and sister Flossia attended the McGilpin- McKenzie wedding in Toronto on Saturday. Mr. A. T. Perrin left for Sud- bury Sunday night on a business trip. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Marvin, Jean and Gertrude, of Morrish, with Mr. and Mrs. Gao. Hender- son. . .. Mrs. B. Milison and Hec- tor and Mr. T. Kinsman with Mr. R. Thompson, Canton. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones, Pontypool, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Stringer. In Europe and America to-day foramost efforts of highway an- ginears and traffic experts ara ha- ing devoted to safe travel and the reduiorn 0f appallingasulis CLARKE UNION Miss Lorna Clarke, Bowman- ville, has been engaged to teach our school. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ulmont Bullock on the ar- rivai of a young daughter. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Snodgrass (nea Neya Rain- ey), on their recent niarriage. John Berry and Oswald Sand- erson are driving new cars. Mr. Albert Clark has moved on to Mr. James Nixon's farm. We understand Mr. Clark will work the farmn another yaar. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Sid Morgan, To- ronto, at Mr. S. D. Souch's. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cain, Sudbury, at his grandfather's, Mr. Geo. Cain. Miss Macdonald and friand, To- ronto, with her aunt, Mrs. Albert Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Power and daughter with his mother in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rickaby, Oakville, and Mrs. Chas. Cumn- ming, Toronto, with their mother, Mrs. John Rîckaby. Lockhart's Schoolj *Mr. Roy Patten is taking a short course at Guelph Agricuit- ural College. Mr. Al. Saunder attended the funeral of his cousin, Mr. Mercer, who was killed on the highway near Whitby. Mr. F. W. Bowen and Miss Mary Bowen are in Ottawa at- tending the National Conservative Convention. Messrs. Howard McCauley, J. Thatcher and Frank ReilU, Ottawa, who were competing at the Mo- torcycle Club Meet at Oshawa on Saturday, were guests at the home of Mr. F. W. Bowen on Sat- urday night. A number fromn this section went on the excursion to Roches- ter July lst. Their pleasure was considerably marred by the wet weather. Wallace Gibson and Chas. Gib- son are busy picking their early cherries. Miss Bessie Blackburn is on the sick list. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. John Hifls and family, with his mother Mrs. Horatio Hila, visited Mr. and Mrs. Russell Osborne... . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dean motored to Crow Lake on Sunday to visit Mrs. Dean's grandparents. Mrs. Robt. White, Pontypool, with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Malay. Mr. Malley drova her home on Sun- day.. .. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brunt and family with his asiter, Mrs. Robinson, at Ellzabethville. ... Miss Acy Bowen with frienda in the section. Miss Bowen is onc of the 1938 graduate nurses from Oshawa Hospital and la enjoying a couple of weeks' vacation... Mr. Robt. Osborne and farnily, of Lansing, Mich., called at Mr. Rua- sell Osborna's. Mr. Osborne had came to Canada to attend thc Os- borne picnic July lst.. .. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Linehan and MissHl- en Murphy, Ottawa, with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bowen. BABY'S TEETHUNG FEVER S0 writes Mes. B-, of North Syd- ney. Then a Toronto mother says: "I used Baby's Own Tablets and the babies were always s0 good. No crampe, pain or trouble when teething. Ia fact, I hardly knew they were cuttinig thefr teeth as they neyer were any trouble at night." And so the evidence pours in from thankful mothers everywhere, who praise Baby's Own Tablets also for the relief of simple fever, diarrhoea, upset stomach, irritability, simple croup, colda and other aliments. Speedy and effec- tive in their work. Sale and harmiess in their action. Sweet-tasting and easy to take. Contain no aphates or stupefying drugs whatever. Can be given with safety to the most deicate baby. Ana- lyst's report with every box. Try i3aby's Own Tablets. Your money will be refunded if you are not satisfied wlth the result. 25 cent&. PUPILS ENTERTIN ROUND TRIP BARGAUN FARES, A vary pleasant time was en- F o O M N I L joyed Wednesday evening last at F o O M N I L the home of Mn. and Mrs. W. H. By IP.M. Trains JULy 15TH and anl Tiaino (eXCept No. 15) Rowe whan a number o! pupils of Mrs. W. C. Lynch, A.T.C.M., JULY 16TE thair panants, and friands gath- ered for a littie music. Piano solos Tro TORONTO were playad by Masters Tommry Aise te: *Brantford, *Buffalo, *Chathama, Durham, Goderlch, Guelph, Coatham, Howard Coathanm and *Hamilton, Kincardine, *London, Mleaford, Midiai Nb', Fls Armnd ollngsort, 1 s s e s Owen Soud, *Paris, Peaetang, 58t. Catharines, *Sarnia, Southamp- Jean Pattarson, Violet Hollinga- ton. Strattord, *Woodstock and ail Intermedjate points beyond Barrie, worth, Marjonie McLaren and Brampton, Grimsby and Hamilton. (Time table stops). Kathleen Simpson, and a piano duat by Misses Kathleen and And to Parry Soud, Sudbury, Oba, Hernepayne, Longlae, Dorothy Simpson. Other musical Geraldton, Jice, fleardmore. numbers included vocal solas by Tickets sold to points marked * A. M.- Trains only July 17. Armand Holingsworth and Kath- Tickets aise seld ta, Local Stations between flelIeville-Wbltby Inel. leen Simpsan (silver medalists), Mrs. A. A. Drummond and Mn. Tr<m, Foa, u. rase Ldmltsand rafo<nadoinom Agets. Wyvan Reid, and a whistling solo by Mn. William Lynch. Other CA N AD IA N Aak for C ANA D IA N visitars included Mrs. Donald Hnbl Robb and membars of thc sum- N AT I ON A L Hnd P A C 1 F 1 C mer piano class. Lunch was ser- 9- t j 'Even the happiest days must end-" "--But ther&'s clways another Sweet Capit" SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES "The pures: fonn in whach tobacco can be smoked." DEAN HODGSON White Rose Service Station Bownianville THURSDAY, JULY 7TH, 1938 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE NINE