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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1939, p. 10

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ID THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH 28TH, 1939 r______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ BAKERY 75 YEARS to Annie Atkins, daughter of Wil- i ON OPERATUON He is survived by his widow', four T he Newcastle Independent sons and one daughter. The Many Bowmanville citizens will daughter, Kathleen, is one of the Phxone Clarke 1114 be interested in the followmng let- 1939-40 exchange teachers from ______________________________________________ ter Bride Broder, who recently Manitoba, and is now ini South addressed the Women's Canadian Africa. The sons are, Ray Hughes, Mrs. Hamilton, Millbrook, is castie when Mrs. Gogerty returns Club here, published in her fea- 191 Ferndale Ave., N or wo od; visiting hier niece, Mrs. Carl Selby. with hier littie daughter. ture column of The Globe and John, a member of the staff of Mrs. A. S. Houston closed hier A number of boys and men Mail: Kelvin school; Kenneth, ernploy- house and went to Toronto for used to get enjoyment out of Good Writing from R. R. 3, Wood- ed in the Canadian Bank of Com- E T SBat Cu urFo Rei Easter. Friday and Easter week by going stock, Ont., Mrs. Fred McKay merce in Hamiota; and Glen, liv- D A H euyClueFrRn Mrs. Thos. Brown, who has sucker or pike fishing, but not saYs: ing at home. ROSS - In Bowmanville, March BLUE BIRD BEAUTY PARLOR SONS 0F ENGLAND H A L L been spending the winter in To- tis year. In fact several familles "You had a very interesting' A brother, Fr-ed Hughes, is a 24th, 1949, .C. Thomas Ross, iË special - $5.00) permanent wave can be rented for private part- ronto, returned to hier home on around the countryside w e r e article-'Doubtful Economie Wis- retired officer of the'Unîted States his 44th yeàr. for $2.50 including shampoo, ies, dances, community meet- the west hill. snowbound on Easter Sunday and dom'-in a recent issue. It was army and lives in Oregon. fmnger wave and rm Ms.F inet.araoab ae. Miss Lilian Smale, Creighton couldn't even get to church. The particularly interesting to me be- STUTT - In Orono, March 26th, Cl, Phone 3 m. Mrs Foings, tc ar esonaJBle rtes Mines, who has been visiting the temperature wasn't propitious for cause it concerns the property of 1940, William James Stutt, aged J.Cl, 3.9-f Fr rtîuoolar e. J.3erry Misses Blackburn, went to Ot- the usual display of spring hats my grandfather and uncle, the Cards of Thanka 73 years, beloved father ofBersBokSr.l3* tawa for a visit. and other spring apparel either. late Charles and Thomas Tod. Ralph M. Stutt, Bowmanville. For Sale or Rent TO RENT - HOUSE WITH Mr. Win. Brunt returned onl Mr. Bert. Brereton, secretary of You said there had been a bakery Mrs. Henry Mountjoy and fam- Funeral from his late residenc e1 O AEO ET _10 lcrctwrdfrso Monday to his work at the J. St. George's Men's Club, received on the property for sixty years. ily, Blackstock, desire to express Orono, today (Thursday). In-gageonC csinSt s. Anderson Smith Co. factory after word from Cobourg that St. Pet- It should have been seventy-five. their most smncere thanks to their terment Orono Cemetery. acres fagod ay nd20 acres AplyA.S.BaeryPon 244 a six weeks' absence tbrough ilî r- Cub would make their long My Grandfather Tod came to Ca- many friends and neighbours for ace13-1*hyad1Y2aýs Apy .S ae, hn 64 iess. delayed visit to St. George's on nada from Peebles, Scotland, and the many kindnesses shown them STINSON - In Orono, March 22, fali wheat. Fail ploughing ah _______________ Mr. Edwin Hancock, and one Marcb 27th, and engage their worked in Markham as a baker, during the long illness and be- 1940, Walter S. Stinson,-in his done. Apply G. Kovacs, nortb APARTMENT TO RENT-FOUR of bis pupils from Lorrain Valley, Newcastle fellow leaguers in a later starting business in Bow- reavement of a loving husband 86th year. Irnterment Monday of Tyrone. 11-3* nice bright rooms and -bath, withehisnpart s, Mr. and rsnH gamne of carpetball scheduled for manville. At his death the eldest and father. in Castleton Cemetery. îight and water included in wt E. pack s . March 5tb. Only one other league son, Thomas, carried on, and the Ap Sleriole entptssso E.Hudrick Sbibchlrbo game remains when St. George's property is still owned by his LvsokFrSl IN MEMORIAM For SaleplyMis vey Hrif SHmn Scmidon the make their return visit to St. widow. ___________ForSale_ _FRAL-STDO___ - Bon A pply iss 1vely ____of___________oth____-In___ g emry F SActrlearaTUIceo CH Bunsmlo- 3- former Allun farm, had the mis- Mark's, Port Hope. "Nowadays it seems," continues FOR SALE - 1 YORKSHR REYNOLD nlvn eoy efcoycerneo imn ______________ fotue o av lg roenwbn Dave Gray has had a number Mrs. McKay, "that the big con- s0w and pigs. Phone: Clarke of our mother, Elizabeth Jane and other well known manu forsn. Pher a br en h nofectingitb cr an cs nwh- ern s te salptlikeries iapear. .13 Hogarth, who passed away facturers ines are featured in Real Estate For Sale kicked by a cow. K ng- of excitgexrin rcs wn on-tcerns ea up he littee s and 904a13 March 26, 1927; also sister Edna Morris Co. March Sale. Several stn s ecJ ak wn o hsbenin driving a team on the higbway. But the memory lingers on and FOR SALE - 9 YORKSHIRE wbo died FebrjWry 14, 1936. different styles and choice of FOR SALE - SOLID BRICK sthe bo spitaJandfondhlm muchi He bas bad some severe shakings- when one reads little articles such pigs, 8 weeks oîd. Appîy Wes- -Ever rememWered by Ells covers and colors. AIl very 10w bouse, east side of Centre St. imeproe.ita isaedpectd he wiîîh up and has seen his equipment as yours it brings back pleasant îy Yîoîe, Ensiln and May. in price for studio lounges of M o d e r n conveniences. Sel sopo eback t bis setudie. i badly damaged. But last week recollections, for many a happy Phey 2268. 13-1 nisillntins quality. Thursday till Mon- cheap to close up an estate. Mr ad rs MchelGogerty wben bis wagon was bit in the summer holiday have I spent in ROGERS - In îoving memoy of day, clearing at $23.95, $29715 .emaKnSt h.averntdfo Mrs . GheoJme rear by a car in Newcastle the Bowmanville. My mother was FOR SALE - BAY MARE, 3 George Rogers, beloved hus- and $32.50.131 WsPoe56i-t sov n tedous mo KMg., forJmer- car came off decidedly second Effie Tod, and she, too, married years old. Apply C. T. Alldred, band of Annie Spurr, who pass-_______________ sonth ouieonbyngMr.,andorser best. Mr. Gray had been down to a baker, William Rankîn, and. Newcastle, Phone Clarke 1923.. ed away suddenly in Toronto FOR SALE - EIGHT SECTIONSMo gaeSl HeyoCcuter whoMrhamd Mto the mili and when he was pro- lives in Woodstock. Best wisbes 13-l* Marcb l2th, 1939, in bis 74tà; Diamond Harrows; one Cock -________________Sale __ Torynto. h hv ovd ceeding along King St. a car ran for your future writing." year:, shutt Fanning Mill. Apply UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of Morsnt.S.RBoahnhsbe into the back of the wagon from We are glad to have this cor- FOR SALE - 6 GOOD YOUNG I bave lost my soul's compan- Frank Gray, Newcastle, Phonet, wrsoSaecniedn unabl to.Rry on ber usuale which the reach protruded with rection-fifteen years in the early Yorkshire pigs; Erban and in 1202, Clarke.13i tePo rsfSaecniedn hoseol atiites Ms.Roethte resuît that the radiator was life of our country means more Alaska seed oats, Red clover A life linked witb my own, FOR SALE - RUBBER GOODS a odceainmotghewich wfislbe woshl iit e and d o rt stove in and other damage sus-- than they would in older lands. seed (dean). Extra early po And more and more each day sundries, etc., mailed postpaici there will be offered for sale by J. H. Josth er n gte anR. Eatr Vsitor: Mis PhllisA. E. Billett, Hampton, As I walk through ife alone. Pulibelc wapr 8%~Jlic uyYo nuUr kuesoIy, the B. LeGresl E Bellevsile, wMit hylberPhione 2557. 13-1 Forty-nine years we have less than retaîl. Write for mail- Public ofActin 4, uathe u JH.JsanR.B erse lmneBelvle ihle bituary oreedtgte order catalogue. Nov- Rubber9ha of April, 1940, an the herour attended Mis. C. R. Calvert's sale Cpeenc, M.adMs .H l FR-AE-1CYEHREC. Bx9,HmloOtro of Holstemns at Reaboro, March paents, .Mr. and Mrs. W.T ms H.ul Cghse-nipg FOrcAero-meinLDE oRE, b Heart jouhryed tgeher in 1 at the farm of the late William 2lst, and each purchased three mnc.. o adMi.Wm om, Saueauge, lnie 1Prce on areifoAl bthhand, -Strong, R.R. 1, Enniskillen, On- registere Holstei cows atquite Mis Margare TomseisonMr.oWinipeg FHamPressNR.Rn Rooihgyouamwere RtheTfirst tawerFORhSALEst-tAFORISAL CHAL-IStario,- triefohe owingwi propertyt moderate prices. with Mi. and Mis. Herb. Toms. . . _____Sa________ To that brigbt adb mln. uersd elB.Tractosibl aey-ALADSNUA Misses Reta and Grace Powell Miss Clara Caswell, Toronto, with Saruel Hughes, former mem- .,Poe24. - ~ iune n etrln. ue;Samison ator, in good that certain parcel or tract of land gaet Jaris on Tuesdy eoening ber parents, Mi. and Mis. John ber of the Manitoba Legislative FOR SALE - CLEAN LEGGED Now you will watch and wait running order, very cheap. 5ev- and premises situate, lying and Casrell. . . Mis. R. C. Lovekin Assembly, wbo represented Gil- Clyde gelding, rising. three yrs., my coming, eral good used Massey-Harris being in tbe Township of Darling- whe te yun pepl prs nd onRicar, wthlie pr-bert Plains constituency in the sound and in good- condition. When my lonely life is o'er, Disc Drills and Cultivators. One ton, in the County of Durham, and waden hmaeeunpeoplepreos entsnd .sondRichrd, with her par-. .3tb and i4th Legislatures, died Phone Clarke 2814, S. A. Rowe, But you will come and mýeet good, slightly used, Electrie being composed of the south haîf to his leaving for Markbam. eniss Maiond Mkrs. Jo.ACoulson.. March 24th at tbe Winnipeg Gen- Newcastle. 12-2* me George Drive Cream Separator. -Also of Lot 21. in the 8tb Concession, The political campaign Ieading My iss Mr. ndickr,.AW. Wht S._____________________ When I reach that shining fulll une of Massey-Harris till- containing 100 acres, more or less. ap ver uet and uvetntfuloene Rickard. . . Mi. Geo. Bonatban, Mr. Hughes lived at 103 Spence FOR SALE - i DARK GREY shore. age machines including all new On the said farmi there is said iner tus etcamm un eihvery îîtone Toronto, with bis mother, Mrs. S. St. He had been a resident of Percheron Gelding, 1400 lbs., When ail is still and silent Tractors on display at Massey- ta be erected two dwelling bouses bing hsaid by nybodhvy. E leo .Bnta...M.adMs Manitoba since 1896 and lived in rising 4 yrs., sound, quiet, good And sleep forsakes my eyes Marris Sbop, King St. West, with suitable farmi buildings. day~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~C waButa ueqiealtGron arkn.. and agtrs, Winnipeg since 1930. In recent worker, 1 International 2-fur- My thoughts are down in the Bwavle .S tpe, Telnswl esl ujc daywa jut s qie, qit a otDoreen and Lenore, Toronto, with years hie was employed by the row tractar plow, good con- silent grave Mse-arsdae. 1- oarsrebd of people standing around at Ms eeBakrilan s. Wawariesa Mutual I n s u r a n c e dition. John Cunningham, New- Wbere my dear George doth lie. Mse-arsdae. 1- aarsrebd tiesbt obd syiganthn W .Smth. MssLJin oleCompany. For the last six months castle. 13-1* -Remembered by bis wife, Seed FoOSaleAfvE:per ent. fth urhs Mish. Lno ilo n ag-Toronto, with Mi. and Mis. Mer- lbe had been la' indifferent health -_Annie__________Ont._____ForSalemoeypr t.e ai of wne cat te tr anson Lureneand Fd, et ole... i Ca. i-and for the last two months was FOR SALE - 15 PIGS, SEVEN Anni, Coutice Ont.___________________the ter nd ons Larene ad Foyd ber Poley . Mr Chs. le-FOR SALE - NO. i RED CLOV- time of the sale, the balance to wh aebe tyn nteimence, Toronto, with Mr. and yofears o age.H ws6 ek od pl . aiLtTRWN-I ovn eoyo wh hveben tain i ter rs W J Cemnc. ecofed obsptl M1a 7 ,weksod l . a ik, Lot TRmy EI a loingmotery o! er, No. 1 Alsike Clover, Erban be secured by a mortgage with Newcastle bouse, are returnung Mis. W.J. Clemnce. 17,Con. 5,BowmanvlleR 6 yderganmter ae and Victory Oats, O.A.C. No. 21 interest at four per cent. per this week to their home at New- Marcb 29th, at 1I a.m., and the TefnrlwsTedy e-1- Trewln. who passed away at BaeyAplR.KSuarR.num tonville. Mr. Jim Murray bas Judge's Chambers la the Court vice belag conducted by Rev. W. alyApyR.KSqirR.num Houe n oborghae bennan-E. Donnelly of Youfig United FOR SALE - 8 YORKSHIRE Burketon, on Easter Sunday, R. 4, Bowmanville, Phone 2210. For further particulars and rented it and be and bis familyMoslaCbughvbenam Churcb. Burial was la St. John's pigs, 7 weeks old; sow and 8 Marcb 27, 1921: 13-i condtions of sale apply to will be movlng up from Mi. Wmn. ed as the time and place for ex-_____________________grand- eisbos.Iamining, auditing and passlng tbe cemetery. i.Apl Tamg Tyor ccontsof he oroto eneal oaorary paîl-bearers w e re Burketon, Phone Bowmanville daugbter Florence. FOR SALE - NOBARB BAR- The Comn-xissioner of 2338atl131ieley.ereGoverament GradeheToroNo. 1, alAgricultural Loans, Ne'sl renswr epy Trusts Corporation, the Execu- George Diawoody, G. M. Fergu- 23. 1-1ly ven ntGaeN.1 Parliament Buildings, gideato i.C.TRnosshBowan- ors and Trustees, la respect of son, W. Forsythe, Dr. J. N. Mutchi- A c ied aS39773 tskard's seed Cleang death of Mr.theCstate oRthelat Thomasson, D. Thurston and Judge jo-. FOR SALE - MOLSTEIN COW, e_______________________ToontoOntrio dilet ofHewas tloe ad is cordeialth oateAo the leneThcmas-seph Bernier. Active paîl-bearers due to fresiien soon; quantity o!frdPkeLt8,Boe Plant. Price 85e per bus. Apply DATED at Toronto this fifteen- den ýo Nwcatlean hi codiles o! the. will heareinterested were D. R. Cameron, John Sin- Erban oats; single and double FrntPakehr,La18rokenTw., S.Chas. Allia, R.R, 4, Bowman- th day of March, 1940. 12-3 -L him many friends. Me was a tell- in the estate and who have been car .DveG lm eGr iugpogs .L atn 4 miles south-east o! Newcastle, iePoe19.3.* er n te ankhee ad oarednoti!ied to be in attendance if don E. Taylor and G. P. Shearer. Bowmanville. 13-4* wlll selI by public auction on SEEDS - LARGE SELECTION erithe bankbereh ndDo oardedtbey so desire are: The Municipal Sir Sam's Cousin FOR SALE - 10 YORKSHIRE Monday, April lst, a quantity of of high quality seed at reason-- wingrhuMisJonsDougl.anMs. Councîl o! tbe Village o! New- Mi. Hughes was the cousin o! pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply Sid implements, borses, cattle, grain, able prices ta choose from. Conratlaion t Mr ad Ms.astle, The Trustees o! Newcastle Sir Sam Hughes, Dominion mini- Trewin. Enniskillen, P ho ne hay, harness, etc. Sale at i p.m. Stewart's Seed Store, Phone 577, Bicoael ote rth o! eAdug H g School, The Rector and ister o! militia and de!ense ini the 2351. 13-1 Termis cash. Elmer Wilbur, auc- Bowmanville. 13-1 Bonontebthoa ag-Cburch Wardens o! St. George's early years o! the Great War. Me tioneer. 12-2* trcinB ltMani T.HoW.iJackson is urch, Newcastle, also the Mos- was born at Leskard, Durham FOR SALE - ONE 3-YEAR-OLD SE RI-FRSL tbec prodet-gMr. .W a cherbea pital for Sick Cbildren, Toronto, County, Ont., June 13, 1873. After grey colt, stallion. quiet and Oats, Erban and Cartier, 75c per I , othe lindge o! foragnfteraso and the Board o! Trustees o! the bis public scbool education bie at- sound. Apply R. Olesen, Burke- Mrs. Sulas Trewin, Lot 15, Con. bus.; Nobarb barley, 85c per ofteln ffu eeain fBowmanville General Mospital. tended business college at Hamil- ton. 13-i 8, Darlington, will sell on Satur- bus.; Coronation wbeat, $1.20 Ni the samne blood resident in New- Additional Newcastle news on ton._______________ day, March 30tb, by public auc- per bus. Ail o! this grain isJ pages 4 and 9. Me Ie!t home wben 17 and la tion, farmi stock, implements, Government Grade No. i and 1896 came ta Western Canada. A Baby Chlcks furniture, etc. Sale 1 pan. Terms bas been cleaned and graded 50 !ew years later be took up farm- BABY CHICKS FOR SALE - cash. T. M. Slemon, auctioneer. by our cleaning plant. We will DRAIN TWISTERS ing. At first be was located on White Leghorns and Rocks, sex 12-2 treat this grain for smut at 5c (o D R S E T D FL O Sthie Portage Plains. In d1904 he mixed and started cbicks, blood Ra insprc s. mr hnaoe(o D R E SS S AT 1)DFE LOWS eno o he be nondfeames tested flock. R.O.P. sired chîcks. ______________________________ard Florence Nightingale L o d g e, anedostcheaes la tbe dis. Average egg set 26 oz. to the MS RNO, SM , Kingston Rd. Il-tf I.O.O.F., enjoyed a fraternal visit Me lived at Grandview 16 years dozen. All eggs produced on will be la Bowmanville, on Fr1- FOR SALE - SEED BARLýEY THE CANADIAN TIRE COI !rom Orono Lodge, March l3th, anoa12 oe oNeaa ur own farm. Alvin Clemens, dyMac29h Foapin- OA.C., No. 21, Grade No. 1, onY'xel fWilh t) a wben the local lodge conferred Four years a!ter he returned to Phone 2433.ilt ment Phone 574. 13-1 contract. Phone your order now. BomavileePon 232nPrtat 50 Bond St. E th rst er ee olong canddat e sfr e rehmied atiGraeS. C. WHITE LEGHORNS AND TEA CUP AND CARDS FROM Perry 193r5. 113* !ro Orno.Folowig te d- ber heremine unil e cme Barred Rocks - Why take 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. Darch's To- - ~gree a lunch was enjoyed as a to Winnipeg la 1930. chances? Buy chicks with con- bacStr.Poe21. 93*_______________ conçlusion to one o! tbe most en- For many years lie was reeve fiene fomgovrtentse-.___Phone_____2615.- Cîlfor-pin joyâbe eveaings o! the winter and councillor o! bis rural muni- ected, blood-tested stock. Now RdoSrieFRSL EAEOFR urnedCrPrsadT season. cipality and an officer of the booking orders for mixed, sexed Radio_________FORSALE_-___ARE______ Marcb 2th the local Odd!el- Grandview îgiutrlScey n tatdcik.Alodr ng choice Victory Seed Oats @ Gaate a aUadT lows were again hosts ta theirAAgcutri ocey adsardchcs.Alres SPRING CLEAN YOUR RADO 70e per bus.; aiso Cartier and Rg prigGo, ned taS.PtiksDys-As Conservative la politics lbe rn wiîî receive our careful atten- Ds eoe rmc ss ra aite;Clrd finsaaSt arc' asoasConservative candidate in Gil- tion. Write or Phone for price Ds eoe rm cass aite; Clrd ui-Sotx od cial. The committee in charge for bert Plains constituency in 1910, lit orcnfdnei ur aim. speaker and cabinet. Reason- Spring Wheat, and both two tbe eveniag under Chairman C. G. when be was elected to the Legis- Pht oe266r H cro ks.dencow- ably priced at fifty cents. F. and six rowed Bariey, Spring - Stsato rM (Ted) Morris provided an inter- lature for the !irst time. Me was maonve23H. J rok.Bw Crowe, Elgin St., Phone 433. Rye, Field Peas, etc. Ahl grain Stsato rM esting and instructive program re-elected la 1914 and defeated _______________________13-.2* Gov't. Tested. Also ail varieties bran-isterrobf m andlie co-tees Robi n govt e ram tet et fo! Clovers, Timotby and Mix- o! antwis intelolemandcoesna- 1,the he ynoerno!tedeet !Wanted Weekly Feed Special tures for pastures, etc. We T r tests. A bailoon blowing coatestbaenyradsmublcla ada with prîzes for the largest lady's Defeated i 1927 WANTED - WMEAT, OATS, WEîEKLY FEED SPECIAL - harown cver hso ofe oucha n di T r 1 and gent's balioons provided plen- Mr. Hughies was a candidate ia mixed grain. Apply Alvin Cie- Choice Meavy Mixed Chop exwcle ualty. fecre of ur SSCI ty o! fun, tbe entries consistently two subsequent elections, tbe last mens Poultry Farm, Bowman- eexlprso areot n rcesloen uyi. S Phrone: usiess hon 74 exploding before judging could be tm atepoica lcino ville, R.R. 6, Phone 2433. il-tf rye), $1.55 per cwt. Excellent Cak 6-1.A .Geny completed. The couples present 1927 wben he was defeated byClre2 1. W Gney had a sing-soag o! Irish numbers A. R. Berry, the Brackea gavera- WANTED - OLD MORSES AND feed for pigs. Offer good until Newcastle.e 1- Gordon Summers, and later paired of! for lunch by ment candidate. cattle for fox meat. Norby Fur April 4tb. F. C. Vanstone,________________ _________________ the musical chair system which Mi. Hughes was married la 1901 Farm, Tyrone, Phone 2415. 34tf Phone 777. 13-1* Chanllrl Richrds provided thenr ,The smartest of the nufln- reachmgj the Gduide -Board corner, oe' at lasbeen put inta south of Enniskillen, decided that : Iiaoe chnew numbers for they had better get back ta town wbile the going was still poor and not terrible. But much ta their 80 nter and it taok themn several Telepkone Your Orders to 778 Prompt Free Dellvery VI hours ta push themselves from south o! Enniskillen into Bow- manvilie. Help Wanted HELP WANTED - YO0U NG woman. must be good plain cook, ligbt housework. Write i P. O. Box 42, Bowmanville. WANTED - EXP E R I E N È man and wife, no family, 50-acre farm, aged couple, modemn conveniences. Phone P. H. 3821, R.R. 1 Orono, Lot 33, 3rd Con., Clarke. Henry C. Bowen. 13-.4* EARN DOUBLE FOR YOUR efforts! Easy, interesting- work la a district cbosea by you. Products well-known.tbrougb- out -Canada - sure-sellers ail. Get started at once! By retura mail drap a line ta The Familex Products Company, 570 St. Clement, Moatreal. 13-1 EIELP WANTED-SINGLE MAN for general farm work. Apply ta Nichol's farm, 1 mile south o! Courtice. Phone: Oshawa 1615r4. 13-1 Auctioneer ELMER WILBUR Licensed Auctioneer Hampton, Ont. Specializing la Farm, Livestock, Implemeats and Funniture Sales TERMS MODERATE Phone for Terms and Date to: Bowmanville 2428. 1à SOC does It ai Bowmanvliîe Cleaners & We have new equlpnxpnt for perfect work 'operated by experts. Free Pick-up and Delivery Phone 520 King St W. )VED TO EW STORE 0 Bond St. East Oshawa rth of Regent Theatre) IP. AISSOCIATE STORE smoved ta their new store But, Oshawa. g Catalogue - 'res - Batteries -'Bicycles Campinig Equipment oney Refunded - Corporation STORE Res. Phone 1283W s, Proprietor %Y lAc regular 'rice for onc art icle id gri another one us iîke ii for onti ONE CENT 3sc Tin mi 31 TOOTH POWDER ith sodium Porborate tfor 36c Service PAGE TEN ilI - - qwr fýTmAD]S TRURSDAY, MARCH 28TH, 1939

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