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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Mar 1939, p. 9

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J i i. 'I THE CNADIN STAESMA, BOMAPAGE OTARI OrnoStudent Wins Three Prizes i HErE S ANUDAYORONOG N E W SNTE By BeingGood Athlete and Scholar Major E. Green and a few~ SOCIAL AND PERSONqAL News of Clarke Twsi _____cadets from the Salvation ArmyPHN 4rl j Training Sihol Toronto, i Olive Brown won three prizes but surprae1n at he .C.. ommnceentF t it would be an annual pte rs istt rn aur a' ay-tnhattc.S omemeda ntheTyelrigientoth shoî orth nme aprcitvecrwddfshpprslnxtwek xste RbetheaeToono da a tlei mdl teTyelwith a larger certificate being nih nddlghe hésat but1 Easter exams. start at O. C.S.rî n Mr.sH Keane . ono General Proficiency shield, and of the winners to be placed on it A heav ram at times rather in- i iteMranMs.AH.o n. Lake Shore, Clarke A PRO R M O the Professor Squair French prize ec erH onrtltdAd 'terfered with the enjoyment. Mr. CclPwr a enOl M Wm. Lynch has been on Mr. Gordon Martin informsi A new prize of $10.00 and a rey on being the first winner and Nothing daunted, the Orono- the sick hist. the sick list. corspnen GRC T R ce tifi ae, pr s nt d or t e îr tpaid tribute to her ability ie , o e y a g u b r 0 M iss A dele Cooper has been M r. and M rs. Row land Sm ith purchased the contents of the late ; aw ait n o u i n b f n a a time this year for the student ex - lR them, went to Newcastle Sunday visiting Miss Shirley Flintoiff and 'Myrtle were in Toronto Sat- Robt. Douglashme dian aicutr a eptuo celling in mathematies and science theev. S. Litewood performed afternoon to hear them *ne r RyWne has a sound ui ttndn that ensure-a hme ason in Middle scholwas w on by tdepleasant task of presenting the more enjoyable circumstances. Mr. oy Wînater yMoved to 1rda îtwi h ihBro-Recent Visitors: bsswl h A udrey Cooper. This is donated d o ras to the vinners. In his H ere the cornet playing and the he h u e v c t d y M . W so e wdding.M . R b. a tn wih M . a rv m e nt a d l b r n i e t Congratulatationsito Mr.anandnMrs. Th unanclua hed antig eetehm. the crowd (as also did the march- 77th birthday Fniday. W. J. Riddell who celebrated their M.adMs .A atnadhhvic Th L nn agiclt ra sied ai tin s e t e om . Mr1,son a m blla M i, Brighton. thin e î sh ui , splayed by the whoie band) A beautiful colored picture of! 25th wedding anniversary on Fni-Mran Ms.AA. atnadhveiou ntoalicr. wvas wvon by Franklin Tamblyn, school, and the church, and that' that after church two carloads ofi the Vimy Ridge monument pre- day. snCmblBiho.wt rsmay0 hs rbes o in w h oe o s if h i h follo w lth o ghos o e th u g htther ,h o m e O ro n o ite s - if n o t m o re - w e n t to se n te d to th e L e g io n b y th e g o v - M . a n d M rs . W . R . Y o u n g a n d M r1Bb P t e s n i t i e in g th e m s g e n n th f o o - A. J. Tamblyn. . the school the mental. and the hear more music and see the car-i rester's window. day aI Mr. Charles Wood's with Mn. and Mrs. Clinton Brown: in prgam ubitdb te The commencement exercîses church the spiritual, in reality al tooist draw. The latter only did jMn. Weston and family have Ms. Fred Cowan entertained 1. CndMsolitnBrw aresAdoae werc combined with the third 1three should be looked after ala tooahaorganizations into one central open Literary meeting. in charge three places. He pointed out that one picture at Bowmanville, ,but moved to the Sixth Line. Tuesday. HerBons ody at apekadc o President- Mervyn Keane pre- not the end, of life for the student. Next time we hope they hold their Keith Branton visited his grand- pointed district manager fer Cen- and Mrs. Frank Marris, Richmond Canada. sided over the first part of the, They were through scholbtut just gatheigi rn.fteM.0W.Sot rlOtrofr .F.Qai C.J..OdlHlwth r.nd rsBv 2Pý program which consisted Of "O. beginning life. A good education einCionoo.fahrtuMin.W.stottlivetrawn oan i orW. f Qarne ClJJa. di Hl, ih n ndMs.By. 2 lnanne rga 0 rde Canada," minutes, piano solo bv was necessary for aIl walks of Cogratulatoe nd lie ronkl C ompay Colonel J. W. Odeli, who wasJanstonndmreig Donald Staples, reading of the, life if one would seek the highest D udry CoeraaFanl W nd Boo. H ateladDra o ieenyas DIDurhamS forr Tmnineteenel ayeans hisr Mrmond Hill to visit hen daughten,ition throgÏ hc omk h tona cornb tet o o r-y en amb- d c toed b urgiingte h ailed HA PENNGSof medals and diplomas at O.C.S. Maniene are visiting at Marmora. resignation going into effect for Mt.Mri.pormefcie tyn, acndteIshlojiyglnTm1lo by Margaret not o be discourgeHAPPENINGS commencement. The three men- Syrnpathy is extended to the the cunrent year, wasguet 0 4. ari.1ratnptt ec gemn Flintoif and Enid Bowen. Cogaualgtesuette Fo h rn eso tioned obtained extra prîzes for relatives of the late Jesse Yeo. honor at a happy social gathering thh The OaCiS was much enjoyed, i teachers, and those who put on March 26, 1914 past year. dnnBhiody a i oot edi h CnrlshoC-.rown's prtig cutie h bgfu talent peeping through in nil the program, he presented diplo-tereclln okMna. Sa an bourg, on Saturday afternoon, lau ihave odsilnn ailofit Te oeryabutth n- as to: Enid Cobbiedick, Adele Abac fteA .P a Mrs. Clarke ils visiting Mr. and Mr. L. Wood has been on the when Albert Hill, of Cairo school, productio0fwetadega- cent fine, skating, and the play Moton. Muriel Morton, Patricia organized in connection with i~ tMs .A ne sick list. Cavan, president of the Publie h u fteswngmcieigepns "Disraeli"~, the feature "Tiditsi Yeo, LeRoy Myles, Margaret Roy Saviour's Church, with these of - Miss Marion Cooper has been Ms ilrwsgeto r Schooi Teachens Association, took is being heard almost every day 5. Deieo h iv tc n an " ho s ho w re ex ep io - an d ' M arjo ie S isson . ficers: P resid en t, H arp er A llen ;1 on th e sick list .M it. th e ch air, and on beh a f o f his in t S co u i y.d i in i d s r es i a ef rt o gram~Sece coleauespresnMe.Coimideh.-Misses Jean Perrin, Wylma utilizea ally good. IThe third part of the progrmSertary, Miss Mary Waddell; 'Watch yourself Saturday. I- r. .N okiBre on, I with a handsome ol.antn aroOndEhl ipsnen.adcoregris It's rs. . N. oski , Bur eton 1 wth a ands me oi paiting greatand Ethvolumeonof. aheaou In the absence of. Chairman A. w-as pnesided over by Convenen Treasurer, Miss Lenora William- Apnil lst. Mrs. M. Meard and son Elgin, En- i valued atlsixty dollars, Jean L: and Mrs C. Turner, Messrs. Bill 6. Estaihbad rcucl borough presided over the pre- A chorus by the Snappy Sy r- M orton, Arthur M anning, Dr. N eil w here the railroa d t a ued to n skile , v sied at M . o Burnham , a past president, r dih o e 0 n n r. F ed 0 r d ci n a d r g l t h sentation of pizes and medals. i phonettes; vocal solo by Lois Colvîlle and Miss Margaret Wad- be now prevents those living west Wood's. ing the accompanying apprecia- Ch om e o . nd MrengOf exorts Mr. R. Widdis presented athle- 1Wood; vocal trio by Olive Brown, dell. CofanWhieono fromnthe using il. The breakeemetin voum tic medals 10: Sr. - Jimr Powers, Edna Billings and John Lowery; Mn. W. S. Stinson and daughter'is right off the highway. sick lisI. The necipient of the gift madeteso Helen Case; Intermediate - Olive. -îwo mouîh organ solos by Hei are moving to the village.i Miss Mary Tamblyn visited in sutberpyadtawss Ms alHto iie r Brown and Ruth Goode and Herb Duvaîl; reading by Lois Manthe: isBri icay oot. Students of O. C. S. were dis- Toronto. suî ablethepsoyiand teaw as d Mrs. Paul Mohson.vsiedMn teso trahtaewl siu Duval Jr. - Jean Mercer and a play and another chorus by the was home Sunday., appointed that the pictues taken Mn, Orme Gamsby attended the the close of the more formal ses- andistween Canadaudeyand o-ther Dick Morton. Snappy Symphoneîîes. Miss Tena Colville is visiting'O f the cast of Disraeli did not turn os C. B. TyrelI pesented the gen- The play xas entiled *Wurzel- hen sister, Mrs. Wm. Cann, Bow- our .DuamrClabnin Toritoh fniend s n . er,Mrs. Chas.BAow n ed reduMoesion in ouI weîî il r un am Cuin Tnot o hu n -s io. __ __ __ __i___ r er, Mrs. J. hBrown, Mrs. and Iu f W r c nta U o r d erl proficiency pnize to Olive Flummeny by A. A. Milne. The manville. There was skating Saturday the weekend.Mn.CTueratddMs.A- tariffs so i tym:b eetb Brown, paying tibute 10 the cv- plot centres around the idea of Mrs. Wm. Giddy Port Hope, jafteinoon and evening, mucht l coigs rdy erness of this young lady in stu- %whether wo noted members of visited her sister, Ms. J. J. Gil- the surprise of al, as the weacher1 Somne of the Scouts were in r Iîustrated AddresskescoinscolFidy lished an tefams'byg Bowm nvihe 0 a naly uesd y Fe ture M ee ing r Ms. Fred Couch and M s. ot- power nîr ed dis nd atleic -sot aI. oc p ria en wllch ng tei n me fila.had tu ned 50 much milde . so.sp nt the wee enuin Tos9.gep ntring ~ key, etc. 10 Wurzel-Flummery for the sum Dr. and Mns. Herb lxne. Ms unenetie tcrsInight. sn_____he___ d n o-1 .Uneuaigv the ag icultu al shield w as not of £50,000, and proves that they Bow n -ianvile, visited here. iThursday. W inners w e e: Ladies - D r h , a d Mn . P a ,T- U pe1an d T ac oc e y w e i on eM amiltn . won on c nstru tiveeif-iqui prested as the donor and the wihh. Mrs. Gillis. Port Hope. is with i Ist Mns. Harny Lewis, 2nd M ns.nont, aiind Mn. . a Mrs.tnT s poker anUnion rMonday inight, M n.and mio. owWodock a neepiss winne wene nol pesentobut s Thefirstone aho hahehe hance henesster-n-Iaw.tMes ciss n.eCh nlie lanvile, c nsolaion M s. r ayne.givin a hi hly iformaive i-.j M ssM s. BindM nley, Jacomern 1. Aboe ah, impres upo stte a ov, l va won ~ s Robet Crawshaw. is wife Dr. M alcolm Staken, W aker-, M.Cantell: men - st Robt. G an- Misorleyvsit dJteasho lKestrted le tur.on th Franklin Tam blyn. and daughter are asked by him toxvn, visited his broth ers, wonk and1RaysBroinlattended thehhoc- govennments, llboturindnstrialistsa Miss M. Wlhi ms pesened he w at 0 doand hey decied1 takmAnss a d Ja es taik r. C pI. villn2 dtWmeMoa, c nsoltio Tuedaytnhtedineress ohthe don.iThsuspietisup lie hthe key ame in O hawshad esda fiancirs nd oganiati ns o ai PoesrSaipie10Olive the mones-. Whiîe they are debat-' The second chiîd of Mn. and 1 enry Cornish. A îoveîy ~ Up lum eveni. n Brown - two books. -N ew Har- ing. a guest of the house, Richard Mrs. Norman Greenfield, Bow- 'boughtMthch 27th of JesselsYeohin his with readinngatearkelgius Mn. and Mrs. C a. Au rne and m pan eeofon u 0 w r v esi ng and "M a ia Chapalaîne. M e niton, w ho is a friend of th e m anvile, is ill w ith pneum onia at he ev ni g 0a cos. he deth o ccue d Y oin psanke be rme n mn te po rli e , .iou M . a d M s h s l dn d a d p lc*f d if n n ci n w t The books are in Engiish but the husband, although on the othen her father's, Mn. Levi Edwards., Congratulations 10 Mn. and Mrs. 73nd year, a former Clarke Union, tracts, magazines, etc. Christie St. visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. os-1 in the intrsso h h epe words of presentation and wonds side of the house in parliament. Miss Olga Mooper w'as one of Arthur Smith on their necent nesident. T'he funenai is being Mospitai also neceives its shane. bonne, Ebenezer. of thanks of the winner ,vere in and also the daughters suito, the passenges on the C.N.R. train maniage. held to-day aI the home of his They also onduct sevia homesi Seveal attended W. Jones' saleMa taeonadM.ndMs French. u k o n a is o t e p r ns h Iett etak e r G e n h al r h n t e si sM x S a J.nk ow. I fisî 1lth par nts, whic lef thheraM ane r Gr en- M iss . Aluin has been home brother Samson, Lot 23, Con. 4 f r t e ahn0w e he s i s al Newtonvile on Tuesday. J. . ihilan prseîe te a-is given a similar chance via the burn Satuday evening. from Oshawa on the sick list. Clarke. Interment in O ono Cern come in if they have no home of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L. E. Mi]isn sonic prize t A dr y Co pe . In:sam e w l, that o nt v Clif- W +-- nM n hi~~thein own. M rs. Ab n oI n, O o o n Audrey Cooper. iIl, of AnthonyD ed: W ts n - n Orono, M i h Glad 10 see Mvss. J. ichardson Cass arelo hed a o g h nra d MsyR se ow r n hîs speech he exphained that the iton. Me refuses. Hov, ever, after. 2ist. Barbara Monnow-, nelic r.N.Cblc kouogin MrartMhio1ndMnleuChisesaf toheliîy stre theMandn for mathemnatics and science.. Me of the eccentric will-maker, has yeans. natrterfal hl oking Tambly~n are Union delegatest thes hlrnaeoaxiut T mpi state tha thi was he frst ime, wit thewome al rdecoatin the shaonvilleterGrantconeTorontoasswiththeMisst rJen.nie gone thedaugter oaxe himto Ded: amsb - I Bowan- theil camse chinldnenlubuareis50ekanxious. il10n, wo ba bee take il as she might just as well ville, March 26th, Lorenzo, eldest ctecuci hm1. ina olmu hs ekn.Iouîsicie the doon for long periods quille ill, is sîuîl in very dlct thMrsA.FteTot. ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ be M s. W urzel-F u rm ery as M iss son of M . Len G a rsby, age 181 A num be n from he e ouneyed Severai othe n O onoites expe t 10 w aiingt for the im e when the health. de i a e tonvile fi ds a e or y 1 IWunzeh'-Flummery, since her pan- years. 10 Newcastle and Bowmanvîlle on take in thîs event. cla s 50 begin. Mr. Hilton Avery is busy mo- lao h et of M.Fse cols have consented to the man- Sunday to hear the cadets from Beatnice Hamm leaves nex The pictures showed the boats, ing his effects to his new inThot.Heomeese-fîe niage. The play was highly humn- the Salvation Army Training w-eek for Stratton. This week she the homes, scenes in the parts the formlsnthfCoour of Sam andHnyFde orous, and wehI acted. Margaret (Mns. R.) Crailshaw -'School. l is taking a holiday. mieyrahe nisedevroWna l . Bee ofCobourwng.eraad l the M.P. Robent Crawshaw, and'Mry en n ndCb grain elevatons, piclures of vani- 1Ioh Y. P. U. to Bnooklin Friday bildi el hl ndCbl-n l oh oke ni n tOeflIak u emous workers, pictures of some who.-evening. othy ScotPotHpaIer fihlcd i w-hsile ndobbîc- Hom I provement Competition rrhave been hehped, etc. CnrtltostoM.adMs oehr i f k i s I red u t o i g a n o i i h a d p e f o m e d . a n d i n v i t i n g a l l t 1 F or u e n t t h e p c u e M . R o u s e o eM i s M r i t h - f ~ him i.rA.A . ,~ L . I FoOlowngupictu esowMes Veima C wanMCsasviure q1ip row mde carmngthe next and lasI Literary meet- DI. -r. .Sherwin soebrefly, d jil Mro)upon hein arag ihMrs Sit dpizhter (Viola Cnawshaw), and ing in Apnil which is in charge of ld ian y Ari cuIltura ocey with certain weeds thal gel Port Hope, Thurdy Miss ElseWlaewt e Hcrh Duval as hen lover (Richard HelenCase , irdo the lives of men and women. 1 Five of our sdayarns atGreenbank. Meniton) w'as real good in his nole. iogth1clvtes0 te They include coveteousness, pro- Aitken' cooig class in New- Mr. and r.A .Wos The Bray Chick d oe the trick. LiR x M yles as the solicitor and Am ng th ct . is f h fanity, p ide, and impu iiy f casle Frida y a er o n M s Camborne, w t Mn a d M s. D Letmesho yu he ro Pace pl. vrihtDeis lito wa a S arkv1ie Durham Central Agicultural So-. £1101. 10ge 1rthought and deed. Me poinled Out, Lane, Miss Bertha Thompson and Kaufman. your order here. No writing. No r screain. and his dead uncle's ec-_____ce-foth199sanisaFm- bother. Call or phone. centricily and diabolical humour: Congratulaions 10 Shîoh Leai and Home ImProvement Conest S ih Br oe1hrs old hh eaiae hs home a de mnonsraîng dish. A d te n w s o e ai th o u g h th e p la y . p le I a v e le d 1 0 B r o o k lin w ith g e n u i n e f a m c l a n nOtnog - . aî u r d a , M a c h 2 5 , 1 9 9 r w e s a n t h l i t e O p o t e 0 j A v e r y s a d a c c id e n t o c c u r r e d u s e d o n a s a u o a , w u d l o F. L BY A wasseen peepng lroug hlm ahl ue. arch 241h our oung peo- whic sho l san ngepi emo f1 O Sat1day9,s. t io w re cu livated - i.e. sais- 1 here Thursday aftenoon. Whie silly ten ye r fom ow bu Tyrone, Ont, CasI of characters: R o b ernt hein play "In May with June" out the County such as has notR.Atu Smith, only son of ,r.fcto good language, humîhity1 assisting is brothers Ronald and horses dontcag. rno E.NC O S N Crawshaw - Ronald Patterson; t compele in the Drama Festival'! been seen for some time. and Mr. Rowland Smith of Or- and punity - Ihere wouhd be salis-i Ross 10 cul wood in Mn. Frank Sun. J. E. NICHOLSON Denis Cliflon -LcRoy M v 1 le s;Brougham. Biackslock and Brook- i.h oceyi offering $75.00 ono, and Pearl Brooker, young- faction in nelrospect and joy inj Ovens woods at the Base Line, Pontypool, Ont. Richard Meniton - enb Duval: lin wene the other Unions havingin goods and prizes for the local 'est daughter of Mns. and Mn. anticipation. iGeorge Gibbs, youngest son of -Viola Cnawshaw~ Olive Brown'nade entnies. Sh ilIoh a g a i n cne n helnei r e-Cas. Brooker of Toronto, were oloiga e Ond f, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Gibbs, was bnoughî home the cup. The cast "d oneti gible to compete in a Province- 'unitcd in manniage in the Chapel i thanks by the chairman, games i caughl by the branch of a faliing included: June Summers, a girl, ie otsti hîch $50000 is'of the St. George's United Chunch wene enjoyed unden the direc tio ee and suffered a fractuned of the farm, very abhy taken by: offened. 1 Toronto, by Dr. (hate Bishop) 1 f Betty Rowe. skuii. AI lime of wniting he is Gwen Gilmen; her young sister Ahî that should be necessany isj Brewin. Dr. Brewin also married 1h1ucneosi omnîî Pollv - Ruth Savery; Elsie Hop- b gel Ihis thing started, and1 Mrs. and Mn. Brooker many years jii H ospitl and i eyciîa kins, a nineteen year old neighbor Morne and SciolClubs, Hoticul- ago ndSchisnend Peal. Th i '"i"'l ago nd hritend Perl.Thel L ckh rfsS ch olcondition. Sncere sympatby ge gr a otae yMdHa-tunal Societies and local improve- bride iooked very preîîy in ai out 10 bis Parents, broîhers and 7 gir, 'a p rîay d y ed M l-ment clubs ahI over the County , Qu cn's blue d ess with at 10 sistes during a ime of su ch ter- the part of Junes maiden aunt, would do w-ell 10 gel behind Ibis match. Aften the ceremony a ne-; Mn. Russell Osborne neturned rible strain. Dela Lnin; Canle Wlso ~moxemenl and sec Ihat Ihein com- ceplion was held at the home of 10 bis home fnom BowmanvihlleVkt: young farrn neio in love with munily bas several entnies in the the bride's parents, aflen which Hsia audy i nei Jurie. as John Stark; Benny County contesl. Once awa, IeeIehpycul eIfrWs- doing nicely and he expects 10 be Mnke and Mr.Angthr Wanna EL ~~~ Jenkins, a young farrn hand, was 'S no saying what mighî b a- ingon, D.C., and New York, bv about on crutches in a few days mkran agheCnsecon, t aken by Brenlon Farrow: Tirn complished. molor. On Ihein relunn they wiÎi M.adMs ai J isnwt hi cuis n n n r rHokin. ho eply heiff ~ Enînies for the contest shouhd ireside al Markham where Arthur have had hardwood floors laid 'i"~~~ \ ~~wart Robinson; and Jimmy b e pacd xith the secrcary of: wil be the Imperial Oul Co. farm and othen improvements are be S O T N W C N TP TO rJns, one of the Joncs boys, I1 he Society, Mn. J. C. Gamey, On-i represenlative for Ihal district. îng made 10 Ihein alneady beauti- S O T N W . Grdn ni. hee yun ~o-I 00 as soon as possible, but w-ill fui home. pedsregetceicnie-be accepted up 10 April 15. Scnd Mns. George Banchard is visil- Temeig Tusa Ihl r ** ~~, pIc desenve greaslucredilllconsider- An' U V t N i i ing the noads and weathcr lhev, yours in to-day. ing in the city.anhi U&N encotintered in their efforts 10 Roads and weather permitting ipotatjat __thATcurEo hMAKMr it makei hein play asucccsse.n coo lbiQf Badgn" iie Th fnealsrvcewa cn M. H. Staples, T. W. Jackson, and ducîed Wednesday afternoon with ieldswhwl bcoeny Rev G E Estn o TinîyUnt- Just a feW drops of Viekg Va.tro.nol up Prize List Comnmiltee wiii be T n in teH D " A D N O E O Y à# ed Church officiating. Interment cach nostril reducea swollen membranes, the sanle wilh the exception that ~ ~ w i l e I i t h e L a e e m t e y . c l a r s u 1 ~ î e s , n n s P m t r e l i e f . . N e i l M u t t o n w a s a p p o i n t e d c h a i r - Used in lime, helpa prevont many colds. ~ ~ Committee for interviewing WAU E ver T H RS D Y E enin 8 o 8 30 .m . Ho . W D.Herrdgehaslau ch-councils for donations: Geo. An- ______________________________ ad ew art. Wth llnis a, lntn H. Jose and T. W. LI.UtI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t h e n e w p a r t i e s i n t h e f i e l d h e nJ c s n w a , ~ e . R t v n k inext election should be a regula I KSR G Jakon e caslaRk. R.b Stevens.,Caaa.Atvirir Irish stew.-London Free Press. -and J. C. aeylot, Bwme. le, THURSDAY, MARCH 3OTH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1-')Aý- --1-

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