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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Mar 1939, p. 1

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1 Zbr VOLUME 85 f Board of Health Decides To Advertise For Town Nurse May Submit Another Bylaw Read By 129000 L.People leekly Hikers Escape By Miracle In First Fatal Accident 0f Year Near Courtice -On Tuesday RENEW LICENSES Chief of Police Syd Venton wishes to remind citizens that car licenses are due to-mor- row. Prompt action wlll be taken against ail operators Who have failed to purchase thir memer o theHath i thefirs da thepape was1 have thought that the author- e itiIsoe eargecigocr! ea Appoitee ill e OnBoard. asserted that hie was in aî out and could have sold 'Louis Charrette, 4 7, of MAY FORM NEW i oti vtan ere- negrectingchtolcarry Probation For Three rather peculiar position as le was double that quantity ron Detrot Mih, ieBA E LL A 'N ngeso eo he nofwa .M sroe hr- sbe dn1 oi~~asteenn Months To See If Sy- wihes on the board and couneil pi e i eaigth In Hospital F r o m On Thtrsday nigh aebi zeretted their indiference k uy uln rjc ite mre wl e loe hdvoted in favor of hiring a Statesman before the ink is gtbsal uyO tin Prjc club representatives from Osh-1 police court by paying 5 to 10 ws stem Will Work local nurse for the position. dry." Which again p r o v e s Severe H-ead Injuries awa, Cobourg, Bowmanville, Sun- dollars extra for their license. t bu 0Go es nFburafwgoesi that anadiTh ttsa 1 l t Abu 20Go e n Mr. Gunn also suggested that is a d in te St atesmotan _____ drland, Napanee, Port Hope and, As they .-ere issued the____ the Proic asdmnywih and prices will be belot cost w hat the tow n needed is a nurse , ei s a e stm nteh .,ot anB elleville m et at C obourg to dis- f rst 1e k n ov m b r, m osgw th as is an e r ce veef o m th Mi e m b e r s of B ow m anville's w ho w ill not only look after ch ul- Leuiense.rdie din Betrantil M i .portunity to obtainatiicensesura pe m isi n n Opi i - s ficeat t g Lousaharete, Derot, Mic., cus popoed asocatin o eole avah d mp e s.oi-ri B o a r 0 f H e a t h e c i e d t a d r e n i n t h e s h o o l s , b u t i i l l s p e n d T e d ai n i g fo ma n i I H o s p i t a l l o o k a f t e r b a s e b a l i n a p r o j e c t e d To c a l a g ent, o t is . lhic b ti c a s y o n r i d a y en oo nT e e u i a a n c e s lourhamgapple groJ.wers heard- Agiculua eatet meeting on Thursday evening, to somne oflher time helping out in' usa ih . o eeeha district which would run from tcr The Fiaya troo paign. advertise for a Town Nurse, who iaehomes when people cn boIO Sth aANi aertin smallina cam- i oudn' is o a Nreprivt IO SE TERAN aeatosreevd na acci- Toronto to Kingston. Bruce Oili- sxrasor yourdnws h t pa when they met at the local agri- of ovr7000bsesorsas done b he PubicrHeaonthewr o f dpivtnusytae FAIR HELPERS dent three miles west of town ver of Sunderland, OBA. mem- etafryus e Bill to- cultural office to listen to details lastyerathuh hemkt doc yth PbieHelh ure nt nreie.early the same evening. Two ber, led the discussion. Nothing day, for the day after to-mor- j pf a proposed advertising plan to wasantigbtpmiig t beoehrsrie eedso-,Dr. Birks, discussing a local' Fricday evening the Lios Clubohr passengers. Mr. and Mrs. definite was decided upon bt ow ilbetoae.increase the consumption of ap-'the firtf hmoh.Tain tined as yer.nurse for the appointment, stated1 held heranaAtHm inheJerry Ouellette, Montreal, were sburt eaonjwreadaneda Council ast year, refused to that any nurse without Public Badminton Club with Olie Wagar 1sigty nurd to how such a governing body r~ m~ PI The pessimistic portion came at 'madeposbebthadrisg apportion money for the nurse's, Health training would have to be and his orchestra providing music When police arrived on the, might further basealan ae te tat f tlkbyGerg Mt-ca agn salary, but after a vote of the, trained for such work and that for the dancers. scene, they found a large, badly! care of the problems affecting, FOR HOBBY SHOW chell, an apple grower from jWhati; o ate seog tw lcosdecided hnfv fle did fnaonuso have m odo il. Th halwsdcrtd ey damaged auto in the ditch, its fouri basebaîl in the Lakeshore and 'Thornbury, who related h o weeryartbotOnaoap centyprvide $75 inthe s- a advrtiemen be lace in T hertihiall in the Cub'd e wheels in the air. To the rear of other districts. Sid Little Of Bow- All those wishing to take parti growers were faced with a de- 1oe opto elcmag centypurplee $a5nintyels-lowdvcreatingbe laae inrhe the car, skid marks could be seen manville presided during the in the Lions Hobby Show are re- pleted foreign market due to de- ples, iheeygoe oti timaes for a nurse's salary this local newspaper askingfoapcorulbcrun for the or on the pavement and the opposite 'meeting. Neil McDougall w a s minded that entries (not exhibits) craeP rfrec nBiihbtighshaecoindte year. plicants and that the advertise- chesra.lageoudcrep e re- shoulder of the road for over 200 'the districts nominee to the'ces fpeernei rts H . ir s u g g st d h a t a r a n e d . e p e d o u d e o a t h e t a lrsg e r t eb a d s a d w a s th e- a d . T e d i e , M . C a r t e m u s t b e o n h a n d n o t la te r th a n m a r k e ts a n d th e in c re a s e o f B ni- s p e a k e r. B m l t n h e Medical Officer of Health Dr. W. m;ent state that any applicant ac- __yars._Tedrier,_r._Chrrete,______ April 6. The competition is open tish grown apples. They heard mand, w eiv oeape Public Health Nurse might be 'months' probation period. In this ahsd ogppsraes and the otherpsegr ee ctionLovrtendstaome", whi had been removed to the hospital to everyone 16 years old or under that 20 years ago apples compris- wiil be odta orel.I a hired for $1,000 the firt year and way. members felt if a local girl d y lo d e ot e taken into the home of S. A. Bur- ea he Bo wmatnville We n s aCew e h oue ndris 01Nw e 8, f he nfruit use d r o ue- e n s g et d t a o edo at the end of that time an in- was hired, the M.O.H. would be n purple ania asitnc ramýevr crae ihtb gvnse. betoacetiniisecol d euty ofanthe surounadings. t ess hr eia sitneatron ovle orie n he north twivest, 57whieno it hae droppedthe camigberidbytig was givenothemebyuDr.undiH.sCorrDr. V. H. Storey. on and south borders of Durh mtaabeioth5%conrads hav ere a v ic e 0f ro w n A tto rn e y H e - C u t .m d n o t i o n r y 3 t e v r r w r f o h e a f v Mayo R. O. one, aso me - terwrk.- S verl pize dan es reatd Brks inimaed hat an nqu st he how isSein'heduiiSt sfruts, whoe gowes h ve dve-haoue bea fir rop sal wit th ber of the Board of Health, stated ,The difficultv as expressed muh1amsemensandmerrientrevealed that Mr. 1masn products extensively lasrgest produceers paying the most that several m em bers 0f council Dr. Birks, xvas' that graduates of the follow ing being the lucky re- 'an veMstiga ltior i c h k 'v, n a e m t w t f n e u t . m n y felt the majoritv in favor of the our local hospital now are not cipients of a box of chocolates .n 1.Qelet ee ichk no other car was involved and the April 22nd., Apple growing in Ontario, with ers voteil ao ftetx h thatsit mightbesubittlre d a tered iNPublcsesnrar ork anniond Whe lucky d nc e had been picked up by Mr. Char- vere quite clear. Boys and Girls Work Committee up in the industry, is the only in- pass sucareutin vt a ainmnet ear. mThoedwo aThiedvertuiementh wl a n o rhdynce-eMrs. A R. iî. rette at Belleville. Mr. Quellette i Provincial Constable W. F. 0f Lions Club, Box 129, Bowman- dustry f its size which has not Th voeegin n vo0fteva ork- ro e ad ow rse" atrt hon ginlso pothd dances - Mss . stated they had been drinking on Thompson and Chief of Police S. ville. Upon receipt of the entry, seen the need of adventising its Teavriigwl epae gin; Spow ayafrom Beisseville.n-Aihaîf' ed much harder ta brinig out votes "Public Health Nulrse"*, as hoth ville and Mrs. W. F. Banister: the emth bottle w'as found in the car'r ed. ta be placed on his or hier exhibit. mand. Qee n at fWsenpo than those against the proposal. Mr. Gunn and Mr. Joncs felt tîhat mystery man turned out ta be ty uVonitehssaeen. Ti ton Bowm aanvlle cainvesia- atgw esn ath xiio rdcstaices osmrd-in lcalmrktwhc ncue and next year it mighit be a differ- as the provincial govcrnm-ent had MRayVern Ottnd hci parte e lsuanti ae his statfe f;ent Thîsihthast ftcar cci- hs tr oso hi kl n ats pl rwn aepoe h en t stor v, he said . F or this reason, d iscontin ued the grant t a pa y p art M rs. R y D li g e c v d the tRea ie socchav e be unt f elf e t w hî h h s urd in th s hi i a ch nc f r oc l oun - n hent te 0f W a hi s At p e e t B i i h m r he w as not in favor f hiring a of a nurse's salary, there as no prze. h r g e o c rr n e b t h d n t ' nt n 1 3 t r s sho we teir s e l d artis- vaple o w er s inhave po es d te ke s h v o e n c n î e e n Public Health Nurse with any reason why the g ov er n m e nt The music by- Olie Wagar's or- number of exhibits at the show, have inreased the demand con- ftaxa tefwl rciv o ee understanding as ta an increase in should have any part ta play in chestra was sui table ta oung and ij r a Ib i e rbu eaplprodutin ain ntarwl Cotne o ae7 salarv at the end of a year. mngmn ftenresatv l lk ihfxtos te u h m C u a sF n r1.u teWithin a feLEN BearN sideabrydufitofroithenadvertising Cauncîllor John A. Gýunn. the ities. and a rye waltz hclping ta satisfy z j everyane's tastes. Those wha did ENERANSPULS'R o t d a n c e w e re in v ite d ta p la y o M m r f L t . B a r a e n , W e h d t r o h t t s F r e s A e L s n Theluch ered ymhencmalong with other directors ___1 a m r r L sn ilo a A g r c ul u ra R e res nt a i v e T el s T e l nch ser ed y t e m m-0f the Canadian Weekly News- !B c u s f W e d bers was tasty and refreshing. and t heat per acre for forty 'ears in UI aloe h er acr ors r. C. T. Currelly, Toront sucsonwhut nyhgbe papens Association met in Ottawa'Be a Interesting Story 0f H is VocatIon up bt efre ndlgng tna fe Expresses Concern For Land ng returned ta it. After the read--_e._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _in_ _o ne__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a stV l eeeshR o a r iafs T o l more t at top off a very en-' Conditions In Durham and ing of the letter the Club express-, Geoffrey Brown, better known ta jayable evening*s cntertainment. Other Counties e its appreciation and respect readers of The Statesman as Jes- Russell T. Kelley, Hamilton, EVER ANMA E. A. Summers Speaks at Lions FORMER ARGO Congratulations are in order for____ for the Fairbairn family by stand- sic Allen Brown, whse bright, Offers Solution to FarniP S ES T S Club and G ives O ptim istic TrA L K S O N R O W IN G President J. J. Brow n and m cm -' n a e mo nt in sl ce n i f r aiv H t F r o e- P b e s a d G n r l _______f_ uthbers of the variaus committees The final meeting of the Dur- in a f e mmont ofinhsilence innfoaies e Hnta olr Hoe- Probeis and enerar.l Pictu Yuthwha eledta carry out the plans ham County Club of Tononto for, J. B. Fainbairn. 1 hes been's ageapuor feat Uemîovet r .G owe omavl YnigAb C ubedte msandofthe At Homne sa successfully the year 1938-39 was held at the! Congratulations were in ander erai yeaS. Mrs. Brown had in- l odce a nults o ýnighthonour of the memeanymbfrthe late admake it anc of the season 'sSherbaurne House Club, Toronto dMs Wsit t hnwa GoennetVeeiananeet in a sing-song. J. Farbes Heyland,hghitse for Mn. and r. T. E. Wsigton vieeta e c paprmen A plan ta improve the f inancial tbnuoi ndas h lo Thbusy life of an agricultural a former member of the Angonaut i ___________i__on Thunsday evening, March 23.; on the occasion of their sixty-f if th inthertattractive home, Miss Ag- condition of rural and urban ct-ts o nepr? cnto ix'e was escn bed t R o ing lub, gave an i tene tingT he C lub w ere the guests of the w edding anniv rsary on M a ch 4. nes M a phail, M .P ., and a num ber zens and the country in general W inde n r c e d o o s e n rep et nt ti e as de cri ed a R wi g lu , g ve an in er st nýfam ily of the late J. B . Fairbairn. M n. W ashington, an active nana- f w am en actively engaged in w as outlincd at R ota y C lub Fn ' ow ncd b . Fed Fo1,:ih h Lions Clb Andcuta igt E. A. icssion on rowing. In appth e - SALVATION ARMY ;well known and well bloved inlgenaian. and wha cn make an newwspapenwok. Among these day in an addess by Russell T.iresult ta vcyaimlcm sentative for D rh a m C ou nty . p r secountMr.w hoyw as Post-a excellent im prom ptuontspewchwsaysot -vaseM ieslAnt istro mgtuasPeet, P re- K cslMyss AH asirton, w hich Pfai Kylthroughiltean.wT hih aherd hashbeen master at Bowmanville for man% he is naw on his way ta hîs seven- ýsident of the Canadian Women's spankled with fnesh, constructive r fully accdie snc 193ad thsdrict fn ers as e n d whosc fcar ta e ndcted R cv.W . Mao .Gre nabiaeyears. 'ty-fifth anniversony. It was ne- 1Press Club. Miss Armstrong and ideas, accompanicd by humonous has neye a eatrt a achievements in training boys for, Banister, wha though illnss was o f Cadets from the Salvation i The president, Dr. L. B. Wil- gretted that Mrs. Washington was i the Editon of The Statesman illustations. blood test rt agsDsae farm life and fan judging contests! unable ta speak this wek, will Army Training College, Toonto, liams, presided, assisted by the not well enugh ta be present. found they had seveal mutual M. Kelley is President of the Thes r h w iessta are well known, kept Lions mm- addess the club next Tuesday conducted special annvcsay ser- secetary, Wallace Maas. Aften The Washington famil-y is des- friends, including Capt. and Mrs. Klley Advetising Agency in a r eeu ppoab cutnce bers in laughten fan the first fcw night. vices here Saturday and Sunday the usual friendly welcome ta the cnded fnm the same stock as C. W. E. Math, formely of Bow: Hamilton and holds about a score by pasteuiaon..MlîokRe minutes with well told humorous ' ta mark the fifty-fifth miestone ou-fow mmbrbyD.Vi-teaiy0fGrg Wshntnmnil. Anothen of the gucsts of othen pro minent offices as out- ponter. stonies which opplied ta his tapie. there wene 522 sehool foins with l fteloa iavation Anmy Corps. lîams, Mn. Moas rcad the minutes,; The musical portion of the pro- - was Mns. Evelyn Tufts of the Hal- lined on the editorial page of this themotonfor their adoption be-, gramme, always an impratiax Henald, the only woman inisu.fre dents in the ps e en ae sers between the ages of 6 and manville Satunday afternoon and igmd yWlc .Cee riewspaic yJ e) cOtw rs alr.M s suke. farmer adfoinspione for his pro- patfe easha iand seconded by W. J. Bragg. 'George, banitone soloist fnom Pont Macphail was looking foýrwand In opcnig isdiscusthsite dcs. xotpieff keenly, he began, and when the This year there will be school b3' M s. Hillier and the sisters fr efr the gr mmen celimen pdt f hoe piano by Mss A c To ttan er f t ptdaii y te Ta s ment, "If you have a prospeous'tion with hol, m s ltb farm rs ae na propen us. he Iexhiits nstad o sev nal lasss. he C rps. Aftc op n-athmee- ptobute ta mhe m mr. y ofitlliaemTsontida ghtthef pviTroter, anadssiwaysicev narotteerag iculutaiindutny, you have a alowedto c nttheth locl pnces tawnspeple sufer accrdingy. for individuals, whih shuld be ngs on King Street, they mtored J B. Fairbairn who, Dr. Williams'a former Baptist ministen in Port M.P.'s will travel on this journey, prosperus Canada," had ranly If we cold e hsitoteha In spite of these reverses, each a truer pictune of the wrk donc Ita Onno where the main street be otaitd e oen ftew yean senior and junior extenseon by children in the schools under was the scene of Army activities p it d ot1a , du i g hs lf-rH pe n e r e s n wo fav but M iss M acphail will be the ben nt t n ai . Y e tsgaven the wme n o Ca d , wh ar àtime, came in nc way on another'aunites, "Mother Macnee" and Ionly woman nepresentative. Two mn et n ala et n h ues n aete el work is being carried ani amng, the nw curriculum, ;fan a while.. prominently befoe his fellaw Passed by Youn Window." interesting events are soon ta, be increasing, farmes are having a ize the saciie oeb amr the young men n the fam. The' The bject of a11 f the clubs,' Sunday morning o lage con- citizens and whose son, Rhys D. Before calling upon the speaker celebated in the famnily of M.r difficult stuggle ta scl produce ta providete ih od u seniors wak on soif and crp im- fis and achievement days is ta gregatin ws present at the ser- , Faibain, is now carying n the of the evening, Dr. C. T. Cunnlly, adMsBrw onteam at a rofttad btar t t c o- foulh prvement, livestock and market- make the childen and yung men, vice. Cadet Parn gave o Bibleï tradition of his fathe. A vey curton of the Royal Ontaria Mu-1 -thein 25th wedding nnivrsary ng, or îite, about ito correct Theare 9,0 resw ing, while the juniors hold shool and wmen more interested in the addess, whie Cadet Robson pre- unique and intensting letten from sum 0of Achaeoogy, Dr. Williams and the moniage of their son whotecniin want Hydr n fwecudgv fis, short courses in agriculture job thy have before them. They jsented an bject lesson ntitled [Tom Fairbairn, t present nsiding show cd s m ey fn o w d a y u g ld n m B - B t h o m r a d te ub n te n u h m n y t nti and home cconamics, Junior Fan- have an oppartunity of leanning "The Cross Hidden by Indecision", in Altadena, Califannia, wa ed ,r . sm v iecolouned Iis owdayuglyfrmBi Bthheamranteubnte n sn a ov ng pictu es taken in Durham tish Columbia. resident c oni do something, he such seri c s i ta r ba s an mer and Junior Institutes and information which will prove which x'was vey helpful, especial ;ta the Club by his brother and is dounty. These pictues inluded said. Farmes will lose a million homes, WetnMue ln ol Boys' and Girls' Clubs. ' valuable ta them in later years y ta the yung people. published in anthen clumn. The scenes of wheat cutting on the dollars to-day and every day of soon take aeo l a nm I dont believe every boy aised whn thy have ta cndut thein Sunday aftenoon a meeting letter ecaled the writers imn- farns of George MLaughlin of FORMER DURHAM the yean because of weds. The ployed inCadhestd.Ao oa ami uou obafa-own fanms and homes. The boys vas hcld in the Cammunity Hall, pressions of the "eariy days" in Oshawa, and of former Chancellor A EA TV Weed Inspection Act is the big- give themn cyt ntî ae mer, soid the speaker. There are are taught occounting se; that'Newcastle. Major W. Hillien of 'Durham County whcn the land R. P. Bowles of Victoria Calege, FO K AR crV getjkinhewldbau z p e,ç bound ta be square pegs in round faming is as much a business ta Bwmanville led the pening x- was wcl-timbced, when dinner Toronto. M. MLaughlin, it wîîî CHURCH WORKERS inspector is expected ta apply frmer wNtsadne hles, and I believe those boys themn as ntailing or manufactur- ercises, and prayen was offered by, coud be had t Hampton or En- be nmemberd vsrcnî ___ pressure ta friendly neighbors. In Tecs îh eetmtda should be encouroged ta lean ing. 'Ms. Hiller. Instrumental and niskillen for 25 cents, and when otcsshwilpert vr-j1omlc othen wrk, fan which they arc- Fou shows, cainty judgine con- vocal numbes wenc presentdb th land yicded 40 bushels of (Continued on Page 7) The. editor of The Statesnaii wa s t ae 1wl rfnt vn 15 ilo olr h is er better suîtcd.i tests and those at Guelph and the 1 Major Green an~d the Cade~thes._______________ plscd ta receî',e a copI a teoo the we -e ______1_______look_________________tin e es, and the loss con- rbut at thecdftw yonta Schoal Fais wee begun in Royal Winter Fin tend ta stimu- Cadet McLean gave a short ad- B u n n o C u v î saal nd ur h i T orvE onta \for Farmn e ns arc lso sig m - metandolh ffv er Waterloo county in 1909, xith late intercst and ambition ta be-1rdress. Cadet Rabsan sece ra ntd f'ho ootfr Fresar lolsn i-mn n thee shols and 58 bos and cme god livestck breeders and charaters of eoly day Savation- Local B dm ntn C ub'Is Up Snday, '%archl 9tli. I wa', af lions fom poon seeds and from it woud bgnpyn o tef girls taking part. In 1912 thev judges. I believe Durham County is a nd Majar E. Green sang AsI)cCiali iierest for on that date a the wobl20 fiylndthionn olre. r We are uwnh f iie i ___________ " adin136 Cotiud nPae10 Gaod Old Army." Rev. R. E. sra n Ier'îicevs ieldtoidc tee fi yean duc ta lack of cane ofllar th if a Moto poouee tebeed I.A C ntalT urnamtIent In LIiU ~ i e s no he l aindt iii,.' fi ey las 20milny d we keepon a dnifint pici ti a n ._ _ _ _ _ _ _i. ,- r o m D u r lha n i C o u titv - .- .\ Fi me r t im p e nen ts M a n y f a r e n oa v 's t o wle n d n o s n tgch r h Prominent Advertising Executive w'os*held in*the S. A. Hall, ledi by Manv Closely Contested Games was gneatly enjoyed by the gai- siofle anid Dr. andilNirs~. F. C. Trebil-mutiulaenoth ug Manor i ring.Bible tSec gavefinl FaueSeea o lery. ok. \\'e also îioticed tliatthie .\ ;- ms nuct noteyugF Mn. Keie wsinodcdb insiCad ib e tlkSTe figave an evra ow cmen and wamen on the f anms the C. d HoaE n onM ae D i s c u s e s P o b l e s A t r o t h r h o o d m e e t n g f o t h e d a y w s h e l i n m a v i l l P l a y e sA nnu n i q u e e v e n t , w h i c h t o o k i n s i s t a ît 1 i n i ,t e r i R e v . S t a n l e y L . n e c e s s i t y o f a c t i o n t a i d t h e m - ' o e h o e 0 h n s only. the men' )sevesofthese lasses. ît is no use ussicuedAtMsrv TrinityUntdCuh t83 . Fal age, was the senior mens doubles. is a s.oit tr. and \lrs. I-ewi, ta contact the middle aged fanm- RadyGCog Itcel hnb 'Re'. S. Davison, wha sa kindly The Bowmanville team af W. R. Osborne,'.formniY 4Il)arhiîigtoîî en whose ways awa oony, an ne ca, son o Russell T. Kelley Gives Third lie Richards pleased the audience placed his chuch at the Army'sI Stike and C. Edmnds won fom 'l"ývllsliil> the speaker cntinued. jRt d F Ni 1with his piano accoî'dion selec- disposai, welcomed the visitons. On Satunday anc hundned and the Pont Hope duo of Pop Ryon Thl î îiis week %ve recciveci a Farmens in tac past haove not Rtna .A el rsdn Address of Day at Couirtice tians. Major Hillier apencd the service ninety-six top nanking badminton and Wynn. litter frontI Dr. 1 Bî. \W'llidflîs,, roîscd thein vaîces on arms ta do R .Se BrtehodO The speaker of the evening was'.wvith a hymn and Mns. J. Alds- -playens gothened at the Armaur- Durîng the oftennoon, tea was 1'ridî-î'fthel)nhaî Couti away with these lasses because B r t e h o n . a mR u s s e l T . K e l le v , H a m l t o n , w h o w o r t h le d in p r a y e r . A p n a g n a rri . -e v d t l y r n i i o s b h e p e i h i i s w l o Ixnprovement Plan deiighted his listeners and cor- a f music and sang was presented rles in Lindsay for the annual evdtapaesan ios b h>~Tr,î,inii hiclilie unade h epe ntectiswi o ried their close attention as hie by Major Green and the Cadets. 'taunnament of the Central On-ludiso f tp luby ind tthe conn- a s (ý"rrt i h.1ire l %vas ila uir pathe proenote r how f-r em eats h odcr c intenpreted his address with Irish1 A featune of the evening was tario Badminton Association. The lunch xvos enjoyed. à"t~uîustrCirl wlet v- ficiently thcy gnow it. tory, hadhiiftamseey Well on ta twa hundred men xit and humor. His main addressi a hymn "ýO Saviun Let Me 'tournament porse until mid- Bwmnil ClufishdfstIo ic lrgri %la-.t1 -s îdav ery business transaction ta laerated enyTusa on of the South Darlington district xxas a discussion of farm prab- Walk with Thce" sung by the! pnogressedub l>iledfir t i di Ig . Ever't uiflv aten ed te an ue f autielems and the y uth mo em nt adts anddlustatd y C- ig t gvi gatcspetat ns an af in the clb tan infwtht2 ich ait iîînîdneî a ucbe go d b siess m st makn aithwhee Circuit B i therhood field in M a-.j which wa mpressixe and thotght d t R bsn's d axing. Cadet Parri the fin st exhibitions ever sh awn points; M ilbook 15; Pot H ope ciitCîe(l ivitli tle l)îînîain Chii b"' c rit t ail conce ned. We, inthe. mah i e w s r m v d t pie Grave SundySoFiday Sho rdypiravoking as lha pnesentdvnaswai vl nw ants on the Lindsay courts. Hundneds 8; Peterbono Miiitary 8;'LOndsay tý < Intoîla;; îî cue ru souin hc i etwudblahilgv itiestm usfbthweiinatoapydthmBowm nvile Hos ital evcning. It was the final meeting sluios;vichhaaiwwul e hghihtofth ayanian o etusass nm insa nd7;Peeboo aka 5 Ohwav ihtmheran ouîy ho uiai of a înast successfui and profit- riîielpfuîl in neuned3ing present con-l favorable camments on his par- other Central Ontario points were Coilegiate 4; Oshawa GeneraMo lcer ith oiggtonfon able sanies duning the winten ýditians. Mn. Kelcys address was ifarmanca were mode. M a j a r in the galleny during the aftar- tons 3; Uxbridge 0.o îr ec i uieiirgtuu r 'r- se Iula as thîey iîtrodued t1ii- e-E se Concert By Le1n B n mon ths.supusan quite sumlar ta that given at the Green expnessed his pîcasure at1 noan and evening and genenaus The finals nesuited as follows: selves ,after the trgrauui." After a m st s m to a d B awNmanviile Rotary Club at no n en present and thanked Rev.i pplause w s given toa ll god unior Girls' D ouis -K Sto- l'îs ucieîsbi i i e cdii.> inI T h a re S n d yE vn n satisfying dinner prepared and and which is neparted elsawhenc Davisoun for his kind ganerosity. plays'. y andK 'el, Bowmanviile, uîîiuîd a somewlat siuîilar exueieniuic RoyalT e t eS n s c r v d u d e r h e a p a b e s p e r - i n h i s s s u . T h s p a k e r w a s M n d a y e v n i n g , t h e O s h a w a i T h e b e s t d i s p a y o f b a d m i n t o n h s t t a B . S t o r y a n d D . E m m e t t , I v I e u s e v e r a l îi o uî)t l î gi w ewn, , . ,_ _ man ns atn divassd i mHantsHarvstn Ca ., a mi lo n , M rhnf S. P uls C uc. Atr a nfI O b n e o B w a vle o ito, Ln sy a " Fruit Growers Learn Details 0f Apple Advertising Plan 0RONONEWS On Page9 NEWCASTLE NEWS en. a ia jîttteiianOn Page 10 With Which Are lncorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent And The Orono News BOWMANVILLE, ONTARO, THURSDAy, MARCH 30, 1939 TTfn- PLEASANT SURPRISE "'Only 25ý,did you Say? Why it %vas ivorth a $1.00." Sucb w-ere the comments F. Doriand of Burketon made Saturday when he calledl at the Statesman office to Day for a classified ad inserted for "Potatoes For Sale." "lVould you believe it," Mr. Dorland N UMBER 13

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