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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Mar 1939, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO THURSDAY, MARCH 3OTH, 1939 FIFTH INSTALLMENT J fot we to go and get them?" got a fever-an' she-wouldn'ti "They're her things. They're al, her cereal-an' she is cryingJ Synopsis the things she 'oas. And she Betty - an' Sunny is yellin'1 Whentheweathyfoser ar-couldn't get new things even if head off!" Whenof thoe Wethferpar-t she did want them. She can't get "Okay, you corne with me, K detsheofiMaoretetelibtht1these either," he added dejectedly.! We'll get 'em," said Ted, "bul she has a twin sister, that she "I tll ou it costs a lot of money."! don't know what we'Ii do w. Yes, but how much, Ted?" per- 'em here. Gosh! Can you beat il was adopted when her owfl par- sisted Marjorie. He cast an apologetic eye at t ents couldn't afford to support "It isn't your responsibility," new sister. bath of them and that her resaidTddgeil"tsmn.I "hti t"seakdpzl name is Dorothy Gay. Alone in awn ed dthe. t ie.I"Whare the?" eakdpzl the worid, but with a fortune of "Nw loohere, TedMyu ause "T e yds" awrdteb her own. she considers looking -o okhrTd o utý"h is"awrdteb up er wn amly homsh stop pushing me out of the family ther in astonishment. "Didn't y, upha ner sen. Ami nehbor like that. Now you reach up to know about them?" EaneBoer . is oArngeheor that top sheif and take down that "No!" said Marjorie. "Oh. Ii out o itandtres t ru her lvsteacup and we'll add those tickets member. Betty said somethil up and see what it comes to. when I first came about taking t her and asks her to marry him. Please!": chjldren somewhere, but I h She promises to think it over Half shamedly Ted did her bid- 'forgotten about it. I didn't reali but decides first ta see her ding. there were more of us." family. She goes to their ad- They got out the tickets and "Two besides Bud!" said 'T dress, finds that they are desti- "Marjorie added them ail up. a lifting his chin maturely and sig tute. Her sister treats her like ptflysaismi emdt n." otko o er an enemy and resents her offer !the girl, to represent the house- ing to make the grade with ai of help. but finaily. after many hoid goods of a home, but to the more sick folks." explanations. agrees ta takebo it seemed a breath-taking! Marjorie gave a littie gasp money ta buy coal and food in fortune. amazement and then her soft hi order to save her mother's life. "Is that all!" said Marjorie! set firmly. Hec father comes in sick and Iwhen he handed her the sum,I "We'il manage!" she said. "I hungry but hurries ta the cellar *'Why, I can give you that right' go with you ta get them. I c. to build a fire and get the hause away." carry one of them." warm. Her brother Ted com~es "But I can't bring them till af- They walked along almost in, is resentful of her being ter five," said Ted. "That will be block before Marjarie spoke aga there at first, but when he finds after dark, too. The neighbars and a great shyness was passes and tty eciasde eylieth e are so curiaus. Mother hates that! ing Ted. andBety ecie teylik thirHaving them ail find out just Then they arrived at the neig new sister. what we've got and what we' borhood creche and Ted led ti - haven't. You knaw we used ta way in. He studied her for an instant'have a nice home avec in a sub- About that time back at Ma and then he said gravely: urb on the other side of the city. jorie's home in Chicago Evý "But we can't live off of you! Nice big houge, built of stone., Brower was standing at the fro It's great of you ta help us out a Plenty of room. We each had a1 door impatiently ringing the do, little tilt we get on aur feet, but we can*t keep on letting you feed us. Perhaps I can get a job soon and pay you back." The brightness went out of Mar- jarie's face. "Listen, Ted, if I had iived here, and you had plenty, wouldn't you have shared it with me?" "0f course!" said Ted crossiy, "but that's different! I'm a feita!" "Well. that's ahi right, 'fela' dear, but it isn't different. I'm a part of this famihy, uniess you throw me out, and what's mine is yaurs. And now, corne, I'd like ta say a word about what you did ta me when you f irst came in. You toak that cup of tickets away and told me they wouldn't interest me. But they do interest me. They interest me very nrnuch. They're pawn tickets, aren't they? WeIl, what are we going ta do about. them, Ted? Are those Mothers. things that; she's fond of? Ought "You dont know wher.e she's gone?" Business Directory LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. Bacrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Bldg., Bowmanvillh W. R. STRIKE Barrîster, Solicitor, Notary Salicitor for Bank of Montreal Money ta Loan. Phone 791. Bawmanviile, Ontario. L. C. MASON, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor Natary Public- Etc. Law in all its branches. Office immediately east of Roya Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. MEDICAL DR. HAROLD FERGUSON of Enniskilten bas taken over th( practice of the late Dr. J. C. Bell Office Hours: Week days, 2 tili o'ctock; Evenings, 6 titi 8 p.nm Sundays by appointment. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col. lege, Toronto. Office: Jury JubileE Bldg., Bowmanviile. Office hour 9 arn. ta 6 p.m. daily except Sun- day. Phone 790. House phone 883. X-Ray Equipment in Office. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day. F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equipment. Am- bulance and Invalid Car. Cal: Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573 "Lest We Forget" A. H. BOUNSALL Dusigrrer andIIlalrin Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc. n Granite and Marble. ENTERTAINER Sçcure RALPH GORDON, theý wonderfully versatile e nt er- tainer, for your next entertain- -ment. Illustrated circular free. Address 628b Crawford Street, Toronto. icoom ta ourseives, and thece xvas bell. l a garage and a big garden, and Since hie had teft lher, Evi fowers and fruit trees. It was a Brower had been vagueiy di rsweii place. And Dad had a posi- turbed by Marjorie's attitude, ai fthon with a good salary. That wvas wished hie had stayed, in spite -before the depression, you know. bler request that hie go and let h~ "Oh, my dear!" said Maruorie think things avec. He shouid ha quite honestiy crying now. "MY reasoned with ber right then ai dear! I'm so sorry you've been thei.e. gaing tbraugh ahi that!" He bad neyer considered Ma e "Wetl, dont bawl !" said Ted janie Wetherilh impulsive befoi crossly, brushing bis band avec bis but now bie cecalled a certain ho( awo eyes. "I can't stand bawting! in bier eyes as she bad spoken 1 just toid ya because I thought bier own people, that smacked 1you'd wanta know. We baven't. fanaticism. aiways been down and out this Aiso, she was young and utter --way. We bad a sweli home!" 'witbaut experience in financi 'Weii, 00w lets make this one - aff airs, and here she was sudden as cheerful as we can befoce even- lef t with a fairly large foctun ing," said Marjacie taking a deep and mewnaced by a famnily of ui bceath. "l'il get the money!" known quantity and quality. She went ino the p'aclt taier, These tboughts had been mi] al handbag that she had eft on the ing about in bis brain ahi day bare littie bigb mantel sheif and hie drove from one appointment bcought back a rail of bis that 1 the ather and then back ta ih - made Ted's eyes open wide. ! ihome city, caming straigbt out1 I put in a ittie extca," sand bisi Wethecill's instead of going to ti - sister smiling. "I thought perbaps office ficat. you'd think of sometbing we ed H wak ronthhus le tat Fe fogottn."the garage where be found ti . "Gosh!" said Ted gazing down'chauffeur out washing the car. 4 at the coll of bills in bis haod. "What is the reason I cannat gg ~"Dont know's I cao trust myseîf': any answer ta my ring?" bieake autraahane. I migbt get beld UPr severely. He was the kind -carrying all this wealth." youog man wbo always requici The boy ginned. i perfect service, and usuaily goti - 'I cao see wbere yau're garng The chauffeur iooked up froi [ta spoii us foc living again wben bis work defereotially, recogni Iyou're gane."j ing a friend of the famity. 'Cane!" said Marjarie witb dis- '" Wby, sic, tbey're ahi away fg: -mav in bier voice. "Do you want the holidays. Miss Wethecili wer ýme ta go" ast nigbt and gave ail the set 'Nont on yer tife! But you'ce vants a holiday wbiie she is gong -nat going to stick acound these Vecy kind of hiec, sic. Sbe's aiwa3 diggings. Not witb the home kind" you've been used ta! Sav!" lie "Indeed J" said Evan Bcowec -added ircelcvantiy, "Yau look a if it wece samehow the chauffeur lot ike Betts, and yet you dont. fauît I cauld tell you apact already! lYgu don't know wbere she You dont look quite s0 frowsy as gone? Haven't you lier address? Betty, and you've got a cute littie "No, sic, I bavent." quirk in the corners of your Ex'an Brower fcowned. This wî moutb. Maybe Betty would look cealiy serious. Wbat a fool lie ha ike that too if she hadn't bad ta been nat ta make Marjorie s work so bard, and bave sucb a lot dowo and isten ta bimn the othE 3of trouble." nigbt! 1 'You're sweet!" said Marjorte, Evan Browec got inoa is ce nand suddenly reacbed uP with a'and drove away in mucb dissati. quick motion and kissed ber new faction. brother on bis tean bard Young Sol Sbe bad gorge. Headstror cbeek. littie girl! Impetuous! He badn Then lie turned sbarpty away thaugbt she was ike that. If h toward the windaw and she saw marcied ber, and bie bad practica bhim bcusb bis band accosbis iy committed himself ta th. eyes. and swalinw bard, course, hie wouid cetainiy bave1 :"You're aw'cigbt," lie s a i d 'train that out of hec. Fgrudgingly. Marjarie had stipped neatl "Thanks awfulty!" said Mac- througb bis fingers and gone bu janie, trying ta enter inoa is Q,,yf way in spite of bis protesi bspirit. "But who is that coming 'He woutd try the letter cacriE in the door?" . and pont office of course, tboug "Tbat's Bud," said Ted, peering ,tbey were ngt suppased ta gi% througb the crack ino the hall. sucb informalion. "Hey'. Kid! Hucb arn there! Dad But the post office wben cor and Mutb's asleep!" sutted said tbey were ta bald a A boy about ten came panting mail foc further orders. She ha ino the room, sa out of breatbh e left no address. cotntd scarcely articulate.. Welt, somebow lie must getj 'Tbey-sent me-ta tell ya-. tch witb bier. hoe panted. ,You gotta comae righ'it Sa hie went bis way, and mac -ass',ay an' gct the kids. Bannie's bis plana for going mter Marjar wiren the rigbt moment shoul __________________________ came, nd that would ha the fir minute hoe knew where to fit -le went out and bougt a dg ierightfut Christmas gift foc ie A He aven went s0 far as ta look engagement rings. Tire more lie tbougbt about 'the more bis tboughts became it ;T SLLIN J0 ýtrigued witb the girl wbo wms I sweet and unspoitad. How easil she could be molded ta fit the et SACCOvirooment ho which she wouid Ih __________________________ fif shie were bis ie Then, lie ceflected, Marjarie bue BABYqS Obituaries OT L TIL HEAD Mrs. George Cox, Stouffvtlle HOT ITTL HEA OnMarch 12, Mrs. George Cox, 19 A DANGER SIGNAL Stouffvile, died in liec 87th year. WEE yur ab'sbead feels bot t Stouffviile about ten years ago, band You must do sometbing. An rfo terfr quick]y. Read wbat Mrs. BR of Enterprise 1 -shrp, where they had resided for dom kand wbat resultSs she gets: "My babys over 25 yeacs. Mr. Cox died four cbee s and banda were so hot I was frigbîened. r b 1 gave him a Babys Own Tailet at n000 adyer ao eat by alter supper lie was ail better." Mrs. Cox, whose maiden name for And Mms. Francis Carroll, of Midland, bas was Elizabeth McKee, was born his this to say: "MY little girl was so fevenab1il Crwihttwsip h e was really aiarmed. Then 1 tbought of Baby's Crwhh onhp h e Own Tablets, so 1 gave ber three every two cailed the farnity teiling about id. boums andby negt sbe was up and around." ber father being born in mid- SIBabys Own Tablets are sweet-tating, easy I ocean when his parents were mi- ihto takle, absolutely safe. Analystscertificate ýgrating ta this country. Over 60 fi nevery box. Quickly reduce simple levers [t?" Equally goisi for teething levers, diarrboea, vears ago she was married ta he Ups et stomach, colds and other mninor ailments George Cox. They are now sur- of baby. Get a box today. Sickness sa, ofteri vivedi by an only daugbter, Mrs. e.strikes in the nigbt. 25 cents. Money back if~ Genuy0 Sofvie n le. ou arr nosIsatisfied. W rebr fSofvle n three sons, Eli on the homestead ro- in Scott, Nathan in Pickering, au ailvays been fn fhscmay and Elmer, station agent, Tees- fondof îs cmpay. ater. had been ready ta accept his U~in Tepaet-wr staui re- vitations aiways, althaugh until'Teprnswestaunch ing recently he had taken hier outPresbyterians who remained with te very littie. There was no reasan the old kirk at the tirne of union, ad thinkable why she should nat and the funeral service Wednes- ize want to marry him. day was taken by the pastor, Rev. Andit va qute he.: W. H. Fuller. Interment took 'ed Adi a ut h appropri- place at Foster Memoriai Ceme- hate thing for hlm ta marry hier. tery, north of Uxbridge. g-More and more as hie turned it 'ny avec in his mind his cammon sense as weti as his inclination' James Worralt, Feterboro of approved the plan. And it was: pscomfortabte ta think of the girl, Tîrere passed peacefulty to rest ini of his choice as being uttecly un-,ipetrboro on March 23rd, jamnes E. ['11 spailed by contact wth the worid. WVorrall. for maav r'ears a resideat ,an Thece had been no other man in oi Carlisle Avenue-, Bowmanville, and hec life, hie was sure of that. He a vatucd member of the staff of a wouid not have ta worry about Corbtt's Bakery. MXr. Worrat had ai any youthfui indiscretions. Ino- wien activelv jdentified with the bak- lscent and ioveiy, that was what she ig business for haîf a century. was, and very iikeiy hie had been "Nîr. 'Vrrall's passing wilI be ce- h- te idai mn inhec yes. ceived with regret hv a verv' large the Not that he had always had one icîrci e of Bowmanvilte f rjends, who ideai of womanhood, himseif; but 1 held him in the highiest regard and ar- of course men wece different. It afcin ewsagnrulv ,an was man's part ta choose, and ýable hrcti r. H e vsaenerloual oy-i nt natucally, lhe had considered other r aendchardacter.iteslvlal thahi )rgirls, but had neyer been quite' trîad sv ad assorats an with orsatisfied.hrasmphyfrtoen ed He bgan a thnk bck t his For manv vears, as a baker iia Lind- first consciousness of Marjorie, 'aM.Wrat~a ieykov when she had came home from for his interest ini the poor, and it college aftec graduation,.r i slus desire to be of service to He rmemecedhecas s ! st. teir. that rohbed him af the suiccess in chucch, across the aisie, a row ,rbsns îa i blî n i in front of where hie was sitting tie rperýsoialitv entitled hini ta. wihhis mother. He a been 1là. Bovnîanville Mcr. \Warali was struck with hec beauty then and l raîttîtat miember of St. Jolitrsi wondered that hie had neyer' seen \iig1icajjr Chnrchi. and eCI,i"itatc it befre. sar'.. wherr lie was (fUlite frai lie He had watched hier during the u1brvjalantvatetab service, as she gave attention ta '11 h'. pew each Suii(aav ight. uHe 'the sermon; hiec sweet seriousness luit Bowmiaaville about a sear ago attcacted him strangîy. to re'.ide with his dauighter ini Peter- This diffecence tbey liad bad the borr. He wa'. boraiini Lierpool. ast time he had talked with hiec. Eiad about hunting up hier own people. 'rivn are Iis %viie. formcirlv had been the first unwise decisiol: \jar\- Ella ONecili, ane son. lamnes he had ever seen hiec make. . Worraii of Nrrv.icli. Onitario, anid In the meantime his mnd %vas :0" iiuchter... NIr.,. F.' Grcecîrof i making itseif up very definitely jiriv lEgiaird. andI Nrs. iack that Marjacie was desirabie. Thé r nu'. ofr Peterboro. more so as be discovered througli A\ iatefrîncrai 'service %va,. con- an old friend and confidante of,'irrcted Saturdav afteri ion froari lii. the Wetherill family that an un- late resideace. Rev. R. T. F. Brain usually large number of shaces af if St. -rîhngl.\eicanr Clnrcb iof- ,na vecy valuabie stock were a part ficiatirrg. îterîriet ias. rt tittie anof the Wetheriil estate which Llke Cemceterv. îtrbri lis Marjorie had inherited. Marjarie' nd Ihad a lot of money anrd needed ofthe rigbt man ta iook aftec il, Ge.H.VnDkma e n erAnd he was convinced that he was' ve the ight man. Thlere Ira'.'.cd away qîrîte srîddciy ind That was the day he selected at the homne if iii'. 0oa-in-law. '\Ir. 1 a-the great blue diamond engage- Ccci, jcffcrv, rîcar Niafle Grave, onr r-ment ring. 1lrh8h ci .Vî ce. But Marjorie was watking atong irrl th e.H.\a % earHel %ras bora rir Ea'.t \Vtitbv. ja ýok a sordid back street holding the Tutn i \gî.,1(3 tî î ofthin cotd hand of a tittle new bro- 1888 lire îrarried Miary Alna Blair Of ther wha was ccying. Marjocie suddenty s w a o p e d h'ru prcrleceae.d him iin J anc last, tly dlown and swept the yaungster in a tev montlls anier tiîey clehcatcd ial tahcam.Sehdnyr had their golden v.edding. ly much ta do with childcen hefore Tlrcv moved irto Darlingtîra aearl% ne, but she was quite stcang and heid 40 vears am atrrnad located tirar NO. in!him ficmhy. 3 schoîl htiuse on the Base Uine. He i (To be cantinued) warked for 35 vears with the con- [Il- i struictialir gang on the U.T.R. and awas ii5.perannruated about 10 years ta aga. He ivas a faithiril eiiplayee, lis and ina al inds of wcather \vas .t foiind at hi., work.I 'te ta 'te ,et of ed it. )m iz- ýnt cr- ie. Ys "s 's as ad it er rg "it he il- ýat ta ty s. ýn. '11 id in rie Id 'st 'id rit it in- o- ad Ç HILDREIN of ail ages thrlve on "CROWN BRAND" CORN SYRUP. They neyer tire of Its detici- oua flavor and It really la 9a0 good for themn--o give the' chlldren "CROWN BRAND" ever>' day. Ledi4p hysicians pro- nounce 'oeOWN BRAND" CORN SYRUP a most satis- factor>' carbohydrate to use ne a milk modifier ln the feeding of tin> Infante and as an energy producing food for growlng children. THE FAMOUS% ENERY~ STEELE BRIGGS SEEDS ANDGROW BETTERL CROPS Fuor several cýar'. iris Ircalni lias heen iri irirced and sorier inînlis' agi lire tirilerwcat ana apecatrur. îe1 ua a faillufui andticl'evo1el ruerluen<if tire Ulniteîi Clircli anrd aliene. at- terrued n %eul'ci eaiîh ptrenitteri. liel was a -iii..raI ira Irulitie'., a kirrîl fatire n dniaithri'.ani.anîd a gr -(,i rueiglahi turc -ai iai". rends' anrdseii i ta Ire <i 'ervice to Iiis etirusetract. Tl, iru rr.ionru Salu citai s' la rgei s' nttui rleti i' v f rîctil'. ;iii i rrilhaur. ltiirtli tie ronds iscc veenurcli riitfed .Tire 'service ir' cîrauiureted hi' li'. tînstur, Res'. WX.f' Sini 1h ai Corticei.) s 'iokc luigi i f li'. Cliri'tiatr cliararrter. .\Nr J1 . i arcc itr-'Traning Seuo. s.anrg iicei' "lur a'.n Bea 1 1tir ii l.a iiI." I ,r c' \'ari)v e ua'. lai il 1' re'.lin iralre Lr'iin rre 0i 4'lrawsa. Il.' ii';rs'i'. t i imourr lui'. par-'.rig X'uiiurugihir. \'iuuijig. andr NI r. Cecii Jec f urv ii \% iorui lie liar ileii. i'.ti'ianîl tsi igratiuI-tlatrgli- tut- _,, 1), 're n d J.i rta hsides a bnrtier, ifri :rrîa nsister, ir. BertaN Mitlelt. Ibuluiof- Oshawea. Tire lrcnrtfulî 's ripatliv of tir(, en- tire ci irituir lsit . xetrlii f tie rioitnrs. itlireir Iree-neraent. Tire flou crs vecre tacautifini andi iiacltnldi ari' îriirutes frut r e- lali ýs andl cînî'. isa frcuita sea tirai'S itida s Se iioi \'..S.anti RAdmîlt Bible N'a. lal)le Gris". and Elielreier Clirrrcîr. l'aulicbarers were Messrs Gea. Anni'., CIras. Osironruie, Ernie Falcv. WValter Ritrrdic. Grant Benrîrett anti joe Bell. cNuit lnt. nuit deail, ri l oir- Notiîî ci e iirg, Tiio' ie h a i l tirentaii tinr' gravse iiwîecîring. No ia .i:ri) îiî'sîrnir 'ur clia'.tiueî Fuir tlisan' sith ir'. stilli "Pcofound minds are Most like- ly ta thrnk Iightly of the cesoarces of birman reason, and it is the saperficial thinker i'bo is gener- ativ strongest ln every kind of unbelief."-Sir H. Davy. '-Tbmt there is a dual meaoing ta every Biblicat Passage, the moat eminent divines of the world have concluded; and to get at the bigh- est, or metaphysical, it is neces- sary rightty ta rend wbat the in- spired writers left for aur spirit- ual instruction. The literai cen- dening of the Scciptures Makies them notbing vahuable, but often is tbe foundation of unbelief and hopelessness."-Mary Baker Eddy APPLE GROWERS STATE CAMPAIGN PROVES SUCCESS Ontario HouseNvives Buy Over 75,000 More Bushels in Febru- ary This Year Than February 1938, Due ta Pubticît>' Cam- paign of "Ontario Apples For Heatth" Deliglîtei w itî tire resîix-utc Of wholcsalcrs. retailers anrdthe public at large ta their two w'eeks caitrpaign ira Felirtarv' af "Onrtario Apîrles for Heaith,- apple Lgrower" af tire pro- vinîce are coîrducting atr(thcr '.ucce..s- fui camîîaignir ntil the enrd 0f N[arch. While compllete figures wiii not be availabie urtitlabout :\prii tOth, growcrs anrd îsirîlesaters agree tirat iro inatter wtrat tranîspires iii Europe, aid King Appute is sitttti:rr il1y air tire fruit industrv tirane a'. iîliis- pittii tronrarcir af ali Ontario ifruit. Aýt a mreetinrg of the griiwer., hel'l ini tire Board Rooin of tire Onitario I)cpartmeit aif.Agriculturre. l'aria- turenît Baildinigs. Toronîtor.thre-sete ilirnie tiîîcl t tire Ontario îpublic trad crrîrsumned 225.000 buisirci'.of appie'. during Februlary. arr îrrcrea'.c ot 75,- 000 brr.,iîcis aver Februars\ of la't vear. These fioiures %iscresireciall%- 1 îleasirre to the groîs«ers ini viesv Oi tire zreater volumre and lower îîrics' (if citriis fruits as coaîpared %vitir a vear ago. A resolution ivas lias'.cd airai- mlousiv voicing appreciatir i ai tire co-operatian giveiliin tire appîrie ena- paîgrns i' distributor.. consuimer. tire press and the radia. DURHAM COUNTY CLUB ENJOYS LETTER FROM TOM FAIRBAIRN lir the account ai the Durrham Couitv Ciub's final meetirri£ of tire preserrt season. rcparted etscwtîerc ini titis issue refererice was made toaa lettcr received frain Tout Fairirairîr which was read ta his feiloîs Dur- hamitcs bv his brother Rhrys. Rnaow- irrg Tomns ahilitv for writirrg inter- e'.tirrg aird remliniscerrt letters wve are pieascd tota ublisti itl iceîvtir 2200 Nlidlîîthiari Drive. .\itadera. Cali forrîra. Miarci il, 1939. De:r Rtîvs: KirrdIv exprress. ta ioctor \\ illiairîs nui%- ap reiii on fi ii'thii uzlit irr askirre rire ta ivrite the Durham CursCluîb a Icîter, lbut I doi 'rît feei tirat I am cquipped for tire taslk. NIv root'. wcre vers tenrder wtieî nariied froîn this trrod '.oii ami everi thotrgh \Master Niaicoirrr MeTavisi tiade n.. draw mals of tîre C,,att i tirat at tis late date I eouidà defitretie boururtaries aitiro i (Io re- rîrember tirat tire Crcutit. the H-umrber, the Don aad tire Rouge ss cciriglits river'. floii)svirr' to Lake Otntario, aad I alsa rememirer what a beaurti- fui anud productiv e lanrdlires iitii the boundaries ai the County. Two srrîai bas sparkedi arrtwo boxes resting on the deck ai Dr. MNcLaughiir's buggy. and pulied by Jack a pie-batd, who always champ- cd bis bit wherr anc went irear Iiis Iîead, aiten gave lis a day ii tIre countrv gairrg as far as Ororro or 'vent fartirer afteld. aurd drives. witlr father. pas.irrg field, (if ciover. îîlient. harles'. iuckwhcat. tjarî,tiis andi s'iut trot. witt r oodenrr nd aiîag the (lit- ches. Lake Ontario spacktirîg inth-tir distance was a rural sight ta be re- inembercd. also bis cammeîrts as we ivert alang. sîîch as Iris having ridden horseback aivec these sarne raads when thev werc hittie more thair traits and tire district wsea stili quite heavily woodcd. He niwavs deplorcd thecleiarinîg awax of tire tret'. atd wortiît iroint Ort two fine fartins hic eirwrt dowîr a mar's throat. This seemed a sizeahie pecformn- airce to a struali heu îvho had trever '.ccrr arrvthirîg larÉrer tratr a maiial '.wurd go) downr a humrrain gtret but ail became clear ivlrerr it ws ecx- îriaincd that joirnr Baries'ciirnrrorl- viîled a helping barrd, the raoral be- tagz peuntcd otît tîrat tenrîîcrrtce ir ail thirrgs seas a pretts' _ood cule. Ttrcrr rue ad Ireta tr i rt I lîpî andl venti rCobrourg ii)the cast anrd o ne witlî t a t tii\\'Iritbs . mot ti, rnrtiorr theire raîrivtrip;. Li.ake Se rrgou ', ht't itre liat iuiiirer ai IHramputon or titi i .killcii for tsitt i%- fise c ents aird raoi itis exi(Cel. So aficr ail i hiave b abo.uriirIt ir' Cou'iurtv cir ide rral l'lire f i r st irrnpse uf serigi, a; osiltri' î'arcIie' tire top of tire lasIt %van' ai- ws~,i' a thirll wirth te proisiti'e it tw iii h i rofli mitte r carrva'. iin îrr '.uct anrd ti ie xpli initi )t le i. rie ft froui the conrrfines tif s ir irai i r i have kioieri getitie N!exier:i fnl- te'. wro neyer us eut abroad iiitir,mt a litile '.ack of Nie'.ieauirusi)] tlo;g urbich thles' foni dcinftri fcii , andii1 wvorder if tire )ttrhari ('unr lia'. a fhiwcc ahout gro wiitr inr a po t if tireir soul as a reinetrfliratr ce- Dad urscd ta sas' matrv ticiflue ii ii %ve passed liad prodîtced fortv' biî'.lris1 oif wheat for farts- years %vitlrauî atnythinz mach being rcturrned foi, i. -a theglcirs ii lave sit-- -1-1' the heat and keep the water hot Eyesght ducationbu t not bailing for 6 ta 8 minutes, Eyesght ducaiondepending upon the degcee of Ad cooking desired, foc sof t cooked Ad or medium eggs. Foc bard cooked E ffiCinCyeggs, foliow the direction for soft EIlcIecycookÏed, aliowing the eggs ta im mec 30-35 minutes. Cool eggs B>' quickiy by piunging them into S C.H.Tuck coid watec, or lettin4$pid watec rnavcthern in ordér "t prevent 'ta Eesrht blackened surface of the yohk. o Spectaolut Hard cooked eggs can be used in a numbec of ways ta give variety. Disney Bldg. ________ Opt. "There is no stcength in un- (opp. P.O0.) belief. Even the unbelief of what Oshawa, Phorie 1516 is false is no source of might. It Number 77 is the tcuth shining from behind ________that gives the stcength ta disbe- ]Introduction iieve."-G. Macdonald. Savage Eyes The ideai wocking condition of coucse is what we wauld expect "GO PLACES" ta find existing hn the Indian - vision foc distance, hunting, fisb- hng and trapping and iittle, if any, this is the ideai condition, but it was nat said that the eyes were SEIL1W FA S normai; at heast we know htiSPCA O FRE they were nat subjected ta the strain af the eyes of civilzatian. Betwveen aIt points in Canada and Aftec these natives became civiîiz' to certain destinations in the ed they iearned aur gaod habits United States and aur bad habits and many. habits are deveioped by tcaining.1 FARE AND ONE-QUARTER We need oniy bave the weakness for the 'round trip which may later be deveioped ta o ______________ a sevece handicap oc tcouble. When this becomes manifest, is it Tickets goad gaing any time a fault of civiization or a faultr Thucsday, April 6, until 2 p.rn. of a physical weakness, latec de- MnaArl1,13.Rtr veioped, detected, and at hast cor- MnaArl1,13.Rtm cected? Limit ta leave destination flot I wilh in the followhng pages inter than midnight, Tuesday, quate an article ta prove what April 11, 1939. was detected by the examinatian of certain jungle natives. I wiii quate the article in full as close MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE - 25e as possible ta what was found in Take advantage of this long the Las Angeles Times. (ta be continued) week-end for a visit home or ______________away with friends. EGGS FOR EASTER LONG TRADITION The origin of the Easter egg tradition is iast in antiquity but year aftec year the delightful practice of adacning the breakfast table witb eggs an Eastec Sunday nmoroing continues. It matters nat that the first fcesb eggs no langer came wih Easter, the beginning of Spring. The modern model of the humble ben may, and usuaily does, praduce 'hec excellent pro- duct the year round. Easter is stili associated witb eggs, witb the ban scratching in the warrning earth, newly aware of ber destiny. Eggs, ho the Easter tradtin are aiways boiled in the sheil. Fr. cbiidcen, of course, tbey must be cohoured, with one of an infinite vaciety of home or commercial preparations. No parents. treas- uring ebilhood memories of bowis of muiti-calouced eggs 'an Easter mocning, would deny a similar pleasure ta tbeir cbitdren. For chiidreo, puilet eggs, if they are availabie, wili prove an added attraction, their smali size lending a youthful toucb and having the i further practical advantage of en- abling Junior ta dispose af a greater numbar. These saal eggs are sold unden the desigoation of Grade A Puilet. Tbey weigh ap- proximately an ounce and a haif each. Grade A Large eggs weigh two ounces or more. Eggs are so sensitive ta beat ho cooking that it is easy ta aveccook tbem, or coak them pony. When they are cooked in the shehi a precise rnetbod ha necessary ta coak them ta the igbt degree. Use one pint of watec for the first egg and ane cup of wate c fdr eacb additiooal egg. Bring the water ta the boiiing point. The shape of the kettle sboutd be sucb that the watec wili caver the egg. Place the egg in the water and caver the kettie. Remave fcom sittirrg forwîard arrl tire iouîr sn pnssed narre î,terestitigly traîr s'îuil otirnise hav-e irecî the case as yaunl )scre fcarftitof a flea lit or somre sitnilar îrrtcssartil prie n anrce. Ina sinamer 1 inscîl lii thinîk tincre sea.;a lot iin the ni' NI r'.. Curlitt îeurr'.liîrî cil lý iire s'en goirrg tri cliiicela :t :rti luit Men 1 i icrinnl out tirat tirte rn.t sat aruuutrl tntil tire Spirit nnos'd soinaconue tu trrke tire Wo'rd rrîî(,nnr!r e'%*Ci. decitîcti thtIr St. l'ai".senvs pu'tfs grrîîd aiter al. XX'heti in l'anis i atîvass g'oitii tht Rirr.'.i airCliun ccii anrd alliai ,igi tri .t.s îîuî'ie l n o rii rganr. tire siiigiurg amui ser%,ice ris ilitiji~ tii ru- ttni u r. \\if l iret iiles tii l. Signrcd> Tui. Railzcay Ticket Agent. Canadian Pacifie OSHAWA Friday - Saturday MARCH 31 - APRIL 1 ln Glorious Technicolor "Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs REVIVAL Friday at 10.45 p.m. "Ebb Tide" Starrtng OSCAR HOMOL ,,4 -FRANCIS FARMVR - RAY MILLAND. Monday - Tuesday APRIL 5- 6 Devils Island Starrlng BORIS KARLOFF The Teti-AIt Sensation of the Year. Wednes. - Thursday APRIL 5 - 6 Big Double Bill Thanks for The Memory Starrlng BOB HOPE - SHIRLEY ROSS CHARLES BUTTERWORTH and 'Ride a Crooked Mile' Starring AKIM TAMIROFF FRANCIS FARMER. COMJNG Friday - Saturday Stand up and Fight' Don't wait too long before making sure of your insurance. Fire neyer gîves any warn- ing but usually strikes unexpectedly. Are you adequately insured now? This agency represents the Hartford Fire Insurance Company- an institution that has been serving countless property owners, so faithfully in Canada since 1836. J, J, MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bowmanville THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH 30TH, 1939 PAGE FOUR

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