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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Mar 1939, p. 7

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THURSDAY, MARCH .3OTH, 19.39 'FilE C.5,N.\l)i \N ST \TESMAN, BO\\ \I \NVILLE, ONT.\RIO PAGE SLEN ed lunch. entcrP::thilat retailers, nc\vspapcrs In Trinity United Church on and c IRrwouid do thcir part Sunday evening Mr. D. B. Law- ini su I I the appleidu.r. S OÇIAL AND PERSONAL ley, Supervisor of Ontario Field ciis> * I", nillun. w liasin de a PHONE 663 al Institutefo the Blind, pilst(\.o leIossibilit-i "~The Everiasting Mercy." The 1%;ýjIý)i( oqet lsak Ho, hum, lime to get out that Hard, Larder Lake, Northern 1oa omiteaiel ste dbt- prescription for spring fever. Ontario, are visiting her parents, blind people of the town are ex-I A r Ti'n ,as-d at the coln- - Miss Ada Siver, Toronto. visit- Dr. L.B. and Mrs. Wiliams. 8 pccted to be in attendance. Mr. clîîsion -rilihe meeting 'tatd that ed lier sister. Miss Alice S iver Lawley is a fine speaker and his local % N - erc il. îa%- r of the Dr. aryL. ort~va. TronOrioie Gardens. Toronto. message wiil be weil worth hear-cnta TInitecuin n wr to, visited with Dr. Dorothy M. Don't faîl to see L. A. Parkcr's ing. The public are cordially in- on th lilltt io nti njgu t kr jJames. distinctiveli ne of stoves of ail vited. 0alotth Il and es ndnarflk Mrs. H. H. Dilling is visiting kinds. Especially attractive is the About forty members of the bappros iailzosci Ontorio for k- with her daughter, Mrs. H. C. red and white electrie model he Eveready Bible Class of Simcoe fîcentro\:, ,vasclic,, opratu thu dx er Aluin, Oakvilie. . is showing in the window. Street Church, Oshawa, enjoyed fjmr ooeae h de-1t Ms enc Wht Toot, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Georgeý a pleasant evening with the Lad- Aho':20grwes orepr..nMi was weekend guest of Mr. and Sihilsetteweedis il ls fTiiyCuc bu 0Wr rsltb Mr.J iigadfml. with her mother, Mrs. B. M. War- Fridav. Miss Helen Cryderman, r 1I:li Mrs.J. Lvingandfamiy. nca, own andher rothr, r. pesidntextended a cordial wel- ,tit Dr. and Mrs. Roy Ellis and nRc. W and heWrnibrOhrwM. coe to the visitors, then called Paul, Toronto. were visitors with oR.tW. and Mrs Warnica Oshawao BADMINTON FINALS th Mrs. W. F. Dale, King Street. Mr. David Morrison Sr., histor- ont the visitncpesid e, woa ian and feature writer for The th heastnc ofevrln Miss Carnie Cherry, RN., To- Statesman, has been confined to 1 members, furnished a helpfui and Selling Price- $19.00 and UP (ct udinmPae1 ronto, and Miss L. Wigg, Oshawahsom fracupef ek interesting programt, after which cniudfoPae1 vistedwih Ms. oh Bato, i homforbuaiscouprogrvesgseveral contests were enjoved fol- Every Bridai lVreat nae eebr iitary, lost to Mrs. ifi !irhSt aorbv owed bv a social haif hour. ment ring at S25.00 or over is Candkî a, nd Mr s. rsinBot.,, Church St. favorably! Mr. Donald Williams, Bowman-1 fully protected with a free minl-.i Cobourg goes on dayiighî sav- Court'Oshawa, No. 501. Cana - ville. and Mr. Victor Torrance. surance policy covering Ioss, Men' Doubles, primary - Dr. lii tim o Aril3Oh o Spt dan rdr f Fretes.hav i- raîge'iie.rereentties0f thefi or damage. Wright and Grant Henry, Miii- tif ing tm nArl3 oSp. inOdro oetrhv n-Oagvle ersnaie fthel brook. îook îwo straight in the .0, 24th. This is to coincide with To-, vited their Bowmianvilie brethrcnCmeca eateîofte_____fnl tIbseetfo .Jmsi ronto and other centres. to .ioin with them in a social even-ll'omerilephoepCare ient h and A. Osborne. Bowmanviiie. s Rev. Merrili Ferguson. -who has iig. March3ti h eirlllodg e pa hoe CQue en'hoe ietMens Doubles, consolation -t been visîtîng in Stayner. is now room. 20li2 King St. W. spnigafwxek nîw WPfgQatîiadWn.Pr oe wit hs arnt. Ms.W. her an Bwmnvil fi-As a result of their visit here. ii took the Uxbridge pair, Jones and C. Ferguson. for a few days. ends xill be pleased to learn that names of several additional sub- Phone 463 Bowmanville Gold, mn two straight. e Mrs. H. P. Puidv and baby son'Mc. and Mrs. Bernard Mitchell. serbers wll appear \hen the1 Mixect Doubles. primary - Miss sa _______________________St. Catharines. won a 1939 Chev- 1 îext telephone drectory is pb- ' B. Mongomery and G. Henry.' Ua roiet coach in a letter \vriting ý isied in the very near future, ail ______Millbrook. took two in three from jcontest. More honor and glory!of which xiii increase the scope' Miss D. Davîdson and Eari Har- wc !for Durham County! iof service and communication for ceso hIatya* etnsvy otHpi h ias l Fb - la eOfficiais of Th, ntdCuc1rsn sr. BaponCn eso h atya~ etng -y o oe ntefnl, a Fle- lazeUnitd Chrchireset usrs. BraptonCon-to the work of the president, Dr. Mixedl Doubles, consolation -w of Canada have been appointed servator. L. B. Williams, who has instilled Mrs. H. MIN. Nanson and J. P. cai to visit the annual meetings of If you have any plumbing, heat- new life and vigor mbt the meet- Callaghan. Bowm a n v i 11i e, won it the Il Conferences of the Church ing or eavetrough problems drop ings, and to Miss Wallace of the from Miss Parsons and J. Davison,: sel vhich wili be held Mav and June. 'in to L. A. Parker's store and he staff' of the Sherbourne Club for Port Hope. in two in three games. __________________ The Right Rev. Dr.' John W. xvý.iii give you prompt and court- her able assistance. Dr. MeGili Senior Men's Doubles, over 40, Woodside. Moderator of The Un- eoîîs attention. aiso expressed the satisfaction of years of age - This event went to ýYO SA LIE tedCurc of uneCnda.wil viit the Club at having now a "'per- the Bo;vmanville teamn of Strike IYc __ te By o QunteConerece.manent home" in'the Sherbourne and Edmonds over the-.Port Hope vc Savings uD to 30%/ Keep your famiiy in touch with DURHAM CLUB House. A resolotion of apprecia- duo of H. M. Ryan and E. Wynn. tis the community and the rest otf____ tion of the services of the Sher- ___________an' April lst to April 8th the county by having your own (otne rmPg ) bun os oteDra lbth, copy of The Statesman enter y our. was then proposed by Dr. McGill ST. JOHN'S CHURCH NEWS in Interior Gloss- home each week. The weekiy cost banquetted by the South Ontario and seconded by Dr. Cole. Rev. S. G. B. Wright, Church of a1 A washable, high gloss paint of The Statesman is smaîî as com- Agricuiturai Society in apprecia-ilteCmoerTrnoo i for walls, ceilings, and wood- pared with the savings you can tion of his fine work in this line The evening closed with a socialtçCmfreToottok the Y work. Nine beautiful pastel effect by having your shopping 'and for which he also received a gathering in the dining room of service at St. John's Church on, 51< shads ad wite lit iclue brgans o befoud hart rond f aplase romthe Club where Mrs. R. Fairbairn SundaY morning. Rev. Wright shades an white.olst includen bargan s be ondtheartCundapauefrmand Miss Margaret E. Fairbairn and Rev. Canon Spencer exchang- contatiyintheadertsig cl-theClb.. presided at the tea table. The ed services. . bu Velvet Low Lustre- umns of the paper. Hglgt fD.Wlim'pc presence of Mrs. Rhys Fairbairn St1on nlcn hrhxiid Gives a pleasing and restful Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rammel of tures were the ploughing match and Mrs. C. T. Currelly added observe Holy Week. April 3 - 8: or effect. Washable, with pleas- Kingsway Flower Shop & Green-!,at Darlington, which contained vers' materîaliy to the hospitaiity Monday. April 3rd, 9 a.m. - Hoiy ME ant odor. Eleven p as telI houses. on Wednesdav attended a humour in abundance, and the of the evening. Chimunren:eric; edesday - W. i shades and white. banquet and dance at the Royal beautiful garden scenes taken in The Club was happy to have Cide' evc;Wdedy w Regular $1,20 quart York Hotel, Toronto, under aus- the grounds of the estates of D. xith themn once again their oid Evenin g Service at 8 p.m.: Thurs-, Th pices of the Florists Telegraph C. T. Currelly and of Mrs. Henry friend and fellovv-member, Mrs day, 9 a.m. - Holy Communion: 5hr ON SALE Deiiverv Assn. of Canada. Mrs. iSproatt on the Ganaraska River. 4aiter H. Ciemes. who was ac- Fia.8pm -Hý omno.W Fo ry-8Cq. Rammel wvon t\xvo prizes. the first Txvo unusual coioured pictures. copne .Ms utv an thi Forony 8c t. for the beautiful gardenia corsage one of a honey bee among the \ifopanie byorstoaGust.aHan, _______she xvas xearing and the second flowers and the other of a sn ake I h oot rit mn RANGER NEWS for a lucky number dance. opening its mouth to display tothers xvho joined the final Ragrrmtiehepbi Floor Enamel- The H. J. Heinz Coman fafngs proved to be of high z Kuo fteClbfrti e~ school gymnasium xvhere ail fut- ompay ofgical and artistic menit as -vell as xvere: Mcs. Henry Sproatt. xvho uemeig ilb ed hr An entirely neu- Flo-glaze Leamington started îssuing con- much natural appeal. hinvaton ordthe mebes deist avebnfu ex ebr n Enamel. specials designed tracts this week for the 1939 to- iniainoîteîmbr ovii aedbe ornw ebr n malle crop. The price to, be paid In introducing Dr. C. T. Curcel- her beautiful home on the Ganar- role ecently - Helen Luxton. A1 to plureuieiahlon xvtesg, o farmers this year xvll bc SIî1.00 1y.-the president referred to Dr'.aska. and Miss Margaret Sproatt: snE sthe argson Lurie Gib- of ood cocree ad lno- per ton or in other xvords 33 cenits Currelly's distinguished career as the Misses Joyce, Suzanne andi f oors. Eghet radica- per bushel. Last \.ear the prices 'an Egyptologist and as a mosoumi Poppv Sxeatman. Mr. and 'Mrs. and Helen Wight are solon to be Th, leum oos ih rcia paid \vere 36 cents at the stations curator. for vhich ho has receix-- Charles Spcoatt and Mr. C. Har- enrolled. The f itst part of the colors. ýand 3î'2 cents delivered aI the ed honours from many societies 1rs ,sso r.Srat r etn a pn npatsn Regular $1.35 quart factory. This years price has and countries, being highly ce-1 Margaret Cowan, mcs.J. Herbert Morse signaling. Miss Goddard ON SALE been set for delivery at the fac- itardeci in Great Britain and Hyland and Dr. Gordon Hyland:,assigned the girls to districts for A tory. Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pearce, Mrs. 1 the Hou Cross Bon sale. Mrs. Em- A For Iy- 9c qt ~ ~uî~ C.G. . T heî il ..Di- e~lly's address entitled1 Price, and Mr. J. Trull of Boxv- metl gave the girls lessons in 1939 affiliation in the lecture mnil;M.adMs ereW Pins, h -gallons ad gallons Ms ari a cag is great concern for xvhat is h ap- 'meavi: c.and Mrs.Georgeaw dancing and arhing. nganderthie,: in nroom. Ms atn hreof pnig . ,th lnd o Drh m cLugf i aDrs. W.L.Laathrawa a in-sng ndth in ail three types priced the wxorship serv'ice. Helen Wii- pnnotelado uhmo Oshawva:DrCaaBesn meeting ciosed xith "Taps". Jo I ~~~~~~~~and he illustrated his points xvthj Dean of the Household Science ________________ accordingly. . iams played bxvo lovely piano pe tinetxampios from his xide Depart ment of the University of -__________________ solo. Ms. Bay ondutedtheknowledge of the lessons to biS Toronto, who was a guesl of Mrs. ~' J w ell affliation service. after whichI learned from history and archaeo- C. T. Correlly; Mrs. John Squaic, j* ~ Deler ~book.M Skis e r î0pequetio Mc Co e ix'Toronto: Rev. Mr. Currie, Toron- Phone 556 Bowmanvil 1 the girls based on the study book. statedxve must learo 10 ask our- !cri-a.Trno lxMLo Afte thebeneîcton ponoocedselves is "Where is the county of the Provincial Fish and Game rby Mrs. Banîster, the ladies serv- i[going?" and "What are xve doing?"ý Dept. Toronto, xvho for many - _____ ________________________________________ "s il drying up?'. Mr. Currellvyyaswsascae ihteWl Snoted how farm after farm has yotarshervas scatewiathlte:Wil- _________________________________________________ Igone to pieces owing t0thie pres- mot Fisheies oca ewarasonMr.f fence of biown sand and how the Col. Cubitt; and many others. E 1~1 4~ Z I N G N E WT C O A T S rural population bas decreased.W Cbtotgnrasn0 He poinbed a warning, too, in the Wibh the traditional singing of AZI G N W C A S lessening amount of timber. Aold Lang Syne and the National. corated C Dr.Curely tacd biely ndAnthem the Club ciosed one of ~ dcbly he hstorcai ssocatio 0fthe largest and most interesting Lowest Bune the Englishman and his garden. meetings of the year. and count The idea has always been, wibh pay yout l us, that man's reai home is in the country, and that ho bas his gar- FRUIT GROWERS den where he lives. No people has developed the art of home (Continued from Page 1) and garden as has our people, and, I leposa etwihgnr F E therefore, this is the art we ooght Ifl)ovl the rooietstlî ppienrNEW 10 cuitivale. We must wabch 10apuatecmnîtcapoîdNI see that the country doesn't dry at the aimtal counveuntion of the OuinOOBR "I' op, as such bhings take place so Hamtn,, iriut (rowur's,ciasdton slowly, almost imperceptibly. laiituis aia'.wilici n LOTION Mr. Currelly described the his- halIot., and explanator\v matter .,o tory of the Swat region in North- uiat cverv, gruîwcr mav vote oui the %vith 3 cakes ......West India as an exampie serving suîggestîions, the sp)eaker corciuded. 10 show both wbat happens when Ciiairii E. A. Sunnmers, Agri- oobr the land is neglected and what cultural l-eresnai'cfrDram. s, can be done by a delermined ef- calcd n .Art MuIisgros'c, also of Sa fort 10 restore il. Sab wih ',ruibiurv wNNlio uresenited detais ou 23c bad aI one lime been a garden, thetripuseti advertisiuig 23 hi ad sogonedcown in modern limes that txenty-five years ago allý iresut ~ -oTr---------s ui it boasted only a few sheep and.iieri bu.TefrtHaau- goals. To-day the rainfal hsiid'alcus2t hte uddtf Bayer Aspirin 22C«39C quadrupled owing 10 the efforts siik? seas aiiswe're( i 1wqutuig of a determinedci uler who has 11les frn \Vasiniigtoli anTd uther Carter's Pilis 23c-69c even gone so far as 10 make the latc-, wlîicli iiecased -ales frî,nT cutting doxvn of a tree punishable 7';to 3(', by adv-ertisiiig. Listerine 25c-49c-79 »~'~'~ 4,~. .with death. Simpiy by the method WlTat arce sve gingz 5tiisI pafring or remodelling your fur coat. o!tans as t sode byT Dr vote ial ir'ar<fiîî.ircut;i Herriman who reminded the aud- itratiire. saiiuiiig sersice- andi ' 8BSTasY' 9 ience of the neeci of "aking sock" itcli f esrs' t I)c 'of aulsrtisiug49 flot 'only of the earth, but of our as i 1c N 11)s Couch, Ohnston WC Uy IIIIdI race. Ilu i Mîiî 1"î ir. NI Tisgrovi s Before the eccmpany adjourned 9steCl ulat tue tinile iad cm o Phone 834 LTD. Bowmanville 10 the dining roomn for refresh- suicl a niove aiid thiat wiii gros"ýr. UNITED ODOAR STORE menîs Dr. George McGili voiced waited aroiuîîd arîd did notîuliîg. tIicN- AGENCY 1the opinion of the club members wviuid receive nso beip f romi anyouie, unaccrcdibing n'ucb of the suoý but if thex' siowcd sorne activity and Little Talks on Advertising by JOHN C. KIRKWOOD (Copyright) Talk No. 12 How 10 seil things is a kind of cnoxvledge alxvays wantod. It is a md of knowlodgo difficuit to ac- uire. Thus, lake for example he case 0f a manufacturer of nen's bats - bats unknown to oth retailers and the maie pub- Noxv. if x'ou were the maker of. oese bats, boxv xouid you set! uioot the business of solling them nlarge quantity - perhaps 100,000 ý200,000 in the course of the irst year? One tbing xvhich you i ouid do xvould be ho choose a 'and name for them, for a batI ie yourseif, must bave an iden- fication ninme. One tbing whicb ,ou wouid do - or try 10 do - vould be 10 gel retail hatters ho, tock voor brand of bat. But Ibis xvould not be a vcry îsy thing 10 do. Hators wouid vy to yoo, "Your bats are qoite îknoxvn ho the public. We'd uve to do ail the selling. That ;ould be too bard work. We arei Iready selling a branded bat ,hicb is wcll known 10 men be- ouse ils makers have advertised - for a long time. Wc prefer 10 il bats xvhicb are easy to seli." If retailers refuscd ho stock or brand of bal, xvbat woluld ou do? One tbung us certain: ou would bave 10 begin advcr- sing your bat, 10 make il known .d esteemcd by mon - Ibis even iougb your bat couldn't be found imost retail stores. Only afler good doal of advertising xvould ou bc able 10 gel retailers 10 tck il. The public is already able 10 uy woll-advcrtised h a tIs. I t oesn't want bats made by a newi runknown bat manufacturer. 1 [n don't like buying unadver- î ced bats, and retailers don'ti tnt 10 stock unadvertised bats. ie fact is Ibat most persons shun rangers - including strango hats. ce gix'e our favor ho persons and ings weli-known 10 us. TEARING DOWN vabched tbem tearing a building dlown, gang of men in a busy' tow.n. lbt a bo-heave-bo and a lusty ycil, cx' sw'ung a beam. and the sido xvall fell. askcd the foreman, "Are these men skilied id the mon you*d hiro if you had ho buiid?"- te gave a laugh and said: "No.i indecd; as common labor is ail I need, AT HARRY ALLIN'S johnson's Wax - extra 5 ozs. on every lb. tin for 2 lbs. 98e - 4 Ibs. Johnson's Glo-Coat Floor Polish ........ pt. 59c - qt. (Wax Applier Free) 60 Watt Bulbs ....................... 2 for Huron Toilet Tissue .............. 10 roils Blue Ribbon Coffee ............'1/2 lb. 21c - lb. Dr. Phillips' Grapefruit Juice................ tin Our Special Tea ....... and 'Saucer* Free). .l. Christie's Sodas, plain or salted lb. 19c - 2 lbs. Ontario No. 1 Potatoes................ 90-1b. bag 59C 1.89 98C 25c 25c 39c lOc 65C 35c 1.25 "SALADK TU Brown Label.......'1/2 lb. 37c - lb. 73e YelIow Label ................'1/2 lb. 32e FUL-O-PEP CRICK STARTER The easy, econoxuical way to raise chicks. - It 's the oatmeal that puts the pep in Ful-O-Pep. Molasses Salt - Oyster Sheil - Lice Killer - Etc. RAiîtRY ALLIN Phone 367 - 368 GROCER Bowxnanville -p I can casily wreck in a day or txvo lown, Wbat builders hav'e haken a year Content witb the labor of toaring bo do." down? And I thought 10, mysoîf as I wcnl My way, "UNRELIEF" Whicb of these colos have I tciod ____ ho play? "I knoxv o! no condition worse Am I a buder wbo works with 'Iban that 0f the man wbo bas care, littho or no ligbt on the supreme Measuring life by the cule and religious questions, and xvho at square? Ibte same lime, is making no e! - Am 1 shaping my doeds to a wcll- fort 10 come 10 tbo lîght."-E. F. made plan, Burr. Palienbly doing tbe best 1 can? "Ail unbciief is the boe!e of a Or am I wrecker, wbo waiks the1 lie."-H. Bonar. WE HAVE TURNED OUR STORE INTO AN STER SHOPPINO CENTRE Y'ou will find displayed Chocolate Novelties, Bunnies, Roosters, Ch.icks, Etc. De- Chocolate Eggs, Easter Carda, Boxed Chocolates in gay Easter Wrappings,- Cloth. Flu.ffy Chicks and Ducks, Chariots, Wagons with Eggs, - Toilet Articles for Easter, iless other items suitable as Easter Gifts for friends and members of the family. It will to visit our store now and select your gifts._______________ j We will gladly deliver them or hold them for you. ~ ~ NOVELTIES lc, 3 for 10c, Sc, 10c to 60c Bunnies chicks, hens, roosters, chariots, etc. BOXED CANDY 25c, 50c, $1.00,$52.00 Moir's, Neilson's, Page & Shaw TOILET ARTICLES - 25e to $10.00 Yardley, Three Secrets, Marvellous, Etc. EASTER CARDS --3c, Se, 10c, 15c FREE Rouge and Lipstick with Marvellous Face Powder ALL FOR 65c BARGAINS Pinex--- -- -- Robinson 's Barley - Dodd 's Pilla - - - Fellows' Syrup-- 25c Noxzema - SPECIAL Schick Injector Razor $1.00 Value Palmolive Shave Cream 25e Value ýALL FOR 49c Place Your Order Nowx Supply WiII Be Llmlted NOVA - KELP TABLETS An Excellent Spring Tonie 79c - $ 1.39 - $2.79 VALUE $1 .50 3 Cakes Yardley Soap and 50c Bath Saîts ALL FOR $1.00 TREAT SEED GRAIN FOR SMUT Use CERESAN Now By this method it is Possible tp treat your grain now as long as lt Is sow'n w~ithin 60 days. lb. $1.00 - 5 Ibm. $3.90 VICKS 43c c 53 N98 VASTROONOL 43 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX Phone 792 McOREOOR DRUGS Bowmanvil 'j THURSDAY, 'MARCH 30TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATFSINIAN, ONTARIO

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