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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Sep 1939, p. 9

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'4 - THfURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7TH, 1939 PAGE NINE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THE ORONO NEws Orono Schooi Fair is an event place at J. J. Cornish's store of I of next Tuesday. Plan to attend. George Mitchell who is with the Mr. andMrs. James Middleton soldiers at Trenton. and farnily visited ini Claremont. Miss Joy Stinson, Callendar, lias been holidaying with lier mrs. Fred Cowan is visiting i grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Oea. Toronto. Glanville Sr. scouts met Monday in the Misses Enid Cobbledick, Thel- schooi instead of the Arînauries. ma Myles and Muriel Morton are mr. Jas. Eagieson bjas been hall- taking a course in nursing at daylng at Bewdley and Bailieboro. Whitby Hospital. IMs Marshall, Toronto, was Master James Hudson has re- guet of Mrs. M. Cooper. turned from the fiospital where Mr. W. J. Stutt is spending this he was operated an for a tumor week i Deseronto. an his leg. Miss Mary Baldwin visited Mr. Rev. S. Littiewood resumed his and Mrs. S. Baldwin. pastorate of Park St. Church mr. Jack Cobbiedick, Toronto,,S!inday, having returned from spent the holiday at home. 1'his holidays. Mr. Mervyn Keane lef t Monday Teachers have returned ta their jor oroto.varlous schoois, much refreslied for oroto.from two hnanths or more of holi- Miss Jean Lageer visited ini To- days. ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Rundie and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Porter and daughters, Misses Aima and Flor- Shirley visited in Bobcaygean. ence,' Bawmanville, spent Friday Mr. Bob Keane, Toronto, spent at Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Waod's. the weekend at home. miss Ruth Lowden, Toronto, miss Ruthi Alita, Newcastle, lias and Miss Doris Lawden, R.N, been visiting liere. Orillia, vislted Mr. and Mrs. Chias. About forty of the Forestry Lowden. men were Jet out Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Colvmn, Mrs. Mms. Richardson and Gloria M. Colvin, Mrs. Gallaglier and were ia Toronto. daugliter Alice, Mrs. Mason, Ta- Mrs. G. L. Flintof visited in ronto, visîted Mrs. R. McIsaac.. Torota.Mr. and Mrs. Martin Linton, MorntoC- eeehsbenvstn Mr. and Mrs. Howard Linton and StrgC en La e vsiigFlorence, Marmora, were guests at . a!onLae.o Mrs. Henry Cantreil and Mrs. 1fr. Russel Gillison is mavmng Henry Cornish. ta the MeRae churcli district. -W. A. executive met at the con- The Simpsons have returned to clusion of W.M.S. meeting Tues- Toronto after summering here. day. Because of school f air it is Mr. and Mns. Charles Smith, fot likely there wiUl be a meet- Windsor, were guesta of Mr. and ing of W. A. next week. Mrs. W. J. Stark. Mr. and Mrs. E. Bywartli, Mr. SMr. and Mrs. Frank Stinson and and Mrs. H. Jolinston, Toronto, family visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. John Morris, Orono, Reid., spent the weekend at the Marris Congratulations ta Mn. O. W. Scott wlio celebrates lits 87th birtiday next Snnday, Sept. lti. Misses Mary Sisson and Ma- Janie Sisson Jeft Monay for Whit- by wliene teey will train as nurses. Mr. and Mns. A. A. Drummond and -Alec have netunned from their liolidays. Tlie Mcîsaacs neturaed ta To- ronto Monday efter summering liere. Mi. and Mis. W. R. Dent and faniily, Pont Sydney, are moving ta thee ad Griffa !farm, Leskard. Mr. end Dffrs. Wm. Inwin, Mi- io, visited lier moteer, Mis. I. Winter. M and Mis. W. D. Fowlen and Dr à . Fowher, Peterbono, vis- itdVýjas. Eagleson. Mis. Wmn. Patterson and Mis. F. Wright, Kendal, visited Mis. E agleson. Mis. 'John Henry and daugliter Dorotey, Toronto, were in Orona end taok ln tic Sixte Line picnic. Mr. -and Mrs. F. B. Wliytc and Doris and Mis. Herb. Murray en- joyed a trip ta Callendar. CongWatulations ta Mr. and Mrs. George Crowthen (nec Hazel Wood) on their mariage. "ipearhy partais opened wide; egen students stepped inside." In oteer wands - sciool lias stentcd. Labour Day passcd veny quiet- ly liere, tee oaly excitement being Slxth Line picaic. Mr. and Mis. Wm. Keane and son Jack, Toronto, visited Mn. and Mis. A. H1. Keane. Mr. end Mns. Charles Crease end son Paul, Toronto, vislted lien moteer, Mrs. Fred Cowan. Mr. Samn Keane speat the week- end ta Toronto wite lita brother, Mr. John Keane. * Mr. Glen Hugison and !iends, Toronto, caiied on Mr.. C. J. Hugli- son. Mr. and Mns. G'eonge Flagg and deugliten Brenda, Oshiawa, wene guesta o! Mrs. Kennete Gamnsby. Messrs. John Milisan and Doug- las Carnuthees wene visitons et Mr. H. A. Millsan's. Mr. Kennete Gemnsby spent thee weekend et Foote's Bey, Muskoka district. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Suggitt and Nancy, Toronto, visited Mn. end Mis. William Seymour. Miss Grace Hudson lias been visiting lier grandmotlicn et Pan- typool. Mr. and Mns. Wyven Reid and dauglter have retunned from hlol- Idays. a Miss Mary Duffy and Mn. Paul Duf y, Toronto, wene guests o! Miss Alice and Mn. Buddy Mc- Isaac, et thein cottage liene. Mn. and Mrs. D. Duffy and Miss M. Dnffy, Mrs. Boyle, Toronto, s3peaý Suaday et tic Mcîsaac cot- tage. Mn. and Mns. Wm. DeLine and daugliten Adele, Toronto, visited her parents, Mn. and Mns. A. Ciaugli. Aubney Jordan ta taking the KIdney Aclds BOab Your Rost Ma9 psti. nve»MisIte at àgood agersmL They tiE and toma-Us awaki, aï mmsut msp. LOhms tii biaiseI on aownso"p heuîit MMay hi=isi kdsa HeltWhi kdnoaysltir POasI» re. Mm< I hiye f0EWan d fple os M&Taybin tua*£" nd mSIUliapemihied- aehq, badbiche etia Ioo. l dW we tril, y Dodd'a iley M hall O citure. avate ,.midy. î103 Dodds Kldney Pi cottage, Lake Scugag. Mr. Vernon Saunders, Mr. Brass, Mr. and Mrs. Holman, Miss Taylor, and Mrs, Richiardson, Ta- ronto, and MissHfelen Orr, Clark- son, visited Mn. and Mrs. A. Saunders. Mr. and Mrs. AI!. Efliott'and young son Douglas, Toronto, were guests of Mrs. Jas. Tamblyn. Mr. -and Mrs. Wesley Elliatt, Kendal, visited at the same place Satur- day. Citizens wlio have been lioping that war would nat came receiv- ed a joît Friday marning wlien the seven o'clock bnoadcast in- timated war lied started between Poland and Germany. The funeral ot -Mrs. Waddeil took place from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cowan, Orona, on Monday, with interment in Orono Cemetery. Deceased had been visiting lier ather daugliter and. san-in-lew, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ev- ans, Janetville, at tlie time of lier death. Mr. N. Pitcher accupied tee pul- pit of Park St. Churcli Sundey at bath services, and as a represen- tative af the Ontario Temperance Federation, spake in tee interests of that society and against the evils of intemperance. Mr. R. E. Logan favored with a vocal solo at the morning service. On the last legel day for trout fishing Orme Gamsby brougltitnt- ta Orona 29 trout raaging from 8½" ,ta 14". His fisliing partner was Bill Mercer, Kendal, and teey fislied in three different ponds - Jacksan's,. Kendal, Ceci Mercer's, M.P.P., Elizabeteville, and John Mercen's, Garden HM. Twelve different famniles wère rememiber- ed in the distribution o! the above catch. DIM AND DISTANT 'HAPPENINGt From The Orono News of September 3, 1914 Mr. Stanley Seymour, assistant at Orona Post Office, lias been ap- pointed Raiiway Mail cierk. He is succeeded in Orano office by John Gibsan. =Mr. John Moffatt lias been en- Sgaged ta serve art Oshiawe police force. Jack is tee type of ma- hood that few would care ta bump Up ageinst. The remains of N. A. Jerome, who died in Syracuse, N.Y., Dec. 1lOth, were interred in Orona Cemeteny. Mr. John Cliester, Mr. and Mrs. 1John F. V. Chiester, son and dau- fgliter, Mr. and Mns. Bert eockin ad daugliter, Mrs. Beacock, To- nonto, were in town ettending te funerel of Mrs. Mary Vfckers. Mr. Chas. Baxter, Toronto, was a visitar in tawn. Miss Mildred Smithi is attend- ing Normal Scliool at Peterboro.. Mr. Andnew Pollard, Richmond, Va., is visiting frienda here. Miss Winnifned Williamsan re- sumned lier studies at Normal Schaal, Toronto. Mr. Leltli, Millbrook, was ini tlie village buying liorses for cav- alry purpases. Mrs. Isaac JeweÏl and grand- dauglitens, tee Misses& Cobbleelick of Toronto, vlslted at Mrs. WalslVs. Mr. and Mrs. Townsend, wlic came out fram England and work- ed for Mr. Geo. Waddenl, Jr., have gane ta Carnievele, Sask. Mn. C. J. McKeçn, Pentictan B.C., is visiting Rev. J. A. ana Mns. McKeen. Would you know liow ta give? Put yourself in tee place of hirr wlia ecelves,-Mme. De Pulsleux Wlen a baclielor gets tlred of leading a single life lie slioulc marry and be led.. c f I Former Mster's Soni Wins HighHonors J. E. Wallace Sterling, son o! the Rev. William Sterling, a for- mer belaved minuster of Park St. United Cliurch, OranLo, who bas been on the staff ini the Depart- ment of History at California Technical School, lias been award- ed a travelling fellowship af the value o! three tliausaad five hun- dred dollars. Hle is à graduate a! Toronto, '27; M.A., Alberta, '29; Pli.D. o! Leland, Stanford, '36, and will do research work on the Relation of the Britishi Soutli Sea Islands ta the Mother Country. Leevlng Toronto an September 1, lie will spend six manths in Lon- don searchiag Colonial Office Doc- uments, and six months at Suva, Fii Islands. THE DIM LANTERN (Contlnusd from page 7) No Wonder Ton Are Constipatedi Wbat do you eat for br«agu? CoKtes, tout, maybe smre eus What do you et for lunch andi dinner? Breadi. meat, Pota±asm? No <Wonder your. oowat4pate -.. d,, taWZao f "bUIh,."Andi "bulle' dosmn't mean the amotint you @et. it means the klnd of food that formea a oft. bulky -ma inl the bowesm.It's this "MO athat helpe your boweau move. The common ens thlnx to do about It 10to at stellogi'. Al- Bran for breakfait. This ready- ta-et orsal wwlU give you luit the -bulle, you neeti. Anti It givas you, ln addition, Nature's Inteatinal-tofllc, vitemin Bi. Mat a generous portion of Ml-Bran seel/ day, drink plenty of water 1 andilite yl be brghter for you E Mli-Bran la mades by KelloggIf n Londion. Canada. Bolti by ever grocer. Thousands 0f Scouts And Guides Render Service In European Crises Orono Scout Leaders Attend Gathering In Toronto To Honour Sir Perey Everett Messrs. J. J. Mellon, Gordox Brutan and John Gnady wene in ,Toronto Friday attending tee ga- thering o! Scout leaders ta honor Sir Percy Everett, tee represena- tîve o! Sir Beden Powell. Sir Percy, .whom teey met pensonally, gave a mast interestiag talk ta about 500 present, telliag o!te services rendered by the English Boy Scouts and Girl Guides dur- ing tee Eunopean crîsis. Thaus- ends of teem are being trained tai look elter first aid and black-outs in valious sections and ta carry messages, etc. He pointed out teat it was tee duty o! Canadian Scouts to carry on, and empliasiz- ed that the leaders miglit have to go ta war and oteers now la training would have ta carry on their work. The tenee Oronoites were also introduced ta Lieut. Col. Ceiras, officen la comamand o!te Govennor Geenel's Hanse Guards, who intimated teat lie would come to Orono at te irst oppor- tuaity. At the meeting which was lield la Eaton's Auditorium, twen- ty neceived tee King's Scout Badge. Following the s e asi a r4 lunch was senved on the same floor. Aitogeteer it was a mem- arable occasion for tee teree who lied tee opportunity o! ettending teis event. CELFERATEB BIRTHDAY wild sont a roaring. cynial sang.t it scemcd ta Jane. She wented ta sav ta Bob. "But I've elways been ha ppv in mv little bouse with Belly and Philomel. and the chickens andt the cats." But of course Bob couldt sav. "Yau're nat happy naw. and anvhaw what are you gqing te do about Judy ?" She had sooken et lest 'with an ef- i f ort. "1,11 teli hlm ta caine averc after dinner. We can ride' for at bit."1 ",Wliv net stay here? I'11 be et thet hospital1. And the storm iý prcttv bad." She hed looked out of the window. "There's no snaw. Just the wind. And I feel-stifled." It wes then that sbe had called un Towne. "I cen't dine with Yeu... Judv is desperately ill... The houseworkcr had prenared e deliciaus dinner. but Jane ate noth- inz. Bob's eppetite. an the ather hand. was gzood. He apologized for it. "I went without lunch. 1 was se worried." The bell rangf. Jane goinz ta the door. found herself sliekingz with cx- citement. Frederick came in and taok bath of ber hands in bis. "I'm ternibly sorrv about the sister. Is there any- thingz I cen do?" She sliook ber heed. She could bardlv speak. "I thought' if vou wouidn't mmnd. we'd go for e ride. And we cen talk." "Good. Get yaur wraps." He re- lcased lier hands. and she went inta the other roam. As sbe Iooked into the mirrar she saw thet lier cheeks were criteson. She brouglit out ber coat and lie beld it for lier. "«Is this werm enouoeh? You oufflit ta heve e fur coat." "Oh. 1 shall be werm," she said. As lie Preceded ber down the stairs. Towne turned and looked up ~at ber. "You are weering my rase,"1 bie told lier. ardently; "yau are like a rase vourseif." She would net have been e women if she li e lt liked bis admiration. And lie was strqngz and adoring eand distinéuislied. She lied a sense of almost hiappy excitement as lie liftcd ber inta the cer. "Where shaîl we drive ?" lie esked. "Alonz the lake. I love it an a 'niglit like this." The moon wes siling higli in a rack of clouds. As they came ta the lake tie-waves writbed like mad sea-monsters in gzold and white and black. "OJane," Frederick askrd saftly, "whet made vota wear-my rase? She st verv still beside him. "Mr. Towne." she seid et last. "tell me liaw mucl-vou lave me."' He irave a start of surprise. Thenj lie turned towards lier eand took lier liend in his. "Let me tell vou this 1 there neyer was a deerer waman. Evervthing tliat 1 have, ail thet I am. is vaurs if vou will have it. There wes e fine diRnity in bis avowal. She liked him mare than ever. "Do vau love me enouli" - she hurried over ie worda. "ta hld me?" "Yes." He drew lier gmtlv ta- wards him. There wes no struggile. She lay puietlv against bis arm. but lie was aware that slie trembled. «Mr. Towne. Judy must hiav~e a zreet soecialist iit awav. It"s. ler onlv chance. If yau will send for bim tconiit. mnake vourself resnan- sible for - everythinr - l'I marrv vo-, wlenever vou say." Me tered down et lier. unbeliev- inrw. "Do vau meen it, Jane ?" "lYes. Oh. do you think I am dreadful ?" He laiiehed exultantlv. rauvlit lion in ta hm. "Dreedful? You're the den rest-ever. Jane.'1 Yet as lie feit ber fluttering lieart. IORONO TEACHER Miss Meeda WllUms Who this week returns ta Orano Continuation Schoal fan e second year as a valuabie staff member. In lier home town, Newmarket, tee above pictune was published la The Ena, one o! Canada's in- fluentiai newspepems, witl thee foliowing caption: "A graduete of Newmanket higli school and thee University o! Toronto, Miss Meede Williams, deugliten o! Norman Williams, Newmarket, r e t u r n s next week ta Onono for lier sec- ond ycar as a member o! tee staff teere." TownshipCouncil CLARKE COUNCIL Cake Couadil met Tuesdayi with al members present. c Minutes were read and tei cicnk was instructed ta add ta tee resolution ne affidavit ne kil-1 tag o! slieep by dogs tee words1 "and cattle."1 Owing ta tee change unden thee municipal board departmnent de-2 manding tee clerk's returns Sept. 30, tee clerk was instructed ta have C. F. Awde have tex billsi printed by teet tirne.1 Ia the aaswering o! communi-i cations fnom tee Veterens' Asso-1 ciation tee clerk was instructedi ta pay bis up ta $15 inciudiag printing. W. J. Riddell addressed can- cil on belialf o! Police Trustees askuag for necansidenetion in mat- ter o! calcium cliloride. No ac- tion was taken. The Reeve and Coundil, after discussing tee metter o! painting part o! tee outside o! tee hall,'ta- structed tee clenk ta secure nec- essary matenials and to have W. Carlton ta commence wonk et once. Moved by Patton, seconded by ILuag, teat council wite police trustees give joint permission ta Durhamn Central Agric. Society ta polie Park St. and Centre St. fromn Highway 35 ta the fair grounds on Sept. 19 and 20, 1939, for tee purpose o! negulating trafice on f air day. C. F. Awde will continue ta collect taxes until Oct. 3, 1939. Horticultural Society was given tee usuel grant o! $15. Tliese bis wene ordered paid: Horticultural Society ----- $ 15.00 Orono Times---------------- 14.50 Dr. C. E. Wilson, B.O.H. - 9.00 Insulin B.O.H----------------- 73 Mrs. J. Clydeadale, relief- 15.12 J. Lyail Lowvery, equal- ization o! school secti'ns 15.00 Oea. Richards, edjustment ta dlock -------------------- 5.50 R. H-. Wood, cane of hall. 10.75 E. L. MacNaclitan, 50% maintenance R. Ellis --- .88 W. E. Davey, B.O.H-------- 4.50 Mis. E. J.- Randali, R vs F 40.00 C. G. Armstrong, relief -- 6.00 Deen's Bakery, relief --- 9.36 C. G. Armstrong, relief 20.70 C. H. Froste, relief------ 32.80 T. J. Cornish, nelief!------ 16.00 W. C. Lene, relief ---------- 21.16 Bawmanville Legion, Dnumheed service ---- 9.00 Road Vouchern------------2107.38 Cauncil adjounned ta meet on October 3nd. "«It is difficulties whici give birte ta miracles." - Rcv. Dr. Sharpe. "Tie great difficuity lies in ig- norance o! what God is."-Mary Baker Eddy. "Difficulties strengtien thee mind, as well as labor doa thee body."-Seneca. Sixth Uine Picnic At Orono Park Is Glorious Event The intermittent showers o! nain did not dampen tee happy spirits of residents and former residents of the Sixth Line dis- trict Monday wlien they gatliered to the number of about one hun- dred for their annual get-together in Orono Park. A real good time in sparts and bail and friendly chat made the afternaon pass al tao quickiy. A deliciaus and bounteous ne- past was served and, aithougli the tables had ta be cieared quickiy immediately after al liad been satisfied because of a sudden downpour of rein, no one had ta miss their supper. These afficers were appainted: President, Albert Morton, Sixte Line; Secretar y,. Miss K. Stewart, Sixth Line; Treasurer, Anson Gil- roy, Sixth Line. Next gathering will be Juiy ist. Guests were present from Pet- erboro, Hanmony, Bowmanviiie, Oshawa, and Toronto, besides those from Sixth Line and Orono, and ail pronounced tee afternoon a decided success. Obituary James Crulckshank, Pontypool Whfen Timmie Cruickshank went ta answer the lest "Rail Cali" on Tuesdey- marning. Aug. 29th, the Villaizè of Pontypool lost anc of the f inest citizen of its history. Born in Elgin, Scotiand. on Aug. 26th, 1891. lie was educated and later leerned the bakingz trade in bis home town. Enlistinst in the A.S.C. et the out- break of wer ip 1914.,lic served first in Egvt. thenin Salonjka. where lie contrected malaria. After 9 montlis in liosoital et Malta,.lie was invelid- ed home and sent ta Oswe5tnv. Wales. lainni up with Liverpool Scattîsli. he served till after the Armistice. in Ireland. Uoon reccipt of lis discliarge lie returned ta Elgin (Scotland) and airain resumed bis baking trade. He came ta Canada in 1924 an a British Harvesters' Excursion. Re- turnina f rom bis western triplie baked for a vear in Toronto. then i oined Richardson Bras. of Pantv- oal and was in their emulqv. stead- ilv tilI bis illness forced hlm ta <quit work ini May. 1936. In 1927 lie broualit bis wif e and son Ian. ta Pontypool. sice then another son Denis. and a daugliter lune have been added ta this cliarm- ingr femily. Tbev now left ta moura e splendid busband and lovinv father. For limmie lied but anc aim in life. ta provide the bcst for hiî loved ones. He aiwavs advocated equal riglits ta ail men. witli special privilegzes ta none and lied e tolerant viewoaint taward bis fellowmen. Honourable in ail bis deelinzs. lie scarned mean and despicable actions. His modestv. reserve and gzenerosity as wcll as other sterlingr qualities were wcll appreciated et bis dcatli hv the manv floral tributes and largelv attcndcd funeral service. Myvigerden of "Friendsbip Flow- ers" is full of the comman or grarden venietv. but Jimmie's friendsbip was lîke a rare orchid. priceless in camn- Darisan. A beautiful cberished bloom. With medais egzleam ou their breasts. veterans assisted li the f un- eral service ta a g-allant comrade. an autstanding citizen. a fine,. dean bonourabie gentlemen, e iavinw bus- band and father. He was buried Sept lst in Mc- Crca's Cemeterv. tlirec tbousend miles from bis belovcd land a' the licather. He wa§ anc of Scotland's best. I souglit, anc time, tee Land o! Smilcs, Wliene people all wenc gay, Wlierc no anc knew o! woe or cane, Where happy children play; I souglit in city cnowded ments, I souglit in small town's street, But not a amile onrlhappy face Was tene my searcli ta greet. I souglit ia homes whene kind folks dwçll, I teauglit it miglit be thee, But none lied heerd o! sucli a place, Thene faces sliowed deep cane; Thea la tee country aext I souglit, To ask o!fermera meek, But none hed knawn that wonden land, A few wite joy did speek. When evcniag came, I, weary, worn, Had travclled fruitless miles, My sorrow made me lose aIl hope To find tee Land o! Smiles; Then I belield an aId gray ma, Mis beard was long and white, Mis face was wneateed wite anc aweet amile, Hta cyca wene young and bniglit. I said: "Kind air, pleese tell me wliene I'1l find tee Land o! Smiles." He turned on me tee kindeat face I've seen in many whiles; "The Land o! Smiies yon'll neyer !iad By scarching eat or west, Non will you find it aorte on soute, It lies no bidtag place. "The Land o! SaI es - an laward state, It lias no ontward part, It's bound ail 'roundwlte cords o! love, And lies, sir, in your licant."' -RALPH GORDON. 628 Crawford, St., Toronto. Clarke Union Our school ne-opened Tuesday wite Miss Clarke, Bowmanville, in charge. Miss Clarke took a course in Music at Toronto during the hoiidays. Miss Eileen Souci lias returned to lier school at Harmony. Mr, Vernon Saunders and Miss Orr, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Saunders. Mrs. Wilfred Sherwin enter- tained a number of her fniends ta tea one evening. Miss Ada Hollingwontli spent the weekend at her home at Clarke churcli. Mr. Clarke, we are sorry ta re- part, is one o! tee men who was laid off at the Orono Forestry. Mn. James Nixon's stables are neaning completion. He is now building a silo. Brown7s We wisli Mn. Lloyd Stephenson tee best o! iuck tanlita ventute la tee miliing and feed business. The children o! tee section are off ta school agein and Miss E. Simpson back in aur midst. Dan't fonget Home and School Club on Sept. 12. Trustees o! tee school have lied tee schoal decorated on tein- side. Visitons: Mr. and Mns. R. Grahamn wite Mr. and Mms. Willis Farrow, Port Granby. Mn. and Mm. Wm. Davey, Ver- ana, wite Mr. and Mm. R. Brandi. Miss June Brown, Tweed, et home. Masters Lloyd Bone and Jack McKay with Mr. and Mm. Wal- ten .Farrow. Mm. Gea. Law wite Mrs. H. Reiclireth. Miss Bessie Law et home. Mn. Richard Roley in Toronto. Miss Hazel Brown wite Mns. B. Banc, Tononto. Cowanville Visitons: Mr. and Mms. Frank Ogden and Onin, Campbellcraft, et Mr. Clias. McNeil's.. . Mr. and Mns. Howard Cook and Leure, Hamiilton, wite Mi. and Mis. A. T. Perrn. .. Mi. and Mis. J. A. Main and deugliters wite Mi. and Mrs. W. A. Reid. .. Miss Eileea Burgess wite Mr. and Mis. J. J. W. Stringen. . . Mn. and Mis. Clias. Cowan and Veinie wite Mn. and Mis. Lanson Mihison, New- tonville. .. Mi. and Mms. Bensoa Bebee and Mms. L. D. Bebee, Monisi, witli tee Gea. -Hender- san's.. . Miss Manian Bruce, New- tonville, wite Miss Addie Ml- son. . . Mr. and Mms. J. J. W. Strtager eccompenied Mr~4. Milton Edwads o! Larder Lake ta Mer- man last week. Our pastar/is back from lits va- cation. A congregetional meeting wmll be held on Tliunsday aiglit ta discuss tee aaniversay services, aiso a speciel service on Septem- ber 17th. Newtonville Scliool ne-opened Tuesday wite Mr. Laurence Savcny as teaclien aga. Mn. and Mms. Gibson, Cobourg, have moved ittaMr. Frak Law's liause. Mi. Gibson ta employed .witi Stewart Bras. on their homse ranci east of tee village, former- iy kaowa as tee Norton place. U. C. Sunday Scliool picnic was licld et Cneem a! Barley Camp August 30te. Good weateer pre- vailed, and as Cnooked Creek S.S. united wite us tene was a splen- did geteering. Basebaîl and reces wene induiged la and a bountlfui supper pnovided. Don't forget Rally Sunday et Sundey Scliool Sept. 17. Visitors: Mn. and Mis. Wilbent Lengstaff, Toronto, wite lis moten, Mrs. Mabel Langstaff . Mn. and Mrs. George Sayles, Kirkland Leke, wti lien mothen, Mns. Hoskin. Mns. Hoskin, Roberta, Eiwin and Rene and Mn. Ivisan Tamb- lyn witli fnienda in Niagara and Buffalo. Mns. Alfred Thompsan and. son William, Cicago, witli Miss Ber- the Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. George Thampson. Mr. and Mis. W. C. Lene.,wite friendsinl Prince Edwad Connty. Mn. and Mns. Chas. Cowen and Velma, Cawanville, wite Mr. and Mrs. Lanson Milison. Mn. and Mns. George Smith,. Starkville, Mr. Robt. Martia, Lake Shore, with Mr. aad Mrs. Geoyge J. Stapletan. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Randail, Oshawa, with Mrs. H. Randeil. Misses Annie and Helen Ander- son in Toronto. Misses Sybil aad Mildred Hos- kmn with Mns. Flood, Garden mil. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smnith, Windsor, witli Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred McKay. Mrs. B. A. Elliott witli ler sis- ter, Mrs. Watson, Paris, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moase, Seagrave, and MIrs. Moase Sr., Little Britain, witli Mrs. G. W. Jones. Masters Elwood and George Moore, Castietali, witli their sis- ter, Mrs. Jas. Stark. Masters Delbert and Melville Merrili and parents, Mr. and Mns. Alec Merrill, Warkwoerth, witli Mr. and Mrs. Wiilis Jones.. Mr. Neil Dow, Toronto, a for- mer resident of Newtonville, cail- ed on Mr. S. R. Jones. Mr. Jones is the oniy resident ieft who was living here when Mr. Dow did 65 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Payne, To- ronto, with Mms. Wm. Smith. Mr. aad Mrs. Douglas McLacli- ian and son, Fort William, witli Rev. and Mrs. MeLachlan. Mr. J. T. Pearce, CarIeton' Place, at home. Starkville Mr. Raymond Farrow lias gone ta lis first scliool a t Wesieyville. Mr. and Mm. Warren Carson and family and lia uacle, Mn. Ambrose Findilay, Fort William, visited fniendsintaPetenhono. Miss Bellegi, Ripley, N.Y., dau- gliter a! Mr. Bert Ballagli, visited friends here. Mr. Roy McKey, West of To- ronto, vlsîted lis brother, Arthur McKay. Mn. Thos. Falis was up t te Ex. end pnonouaoes it a gaod fair. Mn. and Mrs. Sid Hailoweil, Mm. Lew Haflowell and Mr. S. G. Hallawell atteaded te Exhi- bition. Mn. and Mis. Stan Falls and family have neturaed ta teeir home alter liolidaytag et lis fa- teers, Mn. Thos. Falls. Mn. and Mm. Jas. Stark, Orono, visited lis sisten, Mm. John Mc- Kay. Mn. Rob. Farrow, Port Hope, visited Mns. Clysdale. Mm. Silven's stater from te city visited lier. Mm. Raipli Bdhgenaend sons visited friends in Newcastle. Mn. and Mm. Geo. Smith visit- cd et Mr. Geo. Stapletan's. Mn. and Mms. Alia Martin o! Brigliton called on Mm. John Mc- Kay. Mn. Reg. Boulton. Newtanviile, visited Mr. Danay Shutke. Mn. Gea. Etwell have moved tato teîn new home. Mrs. Gea. Plum. end son Char- les, Toronto, Mms. Oea. Morton, Orono, Mi. and Mns. Harold Bar- rowclougli, Wesleyviilc, and Mn. Wilfred McKey, Newtonviile, vis- ited Mis., John McKay. Miss Mamaon Farrow lias retun- ed to tee city. Mr. Raymiond Farrow and sis- ters motored ta Jeckson's Point. Mm. S. G. Hailowell and Miss Norme HalloweU eajoyed a mQtor trip to Midland. Mr. Ire Thompsoa lias been in teta neiglibonliood buying: stock. Mr. and Airs. Arthur Duan end sans enjoyed a trip ta Peterboro. Miss Beuleh Hailowell lias ne- tunned to lier duties as teacher in Toronto. Mn. Calvin Duna lias netunned té Ornoata continue school. Mi. Erwin Farrow lias sold lis farm toa eUkrainien !amily and ta moving tata Mm. Wm. Cowaa's house. Mr.ý and Mns. Harry Tebble, Newcastle, visited Mi. and Mms. Howard Farrow. Mn. Lavera Farrow taok tate Ex. an Tuesday. Shiloli W. A. wene guests o! Newtonville W. A. on Tuesday. Rev. McLaclln pneaclicd a fine sermon ta Shilali oa Suaday hast and prayed earnestly for pence. Mis subject next Sunday monng will be on "Flowers." Let's ail attend churcli et 10 a.m. tels Sun- day. Miss Gwen Gilxner ta visiting in Midland. "Difficulties, by . braclag te mind ta overcome tem, assis checrfulness, as exercise assias dlgestion."ý-Bovee. "Difficulties are God's crends; 1end wlien we are sent upon tem. 1wc sliould esteem it a proof of God's confidence - as a compli- ment from God."ý-Béecher. JOIN THE STAMP CLUB I SFor lin centsaenddtelabel end, ehowlng thse tepot trade- Mast, ho. sny picet of SALAI5A TEA we wiIi muid you a Bglns'mC~ut c f i1 -64 :pa nipAlbum. 2-100 cildU...latmps. 3--f ilt c i o fsam icampe oflsred mr nexiuge foi SALADA labels. SAL-AD^ STAMIP CLUB - 461 Kinglit.W, Toronto Oscar Scott Orono wlia on Sunay, Sept. lOte, will celebrete lis 87te birtedey. Mn. Scott 'Lint fair icalte, still enjays a stroîl wlien weate permits and takes considereble pride tnae fine garden. ORONO W.M.S. Thc teeme o! tee W.M.S. meet- ing whici took place Tnesday altennoon was "Thc God o! al teecarte." Miss Davy gave a brie! account a! tee meeting o! W.M.S. presideats held et Mns. Wegar's, Bowmanviile. It was de- cided ta accept tee Kirby W.M.S. invitation ta visit tenend sup- ply tee pnogram next Wedaesdey. Mrs. S. Littlewood read tee scrip- turceand Miss Stella Best favored wite a vocal solo wite Mis. R. Smith et tee piano. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. Margaret Cruickshank, ta- gcether witli sons Ian arnd Denis. and daugliter June. desine ta tliank thase manv frinds. who bave becn of val- uabiclido )dunina lier lete liusbanl's illness over e peniod of tlirceg yars. and wbo agein on Sept. lst came forward 50 kin 'diy witli SQ aanv floral tributes and expressions af svmopathv et tlieir *loss. be released lier gently. ' Mer eves werc f ull of teers. Me toucli ed lier wct clieek. "Don't let me f nii'ten yau. my dean. But I ame venv hep- She believed berself liappy. Me wes neeliy - inresistible. A canquen- or. Yet elways witli that toucli of deference. "Do You lave me, Jane?" "But you will. IIl make you lave me." Tben iust before tbey reeclied home lie asked for the rose. Shc gave it ta him. al fading fragrance. Me touclied it ta lier lips tlien crushed it egzainst bis owii, "Must I be content with this ?" Mer quick breetli tald ber agita- tion. Me drew lier ta hitn, gently. "Camne. mv sweet." Oh. maney. money. Jane learned that niglit tlie power of it i Cominaz in witli Fredenick from that wild moonliglited world. flushed witli excitement. liardly knowing this new Jane. she sew Bob trans- fonmed in e moment f rom hagard bopelessness ta wildelation. Fnederick Towne lied madc a site- oIe statement. "Jane lins told me how seriaus thinga. are, Heniing. I want ta bel»." Then lielied esked for the sungeon's neme; spoken et once of a change of rooms for Judy; incneesed attendence. Thene was mucli teleolioning and telegraphing. An atteosohere of cf ficiency. latte, lookinz an. wes f illed wilh admira- tion. Mow wellihe did things. And same day lie would beclier husband 1 (Continued next week) 12

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