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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Sep 1939, p. 3

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THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7TH, 1939 PAGE THREE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TRIP THROUGH WESTERN CANADA By Leola Miler Vadbuver - While I'm waiting cause the hilis are toa steep ta for the kettie ta bail I'il jat dawn get up and down easily ..and a few mare impressians... ane girl in particular is having The Trail Ride trip was, far an awful tirne getting used ta it. me, a wonderful success. Made The flowers are gargeous, and I dozens of friends while an the keep thinking its Christmas when trail, and many mare since an I see so much Hally. And swim- the lesser trips we taok. Using ming in thue sait water was as Lake Louise as a base, we motar- great a thrill as I had haped.. ed more than 300 miles - Jasper I went up the caast ta Squarnish highway as f ar as we cauld go, on Sunday, and ashore at Bawen Johnson Canyon, Yaha Valley, Island on a circle tour via Har- Banff for lunch, and back ta Lake shae Bay i. . . went swimming Louise in Urne to catch the C.P.R. there taa. Have been driving al train for the Coast. aver the city - Stanley Park, I'm findmng some af that west- Universtiy Graunds, Spanish ern hospitality that I've heard s0 Banks, Lulu Iqland, Trans-Canada much about. Amn travelling with Air Base, and Paint Grey ta see a girl I met an the Trail Ride, the delta of the Fraser River, be- and carne right ta her raom' sides miles and miles af other large fireplace, sunporch, etc. She sightseeiiig. ia off ta a West Vancouver cottage Arn planning ta go over ta for the day, sa I'm daing the light Victoria on the Princess Marguer- housekeeping; which accaunts for ite and stay aIl day at Squadron the mention af the kettle boiling. Leader Roy Slernan's and Mar- Vancouver is the tops. Every- ian's home. Then by bus and one stroîls, everyone goes down ferry on a four-haur taur pver ta the beach, or shopping, in what is listed as the Malabat slacks and shorts and beach sboes. Drive, on Vancouver Island; but It's nothing ta see bathing suits I'11 have ta write later about that. on ail sîde streets; tbaugh I Leala. havenIt actually seen one down town. .. Many drive those little Austin cars, and everyone obeys . ydon the traffic signais. You neyer canH y mid a cap or a pay phone, but someone always directs you. Yau Recent Visitors: climb on the back end of an Mr. and Mrs. 0. Kitchingz and apology for a street car - that family. Midland, Mr. and Mrs. W. is, after you have rissed one or Kilburg and famnily, Oshawa, with two . . . or maybe three, before Mr a d Mrs. C. rsmn you remember that tbey are aI-_ Croadssn.Wii n ways crowded. 1- Ms. i iî Sandrson. Srnd Nabody wears high beels, b e fmil. Jntil.wt .Sn Mr. and Mrs. H. McCombe and family, Toronto. Mr. Harold Wilson, I ~ ~ Burketon. at Mrs. E. Mountjoy's. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert and Velma. Enniskilleni. at Mr. M. Sie- mont s. Mrs. K. Gaudin, Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Aude, To- OSHAWA ronto. with Mr. and Mrs. T. Mount- Free Parking Phone 1011 M Mr. Jonh Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Campbell, Mrs. Norman Hall. Clinton and Beryl. Oshawa, Mrs. W. Thurs. - Fr1. - Sut. Grif fin. Enniskillen, Mrs. Tohn Tabb, SEPT. 7 - 9 Mr. Geo. Tabb. Miss Irene CowlinR with Mrs. D. Graham.. Thic Adventure That Thrilllcd Mrs. Jas. Kennedy, Islington, has The World returned home after visitinR Mr. and SPENCER TRACY Mrs. H. Ashton. lu Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hunter and family. Toronto, with Mr1. and Mrs. 'Stanley& Livingstone' A. ed Mr. and Mrs. Ross Richards, with Bowmanville. with Mr. A. Beech. Richard Greene - Nancy KeUy Mr. and M4rs. Fred Ashton and Added - Color Cartoon familv. Miss Viola Bradley, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Bradle.y. Miss Barnyard Eggcltement. Freda Bradley accompanied them back to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cooper, To- REVIVAL ronto. with Mrs. S. Trewin. Mr. Wm. Bell. Toronto, at Mr. W. 'Fiùmday at 10.45 p.m. Thompson's. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Ashton,Mr 'My LDcky Star' and Mrs. Henry Ashton. and family. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Ashton and Starring Barbara. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Locke, - SONJA RENIE - Port Hope. with Mr. and Mrs. Les- RICHARD GREENE lie Graham. Mr. Geo. Riggjs and Mrs. E. Or- miston motored ta Haliburton. Alter Mon. - Tues. - Wed . retrnin Mrs. S. Trewin accom- SEPT. il - 13 Mrs. Earl Stephenson and Vaughn attended the Randle-Adams weddinz 'The Star Maker' nMrdaW. Topsnwith relatives Starring in Toronto. Bing Crosby - Louise CampbeU Mrs. E. Bradley and Mrs. M. Greenwood with Mr. and Mns. Fred Ned Sparks and 99 Kida Ashton. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. M. Hobbs and Joan with Mr. and Mrs. H. Chantier, Thurs. - Fr1. - Sst. Lindsay. and Mr. and Mrs. Larmon SPIPT. 14 - 16 Mr. and Mrs. W. Bridgett and GARY OOPERPauline with Mr. and Mrs. Jim GARY OOPERAshton. Columbus. hIthe. New Mr. John Gilbank with Mr. Elgin Taylor. Satina. ' Beau Geste' Mr. Elmer Slemon in Toronto. Miss Jean Crossman with rela.tives with in Oshawa. -RAY MILLAND- Mr. Ross Ashton with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Brownlee, Leaside. ROBERT PRESTON. Mrs. Richard Siemon with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert. Etnniskil- _____________________________len. Mr. Paul Stephens, Miss Ursul McNeil. Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. T. Cowling, Miss Eileen Cowling and Mr. Paul Cymbroski in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cowling and iFred. Jr.. Blacjçstock, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hockin and Marie, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hepburn and famiily, Brooklin,1 with Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeil. 1 Conzratulations ta Mr. and Mrs.c Alfred Randle (nee Pearlie Adams)~ on their marrnage.à Several f rom here attended the1 "Council Standardm Harvest Home at Tyrone and the RIB-ROLL or Canadian National Exhibition. To-i ronto. Tite-Lap Roofflng The Rainbow Girls' Class met at I in bcing widely Mrs. Henrv Ashiton's. The devotional1 used for hou"ea was ziven by Mrs. Ashton, a musical1 It 1 P-muOnt, number bv Audrey Thompson and a fireproof, weather. reading bv Winnie Trewin. The re- proof- rcquires mainder of the eveninzwqws .e.ent Mininum UPICOOP. doiniz fancv-work. Lunch was serv- Write for our 80w kee cd. book. "11om.TTopa We will miss Mrs. Fred Adams f rom our community. havinz movedi ta Hampton.1 Our school oaened this werk with1 twa bezinners. W.A. meets next week at Mrs. C. -Crossman's. DRY CLEANING THAT SATISFIES COATS DRESSES SUITS 75c each or 2 for $1.00 White Flannels At Regular Price Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co. Ltd. Phone 419 We Cali For and Deliver GOODYEARITES IN THE LIMELIGHT 25 YEARS' SERVICE WITH GOODYEAR Chris Robinsan ai the Goodyear Ca. rccentiy during bis twenty-fivc years completed bis 25 years ai service there. The above picture shows and was prcsented witb a dia- Mr. A. M. Hardy, Superintendent, mond service pin and 250 silver prescnting bim witb the silver dollars. Chris takes care af the dollars and Mr. M. A. Neai, Di- gas bouse and cernent mixers, visional Foreman, putting on bis number ai different departments "CHRIS" GOES FISHING J> FIVE YEARS' SERVICE C. M. Cole familiarly knawn as "IChris", Manager ai the Factory Account- ing Department af the local Goodyear plant, took a cottage at Frayers an Lake Scugog for a month and had some luck fisbing tiuring bis vacation. Cbris is shown bere holding a 7-paund muskelange he caugbt and land- cd aiter fifteen or twenty min- utes ai blooti-pressure activity. No wonder he says, "There are still iisb in old Lake Scugag," and as you dan by the broad smile, la ready ta vauch for it. 25 YEARS' SERVICE Frank Hennings We sec by the Wingfoot Clan fluat Frank Hcnnings, formerly af this tawn, bas comeleted 25 years' service with the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company in New Toronto. He was prcsented witb bis pin and a cheque for $250, July 18th. Frank started in the Bowman- ville plant, spending two or tbnee weeks with Bob inilay steam f it- ting and then was maved ta the aid second cure. The production was then 40 or 50 tires per day. When he was presented wiflu bis pin, it was suggested that it madie a nice ring. Frank remark- cd that bis 5, 10 and 15 year pins were mati nto rings for bis tbre daugbters whilc bis son was gaing ta have a ring oui ai the 20 yearj pin. The 25 year pin he wouiti keep for bimself, agrccing that be did icel there was considerable sentiment attachedti t it anti he appreciateti wbat the pin stooti for. He thanketi those wha present- cd him with the gits, anti the campany ion the consideration thcy bad given bim during bis long years ai cannectian witb tbem. Lockhart:s School School openeti Tuestiay morning with 20 pupits in attendance. but it was expecteti that tbis number woulti lie increaseti turiniz the Xvrek by some new residénts in the section. Mn. anti Mrs. Art BaIl anti famiiy have moveti inta Russell Oshorne's bouse. recentiy vacateti by Mn. anti Mrs. William Blake. Mn. anti Mrs. Fred Douglas anti famiiy. Oshawa. visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. Cecil Maiiey. dMm. Carman Patton spent the weekenti with Mr. anti Mns. Pency Patton. Mr. anti Mrs. W. Brunt anti fam- iiy visiteti Mn. anti Mns. Ellsworth Cansweii. Zion. Miss Bessie Blackburn visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. Howard Foiey, Mapie Grave. Congratulations of the section anc extendedti taMn. anti Mrs. Etiwanti Barcharti whose mamiage took place Sept. 2nd. Foliowing a trip ta To- onta. Mr. anti Mrs. Banchanti have Stewart Youug Stewart Young bas cornpleted five ycars' service with the Good- year Tire and Rubbcr, Company plant here. He was born at Tren- ton, but lias lived in Bowmanviile for sorne Urne. He bas had experi- ence with several rubber camp- anies, some American as wcIl as Canadian. Getting away from shop, he la a busy man .in bis garden where yau may fid almost every var- iety ai vegetable listcd in a seed catalogue, and af course a gener- aus potato patcb. He bas been operating autos since 1916, and bas always been able ta kccp them in running or- der bimself, and not get stopped on the road. In wmnter be takes ta the taâs tinubers in search ai fox and lie bas been quite succcssi. CARNET RICHARDS EMPLOYED 25 YEARS .WITH, GOODYEAR We sec by the Wingfaot Clan that. Garnet Richards bas dam- plcted twenty-iive years' service witb the Goodyear Ca., now being emplayed in the, New Toronto plant. Garnet started at the Bowman- ville brancb whcn he was filteen years ai age, working bere about four years, wben the new factony was started in New Toronto. He moveti there and bas been wonk- ing there ever since. When he startcd in the Bowmanvîlle plant be began reeling rags, an opena- tion wbicb bas been discontinueti for same years, but in those eanly days a very important one, as bath tires and tubes werc wrap- ped when cureti. This was a job wbicb always gave boys a stant with the company and quite a number ai the aid ernployees also started on this aperatian. Later Garnet treaded tires and was anc af fthe speed mcrcbants an tbis job. He then jained the Flying Squadron but neyer grati- uated, as this department was tempararily discantinued for a whilc. During the last 10 yeans be bas been in the Repair Depant- ment. He married Lenore Atiair, a Toronto girl, and they have anc daugbter, Joan, 10 years aid. Gar- net's parents, Mn. and Mrs. Alfreti Richards, are stlll living, resitiing an a iarm near Enniskillen. He has four brathers, George anti Leanard ai town, Lloyd ai Salem, and Raiph ai Haytion. One sistcn, Hiltia, lives at Maple Grave. Stncngtb is natural, but grace is thue grawth ai habit. This cbanming quaiity requires prac- tice if it is ta become lasting.- Joubert. taken up resitience in this section. Mn. anti Mrs. Ogden. Oshawa.I visiteti Mn. anti Mns. Eti. Dean on' Sunday. Mn. anti Mns. Shetiin and son, Buffalo. have neturneti home alter so)endingz twa weeks with thein aunt, Mes. Eti. Dean. Mr. anti Mrs. Haroldi Dean are awav an holitisys. Exhibition visitons tiuring the past weck have been Mn. anti Mrs. Cecil Maiiev anti famiiy. Mr. Russell Os- borne. Betty anti Matieline; Miss Ruby Gibson anti Master Jack Gib- son. Miss Patsy Fenton, Mns. F. W. Bowen anti Miss Mary Bowen..Mn. Roy Patton anti Mr. Wiibur Black- burn. When a man is in lave he gi wben a waman la in lave she gives. The stain ai lufe is scliishn The antidate is publia spirit. against the beart.-Mllc. dtic tei. ,ives, i on- ness. Scu- Ebenezer Services on Sunday were conduct- ed bv a revresentative of the Tem- Perance Federation. Rçv. W. C. Smith. pastor. wili have charge next Sundav and Sunday Schooi wili re- turn ta the usuai session ini the afternoon. Courtice Mission Circle staged a missionarv pageant entitled "An enchantiniz VisidrW" at the O.L.C.. Whitby. on Wednesday evening un- der the School for Leadership. Those takinz Part were: "Canada:"' Mrs. Lloyd Courtice; "A frica," Miss Ann Wilkins; "India," Miss Mary Wil- kins: "Trinidad," Miss Edvtjue Bai- soli: ".Tap)an." Miss Mary Rîznak; "China." M4-ss Evelyn Wade; "Kor- ca." Miss Madeline Toolev. W.M.S. wili meet Sept. l4th with zroup i in charge. The Baby Band will bc guests. Mrs. K. E. Courtice and Mrs. Frank Worden are visiting rlatives at Edam. Sask. Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Woifraim and famiiv. Lindsay. were Labor Day zuests at Mr. Ross Pearce's. Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Washington and Anna. Sault Ste. Marie. were zuests with Mr. and Mrs. A. 1. Gay. Best wishes are extended ta Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Osborne. who hlave returned to Cameron Falls. Gardon ta resume duties on the teaching staff. Svmp)athy f rom her niapy friends here is extended ta aur teacher. MissJ Alice Arnold. whose father passed at Broolin last week. Mrs. Louise Welch, East Roches- ter. is stayinz with Mrs. Ross Pearce andi also visiting othen Canadian relatives. Masters Marshall and Jack Pîckell ententained their many vouni f riends ta their annual picnic on Saturday before their return ta Detroit. A mast eniovable time was spent by the vounzsters. Mrs. A. J. Oke and Wesley enijoy- eda fleasant visit with relatives in Tononto. andi also attended the Ex- hibition. Miss Beatrice Mountjoy. Kedron, is at the home of Mr. L. J. Courtice. We welcomne her ta aur cammunity. Mr. Ted Rose. who has'been hol- idaviniz at Mn. L. J. Courtice's. bas netunned ta Kirkland Lake. Mn. W. H. NichaIs has disposed ai his farmn andi stock. The new nurchaser ta take possession about the middle of September. Enniskillen Mn. and Mrs. J. H. McKeever, Mn. anti Mrs. Cednic Pansons. Miss Laverne Orchard. Bowmanville. Mr. andi Mrs. Lamne Butson. Hampton. 1Mn. anti Mrs. Milton Stainton, Don- othv and Clarence, Enniskiilen. Mn. anti Mrs. A. C. Onchard. Detroit, Mich.. Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Persan- ette. Sioux Falls. South Dakota, vjsited the latten's brother-in-taw, Mn. Frank Orchard. Mn. anti Mns. Wm. Stainton anti Bennice had a pfleasant trio ta, Mus- koka and Parry. Soundi. Mn. Orvilie Ashton. Mn. and Mrs. I. Traveli anti Beth spent a few davs in Ottawa. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Wenny. Osh- awa. Mn. O. Bvens. Toronto. at Mn. T . A. Wenny's. Mns. Wm. Trewin, Haydon. Mns. K. Gaudin. Toronto, at Mn. E. C. Ashton's. Mn. and Mns. P. McGiii and Don- nie have been holidayinz at Mn. J. McGill's. Mrs. Mary Gnif fin. who has been home fan a nest. has again taken up ber work anti is nunsinz near Cour- tice. Miss Olza Sandenson at Mn. A. Harris'. Onono. Mn. and Mns. Wm. Wrizht visited Mn. R. Wrigzht's. Tynone. anti at- tendeti Tvnone Harvest Homne ser- vices. Mns. K. Gaudin, Tononto, with Miss Eva Souch. Mn. S. H. Annis. Detroit,. with Mr. H. Annis. Mn. and Mns. E. Mitchell. Mn. anti Mns. John Finney with Mns. Bovd. Mn. and Mrs. M. Heard andi Elgzin with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Hoskin. Tvrone. Mn. and Mns. E. G. Coates. St. Cloudi. Flonitia, Mn. akut Mns. R. Parker. Cobourg. Mr. andi Mrs. Gil- bert Burizmaster. Mrs. Ravmond Burizmasten. Mm s. Stanley Aibrighit. Roch.. N. Y.. with Mns. C. Bungz- master. Mr. and Mrs. E. Whittaker. Ham- ittn Mrs. Wm. Chester, Oshawa. Mns. Wm. Whittaker andi Mns. A. Redknapp, Newtonville. at Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick's. A birthday Party in the form of a fowl dinner and supper was held at the home- of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sanderson on Sept. 3rd in honour of the latter's mother. Mrs. Wm. Oke. The foliowing guests were nresent: Mr. L. Harris, Miss Inez Morton, Mr. C. Cowan. Miss Mary Harris. Orono; Mr. and Mrs. L,. E. Wrigzht and bahe Gloria. Weddiniz bells are rinzing. About 40 or 50 of our Young People enjoved a Rood time at a corn roast at Mr. E. C. Ashton's farm in Cartwright. Snappy games were en- ioyed under leadership of the Y.P.U. Executive. Messrs Gordon Stevens, Allan Wearn and jack Johnson also entertained with guitar music and accomnanied the Young people wiMo encîrcied a eiowiniz camp fire while sinzing aid favourite songs. A bounti- fuI lunch was served. Zion Misses Eileen Stainton an d Beryl Glaspel taok the C.G.I.T. girls back to Geneva Park for a swim and aiterwards were enter- tained by Mrs. Ross Lee at ber home, Kedron. Work at the cburch is gaing abcad rapidiy. A new furnace bas been installcd. Watcb for date ai rc-opening. Mr. Les Warren bas the roof on Mr. Herb Flintoff's new bouse. Mrs. Ray Cameron, Inez and Bevcrly, bave returned home from Osaca. School' re-opened an Tuesday witb Miss B. Cbapman in charge for another year. Recent Visitars: Mr. and Mrs. Chrîs Chant and iamily at Mr. Reford Cameron's. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leach at Mr. Wm. Westlake's, Solina. Messrs. Ale5c McMaster and Ray Scott, Misses Norma and Beryl Glaspel at Mr. Ralpb Glas- pel's, Tyrone. Mr. Jas. McMaster, Toronto, at Mr. J. W. McMaster's. Mr. and Mrs. Samn French and Faye, Toronto, Mr. John Jacks, Hampton, Mrs. Bert Hewitt and cbildrcn, Oshawa, Mr. Ed. Cramp- ton, Owen Sound, at Mr. Russell Perkins'. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Sonley and Tcddie, Toronto, at Mr. Fred Carneron 's. Miss Berenice Stainton, Mrs. G. Moncrief, Jean and Doris, Peter- bora, at Mr. A. T. Stainton's. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Coverly and Lloyd, Ebenezer, at Mr. Wes. Cameron's. Miss Olga Lang, Toronto, Mrs. W. McKinstry, Miss Snowie Mar- low, Osbawa, at Mr. Alf Ayrc's. Miss Annie Kilien, Oshawa, at Mr. Robt. Killcn's. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Warren, New Leskard, at Mr. Les. War- ren's. Mrs. Warren is staying for a few days. Solina Mr. George Werry witli irienis at Collingwooti. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parniniez and Evelyn at Mr. Chas. Haw- sam's, Port Penny. Mn. A. J. Balson at Mr. Ailan Balson's, Lavant. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ashton, Shaws, at Mr. H. E. Tink's. Mrs. K. A. Gaudin, Toronto, at Mrs. R. J. McKessock's. Mn. and Mns. S. E. Werry, Mn. Wcsley Wenry and Mns. Sam Thompsan at Mn. Sam Brooks', Providence. Mn. and Mrs. H. R. Cation and Miss Velma, Toronto, at Mr. Ern- est Hockatiay's. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Stevens, Mr. anti Mns. R. C. Scott, Mrs. Chas. Scott at Mr. Burney Hooey's, Nestîcton. Mn. anti Mns. John Baker are spentiing this weck in Qucbc whenc Mn. Baker la judging at Sherbrooke Fair. Miss Marguerite Wright anti Mn. Bcn Southam, St. Catharines, Mn. anti Mrs. John Bradford, Mn. and Mrs. Frank McGill and Don- ald, Miss Doris Grooms and Mr. Jordan Sharpe, Toronto, Mrs. Harvey McGill anti Joyce, Ennis- killen, at Mn. S. E. Werry's. Mn. anti Mrs. Ira Pearce, Bow- manvilie, Mrs. Robt. Armstrong, Maple Grave, Miss Ruth Arm- strong, R.N, Western Hospital, Toronto, at Mr. B. G. Stevens'. Mn. Leanard Blewett, Mrs. AI- mon Blcwett, New Toronto, at Mn. A. J. Balsan's. Mn. Victor Taylor, Mrs. Arthur The Chapel-on-theHill's regu- lar doxology hyrnn, 'God be with yau tilI we meet again' was sung with deep feeling last Sunday, for it was nat only the îast ser- vice ai the season, but the meet- ing was closing early s0 that al rnigbt bear aur Klng's radia cal ta the members of the Common- wealth ta face the perils and dut- les af aur common danger. This final meeting was expressive ai the Cottagers' determination ta carry on tbis simple recognition ai the Lord's Day during thue surn- mer months. Mr. Gage, the newly appoîsuted usher, was promptly on 'hand witb bis regular basket ai ilowers for the speakcr's table; Miss Beryl Pitfield took the or- gan; and Mrs. Nash gave a few words ai appreciatian ai Major and Mrs. Hillier's iaithful work during the summer, bei are she handcd tbem a srnall donation for their activities. Situation Affecte Outlook For Canadian Apples Fruit Buyers Zn Old Country Olffrlng Lowcr Advane Payment Apple grawers ai the Central and Eastern districts are this sea- son facing anc ai their mast try- ing tirnes, it was stated by C. T. Stevenson, senior inspector ai the Fruits and Vegetables branch ai the Dominion Department ai Ag- riculture at Belleville and forrn- eriy ai Wellington. The present international situ- ation bas been directly respans- ible for the threat ai loss ai a major portion ai the apple crop through the district unlcss con- ditions an fthe continent i.rmcd- iately imprave, At was reported. During normal years, it was cx- plained, fruit buyers of thc Old Country througb persanal repre- sentation, or by appainted agent, bave in the past made early pro- vision for sale af the appie crop in Ontario. Usually an advance ai irom twa ta three dollars per barrel bas been authorizcd the growcrs, witb added payment when the crop is sald. This year prices as 10w as ane dollar and anc and anc-half dollars have been offered by the averseas buy- crs and agents as an advance. "The apple gnawer just doesn't know whcre he stands this year. He is faced witb the threat af be- ing unable ta sell bis crop at any prîce, or get riti ai it at prices wbicb won't pay-for the grawing. If be doesn't seli, then be may have ta take the loss; there aren't enougb cold storage places in the country ta hold the apples until things get better," stated Mr. Stevenson. It was estimatcd by the local inspector that Ontarîa's apple crop will be about tbree-quarters ai the normal drap. UKILL A FLY SAVE A LIFE" "KiIi A FIy and Save A Life." May Be An Exaggeratlon, StiU ic FIY Menace ls A Very Ser- lous National Problemt Such outtioor danger spots as manure piles, uncavereti garbage, heaps ai rotting matter, etc., are patentiai breeding places for flics, anti anc such spot may produce flies in millions. Now, since it is cammonly known that tiiarrhoca andi entiritis (whicb are synony- mous with summer tiiarrhoea) bave always been a iirst cause ai tieaths amongst chiltiren in rnany communities, haw important it is Gibbons and Miss Vera Gibbons, Toronto, at Mn. Harry Taylor's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pcdenick anti son. Francis, Niagara Falls, N.Y., at Mn. Jas. Smales'. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Honey anti Miss Ruth, Newcastle, Dr. and Mrs. Morley Honey and Miss Pearline, Richmonti1*1t, Mns. Gea. Stephens, Salem, at Mn. Roy Langmaid's. Mn. Frank Westlake Sr. la stil untier the doctor's care suffering irom an infection in bis foot. Scbool re-apeneti on Wuesday with aur teacher, Mn. Walter Blackburn in charge. Although Mrs. W. H. Carlton, thue faunder and leader of the Carlton S. S. at The Cave (now showing a registration of 75), had, in her opinion, wound up her work for the season, jast week the children would nat h ave it so Some dozen of them rang the bell af the Chapel at the usual hour and waited for their Bible story and hynins. The week before she had given them a fareweil bon- fire on the beach with the usual wieners, marshmailows, and cho- colate milk. Dr. and Mrs. George Snell, To- ronto, and Mr. Douglas Walker with Mrs. James Walker, Lén- don, visited Mr. and Mrs. John H. Fox atChequers at The Cave. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. West ai the St. John's Ambulance Corps, witb their family visited Mrs. W. D. Fox at Cave Cottage. that ail the flies should be exter- minated. The common house fly thrives in the filthiest surround- ings and carnies germa of disease and even death frorn its'feeding Places ta hurnan feeding places. What about your home? Have you done ail that is possible to dlean out or ta control the spots where files are likeîy ta breed? Have you tried ta close ail pos- sible avenues af entrance ta yaur home by screening doars and win- -dows, repairing cracks and caver- ing hales? And inside your home, is aIl expased food anid drink cavered if it so happens that fies do find their way in? In the latter emer- gency, any way, there is a tried and tested remedy -available for getting rid of ail the fies, easily, quickly and ônce-and-for-ail. A few Wilson's Fly Pada placed in convenient spots around the bouse during the fly-danger manths, will give you very thorough pro- tection. Isn't it worth a littie thought and trouble ta take such simple steps ta minixnize the rislc of disease and worse, faced by your children, yaur family and yourself, if fies are ailowed ta multiply? By keeping aur face closed ta- day we shail have no occasion ta offer an apalogy to-morrow. About the best cure for a sweil- ed hcad la a dose of comman- sense. No language can express the power and beauty and heroism of a rnather's love. - Chapin. People who suifer from sleep- ing sickness, may fid an recov- ery that their characters are ad- vcrsely affected by the discase. No LIFEGUARD has ever failed to provide complt. Protection f rom BLOWOUT ACCIDENTS a What would happen if you had a blowout? Wouldj ou crash into o>ncoi2in& tric Would y ou swcrvc into the ditch? or would you reain cpmplete controli of your car like any LifeGuard owncr. The decision is yours. Youx, Goodyear dealer is ready to make your car completely safe from bIowout accidents todayl Nu PRICES ARE SURE TO RISE! Take Advantage of the Low Prices e THE ARCADE STORE Dowmanviile-Om-The-Deach PAGE THREE

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