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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Sep 1939, p. 4

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W~T~ PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE ONTARTO T$flT1~ RSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7TH-, 1M3 Mrà. H4rry- Sp*ggýHJton, vlsited Mr. ea , d M 4rs.den Mrs. Ray nwdn daWhters Hel- et. Mary, Donna and son, Billig of Toronto. bave retunned home. Mr. Vernon Trimble, Port Hope. spent weekend at borne. Misses Neilie, Snowden. Susie Laird and Thelma Freeman have gene to their schools. School opcned here on Tuesday with Mr. Wm. Lycett in. charge and a record attendance. Miss Annabellk Byard, Port Perry, oned Base Lune schôl on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. L Worden visited bis brother. Mr. W. T. Worden on Sunday. Pastor W. C. Smith wili be ini his pulpit on Sunday after a mont's vacation. Congratulations to Miss Nellie Snowden on receiving ber elementary certif icate in vocal mlusic at the summer course in Tononto. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stewart won second Prize in the open contest at VALUES For Thuruday Friday Saturday Bath Towels 39Ç r. f Tou wilU sec the value in these S Towels at a glance. plenty of 1 absorbent nap, and note the generous ise 20 x 40 Inches. 1 Print. Aprons À 2 for 29Ç Better be here early for titis V "'5 Star" Value because they I willi go quickly. Gay tubfastC prints to choose from. ~54TAr" Silk Bloomers h 2 pro for 69 Rere la another «"S Star" Item that wIU4 Jbrng qulck action from thr1âty hopper. A job- bcr's overstock of lunes we L have sold at mueh hlgher prie- es. Tea Rose and White. Sizes SmaUl, Med. and Large. in Flainelette fr Pyjamias t ih 8 Çpr. d ai Cooler nights are here. Get a H pair of these warm Pyjamas M at a distinct savlng. Plain col- C( ored grounds wvlt floral trlm, Fi i ises Small, Medium snd LargeW ie Dog Show ini Toronto, with ffeir Cocker Spaniel. Snumber of relatives anti friends me!at the home of Mn. and Mrs., Robent Jarvie to surprise and present- George and bis bride-to-be, Miss' Doreen McKnigbt, Oshawa, with a miscellaneouu dhower. The cornpany was cafled ta arder by Miss Etina Swallow. The bride anti gon wenel asked to take seats of bonour and after the untyung of pmilcels %,nd readungf of verses. George and Doreen thanked el fçg their Iovelv gifts and aske *'etocm asvt.*ee theni iii Ot* ~ oe iii swa. Al ioi~e~iiisinung "Fr «hey Are Jolly Gooti Fello*s." A tiainty lunch was served aften wbich ail dcpanted for thein bornes. Mrs. Fred Stevens is unden the tioctor's care. Blackstock Y.P.U. hati a social cvening anti wcinen roast at the Community Park Wednestiav evenin, Catimus and Nestieton Young People were zuests. W.A. of Uniteti Chuncb met Thurs- day ceveninz at Mrs. James Gunn's. Mn. andi Mns. Lorne Bratibunn, Toronto. holidayeti with relatives. Mn. and Mns. Cecil Hvde and Patsy. Tononto, with Mn. and Mrs. Ina Argue. Mns. Henry, Cal ifonnia, visiteti Mn. and Mns. Fred Wiilan. M.a nipdMs. Russel Riches and famîy ZPtrbono, wîth Mn. and Mns. Richanrd Hoopen. Mns. Wm. Stecie was in Toronto witb Mn. and Mrs. Russel Willan. Miss Emma Rutledge and Mn. Wallace Hommes, Oshawa. spent Labon Day with Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Fonder. Mn. and Mns. Chas. Lamb. Lindi- say, spent Sunday at the Smith Bros. Miss Manie Lamb retunned home with theni. Mr. anti Mrs. Harn Van Camp andi Glenn visited Mn. and Mrs. Alan SuizRitt. Janetville. Mn. Fn- ank Stinson bas been coîu- fined to bis bcd. Mn. and Mns. Carl Wright spn Sunday with Mn. andi Mns. Lesie Mountjoy. Many froni bere attendçd iMn. and Mns. James Nesbitt's Diamoni An- nivcrsanv at Nestieton, Saturclay ev- enînR. Mn. anti Mrs. Arthur Williamson, Drnmmc. witb Mrs. Jas. G. Marlow. Mn. anti Mrs. Tom Smith. Mn. and Mns. Arthur Bailcv anti Mrs. Fred Baiiey visiteti in Toronto. School opencti on Tuestiay witb thc sanie teachens ini charge. Mn. R. Allin. M.A.. Miss Eva Brown anti Mrb. Roy Hiigantnen at the Contin- uation Scbool anti Miss 'Lonna Mef- Coli at the Public Scbooi. This community is sonny to lose nr. anti Mns. N. S. McNally and Vcrna. who have s-iti thein store. Miss Venna is attcntiung achool in a Colbon. Mn. anti Mrs. Russel Wiilan, To- % ronto. spent Sunday with Mns. Wm. Steele.i Mns. John Mariow spent thse wceki in Toronto witb Mn. anti Mns. Ivan Sbook. Miss Florence McLaugbin anti Miss Norma Hfooey have netunnedi to thein teacbing duties in Toronto. 1 Mn. Anson Taylor bas netunrnedti t f his tcaching duties at Roblin. 5 Mn. andi Mns. Richard Bulmer anti( ramily. Fenclon Falls, witb Mn. anti Mvrs. Mervin Gnaham. r Miss Evelyn Devitt anti Mn. Cecil s HIamilton sment Suntiay at- Mn. and Mrns. Chas. Vcnning's. Mn. anti Mrs. Austin Lanmen anti famiiy anti Mn.and Mns. John Lan- mer spent SurÇday at Mn. Ehrry ..armcn's at Millbrook. Mrs. Flonence Thomison anti Anne visited Mn. andi Mns. Frank Dixon in Toronto. Salem Chuncb service was withtirawn Iast ;untiav in favoun of Tynone Hanveat HTome strvices anti sevenai attentieti nrom Salemi. Mn. anti Mns. Pbilp Polianti, Can- E ton. were Suntiay guesta witb Mn. 1 dt Mns. C. Pollard. Mn. andi Mns. S. Buttery anti fam- ilv visiteti at Newtonville on Sun- day. e Mn. anti Mrs. Eti. Winters, Mn. t and Mrs. RlQy Winters anti son, Hanmony, were Suntiay guests witb a M!r. anti Mns. G. Cornisb. Mrs. C. Conmisb. Osbawa. visiteti there on t Friday. J Salemi f ientis extenti the best ofF ood wisbes ta Mn. anti Mns. M. Wiseman (nec Marion Battie) for a xsna --n . . ,DEPEND ON LUNN'-S Conor's Hcrrings, ln tomato sauce .. 2 tins 23e Com Flakes .............. 1pkgs. 4,q Quaker Oats............ ge. Pkg. 19e '8u ........................ 3bars for 13e -.rro 1»4 dVWtables at Lowest Prkse MIJNN - .s; POIRBowmanvifle Nestieton The GaIt and Ice Creàm social on Thursdayr eveniniz under auspices'of W.A. and M.S. was Quite a success. Rev. D. M. Stinson has returned f rom bis holidays and took charge of the service Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ginn and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black. Mr. and Mrs. Frankc Malcolm visited friends in Port Perr Mrs. Jas. Willianmon and Mrs. Emily Porter. visited Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wright, View Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Malcolm vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblun. Mr. Robt. CampbdIl and Mr. Gea. Playfoot sment Tbursday in Toronto and attended the Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. George Johns and Billy visited frîends in Toronto. Mrs. R. Tackson, Mr. and Mrs. H. Sheffield., Robert ar]d Christopher visited friends in Mount Hforeb. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. James Nesbitt celebratincr their 6Oth anniversarv on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lanmb. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, Fenelon Falls, visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson and Mr. W. R. Lamb. Miss Geneyjgve Ferguson, To- ronte, visited ber sister, Mrs. Perçy Philp. Congratulations te Miss Isabel Wilson, Pontypool, and Mr. C. J. H!enderson. Toronto, on their mar- rÏage. Mr. Marshall Malcolnm, Toronto, called on friends at Neslteton. Mr. Raltnh Emerson. Toronto, spent weekend with Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson. Enfield Dr. anti Mrs. W. McCullocb, Onono. anti J. Mundock, Agincount, have been visitiniz at Mrs. John Mc- Iiulloch's. Mr. anti Mrs. L. Stinson anti fan- ly, .Bluevale, at Mrs. J. Stinson's. Mn. anti Mrs. H. Weir ainti.famuly, Toronto, at Mn. T. Bowman's. Mr. anti Mns. Wm. Smith, Wbitby, at Mn. L. C. Pascoe's. Mn. Percy Langmaiti anti Bernice, Oshawa. .at Mn. Fred Smitb's. Mn. James Hepburn, Konoka, at Mrn. Hoskin Smith's. Miss Margaret Smith has been visitinoe at Bobcaygeon. Master Ray Smith boliclaying at Mir. R. Ormiston's. Emniakilien. Mrs. James Stark is visitungr at, Tnsrins. Miss Helen Stark entertaineti ber Suntiay School Clasa at Géancva Park wbere a pleasant ajternoon vas suenst.. Mn. anti Mns. Fred Smith, Lloydi andi Frank attentiedth ie fpjWeral of Mrn. Frankclin Guy in Oshawa. Satur- lav. Mn. Elmer Prescott attendeti the vlilk Producers meeting in Toronto and attended the Exhibition. Donald Samis visiteti in BQwman- 'il. Mr. andi Mrs. AIf Prescott anti famiy vîsîteti at Mn. J. Davidson's n Oshawa. Mn. anti Mns. A. McCuiloch. Mrs. John anti Miss Itia McCulloch, Mn. F'rank Smith. Mn. Howardi Qnmiston, Mr. anti Mrs. Aif Prescott anti fani- ilv, Mr. anti Mns. R. W. Pascoc anti family. Mr. L. C. Pascoe anti Donald Samis have visiteti Taranto anti the C.N. E. Mr. Frank McMullcn bas corn- nenceti duties as teacher in the school agzain. Kendal. Visitons: MisasGebrgina hbar- .ingtan wiUi Mns. A. G. Darling- ton. . . Mn. anti Mna. T. Twedtile Sr. anti Mn. anti Mns. T. Twedtihc Jr. anti Allen, Toronfo, at their farmn. . . Mn. anti Mna. L. D. Bell and family witb Mn. anti Mns. Carman Bell ai Campbellcot... tIaster Francis Quantril witb bis grantiparents, Mn. anti Mns. C. A. Cooper. .. Mn. anti Mns. C. Teb- hle with ber parents, Mn. anti tIrs. H. Hoy, Oshawa... Mn. Alex Knox, Campb.llcroft, at Mn. Clar- ence Bel's... Mn. C. Pbilip anti Misa Kay Beer, Port Hope, withi Mrn, anti Mns. L. D. Bell. Mrs. Alex Reiti anti Shirley Quantril unticrwent a tonsil op- « eration lu Oshawa hospital Sat- urday anti are tiaing niccly: There wiil b. a ilowen service .t churcis next Suntiay. Misa Fretia Tremalue bas ne- turtiedti t Torontoafater haliday-i ing -wiUi ber aunt, Mn. Milton RéraBison. Cadmus Hcv. D.M. Stinson occupieti the pulpit here on Suntiay morn- sg aiter a month's holitiays. He preacheti inam tise text, "I arn the Door." Thc choir wcrc out In gootily numbera anti nentienct asuitable anUiem. At tise close Df Uic Sunday Scisool session a radio waa lustallet iniitise churcis by C. H. Fallia anti at 12 o'chock the congregation listenedti thUi King's speech, aiter whicb ahi rose anti sang Gati Save tise King. Hev. D. M. Stinson waa tunner gucat witb Mn. anti Mra. George Fowler. A number frpm bere attentict te diamonti wedig ai Mn. anti Ira. James Ncsbitt of Nestleton nd ahi join lu congratulatlug ter on tiseir 60th wctiting an- iivcraary. Mn. anti Mrs. H. A. Cooke visit- id witb Mn. anti Mns. Robt. Tay- mr at their cottage at Uic hake )n Suntiay~~ Mns. Ar'trl Pearce (forrnerîy %,da Mountjoy), anti taugisten arothy, Grand Vallcy, visiteti hecr aunt, Mrs. J. E. Elliott. Mn. anti Mrs. C. W. Hentierson, Enr. anti Mrs. Cecil Moran, Mn. id Mrs. Allan Hentierson, Miss 'essle Hentienson, Mn. Jack Ma- or, Miss Ehla Herbent anti Mn. 'rn. Proctor spent Suntiay with Ir. anti Mra. Russell Brown. Mn. anti Mrs. -Willamn Brown nd family, Omea*e. , kordon Irawn's on Sunday. Mn. anti Mns. Gordon Brown, bss anti Keitis, at Uicir cottage. - - -, - i Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Edgar ScottL lessi andi Bruce.Nakina. Mr. and Mrs. A Smith anti family, Raglan. with Mi and Mrs. R. B. Scott.. 'Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Seymsour, Mi andi Mrs. Stanley Seymour andi child ren. Mr. anti Mrs. Suggitt and daulû ter. Toronto. Mr. andi Mrs. G. Sey mour. Orono. witb Mrs. Seymouria Mrs. Jas. Storey's. Mrs. L. Woodley andi Miss Jackson Peterboro, Miss Susie Vai Camp) Blackstock, Mr. and Mns. A Moore. Enniskillen. at Mr. N.J Woodlcy's. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Hoskin, Burke ton. witb Mn. and Mrs. Ciarenc, Woodley. Mn. and Mrs. D. G. Hooper, Oronc with Mrs. .1. Stoney. Miss Eva Yonke, Bowmanville, ' Mr. W. F. Park's. Major F. Dudley, Trenton, a home. Mns. W. Bradd. Mr. Floyd Bradu and Master Billie Bratit, Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. James Dudlev. Mns. Alma Runtile. Misses Jeai andi Manjorie Rundle anti Mn. Nor. man Rundle. Bowmanviiie, witb Mrs E. Wight. ,Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Wright. En. niikillen. Mn. and Mrs. A. E. Billet, and Keith. Hampton. Mr. andi Mrs Leslie Coilacuitt. Pearl and Lenore Maple Grove, Mn. anti Mrs. Kylc Sauair and Mary Joan, Bowm anville with Mr. andi Mns. Russell Wright'. Mr. andi Mrs. James Tinilin. Mn, and Mrs. Bryce Tiniuin, Rovce. El. don andi Catherine, Mr. -and Mrs Dawson Tinilin and Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kelly anti Merla, Rose. neath, with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Stewart. MrC and Mrs. Walter Murphy, Bo\wmanville, Mn. Hugb Murphy, Mns. Isobel Reynolds. Pontiac, Mich., Miss Ala Findiey and Mr. Gordion Waiker, Thornbill, witb Mr. anti Mrs. Otto Virtue. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore, En- niskillen, with Mr. and Mns. Bynon Moone. Mns. K. Gaudin. Toronto, Mrs. Henry Werry, Enniskillen, Mrs. R. Pooley, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pooley. Osbawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brent. Miss Florence Gardinen, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Phiilips and f-am- ilv.. Hampton. at Mr. B. F. Gar-din- er' s. M4r and Mrs. C. W. McEFeeters, THANKS STUDENTS This year Public and hlgh school pupils have favored us wlth more business lni school supplies than we have ever experlenced. For thclr patronage we extend aur deepest appreclation. We have trled to serve them weli, supplying only thse fin- est text and notebooks at lowest prices. Throughout thecsach ool1 year Our store wlll bie stock- cd wlth up-te-date school equlpment and we shall be Plessed te obtain anyu spe- clal books on short notice. Our best wlshes go te ail seholars and teachers that they may have a successfui year's activities. J. W. JeweII Phone 556 Bowmanville e A. Ir. t- 't J. in e- ce qt àt Id 0i p. Hanipton 1 Mn. Harry Howeill vsited i flècts Eiin Toronto anti atitnded the Erh~ ition. School reý-openeti on Tuesdaywh Mn. H. Faulkner. principal. and hLs Elsie Hadden. Jr. teacher. on -d*:t aRàin. Congratulations to Mr. &If. Randie' on bis marriage on..Saturtiay toà, Pearl Adams of E1siaiill1en Miss boreeu',Perr4t n duties as teaCber at Kenffn Pu c Scbool on Tûùiday. Sonry to, lose Mr.' andi Mrs. Wilî White anti boys from oui village. Tbey have gone to managze a f aris in Clarke. Miss Nancy Johns Ireturned to, teaching' duties ini Toronto. Mrs. Fred Adamis. Haydon. has taken up nesidence in part of F. G. Kerslake's bouse. Miss R. Anthistie, Brantford. vis- ited ber parents, Mn. anti Mrs. E. Anthistie. Miss Jessie Hogarth. fiÔwmanville. visited Mn. and Mrs. J. Hogarth. Misses Gladys Cbapman and Ger- trude Petit. Ebenezer, spent Sunday at W. Chanman's. Mn. and Mrs. A. E. Biilett visited fnientis at Tynone. Miss Lena White, Tononto, *as zuest of Mrs. R. Katerson andi Miss Mary Katerson. Mns. W, W. Horn spent the past week witW ýhen son, Wallace in 'Port Hope. Mns. H. Holwell andi forothy visited f nientis in Toronto. (Too late for last week) Mn. and Mrs. T. Salter. Toronto, visited Mn. F. G. Kersiake. Mn. andi Mns. R. Burns, Oshawa, at Mrs. J. G. Burns'. Mn. and Mns. W. R. Young -andi son. Mns. W. McMillan. Peterboro, visited relatives. Mn. and Mns. C. H. Staples, An- gusville, Man., visited Mrn.d~t Mrs. A. E. Biileti. Mns. Perie. Toronto, visiteti ber sisten. Mrs. W. Cnaig. Mn. Ted Chant bati bis tonsils ne- moveti in Bowmanville Hospital. Tyrone <s Contlnued tram Page 1) eration rernovedtihUi bullet, anti lu a short time the boy bati fully recovereti. These are just two ai the many cases that Uic bospital b as treateti anti cureti, ant is only da saniple of the nmarvelous work Uiat la belug donc. Another example ai progresa, Uich speaker saii, l is te dental surgery. Thse memibers cansist of men of nearly every tienomina- tian. Oi course, lu Uic nonth we do nat recoguize suy "lam." There lu Uic churcs we bave diffenent gnoups ai people coming and worshipprng tagether. The moat striklug feature ai Uic churchis l Uic staineti glass windows. Au intenesting stany la tolti ai one ai Uiem, wbicb illustrates Uiree. lit- tic chiltiren, a white boy, a little 2negro anti an eskimno, kneeliug aroundtheUic eet ai Uic Master. . 'Tis stary, Bisbop Fleming relateti, concerna a group ai In- diana wbo wcnc hunting. lu Uic mauntains lu Uic fan nortb-west. It was sprlug andtihie ice and snow was .beginning to melt un- der Uic warrniraya of Uic sun. Soon Uic river bati become a rag- lug torrent, anti huge blocks of ice came flowing tiown at terific speeti, aweeplug away evcrytbung lu itâ wakc. Tise hunters soon discoveredti Uat unleasstisey matie for higiser groundti Uey waulti be washcd away by tise increasing waters. Vigarously tisey strug- gleti anti it was with feeble anti exhausteti bodiies Uiat tbcy stop- peti higis above Uic river valy, safe. Fan below Uicy coulti sec Uic river tearing its way Uiraugh Uic ravine, with huge packs ai ice anti snow rusbîng ahong with it. At Uiat moment anc warniar saiti, "That la Uic clasest we have eiqàrýbec» ta heaven." A second M ou~t,"Wa do you mean? )Ir, yo know that only white people go there?"' But sbortly aiter Uic consecra- tion ai Uic churcis in Aklavik, be continueti, I met this same gnoup of men talkîng of Uic beautiful stalueti glass wintiow tisat was ini Uic chuncs. When sketi wbat Uicy Uiougbt ai it, anc ai tbem saiti, "Wc sure like it." The won- denful pictune isat convincetij them Uiat white people were 'nat Uic only ones that arc atitteti ta tise Etennal Kingtiom. Lct us tiscrefone bclp to bring other people, no matter wbat Oakvilie, Rev. Dr. Milison, Welçqme. Miss Florence Werry, Bowrnanvilie, with Mn. anti Mn' W. W. Annis. Mrs. L. Amasi. Ebenezer. with ber tiaugbter, Mt's. A, H. Brent. Mn. anti luirs. Iftson Wilkins Bowmanviile. witb Mr. anti Mrs. H. Brent. Miss Vers Carr, Toronto. with ber sistet. Mrs. Archie Virtue. .Mrý anti Mrs. E. Silven anti Bob- bic Salem witb Mn. anti Mrs. L. J., nn % s . 4.9lee- Dean a~i~u~,Unionvii*à at Mn. T. C ik at ýslatons ta M . anti M rs. ' Leslie Sleigbt (nce Myrtle Brooks) who were marrieti Mondav aftcnnoon at thse parsonage. Sorry to report Mns. A. W. March ou, the sick liat; aiso Mrs. H. His who scaltiet ber foot very badlv. The Beginners S.S. class helti thein vicnic in the Park Wednestiay aften- noon wben there were twenty-five littie tata oresent. Games wene play- cd. after whicb a picnic supper was serveti by the teachens, Miss Nina Hotigson anti Mns. L. Brooks. S.S. next Sunday at hO'a.m. Churcis service at Il a.m. Harvest Home Amj;ivérsany seri- vices were belti Suntiay wbtn Rev. Dr. Millson of Wclcome, preacheti two excellent sermons. Musiç bv. the choir was well rentiereti. Mn. Otto Rreunti sang two veny excellent mambers at bath services. Monday latennoon the spon.U prograni was shorteneti on account of nain anti also on account cf Hsmptan football team not comimg. Tbe challenge cup was présentedti t Zion. A bountiful chicken pie supner was servei. after which tise Bethesia, Concert Co. of Ijxbritige. Put on an excellent pro- L-nan. A short play "In May Witb June" was exceptioisally well acteti anti presenteti, also a musical trams "The Last Rehearsal" wben ail tise cast were ini aId tyme costume. Tise musical mumbers anti, elocutionists wcre wortbv of special mention. School Fair Dates (Contlnued tram Page 1) events lu aur immediate vicinity anti sec iirst handtihUicpractical wonk ttbat is belug carrieti on by thse cooperative efforts of Uic De-i partmcnts of Education anti Agri- culture to lunstill in our young rural iniends modemn methotis which matie for an early faunda-1 tian for up-ta-date anti succesaful farmers anti farmera' wives. Fair dates arc: Blackstack - - Monday, Sept. Ili Orono - - - Tuesday, Sept. 121 Ballyduif - Wetincsday, Sept. 13 Millbrook -_ Tburstiay, Sept. 141 S. Managhan- - Friday, Sept. 151 Canton - - - - Montiay, Sept. 181 NIaphe Grave - Thurstiay, Sept. 211 Hamipton - - - - Fritiay, Sept. 22 SCHOOLS OPEN <Continued tram Page 1) 1 Misas Mac Maguire, B.A., who waa with tise local scisool one year ant isl now teaching at a higis scisool within a few huntireti yards ai Miss Mattbew'a home. Principal L. W. Dippeil of Uic high achool bati bis bauds full on( I'uesday arranging classes for C ruearhy 300 pupils, many ai Uiem wisbing ta take special subjccts E sud a large number anxious ta I takc commercial training ah-r thougb Uic clasa was to be helti down ta 30 pupils. Howevrer, be- fore Uie day was aven, he anti bist staff hati met anti taken cane ofj msoth Ucrequcats satisiactorily.I Principal Dippehi expects there will be a few more enroîl as socflj us Exhibition anti bolitiays are finally aven. *en no urgent cahl for Uiemn. Yntil Uic Canadian governmgnt lfinitely outlincs its policy, anti aonsors local rccruiting, young ien of enlisting age wouhd be il atisedti o continue in their :bs, while quietly rnakiiig pre- aratory arrangements iin c<.aee Uic hil to thse calons cornes suddenhy. "FaiUi is Uic force of ie."ý- ilstol. their race or color, thc speaker saiff,-to thec hurch .aofGoti, se that Uiey taa may believe in thal which as night. If you fail ta sup- port that which is right .yqu are flot alding Uic forces of -peace, Righteausiicss alone estabiassa nation. Ini reference ta Uic 'pres- cnt cnisis, Uic issue must be set clearly lu your spintid dlumi anti wc must reaiâze what we ars facing. The hdllish Uiing may b. Uic thing Uiat we will have ta attend ta ourselves, 4et each man purpose lu bis' -~heart nat ta think of himseli M wc only serve best when we seeWéë ôur neighbor flrst. Wc shahl be truc ta aur Goti, neighbar and self wben we put aDur strength-inta things which wrnl establish rightcousncss ini a nation. In conclusion, Bishop Fleming saiti, wc must nat ever farego Uic pnivilege aud the pain af sacri- fice that this thiug may be donc. The speaker was introduccd by Rcv. Canon C. R. Spencer, and R. L. Mitchell movedtihei vote of thanks. C. T. Rosa also thanketi the clubfor their donation towartis Uic basebail club, as a bail hati been pasacd around which the membera had signed with their initiais sud hati given a contri- bution towartis the coat af trans- portation. Viaitors wcrc Charles Willocks, a former District Governor, and .Mrs. Willocks, of Niagara Falls, Harry Smith of Smitba Falls, Don Williams anti Bert Sycr. 6«TH WEDDING (Contlnued tram Page 1) Mr. sud Mrs. Nesbitt. Mr. Nes- bitt replicd anti ail respondeti by sluging "For They Arc Jolly Good Feilowa."l Reeve Creighton Dcvitt, Uic able chairman, called an several af Uic older gentlemen ta apcak, among them bclug, Eluier Ma- hood, Kincardine; John Nasmith, Victoria, B.C.; Arthur Nesbitt, Columbus; and Ernest Nesbitt af Columbus, also Russel Nesbitt, K.C., ai Toronto. The orchestra, compaseti of Mrs. Dave Wilson, pianlat, Miss Hclen Fowler and George Fowler, banjo sud vialin, favored with several flue num- bers. Miss Joyce Etigerton, ac- companieti by ber mather, Mrs. Harry Etigerton, sang two vcry plcasing solos, "When Pa Waa Caurtiug Ma" and "Little Ohd L'dy." She was dresset inl an old- fashianed tircas, shawl anti bonnet. Leon Brayley, Toronto, prer7 senteti several reels of amateur movie photagnapby taken by hlm- self af Uic New York Worhd's Fair. .Lunch was an enjoyable part of Uic evenlug when Mra. Nesbitt stoodti taeut Uic Uiree-atoreycd piuk anti white wedding cake ightcd by sixty cantiles. Lunch consiéted of sandwiches, cake, tarts, cookies, ice crcam, bridc's cake anti coffee. Frientis wisbed the happy bride anti groom msuy ycars of health anti strcngth anti alltieparteti, havlng felt Uiey bati ciiioycd an evening - a privilege ta few - that of celcbrating at a diamonti wct- ding annversany. Visitors from a distance incluti- eti: Mr. sud Mrs. Lloyd Robinson, Detroit, Micis.; Mr. and Mrs. El- mer Mahooti, Mrs. Wilmott Ma- hxood, Kincardine; Mr. anti Mrs. Ernest Ncsbîtt, Mr. anti Mrs. Ar- thur Nesbitt, Columbus; Mn. anti MIns. Russell Ncsbitt, Mn. anti Mra. Leon Bnayhey, Mn. anti Mra. Jas. Flozack, Mr. anti Mrs. Horace ERausQn, Toronto; Mrs. John Nea- bâtt, Oshawa; Mn. andi Mrs. Ho- bert Nesbitt, Manchester; Mr. anti I4rs. Andrew McKee anti John, Wootiville; Mn. anti Mrs. Merediith M'IKcc, Wooclville; Mr. anti Mrs. Jas. McLaughlin, Mrs. Russell- MecLaughlin, Burketon; Mn. anti M'rs. Byron Nesibtt, Enniakillen; MIr, anti Mns. Harry Etigerton anti Joyce, Port Penny; Mns. Lamas, W.ybritige; Mns. Weldon, Ux- bridge; Mn. anti Mns. John Na- mith, Victoria, B.C.; also many others from a distance anti ncigb- bors anti frientis from Black- stock, Catimus anti Nestîctan. POLICE SCOUR (Cantinu.d tram page 1) ti ta contact Principal Dîppeil. In addition ta these meetings, severa fram here arcý with Uic Midlanti Regiment guarding Uic R.C.A.F. Base at Tpeistoxs, anti others are at Lindsuay-Arsenal. Even Uic C.P.R. bridge aven Van- stone's bridge is belug guardeti 100 A.BA. tabs. - - 19o Emo 'slaito .- 47c-790 Bile Beans - - - 47e Bcott 's Emfiul. - 53c-98o Moth Kiler - - - 29e Kersiake 's Flit ---19 c-330-550 Sweet Piekie Ely Tox --29c-49c-89o SMixture for Cucumbers and Beets F1Y..Funn 'e -29C-4ft-890 1 gai. - 35C Fly coib - - - 6 foir 100 NADS. BLS ÇASHMERE TISSUE ! Sofi pure White 700 SHEETS to the roil A j.I 3for25'E Eversharp Pencils 15-50 Fountain Pens - 50-1.00 Waterman Pens 1.25-2.50 Bal Hepatica- 30-59-1.15 Andrew Balto -.-34-57 Grape SaIts-- 50-1.00 Nasal Drops - - - 25 Raz-lah Caps- 50-1.0 0 Films Developed F R E E - You Bave 10e On Eueh Roil 0f Film- 695 P. R. COU VLIIIU, riii.U. FARMERS PLAN (Continued from page 1) fluence the Governmsen t of this land. It is inevitable in a democ- racy that there shall be pressure groups, log rolling and lobbying. So long as farmers refrain from exerting any pressure, agriculture will continue to be the Cinderella of our whole economic and social structure. "I do not conceive that organiz- cd farmers will be obliged to re- tain bigh-priced lawyers to lobby for tbem at Ottawa or ini the Leg- islature. When the majonity of the 700,000 farmers in Canada agree upo .n some sound policy and make their wants known news of it wxll travel ta Ottawa and to the hegishatures faster than any farm leader can carry it and sucb a buge number of votes wilh not be disregarded. "But we must first find out by study and investigation wbat the probhem ia and wbat the best -solution may be. Farmers shouhd not be too ready to accept leaders. We are not ready to folhow a Moses until we know wbere the promised land lies and bow it is to be attained. 7I do hope however that farm- ers wilprepare themsehves thro'i organization and study to recog- nize real farm leaders wben they arise and I do hope that farmers will follow as a wehI orkanizcd, thoroughhy infori»edunit'of pro- ducers .when the time cornes ta march," concludeti the speaker. Towns'Wîp Council CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL Cartwright Councîl met Sept. 4th, with members' al present and Reeve C. Devitt presidung. Bylaw re purchase of machin- ery was given consideration. Mr. Tamblyn appcared befgère ,the council to seli some lots and property for park in C§#arca. Matter was lef t for furthe in- formation as same had been peti- tioneti agaunst. Bylaw to change time of As- sessment for two pay plan of taxes was introduccd but was tiefeated. Roati Supt. was instructcd to, curtail alh expenditure on Roads remaining part of season.. Ortiers.were signed as follows: 0. Hyhanti, Sec.-Treas. S. S. No. 3 ------- -_$ 300.00 N. Edgerton, Sec.-Treas. S. S. No. 6 ---------------- 70.00 J. Dickey, weed inspector 17.40 0. Wright, Roatis etc ----436.85 Council adjourned ta meet September 3Oth, 7 p.m. OSHAWA FAIR. Tuesday, Sept. l2th Wednesday, Sept l3tb MANY ATTRACTIVE FEATURES Heavy Draft, Carniage and Saddle Horses, Beef and Dalry Cattie, Sheep, Fruit, Flowers, Vege- tabe~ Ladies' Fancy Worké, Cooking, Art and the,,Iroducts of Industry aM4d Commerce. Runnint Races, Dog Races, Lady Drlv- isp sud Ridlng, Band Music, Grand Parade of prime 'wlnnlng&aimais, Carnival, Midway ln latest shows and rldlng devices. LEVE STOCK JUDGING BOTH DAYS FOR $2,OOO OFFERED IN CASH PRIZES .AND SPECIALS TRIALS 0F SPEED Wednesday OnIy 2 to 5 p.m. VAUDEVILLE T-uewid4"- OnIy at 2 end 8 p.m. Tbrce thrilllng races ln nise heats (2.27 - 2.20 and Free for &U) for$4> ln Purses. Great Grandstand Spec- tacle, "World'a Fair FOl- lies" ln hixteen acte. Au Ail Star Cast of twe ty dolorful entertaners.1 erybody wlll go home talking about tisa per- There wlll be something doing every minute in tais big two-day Programme teIstereat ail menibera of th a sslly. We Invite you te bring theni both days. Low Admission..Plrice. A ut - 25 *Chîîdren --loc MONDÂT, SEPEMER 1.iTE - pREpARATION DA&y b. ~' -i 'r I n COWLINI mILS 9FORi :LU And Serves VÏou Well We Tepst Nye.s ad Fit Truasea WTo our Enti*. Satisfaction in Fit, QualLy and fPuce. Obase's Nerve Food - 49o Giat 69B W - - 09 Nlest - - - - 25o 6 Muette Bladea -25o mi 1 m THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THUR

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