THURSlDAY, APRIL 9, 1942 lOSth Anniversary St. Andrew's Prosbyterian Church on Sunday, Apili 12th SPECIAL PREACHER will be REàV. HORÂCER KAYE St. Andrew's Church, Colborne SPECIAL SOLOISTS WM. F. THOMPSON Tenor of St. Andrew's Presby- terlan Chureh, Toronto ARLINE NORTHOUTT Gold Medalst Services at il a.m. and 7 p.rn. EVERYBODY WELCOME A Hostess Tea wili be held ini the SUNDAY SOHOOL ROOM Thurs., April I th 3.30 to 6 P.m. You are Invited. The Confidence of Our Customers 6 0 0 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Social and Perconal Miss Theima Schlievert and Miss Doris Dudley with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Schlievert and Miss Marian Dudley, Genemal Hospi- tai, at Belleville. Mrs. Wm. Clarke, Jackie and Bill Jr., with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roach, Toronto. Mrs. Clarke attended her nephew's wedding whiie, theme. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Neweli, De- troit, Mich., Mr. Thos. Newell and Mr. Chas. V. Hoar, Queen's Uni- versity, Kingston, with Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar. Master Harry Hyde, Trinity College School, Port Hope, and chum David Roenisch, Calgary, with Hary's grandmother, Mrs. J. A. MeCleilan. Mrs. James Shand, New West- minster, B.C., Mrs. Mackenzie Rutherford and Malcolm, Col- berne, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh R. Smale, Kingston, with Mrs. C. J. Smale. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Wight, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Edwards, Kingston, Mr. W. F. Riekard, M.P., New- castle, and Miss -Jean Rickard, .Oakvilie, were with Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Wight, Providence. Misses Rose Somerscaies, Peter- boro, and Dorothy Somerscales, Pickering, Miss Mildred Archer and Mrs. Leonard Somerscales, Toronto, with Mrs. Geo. Somer- scales. John Sheehan, Toronto, Gnr. Arthur Sheehan, R.C.A., Chatham visited their mother Mrs. Lilian Sheehan. Mrs. Sheehan now has four sons in the army-Tom, Dan and Ted are in the Midlands. The confidence of our customers has been earned by long years of producing a quality product. On that confidence rests the well-being of our whole organization. Just as our customers rely on us, so we rely on them. Glen Rae Dairy has built its reputation on its con- sistent quality, which has neyer de- viated froni its original high stand- ard. Your wishes and our aixns are sinilar: namely, to give our cus- tomers the best obtainable and as- sure ail 'round satisfaction. "Town Council Hitier's Friend"l Such was the statement made to us this week by a garage man from a ncighbor- ing town. What do you mean, we asked. Well, you folks in Bowmanviile may flot ealize it, but the rough holes in the pavement of your main street are s0 bad that they are ruining at least $150 to $200 worth of rubber tires per day, and yeur town council isn't doing a thing about it. That's why I say your town council is one of Hitier's best friends. We had to admit we knew there xvere some bad holes on the street-one is in front of The Statesman office - but we didn't consider them te be means of aiding Hitler. But isn't it a fact? Miss Barbara Rehder is spend- ing Easter holidays in Windsor with her brother Mm. Ned Rehder. Mrs. A. D. Wheeler and Alden, who is home from T.C.S., Port Hope, have returned from Brant- ford and brought Arthur Wynn home with themn for the Easter holidays. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Humby, Hamilton, called on her aunt Mrs. T. H. Knight, Tuesday, while re- turning from a trip te Ottawa. They aiso calîed on their son at Kingston who is with the Ord- nance Corps. Mr. Mark Roenigk, Manager Royal Bank, Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Knight. We un- derstand Mark gave "Uncle Tom" a lift in getting his garden plant- ed on Good Friday just s0 he couid keep up with the other early gardeners on Westmount. A party of Easter visitors fmomn Ottawa at the home of Rev. H. W. and Mrs. Foiey on Liberty St., in- ciuded Mrs. Angus A. MacMillan, Mrs. H. G. Grant, Dr. Angus Mac- Millan and Miss Laura Foley, R.N. Mr. Angus A. MacMillan who died in January was super intendent of wooi grading for the Canadian Depatment of Agricul- ture. He was assistant agricul- tural representative in Durham County many years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Courtice, Ottawa, were Easter guests of his brother Mr. Kenneti? Courtice at Ebenezer. Howard, who occupies a responsible position with the Canadian Research Bureau, drop- ped in The Statesman office te renew his subscriptien and have a chat with his old B.H.S. schoi mates, the editor and his assistant Art Baker. The office pup said he overheard a lot of boasting going on about who was the best football player back in 1905, but ne mention about who was the best student. Ameng the eut of town rela- tives and friends who attended the funeral service at Trinity United Church, Bowmanviile, on Mardi 3th, of Mms. Edward Rhines, New Tomonto, eldest dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. May- nard, Bewmanville, were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore, Mrs. James Moore, Mrs. Wmn. Glanfield, Mrs. Albert Gardiner, Mr. and Mrs. William Willis, Mr. and Mrs. John Wiliis, Mrs. Bob Bryan, Mrs. Harold Hodgens, Mrs. Albert Wii- lis, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mayer, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Halliday, Miss iSimpson, Mrs. Otto Mayer, Mr. Iand Mrs. Hinchcliffe, Mrs. Leigh- Iton Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Rhines, IMr. Frank King, Mr. and Mrs. IFrank Rhines and Mr. and Mrs. R. Waygood. LIONS BICYCLE SAFETY CLUB GETS UNDERWAY Attendance was remarkably en- couaging at Saturday morning's reassembly of the Lions Bicycle Safety Club after a winter's hiber- nation. In bright yellow sweaters and with banner furled awaiting formai opening of the season, some 25 members turned up for discussion of plans for the season 1942. Convenor Charles Carter tested memories with the Club's1 Ten Commandments and even the brightest failed the tests. There is much to do in clearing up mental cobwebs of long winter months. Several new members were in- troduced, including Harry Hyde David Roenisch of Trinity College School:, Port Hope, who xiii be1 here during summer holidays. No1 Court was held because the dock- et was quashed at the last faîl ses- sion. Mentor Charlie announced a1 comfortable margin of mongy in the bank and that it wouldb e in order to nominate new officers for the current year. The relis were checked to find out how many had moved away and also those who had grown up and left the Club. Voting for the new officers will take place next Saturday morn- ing when the second meeting as- sembles at 9 arn. in the Councilj Chamber. The following were« nominated: For president -Alan Strike, Jean Living, Chas. Cal,- tran, Nellie Parker, Eddie Bres- lin and Collette Ferguson. The president and two. V.P.'s will be chosen according to number of votes for each. For Se+'y.: Jean Living, Arlene Northcutt and Dorothy Morris. The treasurer, for 1942, Eleanor Johnston, was elect- ed unanimously. There was discussion about riding on sidewalks and the new street light rules. Police for the coming week are: Rona Evans and Chas. Cattran. They will pre- sent cases against offenders next Saturday wîth Chas. A. Bartlett acting as Judge. The Judge for the following week xiii be Ted Chant, Hampton. Ail were requested to bring a new member or an old one next meeting. A Committee of 3 will be chosen to handie The Statesman writeups. Lieut. A. L. Baker xiii conduct the memory tests at the next meeting and plans will be made for the first hike of the season. Unnecessary scoldings are like hall across the garden of a child's heart. STEPPING ALONG Thomnas Bottreli Well known citizen of Bowmafl- ville who on April 3rd celebrated his 85th birthday. Mr. Bottreli is one of the few "old guards" of D. 0. & P. Co. employees stili liv- ing in town. Since retirement he has kept one of the best vegetable gardens in town. He is a native of Maple Grove section, having been born on the farmn now oc- cupied by R. R. Stevens and in the double frame house which is now on the south side of the highway. Trinity Union Executive Present The Program Trinity Young People's Union meeting Monday evening was in charge of the Executive. Prof it- able and interesting reports of the Oshawa Presbytery Young People's Convention at Hampton were given by Thelma Schlievert. Ileen Balson, Hazel Rundie, Grace Hall, Helen Pritchard and George Roberts. Charming, petite Tanyn God- dard captivated hier audience with a piano solo. A second young lady to show hier skill at the keyboard was Audrey Sturrock. Vocal solos by Eleanor Wight were also much appreciated and well presented. Business period was conducted by Doris Dudley. Ex-recreation convenor, Stan Gomme, Oshawa, will have charge of a play party on Monday evening, April l3th. An inspiration worship service in keeping with Easter Monday was taken by Doris Dudley, Mar- ion Beacock, Don Anderson and Jean Rundle. Two Easter storics were read by Thelma Schlievert and Hazel Rundle. A welcome visitor at the meet- ing was the former vice president, Mrs. Ross C. Stonehouse, (nec Amber Morton), who graciously thanked the Union members for their wedding gift. Try baking bananas in maple syrup, along with the juice of a lemon and an orange. Add a lit- tIc butter. Business Directory Legal M. G. V. GOULD, B.A. L.I.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. MASON, BA. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches Office immediately east of Royal Theatre Phone Office 688 Home 553 Dentist DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Pr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col. lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hours 9 -a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, except Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 325 X-Ray Equipment in Office Funeral Direetors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F.- F. M orris Co. Modern Motor Equipment, Ani- bulance and Invalid Car. Tele. pkone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Licensed Auctioneers CLIFFORD PETHICK Actioneer - En;iilskillen Phone Bowmanville 2536 Specializing in Farm, Livestock. Implements and Furniture Sales. Consuit me for terms and dates. 50-tf ELMER WILBUR Hampton - Ontario Specializing in Farm, Livestock, Implements and Furniture Sales TERMS MODERATE Phone for Terms and Date to: Bowmanville 2428 Veterinary R. B. MURRAY, V.S.; B.V.Se. Veterinarian Church St, - Bowrnanville Phone 843 29tf Drugless Praetitioner ROBERT COLVILLE Drugles% Practitioner Liberty Street - Bowrnanville Electrical Treatments - Spinal Adjustments and'Massage. I LIDDEN'$ PAGE SEVEN Hagh QualityI Jap-a-Lac ProductsI HeIp Win The War With Salvage Drive The saivage campaign is becom- ing decentralized. That is to say, business firms are now urging customers to bring in "empties" and so forth which they in turn, can deliver to the proper agency for gathering and repmocessing. Dominion Stores last weck gave a lead to their customers and all they wish te add is that cardboard boxes shouid be saved and fiat- tened out for delivery rather than bringing in one at a time. Now I[t's Rubber Goods Alex McGregor, Druggist, has launched his campaign, too. He asks ail customners and aIl others, in fact, to bring in empty tooth paste and shaving cream tubes, or anything similar, together with ail discarded rubber goods such as hot water botties, rubber rings, feotwear, inner tubes, wringer relis, and 'the hundred and one things that formeriy were thrown axvay. Alex was informed that St. Clair Yourng Business Men had gathered over 31'/ tons within the past 10 days. He is convinced that people in this district can make an equaily splendid effort. Simpiy bring in what you have and Alex will do the rest. Everyone knows the necessity for salvage. This is a practical scheme. Let's get be- hind it. COMING EVENTS Afternoon tea and home cook- ing sale Friday, April l7th, in St. John's Parish Hall, under auspices of Women's Guiid. Tea will be served from 3.30 te 6. 15-1 The Aduit Department of Trini- ty Sunday Schooi has engaged Mr. Douglas Carr te present his famous Travelogue in Trinity Auditorium on Wednesday, April lSth, at 8 p.m. Rev. H. L. Roberts of George St. United Church, Pet- erboro, says of this Travelegue: "Undoubtedly the best ever pre- serited in this church." You can't afford te miss this rare treat. Tik t 2."1, .9e.. Oit 15v. 14-2 WAR CALLS HALT TO PHONE EXTENSIONS and 1941 was the record in our. facturers of munitions and sup- history. 0f the 63,000 net gain in plies an dof r ether essential pur- Because war needs must corne telephone last year, 44,500 were poses. The service must be main- first and telephene facilities must for residence service, and the pre- tained at the highest level of cf- prove equal te any demands hav- ponderance of orders for home ficiency. ing te do with the warçb new tele- telephones is centinuing. "The Wartime Prices and Trade phone installations must be rigid- "Then there is acute and grew- Board has directed us te de al 1Y restricted. ing shortage of the matemials re- suci things as may be requisite te That is the announcement made quired te make telephenes and conserve any and all telephene by Bell Telephone officiais today telephone equipment. Such things plant and facililties. in conformity with the Order of as copper, tin, zinc, steel and rub- the Wamtime Prices and Trade ber are urgentiy needed fer war "We shaîl need the cordial ce- Board, -dealing with telephene supplies. Even when we employ a operation of the public in this. services, maximum of repaired and e- We are confident that when ap- "The main factors in the tele- cenditioned apparatus, the de- plications reflect that thc needs of phone situation," said Manager F. mand ovn the dwindling supply of the war and tie vital services Williams of the Bell Company, vital materials is far tee great. We must he promptly met, they will "are that orders for telephone in- -must safeguard telephene equip- gladly ferege ail but the mest ur- staliations have been coming ir' ment se that we may be always il gent installations, for that will be since the first of the year at an a position te previde facilities for anether way of helping tei win the even greater rate than last year,- the war services, for the manu- war."1 White Sheîîac 15c, 35c, 50c Grease Spot Remover. 25e Waîîpaper Cleaner...15c Stovepipe Enamel ...15e GROW YOUR OWN In view of the increasing do- mestic demand for fresi vege- tables the acreage planted by market gardeners could with safety materially exceed tiat of 1941. As ne tin is likely te be reieased for the commercial can- ning of carrots, beets and sauer- kraut, ne acreage is likely te be contracted. To offset this, a sub- stantial increase in the produc- tien of these vegetables for stor- age in fresi form is therefore desirable. It is net recommended that there should be any speculative production of vegetables for de- hydration. Ùf &HELP WIN THE WAR 0 0 We have undertaken to collect in Bowmanville and district theo 0 flloingwase poduts or alvge:BABY POWDER BABY CREAM o flloin wate rouot fo slvae:SmaiI -280 Tubes -30I ILOW 1. WASTE RUBBER PRODUCTS-discarded Hot Water Botties, Large- 550 Jars - 550 fl OWST OId Rubber Footwear, Inner Tubes, Old Tires and any other pro- BABY SOAP 0l Il PRICES duct containing a high percentage of rubber. Zveryone realizes the BABY O IL 10ec U ------ ned for r-claimrubb r.Regulae - 600 ac flne L4Mt.Economuy - 1.10 -1M WIWILLAYYOU 2. COLLAPSIBLE TUBES-used Tooth Paste, Shav- ~f Il ing Cream and Face Cream Tubes. These contain a o Il \PAYO high percentage of tin and are urgently needed. L 0 0 We shall receive, store, and ship these goods to the Johnson' s 0 FOREANDM proper Governuient depots without remuneratioli. D FOREAC EMTY Ail we ask is that you bring them or send them to us. Bauy UroIIuelI l SchLc If you cannot do this phone 792 and we shail arrange TaeaSrn Toi InjectorD to collect them.0 0 BARASLDE Burdock BLOOD BITTERS -- 98e D SK A5o RETIJRNED Lets cee how much wB can collect IDAFER-the new Io 10 T o us Tonie -------------------------- $1.25 Il FEI sa Warnpole's EXTRACT ------$1.001 Il IDAPHOS-Nerve Food and D IlTREAT SEED GRAIN FOR SMUTS Tonie -------------------- $1.10 o U FIGHT MOTHS WITH ___________ CREOTONE-for stubborn MOTH KILLER CRYSTALS eoughs -------------.r --------98e lb 39e TWO EFFECTIVE METHODS ARE SUGGESTED BLAUD PILLS, 100's ---------- 25e il 15e lb 2 lbs. 29e 1. DRY METHOD-using Irnproved Ceresan Dust Disin- IOIE ES 8 feetant. Seed rnay be treated now and sown anytimne withln Il , * 60 days. It can bc used with equal safety for Wheat, Oats O ercnt Oepondteas 2buheseot ~c erbshl eiu Seor Barley. Controls ail srnuts and increases yield 10 to 20 Gel this g ~~ CERESAN, lb $1.10 5 Ibs. 54.40 ' Il 2. WET METHOD-usjng Formaldehyde (Formalin>. Seed 0 D mrust be soivn within 24 hours. Controls rnost srnuts but is0 __________________________not rccomrnended for wheat or huil-less grains. 16 oz. treats fl PREVENT MOTHS - USE 30 to 40 bushels o LAVORIS, 16 oz -------- ----83c : fMOTH BAGS ------ 29c, 59c, 98e FORMALDEHYDE, 16 oz 25e 32 oz 40e IlMOTH KILLER ____________________ IlBLOCKETTES ---- 10c,25e U35c COREGA ------------ 24e 50e PINEX ----------- 32e 0 S $fasafeyclu! 25e NOXZEMA -------- 19c $2.25 LACTOGEN-- - $1.59 $1.25 Prnkharn's Comp. 87e 50o ASA Tablets, 100'c 19e Il PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIAL O 2o5 Laura Secord DRUGS Phone 792 0 0 __________ Candies We Deliver OUTSIDE HOUSE SPEED WALL FLORENAMEL PAINT INSIDE uk yigadbr Gallon....$4.75 Gallon...$4.75 qucdrigadbr Quart ...... $1.45 Quart ...... $1.45 Quart ...... $1.45 Pint ......... 80c Pint ......... 80c Pint ......... 80c NO RAISE IN PRICE OVER LAST YEAR t" ROCK SPAR FLOOR VARNISH Watch for the 1lc sale ,%~ This year's only great sale - FOUR HOUR ENAMELS and Il VARNISH STAINS pt. $1.00, qt. $1.80, t 5, 1pt35 Other GlIdden Products for Sprlng Cleanang FLOOR WAX REMOVER............25 CRACK FILLER ...................25 BRUSH CLEANER...........5ce and loc- FLOOR WAX ................... .45C GRAINING COLORS ................ 45e GROUND COLORS............ qt. $1.35 GOLD & SILVER PAINT............ 35e Paint Brushes . .. 15e to $3. Stickfast Pacte ........ 15e Orange Shellac 15c, 35c, 50c _______SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, ... Cail and see us on paint problems Store closes at 8 o'eloek JOHNSTON'S BOOKSTORE Bowmanville Ontario from O VEN to YOU! Whether it Is Bread, Buns, Cakes or Pastry we can satisf y your famlly requirements for a war time diet of nourishing food with just the vitamins needed. Corne into the store and make your selectiopis. "BaLm ., t 7cuO ~,uclo