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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jul 1942, p. 7

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THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1942 PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Sgt. Stan L. Dunn, C.A.C. Hdqts. Camp Borden, was home. Miss Mary Stewart, Kingston, visited Miss Edythe Carter. Miss Mary Lindsay, Toronto, was, guest of Miss Yvonne Challis. Drama "Forever True" at Sa- lem Church, Thursday, July 16th. tMr. Paul Symons, St. Cathar- m nj visited bis mother Mrs. Mffiel Symons. Mrs. F. C. Colmer visited Mrs. J. Wlliams, Brantford, and fri- ends in Preston. Mr. Clarence Oke has joined the Active Army in the Corps of Sig- nais. Mrs. Roberts and son George have had word that Gnr. Syd Fowler. one of our Legion Band members, is seriously iii in Eng- land. Give your graduating son or daughter a gift that will ho useful for years to come. Wbether they're leaving achool, or juat being promoted they'Il appreclute a hundsome pen and pencil set, a fine watcb, dresser dlock, or person- ai jewelry. See our attractive selection. Watches from $5.95 up MARR'S Jewellery (< Phone 463 Bowmanville VLD SHOES iDe.. LIKE NEW That's what happens when you brlng your old shoes and boots to be repaired. NEW SHOES WITH STYLE and COMFORT The famous Neill shoes for men anà ladies are growing lI popularlty. We have the style you prefer and at the price you want to pay. E. S. NAYLOR opposite Garton's Garage 1BO WMAN VI LLE_ Mr. and Mrs. S. Leggott are bolidaying with Mr. and Mrs. J. McFadyen, Collingwood. Miss Dorotby Smule is tukmng a summer course ut Queen's Uni- versity, Kingston, Miss Lilianne Naylor o! the Big 20 staff bas returned from bolidaying in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Paterson, Jimmy and Mary, are holidaying ut their cottage near Havelock. Mrs. C. H. Dudley is visiting ber cousin Mrs. A. C. Hezzlewood, Toronto. Mr. James M. Cdle, Victoria, B.C., la viaiting bis brother Mr. William C. Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cowling and children are boliduying ut Peterboro. Misses Ethel and Helen Morris are enjoying holiduys ut Long Point, Balsam Lake. Miss Mary Lyle, Vancouver, B.C., is guest o! ber grund!ather Mr. John Lyle, Quoen St. Unr. A. G. Etcher, son o! Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Etcher, is with the R.C.A. ih Labrador. Miss Kitty Storey, who bus been taking a business course in Toronto, is home. Misa Mary Jury bus gone to Camp Onuwu, Lake Vernon, us a counsellor for July. CpI. Wm. Roberts, wbo bas been stationed at the Canudian Legu- tion in Washington, D.C., is home on furlough. 1 Miss Murian Dudley, nurse in training ut Belleville Genora' Hospital, is home on two weeks' holidays. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blake McMur- try who have been in Toronto for several montha have returned to their home here. Mr. and Mrs. F. Tuerk were guestsaut ,the Grosjeun-Butcher wedding in St. George's Anglican Cburcb, Oshawa, June 27th. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hopps, Lor- raine and Glen, New Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bort Colwell. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Morrison, Toronto, and Mrs. Harry Brust, Rochester, N.Y., were guests ut Mayor G. A. Edmondstone's. P.O. Charlie Rollinga and. Sgt. Tbeo Brusher spent Suturduy with W. R. Harrison before returning to England. Gunner Floyd Bradd, R.C.A., Petuwawa Mîlitury Camp, with his wife Put, spent bis louve ut Wasugu Beach. Adjutant and Mrs. J. Hart left Saturduy to spend their holiduys ut Fenelon Falls and will romain there the month o! July. L.A.C. Arthur Hooper, Dart- mnouth, N.S., is spending bis fur- lough with bis mother, Mrs. H. Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown and Mrs. Heatherington, Rouge Hilîs, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Gili and duu- ghter Audrey, Buffalo, were guests o! Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Et- cher. Holiday guesta with Rev. W. A. Bunner wero Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin Bunner and family, St. Cathar- ines. Miss Elsie Bunner remained for bolidays with ber grand- parents. Mrs. Robt. Gibson, Didsbury, Alta., writes: I'm enclosing re- newui to The Stutesman altbougb I cannot read the smaîl print my- self as my eyesight la not very good and I'm now 87 years old.'1 Miss 'Yvonne Martin, Toronto, is guest of Mrs. Muriel Dunn and friendsaut the beach. She was one o! the toam tbut captured the 1942 volley-ball championship ut the Centrai High Schooi o! Com- merce. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Kay and Bill, Miss Irone Sharp, Toronto, Aviation Cadet Harry W. Gregg, Maxwell Field, Alabama, Masters Fay Mountjoy and Bill Dustun, Town, visited ut Mr. A. H. Sbarp's, Enniskillen. Subscription accounts for The Statesmun are now being sent out euch month us subscriptions ex- pire. When you receive an uc- count please givo it your prompt attention so thut your paper willl not ho stopped. Miss Helen E. Williams, who is in Toronto uttending the Summor Scbool o! the' Toronto Conserva- tory o! Music, wus a guest ut the tea given by the Conservutory for the Faculty and Summer Scbool students on Monday a!- ternoon. In reportingd the violin recitul givon by pupils o! Mr. Edouard Burtlett, the Oshawa Times mnakes this comment about a young and promising local artist: Allun Lobb showed good progresa in Suen- ger's "Little Chatterbox." D)istrictHononr Roîl - list o! Farmers' PIcnic ~Everybody weleome to Farmers' Pienie at SORONO PARK on FRIDAY, JULY 17 under auspices of Durbam Federation of Agriculture Speaker, Hon. M. F. Hepburn Premier of Ontario Picnic lunch at 12.30 p.m. Brlng lunch and dishes, hot water supplied. Address 2 p.m. SPORTS AND GIRLS SOFTBALL GAME- NORTH vs SOUTH In case of ramn programn will proceed in the Agricultural building. FORBES HEYLAND, President WALTER B. REYNOLDS, Secretary 9 MUNISTER HELPS IN HAY FIELD Rev. R. E. Morton o! New- castle United Cburch. who wus born and raised on a farm, udvised bis Official Board on Monday ovening thut bis services for furmn work wero uvailuble for as much lime as ho could sparo. The firat to engage him us a wartime helper in the fields was Mr. A. 0. Parker for wbomn Mr. Morton pitcbed buy on Tuesday. Violet McAllister ut Bort Park- er's store or phone 2684. Your assistance muy be the means o! a soldier recoiving a letter or par- col. It bas been brougbî to our at- tention thut on Saturday night a young man lbat bis purse contain- ing $47 in bills, a check and other papers. The purse was picked up Sunday morning but the money was missing. Which all goos to prove that anme people think more o! money tban tbey do o! their bonor. Mrs. J. L. Roonigk, Scugog St., wus guest o! bonor ut a tea beld ut the home o! Mrs. J. Albert Colo on Monday evening and was prosented with a sbadow etcbing hosteas plate. Mr. and Mrs. Roe- nigk and fumily are soon to move to Oshawa to their new bome and will ho greatly missed by their neigbbors and frienda on Scugog Street. Mr. George Gilbert, venoruble and esteemed citizen o! West- mount, celebrutea bis 90th birth day on Saturday, July 111h. Ho enjoys toleruble good bealth, does a bit o! gardon ing and euch Satur- day afternoon takes a stroîl down town-~ and drops in ut "Wood's Sonate" to get the lateat news on local, national and international affaira. Muny happy returna o! the day, Goordie! A local duiry picked up 134 milk bottles ut one bouse this week. This dlean up waa the re- suIt o! new regulation requiring a deposit on bottles. Some cure- bass bousekeepera have been known to throw good milk bottles in the garbage. The curetuker ut the town dump hua returned hun- dreda o! these bottles to the dainies. Be more cureful -put bottles out eucb day for milkmen bo pick up. Misa Ruth James took part in the recital given by pupils o! Mr. Reginald Geen, L.T.C.M., in Sim- coe St. Church, Oshawa, on June 29th. A group o! tbreo songa by Misa James completed the vocal offeringa on the program. These wore, "Air From 'Orpheus'" by Gluck, with a violin obligato by Edouard Burtlett, "Songa MY Mother Taught Me" by Dvorak, and "Sing, ýfoyous Bird," by Mon- tugue Phillipa. Brucebridge Gazette reportsaa furewell party given four Young mon who bave enlisted. Included umong those honored wus Charles (Bud) Pethick, populur assistant manager o! the Royal Bank ut Brucebridge, who huas joined the Royal Cunadian Army Puy Corps, and was presented with a cigar- ette ligbter. Bud la son o! Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Pethick o! Ibis town. .Col. L. T. McLuugblin received Wednesday by special express a beautiful 32" salmon trout !rom his cousin Mr. R. S. McLuughlin, President o! General Motors o! Canada, Oshawa, wbo with Mra. McLuughlin are holidaying ut their summen residence ut Cap Cbap, Que., on a tributury o! the St. Lawrence river. The genual Colonel shured the fisb witb sev- oral o! J.ùa neighbors including the editor's fumnily, who ahl declured it a moat onjoyable treut. Mr. W. Rex Caverly o! the Pro- vincial Police Force ut Simcoe bas been granted louve o! absence buving enlIsted. Ho is now a Staff Sergeunt in the 12th Anti Tank Buttory ut Petawawu Camp. Be- fore leuving Rex wus guest o! honor ut a purty given ut Turkey Point on Lake Erie when ho wua givon a wniat watch and a purso and bis wif e a bouquet o! roses. Rex is only son o! Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Caverly o! this town. A contingent o! the ais Midland Battulion (Active) consiating o! the Regimontal Band, urrived in the euat yesterduy fnomn their base on the Pacific couat. Bowmun- ville boys camne in on the 10 a.m. train and were given a rousing reception. Tbey were Ptes. W. J. Tait, Max Tuerk, Howard Brook- ing andI J. Puradou, ull of whomn were looking fine. Theur leave us for the regulation 14 duys with an extra 7 wbîch la the lime ro- quired for the round trip by train. gave their reports. Because o! the resignation o! Mrs. C. A. Burt- lett as treasuren, Mrs. Lucas Nich- tilla was asked to take tbe position for remuinder o! year. The ladies then perpurod tables for the children's lunch, while others entertained them with games, and the, mothers enjoyod a social hour togethor. 1 Obituary Leslie Cyrus Pascoe. In the passing on June 18 o! Leslie Cyrus Puscoe, the commun- ity o! Enfield and township o! Darlington have truly sustained a great bas mn one o! their best known and most highly respected members. Mr. Pascoe bad enjoyed excel- lent bealth until the past year wben bis physician ordered a quieter life on account o! a heurt condition, wbich ut the last could not witbstand pneumonia whicb no doubt hurried bis death. This is the first death umongat the children of the late Richard and Surah Pascoe o! wbich Mr. Puscoe was the second son, born- on Scugog Island in 1873. Wben tbree years o! uge bis family moved to Enfîeld onto the farmn now owned by bis son Wallace. In 1904 ho married Mary Helen Alexander and tbey settled on the farm which ho successfully operated till this year. A faithful church attender and supporter Mr. Pascoe was secre- tury-treasurer, an eider o! the church and as *nember o! tbe quarterly officiai board ho was one in wbom reliance was placed. Ris leadership and inspiration o! a truly Christian life will be sud- ly missed. Mr. Pascoe was most active in the affuirs o! the community'J Ho wus for 30 yeurs trustee and until bis death secrotary treusurer o! Enfield school. In 1938 ho was elected to the township council and us deputy reeve represented Darlington on the county council, wbere in both, bis sane judgment1 and pructical ideas won him many frienda. As a busband and futher Mr. Paacoe was one o! the beat. In bis home the principles o! sacrifice and service were deoply inculcat- ed and no sacrifice seemed too great for the suke of bis fumily. As a neigbbour and friend ho will ho miased greatly for ho was ever V roudy to, lend a holping band wbere belp was needed and bis name was synonymous with bon- esty and dependubility. There are le! t to, mourn bis passing, bis loving wife and four cbildren, Wallace, on the udjoin- ing farm; Dorothy, (Mrs. God- froy Bowmun, Enfueld); Helen, (Mrs. Hugh Bouton, Oshawa); and Bessie ut home; four grandcbild- ren, ulso two brothers, Mr. Her- man Pascoe, Columbus, Mr. Ellis Pascoe, Brooklin, and one sister, Mrs. Charles Mackey, Brooklin. The funerai wbich took place from bis home on June 20 and conducted by bis pastor Rev. J. A. Plant, with interment ut Hampton cemetery was lurgely attended. Palîbeurers were the councilmen. Floral offerings, pro- fuse and beautiful, were a symbol of the loving esteemn in whicb this truly good and kindly man was beld in bis community. Edgar Howard Colo It was very much o! a shock bo the people o! Hampton comn- munity early Saturday morning, June 27tb, 10 learn that' one o! their bigbly reapected citizena, in the person o! Edgar Howard Colo, bud pussod quietly to bis eternal neward. Mr. Colo had spent the previous evoning with frienda in Bowmunville, and on retiring gave no intimation thut'he was not in bis usual good bealtb. Ho was born in Hampton, Jan- uary 18, 1879, and resided in the vicinity bis oqtire lifetime. Ho was the only son o! the laIe Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Colo, und wus educated ut Hampton and Ennis- killen achools. He wus murried 10 Ethel Maud Curtis o! Tyrone, Sept. 13, 1911, and settled on bis father's homestead, nortb of Hampton, where ho lived until rotiring from f urm life in the summer o! 1938. Ho leaves 1 mourn bis bass, bis wife undî one sister, Mrs. J. C. Clemence (Ella). and one niece, Mrs. D. Bannes (Mildred), botb o! Oshawa. Ho wus a member o! Hampton United Chuncb and a member and negular attenden o! Jerusa1em Lodge, A. F. & A. M., ulso o! Pal- estine Chapter, R.A.M. o! Boxw- munville. The funeral service, wbicb was veny lurgely attended, was beld June 29th, from bis residence. and wus conducted by bis puator. Rev. W. Rackl'àm, who spoke very bigbly o! the muny sterling qualities posseased by Mr. Colo. Rov. Canon C. R. Spencer, Bow- munville, also spoke a few words in bebaîf o! the Musonic Order. The beurers were, Messrs. H. H. Wilcox, A. L. Blanchard, F. Rog- ors. A. E. Billett, J. H. McKeever and W. G. Pascoe, feilow comn- panions o! the Masonic onder, who took charge o! the service ut the cemeteny. The floral tribules, wbich were many and beautiful, testi!iod lu the high osteom in which the de- ceased xvas beld. Besides the frienda fnom the suirroundinL, community, many wone preFenit !rom Bowmanville. Oshawn. Tn- ronto, Port Perrv, Millhrnok Blackwater, Port Hope and Nes- tleton. Ladies Entertained At Veterans' Camp About 90 ladies o! Bowmani- ville were entertauned Fnuday evoning ut the German Prisoni CamIp by off icens, N.C.O.'s and mon o! the Veterans Guard. Tea, cake, sandwiches and stnuwber- ries were served in the Guards' quartera outaide, o! course, o! the barb-wine fence that contuins within some 700 Hun officer prisoners.. The ladies wene representatives o! Clubs, the Women's Institute, Girls' Service Club, and genenal- ly those who have taken part iin muintuining_ the Soldions' Club Rooma in town, which bas proved 50 highly populun, not only with the Veterans Guard but ull runks and service mon who puas Ibis way. A courteous uppreciationi was thus extended to theso ladies 10 bave tbu ut the Camp. Haydon Several fromn here attended the Dru mhead services at Cream of Barley Camp. Congratulations to Sergt. Don- ald Mountjoy, R.C.A.F., on grad- uating at Manitoba on July 3rd when he received bis stripes and wings. Donald had the honor of gradluating in second place out of a class of 846 members. Our teacbher, Miss Jean Houston, bas returned to Auburn for boli- days, but wê bre looking forward to her return in September. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham and family attended the Graham fumily picnic at Manchester on Saturday. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Cecul Crossman and Jean accompunied Mrs. D. Hall and Dave to Mr. Charles Henry's, Lindsay . .. Mrs. T. Cowling and Vivian accompan- ied Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Black- burn to Mr. T. Tabb's, Tyrone .. . Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Enniskillen, Mrs. Stanley May, Toronto, at Mr. Wm. Trewin's . . . Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery at Mr. H Rahm's, Burlýe- ton . . . Mrs. W. Thompson with relatives in Toronto . .. Mrs. Fred Ashton and family bave returned to Toronto . .. Mr. and MVrs. Aly- mer Beech and family ut Mr. Rosa Richard's, Bowmanville . . . Mrs. Frank Osmond and babe bave re- turned to Bowmanville . . . Ron- ald Ashton at Mr. Wilfred Bow- man's, Enfield. Christie St. Padre (Continued from page 1) mother who had come to him and saici: "Why Mr. Lambert they have called up my son", and be replied, "Dont worry, they bave called up mine too, and he bas been 2 years overseas, but they called him up the other day just the same; that's the way they do things while the Hun marches in." In conclusion, Col. Lambert scored the able-bodied slackers who sat and sucked sugar and who go by and ignore the flag and scorn the National Anthem; those to whomn patriotic enthusiasm is foreign, and it is that cluss, tbe thoughtless, the dupes and the deadheads who, protected under a "voluntary" system,.endanger the whole State. Ho suid "Let's get tbe "hute" complex and get on and kill Huns; that is the way to overwhelm 'em, kili 'em", and ho asked, "How do you like that, you isolationists and pacifists, as com- ing fromn a minister of tbe Gos- pel?" "We must keep tyrant Hit- ler away from Canada, so let us fight and work and pray till vic- tory dawns, and may God bless you alI," was patriot Lambert's final admonition. Formalities were concluded by brie! speecbes of the two parlia- mentarians present who failed to touch upon the plebiscite and manpower question. Thon came "Last Post'" and "Reveillie" on the bugle and the benediction and the National Anthem, which, ufter the speech of the day, saw hoads bared in solemn humility. Dowmanville - on- the- Lake (Continued from page 1) at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pouirpart, Torornto, are guests at "Millborough." Mr. and Mrs. W. H. P. Patte, Margaret and Bob, Oshawa, have returned to Marbodean Cottage. Mr. and Mrs. H. Jamieson, To- ronto, are holidaying at Ravens- mere. Mr .and Mrs. Addison Bail and daughter Marjorie, Toronto, are spending a few weeks ut Waveney Villa with Mrs. A. Summerville, Toronto. Private Joan Bail, C.W. A.C., Trinity Barrucks, Toronto, wus a weekend guest. Mr. J. Curr, Jackie Carr, Mrs. J. Wier and duughter Betty, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lanthier and Donna are spending a short time ut "Clear- view."I Mr. and Mrs. E. Wuddington and son have returned to Melrose Cottage for the 7th season. r. William Waddinugton wus a wýeek- end guest and the boys of the 5lst'Sea Scouts stopped ut the cot- tage on their way to Kingston. Mrs. C. Carson and fumily, To- ronto, are stuying ut I. V. Cottage. With them are Miss D. Houlds- worth, Mrs. A. McLean and Mrs. D. Wilson, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. Buchan and Miss Jean Buchan, Toronto, have returned to their summer home ut "Muryville." Mrs. M. Duvidson, Mrs. George McDowell, Joyce and Wini!red, are staying ut Lorrein Cottage. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Attwell, To- ronto, have returned to Poplur Lodge. Guesta are Mrs. J. Attwell, Ottawa and Mr. A. Bull, Toronto. Mrs. N. A. Simpson and Mr. T. D Simpson, Helen and Irene Simpson, and Dorothy Meuker, Toronto, are staying ut the Dingle. Mrs. C. Dennis, Mrs. R. C. Monka, Toronto, Mrs. Warren Henderson, Vunouver, are ut Clover Cabin. Mrs. A. Myers, Mrs. L. Suther- land, Mrs. S. Gage and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Suthe.-land are in the Bunny Borough. Mr. and Mrs. W. Leslie, Toron- to, are spending a few weeks ut No. 54. Mrs. Elmer Ott and family are spending their holiduys ut Brue- side. Mrs. J. E. Gordon and baby, and her brother Mr. J. Miller are ut their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Russelli What- mough, Toronto, are sponding the summer ut "Windrose." Major John H. Fox bas spont his weekend furloughs ut "Chequ- ors" before returning to England. Mrs. W. M. Blanchard and Dorothea, are spending the sum- mer ut their cottage. Mrs. Jack Jennings is spending July with them and Miss Irla Jackman, Bowmanville, xvus a weekend guest. Mr. and Mrs. McLeod and son, Toronto, are spending a week ut "Journey's End." Miss Bracken bas rented thel Oasis for the summer and ta sup- 1 plying .1he needs of Cedurwood and the Cove. Mrs. W. D. Fox and grandsons have taken up residence ut Cove Cottage. Mr. William McCartney has kindly consented to conduct the services at the Chapol-on-tho-Hill at tho Cove. Ho has distributed very attractive calondars for the month of July, outluning the top- ics ho intonds to follow during bis services this montb. Mrs. W. H. Carlton, Capo Cod Cottage, had 34 children in ans- wor to the Sunday school bell ut 11.30 on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Barr and Betty and David have rented the Carl- ton Cottage. Mr. and Mrs. William Simpson and family have rented a summer homo for the season. The Black and Walkor familles have ronted the Ormsby Cottage again tbis summer. Jack Rice and companion tip- ped out of thoir canoe into the icy wators o! Lake Ontario on Sun- day. They wore rescued by Rance Dilling and Wilbur Miller, Osh- awa. Mrs. C. B. Lattimer and Zetta have returned to their cottage. Misses Velda Lattimer and Phyl- lis Williams were weekend guests. Mrs. A. Edwards and Mr. Bort Edwards, Toronto, have returned to their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. George Hughes, and Irwin Hughes, Toronto, were woekend guests of Mrs. R. Hugh- es, at "Leaside Cottage." Mr. and Mrs. R. Burr and fam- ily, Oshawa, and niece Mary Mac- Gregor are at a cottage here. Dr. and Mrs. Chester New, Mc- Master University, Hamilton, are again spending the summer in the Jury cottage. Mrs. M. Smith, Mrs. K. Cormac, Mrs. J. Salkeld and their familles have rented Moonshine Cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Vurcoe and family again occupied their sum- mer home. Mr. and Mrs. Orie F. Shaw and baby Loreen, Mrs. M. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Harmun and son Stewart, Toronto, Mrs. Jim Cully, Bowmanville, Mr. Jimmy Stewart, Mimico, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Horton, Miss June Stewart, Toronto, are spending their holi- days together at the beach. Miss Gloria Terwillegar, Colum- bus, is wîth Mr. and Mrs. S. Jack- son and family, Oshawa, at the beach. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Piper and family, New Toronto, Mrs. Bill Dunlop and Judith, Toronto, are spending their bolidays at Cylant Shore. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Noble and daughter Helen, Indianapolis, are spending a week ut the beach. Mrs. E. R. Bounsali is visiting them. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Goddard are at their summer cottage. Recent visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Goddard and Lynne, Montreal, and Miss Evelyn Goddard, Toron- to. Weekend guest at Kilcare were Mr. and Mrs. L. Luge and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. T. LilIy and PAPER GOODS Save time and labor. We have paper cups, plates, spoons, forks, table napkins, table cloths and baking cups. "SAPPHIRE" CLASS Make your table attractive at little cost. Use heat proof glass - cups and saucers, plates, fruit dishes, bowls and platters. J. W. JEWELL ddBlc WFF BOOKSTORE Phone 556 Bowmanville family, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harvey and family, Whitby, Mrs. F. Aimesbury and family Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. H. Whitlock and family, Columbus. Mrs. G. Wiggins, Toronto, at "Cedarholme". She has as her guests, Mrs. R. Ackerman. and family, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Burgess, To- ronto, are at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. R. Craig, Toronto, are at Glendoug. Mrs. W. Sn-dth, whose husband is overseas, and Mrs. W. Walmsley whose husband is with the active forces in Nova Seotia are visitng them. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Sharples, Jim and Jean, Oshawa, have taken Kilcare Cottage. Staying with them is Mrs. A. Pauly, Osh- awa. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Skinner and family, Oshawa, have taken the Purdy Cottage for the season. Vis- iting them are Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Skinner, Oshawa. A.C. Miss Grace Hall, R.C.A.F., Toronto, was home Sunday look- ing pretty neat in her airforce blue. mm@ý MA.CLEAN STOMACH A V POWDER 0 59Ç 98Ç on Summer Drug Needs 1.47 LOWEST Keep your system in good working order by providing against the up- TABLETS 0 sets that intense heat, changes in diet and irregular meals so easily PRICES cause in summer. We have complete stock of salines, vitamins, Bl prep- 25" 59Ç arations, laxatives, etc. at prices that will save you money. 1.47 0 ENGLISH HEALTH SALTS9 16 OZ .. 59e 0 ALKA-SELTZER 29c, 57c ENO'S FRUIT SALT .......... 59c, 98c REGU AR SIZE Malps Prevent Bad Breath Cives 25e Analgesie Balin -------- l9c Mineral Oil -------------- 39c, 79e orighter Teeth a Parkling Smiles 25e Aromatic Cascara ---- 19e 16 on. and 40 oz. Peroxide, 8 oz - ---- - --------- j9c Idaphos Tonie ------ - ------ $1.00 PALM BEACH 0 Syrup Figs & Senna ---- 18e Feenarnent -------------- i9c, .33c FOR WHITE SHOES ---------- 25e 0 Un SETT 0 CHASE'S NERVE FOOD .... 60cy $1.50 NOTHIM ER FOR WILLIAM'S SAL HEPATICA ...... 30c, 59c, $1-15 25Ç DRY9 AQUA VELVA IDASAL TABLETS, 100's 39C aAld UNRULY After Shave Lotion HAIR 49c - 98c Odorono Cream - 19 39e 1 pana Tooth Paste 29c, 49e 49ç Pond*s Creams 34c, 59c Cress Corn Salve ------------ 50e Mum --- -- --- -------------- 39c, 59e Blue Jay Corn Plasters 25e DEVELOPING Mecea Ointment --- Nu-feet --------------------- - ------- 25o AND PRINTING 0 Bayer Aspirin ...... 22c, 39c, 59c, 98c When you bring your films and 9 negatives to us you are assured Vitamin BI Tablets, 100's 59. of the finest possible results. Our 0 work is unequalled here and un- LIFEBUOY SOAP ........ 6c, 2 for Ilc FREE excelled elsewhere. ONE OUR SERVICE IN PROMPT LUX SOAP .............. 6c, 2 for lle 0 Gillette 1 coi BARGAINS Blue 1 Blade 049J.9 i la &* 'l Parowax, 1 lb ý --------------- i3c $1.25 Pinkham's with each Compound -------------------- 87e Package of 5 0 35c Corega -------------------- -, 24e FÉRST ARD! 25e Noxzema ----- - ---- - ----- ý 19e 6 Blades 0 On culrstancouLas as Tollet Tissue, 5 for -------- 25e 25c 0 ddALLENBU-RYSIF PRESCRIPTION$- A SPEÇJALTY 0 HALIBORANGE F The nicest way of 1iLýL&- taking Halibut Liver wMR ALEX MCGRE-GOR VITAMM111 0Û. ol»ç4 JUIC, e 1 1 - Laura Secord DRUCS Phone 7 0 0 85e - $1.50 - $2.75 Candies We Deli er 1 THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1942 PAGE SEVEN

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