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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jul 1942, p. 7

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THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1942 _____________________________ ~~~Tkt U' NAIAN S.TATESMANLL~, BOYYIWIi'4VILL.L, ONTA.'iRIO± A~bV 'T-TV.rE'1A %A flT A Wr C"flA flt¶OStA W? PnY1ff*MTVYVT V n¶9 *3 S oiland Personal Phone 40rl6 ~ r and Mrs. Harvey Morgan, o&, announce the marriage of their only daughter, Helen Eileen, to Mr. Carl A. Ritchie, Oshawa, on March 14, 1942. 30-1* Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mellor en- joyed a motor trip in eastern Ontario. Tyrone Sunday School held their picnic here Thursday. Mr. W. Barrett, Mrs. Crane anc Margaret Watham attendoid the Orange Walk at Millbrook. A new roof has been placcd or the Anglican church. Mrs. Richards and Mildred have returned from Toronto, leaving Mr. Richards somewhat improvec in health. Mrs. A. Prendergast and family, Toronto, have been at the Mc- Isaac cottage. The Mclsaacs will occupy the cottage next month. Miss Jane Gray, Toronto, is visiting -Miss Kathleen Gamsby. Messrs. Froste, Forrester and Eagleson enjoyed a fishing trip to Rice Lake. . Mrs. S. Littlewood has gone tc their cottage at Sunderland. Manley Littlewood is at camp at Ottawa. Mrs. Courtice is visiting Mrs. D. G. Hooper. Mrs. J. Henry, Toronto, visited here. Miss Elva G. Tucker, Toronto, is spending this week at her home here. Miss Margaret Roy is home. Mrs. Collins is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. J. Mellor. The Scouts had a successful salvage collection Saturday but thoughtless citizens make it twice as hard work as it needs to be by (1) not tying things up pro- perly, and (2) not having it ready. Citizens, please cooperate! Thank you! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lorriman spent the wcekend with J. F. Lor- riman. Mrs. Awde is improving. The Misses Touriee. Toronto, visited their aunt, Mrs. McPher- son. Park St. W. A. met July 141h. Worship. period was conducted by Miss M. Davy. Plans were made to send away woollens for blankets for the Red Cross. Au- FLUES CAUSE INFANTILE PARALYSIS e Inveeigations by medical scientista indicaté that fiy-infected foods are one of the principal causes of Infantile .. ,aysis (PoiiomyeIitis). Every fly ~wd to live is a potential menace ta an health. KIL¶ITHEM ALL WITH IL4 V --1eq 1 Oc Puit PAcKAGo o 3 PADS tAI Groceuy. Drug, Hardware àGeneral Stores gust meeting i 'wthdrawn. Mrs S. Littiewoogipresided in the ab. sence of Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ellis anc b abe.are visiting her father, J. F Lorriman. Cecil Graham visited his par- ents. 1, Mr. Robinson, Port Hope, visit- f ed his cousin, Mrs. P. Gordon. Mr. Varcoe, Cobourg, was guesl of his friend, Mr. Walter Sherwin, Miss Edna Myles, Pickering, -was home. n Rev. S. Littlewood is attending Oak Lake summer schooi. Eve- dning service at Park St. Church was cancelled. oMr. F. Rowe, Ottawa, calIed e nOrono relatives. Ross Wood has been transfer- red 10 Cornwall. ri Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hancock, Eleanor and Garry, are enjoying ea motor trip through Western and 9Northern Ontario. Miss Jean Lageer, Toronto, was ho me. It xvas decided to cancel Sunday School for Augusi and first weelk 1 in September. Mr. Neil Wood, Toronto, visited Shis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood. 1 Mrs. W. H. Rowe has been or ' the sick list. Misses Jean and Helen Bowers, iNestieton, are guests of Miss Joyce Sutton. Orono W.C.T.U. met Tuesday. Worship period was conducted by *Mrs. R. Best. Acknow1edgements of fruit, etc., wcre given. Nc 1meeting in August. Mrs. J. J. Meilor and Mrs. Littlewood were appointed to look after the Sept. meeting. Clippings were read by Mrs. Walsh regarding the Temp- erance situation. Cari Flintoff, while at Crow Lake holidaying, caught a 15 lb. 1muskie. Carl is son of Mrs. G. L. tFiintoff and is only 14 years of age. Incidentaliy, he was cele- brating his l4th birthday that day. Mr. and Mrs. Evereit Porter, daughter and son-in-law of that veteran fisherman W. E. Davey, caught a beautiful 18 pound mus- kie while in a canoe, at Lake Scugog. If you don't think this 15 difficuit - well, try ht your- self - We understand Ollie hook- ed it but hubby had 10 help get it in-and no wonder. Miss Marjorie Hoidge, who was hoiidaying'at Chas. Wood's, was called 10 Toronto owing to the sudden death of her uncle, Mr. Orme Hoidge. Misses Jean Forrester and Mar- garet Flîntof f were home. Scouts collected 3040 pounds of salvage Saturday. Murray Patterson is at Stur- geon Lake. There is no anti-religion in Russia that I ever saw.-Quentin Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crease and Paul, Toronto, visited Mrs. F. Cowan. Miss Joan Seymour. is visiting ai Mr. Wm. Seymour's. Carl Flintoff has returned from a vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cooper ai their cottage ai Crow Lake. Mr. and Mrs. G. Suggitt and Nancy and Miss Jean Seymour visîted here. Mr. and Mrs. Howeli Rowland, Mr. John A. Rowland and son David were ai Mr. Jas. C. Tam- biyn's. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and family visited Mrs. Smith. Mrs. James Gray, Toronto, is guest of Mrs. K. Gamsby. Mrs. Mary Phasey. Dianne and David, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Young ai their cottage, Lake Chemong. NOW IT CAN BE TOLD Two Toronto girls- or rather D [ children - hitchhiked to Qrono PARA'I recently, without knowledge or consent of their parents, to visit in their the grandmother of one of them. They had a most eventful jour- Hcfnbags ney, on foot and in cars-but the end of the journey was the most exciting, for they were picked up by Bowmanvilie police in the early hours. After questioning the tear-stained and weary girls, the police kindly phoned the to- Sbe-hostess via a neighbor who Sohligingly left his bed to deliver the message. A friend journeyed Sto Bowmanville to get the girls xvhile the grandmother phoned > " her daughter in Toronto and told 1her the story, asking her to get in Dr. C ase'stouch with the other little girl's parents. The playmate was re- & * * stored to her parents some hours PA R A D O L later but Grandma is stilîl enjoy- or Qick elie of ain ing a visit from her rather un- expected, but welcome, guest. DAYS FOR COLLECTION Note the new changes of collection and deiivery in your district. This is made necessary by new government regulations which permit us to cover any one district three days a week, oniy, on aiternate days. We ivili, therefore, be i Bowmanvile .*TUESDAY - THURSDAY - SAT. Hdave your bundie ready Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co. Limnited FOR ECONOMY Send your cieaning with your iaundry PHONE 419 NEWS Melisande Garcia Guerrero was born in Santiago, Chili, stud- 1ied art in Brusseis and Paris, tour- ed Canada with Francis Lederer's company in "Autumn Crocus' -two years ago, had her first radio audition ai Toronto less than two months ago, made her network sdebut two days later. Senorita Guerrero's delightful voice has added a Spanish note ..,. piquant and vîvacious . . . 10 the current sCBC musical presentation, "Sere- nata." The programme presents Latin American music Mondays aia 9.00 p5m., from Toronto, under the direction of Isidor Scherman. JEANNE FORRESTER, ORONO NAMED "MISS FARMERETTE" 7 CANDIDATE IN CONTEST May Give Radio Message To Pricess Elizabeth Juiy 25th From, a camp of 60 Farmerettes ai the "Pioneer Camp" near St. tCatharines, Miss Jeanne Forres- ter, daughter o! Mrs. R. Forrester, Orono, has been named official candidate to represent the camp in the "Miss Farmerette 1942" contest 10 be decided at St. Cath- arines, on July 25th. Sixteen other Ontario girls will compete with Miss Forrester for the coveted honor, and judging 3will be based largely on the ser- vice being rendered 10 Canada in helping 10 harvesi "Food for Vic- tory," as weil as on personality and appearance. The winner wili be presented publicly during a C.B.C. broad- cast originating in the St. Cathar- ines Armouries and carried over a network of Canadian stations ai 8.30 p.m. Saturday evening. Miss Farmereite will address herseif to Princess Elizabeth and wil present her with a gift of fruit which represents some of the work of the Farmerettes. A re- broadcast of the proceedings is to be made from the C.B.C. in Eng- land.- Miss Farmerette will also re- ceive the key to the city o! St. Catharines from His Worship, :Mayor Charles Daley, according 10 word reieased by the Ontario Farm Service Force this week. A.R.P. COMMITTEE MEETS Heads o! A.R.P. depts. and a few committee members met in the town hall Monday evening 10 continue the formation of an ac- tive Civilian Defence committee, and to learn more about the work. J. J. Mellor reported the com- pletion of the two haîf maps of the village and wouid have the other whole map of the village done shortiy. H. A. Clarke re- ported permission had been grant- ed for use o! council chamber. Owing 10 lodge meetings inter- !ering, il was decided 10 hold meetings .the first Monday*in each month - Augusi and Sept. meet- ings, however, being held on the first Friday as in each case Mon- day wili be a public holiday. Forms, asking questions as to family and fraternal associations, service in the Great War, etc., were given out. H. A. Clarke, who has been taking the lectures in Oshawa, gave a most interesting and com- prehensive talk, dealing with the subject "A.R.P. Work, What is il, Why is it, and How does it work? " He pointed oui that no glory or remuneration came to members of the A.R.P., but satis- faction was forthcoming in the lightening of the spirits and the continuance of the morale o! the citizens whom the Air Force could not proteci in case of bombings'1 He outlined the sections 0f theI organization, duties o! each con- troller-police, fire, first aid, pub- lic utilities and transport. Af ter telling of the results of the bombs, incendiaries and gas he showed the need for preparedness, and mentioned there might be a blackout in Oshawa district ibis fali, probably in October. DIM AND DISTANT From The Orono News of Juiy 22, 1926 Orono defeaied Newtonviile 3-2 which gives Orono the champion- ship of the western haîf o! south Durham league. They play off with Elizahethviile. Dnc Cannon, Picton, officiated as plate umpire, The Australian medicine com- pany are holding forth nightiy from a plat!orm ai the rear of Armstrong's store. Building committee of the new Agricultural Hall are arranging for a monster bee Tuesday. Oldest Orangeman in the Lind- say parade July 121h was Mr. Robert Fowler, in his 94th year. He joined Shankel Lodge, Ireland, when a youth. Wedding Pingie-Baldwin A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at Park St. Church parsonage, Orono, on Juiy l8th, 1942, when Mary Rose Baldwin, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Baldwin, Orono, became the bride of L.A.C. Ronald Pingle, Bowmanville, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pingie, Bowmanvilie. Rev. S. Littlewood officiated ai the ceremony, which was performed in the presence of the parents of the contracting parties. The bride looked lovely in a gown of heaven blue silk jersey with pink flower hat and corsage of sweetheart roses. She was ai- tended by Mrs. Bernard Swenson, Barrie, who wore a becoming beige redingote with flower hat and corsage of roses. The groom was supported by Bernard Swen- son. A reception was held ai the bride's home, which was attended by about twenty friends and rela- tives. The bride's mother, attired in rose crepe with white hat and accessories and corsage of roses, assisted by Mrs. Pingle, who wore a rose sheer frock with white hat and accessories and corsage of roses, received with the happy couple. Delicious refreshments w er e served on the lawn, the guesis going into the house for the cere- mony of the cutting of the wed- ding cake, which graced the cen- tre of the nicely appointed table in a room prettily decorated with a white wedding bell and pink and white streamers. Mrs. K. Gamsby and Mrs. S. Hall, Orono, served the guests. The happy couple ieft for Eas- tern Ontario points, the bride tra- velling in a dark blue crepe frock with draped turban to match. SPORTS PROGRAM HELD AT THE FEDERATION PICNIC The sports program ai the Fed- eration of Agriculture picnic on Friday all helped to make an en- joyable rounded oui affair. John and Garnet Rickard conducted the sports events in their usual capable manner. In the softbali game between South and North Durham Girls the southerners won 13 to 10. The line-up: South - E. Hendry, E. Middle- ton, A. Rickard. B. Aluin,.R Goode, M. Hockins, C. Siaples, J. Bonathan, V. VanDusen. North - I. Sisson, M. Page, G. Driver, B. McDowell, K. Jarvis, E. Jarvis, E. Sheckleton, J. Jar- vis, and M. Hannah. In the draw for the Silver Com- port Miss Lenora Fahlis, Black- stock, heid the lucky ticket which was drawn by litile Miss Daltor Fisher. It certainly was a great affai and one of the largest and mosi successful picnics ever held ir Orono. Wheiher you atiended or not you should read Premier Hep- burn's speech in Ibis issue. Newtonville Visitors: Mrs. Cornthwaite, Port Hope, ai Mr. S. R. Jones'. . . Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Bradley, Toronto, with Mr s, Wm. Whiiaker. Mrs. Bradley remained. . . Mr. and Mrs. Bert Caldwell, Toronto, at Mr. George Stapleton's. Doroihy Stapleton went home with them. ..Mrs. Dunn and children, To- ronto, Miss Lorraine Milligan, Lindsay, ai Mr. Wm. Milligan's... Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Milîson, Dor- een and Lawrence, ai Mrs. Oliver Turner's, Cobourg... Mrs. L. Mc- Roberts, Toronto, with Mrs. Ru- therford. . . Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Savery and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Barclay and daughter, Osh- awa, with the Lane f'amilies... Miss Hazel Reid, Oshawa, at home. . . Miss Allie Nesbitt, To- ronto, ai home. . . . Miss Jean Wade, Lindsay, holidaying at home. . . Miss Wilma Hubbard, Millbrook, with Miss Laureen Me- Cullough. .. Mrs. Reg. Woodham and Marie, Toronto, Mrs. F. Coucb and Mrs. N. Samis, Newcastle, Mr. Lennox Vasey, Port Me- Nichol, ai Mr. Wm. Stapleton's.. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Randail and John, Oshawa, with Mrs. H. Ran- dali. .. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lit- île and Garry in Omemee. . . Miss Mary Denauli and Mr. Roy Berry ai Peterboro Lift Locks. Jack Wade has joined the Medicai Corps. Mrs. Hyatt, who visited her sis- ter Mrs. Henry Jones, has return- ed 10 Kalamazoo. Mich. W.I. met aI Mrs. George Hen- 1 ircH 'OrMoneoyBock For quick relief from t iching of ema, pamples, ath. lete'a footsamies, scabies, rashes and other externa1lY cased ekin troubles, née fast-acting, rooling, anti. septic. li,îuid D. D. D. Precriptio'n. Greas..Iree, Stailes. Soothea irritation man,! .îoiy stopsintense hteling. 35c trial ittle proses r, nonev ba!.. Ak tour druosiât ioday for D.D.D. PRESCRIPTION. C.W.A.C. TO DOUBLE STRENGTH IN FEW MONTHS Girls from every part of Canada, now serving in the Canadian Women's Army Corps are performing the important job of releasing able-bodied men for combatant duty, as these pictures show. The Corps, which will double its strength within the next few months, is employing girls in many of the jobs available to their sisters in civilian life. In every department of the Army, women are proving they can work efficiently and well. The need for typists in the C.W.A.C. is pronounced. The stenographer pic- tured at TOP was in the ranks a few months ago. Now she has, been promoted to the rank of sergeant. She is shown taking dictation from Major Brown. Ahl phases of Army life are familiar to the members of the Corps and ai BOTTOM three members are shown working on one of the station wagons at St. Mar- guerite, P. Q. They are, L Cpl. E. Reid and Vol's. P. Robinson and E. Davis. Those interested in joining can get information at the nearest recruiting office. (Canadian Army Photo) derson's, July 151h. Mrs. Bert'Soldiers' Dependents Samis was in charge of the pro- ~ gram, topic being "Agriculture iReceive Speciai Grants and Canadian Industry." Roll cal was -Name an Industry." A short Set Up for Purpose of Meeting talk was given by Mrs. M. J. Emergencies Facing Soldiers' Holman on 'ýFriendship." Miss Families-Should Report Cases. Mary Henderson gave a paper on "The Canadian Apple." Reading By an Order-in-Council the by Mrs. Lionel Hughes, "As I Federai Government established walk with the crowd in the Road" a Suppiemeniary Grants Fund to was much enjoyed. Process o! the be adminisiered by the Depari- Blood Doning Clinic was explain- ment of National Defence, who ed by Mrs. Jerry Brown. Read- in turn created the Dependents' rings were interspersed by songs. Board of Trustees for Ibis pur- tMeeting ciosed with two contests pose. 1and lunch was served. Nexi meet- The Fund is :ntended to assisi r ng ai Mrs. F. B. Lovekin's, New- the dependents o! men serving castle. in Active Forces in meeting emer- gencies such as illness, death, calamities or other unusual ex- Stark illepenses, ahi or any o! which would Starkvlle icreate a hardship, as weli as 10 assisi families consisting o! more This section has been visited than four children, the number twith some welcome showers for which the dependents' allow- which were refresbing 10 hoe ance is presently granted, and is, crops and pastures. therefore. funictioning quite apari The Savery family attended the from the Dependents' Allowance family picnic ai Cream o! Barley! Board or Regulations. Ahl de- tPark, Bowmanville, on Saturday. !pendent families o! men serving Shiloh W. A. had a success!ul vith the rank o! warrant officer picnic in the lawn o! Mr. and or belowr are eligible to apply for Mrs. S. G. Hallowell on Wednes- assitance under these circum- day, when 93 people were pre- stances. sent. Sports, races, etc., weren A number o! Regional Com- joyed by the younger folk. There mittees have been established were also two interesting f ca- across Canada in order 10 besi tures. One xvas the seeing o! serve these applicants, and a some o! the new generation, who Commitice with headquarters in are just starting life, in the per- Kingston embraces Ibis territory. sons o! the infant daughter o! Mr. _________________ and Mrs. Harold Hancock o! Osh- awa, also the infant daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim, and the .., . int son o! Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell. The other item o! in- teresi was when Lewr Hallowell made a feu, remarks about the good services our former teacher, Miss Wray o! Peterboro. had giv- en. Phyllis Gilmer and Ileen Todd presenied beri with an electric reading lamp, to which Miss Wray made a suitable reply. Lorne .I v Todd and others spoke briefly.A> program followed. I Danny Shuika, Air Force, St. Thomas, is home helping in farm relief. Russell Savery is out after his fall in the barn. Mrs. Roy Mercer, Kendal, wili take the service ai Shihoh nexi Sunday morning. Barley and wheat harvest is under way, witb a good crop. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. A. Dob- son and Mary Lou at Dunsford.. Mrs. Silver, Pickering, and Helen Moore, Oshawa, ai Mr. Geo. Et- wei's... Mr. and Mis. Chas. Yule, Oshawa, ai Wm. Savery's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Allun and daughter, To- ronto, at Lew Hallowei's... Mrs. K. Stephenson, Port Hope, at Mr. Victor Fairow's... Clarence Gil- mer is home afier spending a feu, holidays in Midland. .. Miss Nor- 1:ý: mna Hallowell and uitile Maryt Haliowell with Mrs. Wark, Wes- ton. . . Mrs. H. Harringion and son Paul, Mrs. Frank Bennett and Idaughter Joan, Toronto, ai Jacob To help meet the strains of extrc Haowell's. .. Mrs. Irish and naurishment. And, one of the granddaughiter, Toronto, ai Sid Halowell'. .. Mr. and Mrs. Sid authorities say, lis to eat thle "pro Haliowell and family ai H. Rusk's. are the whole grain cereals. Port Hope. .. Little Jane Trimble, Nabisca Shredded Wheat is 100' Oshawa, with Miss Sophia Shtit- form, with ail ka. . . Mrs. Waldon, Hamilton,'emrean with ber sister IVûs. Fred Todd. gr ean _______________Shredded W We part mnore easily with what fat menu ai %ve possess than with our expec- THE CANADIAN talions o! what we hope for: ex- pectation always goes beyond en- 9.1 joyment.-Home. ORONO ATTENTION! I EYou-the woncn of Canada-can WW scrve your country on the "Hom FrGnt , tn your kitchen, by economizing in the preparation of the nourishing foods your family muit have. 0 Many varieties of delightful ýdesserts cao be made quicly, easily and at littie' cost, with pure, high quality Canada Corn Starch. THE UNSUNG HEROES 0F THE EMPIRE 0F THE SEAS B sn s Inte er1818, the BritishiBsns Sailors' Society was founded on board the Nelson war sloop "Speedy*". The vessel had done Le~ good service at the Batlle of Tra- falgar and was produced by some M. G. V. GOt warm-hearted Christian business Barrister, Sol men. who were deeply touched by Phon the neglect meted out to the Sail- BakoCo ors of that day. BowCo These business men with soi-e Bw friends met in the City of London W. R. Tavern in the Poultry on Febru- Barrister, Sol ary 12, 1818. The war sloop re- Solicitor for Be ferred 10 was bought and a few Money to Loan weeks later put mbt commission Bowmanvil for use of the Sailors as the first Chapel and Home they could cali L. C. MA their very own. The opening cer- Barrister emony was an inspiration. The oayP well wishers packed the stage Ntr c coaches from Bristol and else- Law in al where. "A great companly as- Office immediate sembled" s0 the records read. The. And on that day over one hund: Phone Office 688 red and twenty-three years ago, the British Sailors' Society was Den brought into being.DRJ.C From the very heginning the DRJ.C Society became a shelter in the Assistant: Dr. time of storm to hundreds of men ,Graduate of Rc in need of help and advice. And lege, Toronto, 0fi ever silice it has continuied a Bldg., Bowmanv. gracious work to tempest-tossed 9 a.m. to 6 men and has added innumerable excepi additions to its activities, each Phone 790 -1 fresh advance being introduced X-Ray Equipr as new needs were manifested. This same spirit of adventure has Funeral 1 heen manifested throughout the Societys history, until now there FUNERAL 1 are over one hundred "Homes Service. any 1 from Home' in active operation for the BROTHERHOOD 0F THE F. F. Me SEA-except where War has Modemn Motor1 made it necessary for some of our bulance and In% Institutes to be temporarily' clos- phone 480 or 73- ed. On the other hand, the War has moade it neessary tn open and Licensed A furnish additional weli-appointed centres - mostly on the East CLIFFORD Coast of the Home Land. cine - Hon. Angus L. MacDonald, Acier- Naval Minister. First Lord of the Phone Bown Admiralty, spoke at the Canadian Specializing in1 Club, Toronto, April 7, 1941 of Implements and the wonderful accomplishments of Consuit me fort the Royal Cariadian Navy.. . No less glowingly did he describe the Merchant Navy of the Empile, Veter when he described them as "The Unsung Heroes of the War," stat- R. B. MURRAY ing that "no group of men are Vetelit making a more valuable contri- Curch St. 7 bution to the War effort." I'hon( P le ase send donations to: Ci George M. Speedie, Dominion Secretary, 50 Alberta Ave., To- Order your cou: ronto. lai The Statesman Directory egai ULD, B.A. L.I.B. Micitor, Notary me 351 )mmerce Bldg. nanville STRIKE licitor, Notary lnk of Montreal - Phone 791 ,ile, Ontario %SON, B.A. . Solicitor ,biic - Etc. its branches Lly east of Royal eatre Home 553 mtist DEVITT E. W. Sisson oYal Dental Col. ffice: Jury Jubilee ille. Office hours 5p.m. daily, Sunday House phone 325 nent in Office )irectors DIRECTORS hour, any day orris Co. Equipment, Amn- ivaiid Car. Telei- 34, Assistant 573. àuctioneers 1PETHICK -Enniskilien manville 2536 F'arm, Livestock, Furniture Sales. terms and dates. * 50-tf riary inanan Bowmanville ie 843 29tf .nter check books m office. HUMA ICJ C ý- 1 .w

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