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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jul 1942, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1942 T14~ C!ANADIAN STATESMA~. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO IThe Newcastle Independen Phone Clarke 1114 Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Graham right how to get the work done. visited in Kingston. Toronto Telegram reports that Mrs. Rust D'Eye, Toronto, is Premier Hepburn and several holidaying with Mrs. J. G. H. Wal- other notables attended the far- lace. at the lake. mers' picnic at Orono: but wve Mr. Rex Wynn, Brantford, is note that the onlypitrsub holidaying with his family at lished in connectionwt h "Tinturn" cottage. story were those of three New,- Mr. W. G. Hay, Toronto, s castie girls: Jean Bonathan, pit- spending his holidays with M4rs. cher of Newcastle*s senior girls« Hay at their cottage.. softball teami. and Doris and Betty MissFracesTomshasretrn-Allun, star athietes of the sports ed to Montreal after a hioliday porm with hier mother, Mrs. Harold Lightniiig of Friday niiglit struck Toms. and made a comiplete wreck of Misss Mriln an DoeenEu-one of the giant, niany-branched wrisseht riyhav rend rom n-villow trees in Mrs. W. H. B. tragt hyand Miss ettyon Chaplin s flats south of the Mill trigt is holidayig trEn- St. bend. Large limbs were wriht s hlidyin thre ow. smiashied and hurled to the ground Half a dozen Newcastle track and bark and splinters of wood and factory workers came do,%n ,vere ripped off and scattered in to Carl Selby's evenings this week all directions. Reeve C. R. Car- and put up hay in the fields after veth. on one of his frequent fishi- supper. ing rambles. %vas one of the first George Graham and James to ciscover the rent andl shatter- Wright, Merchant Marine, were ed willow. home from Prescott before leav- Rev. R. E. Morton took as the ing for Ottawa and then to Van- text for his sernionette t0 the couver, B.C. vo ung people Sundayý morning. Rev. and Mrs. J. McLachlan, The lips of a fool w'111walo Newtonville, now on holidays, uip himself. Eccles. 10:12. This is left Tuesday evening for Fort a bigger feat. said hie. than the William to visit their son an-d sword swallowers at the side- daughter-in-law. show. Aiiyw%ýay. lie drove homne Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith spent h-is contention that people often the weekend in Hamilton and saw talk too much. talk theruselves ini- much of the tremendous havoc to oblivion. The beautiful flowers wrought by the stormns of Friday that adornied the church on Sun- and Saturday nights. day were inin emory. of the late Donald E. Gibson, T. W. Jack- J. A. Avcde who passed awaY a son, W. H. Gibson. Geo. A« Wal- 1er go ton and F. W. Bo-wen were i V is it o rs: Pte. Carl Fisher. Toronto last week attending the Bramipton. with Mrs. E. C . Fisher. Masonie Grand Lodge. M \iss Bessie Blackburn. Toron- Wit th teni aptin hasto. at Miss E. M. Blackburn's... Wit th tam aptin Chs. i Jo. Rowland, Manager of Bonathan, pitching the Newcastlee Bank of Commerce Branch aI Metallies iwon another game froiniEmmra. and son David, at Mr. Bowmanville Foundry, aggrega- Howell Roland's. .. Mr. and tion last Wednesday. score being Mrs. Wmi. Toms and family. To- 12~~ t1.ronto. at Mr. Herb. Toms... Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose, Mrs. King and Miss Blakley, Toronto, Merkley Clark and Mrs. Raymond at Mr. P. F. Hare's. .. Mr. ai-d Reid attended the wýedding Of Mrs. Mark Blackburn. Hampton, Miss Lorna Adams at Hillier last 1 and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Black- Saturday. The groom is a C.N.R. burn. Maple Grove. at Miss E. M. employee. formerly of Owen Blackburn's. . . Miss Helen Rick- Sound. but now of Belleville. ard and Miss Ethel McKenzie. Red Cross Salvage Committee Toronto, at Mr. W. J. S. Riekards. are still on the lookout for rub-.. Master Keith Spucer. Toronto. ber goods of any description and at W. J. S. Rickards... ordoný are asking everyone \vho has an-, Kitchen of the Highilanders and rubber to conribute to their Richard Anderson of the R.C.A.F. country's needs to leave it this \vere home. w'eek at the East End Garage. funeral of bis cousin, Mrs. E. Corbett. at Perrytown on Julýý l4th. She was.- daughter of the late Richard Walsh who once liv- ed in Newcastle in the now owned by Mrs. Beatrice Allin. Miss Mary Sheila Gogerty. just two, was flower girl at the Leigh- ton-Worley wedding in Grace United Church, Toronto. Satur- day. Her mother. Mrs. Michael Gogerty, a relative of the bride, was also a guest at the wedding. Carl Selby is one of our local farmers who feels the acute labor shortage at this time. With bis boy, Robt. Gray. in the reserve army and gone to camp for two weeks, 25 acres of hay yet to handle. harve-st coming on and corn to hoe, t's a probleni ah HARRY ALLuN OFFERS THESE SPECIALS faà' tin AYLMER Pork & Beans - 10e PAR COFFEE 51c lb. Stoneless DATES. . . 22c lb. PURE GOLD JeIly Powders - 7c Heinz White Wlne Pickling VINEGAR . 65c gai. Flower Dale TEA . . . 5 1.00 lb. A fine quality Tea that makes more cups Per Pound ASSORTED Biscuits - IL. 25< FRESH FISH Tuesdays and Saturdays FIARRY ALIBI "THlE CORNER GROCERY" phones 367-368 We Deliver Soldiers 0verseps -%vas bebind me. Tbanks agaiti for' Wrie LonsCluthe cigarettest They were a wel-: Lions' at home and keep up tilc Nursing Sister E. Flaxmanu, go o Hain Myens Hospital, East Kilbride. LanarkCourticed I would like to thauîk bbc mcm- C u tc bers of the Lionîs Club for bbthe___ cigarettes whicli thîey senttnme. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Linstead. Tbey aremiu ch apprcciated as Sask.. are bolidaying with bis bru- thev*re a bib scarce over Ocere at bher Rex'. and Mrs. H. Linstead.. limes anîd e aIl prefen bbc Cati- Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. West, Mr. anud adian bratîd. Tlîat paticular Mrlis. Clarnuce West and Clare.. brand is iiy favounite. 100. Toronto, withî Mr. and Mrs. J.! but rio beeti raher busy lateiy Brown. . . Mr. F. Trull, Toronto.! b the s muchi ht e catit aI "The Grange'. . . Ray Barber. eujoyth outdour lfe we're lead- R.CAF., St. John's, Que., wiîhî ing. Thîe lospital is ouI ti the bis parenits Mn. and Mns. G. Bar- counbry su wlien bbc weatber 's ber. .. Misses Aumie and Mary- uicc ,vere out as mucli as Pus- Rutîdle, Toronto, wibh theur' sible. I had beard a lut about the grntdfatlîer, A. E. Rutîdle. .. Mrs. Scottislî weatber but it's nut as Frank Pickell, wbo is spending, bad as it's painted. especially inthebb sunîmcn wibb Mn. and Mns. K. bbe spring. The Scobisb uiists E. Countice, bas gone 10 Kingstonî look a lut ike raiuî bliu. But i's to visit Mn. Invin Pickell. . a Iov-ely country in spibe of bbc Cburch services wene well ai- rani. bcnded. In bbc evening Rev. H. Tbank yuu agaiti ex-ensu much Linstcad book as bis subject for bbc cigarettes-it ivas su nuce .What dues religion mean lu' of you bu tbitîk of me. yu' Arnold B. Lobb, Canadian Armny Overseas. a nu About six wceks ago I received 300 cigarettes froni bbc Lions' Club anîd I can't remember if I Mn. and Mrs. C.J. Mountjoy. sent bbcetîncloscd card uti receipt Islitîgton. Mr. William Mountjoy. of thernior nut. su, beitig caugbt Gaît, with their sister. Mrs. El- in a flood of correspumîdeuice (Ibis hIot. beung my fouuth uf btie evening) Congratulabions bu Mn. and Mrs. let me take Ibis upportuuiity bu Bill Proctur. Toronto, on tbeiu tbauîk bbc Liouns Club' for theni. marriage. Thcy were guesbs ai Like the other urganizations Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown's. turoughout Catiada you may well Sympathy is being expressed be pnoud of your genenosity bu- f bu Mrs. J. E. Elliott and Miss An- wards bbc many of us wbo are ie Motutjuy on bbc passing of: now apparetîtlyy mmced in Euîg- nueirsse r.R.Seoi land. I dun't use bbc tcrmnfier sste r.RdS onii 11uiired' iterally as we arn td'br8t en have beeti laviuîg lovely weatben Browis lake is back bu normal wvitui bbc resulî xve are ail acquir- agaiti and fishing and bathing are ing ati almosi Petawawaish tan,! again enjoyed and bbc mull us anîd w-e encounter mure dusi thauî ruuîning again. mud as was always bbc case up Mrs. Gordoni MeLcati and Miss thure. Our traininîg is llot vcury Jeati. Uxbnidgc. were among bbc srenuous anîd I sumetimes wond- unes attending bbc laIe Mrs. She- er why, ini view of the resulîs ini mun's funeral anîd visiting Mrs. Liba aî ieswere. Huwever!ElliotI. srangely enotugli bbc spirit of opiimism still prevails iti this Iti a muudcr trial in Kankakee. litîle old island and -while Ibis is ---,- fDURHAM'S PIONEER so. I suppose theres no cause to i d HOLSTEIN BREEDER despair. Due to the efforts of the is~ HOLST IN B EEDEX velowskins ini the East I suppose' the Goodyear is rapidly re-i Founded by Mr. and Mrs. T. M. sembling a morgue. untenianted Gibson, 50 ycars ago by the usual patrons. I hope they can keep going as it would be a re] t The sbipment of anotiier car Of bad thing for the town if Good- ar Hoisteins froni these parts bu year had 10 close dowru. Pîcasea Pernsylvania last wcek leads us remember me to all the boys.. fir to sorne reminiscing. For ail orir Cliff, Nip, Charlie Churchill, and life we have known Mrs. T. M. the rest, and tell thîem that let- fa: Gibson, nee Annie Cowlson, and ers are appreciabed and I always the laie Mr. Gibson, saw their answer themn. . . sometimes! At 1family grow up and mnarry, have present I ami a physical marvel, Se been all over their 200-acre fanm. . . . I won't comment on mYd part of lb within the linits of the mentbal status, but that always > Corporatioun of Newcastle, and can was in doubt. I was down to see recall when Mr. and Mrs. Gibsouî Ernie Hunt ycsberday with Bruce C retired from farming bu lix'e inl Potter. Young Bird caedito the resideutial part of the village. day and Jack Faîkiier last wcek. f WXe were at the sale when their We're well represented froni Bow- or soun. Fred sold out five years later. manville now. . . Again thanks a C As a boy we were often intrigued million. bv stories of Mr. and Mrs. Gib-r sonis Hoîsteins and of their hugh Gnr. C. P. Cutier, B2209, se producing qualities. 4th Cd'n Anti-Tank Reg., Mn. and Mns. Gibson were the R.C.A., pioneers in Hoîsteins in this dist- Canadian Army Overseas. nect and in the production of Your generous andi very accept- creani for the Toronto market able gift of cigarettes arrived. It's alouîg strictly sanitary, lines. It difficult to find words to tell you xvas ini 1892. just 50 'years ago. how much I appreciated not only that Mr. and Mrs. Thos M. Gubson the gift but the thought bliat you foutîded the first herd of pure- are thinking of us over here. One bred Hol§teins in this district realizes afresh that the caîl we when they purchased one male answered for Canada and the and five females froni SmTith Empire witb its resulting parting Bros.. Brampton. paying $100 for from the circle of family and the bull and $600 for the females. friends was stili the only answer. At the sanie tume they began ship- Over here for the present we are ping eneani to Toronto. For the enjoying some glorious English first 20 years this creani xent via weather-spring. One could al- G.T.R. bu Harny Webb & Co. and most forget for the moment the later bu Jas. J. ONeil. In the 30 bhougbts of war and the wisbful fyears they continued in the bus- insistent urge to go back bu bbce mness. by industrs' and wise mati- old familiar things we lef t behind.- agement, they sold $34.00 wortlî May this year bring to a close this- ,of creani. Then their son Fred s0 bar nameless war. To your touk over and began sbipping club. to your loyal w'ork and mlk. The first caîf from their frieuîdly bands across the sea, I newv herd they sold to Scott wish you all the best. Gamsby, Orono, for $7 50W and the1 The following boys have recent- second bu Dav'id J. Gibson for the ly acknowledgcd receipt of cigar- sanie money. When they retuned ettes from the Lions Club of tlîey sold their herd books 10 an Bowmanville:f American for $1600. Sgt. J. Gibbs, 49th Squadron,j We leanned some of these things R.CAF.1 when we called on Mrs. Gibson F. T. Secret R102900, Il 1 Il and found hou, interested she still Squadron, R.C.AF., Overseas. us in ail the local Holstein hap- C63700 Gnr. S. Mundoch, lst- penings. the records of cows. Radio Location Unit, R.C.A. transfeurs, sales, shipmeruts. In re- B-25571 K. J. MeQuarrie, 3 Cdn. cent years Mrs. Gibsons farnu, Constr., Cov., R.C.E., C.A.O. - reaching froni the bighway toe c__ 3rd line, bias been rented and Hubert Hooper, *workcd by Wm. Staplebon and Canadian Armry Overseas. Sons, Clarke. This is just a line bo let you know I received your cigarettes!I fTHE ONLY GOOD FLY O.K. Coming when tbcy didthey IS A DEAD FLY asted even better than usual, ____-since my supply had been cx- This bias been said, at limes, ofi hausted for almost bwo wceks. 1 other pcsbs but neyer witb more Senis now-adays as thougb inm truth. Flics are bbc scavengers of satoni n Canada, wbat withl thbb world. Notwitbstanding bbc Sprung in the air, a Canadiauî pap- wannings of health experts. mcdi- er un my lap-in une band a Can- cal mcei and scientists, Ihere will aduan cigarette, in the other a S again be t00 itle attention paid piece of birthday cake baked by te bbc prubleni of guardingj some Canadian mother. I ask you againsb bbc f ly menace. gentlemien whab could be finer? Do you realize that ex'cry The - weather Ibis pasi week or so manure pile, every exposed gaur- bas beeuî of the very wet type. bage tin, eveny refuse beap on Being under canvas of course, which flics dcligbt bu bro\wsc ,somex.x b-at aleviates bbc situationt around, is a pobential source of since onie doesn't just gel bis bcad fatal contamination? Do yuu know w-,,et-he gels soakcd and thats that the bacteria on une smnall ahl over.- One lias to bc very flys body may uumbcr 5,000,000, careful these days when une goe.3 that flics are, possibly, tbc Most lu the big city. Sbops wbich are p rolifie breeders in the insect able tu stock sweets, cigarettes.' kingdom, thiat their favorite habi- nîcats, tinned foods, etc., and cmn- tat is the place wbere most fi110 emias are doing business via the -Iahîounds and that, if bbc oppur- queue systeni. Everyune musbý tuniby cumes their way, they wîll fonni a single file and waib bis our carry disease-breeding gem n blber turn. While on leax'c I guI unie and store and deposit thern inm what I thuuglit was bus on food, drink and buman beings? queue and cnded up almost buy- One w'aybu eliminabe bbc fly ing a pair of lady's stockings. The meniace and a safe, sure, clean fact that I didn't posscss a cou- way is bu place Wilson's Fly Pads pon was ail that saved nie. Funny, h cre aud there in convenient j ort, you know I marvelled at bbc Iplaces. They'll kill all bbc flics absence of my sex in that partic- a nd, incidcntally, they're Most ular queue. I can imagine bbe cfficacious ant killers, 100. 1lthoughts of bbc young lady who ,ung, wasrtarwitn e th Hooinnîanyashts dd oi tar?' askedhbbc dawycr. ýe"wushodtSh."be repid '*TwHotsfar apart eepbe? "Aout fikeIbis." bbc egro "Abiodt lping is bhends groh eie nerapigof abot wusconds n'Wherealworcabou wb ecndbbc rst hot wsfred?" hn h "ins bbc bas eetofbc a "Inbte bel." ofte a "Wee ereyu hn b cod hot wasred?" hn h ecIn ashjut assfingbbd bg 'o .pot." Two fat ladies caused some ommobion by backing ouI of a treet car. A fellow passenger bter aligbbing asked theni wby. )ne of thern finally, blushuigly onfided that she heard une young an say bu anothen. "Whe-n they eabs." No Ban On TIRIE REPAIRS Having your tires repaired promptly wull keep vour car rolling longer TIRE VULCANIZING SHOF 22-bf Fniday and Saturday Walt Disney Presents: "FANTASIA" bbc pucture that ran a year on Broadway at $2.20... coming to you at popular prices. In Magic TECHNICOLOe ADDED HIT: Wm. Lundigan - Jean Rogers Dan Dalley Jr. "SUNDAY PUNCH" Monday and Tuesday It's Here! At Last!' JOEL MeCREA VERONICA LAKE - un- "SULLU VANS TRAVELS" Franklin Pangborn - Erie Blore - AND ON SAME PROGRAM - Eddie Bracken in "Sweater Girl" with June Preisser. Next Wednesday 2 DAYS Chas. Laughton in 'The Tutties of Tahiti' with Jon Hall. - SECOND HIT - George Murphy ini "The Mayor of 44th Street" ClassifiedAd Rates One cent a word cash, each insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25e extra is made wvhen advertisement is not pald samne week as inser- tion. Extra charge of 10e a Statesmnan box number. Blrths, deaths and marriages 50c each. In Memoriams, 50c for notice plus 10e per uine *for verse. Classified adver- tisements accepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. * BIRTIl DYMOND-At Bowmauiville Hos- pital, oti July l7th. 1942. bu Provincial Constable A. V. Dy- mond and Mns. Dymnud, a libtle sister for Marion. DEATFIS BARTON-Oti July l6th. 1942, aI *Tornou East General Hospital, *Nelsoni John Barton. beloved 1husbaîîd of Heleti and father of Carol Anie; eldest soni of Mn. of Grade (Mrs. H. Bensoti), Dorothy (Mrs. J. Fair), Tom anîd Rotîald, in bis 351h year. 30-1 GLENNEY-Iui Newcastle, July 22uîd. 1942, Sarah Jatie Glenuiey, beloved wife of J. W. Glenney,, agcd 74 years. Pirivate futîcral frurn ler laIe residetîce. Mini St., Newcastle, oui Friday. July 24, at 3.30 p.m. linternient aI Orutîu Cemelcry. Flowcns graiefully deelined. HOOPER-Iti Bownianville Hos- pital un July 22tîd. 1942, Mcl- bourne Frcderick Houper. be- loved busband of Eva Smîitb Houper anîd third son of Mn. atîd Mrs. J. T. Houper. aged 55 vears. Funeral frurn lus laIe residence, Kinîg St. East. Newcasle, un Friday. Jîuly 24th. aI 2 p.m. In- lermeni Bow.maiivillc Ceme- lcury. JACOBS- suddenly oti Suuiday, July l9th. 1942. Laurence Char- les Jacobs. bcloved son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Jacobs. aged 13 years. Itîtermnut Bowmanville Cemietery. MEATH-At Toronito, on July 18, 1942. Eva McMurbny, ivif e of the laIe Edward S. MealO. Iti- tenment ai Bowmanville Ceme- tcry. SQUAIR-Iui Darlingbon, July 16, 1942, Helen P. Ride Squair, be- loved wife of Mn. Lawrence A. Squair. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM LANE - In lovîng memury of a. dean wife and mother who passed away July l9tb, 1923. Her life is a beautiful tiemury, Her death is a silcut grief, She slecps in Gods beautiful garden. In tic sunshine of perfect peace. Wc leave ber in Gud's kecping, TOc nougli road safcly ouer; iOrur dear moîher we lovcd su ivell. Has only gotie befune. -Sadly tîisscd by Launa and Family. 30-1 PIPER-Iu loving memury of,.,oun danling daughlen. Joan Bever- ley, wbo wcni 10 be wibb Jesus, July 22nd, 1941, un ber cigbth year. Gouue, dean Joan, gune foreven, How ,ve miss youn smiling face, But you lef t us lu nememben, None on eantb can take your place. A happy hume we once en- joyed - How swcet bbc mernuuy still - But death bas lef t a loncliness Thc world eau tiever f ili. -Sadly missed but fondly ne- membcred by Mummy, Daddy and Sister Faye. 30-1* Cards of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Jacobs and family desure to sincerely tbank their friends and bbe various or- ganizations and societies for their1 greatly appreciated kindnesses in their sudden and sad bereave- ment. The famuly of the late George E. Pritchard wish to express their7 sincere thanks and appreciabion to friends and neighbors, and to Dr. H. B. Rundle for the many acts of kindness, expressions of sympathy and beautiful floral1 tributes during the illness and passing of a loving husband and father. 30-1 COMING EVENTS Dance un Tvrone Hall on Wed- nesday, July 29th. Flebchcr's Or- chestra. Admissionî 25e." 30-1 Newcastle's Annual Basebal Tournamnent on Civic Holiday, August 3rd. One girls' softball game ini the morning and 2 bard- bahl and 2 softball games in the afternoon, beginning at 1.15. Ad- mission to park ini afternoon-25c, ebjîdren 10c. Dancing in Coni- munit\ Hall iii evening, admis- sion 50e. Bingo and other games of chance on hall grounds. 30-1 Come bu Bowmanville Beach Civie Holiday, August 3rd. Euehre and Dance at Depew's Dance Pa- vilion ini the evening. Mrs. Durno and ber Cheerio Entertainer will also give a floor show. Proceeds for British War Victims Fund. 30-2* Sedan with 2 new tires. Ail in good condition. Apply Nick Bonk, R. R. 2 Bowmanville. 30-1* HUNDREDS HAVE FOUND Kipp's Herb Tablets an ideal laxative. Ail herbs, no drugs; not habit-forming. Small size 25e; Economy package 75e. Alex MeGregor, Drugs. 26-tf FOR. SALE - FLOOR MODEL Ironer with porcelain table-top, knee control and ail other con- veniences. A real buy for cash. Ask for Mr. Lauder at Mason & Dale's. 30-1 FOR SALE - SEVEN LITTLE Yorkshire pigs. Apply Frank Aldsworth, Courtice, p hon e Oshawa 491J2. 30-1 OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in m--dern, chesterfield, bedroomn, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at coni- petitive prîces. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE - ONE ROWBOAT, one punit. Apply T. Lymer, phone 379. 30-1:1 FOR SALE - DINING ROOM suite, cabinets, desk, chester- f ield, odd tables and chairs, bedroom suites, etc. Apply at bbe home of the late Mrs. F. Manning, Churcb St. . 30-l* TOO MANY NON-FIGHTERS (Ottawa Citizen) Capt. George Black, M.P., would limit His Majesty's uni- forms to fighting men only. The idea is not a feasible one, probab- ly, but it is absurd to have so many men who will neyer see a front line in the uniforms of hlgh ranking officers. Notice Dr. Ferguson's office will be closed from July 25th to August loth, inclusive. 29-2le Library wlll be closed from August 4th to August l8th, both dates inclusive. Re-opens Thurs. August 20th. V. Argue, Librarian. 30-2 Dr. R. B. Murray's office will be closed from July 19th to Aug. 3rd, while attending Military Camp. 29-2 Business Service USED CLOTHEb, STERILIZED, cleaned and pressed like new. We also carry new goods. We are carrying a large stock of suits, Faîl and Winter coats, pants, windbreakers, etc. A cal will convince you. Don't miss this place. Sam Schwartz, 21 Bond St. W., Oshawa. 10-tf Personal NEGLECT 0F CONSTIPATION is always dangerous. T a ke Kipp's Herb Tablets regularly. Trial size 25c. Economy pack- age 75e. Alex McGregor, Drugs. 28-tf l-elp Wanted BOY WANTED-TO DRIVE truck. A p p 1 y Bowmanville Cleaners & Dyers. 30-1 GIRL WANTED-APPLY BOW- manville Cleaners & Dyers. 30-1 HELP WANTED - GENERAL labor for Building Construction; those now on war work not considered. Apply Eldorado Gold Mines Ltd., Port Hope. 29-2 D UE TO ENLISTMENT WE have a few choice established routes available for men over 45 years of age, or exempt from military service, or capable women. We supply stocks on credit. Experience not neces- sary. Write Watkins. Dept. 0-B-9, Montreal. 27 4 GIRL WANTED-TO CLERK IN local store. Apply by letter to Box 92. Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 30-1 HELP WANTED- GIRL FOR dining roomn work. Apply Riche- lieu Hotel, Bowmanville. 30-1* Articles For Sale FOR SALE - MAROON AND brown pram, complete with safety strap and storm cover, ini good condition. Phone 414.' 30-1* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours from. over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simicoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf FOR SALE - FOLDING TWO wheel traîler, two single beds with cabinets and ice box. Ap- ply to A. A. Pollard, Newcastle, Ontario. 30-2* FOR SALE-BROWN ENAMEL- led single metal bed with springs; mahogany sideboard and serving table, walnut hall set. Telephone 492, Bowman- FOR SALE -OWING TO WAR conditions manufacture of washers has been banned. There are no more engine drive wash- ers. We have one new engine drive washer lef t. If înterested better act quickly as there will be no more for duration. Ask for Mr. Lauder at Mason and Dale's. 30-1 I have received instructions from Miss Anne Trenouth to sell by Public Auction ahl her house- hold effeets at ber residence on Queen Street, Bowmanville, first house east of the High Sehool, on Saturday, August lst. The fur- nishings consist of a large quanti- ty of furniture, several bedroomn suites, dining-room, living-room, kitchen, curtains, bedding, dishes, also a large number of antique articles of much value, and a large quantity of tools too numerous to mention. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. Termns cash. W. J. Challus, auc- tioneer; C. H'. Mason, clerk. 30-2 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE -SOLID BR IC K bouse on Centre St., Bowman- ville. Must be sold to close an estate and will be sold cheap for cash. Apply A. E. Beliman, King St. West, phone 526. 13-tf FOR SALE - SEVEN ROOMED brick house on Concession St., Bowmanville, between Beech Ave. and Elgin Sts. All mod- ern conveniences, garage and garden. Possession Sept. lst. Terms $1000 cash down and rest in first mortgage. Apply to Mrs. J. E. Elliott, Cadmus, R. R. 1 Burketon, phone 111-3, Port Perry. 29-2 Chicks for Sale CHICKS-WE HAVE REDUCED prices on Tweddle's High Quali- ty Chicks effective July lst. Non sexed chicks, $3.00 per hundùed discount; Pullets, $9.00 per )undred discount on heavy breeds, $7.00 on light breeds, from price list. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577, Bowmanville. 27-4 For Rent FOR RENT-HOUSE, WITH ALL convenienees. wired for electrie urae. Couple without cliildren preferred. Apply 6 Liberty*St. 30-1 FOR RENT-4 ROOMED APART- ment, unfurnished, suitable for liglît bousekeeping, central lo- cation. Apply Mrs. F. H. Bouuî- saîl, King St. E. 30-1l' FOR RENT - THREE ROOMED apartmcnt; private front en- trance; one large front roomn downstairs and two roonis up- stairs; hydro, telephone, and '/.- mile south of Solina. Phone 2889. 30-1 Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Robert Philp, tnintedeceased. All persons havingc1aims against the estate of Robert Philp, late of the Township of Darling- tonin heCounty of Durham, deceased, Who died on or about the 15th day of May, 1942, are hereby notified to send in to W. Ross Strike, solicitor for the exe- cutors, Bowmanville, Ontario, on or before the lst day of August, 1942, full particulars of their dlaims. Imimediately after the said lst day of August, 1942, the assets of the testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to dlaims of which the said solicitor for the executors shaîl then have notice. Dated at Bowmanville, this 8th day of JulY, 1942. W. ROSS STRIKE, Solicitor for the Executors, Bowmanville, Ontario. 2- Notice of Dy-Law TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON TAKE NOTICE that the Muni- cipal Council'of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington will take into consideration the passing and if approved will pass at its meeting to be held on the ist day of August, 1942, at the. hour of one o'clock in the after- noon at the Village of Hampton, a by-law for stopping up for an indefinite period and at the re- quest of military authorities, that part of the allowance for road between lots 6 and 7, concession 2, in the said township from the right of way of the Canadian Pacifie Railway southerly to the lst concession road of the said .township and the Council will at that time and place hear in per- son or by his counsel, solicitor or agent. any person who dlaims that his land will be prejudicially af- fected by the by-law and who applies to be lîeard. DATED the 3th day of June, 1942. J. D. HOGARTH, 28-4 Clerk. TENDERS REQUIRED FOR FUEL SUPPLY Tenders for the supply of fuel te, Counties' Home, Counties' Gaol and Registry Office will be re- ceived by the undersigned up to 12.00 o'clock, noon on Wednes- day, August l9th, 1942. TENDERS TO BE PLAINLY MARKED AS SUCH ON OUT- SIDE WRAPPING. Particulars as to type of fuël and tonnage may be obtained f rom the various Institutions. E. L. MacNachtan, Counties' Clerk. 30-2 AUCTION SALE ROYALI :THEATRE- BOWMANVILLEU Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. JULY 23, 24, 25 Double Feature "Tarzan's Secret Treasur~ Johnny Weismueller i Maureen O'Suilivan Johnny Sheff ield ALSO 1Joe Smith American starring Robert Young. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. JULY 27, 28, 29 "Sergeant York" with Gary Cooper and Joan Leslie NEWS - SHORTS Get This Scientific GLARE PROTECTION! AO POLAROID DAY GLASSES Unlike ordixuary sun glasses, they scicutifically filter out hlurring, blinditîg rays of light reflccted from road, beach or water. M motoring safer, outdoor s'7 pleasater . . prevent g1.1e? stran. Let us dernonstrate.> For wearers of eyeglasses, AO Poluiroid lciuses nuay be ground to prescription. A choice of smart styles JURY & LOVELI The Rexall Drug Store Phone 778 C.N.R. Tickets When we test eyes it is done properiy THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1942 PAGE MGHT THE Cýl,%.NADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Founld FOUND - HOU N D. OWNER must prove ownership, pay al expenses. Phone 2890, A. Darch, Bowmanville. 30-1 Wanted, to Renti»', WANT-ED TO RENT - SMALL unfurnished apartment or flat, centrally located. Write Box 93, Statesman Office, Bowman- Lost LOST - SMALL BLACK change purse containing sum of money. Lost on Tuesday be- tween Town Hall, Maher Shoe Store and Stedman Store. Find- ed please return to Statesman Office. Reward. 30- LOST-GAS CAP WITH LOCK on Silver St. Finder please leave at Statesman Office. 30-1 FARMER for this week COARSE SALT ---95cecwt. in cotton bags Binder Twmne (600 ft) ----- $10.00 cwt. Binder Twine (650 ft.) ------$11.00 cwt. Cattie Spray ------$1.25 gai. Tw~o-in-One Bug Killer, etc. STE WART'S SEED STORE Phone 577 Bowmanvllle

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