St.Pau'sUnited Church Observed llOth Anniversary With a record of more thani a ruthers. The Lord's Prayer wz Century of Christian community sung in congregatjonal choru service ini Bowmanvjîîe, the con and the remnainjng hymns werg gregation Of St. Paul's United "Jesus, Where'er Thy Peopl Church assembled on Sunday, Oc- Meet" and "Saviour Again to Th. tober 29, to observe the 110th an_ Dear Namne We Raise." niversary of an institution s0 long Two anthems, following the ci and faithfully preserving it frtory were: 'Sing O' Heavens identity. Thé anniversary preach- wt soloist Miss L. Taylor, ar er was Rev. S. MacLean Gilmour, "Saviour, When Night Involve M.A., Ph.D., Queen's Theologicai the Skies" with soloists Mrs. E Faculty, Kingston, and delivered Hull, Mýrs. William Roberts, D.A very eloquent and forceful ser- McGregor and W. D. Carruthers rions at both mornng and eve- A footnote to the arranged pro ning services. St. Paul's munster gram was a gracious tribute t( Rev. W. P. Fletcher, B.A. DD' those in the armed services, foi joined in the services whicd1 ýré whom prayers were offered. The:i of most impressive character and narries are recorded on the Honci highly fitting for the occasion. Roll which will remain on thE The anniversary music was ex- Communion Table as sulent re- ceptionally well arranged and minder of their spiritual presenc( presented with Mrs. Reta Dudley during worship. as organist and D. A. McGregor Prof. Gilmour's evening texi as choir leader. Preceding the was "Progress and Finality in Re- National Anthem at the morning ligion." He based bis thinking service were the organ prelude, on the opening words of the Book the Invocation prayer and the of Hebrews where we are told hymn, "Glorious Things of Thee that God bas spoken by divers Are Spoken." The Scripture les- portions and divers manners in son, 1 Corinthians, 12:27-13:13 fol- olden times, but ini these later lowed the anthem from Handel, days has spoken ini a Son. There "And the Glory of The Lord." The has been durîng thé hundreds of male quartette, D. A. McGregor, years a progressive unfolding of C. M. Carruthers, W. H. Car God's revelation in pionee: ruthers, and W. D. Carruthers, ex- Abi'am, law-giver Moses, and the cellentIy rendered "Jesus Saviour înterpreting prophets, such as Pilot Me." The hymn, "'Stand Up Amos, the Isaiahs, Hosea and and Bless The Lord" preceded an- Jonah, but that finally, He bas ex- nouncements and offertory. pressed Himself in Jesus, the The anthem, "«The King of Love author and perfector of our faîth. My Shepherd Is" was given en- riched interpretation by soloists MANVERS TAKES LEAD Miss D. Creasser, Mrs. R. Lunney, C. M. Carruthers and C. Jury. The -IN VICTORY LOAN DRIVE concluding hymn "My Song Is Love Unknown" was followed by The citizens of Durham County the benediction and organ post- must bestir themselves if they lude. are going to reach their objective Prof. Gilmour took as bis morn- of $1,550,000 ini the 7th Victory ing sermon "The Mark of The Loan campaign. Up to-Wednes- Lord Jesus," from the words of day noon sales amouiited to St. Paul, "I bear in my body the $615,650, or 40 per cent of the ob- marks of the Lord Jesus," or what jective. Manvers Township steps are the marks of a Christian? out unto the lead having reached From the Bible text, Corinthians 54 per cent of its objective. Tbe 1, and as an illustration of these standing of the various munici- marks, he used, faith, hope and palities up, to Wednesday noon is love. Thus he declared that at as follows: any rate, three of the marks are sales % Of what you believe, what are your. to Date Obj. plans or purposes and wbat kind Port Hope - 4757038 of a life are you living? Bowmanville - 122,350 38 or evening services the Clarke 98004 organ ude ws untroductory to Cavan --_____-36,050 30 the inv tion and the hymn, "I Manvers - 43,400 54. Love Thy Kingdom, Lord." The Darlungton -__76,000 45 Scripture lesson was read from Hope----- - 38,490 30 Hebrews 11:1-10, 32:12-2, follow- Cartwright 24,800 33 ed with the duet, "Hosanna" by- D. A. McGregor 'nd W. D. Car- TOTAL ----,6- 40% 'Vi TTrinity Laymien at Banquet Plan Visitation Programume With Rev. Clifford G. Park, port w as to interest the Church Whitby, as invited guest speaker laymen as recruiting aids because and a sumptuous banquet pro- the minister could not, single and videdb th ot ad and alone, accomplish the task. by te Soth Wrd , The fact that the canvass was Queen St. group of the Women's not concerned with soliciting Association as superlative attrac- money, but was conceived only in tions', the men of Trinity United the nature of visitations held Church assembled in the Church menit and strength for its fuI- Sunday School, Friday evening, filment. It was a human habit ta for discussion of a programi to at- succumb to the famfiliar; to yield tract a greater churýh attendance to indifference and complacency, and a revived interest ini practical and neyer more than today was Chistianity throughout the comn- the necessity of keepung alive the munity. The assembly was spofl- new and the fresh. The speaker sored by the Church Board and dclared his belief that the resur- more than 100 meinbers and ad- rection of Christian Church is at herents gathered for the festivi- hand and when the war is over it ties, a musical program and the will rise, resurgent and trium- very compelling and eloquent ad- phant, even as it has lived through dress of Rev. Park. aIl the persecutions of totalitarian Chairman for the evening, E. tyrants in recent years. Smith Ferguson, assisted by Sec- Stamped out ini revolutionary retary Walton G. Pascoe, con- usa cre n tage n ducted the business for which the drssitlscrinedRec and anld n meeting was convened. Rev. J.der Hîerdionthis, Rer nd isl E. Griffith led in community cnurdcutis hr tl singing and excellent solos were remnained a neucleus of fearless preentd y Ovile sborne and Christian characters who kept the Arthur Bell. In bis introductoryfam aiv.Teebscea address Mr. Ferguson outlined the change among the militant God- plan conceived, which was ta be less of Russia. There again peo- visitations among citizens of the pie are permitted freedom of community, to become better worship, churches are being re- acquainted, to indt*e better built, new clleges are open for church attendance and achieve the training of Russian priests and the ideals for which the church todaY the Russian Church is stood. His presentation was very stronger than ahl its thousand forcefully supplemented by read- years of history. When Hitler's ing a letter and draft programi hand is remnoved, the surviving submnitted by F. R. Kersiake. poor will be found rich in faith Ini short addresses, Dr. C. W. and great Christian revival will Slemnon and Mr. Kerslake gave be manifest. support and clarification to the We ini the Western Hemisphere plan prior to moving a vote of have been fortunate in being thaLks ta the ladies for their ex- spared the perseciitions that have ce1Mt and generous catering. assailed the peoples o! Europe, Secretary Pascoe called the namnes hence we should marshall every of the 50 two-man comuittees resource at aur command to help chosen to canvass the 25 districts those 50 distressfully in need allotted and they were provided when the war is won. We have a with mimeo foinms ta be duly job ta do in restorung faith and completed after personal calîs. fellowship in the Christian Hymn 317, thrown on the screen Church at homne before the boys R, in the darkened auditorium, was come back. Visitations, as pres- R sung in massed chorus prior to entîy planned was a Wise and of introduction of Rev. C. G. Park practical way of meeting the i by Pastar Griffith. needs of the hour. e Forceful, forthright and elo. Concîuding, Rev. Park suggest- e quent, Rev. Park reviewed the ed that what was now ta be un- fo problems ta be met in giving et- dertaken would be met with sur- ne fect to the plan of visitations ta prising results and bis helpful th stimulate interest in the Church; suggestions were accorded pro- lai of its vital need at the present- found attention. Men of Trinity go time, and, from personal expeni- United Church bowed to the ence, offered many valuable sug- benediction pronounced by Rev. o: gestions as ta calling at homes, Griffith with the humble convic- îy meeting and speaking with people tion that they had listened to a b:, in regard to this most vital and great mesage by an inspired of ublifting endeavor. He agreed minister, conscious o! the mission am thgt the best way ta enlist sup- they are about ta penform. p rntîbxrnna Uh Whlch Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THIURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd, 1944 NUMBER 4 xth st le- >n- Ist be Dn th te p- 7Y7 ?">~. Rotary Club Stressed as iGordAtn CwlngDuhan oyTop Wvlnue 1ADurhamBoys It A Grat EhiclFoce Killed in action" was the o0- ficial word received on Octoe 12, by Mrs. Gordon O. Cowling,nt ro J d i g Cte t as nagrcfleouetadi-Scugog St., Bowmanville, in the Winners of three first prizes, Dorreil, Nesteiton; 2nd Soul us ~~~spining address, District Gaver- bare formal announcement of bier one fourth and two fifhtes ice 04 no)hmaloesTentvs husband's death in Belgium. Capt. Durham County teams coached by FolCu -3tem -1 l . iting the local Rotary Club ini bis Cowling is a son of George Cowl- Agricultural Representative E. A. Middlesex County, 2nd Middle ,h' officiai capacity at F n i d a y's ing, who witb the two small sons Summers, topped ail other Coun- sex County, no Durham team e] luncheon, presented a four-fold of Capt. and Mrs. Cowling, David ties for total honors won at the tered. pitr)ffh motac R- and Bruce, wene at home with the Inter-County Club competitions Putr Clb-3easl s"tr s ra ehclfoc hc mother when the sad news came. held at Guelph on October 27. One Grenville County, 2nd North Smrr id bas penetrated to the heârt o! the Subsequentîy came a leter t bundred tarst he toalboys t o ony es ~~~~civilized nations of the globe. At Mr.77~~atamto h oa by W eeTL a ete o ih w by t wotarsweegirls; no itsuncptin, otay ws cn-J. ard 0ftheEssx Sottshwere not entered in the Beef, teamn entered. '.cerned witb the basic conceptions Regiment, with which Capt. -and PThuPtoyiclassesntbut were S~o Service Above Self and hold- Cowling served, giving these Winnrs n eab eente in tbc he PrvicmoiOt nioii a- nd e fa beyoditoc, acem- funther panticulars: tbey took part. The standingsfrepsetedorn the Dovmii20t topnddfr eod oa ci-Capt. Cowling was serving with were as foflows: finalsat wTroth a, Novemb e munities, to êarry its practical "B" Coy of bis Regt. when he Dairy Caîf Club - 30 teamsGri and lst wt thCDaiywins (possible team score 1200) - îst, ri n o't lbwnes Drmoral pnunciples, wideiy amang was killed in action on Sept.« 29.* York County, 1058; 2nd, Water- As well as competing agains, e po s freedom-loving pol.R icI Holding positions north of Ant- loo, 4th, Durham, 10091/, î'h team rmthe ohrpo witb poetic quotations and replete werp, the Regt. came under in- memberste -upwilhae ti mmes-Francis Jose, New-vncstegup ilhaear] 'e with a zestful philosopby o!f , tensive attacks b! the enemy. I castie, Murray Vice, Enniskillen. to Niagara Falls and Ottawa. E Pte. Charles E. Somerscales' human conduct, Mr. Rogers' ad- watched from an observation post Swine Club - 17 teams-îst A. Summers, Agicultural Repýe- Todress won the applause o! the .as you buband led a daylight West Durham, 1033, teamn mem- sentative for Durham, is justi' Toofficial telegrams, one de- well represented membership. , patrol of one Bren gunner and bers, Boyd Ayne, Hampton, F'rank pnoud o! the showirig made by his ýg livered Thursday, the other on The speaker was introduced by five men. He deait speedily with Stengen, Enniskillen; 2nd Middle- boys. Between now and Novemn ,k Saturday, informed Mrs. C. E. President Morley Vanstone who Governor Thomas Rogers German opposition, brougbt in 4 sex, 1030, 4tb Peterboro, 979, 5th ber 20 the teams will'receive d Samenscales, that ber husband, imparted the information that Mr. pnisoners after inflicting casual- East Durham, 957, team members, extra coaching ini preparation far 's Rogers had been a Rotarian since armoun after repeated sword ties . Mil!ford White, Campbelicroft, the Dominion Competitions. SPte. Charles Edward Samenscaies, 1921, was a past Vice-President blows, appeared intact, but when His commander, Major Laird, Eugene Watkins, Canton. According to records cantained eafinal that be ws isi a totedf busins RowasrecyTlueandainthehaken, it feu apant. That could said: "That kind o! action takes Grain Club-15 teams-lst Dur- in The Statesman fan years past, fe kind in acyton t. 14e wipt dbsns a e'- .o the s al courage, fine leadership and ham, 1075, teamn members, Bruce this marks the l4th year ini whiéh )f Caaed inactAmion Be.lg, im The Lake Simcae Ice and Fuel Com- not be the expenience o! Rotary's i area xml ohste. ayoEnsilnJh re, uhmCut em aebe ýf aln odi r wasia-son o! M s. pany. His unterest in educational Code o! Ethics wbich bas stood On the 29th while carrying out a Nestieton; 2nd Renfrew, 1072; consistently at the top in Junior ýr Vilet somderscas a sn tfe lat and community affairs is attested unassailable everywhene in the similar action be was killed. When Sth Durham, teamn members, Farming Judging -Competitions. s Gore Somescalesandukhe lat in that hie is President a! the On- stresses of a distracted world, Ro- the troops moved forward we Robent Aluin, Newcastle, Charles This year, Coach Summners had BsGorgwmlePrsc to gaie t. tario Ladies' College, Whitby, and resistible sword. In the contest -were able to recover bis body and Langmaid, Hampton. time only for brie! coacbing priar -1 sewas h e. mriedto giss Ber- fr1 er asbe rsdntohots herefciebstewt is LICpl., also ftîlleu, it was BefCaif 'ub-6 teams-lst to tné contests; and tne resuls are ne ie wAison, Selburnis er- e Toronto Bureau o! Municipal tary regards man as something our sad duty to bury themn side by Ontario County, 2nd Middlesex a tribute not only ta bis outstand- L.who had came ta, live in towhn Ad- Research. Now hie is extending bis more than a mere tradesman or side in Schoonselhof Cemetery. County, no Durham team enter- ing abilities as a coach but ta, the viedatth smetie ha brfine abilities to District Rotary in one concerned mainly with bis Youn busband is laid ta rest in ed. interest and entbusiasm o! the fieathe twshenosai ilI, Mt r.asriewih o 3yasas own occupation. He, as a Rotan- the beautiful Military Section Potato Club - 19 teams-lst youth o! Durham who consider Somenscales left immediately for been an inspiriung avocation. ian, is part of a great movement, just outside the City o! Antwerp. Durham, 1051, teamn members,famn a vocation second ta Sbelburne. s Expressing the hope that hie the primnary concenn o! which is Since hie joined the Regt., Lloyd Ayre, Hampton, Dalton none. Charles Somerscales was em- might conform ta, the trinity of service in the community and for Capt. Cowling won the regard o!f_________________________________ *ployed witb T. Wesley Cawken tenets, faith, hope and clarity, that mankind. ail who came to know him as a *prior ta enlisting with the Hast- speakers should observe, Mn. Defining the true meaning o! staunch friend, a fine and cour- ings and Prince Edward Regt. in -Rogers suggested that we no friendsbip, the speaker quoted il- ageous leader o! met?. A Batteny D p.Disi. Governor C. Carter 1939. He trained withbobth in- longer lived in a static world and luminating passages fnom Robert Corporal said o! bim: "He was tbe fantry and~ artillery, finally bis subject, therefore, might ap- Louis Stevenson, Seneca, and tbe finest man I kxiew in the Cana- transfering..ý4 the South Sas- prapriately be, "'Just Keep Mov- American philosopher Eibert dian Army." The Padre con- i icachwa Ret.wih wic uiting." There bas been an unpre- Hubband. The latter's aphorismn, cludes: "That tnibute, real and Aaaresses Local Lions Clubi liewaf fihtig wen ie etbis cedented change ini the wonld's 'I like you because you like the unasked for, will mean more ta death in the 6thi year of continu- structure as exemplified in ecan- tbings I do," was a simple phil- you than any words I can add." ous service in this war. 1 omic, paitical and social tràns- osophy ail could appreciate. H-an- Capt. Cowling eniisted in No- The District Governor o! the eulogy by J. J. Brown, and tbanks Widely known a n d highly formations. There is really no- mony was the tbing, a mutuai vember, 1939, with the lst Mid- Lions Clubs, Dr. Kennetb Rogers, o! the Club for bis informative popular, Pte. Somenscales was tbing permanent but change and confidence one wîtb another and land Regt., went overseas in May, Toronto, unable to be present ýs address was expressed by Em- one o! a family a! eight children. the New Order, when it emerges that conception was nowbere bet- 1942," as a Lieut. He returned to scheduled at Monday evening's Lon rEod. mesoie h Of -his two remaining brothers, will be fraught with stili funther ter defined than in associations Canada in October and was post- metnofhelclCu, isucs aandin he lb' George is in Belgiumn and Leonard changes in the sweep and flow o! witbin Rotary. As an instance of ed to the West Coast. In Dec., eetang o! the lrocrma al lu, issuccsoshatinedf i the tt Clubs in Italy, bath witii the Canadiaxi the tides o! 'time. disbarmony, the speaker told o! 1943, hie was promoted ta, Captain placepuyD f a r e s . ~ 1 i . - I s I ~ à d ~ ~ ~ d ' I w . - I M W t h t 4 ~ 0 e ~ & x p e r i - t u a s c e t i c l i v i n g o n t h e . s h o r e s o ! a n d i n J u l y , 1 9 4 4 , a g a i n w n C ase a trir , w o d v e r n r ed s t a n d i n gf a n d a rer ou ti c forces. t e *1à ý w rt bCy a e putyC iter r ict o vern r e esutsnd n ofnd w bicort ofw e t Mrs. Thâmas Carter, whase bus- ence o! many o! oun institutions, 'Lake Simcoe in squalor and seclu- overseas. Atrtawesinannsitialmsgeabiwilaerecridinteps. band is overseas, Margaret, Mrs. the speaker likened them ta the sion. Engiand hie joined the Essexfeowm besInectwekWhLinD.BkasCu Milton Corson, wbose husband allegary o! the man who created A sign on bis property wanned: Scottisb at Dieppe and was in teilbofficbe.Ia apct MneCarguetsLiene the prssonn luth was recently waunded in Italy; a pierceless armour onlY ta be "Trespassens wiil be persecuted." fonefront o! fighting until killed ter bas visited district Lions'Clubs X-Ray Clinic who had just com- Dorothy, MrUs. Elmen Archer, met by the invention of an ir- (Continued on Page 11) in action. at Peterboro and Port Hope where pleted examinations o! business Pickering; Rase o! Peterbara and______________________________ Another o! the original Mid- bie delivered addresses wbich and industrial employees o! Baw- Loranneat hme.lands wbo was sepanated from the wene accorded favorable notice in manvilie. Expressions o! sympathy from 1g comnades hie had come ta know 50 the press at those points. the entire community are extend- u b a u ~ av .i weil, Capt. Cowling, posted to a At Monday's Club luncheon, ed o te yungwiow f tis lia i lub of oro tounit among men who were strang- Mn. Carter ga-re a summany o! KILLED IN ACTION brave lad, to bis mother and to ens to him, he won thein respect the report o! the Lions British ~ ~ %the brothers and sisters i a fam- and admiration and died doing aCidWa Vctm'Fd tb ilys tMattbangioenailaitomaieb lie rconsidered wortb wbile. ttai rcits f wbb ,as f June members to the fighting forces of j Allg ob h frmrcrds , l f1,ameeîps o $2,4s00oThe Canada. On the day lhe met> __________f____s thoe ud s dinstrd orte e death, Charles had written cheer- The Durham County Club o! shape o! the nose. These classi- bii grt c sice nend t hm e fundBiishdmistre forgteyne fully to. bis family that the war Toronto held its first meeting a! fications, habwever, bave proved to willmourn bios tpahsi and her le!o! anitichindre isangeyb was about over and that he wouîd the 1944-1945 season at the J.O be rather unsatis!actory . Atbn- sto sm atby gosan to is dwaned wao!tc-pean maintainin-ne n soon be home, Now remaining to D.E. headquarters, 182 Lowther poîogists dlaim, tao, that there are bistwosml n and to bis aged clsethco-operaton ises mantaîn tbem is only the consolation that Avenue, an Wednesday evening, races but in Europe there is no faheiadfail dwih otsesurestes istîtu- lie died serving tbe cause o! free- lOct. 25. relationship between so-called fective way o! making dollars, dom a!ter years o! absence and in Aiter the sunging o! the Nation- race and country.DISO UN cutithsge umnarn strange land. ai Antbem, the President, Dr. France and Switzerland, for DIS0 WUD ouent. bsgethmntna George McGill, rapped loudly on example, have ail three types, ayouspbblhdte the tal it h a new gavel wbich Nordic, Alpine and Mediternanean impressMany of ushe roa i dte LT. COL. DAY C. WARNICA bad just been presented by Mn. within their borders. It was point- En. impresintba the irtraidse yae AWARDED CANADIAN Orville Hendenson. He then re- ed out that there is no sucb thing hna n sine oes o!nueiyanF EFFICIENCY MEDAL ferned to tbe passing a! Mn. Saul as a pure race. Neithen is there r ' avesbeen mre or ly lessuiance Jeffery, the last o! the original any relationsbip between race . riswtbpaiclyitedm A recent military release from membens o! the Club. For many and intelligence as bas been '. age. The following cases taken National Defence Headquartens yeans lbe had been a regular at- amply demonstrated on vaniaus - lr nom ealt inistyecrsof g tells o! the award o! the Cana- tendant and a mast ardent sup- ocains ato asd!ne < cdenden ivee easo!ge dian Efficiency Medal to Lt. Coi. porter o! the Club's activities. as a group of people distinguîshed aecdbytserigven by afale cncetionof he ast entirely different view o! the Day C. Warnica, Windscçn, former The President annaunced that The speaker discussed Jewîsh 803itaon 1902. u t o!62 Fba tta o officer commanding 'the 3th the remaining meetings for the characteristics at some lengtb and80,Mrh192Ouofatali ensuîng year wil be in the hands made it quite clean that Jews are ..*. 3,367 cases investigated, 2,625 e eai itrs apo o! Club members and that the a religiaus group and not a race. were accepted. Prion to the entry PeGrad itrsHa to mbe metng il b in Dr FankTnbicoc i mv-o! the U.S.A. into the war, tbe In the Aug. 24 issue o! The change o! the first vice president, ing the vote o! thanks to the - Amenican Red Cross provided forStesnaPaedheifr- Dr. Frank Trebilcock. speaker observed that it had been - '. a numben o! these îrërseries. A!terton ftedah in actionii X -After the reading o! the a very entertaining and instruc- thein entry thein support was France o! Pte. Gerald Winters, - minutes by the secretary, Mn. tive talk. Dr. Herriman, who à o! Mn. and Mns. J. Winters, Ewant V. Pollard, vocal selectionsseoddteveo!taksi The Waifs and Strays Society, Hampton. Only 19 years o! age, wene veny ably rendened by Mn. that in bis experience lie bad managing these nurseries for the Pte. Winters served with the Eric Tredwell and Miss Eleanor !ound no more deligbtful people Ministny o! Healtb, bas recently QensOw ilsinFac Lemon, botb o! wbom were ac- than the Jews. Mn. Orville Hen- tunned over another 14 o! these, !rom June until hie met bis deatb. companied by Miss Vera Haîbent. derson, in a few weli-chosen housing 400 cbildren, to the Lions Subsequently the fallowing let- The guest speaker, Professon G. words moved a vote o! apprecia- Fund. These are in addition ta the ters have been received by bis Tathem, !romn the Geognapby De- tion to the artists. units already under Lions cane. parents, whicb tell a! the high partment o! the University o! To- The social bour was in change LICpI. George Ra.e Officials and the Red Cross visit- esteem in whicb bie was held. We * ronto, delivered a very scholarly_ o! group 1 under the leadership o! ing these nurseries speak in most quote in part: address on the subject "Race and Mns.* E. V. Poilard. Mrs. Lonne Mrs. George Rae, R.R. 1, Hamp- glowing terms o! tbe manner in Fram Capt. A. Marshall Laver- the Aryan Controvensy and Na,- Truil and Miss Edith Cowan pour- ton, tbe former Mary Chandler, which these cbildren are being ty, Chaplaiii, cornes Word o! the - tionality." He pounted out that ed cof!ee. Dr. D. D. MacDonald ' taken cane o! and the sli splendid soldieriy and getie there are tbree main Eunopean tbanked the ladies for thein bos- h as been officially advised that . th.insae gn n n-spedd ht ene- types-the Nordîc, the Alpine and pitaîity and for the excellence o!fjlhen husband, L' 'Cpi. George Rae land. Gerald to ail who knew him. He the Mediterranean. The Nordic the re!resbments. The meeting died in Italy on Octoben 17, as tbe A Red Cross officiaI, speaking lies taday in the temporary Can- - type is tali, big-boned, fair- clased witb the singing o! Auld result o! wounds received ini ac- recently at a Lidhs Club, strongly adian military cemetery at baired and resembles the band- Lang Syne. ition that day on the Italian front. recommended ta Canadian Lions Mandevulle, Normand3j, plat 2, some blonde film star o! to-day. The son o! Mn. and Mns. David ta bycnie nldn nnw3 rv .ea m T -4s outheAlinetye r Acod R.) of ed Mo fr re4 k i 4v -"s f. KILLFn TIV Ar.IrTnT 1 1 Il