PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMÀAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY., NOV. 2nd, 1944 4 Clarke Union alMarkham... Miss Blanche Tran Newcastle HIGH SCHOOL WINNERSFam ou s wt epaetalMarkham...1 ANNOUNCED IN VICTORYFa mor s Mr. and Mis. J. W. Jewell and ____ARTIS__N SSY We extend sympathy to Mrs Mary, Mr.*and Mrs. H. W. Jewell, Miss Pat Thickson, Oshawa, MAKERMS.RLANIOSAFORUM__ Fraser on the death of her hus- Bowmanville, at H. J. Souch's... visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A Sponsored by the management____ band. Harry Bailey, Deseronto, at home. W. D. Thickson. HAPPY of' the Royal Theatre,, pupils of S.S. NO. 4, DARLINGTON Mrs. M. Chatterton has return- _________ Mrs. Percy Brown's group of Bowmanville's High and Publice___ cd fromn Oshawa Hospital much the W.A. held a successful home- CHRISTMAS Schools recently took part in an Our first meeting for this sea- improved in health. A Hallowe'en party was held made cooking sale in the S.S. on essay contest on "Why I Support son was held at the home of Mr. Alarge number from here at- on Saturday afternoon at the Saturday afternoon. Many other FOR One 0f OUR SAILORS the 7th Victoîy Loan."1 Prizes atnd Mrs.eEltonWerryuwith an tended the funeral O 4.Fae oe o isSli oel useful miscellancous articles were weîe awarded of three-monthatedneo15Thsuecfr 0f Mt Fra e hom ner iss ylva Cvîyas odadatrontawsFILL A passes to tie Royal, respectively, discussion was, "Why Do Faîmers on undy. he sh eneîtind anumerserved. to the boy and girl adjudged top Leave the Land?" There are no E rv in R a in e y , O rù t o , b o u g h t o f g irl frie n d s m o st o f th e m b e in g N w a t e S a i g A s c a i ngw n e s i h o e m n h p s e b n o e a m n t i o m n the Neil Smith homestead and in costume. Games were played Necastle Sadtin Asotion re--th winewigthioeohpases badoe fim i hi cmmn takes possession i the spring. Mr: and prizes given. A dainty sup- was welpesdwthter- U !it K RtoteneteghBelre et.iy Harold who is working the place per was seîved at tables set with sults of the dance and draw held * Resuits of the Public School The majoîity of experienced will ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i moeot i ovlehm-fnycohdcrtdi rne~lthc Community Hall on Fni- contests are flot yet at hand but farmers who have quit farming, stead. andobt1 ahc k streamers.e-rs.ndaycnightdwhenawellioverange Each year the Navy League the winners at the High School and of young people who have Visitons: -Mr. Kenneth Whittles George Graham, Mirs. Chare people attended. Russ Cneigh- asks you to fill-these bais are listed below. Winners of the left the farms, have flot donc so of the Air Cadets, at S. D. Souch's Murray, Misses Aileen Green and ton's orchestra was in attendance for presentation to our own three-month passes are Miss Jean because of financial reasons. They . . . Mr. and Mis. Milfred Sher-1 Audrey Venton kindly assisted in and Miss Pauline Deline sang. and Allled Sailors at Christ- Living, town, daughter of Mi. and have left the farms because of: win and faxily with her motiier 1 serving. Bingo and other games were play- =s u ayI rwn Mrs. J. A. Living, and Clifford (1) a natural inclination for other cd in the basement while the ms wNv sgoll Miller, Solina, son of Mr. and Mrs, types of work; (2) ill health; (3) dance was going on. The draw for and more are requlred this Livingstone Miller. Miss Living's shortage of help; (4) reaching the the 30 prizes which were donated year. father is a veteran of the last war. age of retinement; (5) dissatisfac- vypia enas madenatmidgheb Ontario's Quota is 70,000 Her brother, Arthur, foîmerly of tion witti conditions other than villge ws mde a minigh byThe Statesman staff, was killed financial. A.B. Ross Emblcy. Mis. P. Haie, The objective for Bowman- in action in Italy; her brother, Farmers who have quit faim- ',Mrs. E. Hoar. Mrs. W. Deline, Mrs. ville and District bas been John, is still serving with the 8th îng are now engaged in industrial 4911:gdF. and Mrs. D enis. Mr. set at 500 DITTY BAGS Army in Italy. plants, shop work, carpentery, Kenney Hiean r non the win Winncrs of one-month passes barbering, and as salesmen. Some ners.ey raw forn the wuiful Visit oui headquarters and are: Walter Frank, Ruth Pies- retired farmers are now helping siler cabie dnate yJ.A s for ahe empty bag cott, Beverley Sudds, Anna on the farms of their neighbors. i ve caine dontedby . A. askforan eptybag Aharan, Glenn Brooks, Virginia It is thought that the financial 4f1À1KJ Smith was won by Mrs. Selma TODAY! Hopkins, Gwyneth Griffith and status if those who have quit Miller, Newtonville. Much credit Geîald Morris. Essays were f0 farming has improved and in for the success of the evpning is The Navy League be composed of approximately most cases their standard of liv- aueso M agH. TrW. yWard ho aokd0fCnd 100 to 500 words. Space permits ing is higher. Arthur Found is alsoMr. . W War wh looed f Caadainclusion only of the two high to be the leader for the coming after the sclling of the tickets on Bowinanvllle Conunlttee winners as follows: year. Nov. 6 meeting at Chas. ______________________the Rink and comfoîts for the On The Seventh Victory Loan Osborne's. boys overseas. Plans for the îink_______________ By Jean Living are well under way. The boards Do we realize the importance PROVIDENCE FORUM have been put up and paintedE of this Seventh Vîctory Loan ST E A S or O A S S wite rimed ithblu andthe EnnskilenDrive? Do we ever stop f0 think Oui Forum met for the first S' 'E K o R A S Sground hs been leveled off so why we have Victory Loan regular meeting at the home of thatthee wll e satig whn Vsitrs:Mrs M.Jacbs, r. . Dive? .Mr.andMis. J. F. Heyland. The win th cod wathr frstset in JaobsFonhil; MssMarguerite Each day we live almost the subject for discussion was "Why BORAE S 99 SB ON or I hr sas ob ui osaeWihS.Ctaie;Ms .T same as we did the pîevious day. Do Farmers Leave the Land?" B GN LB.S 1J POSIRON Wn cTeeEas to bemsiho kt Wiht t.Ctanns;s.F . We woîk, cat, sleep. We have We find that in this locality there ThomsNCuchsas een ickWright, Bowmanville; Mi. and fun. We read the daily newspapeî. are two faims abandoncd and Thoms Cuch as een ickMis. N. E. Wright, Maple Grove, Yes, we nead of tragedy and dis- one other with no faim family and is under the docfor's care. at Edgar Wîîght's. . . Mn. and aster. We sec the casuaty îists. living on it. The bxperienced CUBE L 45FE - c Mr. and Mis. W. J. S. Rickard, Mis. Charles Osborne, Ebenezen; Then we go to the theatre. We farimer has not been foîced to STEAK L IRST 5 RIBS Lb., j Gnr. Brenton Rickard and Miss Miss Aileen Robbins, Montîcal,tyf0ecpfomheorostelavhifim orincalca -.45c""x 3 tJeanoBonathanrovisitcdoMn.randeateF.eDoîlandrn.for.fMn.nandlMis. Mis. Sthan ikardMrLak ndield F. J ohn Pierc . Mi. and Ms. urcality of war. We cannot do that. sons. On the other hand we feel RSK Tfor boiling lb. I~Ms. SFrned cAd visied.hei P rcedMisMan ry PercL ontWe may forgef fhem for a little that financial neasons aie the BRISNE 39husad . Fred Adair at Peîrylierithei. and Mis . A.ry ead- or while, yet we do not forgef. We basic cause for young people leav- husbndPte Frd Aàirat erry wih M. ad Ms. . Lad-feel no peace. We see the news- ing the faim. Some of oui cx- Woodstock pior f0 his leaving for beaf ci and Mr. George Reid.. . reels. We get a false feeling of perienced faîmers have lef t their SM R DS A K E Sthe East Coast. Rev. C. Smith, Port Penny, visit- satisfaction as we waf ch pictures faims because of "poor healfh, picnic lb. Mi. and Mis. Tom Wilson had cd Claude Smith. .. Mi. and Mis. o lidpae orn eat-ohr eas favne g URa ~stletheirUitedbabyrchîinsendaynd . ilsand fmlîs .ye, Obeneze, tion on enemy cifies and installa- and long hours of labor. There LA ( L G l.te nte hrc n udy n e. .YoOhaations. We think we're doing all are a few gone with the idea of LA BFE S 1 morning. af G. Yeo's. . . Mi..and Mis. H.' The Evening Auxiliaiy of the Stainton and Douglas, Bowman- ri ghf. We ..begin f0 think that having a regular income. Oui LAMB FRONTS Fresh lb.-219~ W.M.S. held its Faîl Thankoffer- ville, with Mi. and Mis. L. there is no doubt that we will win educational . system causes, or ing meeting Tuesday evening, Oct. Stainton.'s... Mn. and Mis. S. May this war. We think it will be teaches the young people fo leave VEAL RGAST Bo d lb.25 24 and had as guests the After- and Billy, Toronto, Mi. and Il,,-. over soon, that wc have nothing the faim, aiso the average living V A AS n s 25 noon Auxiliary and bofh Affer- S. Rodman, Port Periy, Mis. G. f0 worry about. We do not stop conditions i the rural home COnFIL ETSFreel b.3 noon and Evening Auxiliaries' of Beech and Janice, Bowmanville, f0 think of the billions of dollars cause the young folk f0 choose COI) FILLETS 31#the Anglican Chuîch. Miss Jessie Mn. . May, Sundridge, with Mr' that ti war is costing us. We other vocations in if e. These Murray, Toronto, was guest E. C. Ashton. .. Mi. and Mis. D. do flot stop to fhink of ail the people mnay benefif materially SA M N Cohéé sIiced lb 35c speaker and shoýwed beautiful Lewis and family with Mis. A. human lives being sacrificed. away fîomn the faim 'but we doqt slides of fthc count'ry and people Sweetman in Uxbîidgc. . . Mi. Yes, human lives! Young men, if their moral or spiritual stand- * i SofliAsi an SofliWes an Mi. Athu Tably, Lnd-in their prime of life, are dying aid is any higher. If is mosfly a Pacific and told of the great work say, at Mi. R. Oîmisfon's. every day. They wanfed f0 live, condition of the mental attitude oui missionaries are doing there. Rev. C. Smith, Port Perry, oc- buttedsiefde 0htthrf0 hir uîonig. N t Mis. J. T. Brown îendeîcd a love- cupicd the pulpif here on Sun- country could live in frecdom was meeting at Mi. Heyland's. Combnation 6-qt. f ly solo accompanicd by Mis. How- day cvcning and preached a veîy greater. They died in order that_______________ RAJU7ER APPLES grade bslt30 ard Allin. Prayers weîe offered impressive sermon. we mîght go f0 the theatre. Thcy by Mis. N. Allin and Mis. G. B. On Friday evening, Oct. 27, a died in order that we mighf live cause the war is stili a very long Rickaîd and the Scîipturc given number of people invaded Ennis- as every man should live. If they way from being completed. Yef by Mis. I. Colwill and Miss Mai- killen Community Hall and coin- weîe alive to-day, they would nof there are some people who take EMPERORlb ion Allun. Mis. J. Holmes' group plefely suîprised Miss Florence tîy f0 escape the horions, the every Victory as a langer reason GEA ESlb served lunch. Rahm and Mi. Alfred Giace, both reality of war. They would figlit. why they should not buy bonds. 12AP TRUT Forid Sedles fMembers of flic Y.P.'U. attend- of Bunketon, with a miscellaneous They would fight flot only with There are some who prophcsy 96PFR I loia edsize for194cd a Masquerade and, Hallowe'en shower. The evening was spent their lives, but with their money. that fthc waî in Europe will be party al the Orono Union , on in card playing and~ dancing. A Their buddies are doing that. over this yeaî. Others say next TG A G S Mllo Rad, pkge 5 Thursday evening. Those from dainty lunch was senved. Later We can fight with money. We year. In fthc baffle zone winter TOXA ES 1 l. pckag Z9here winning prizes were: Best eveîyone leff affer an enjoyable can buy waî bonds. We should will soon slow progrese consider- lmoid cbrgfrIcmeKe iso n L a-evening. be cager f0 buy as many bonds as ably. LETT CE 60 aimIebeg ~.2 fr190 tonberry; Best Dressed Couple- The second meeting of Ennis- we can possibly afford. Yct, we But let us fake another view. Canada No. 1. New .ak 74.s . Barbara Bonat han and Betty killen Service Club was held al have f0 be reminded f0 buy them. Even if the United Nations can PUTATGE50 ba$g 4 Stephenson; Best Diessed Man- the home of Mirs. John Slcmon, We should be thoîoughly asham- subdue the Hun flic year there oioi i3 bm lc Margaret Hockin. Oct. 24th, with 15 present. Meet- cd. is still flic war in fthc Fan East ONIO S ce""olNOQw. 3 bs.locMi. and Mis. Charles Thacknay, ings are f0 be held every 2nd and The war is nof over yet. Oui whicli will prove a veny tough Toront o, spent fthc week-end with 4th Tuesday cvening of fthc boys have not stopped fighting. nultof crack, and one which can PEP ER flASH5'Mr. and.Mis. Herb Brown. a month. Minutes werc rcad by Sliould we stop buying bonds? be cîacked only by flic combined ScCome and îenew yotir sila Secretary Mis. Earl Tiewin. The an OldTie Coknol Prty ~woîk conveneis, Mis. A. Lead- The Scventh Victory Loan might of flic United Nations, an "ld Tme Cokiole arty inLand, Sea, and Air. Money must INV STUN IC OR - UYthe S.S. Hall of the United beater and Mis. C. Pefhick, are By Clifford Millér be had f0 supply the needs of the INV ST N1VIC OR - UYChurch, Newcastle, Fiiday, Nov. to buy mat criai and have the The Sevenfli Vicfory Loan, as armed forces and to keep flic V C RY B N S10, unden the auspices of the W.A. samne cul ouf and îeady for sew- eveîyone knws has jusf staîted. Uhifed Nations rolling onward to VICT RY B NDSLunch, prizes. Everybody Wei- ing for nexf meetin~gal Mis. Han- Many people will give gcnerously the heant of Berlin and Tokio. .omne. Admission 25c. 44-1* old Mll's, Nov. 14. If bcing social f0 a good cause, nof only because Therefore the Govcrnmenf muet SÎeroKnight the social conveners, Mis. there is a vcry good rate of in- lathViorLan BUTTE F'rt grae ib 389John Slemon and Mis. D. Lewis, fcresf, but also because if wîî flotgflc Vict the Lon en BUOEURat grade lb. 3<had charge of the aesotets, b ic heboys home soe Y T ol gief oncytflic oernment BLACKUR OWN va-lb.31Solina whidî weîe enjoyed. A dainfy fliere wiîî be many people who could raisenouintaxs f0 enomu ELII,8iTEA pkg.FAN310_unch___ seived by Mis. J. will grumble and groan about would obtain their funds af no T%0T&1UCE FACY 2 20tinz. 17< Visitons: Mi. and Mis. William Slemon and lier group: Mis. C. buying a bond. In many cases if 1 cost f0 fhemselvcs. "Why do STAN DARD 20.oz. Culley, Mis. Sherriff, Si., Oshi- Austin, Mis. D. Lewis and Mis. will nof be because fliey have te nof do this?" you will ask. PEAS 2 ~lati'ns l awa; Miss Annie Potter, Toronto, M. Heard. Donations from comn- nof flic ready cash, but because Sml eas hywn ogv ogilie'at Alex Potter's. .. Mr. and Mis. munify for hospital woîk will lic tley sec flic ban as a means by thimepl ecausfairycan f0 gie O 7 > lg. r5Frank Blunt, Miss Jessie Hoganfli, publishcd later. whicli fli governmenfs can keepalfiydosakyuf0cn VOR F AK S ge 2 ~Bowmanville, at Thos. Baker's. Mi. and Mis. Wm. Steele, Mis. flic waî going longer, and there- your money af an inferesf rate of IV R L K Sp'kg. :22eMi. and Mis. Wilfrid Phillips, D. Steele, Mi. James Stecle, Port by make greaf fortunes. This, of 3 per cent which is jusf double ANPG- 8-oz. Owen Sound; Mi. and Mis. Lloyd Perry, Mr. and Mis. Fred Toms course, is nof flic case. whaf you will gef in flic Bank. îA NN SEjar 16 Carson and son, Toronto, al N. C. and Miss Jean Toms, Puiple Hill, We should ail buy bonde6 be-Theisnsaeivsmnthn Yellowlees'. .. Mi. and Mis. Frank al Mr.- Earl Trewin's. _________________The is noessfer esmnth ac fliaf if will bîing oui loved ones Mi rs. Hockaday's. .. Mn. and home sooner and pîotecf oui own Ox r.Harvey Macintosh, David G V H CBS10,& pkg. 3eand Ian, Mis. Williams, Toron- _Hampton et e ctery.l r cm h r CUBES23e fo; Miss Muriel Langmaid, Pe CIV THiket a re hsta f e hosfli FLOUR FLUIO D -z 39c boro, al Roy Langmaids... Miss Mr. and Ms. Fred West and CHIDREela irafcite i ho me ta lsfîtfh 7-lb. 24- -1b.' - 77e Velma Gilbert, Toronto, af home daughtcr, Mis. Wm. Tout, Toron- CHL Rlad til he s they no t ec bug 14 b« 77 FLUID 1C...Mis. Jack Yellowlees with lier f0, visifed Mi. and Mis. Wilfrid any fhey stous.d buy cbos hc sisfî, issIda eynlds To-Grnniwy. Lrv TY 0F th U ;nife d ai n tire onla Keplcr's Extract 75c-$1.25 One-A-Day Tablets ---44c-98c-$l.77 Neo Chemical Food Capsules $1.25-2.25-5.00 Liquld -- $1.15-$2.45-$4.45 Aiphamettes $1-$1.85-$3 Vi-MI Caps ----$1.75-$3.00 Calcium A Caps $1.10-$Z Creophos for Couglis $1.00 bottie ~U~W~3 9 COUGH SYRuP ALCOHOL ANTIFREEZE ------------------- $1.39 - $1.59 gal. Phone llhI We Fit 69OWUfLINGS DRUSi STORETrse but also break flic morale of flic people. So be patriotic. Go ouf and Buy Bonds f0 flic Limit of your Financial Ability To-Day. TORONTO GIRL FATALLY HURT IN HIGHWAY ACCIDENT Provincial Constable Robent Duncan, Bownianville, was called f0 flic scene of an accident on Hîghway No. 2, Saturday moining in whîcl Miss Margaret Gaiîns, 21, Toront o, was instantly killcd. The accident occurred at flic foot 0f Rosebeîîy Hill, scene of many accidents. Thc vehicle, a Weston Bread tractor-frailer, reported driven by Walteci Taylor, 21, To- ronto, left flic higlway, snappcd off a felephone pale and jack- knifed againsf. a binder. The frailer craslied into an elm tnee and flic tract on fuîned over. Coroner Dr. F. W. Diamond, Pont Hope, was callcd but the of- ficials have madc no announce- ment as f0 holding an inqucsf. Thc smashcd vehicle was later liauled f0, Bowmanvillc. TIc driven got off with only a fracturcd rnb. The body of flicgi vicfim was re- maved f0 Toronto for burial. Man's primauy allegiance is f0, lis vision of fruth, and lie is un- dcr obligation f0 affirm if. Il IPark and an appicclation 0f and was well aftendcd. An in- i îe reyi flntol orCraok*d Wheat Vigorous and Wlney fîower gardens byflic sliowing of feîcsfing and îîveîy pîogîam was bîing flic final coîlapse of flic beaufiful mo.ving pictures, fo- given. The "Kitchen Orchestra" l Axis Nations, but will bring oui lb ieA 9 a 35 gether with hic intercsting and in- wîfli Miss Gwcn Caveîîy as di- Kl lI. boys home sooner and safer than jA. Cole and Miss Lena Taylor, plause and laughfer and aIl anoflier ycar or fwo. Therefore Bowmanville, intîoduced flic -. lyejoe teevnngsif is indecd an urgent caîl whicli * s programi witli a brilliant piano pîocecdings. Prizes weîe given theiv li govcrnment makes in flic A & P F O T R E duet and Miss Taylor interspersed for various costumes. wD au.j Sevenfli Vicfory Loan. Yct flic the pictures with appropîiafe _________ few who sit back and leftflic rest &vocal solos and ]cd in group songs, POE46do flicir share arc even worse %4irtI mretcone-w1reevete ,ightttooIii-iî ncluding flic effective Nçgro Don't take sides. Take responsi- PHNth6fan saboteurs or fiffli columnisfs. _______________________________________"Amen" Spiritual. bilify. Tlicy nof only nuin fhe waî effort TOP VALUES INf Winter Coats! WE H[AVE A LARGE AND VERY ATTRACTIVE ABBORTMENT 0P WINTER COATS FOR M[S8 OR MATRON Blacks predominate, of course, but the smartest 'winter colours are ail represented too. Durable wool fabrios -- Meltons, Blanket Cloths, Boucles and Cavalry Twills. Guaranteed 2-year Satin Iinings, interlined and part Chamois lined. Untrinimed, Chesterfield and Fur-Trim- med styles. Bizes 12 to 20 and 16 1-2 to 24 1-2. Every one is a real$4 Walker Stores, Lîmited W. are open Saturdays until 9.00 pim. 'I Eyes Tested -Glasses Fitted - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - GIFT SUGGESTIONS Evening -In Paris Sets for Ladies $1.50-2.50-2.75-4.00 Brush, Comb aud lriror - New Patterns, New Olt Shades, $Z.98-$16.00 Waterman's Pen & Pencil .4 Sets Oit $5.95-$9.50-$14.75 topollnard's Ladies' Sets $2.50-$4.00-$7.00-$18.00 Cashmere Bouquet Sets 55c-75c-80c Hot Water Botties 59C-89c-$l.19-$1.39 Palmoive Soap 2 for lic *ePinex Compound ----- 32o *Pebecco lc Sale ----30e Plnkham's Compound 87c TONICS FOR COLS N m Vita Vax Capsules $2.5o0 \ E O Wampole's Extract -- $1 MU W 1 1 1 7F à THURSDAY., NOV. 2nd, 1944