- -~Lz. -j -i~ ~ . 1 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd, 1944 NUMBER 47 :h Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News -YOLUME 90 McLaughlin G. M. Album Shown at Rotary Club Wth close attention and in- "General Motors Album"' show- tense interest the members Of ing, step by step, the panorama of Bowmanville Rotary Club follow- ed in story and picture the be- progress from the horse and ginning and growth of the Mc- buggy age to the streamlined air- Laughlin Carniage C0. of Ennis- liners of today. The story was killen, which, starting under the one of hard work and sacrifice, vision and impetus of the founder, with the overtone that of un- farm boy Robert McLaughlin, has exampled opportunity in Canada, expanded to become General one of the world's greatest prov- Motors of Canada, largest insti- ing fields in human progress. tution of its kind wvithin the Bri- Throughout it ail was woven "the tish Empire. With capable and corner-stone of quality" which informed fidelity the presentation has been the watch-word of the was made by George A. Fletcher, Company since 1869. assistant Public Relations Counsel The views included early photo- for General Motors and President graphs of factories and their pro- R. S. (Sam) McLaughlin at Osh- ducts, including buggies, horses, awa. This year marked the 75th rural road scenes, people dressed anniversary of the founding Of in the habiliments of the gay the McLaughlin Carniage Cofu- nineties and finafly the first pic- pany and in special displays at tures of the "horseless carniage." local fairs, together with con- The novelty then was met by the gratulatory press releases, the by-line opinion that it was merely story was told which since bas a passing fad for it was "agin expanded for the information of nature." But the age of speed Canadians from coast to coast. caught on with swif t acceptance. An introductory sketch of the People in dustcoats, women with guest speaker was accorded by motor veils becaine common Geo. W. James. Mr. Fletcher, sights chugging along leafy roads. able, affable and well informed, a The han '-crank of cars was soon son of Dr. Rev. W. P. Fletcher, relegated to the junk pile by Minister of St. Paul's United virtue of the inventive genius ofa Church, Bowmanville, was of the "Boss" Kettering and hî.9 kind. generation which came to its The self-starter was followed by nxajority in the lean thirties. After the products of industrial en- S attending Queen'q University be gineers featurîng new metals andP took pot-graduate courses in the new designs. The age of speedL "School of Hard Knocks" and bad come and the public calledC gained literary and journalistic the tune.c experience whîch fitted bim for Then came mass production andS his present position with General technical skills, high-speed high- Motors. His duties also include ways, commercial cars and trucks, editorship of the two monthly and finally at General Motors, the publications of the Company. millionth car came off the limes When he can steal time from bis to mark a milestone in transpor- wife and two children be can be tation between 1869 and 1944. found on the golf links perform- Came the war and the swift ing witb ailmost professional pre- change over to 100 per cent warI cision.effort, with General Motors turn- Prior ta showing the film whicb îng out military vehicles, guns pictured the growth of the Com- and planes, witb their sloganh pany from 1869 ta 1944, Mr. "Victory Is Our Business." B Fletcher observed that bis family Such in brief review were the B stemmed from this community, film elninsoyadpcu i bis grandfather beîng the late msheing instdogr ndopictu Alexander Fletcher. Public Re- gtCegnmigsandroess of a i r lations lie defined as reaîîy a Pro-wgrneat rCo sian.ofhefotnte P ject in human relations which be- wau anxpesic s iro atin hei gins at the source and works out- fturpln o e nih iinoporatedroinst waý1,,It can be demonstrated bythe plans of GhenteralMris.Pro-th wa%;J ministry in a church and gess tbrougla nerprsewast its Xxportance in îndustry i eyot o ane dy admit of no rank in a production Dr. C. W. Slemon proposed the vi job but ta accord equal credît to vote of tbanks accorded Mr. di ail. Advertising, on tbe otber Fletcher- He told ip bhappy mood fc band is the art of winning friends of recollections in bis eanly life fa and influencing people in respect when he too bad been identified th of a given product. The film ta with the McLaughlin Company as b be sbown was created as a func- a clerk in the offices at Osbawa. tion in public relations to be The staff was small and in per- Is sbown first ta the people of the iods of recreation tliey often box- ni organization and next to the pub- ed and on occasion he bad bouts Di lic at large. with Sam, who is now presîdent of ar The preliminary scenes were the corporation. N picturps 0f sturdy McLaughlin Visitons were Roy NichaIs, Gen- thu carniages made at Enniskillen fol- eral Motors dealer, Courtice, Har- w lowed with the screen appearance old Washington and Ron Mcn- C of President R. S. McLaughlin at tosh, Oshawa Rotarians, George pu bis desk. Speaking with force- DeGeer, of Sheppard and GilCo., MI fulness and pride of tbe early and Rev. W. P. Fletcher, fatherPU days, Mr. McLaughlin told the of the speaker of the day. pioneer story of bis father dlean- Birthday flowers were sbower- ing the land on bis Tyrone farm, ed on Charlie Miller, Orono, Ni then making axe handies and Tommy Knight and Lin Mitchell, sleighs, always witli the best Bowmnanville. *A letter from Osh- 0C fidelity in materials and work- awa Kinsmen Club acknowledg- manship. Animated with the ed Bowmanviile's check for $442 spark of genius there came later net in the Milk for Britain drive, opi the two-building shop at Ennis- Arrangements were made for eh] killen and ultimately the great transportation ta the Rotary din- diE factary of the present day. lier and dance at Orono, Wednes- ing Then followed views fram, the day evening. thE Ciizens' Forum Deals With Le; Na Responsibilitiesof the. Home S of Meeting at the High School, Davidson, Montreal, mother of six nin Tuesday evening, for the 3rd of chldren, in dissecting bath theory ing their discussions t h i s season, and practice. Their conclusions 1 members of the Citizens' Forum were summarized by Chairman ma: dealt with the topic "What Is the Morley Callaghan. e Respansibility of Our Homes?" in The questions were concerned an two spirited groups which later with wbether family ties had bee came together for formulating weakened of late; if sa, what were ta their findings. Unusual interest the remaining responsibilities of ma( accompanied the meeting since the home and how ta introduce NaN Miss H. E. Carr, Toronto, Secre- democratic principles into family itt tary of the Ontario Citizens' relations. ofc Forum, wat present and gave an Briefly the findings were that trib address preliminary ta the radiohialy ml te hd D disusson nde CB aupics. weakened but family loyalty con- T Miss Carr gave a summary of tinues strong today. RegarrdilessTe Bowmanville Receives the 7th Vici At n informai cenemany heid at the Town Hall on Fniday aften- noon, Reeve Sid Little, in the ab- sence of Mayor C. G. Marris, was presented with the 7th Victory Loan Shieid by Gea. E. Chase, Chairman of the Vîctary Laan Committee for Bawmamville. The Shield is emblematic of the muni- cipality in Durham Coumty secur- Lng the higliest percentage aven Legion Announces Their Stand On the Reinforcement Issue At the regulan manthiy meeting held on Wednesday, Nov. 15, Brandi Na. 178, Camadian Legion, Bowmamville, went on record in conmectjon with the averseas ne- infarcement issue by adopting a resolution, unanimously ta inform Prime Mînister Mackenzie King, of its position. The resolutian states: "We the members of Brandi No. [78, Canadian Legion, Bowman- ville, regret your stand reganding draftees. We believe conscription fon avenseas service is the only fair and honorable metbad and that equality of sacrifice sbould 'e the basis of aur wan effort." Copies wene prepàred for pre- sentation ta the present and for- mer Ministers of Defence and ta )unliam's member, W. F. Rick- ird. Legion members of Brandi Io. 178 are thus in accord with ie views of Legion Pasts every- where in Canada, the Canàdian orps Association and gemeral )ublic opinion in provinces whene najanities were shown in the lebiscite. Iavy League Drive Mf To Good Start Acnoss Canada Navy Week pened an Sunday with special iunch services and radia ad- [esses with the purpase of bring- g to the attentian af Camadians he important part aur sailors are oing in the winming of the war. Sînce the Navy League of Can- da "'Canes for the Sailors" citi- ens wene unged ta support the &ague's drive for fumds during Tavy Week. Locally, Canon C. R. pemcer made special mention of in sailons at the evening service fSt. Johin's Anglican Churcli. ýher churches in tawn are plan- ing special services for tlie dam- ig Sunday. The drive fan funds in Bow- ianville and district started off- '11l with a total of $301.00 out of iobjective of $1500.00, liavimg ýen cantributed ta date. A bouse b ouse canvass is mot being ýde, the local cammittee of the avy League pnefenning ta leave to the weli-known generasity aur citizens ta make their con- ibutions voluntarily. Donations may lie left with E. Oliver, L. J. C. Langs, Dr. W. C nnant an at McGregon's Drug S re. Every smali donation b ints. Contributians ta date: £~ vy League 13usiness f Giils Auxiliary.......-----$18500 t' )wmanville Red Cross__ 5.00 " s. W. P. Rogers----------- 5.00 a rs. Papineau --------------- 1.00 hi ,- W. Tennant --------- 10.00 ' rs. Dewell..............3------ .00 t M. Carruthers..........----2.00 s' s. A. E. Wrenn -------- 3.00 f' A. McGregor ------------- 50.00 v< R. Marrisan...........-----1000 mney Little.............-------5.00 C J. C. Langs -..------..--_5.00 Pl às Manjonie Couch .--- 2.00 li >& Mns. N. E. Osborne 5.00 CI -. E. V. Scobeli .......---1000 R . ex I'AL...........------- -----$30100 ta \Iiss Margaret E. Fainles, wbo IS just compieted lier training at dE Michael's Hospital, Toronto, is g mding a few days with ber M liher, Mrs. Roy Fainles. P )o it now! Check your yeilow ar El on this paper. Statesman st, iing lists were carrected anà SI rked up ta ri'ov. l6th. If there cc ny enror please notify us im- pi liately. th its objective. Bowmamviile'. quota was naised this time tc $305.000, whereas the total sale ci bonds amaunted ta $428,600, ci 143 per cent of the objective. The above picture shows, frorn left ta iglit, front row: A. H. Moore, saiesman; W. E. Hender- son, Part Hope, Vice-Chairman for Caunty; Reeve Sid Little; Gea. E. Chase, Bowmanvil Cliairman; W. R. Stnike, County Comedy "In Dy B. HS. TI 1 In times like these, when nerveý are overwrought wîth consequeni feelings of depression, relaxatiori is the mucli needed antidote What better form could this re. laxation take than that of musi( and comedy. The piece, "In 01< Vienna," ta 13e presented as thjE featune of the High School Com mencement program, combine. bath noliicking music and exhil. arating comedy, and undoubtedly W'il pove the tonic to revive flagging spirits. Rehear.sals have been in pro- gress for tlree weeks, and the performance will be ready for presentation on Tuesday, Nov. 28, in a matinee for the pupils of the Public School. Other perform- ances follow, Nov. 29 and 30, Dec. 1. The caste is chosen exclusive- ly from the students of the Higli School; every form will be repre- sented. The music will be under the efficient direction of. Mr. Workman, teaclier of music, while the stage direction %,ýill be in the well known capable bands of Mrs. Clark Bell. During the eve- ning, music will be provided by Miss Phyllis Challis, at the piano, Collette Ferguson and Alan Lobb, violinists, specialty dancing will be given by troupes trained by Mrs. Hartley Lewis with a solo dance by Chiarles Cattran featur- ing Act I. "In Old Vienna" is a story con- cerning an Amenican millionaire pickle manufacturer, Gregory Friend, who with bis daugbter, June, Eleanor Wight, arrives in Vienna amidst preparations for the annual carnival. Tliey are welcomed by Hans, the Innkeep- er, Alan Stnike, and bis menage, Carl Boe, Stewart Fergusan and George Brown. To 'Pennington's consternation, lie finds Jones, rvine Brown, bis advertising ex- Prozen Food 1 ro Locate In1 Bowmanville will soon have a Community Frozen Food Locker System of the latest design, em- bracing a complete service with facilities for processing of meats, isl, paultry, fruits and vege-1 iorY Loan Shfled Pte. Walter Park Returns Home iatelLw r o iae From OverseasHawelLwrNoitd Wondd naction in France on A Conseàrvative Convention Aug. 11, while fighting with the Argyle and Sutherland Highland- ers, Pte. Walter Park, Tyrone, ne- Oromo Town Hall was fiiled ta tendingameig i lne turned home on Thursday. Treat- capacity, Friday evening, when W ehe le subscribed ta accept- ed i an vereas has itai for delegates from every municpality ance of "The C n ev tv lt wounds in the face, they were of in Durham met ta elect officers form" adopted at the Port Hope sucli sevene character that further and choose a candidate for the Conference. He promised neyer treatment and openations are coming federal election ta repre- ta, be a "rubber stamp." necessary over probabiy a long sent the Progressive Conservative An immediate and sharp sur- period before satisfactory ne- Party. President Irwin Colwell, vey of the audience found raised covery. Newcastle, presided. eyebrows and perplexed frowns His wife and family were in- Grouped under printed stream- that s0 mucli empliasis was placed formed of bis arrivai at M.D. 3,es eate aredpetiacetonhervtrior" temeng wasn Kingston, and they m aanight des erte respectve arteo n her tem" hntory"eeang "Con tri bycarto eethimthee. utwene the chairmen of the respec- presumably called in the interests ri b crtive districts. Under the order of the "Progressive Canservative thejouneyta owmnvile as Nomination of Candidates" these Party" with John Bracken as its made by Pte. Park via. C.N.R., nmswr umte.Pooe edr where bis family, friemds and a nmswr umte.Pooe edr district deiegation awaited bis an- by Ex-Mayor Ross Stnike, Bow- The names submitted were put rivl a 4:0 pm. miing ndmanville, was the nmre of J. ta secret ballot after first piedg- hrul, th4:3gh unabl tanea Forbes Heyland, farmer, Dan- ing each ta panty layalty. Scrut- with bis accustamned vigon due to lington, former President of the ineers neturned with the finst hiswoudsthesodie prceeedCounty Federation of Agricul- draft which found Mn. Stevenson hi wd the oldiron c ee ture. Next came the name of Rus- eliminated "by a close margin." mmiediatey hta Tyronto ene seIl K. Earl. Cavan. Third pro- The second count gave Mn. ceived byCeis 0mots-l posed was Charles E. Stevenson, Lawery the nomination aven Mn. ~ dugher ecie.Mayor of Port Hope. Finally Heyland with the majanity un- Born at Whitby, Engiand, Pte. fo h ltomcm h i-dslsd Park came to Canada 16 years oraus championship by Reeve T. Other events of the meeting aga ta make bis home with bis A. Reid, Clarke, of J. Hartwell were readimg a telegram fnom uncie, W. F. Park, Tynone. He Loweny, Kirby farmen, Clarke Gardon Gnaydon, Opposition was an original member of the lst Township. The nomînees were House Leader, billed as chief ý'sCharma; C W.MeBide ContyMidlamd Regt. and went overseas called ta the platform and limited speaker, that lie could nat be 's Cgairn. W cndCut in Mardi, 1943, ta jain bis figlit- ta 8 minutes each ta state their present. Pincli bitting for him O nanzr ing unit. While in Canada lie case, came Gardon K. Fraser, Prog. )f Back raw: R. E. Gardiner, As- married M i s s Doneen Byam, Mn. Earl made the most pomnted Con. M.P. for Peterbora West. nsistant Unit Organizer; Hubert daugliter of Mn. and Mrs. F. L. remarks when lie said that on Mn. Fraser, whose speech was in- in Smale, salesman; J. F. Heyland, Byam, Tyrone, who wene aven- account of labon shortage lie lad tennupted by taking ballots, dealt 1. Chairman Dariîmgton Township; jayed at bis safe retunn. to stick with lis farn and witb- cunsorily with several political rJ. H. Bateman, saiesman; Ge. W. Amomg those on band ta greet drew from the contest. points but had nat oppantunity n James, Publicity Chairman. Ri. E. him was bis sister, Mns. C. Mur- Mn. Heylamd deciared army ne- for a more formai or fighting ;Osborne, the other lacal sales- nay, Peterboro, Reeve Sidney inforcements wouid not be forth- speech. 0f interest was bis ob- lema , ud i b ocated when Little, town, Reeve Wally Pickell, coming until demanded by the servation that if the coming ses- mane pculd at lien Darlimgton, and Editor Gea. W. public and that the country wouid sions were ta be secret and an ~,rth pitue as akn.James. Plans have been made find expanded markets under eleton was ta be called, Mn. King that a committee of, municipal of - John Bnacken, and mot before. He could tell the people evenything ficiais and others form a delega- deplored the lack of manpower cancenning reinforcemnents bad JJtion ta greet netunning men and policy which permitted the drif t been revealed to duly eiected OId V ienna*& this was the first occasion in away fnom the fanms. He attack- membens but members themn- which an officiai welcame lias ed the present administration's selves, sworn ta secnecy, would been exterîded. The entire com-' governmemt by Ordens-in-Council lie hamistnung ta, reply, thus tak- ie pi nsmunity welcomes Pte. Park home and asserted the Dominion Gov- ing an unfain political advantage. _________fte manfully standing ta it ernment should aid the Ontario On behaif of women, Mrs. Ina oversbs. Government in the compietion of Lowe, Ida, in a short address caîl- !s pent, advertising Peter Piper the Gamaraska watershed sunvey ed for formation of a Womem's It Pickles tao well. An aid acquaint- Lieut. AharanEa s p roi ect, and in the improvement Advisony Cammittee. Tbey, rep- nance, Lady Vivian de Lancy, oa ~an f barbouns and raiiways. He resenting 52 per cent of the total 'Gwendoiyn Brooks, a weaithy Promotion In Navy stood for nomination because of vote, had a duty ta take their Engiisliwoman, aiso arrives on faîth in John Bnacken ta govenn part in creating public opinion 7 lier annuai quest in searcli of lier At 22 yeans of age Lieut. the Dominion. and getting out the vote. ce daugliter who was lost whem a Charles H. Aliaran, R.C.N.V.R., Mayor Stephienson spoke scatli- Eiection of afficens nesulted in Chef, W ilsii the pompous Police lias came ta an important sta- ingiy of the "fracas an muddle in ail being ne-eiected as follaws: Chif, illamKnox, plats ta sub- tion in Canada's Navy thnough Ottawa aven conscription." He Past Pres.-Charles McNeil; Pres- -stitute the lost child of Lady persevenance ta duty and faithful asked consideration for the boys ident - Inwim Colwill; lst Vice ýs Vivian and manry ber for lier attention ta, the strict negulations who return fromn ovenseas service Pres-Alex Cannuthens; 2nd Vice 1- fortune. that gavern service on the higli and do not aiways stick at their Pres-Narman Green; 3nd Vice y A band of gypsies led by Jigo, seas. Lieut. Ahanan is a son of jobs. Municipalities were mat ne- Pres. - Mns. Ira Lowe; Sec'y- ethe Gypsy King, Ted Hoar, and Sergt. Major and Mrs. C. T. ceiving a fair share of gavern- Tneas.-R. R. Waddeil; Auditos- bis supposed daugliten Ilona, Aharan, of the Vetenans Guard, ment support, lie said, and it was James McCullough, Earl M. Lenore Collacott, visits the carni- Internment Camp, Bowmanviile, time the people spoke cleariy an Byam. eval. Events lead ail ta the gypsy and bis wedding ta Miss Muriel sucli mattens as bus accommoda- The truiy effective and out- rcamp, whene a magic pool reveals Campbell is annaunced in this tion and taxation. "If eiected," standing speech of the evening the face of Lady Vivian's daugli- issue. said Mn. Stephenson, "I 'will say was delivered by Han. Dr. Percy ter. Arthur Crefont, Howard Lieut. Aliaran jained the Navy wbat s igli and do what is riglit Vivian, Provincial Mimisten of Stunnock, a poor artist, wins ne- four yeans aga and started niglit ta theibesth.of my abiity." Heaith and M.P.P. for Durham. cognition of bis art and also the at the bottom, caming up the Mn Loweny, whose sponsor in- His remanks wene camcenned witli »hand of June. Lady Vivian con- liard way fnomn the lpwen decks ta S iS ted tha t lie was a stauncli the pnagness made in impiement- sents ta became Mrs. Pemnington; win successive and deserved pro- "T o"fnoms a good "Tory fam- ing Premier Dnew's 22 point pro- Kinski's plot is exposed; Ilona is motions. Enlisting as an ondin- il, oudsme embanrassment gram. In view of the importance restored ta lier mother, and James any seaman, priar ta takimg a in squaring that label with the of bis presentation the text ap- is rewarded witli success in bis course in signalling at Halifax, lie Bnacken concepts, but told of at- pears in anather calumn. campaign for the liand of Ilona. was assigned ta canvay duty and _________________________________ The camedians of the piece are, spent 31/ years at sea. Louisa, Joan Newton; Maria, Joan Two years ago bis slp ot a Longwanth, maids at the Inn; and subimarine in a running figlit and Rumski, Robent Stevens, and the crew were mentioned in des- lion. D r i an N k sS o g Bumski, Grant Brooks, insepar- patches. He was then secanded r i i n M k sS r n ably an duty as "Caps." In Act IIIta Kîng's College, Halifax, for a a bifliant carival scene is de- Naval College course whicli lie DefenÈce of D e vG v r m n picted, with Eric Mcîlveen as tlie mastened ta qualify for bis com- D e o e n n n Carnnval King. Small parts and mission as Lieut. Next lie le- choruses are enacted witli gaiety came 2nd Officer on a mine Speaking at the Orono Conven- wouid be given full opportumity ta and sparkle. With sucli a galaxy sweeper, then went averseas on tion, Friday, whicli met ta choose run the whole show. The agni- of talent this cannot fail ta lie the another mine sweeper pnian to a federal candidate, Hon. Dr. culua an cotie the musical treat of the ;season and the invasion of France. Percy R. Vivian, M.P.P. for Dur- Iua lm atie he shauld appeal ta every lover of He went through the naval ham County, took occasian ta ne- separate phases; formation of higli class entertainnment. action on "D" Day whicli success- view the progness made in im- caumty committees ta organize fully landed the troops in Non- plementimg the 22- point prognam farming, plan production and mandy, after whicli le was pasted of the Drew govennment. Dr. negulate marketing; taking aver Mrs. S. G. Preston bas received a full Lieut. Laten lie was drafted Vivian indeed made the anly stockyands and operatimg as a a letten fram ber son, Sergt. Dave ashore at a Canadian Naval Bar- clearcut and effective speech of public enterprise and calling a Preston of the R.C.E., wio was in racks and placed in change of a the evemimg and enhanced bis canfenence of leading, farmers Belgium and Holiand. He is now camp as instructor. This is a ne- reputation as a highly imformed from ail parts of the province ta in England takimg a course and mankable record for a lad naw and effective public speaker, an assist in drafting plans for or- expects ta retunta, the figliting only 22 years of age. eminemtly capable representative ganization of food production. limes in a montb. of the constituency and an admin- Post-wan planning and reliabili- istrator of very high onden. The tation liad been effectively met Mns. Peter Martin, Jr., Brentha, genenai opinion was that he "stole by creation of a new mînistry SyStNorthern Ontario, is visiting lier the whole show." unden an able administratan ta mothr, Ms. SlenaLee.Dealimg with ail the main de- set up widespnead agendies con- Bow anv ll SMLE F ICTRY familiaity, thieMinister claimed districts of the province. This as B o w m n v i l e hat20 f th 22 poi ts ad een oe of the most important pro- compietely effected or major ad- lems of the day had thus been lockr sytem hav e!minaecivarices made and oniy two ne- given effective cansidenation. the food waste on farms and in but even these had progressed, ways, plans have been effected the home nesuiting from spoiîagej limited omly by conditions which for a four and a hall yean pro- on lack of satisfactory markets for time would iran out. All this gram cancermed with extensions thein sunpluses. It bas encounag- i i I vir~ n t h pae f lew h an a d u ke, nd heTo.. p as 01 ost-war planning flacibeen forwarded by vigoraus steps in that depantment. Ah 0of which held great importance fan the employment of provincial re- venues. In the field of Hydro, collection of service charges in rural dist- ricts had been abnogated, rural Power limes had been extended, the Cammiission had been remov- ed from political cantrol and a Hydro Advisory Cauncil, repre- sentative of municipal bodies had been appraved. Healtli and Welf are, the De- partment administered by the speaker, was neviewed in broad autline but nequines no extended reference henein since local press reports have lately cannied a gem- enal picture of achievements. Time limitations pnevented Dr. Vivian fnom continuimg in greater detail but he impnessed bis audi- ence with the assertion that no former Ontario governmemt bad dame sa mnucli in so short a space of time, and we wene anly at the beginning of a fonwand manch in- to a new ena. .cue ii iiicia iunir deu Cproduction of food for and Ig. it probably cauld be called by famnilles in providing a safe acomplete food liandiing estabi- and ecanomical means of foods in ishment, wliere the farmen as a veny palatable form. oeil as the townspeople may bave Thene are five main depant- îe advantage of a considerabie ments in a locker system. Chili- îving in their food bill and emjoy ing of meats and remave the ani- 'esi home grown food the yean mal lieat; ageing sufficient time .und. under the proper conditions toal- Kitson Bras. of Little Bnitain, low the tissues im the meat ta Dnt., expenîemced butchers and break down; processing roam )urveyars have anranged ta estab- where the product is dut, ground isl the plant. Tliey have pur- for sausage, etc., by skiiled butcli- îased thie eastenn part of the ens and wnapped and sealed in ichelieu Hotel building and will moisture proof paçkages. The îtirely renovate and instaîl up- next step is sharp-freezing where o-date machinery fan a first class the product is quickly frozen at lant. An advertisement; in this minus 20 degrees below zero ta ssue gives main particulars con- presenve the fneshness and f la- ýerning finance and bamking safe- van. The pnoduct is taken fnom :ards and a camvass will be the sharp-freezer ta the locken ade ta secune patrons. raom and placed inta individual Because of the rapid increase in sanitary steel iockers, each hav-i opulanity of frozen foods, thous- img a separate key and holding îds of these plants have been im- about 250 lbs. talled in Canada and the United The Bowmanvilie frigid locken ;tates, being necogmized for their systemn is being canstnucted in ctribution ta the mation's food accordance witli Federal Govern- ýragram and heiping ta stabilize ment regulations and many wil e food markets. The modern look forward ta its opening. L. J. C. Langs The genial and indefatigable accountant at the local branch Bank 0f Montreal, who is prab- ably responsibie for sellimg more Victory Bonds in thelast three Loans than any other persan in Durham County. In the above pictune Lester is holding the 7th Victony Loan Shield won by Bow- manville and is weaning the smiie of victary. credit able record. In the matter f cutting costs of education 50 per cent the speaker observed that discrepancies in miii rates tlroughout munici- palities equied equitable adjust- ment pion ta giving effect ta leg- isation. This takes time but pro- gress had been made and it was confidently believed that at the next session an Act wuld dm- plete the whole picture. The sec- ond point was the Forestry Com- mission. Leases had been dan- celled an millions af acres of for- est lands but the wliale programn of conservation and reforestation was met with the difficulty that mast of the non-partisan staff familiar with the whoie narthen area, were on active service, and their advice was mecessary for final completion of the scheme. Reviewing ail other major de- partments of government, the Ministen toudlied on Agriculture,j telling of ail main points havingi been implememted ta give effect( ta the pninciple that ta achieve its1 full destiny, farmers themselves1 I 'i w witI 1 ýA 1 - -7aàý .