mI_ THURSbAY, NOV. 23rd, 1944 Mrs. W. Wynn, Port Hope, spent the week-end with Miss Vesta Spargo. Mrs. Fred Hughes, Toronto, is visiting ber mother, Mrs. Geo. E. Pritchard. Mrs. Henry Rusk, Clarke, is s ending a wýeek's.vacation with THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis. Mrs. Wm. VanCamp, Black- stock, was week-end guest of Mrs. L. J. Barton. Miss Lillian Smale, Newcastlc, spent tbe week-end with ber bro- ther, Mr. Hurbcrt Smalc. Mrs. S. Bond and Jeanne, Mrs. W. Paterson spent the week-end with relatives and friends in To- ronto. Nurse in training, Ruth Stevens, Our Values "Are Tops"À WNINTER COATS Smart Casuals of nubby herring-bone Tweeds witb neat shoulders, slash pockets and pleat at back. Wear it open-neck or'buttoned to ohin. Satin lining with warm, full-length interlining and chamois to waist. Sm lasc$29.50 tCascmodels of shaggy all-wool Coatings, with fine, velveteen collar, novelty patch pockets. Box or fitted styles i various colours. $29.5O Fur-trinnned, figurç-flattering Coats in Misses' and women 's sizes. Serviceable all1-wool boucle ma- terial attractively fur-trimmed, in a variety of styles. Warm, good-looking and long- wearing. Ail with 2-year satin lining, interlining and chamois to waist. $24.50 to $45 <WALKER STORES, £JMITED Bowmanville - We close Saturday at 9 pà.mR. PLAN "FIGHTING LUNCHES"À Tor Your Man Onl'he. Job! If you're "mess sergeant" ta a "soldier in o'veralls," it 's your patriotic duty to send him ta his factory post fortified with foods that will satisfy bath bis ap- petite and the requirements of nutrition! Give hlm a lunch he can work on, antl that means a geinerous supply of energy foods, foods that supply a lot of calories. One of'the best sources of energy miner- ais and vitamins is Carter 's Whalesome Bread! Since sandwiches are the main- stay of every carried lunch, it 's easy ta pack plenty of this ahl-important faad into every lunch-box! And new, enricked Carter 's Bread is better for sandwichies ... it tastes better and stays fresh langer. Ask for it today - you'Il be thrilled at the àfference! 4. I j-HE CflRfElA foi E7uo gLL.taUoflZ i Belleville Hospital, was home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Stevens, Thursday. Misses Neli Burke, Orillia, andi Sybil Burke, Toronto, spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. T. S. Holgate. Trooper Lloyd G. Passant bas returned to bis military unit after a pleasant furlougb with bis wife and family, Hunt St. Tbe Women's Law Association of Ontario held its November meeting in Bowmanville at the borne of Miss Apha I. Hodgins on Saturday, November 18. Mrs. Ward Gledhill, Mrs. C. L. Bissett, Godericb; Mrs. J. Mac- Donald and daughter, Donna, De- troit, Mich., visited at their cou- sin's, Mr. A. H. Moore's. Sgt. James Nokes received bis Air Gunner Wîng at the Gradua- tion ceremony at Mont Joli, Que., Thursday, and is spending leave with his motber, Mrs. Grace Nokes. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Colwell and family, Horsey St., were in To- ronto, Saturday. Mrs. S. G. Pres- ton who bas been renewing ac- "TRUTHS ABOUT QUEBEC"I SUBJECT 0F ADDRESS AT WOMEN'S CANADIAN CLUB Members of tbe Women's Can- adian Club are in for another timely and informative talk ai their meeting, Monday next, at 3:45 p.m. in St. John's Parisb Hlall, when Corolyn Cox will give an address on "Trutbs About Quebec."' Mrs. Cox could nothbave cbosen a more timely subi ect and she is well qualified to deal with this topic wbîcb is being dis- 2ussed on every band these days. Mrs. Cox is a feature writer on 'Saturday Night' and bas the reputation of interviewing and writing more biographies o! out- standing people than any otber .voman in Canada. New members will be made wclcome at tbis meeting. 81i 1 rr WILL YOU have to serve your meals on a board and sit on a box because the 'insurance.on yaur hause- hald gaods was insuffi- cient after a fixe? Exag- geration perhaps, BUT - let this agency help you deternune the amaunt of fire insurance yau need. Stuart R. James Insurance and Real Estate Successor To J. J. Mason & Son e Phone 681 Ring St. Bowmanville quaintances ini the cityj borne with them. Mrs. R. K. Squair was IWindsor owing to the ser ness of her sister-in-law, W. Rundle, who is a patiei Hotel Dieu. Mrs. Squair companîed by her sistE Artbur Found. Charles Parker, pickini in the orchard of Roy LE Solina, came across anothE mcen similar to tbe varicty 1l'ately reported Statesman. Thbi s dou fruit differed ini only oi ticular; it bas twa stems now addcd ta our collccti fComing Event, Reserve Wed., Thurs. Nov. 29, 30, Dec. 1, for Bc ville* High Schoal Com ment. The Newtomvillc Womei sociation are holding a home cooking sale and aft tea ici the basement of the on December 1, 1944, E a'clock. T he W.A. o! Courtice wi their Annual Bazaar ici Pic Hall, Courtice, Dec. 5, a There arc beautiful quilts, work, toys, vegetables, afi tea. Hot supper servcd. anc welcome. A play entitled "Tempe Sucishine" will be preseni St. John's Anglican Chui Community Hall, Blackstc Wedciesday, Nov. 29th, at Admission 25c and 15c. Enniskillcn C.G.I.T. ccii ment, Friday, Nov. 24, ini killen Hall, at 8 p.m., comsis mîdway, bazaar, fish pond, cal and literary number, lunch. .Ladies of St. Joseph's will hold a sale of home- cg aprans, cbildreci's clothe fancy work, in the Navy1 Room on Friday, Nov. 24 p.m. Draw will be mac prizes. Miss Ethel Morris, Hors Bowmanvillc, will bold a hand painted china andc water-color pictures, suital Christmas gifts and weddinj ents. Eacb afternoon, 2 o'clock; evcnings, 7 ta 9 at ber home. Phone 626. The annual convention Durham Caunty Temperanc cration will be beld on1 November 24tb, in Orona Church. Afternoon sessi 2:30 p.m., evcning sessior p.m. Supper will be scr 6 p.m. Features of the prog -gencral business; panel sian on varying phases Temperance issue; addrcss taria Temperance Fedeatit resentative; public. speakir test.* The public is invitcd. Brown, President, Port Hg Littlewood, Secretary. PAGE FIVE E. H. [ope; S. 47-1 l Notice To Creditors Ini the Estate of -ANNIE STAPLETON, deceased. AUl persons baving cdaims against the estate qf Annie Staple- ton, late of tbe Village of New- castle, in tbe County of Durham, deceased, wbo died on or about tbe l7th day of October, 1944, are hereby notified ta send ini to W. Ross- Strike, solicitor for the Ex- ecutor, Bowmanville, Ontario, on or before the l5th day of Dccem- ber, 1944, full particulars of their dlaims. Immediately after tbe said lSth day of December, 1944, the assets of the testatrix wiil be distributed amongst the parties entitled tbereto, baving regard only to dlaims of wbich the said solicitor for tbe executor shall then bave notice. Dated at Bowmanville, tbis 22nd day of November, 1944. W. ROSS STRIKE, Solicitor, Bowmanville, Ontario. PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO THE LIQUOR AUTHORITY CONTROL BOARD 0F ONTARIO 1 TAKE NOTICE tbat the annual meeting of The Liquor Authority Control Board of Ontario for Au- thority District No. 7 will be held at the Council Chamber in the Court House ini tbe City of Peter- borough, in tbe County of Peter- borough on the 29th day of No- vember, A.D. 1944, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, at whicb time it will bear and deter- mine ail applications for the re- newal of authorities ini accord- ance with The Liquor Authority Control Act and Regulations. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person resident in the said Autbority District ob- jecting to any sucb application sball file his grounds of objec- tion ini writing with tbe Deputy Registrar at least tbree days be- fore tbe date of the said annual meeting. DATED at the City of Peterborougb, in the County of Peterborough this 18tb day of November, A.D. 1944. AMES FORDYCE STRICKLAND James Fordyce Strickland, 375 Water Street, Peterborough, Ontario, Deputy Registrar. 47-1 . Prescriptionsý CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED When you bring your prescriptions to us you can be assured of the finest possible resuits. Each one is carefully studled and accurately filled wlth the purest ingredients. We specialize in this work. When sickness prevents you frorn bringing your prescriptions to us PHONE '192.- WE SHALL CALL FOR IT, FILL IT, AND DELIVER IIT PROMPTLY PREPARE FOR WINTER TAKE VITAMINS NOW ... Aiphamettes, Ayerst .. $1, $3.50, $15 Maltievol Norners, 12 oz....$2.00 Abdol Capsules, improved $2, 3.45, 7.59 10D Cod Liver Oil, Ayerst .- 67c, $ 1.69 Idamait, Malt & Cod Liver 01.........59c, 98c, $1.69 Scott's Enwlsion......59e - 98c Halibut Liver 011 Capsules, 50's- 69e ______M IS__-------___-_----__- i---s$1.19 l T O O T P AO . Warnpoie's Extract $1 Neo-Chemical Food Capsules $1.25, 2.25, $5 Norplex Vitamin B Complex Tablets ----$1, $1.75 [DAFER Ilron and Vitamm IB Compiex Toi- 16 oz. bottle -- $1.25 a .TIRED FEET 1 COUGH SYRUP Health Needs ... Bayer Aspirin ----18e, 29e, 79e Carter's Liver Pulis ----23e, 69e Bile Beans ------------------------ 47e Chase's Nerve Food ----60c, $1.50 Antacld Stomach Powder 49c Feenarnint -- -- -- 19c, 33c, 69e Alka-Seltzer ---------- --- 29c, 57e Dodd's Kldney Pls------------43e Hygeol ------------------------ 35c, 60c I I Cue Dentifrice ------------19-33c Colgate's Sbavlng Crearn 29e, 43c Palmolive Shave Crearn 33c, 49e 1Soft as a fleecy Cloud! 1 CoId Remedies. Buckley's Mixture ----- 40c, 75c Vick's Vapo Rub ---------- -, 43o Grove's CoId Tablets ---- 24c, 44e I.D.A. Nose Drops ------------ 25e -'-I CASHMERE TISSUE Two Graes__ 15c, 2 for 25e I I~II lOC, 3for 25e PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX LAURA SECORD CANDIIES McOREOOR DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER 1, returned ~Kencfick. _______________ ILAC John Scott, Trenton, with called to OUR 1 bis wife and son. inous iii- SAILORS Miss Sarah Moise, Oshawa, with f f b r.R er parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.E N rit at the NEED Moise.OP N was ac- YOUR HELP Evening Auxiiiary of the er, Mrs. W.M.S. met Nov. 15 with Presi- N 5 dent Mrs. F. Butler in the chair. N E W g apples SUPPORT THE Miss Ruth Hancock and Mrs. G. ngmaid, Walton are nominating committee er speci- for 1945 officers. This program Siamese Nia v y eague was prcsented: piano solos by Mrs. ~ 1 1 1 1 G ini The C. Cowan; vocal solo by Mis. J. T. ble-face D Brown; vocal quartette by Miss Aliter lengthy overseas )n a-D ive M. Asb, Mrs. J. Scott, Mis. M. service In the arrned 3and is FOR FUNDS Sallows .and Mrs. J. Hockin; read- forces, 1 have been grant- Lin.ings by Miss Marion Allun and ed a lîcense to operate a THIS WEEK AND piano duets by Misses Shirley Grg uiesada and Arvilla Brunt. A successful Gagebsesan ar sNEXT Eale of aprons and other articles prepared to, give service Objective for Bowrnanville took place after which tea was on ALL makes of cars. Fri., and District served by Mrs.-M. Sallows' side. Until wartlrne restric- owm500.0 Mr. and Mrs. Russel Colwill, tions have been iifted, w rimence- $1500000 ~Toronto, were honored on Satur- ildbunesath imence- ~~~~day evening, Nov. l8th when a wiidbunesa th 41-7 This rnoney is credited to number of friends and relatives rear of my residence on the general fund of the gathered at the home of ber sis- Scugog Street, and where n s As- Navy League and is used ter, Mrs. W. H. Pearce, to cele- neccssary ivill pick up bazaar, for the upkeep of searnen's brate their 25th wedding anni- andevryorc. ternoon hostels and for sea cadet versary. Mr. W. J. S. Rickard Chuch wo:30tc acted as chairman and called on Have those brakes re-lihed o 47-1 Leave donations with E. L. Mrs. Herbert Toms who read theth1 Oliver, L. J. C. Langs, D. A. address after which Mrs. C. R. ec ihod McGregor or Dr. W. Ten- Carveth presented the bride and NOW is thc time to re-conditi nant.k' groom of twenty-five years ago Have us check your heater a, t 2:30. NAVY LEAGUE OF with a silver tray and a sum of Have those wheels lined up. fancy- money. Reeve C. R. Carveth, A. Camber and aiign wheels, ani ernoon CANADA O. Parker, H. Rowland, W. Saun- preclous tires. Every- Bownianville Comrnittee ders, N. Williams, Karl Hall, Mrs. 47-2* R. Gibson and Miss Sarah Moise Have you a knock in the me< _______________________spoke congratulatory words and firing on ail cylinders, or usij st and Mr. Norman Williamns, accom- ted by panied by Miss Marion Rickard, Let us give your motor a chec] irch ici Newcastle sang two vocal solos which were Haettdntbmdouad )ck, on much enjoycd. The remainder Hvotafet upd n n 8 p.m. . the cvening was spent ici playing WITH A GENERAL MOTORç 47-1 Ms Harry Allin, Mrs. W. R. cards, crokinole and bingo after FCTAGVRMN Hawkins and Mi. and Mrs. A. W. wbicb lunch was served. FCTAGVRMN era-Pickard, Bowmanville, spent Sun- Miss Margaret Bowen, bride- CENSE, PLUS MANY YEAR tEnnis- day witb Mrs. Norman Allîn. to-be, was the recipient of many ENCE, WE CAN GUARe. tîng o! Mr. and Mrs. Ted Buxton, York lovely and useful gifts at a mis- musi- Milîs, Miss Marion Rickard, Co- ce]laneous sbowcr beld ici the F ra..», -S and bourg, and LIBdr. Brenton Rick- kitchen of tbe Community Hall F a . i 47-1 ard, Kingston, with Mr. and Mrs. an Friday evening. After the W. J. S. Rickard. presents were unwrapped, Mrs. PHONE 2834 Church Mrs. Stanley Osborne and Miss Morley Sallows led ici a sing- ooking, Virginia Cooke, Port Credit, with song after wbicb Mrs. Gi. Brooks, as and Mrs. W. H. Cooke. Mrs. Sallows, Mrs. G. Crowther League Pte. Fred Adair is home from and Miss Pauline Deline scrved 4, at 2 Nova Scotia on leave. lunch. wt rsdn osAlni le for Mi. and Mrs. Russel Colwill, Miss Bessie Blackburn, Toron-wihPedntRs Alnic 47-1 Miss Jean Colwîll, Mis. S. Scul- ta, with Miss E. M. Blackburn and charge. Neil Britton and Tracy thrope, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mis. Cale. Embley led ici a sbort period of ey St., Williams, Mis. Jobn Vampblew, Anniversary Thank - Offering recreation. Donald Jase, Citizen- sale of Toronto, and Mrs. J. ýOrr and Services werc hcld ici the United sbip Convener, took as bis topic oi1 and daughter, Bruce Mines, were Churcb on Sunday with Rev. Lin- "Temperance" and cnumerated ible for guests o! Mis. W. H. Pearce. stead o! Caurtice delivering twa tbe reasons for mot touching alco- ig pies- Miss Helen Hooper, Ajax, was inspiring sermons. The Choir holic beverages. Rev. R. E. Mor- ta 6 guest of Miss Evelyn Allin. sang two anthems ini the marnimg ton presented tbe vicws of the o'clock, Several from here went ta To- "O Give Thanks Unto tbe Lord" Churcb ini this matter and showed 47- ronto Saturday ta see the Santa and "Guide Me O Thou Great wbat great barm it is doing ta Claus parade. Jehovab" with Pauline Deline, young people and family if e. of The Sgt. Sam Cowan, Centralia, Marie Allun and Mrs. J. T. Brown Glenn Allin favored with a vocal ce Fed- with bis mother, Mrs. F. Cowan. taking solo parts. Ini tbe evening solo "The Old Rugged Cross" and Friday, Miss Caroline Friedlander with the male quartette of St. Paul's Miss Isabel Allen played two United Mrs. Clintan Farrow, Newton- Church, Bowmanville, s a ng piano solos. Aftcr a short wor- on at ville. "Jesus Saviour P'ilot Me" and ship pcîiod, the meeting closcd in at 8 Miss Aresta Martin, Toronto, "Nailed ta the Cross" and the with the benediction. ved at visited ber father, Mr. J. P. Mar- chair rcndered the anthem "Lct C.G.I.T. met Nov. 14 with Presi- ramme tin, Mount Zion Rejaice" with solos dent Mary Margaret Bonathan in discus- Miss Patricia Pearce, Toronto, by Mrs. J. T. Brown and Wilbur the chair. Scripturc was read by of the was home for the week-end. Baskerville. Thank - Offering Helen Asb and the first chapter of by On- Mi. and Mrs. John VanDusen, amounted to over $600. the study book taken. After [on rep- Toronto, were guests o! Miss A. Y.P.U. met Monday cvening recreation, tic meeting closed ban 17 'lm- , Ir PAGE FIVE ART FRANK or adjusted before ice coats roads. ion starters and generators. and other electrical equipment. Let us check the Caster and id thus save wear and tear on otor or a noisy tappet? Is it ïexcessive 011? ck-up to determine the trouble. I touched up before rust sets in. ýS SERVICE SCHOOL CERTI- MASTER MECHANIC'S LI- IS 0F PRACTICAL EXPERI- 'NTEE SATISFACTION. Garage SCUGOG ST. with Taps. We were glad to sec Mr. John W. Bradley, Toronto, in town this week. Women's Christian Temperance Union met in the Community Hall, Nov. 16. Secretarys report was very encouraging with the paid-up membership growing. Miss Ferguson read the Scripture lesson, followed by a very appro- priate solo by Miss Pauline De- lime. Mrs. H. Rowe, Orono, who attended the Provincial Conven- tion in Woodstock, gave some of the facts learned there, assistcd by Mis. A. Delve. She said the next World Convention will prob- ably be hcld in Toronto, which will be a great honor and privi- lege for Ontario. 1This is subscription time.