PAGE EIGHT More Fat Needed Since 1942 the Girl Guides of Bowmanvjlle have undertaken the collecting of fat as their con- tribution to the war effort. During that timecove't ,000 lbs. of. fat have beèti collected and foî4warded to the packing houses, who ini turn saponify it, resulting in the production of glycerine. One pound of fat produces enough glycerine to fire 50 ma- chine gun bullets; 100 lbs. of 80 per cent crude glycerine will help to make 180 tank mines. The Girl Guides will caîl the last Saturday morning in every month and if you are flot contact- ed will you kindly phone Mrs. A. J. Frank, phone 2834, or Mrs. J. H. H. Jury, phone 752. TH CNAIN TAEMA. OMAVT T IAtinO 'rrnTPoflAV ,'JV 92r<1 1 Girl Guide News The Mother and Daughter Ban- quet will be beld Dec. 8. All crafts for the corners should be almost completed by the next meeting. All patrols will be competing in patrol inspection next week. Patrols will be judg- ed according ta the neatness of uniforms, discipline and the num- ber of Guides wbo turn out. Janet Dale was chosen as the neatest Guide for this week; next week, a wbale patral will be pick- ed. The attraction of the gyma has surpassed that of the radio .and the meetings now seem ta be a little longer. This is subscrîptian time. BIRTI-S PEARCE - Kenneth and Jean Pearce (nee Cawker) wish to announce the birth of a son on November 15, at Midland, Ont. 47-1* HORN-Dr. and Mrs. Wallace R. Horn are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, November 14, 1944, at West- chester Hospital, Mt. Kisco, New York. 47-1 HOCKADAY - Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hockaday.- Solina, an- nounce the birth of their daugh- ter, Evelyn Ruth, at Bowman- ville Hospital, on November 16, 1944. 47-1 ENGAGEM ENTS 1 Auction Sales * I have been authorized ta selI by public auctian for Cecil Rahm, *Centre of Lot 26, Con. 9, an Sat., Nov. 25, machinery, 4 harses, 22 kbead of cattle, pigs, poultry, bar- ness and other articles. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wil- bur, auctianeer. 46-2 WOOD SALE I have been autharized ta seli by public auctian for W. J. Leask, Lot 34, Con. 6, Darlington, (2 miles N.E. of Taunton) on Sat., Dec. 2, a quantity of standing hardwood trees (b e e c h and maple). Saie at 1:30 p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 47-1 I have been authorized ta sell by public auction for Frank Bulk- owski, Lot 31, Con. 9, Darlington (Gilbert Farm, Enfield) on Wed., Dec. 6, 3 horses; 21 head of cattle; full line of macbinery including new tractor on rubber and 2-fur- row tractor plow; pigs; coan; hay; roats; grain; harness and many other articles. See bills. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 47-2 The undersigned bas received fristructions ta seli by public auc- tian at ber late residence, Beech Ave., Bowmanville,- the entire bausebold effects of the late Mrs. D. Davis. Sale will include 4 bedroom suites, chesterfield suite, many odd dressers, tables, chairs, rockers, lamps, large and small rugs (many real goad), dining raom suite, radia, electric stove, coal caok stove, sewing machine, refrigeratar, ail paintings, silver- ware, glassware; dishes, jardin- ieres, 100 jars canned fruit, alum- inum, curtains, drapery, bedding, pillaws, stair carpet, hall table, wardrobe, wasbing machine, lawn mower, step ladder and gar den tools. Many other articles to numeraus ta mention. This is a large sale and contains many very cboice pieces. Sale at 1 a'clock sharp, Sat., Dec. 9, 1944. Terms cash. W. J. Challis, auctioneer; T. S. Mountjoy, clerk. 47-3 For these dear, busy hands that mean so much to you, a gift she'll remember you by for a long, long time. .. fragrant J une Geranium Soap, wonderful Velva Bath Mits and the velvety Hand-O-Tonik that every woman loves. Box complete à.00 Jury YLovell THE REXALL STORE Wh.n W. Test Eyes t I. Done Properly PHONE 778 - - - C.N.R.'TICKETS R2Yn!iiTHEATRE Bowanill -Telephone 589 lWonday to Frlday, doors op*n at 6.30 pi. Sat., doors open 6 o'clock. Matinee at 2.00 p.m. THURS., FR1., NOV. 23-24 OLI VIA DeHAVILLAND In Goerment Girl Wlth Sonny Tufts, Anne Shirley and Tess Barker- A wartlme Washington whirl of fun. Manpower short- age - not wlth this girl SATURDAY, NOV. 25th Patrons please corne early and avold waltlng. The program's great! THE WEAVER BROS and ELVIRY In Mouatain Moolight Mountain music - Moonlght romances! - Added Attraction - TIM HOLT In ]Ridling The Wind A hair raislng, fast shootlng Western Mon., Tues., Wed., Thur*., FrIl., 5 Days, Nov. 27, 28, 29, 30 - Dec. 1 U'. herel The picture you wiII corne to see twlce! Irene Dunne -IN - Metro Goldwyn's Greatest Picture White Cif of Dover With Alan Marshal, Roddy McDowell, Frank Morgan, C. Aubrey Smith and Van Johnson. "White ClIf. of Dover" la the story, ln detail, of a woman's emotional lite - from 1941 to date. COMING - "Coing My Way"y 1 Card of Thanke The Canadian Fruit Co. wish to thank the Newcastle Fire Co. and ail who helped when the fruit house was burned. L. Weinstein. Notice 4- To the Citizens of Bowmanville and the Surrounding Country: A meeting was held at the Nurses' Residence on Tuesday, Nov. 14th, 1944, and the graduate nurses of Bowmanville have de- cided to work on 10 hour duty (for special cases) in the Hospi- tal, 8:30 p.m. - 6:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. This has already been enforced. 47-1* Bowmanville Electriclans 4 Doors West of Eaton's in Building Occupied by Navy League AlI kinds of electric wiring done Motors repaired and installed Phone 438 34-tf 12* Wanted To Buy SMALL BATHROOM SCALES, in good condition. Phone 660. 47-1 S E E D WANTED, highest prices paid for timothy seed, and al clovers. Samples requested. A. W. Glenney, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 33-12. 47-8 SEED WANTED - We are naw offering highest prices for timo- thy, clovers, etc. Mail us a sample. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577, Bowmanville. 39*-tf LIVE POULTRY and feathers. Good prices paid. M. Flatt, R. R. 1, Bethany. Phone 7rl3. (Business carried on by Mr. Flatt personally, no agents em- ployed.) 46-9* HATCHING EGGS wanted for 1945 hatching season. Guaran- teed premium paid, plus hatch- ability premium. Flocks culled and bloodtested under Govern- ment Supervision, free of charge. Write for full details. Tweddle Chick -Hatcheries Lim- ited, Fergus, Ont. 44-4 THERES PLENTY 0F PUNCH IN BOWMANVI LLE DAIRY M4ILK Milk, more than any other food, provides the vita. niins we ail need for buoyant health - For en- ergy and stamina, drink plenty of rich, satisfying Bowmanville Dairy Milk. Make sure your family gets lots of it in their food too. Use milk in cooking cereals and veg- etables, in cream soups & desserts. Bowm a ovile Dairy P90NE 446 Liesok o1Sl AYRSHIRE COW, renewing early in December. Apply W. C. Evans, Orono. 47-1* FEMALE HEARN BONE FOX hound, color tan, good hunter, age 3 yrs. Apply Albert Souch, Clarke, phone Ordrio 16r20. 47-1* SERVICEABLE AGE RED ROAN purebred Shorthorn bull, at low cost so can move to make roomn in barn. Several red bull calves, at farmer's prices. C. H. Mumford, Hampton. 44-tf REGISTERED HEREFORD Bull, 8 months old, Domino breeding, won three flrst prizes at local fairs; also breeding females. Apply Milton W. Cornish, phone Orono 51r18. 47-2* YOUR CHOICE FROM 100 York- shire pigs, 8 weeks old, and 2 young sows due in January. Also a few registered Suffolk ramn lambs at reduced rates. Ap- ply J. W. Bowman, Enniskillen, phone 2512. 47-1 Vacuums for Sale VACUUMS REPAIRED "Good Vacuums f or G oo d Housekeeping." Als- guaranteed expert repairs. lubrication, re- placements, etc. Cail C.U.C. Ser- vice Branch, McGregor's Hard- ware Store. Bowmanville, 774. 5-tf For Rent SMALL STORE, suitable for of- fice. Apply Mrs. J. W. Knight. 47-1* ONE OR TWO ADULTS of good character may have a furnished bed-sittîng room in adult fam- ily, central location; $4 ta $6 Per week. Box 421, dlo States- man office. 44-tf Help Wanted MAN WANTED for Rawlejgh route. Real opportunity. We help you get started. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. ML-140-O-K, g/ontreal. 47-1 The engagement is announced of Kathleen Margaret, youngest daughter of Mr. Stanley Bowen and the late Mrs. Bowen, New- castle, Ont., to Carl Lamne Frede- rick Todd, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Todd, Starkvîlle, Ont. The marriage will take place in December. 47-1 MARRIAGE AHARAN-CAMPBELL - Sergt.- Major and Mrs. C. T. Aharan, Bowmanville, announce the marriage of their son, Lieut. Charles H. Aharan, R.C.N.V.R., to Miss Muriel Campbell, eld- est daughter of Mrs. Campbell and the late Dr. Campbell of Hamilton, Scotland. ,The mar- niage took place in Presbyterian Church, Hamilton, Scotland, on September 30, 1944. 47-1* DEATHIS CUNNINGHAM - On Friday, Nov. 17, at Brantford Hospital, Mabel Gibbs, beloved wife of John Cunningham. Service on Nov. 20 from McCammon Fune- rai Home. Interment Paris Cemetery, Paris, Ont. Sister of E. J. Gibbs, Liberty St. 47-1* GIBSON - Suddenly in Toronto, on Mon., November 20, 1944, Mary Charlotte Gibson, dear mother of Muriel O'Connor. Resting at the Funeral Chapel of Northcutt and Smith, Bow- manville, for service on Wed., November 22nd, at 2 p.m. In- terment Lakeview Cemetery, Newtonville. 47-1 IN MEMORIAM WILSON-In loving memory of our dear Mother, Hilda Victoria Wilson, who passed away, Nov. 23, 1940. - Ever remembered by Bella and Art. 47-1* LIVING-In ever loving memory of LICPl. A. H. Living, killed in action in Italy, November 23, 1943. We cannot say, we must not say That he is dead, he is just away. With a cheery smile and a wave of the hand He has wandered into an un- known land And left us dreaming how very fair It needs must be since he lingers there: So we think of hlm faring on, as dear In the love of There as the love of Here, Think of him still as the same, and say He is not dead, he is just away. - Lovingly remembered by Mother, Dad, John and Jean. 47-1* Acute SHORTAGE 0F TIRES There neyer was in bistory as acute a shartage of tires and tubes for trucks and cars for civilian use, as there is now. As the army moves on ta Berlin it depends an rubber, as the railroads of Germany have been destroy- ed. TAKE GARE 0F YOUR TIRES AND TUBES NOW Tbey may be your last set for the duratian. Have tbem vulcanized and retreaded and add hundreds of miles ta them. T HE JAMIESON TIRE *SHOP has been a going con- *cern since 1918, and we are fully experienced and cap- able of repairing the fol- lowing:. 1. Tires 2. Tubes 3. Replaclng of valve stemsa 4. Addlng extra miles wlth tire reliners. 5. Rubber boots and rubbera 6. Vukeautzlng ripa In tubes, and rnany ar- ticles made of rubber too nurnerous te men- tion WILLARD BATTERIES 0. F. JAMI1ESON King and Silver Sts. Bowrnanvile Phone 467 - Res. 376 1 block west of post office 1 Livestock For Sale OSHAWAS NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in m@dern. chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor caverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf Wanted to Rent WARM, COMFORTABLE BED sitting room. Phone 2642. 47-1* AT ONCE, 3 ROOMS or small house for 3 adults, ground floor preferable. Miss Ethel Seymour, Ontario St. 47-2* 6 OR 7 ROOMED HOUSE, good condition, canveniences, by two adults witbout cbildren. Phone 2642. 47-1* Lost, Strayed or Stolen STRAYED-ONE STEER on Lot 5, Con. 1, Cartwright. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Jas. Larmer, phone 78r12, Port Perry, R. R. 3, Burketon. 47-3 LOST-SOW STRAYED from the property of Joe McRoberts, Ty- rone, Sat. night, Nov. 18. Any- one knowing of its whereabouts please phone 62r18, Orono. 47-1* SPANISH ONIONS, 4 and 5 cents a lb., according ta size. Roasting .chickens, 30 cents lb. alive, 35 - cents dressed. All prices live weight. Phone Thos. Buttery, 21901; 47-1 GIRL'S COAT, grey, tWed 14 yrs.;- boy's coat, blue tweed1 14 yrs.; one pair boy's pants, nt, 12 yrs. Mrs. Thos. Buttery, phone 2190. 47-1 Articles For Sale LIBRARY TABLE. Apply Mrs. D. Kaufman, Queen St. 47-l* HIGH OVEN PENINSULA range, coal or wood, in good condition. Phone Oshawa 1648j3. 47-2 GIRL'S WINTER COAT, wine, size 12, in good condition. Phone 2302. 47-1* WOOD, in 1/ acre lots, mostly beech and maple, near Solina. Phone 2186. 45-tf-l* COOKING APPLES, table car- rots and turnips. Also car heater. Phoné 2406, Bowman- ville. 47-1 LADY'S LARGE SIZE HAND- knitted full-length black coat, neyer worn. For sale cheap. Phone 326. 47-1 '32 BUICK COUPE, good run- ning condition, tires fair. Serial No. 201168. W. T. Perrett, Hampton. Phone 2553. 47-1 BOY'S BICYCLE, in good condi- tion. Also Hawaiian guitar. Apply Bob Walters, at Norris White's, Durham, off Queen St. 47-1* MAN'S BICYCLE, in good condi- tion. Apply George Wight, R.R. 4, Bowmanville (Providence). 47-1* MIXED HARDWOOD, consisting of hardwood limbs and body birch, 4' lengths, 3 cords to the livered. Apply H. Robitaille, Pontypool, R.R. 3. 45-4* GOOD MOFFAT ELECTRIC stove, with oven and warming oven. Reason for selling - no room. Cash. Phone Mrs. Wm. Roberts, 2587, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. 47-1* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Selecý yours fromn over 300 Patterns actually ini stock. You are invited -ta vie-w these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simncoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tfi UNFURNISHED ROOM, heated, for widow, central location pre- ferred. Write Box 431, States- man Office, Bowmanville. 47-1 FARM, from 100 to 200 acres, near Bowmanville. With or without buildings. Write Box 430, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 47-1* URGENT-HOUSE or Rooms are required at once or within next few days. Please write Bo:ï 428, Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 47-1 Real Estate For Sale LOT, Corner of Lambert or Hos- pital St., and Queen St., Bow- manville, approx. 1/4a c re, 66'x165', one haîf block from bus line, $50. Apply Clarence Mutton, King St., Bowmanville. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE - $6,000 - NICE RESIDENCE ON Church Street, Bowmanville, known as the McClellan Estate property. First floor contains living room, dining room, kitch- en and sunroom. There are -. three bedrooms, den and sun- - room on second floor and two roams on third floor. Hot air furnace. Large brick garage. Wide deep lot with nice garden. Early possession. - The Royal Trust Ca., 66 King St. W., To- ronto. 47-2 Notice To Creditors Ahl persans having cl1a im s against the Estate of ISABELLA DAVIS, late of the Town of Bow- manville, in the County of Dur- ham, widow, who died an or about the lOth day of November, 1944, are required ta send to the undersigned full particulars of the same on or before the lSth day of December, 1944, after which date the assets of the deceased will be distributed, having regard anly ta the dlaims of which the Executor shall then have notice. DATED this 23rd day of No- vember, 1944. APHA I. HODGINS, Bowmanville, Ontario, Solicitor for Oscar LaBelle, Executar. 47-3 Personal SLENDOR TABLETS are effec- tive. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks' $5, at Alex McGregar's DrgSor,21 ENJOY LIFEI! GET FAST relief from indigestion, beartbVarn, saur stomach, dyspepsia w i t h pleasant, tasteless Wilder's Stamach Pawder. Also in tablet form. 50e and $1 at McGregor's Drug Store. 47-1 WHY SUFFER WITH ECZEMA, psoriasis, erythema, impetiga, chaps, bouls, pimples, itch, etc.? Try Kleerex-YA quick healing drug stores. 47-1 Te * i r -.,- t. Mrs. Fuller Cator is home from Toronta, baving spent twa pleas- ant weeks visiting ber sons and daughter.1 i - 1 - OSHAWA, ONTARIO Free Parking - Phone 1011 Continuous Show Daliy Doors open 1 p.m. Fr1., Sat., Mon., Tues., November 24, 25, 27, 28 SEE HERE PRIVATE HARGROVE Starrlng Robert Walker, Donna Reed, Keenan Wymx, Robt. Benehley Corne prepared to laugh ... lt's huran . .. it's hurnorous IT'S SWELL! Wed., Thurs., Fni., Sat., Nov. 29 - Dec. Znd CARY GRANT In ARSENIC and OLD LACE Wlth Raymnond Massey, Jack Car- son, Peter Lorre, Priscilla Lane DONT SCREAM Exeept wlth laughter The chili and chuclile cham- pion of thern al SIMMON'S Steel lieds and Steel Springs, slightly damaged by fire. Sacrifice - Prices for hnmediate clearance. INEW Luxuriant Chesterfield Suites, beautif nI coverlngs, sprlng filled. Reduced prices $99.00 up. STUDIO COUCHES, Sprlng fil- led, cholce eoverings, $39.50 KROEHLER Chesterfield lieds, 2 only, to clear ------------- $64.50 MODERN Breakfast Suite, very smart style, speclal-- $59.00 BEAUTIFUL Bedroom Suites, new waterfall styles, te clear $59.00 up. NOTE - we have hundreds of beautlful Christmas Gifts. It wlll pay you ta shop here. Wilson's Furniture Ce. Oshawa's leading Furniture Sterés 40 King West 20 Church St. OSHAWA 47-5 REFRIGERATO R Rtepairs Commercial - Domestic A.NY MARE H. J. Bowyer PHONE OSHAWA 244 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO TI-I'URSDAY. NOV. 23rd. 1944 SAVE FUEL Our Covemment Is Urging That You Conserve Coal THIS CAN BE DONE WITHOUT ANY HARDSHIP OR INCONVENIENCE INSULATION IS THE ANSWER CLEAN, FIRE-PROOF, VERMIN-PROOF Our blowing method saves muss and fuss, and insures uniform distribution. throughout. HOME INSULATION .. . Saves fuel in winter and keeps out heat in summer. For particulars and estimates without obligation PHONE 1246 OSHAWA, Collect McLaughlin Coal & Supplies For Sale