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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jun 1945, p. 5

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SUPPORT THE NAVY LEADUE lAD DAY SAT. JUNE 1 Pliong Miss Marjorie Bradt, Toronto, was guest of Mrs. Wally Braden. Mrs. A. D. Wheeler has been visiting ber sister in Brantford. Mi. and Mrs. Richard Hawkey, Wellngton St., left Saturday on a business trip ta Milford, Sask. Mrs. Chas. Bagneil was in Stayner, Wednesday, attending eedding of ber nephew, Sergt. Z'onald Sanders, R.C.A.F. YMiss Catharine Thompson, for- mer student at B.H.S., has been successful in the recent Arts Ex- aminations at the University of Powe SUNDAY, - FR9 5.30 a.m. t( 1.30 p.nî. tc Wea theriF Public i 'i Buy Carte BECAUSE IT CONTJ NEEDED ENERGY BUI Just think what Vitamin BI Every day a normal youný amant of energy in bis ordir acta as a refueling agent.1 energy with CARTER'S BRE the pep they ail need. FRESH DAILY FROM C CATE e I I Ladies' Dresses We Have A New Shipment Of Ladi' Dresses from $4,95 Ladies' Hats AtREÉDUCED PRICES couch, Johnstor 'HONE 836 -j, Downaanville LIONS CARNI VAL Public School Grounds * . .. .. .. .. ~ is visiting her cousins, Ron, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Irwin, 76 fantry. 6Buddy and Bobby Lovelock, Wembley Road, Forest Hill Vil- The 976tb FAo Brooklin, while their mother is lage, Toronto, to join in celebrat- geant Gibson's batt PE SOA away. ing the Golden Wedding anniver- bas fired well OVE Miss 1Èuth Abernetby, D'Arcy sary 0f -Mn. and Mrs. J. C. Dar- thousand rounds in u t:]ivisishome raugh, Ajax. Rev. Mr. McCallum, ritory, this total re .....m ....-~I sik eae ferbain hrTononto, a personal friend of Mr. 6,000 tons of steel. onfl klav fe hvn e and Mrs. Darraugh, on bebaif of Austria now. Toronto and received ber degree eye burnt by spray, and infection tegteigpeetdte on June 8.tngn. with a cheque for aver' $100.00. PO Tlegrphit Noman an- Mrs. S. T. Blackwell and Mr. The bride also received severalTy o POn Hleraph.isNormn an- i Clarence Blackwell, of Renfrew, beautiful gîfts of flowers. Amang Visitors: M.a nanug Haiax N.,is spfeandinaghbi are visiting witb Mr. and Mrs. the friends present were Mrs. Mr. r Lnda tueur. ib i if n dub Stan. Blackwell. Mina Colwell, niece of the bride,:Akst ergLinsay, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Osborne Mr. and Mrs. J. L.* Rook, To- and Mr. and Mrs. Bert CoIwell, Mrs. Theo. Down,E and Donald spent a feev days witb ronto, Mn. and Mrs. H.- J. Mar'quis, town. olyn, Lakefield, witl bis sister, Mrs. Hazel T. Grey, To- Stroud, were guests of F. Swal- Leon Moore and1 ronto. law's, Maple Grove.Sl i? T Russel Virtue. . M Mrs. C. H. Taylor is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis were S lir Letter W. Larmar, Millbri ber busband, E.R.A. C. H. Taylor, week-end guests witb their H___ n . u ss eRich R.C.N.V.R., Sydney, N.S. Douglas daughter, Mrs. Glen Gardon and Fram Tam D. Cowan, H.M.C.S.*mh.,urss, Anti is visiting bis cousins, Gloria and Mr. Gardon, Harmony. Huron, ta his mothen, Mrs. V.. Smnth, rno, wi Bobby Snmith, Ajax, and Patricia Miss Helen Pritchard enjoyed a Cowan, Town: Ma nd Mrs. Gasir week-end visit with Mr. and Mrs. Witing fram Trondheim, Nor- aGogth with ti Fred Hughes and Jimmie, Ta- way, young Tom Cowan, in three GeorgectondreaB. ronto. recent letters ta bis mother, tells Ms ctMs a vivid story of bow two Cana- r.SotMs C CpI. Raymond Cale who recent- dian destroyers and a cruiser, en- Woodley, Mrs. Ma, ly returned from overseas is witb tered that port to take charge of Skinner, and Mrs. bis wife and son of Kitchener the German garrison, the U Boats, Dentricthe Wuarra visiting bis sister, Mrs. Reta Dud- merchant ships and mine sweep- Dsrc nula rO f !~ ley. ers of the enemy following the Mr. and Mrs. George Lacking- general German surrender. He O f f B ton and family, Mrs. James New- says in part: love and James, Mimico, were When we steamed up the fjord Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. which extends 90 miles back fromn Wm. Maynard. the ocean, we faund 85,000 Ger- v Mrs.C. . UperandMrs E.mans whomn we bad ta round up V.MrpetL. Pebrondwervst-witb aur very small force. Only V . orp et , P et rb o o , e re vi s t - a w e e k b e fo re w e h a d b e e n h u n t- JU N 17ing the former's sister, Mrs. G. F. ing each other. Now they were Jamieson, Wellington Street, and defeated. We were warned nat U N17other relatives. ta fraternize, an offence which Thirsty thieves again visited meant 90 days detentian. In fact Dean Hodgson's Service Station, we were unarmed, wbile they DM - Tuesday night. Breaking into the paraded fully armed and even as garage they took the Canada we were thene the Gestapo and Bread truck and wheeled away SS were stili kîlling Nonweigans unheard by occupants of a trail- for nat obeying. But the dead- ASK US FIRSI er-cabin 100 feet distant. Chief line for laying dawn ahl arms was 9. 0 au . Sidney Venton recovered the May 23, and- they bad ta submait YOU won't hai o 9.30 & m . vebicle next marnîng where it ta aur very small force, for they "Does my insur was parked outside a Newcastle refused ta surrenden ta the Norse. that? " if yau f: botel. l Already we bave taken aven 10 i . 0 pni Four young ladies fromn Dur- U Boats and many other auxiliary ta arrange al o4-30 a ~~hama County were among the 14 ships. Three U Boats were later neYo nurses ta graduate from Oshawa taken over with 1,006 personnel ane Yu General Hospital on June lst. billeted at a resart along the fjord, know that youa Photo of the graduation class where with their wives tbey had ed against pro !"ermitting ~appears on page 3 of this issue. lived in luxury, and tried ta pull fo aad Among the prize winners were out with all their food and fur- fo aad Mary Wilkins, Court ice, who was niture. We stopped thalt for one neyer have a awarded the E. A. Loveli Scholar- of aur duties was ta feed the Aku bu mu.. sbip and the Adelaide L. Mc- Norse. It was a pleasure ta dis- AkU bu Laughlin Scholarship for general tribute chocalate bars, gum, etc., srne utiliineS Conium proficiency; and Louise Foley, amang the Nonse cbildren who Bowmanville, wha won the C. O. for 5 years had tasted none of A Miller prize for higbest standing these. We were swamped with i- yeoTd evnig Jne12 thanks for returning food, Stuart R. On uesay veing Jue 1 ablankets, radios the Germans had Insurance and1 numben of friends and relaties stolen. But the Nonse were still gathered at the beautiful home of afraid of the Huns. The Gestapo Suecessor To J. J, _____________________at one point got drunk and shat Phone1 two citizens yesterday. _______________________ Tam tells of a brief trip ta King St. B, Russia, wbene he says they gat r's Bread G IVE TH E tellslatemtare their job was corn- CHIL RENTHEpleted and they were -leaving for 'AINS THAT MUCH C ID E H Scapa Flow. Cigarettes were selling at $2,50 per pack, witb NECESSARY everytbing else on a correspond- ILDING VITAMIN Bi ing scale. While at Trondheim he got mail fnomn home and, happily, a copy of The Statesman. The 1 means to your childnen! n e g crew made up a pool guessing when they would sail for home. gster uses a -tremendous Itsnthr he His guess was June 28, naming It'snot ardwhenyou ea- the bour and minute. With thanks nary playtime. Vitamin Bi lize that the most import- for a box of chocolates from bis By trnfrigfood juta n at fhathu e- mothen, Tom sîgns off. Cheenia. àtransrtfformihfu wgl TOM. EAD it helrs children keep balanced meals is milk. Give the children plenty SERGT. TOM J. GIBSON LOWEST ofnoVENng Bwmn AWARDEI?.4th BATTLE STAR OVNTO CUSTOMER o luihng Bwa- --PRICES ville Dairy Milk every day First Sengeant*Thomas J. Gib- and they'll just bounce son of Cortland ,N.Y.,* son of Mr. Fred Gibson, farmerly of New- with energy. castle, bas recently been awarded bis fourqtb battle star for partici- FREBH EGGS pating in bis fourth major battie -- AI Grade Large size, order in tbe Eunopean Theater of Oper- ations. them nowHe was inducted at F o r t them Niagara, New York, Apnil 1941, TRY OUR OHOCOLATE and left for averseas duty. in Au- WE MILKgust, 1943. Since tbat time First Sergeant Gibson bas completed more than 400 actual combat I AD Milk, Cream, Butter and days, participated in the batties TUBE eggs delivered. for Casîna, Anzio, Rame and the2 invasion of Soutbern France on D-Day and is naw somewbere in uanalmGermany witb tbe Seventb Army. ozmCra Gow anvll Dary First Sengeant Gibson bas been Nivea Skin 011 able ta visit bis brother, PFC Velvetta Sunbu. PhIone 446 or 703 Murray Gibsan wba is alsa in the European Theater of Operations. TI R His brother Murray is in tbe In- e jO To the Electors of Durham Please acep m raeflhn1 fr1h July llth 10 GRAND PRIZES, JNCLUDING 1941 Chevrolet Sedan Monster Calithumpian Parade WILL BE FORMED AT KING & LIBERTY STREETS AT 7.30 p.m. BANDS !. FLOATS 1 FLAGS ! Lis t of Parade. Prizes . 0. CHILDREN'S CLASSES 1. Best decorated Doll Carniage, girls- -------------- ------$1.00, 65c, 35c 2. Best decorated wagon, boys -- $1, 65c, 35e 3. Best decorated tricycle, boy or girl -------- - --------- $1, 65c, 35e 4. Best Pet Outfit-------------- $1.50, $1, 75e 5. Best Pony Outfit ---------- $1.50, $1, 75c' 6. Best Character giloup of at Ieast three ------------------- $1.50, $1, 75e 7. Best Clown or Comic Costume --- - ------- $1, 65c, 35e 8. Best Patriotie Costume --------- $1, 65c, 35c 9. 12. 15. 16. OPEN CLASSES Best Merchant's Deeorated Motor Float----------$5,1 Best Merehant's Deeorated Horse- Drawn1.,Float---------- -- -- -- ---- - $5, Best Pdfrldtie Float-------$5, Most Unique Vehiele wlth Opeiator ------ ---------- ---- - $3, Best Decorated. Car $5, ~etAduit Character Group of at least three ------------------ - $1.50, Best Adult Clown or Comie Costume---------------- $1.50, Best Aduit Individual Patriotie Costum e - - -------------- - ------ $1.50, Bowanvilej Entire Proceeds foi War Work and Community Service DON'T FORDET DAD FATHERS DAY - SUNDAY, JUNE l7th Remember " Dad" on Father's Day with some prac- tical present. Visit our store and select something trom our wide range of gifts. We list many items helow. Billfolds...$1.15, 1.50, 2.00 to 8.25 Cigarettes, 50's........0c, 95c Shaving Brushes ......... 5Oc to $7.50 Pipes.......0c, $1.25, 1.75, 2.69 PMEEP Yardley's Shaving BowI .... ... . $1.25 (le Tobaccos -.......Si1c, 96c, $1.26, 1.71 .,&ne Sun Glasses.......25c to $1.95 Shaving Gift Sets. .. .. Palm Beaeh White Shoe Cleaner 25c Duration Leg- D o - ---- ---------- 49c Velvotex Hair Remover - - ---- 25e 2-Way Inseet Repellant -----39e Fly Coils 4 fbr 10c IUICK FIRSI Ail USIVE BANDAGES 10e mo25e ---19c, 33e %Mm 29c, 43c PRI la oLE X ýtffi@4 AASCRCNIE .55... .S c up Ash Trays 25c, 35e up First-Aid Kits ---- 75e to $5.75 Shavlng Lotions 25c up Gillette Tech Razor------------- 49e Hafr Brushes $1.25 up Tobacco Pouebes ----- 50e up molps Provilt lad Ertath a gns r. Igu uth 0 Spa"eIu swmihi n 4 GIN PULLS 39C-69C English Health Salis ----.- Listerine ----- ---- . 29e, 49c,1 Bayer Aspirin -------1c, 29c, ~ "A ilenburys, ~ Basie Soa super fettd ee Ar coa- fi» &c adultermt-wlfl mot bùu.m M tmdeukin Per cake 25e "IIT" White Shoe Cleaner 15c,1 Bathing Caps..........------ --- Tangel for Sunburn 5.0 Sc, $1 ENOS 'FRUIT SALT9 9<iMZ*d .-Ig~-t-N ESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McOREf DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVE 79e ip 25e I5 i.2 9, M- 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - THURSDAY, JUNE 14th, 1945 PAGE PIV THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Welad.,

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