THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JULY llth, 1946 i I. DO WMA-N VILLE LEGION ANNOUNCES lit IN. CONJUNCTION WITH THEIR f oie NTIC Two. IOHI CARNI VAL To be RoMl at the BownaanvIlle Public School Grounis, Silver Streeo Thursday and Friiday, A ug RULES FOR THE BEAUTY CONTEST 1. Contest is open to any resident of West Durham which includes anyone living in the Townships of Dar- Iington, Clarke or Cartwright. 2. Contestants must b. over 16 and single. Those under 21 must have permission of their parents in writing. 3. If possible a photograph should accompany each entry. 4. Judges will be from outside the district and their de- cision wilI be final. 5. A winner of any previous beauty contest or any pro- fessional model wilI not' be eligible for entry. 6. Contestants must appear once in street dress for the elimination contest and in bathing suits for the finals. 7. The winner will receive $100 in cash plus numerous other prizes. The two ladies in waiting will receive $25 cash. S. The management reserves the right to close the entry list at any time. ENTRY FORM FOR BE-AUTY CONTEST Mail to: Legion Beauty Contest Manager, Bowmanville, Ontario. Parents Permission  g e ..... ..............IIf er 2 ..... .U n..............e r... ...... ...2. ........ 22(1 .23, 194 RULES FOR THE POPULARITY CONTEST 1. Any girl or woman may enter from the area of West Durham which includes anyone living in the Townships of Darlington, Clarke or Cartwright. 2. Al entries will close on midnight the 3Oth of July. 3. The leading 25 contestants will be left in until the vot- ing ceases on. August 23rd. 4. Ballot boxes will be placed at Dominion Stores, Bres- lin's, The Canadian Statesman and Harry Allin's Groc- ery Store. 5. The judges decision will be final. 6. The winner will receive a prize of $100 cash. 7. Tickets may be obtained from any member of the Bow- manville Branch of the Canadian Legion. Tickets May Be Obtained from Any Member of The Bowmanville Legion To-day ONE TICKET ENTITLES YOU TO ONE VOTE IN THE POPULARITY CONTEST PLUS A CHANCE TO WIN TWO RADIOS PROCEEDS TO BE USED FOR M4EMORIAL HALL WATCH FOR FURTHER NEWS TrO APPEAR IN THIS PAPER M ____________________________________________________ Hamptonon the pulpit platform. Mr. Chas. cuit "Get-to-gether" o f t e n e r Shortridge of Eldad read a well- might be beneficial to ail. prepared address, expressing re- At the conclusion of the Sun- (Intended for last week) gret at their departure from our day evening church service, June Acircuit get-to-gether was held midst and'appreciation of their 23rd, when Rev. W. Rackham in hnou ofRev W.andMrs splndi sevics aongusandpreached his farewell sermon in in hnou ofRev W.andMrs splndi sevics aongusandwhich he said he had sought to Rackham in the Hampton United many intimate friendships formed. reveal Jesus to meri, and that the Church on Friday evening, June On behaif of their many friends need of the world is Jesus, and 21st, when a large crowd from they were presented by Harold urged that his listeners mîght the three appointments met for Salter, Hampton, and J. Cruick- seek to know, love, and follow a farewell and presentation for shanks, Zion, with a chest of Him. Young People's Union asked the esteemed couple who by in- silverware and lovely iamp. Mr. him to meet with them down- vitation of the Chairman A. L. and Mrs. Rackham made fitting stairs when he was presented on Pascoe were asked to be seated replies, thanking the people for behalf of his young friends with their extreme kindness and asked a pen and pencil set as a slight that they give the incoming pastor token of esteem and appreciation and his wife the same co-opera- of bis faithfulness to the young tion and help that had been af- people and help given them at forded them. A pleasing programi all times. Ted Kersey read a few G3lctsswvcre followed and consisted of an en- appropriate lines and tePei joyable piano duet by Mrs. Chas. dent added words of appreciation. Naylor and Mrs. Ross Lee; vocal Mr. Rackham thanked the Young solos by Gerald Balson, accom- People for the lovely gift which panied by Jean Balson, and by he said he would treasure and Mrs. J. Smales, accompanied by expressed gratitude for their Helen Baker; and readings by splendid co-operation and help. Mary Niddery, ail of which called The Sunday School Anniver- for encores. Dr. Geo. Werry with sary services were an interesting Ileen Balson at the piano led in event in the church activities, on a sing-song which livened up the Sunday, June 3th, and July lst. audience. At the conclusion ahl Afternoon and evening services gathered in the basement and were held in the large shed which circuit members joined in serv- was tastefully decorated with ing refreshments. It was express- evergreens and baskets of cut ed by many that perhaps a cir- flowers. The scholars furnished good singing wbich was under the capable leadership of Mrs. Ken Caverly with Norah Horn as For S m merpianist, and Madlyn Wilcox at the organ in the afternoon and Mary Cooling and Practical Niddery at evening service. Piano WATER GLASSES a nd organ numbers were played b y Jean Balson and Mary Nid- JUICE GLASSES dery and by Ralph Peters and 5c - 2 forl15e Maly Wilcox. Rev. W. W. Pat- and 10e each * terson, Newcastle, held the atten- t ion of the children as he spoke GLASS CUPS & SAUCERS interestingly to themn at the after- 1c and 19e noon service and impressed valu- 15e able thoughts on their minds Sherberts and Sherbert which they will long remember. Plates------------------ each 10e A pleasant evening waÉ spent Decoate Raios epared at the church basement recently Decoate Raios epared wben aduits and younger folk Tumblers - ------------ each 10e y Exet met to honour three of our recent By Exertsbrides and grooms. Rev. W. Fruit Bowls and Nappies Rackham was master of ceremon- Relish Dishes Don't take chances with ies and explained the nature of Sandich late raio. ake ure t's the "get-to-gether"~ and asked andch lates your ei.Mksuet' Mr. and Mrs. Percy Allun (nee julce SetsadATys repaired by experts, ail Acy Horn), Mr. and Mrs. Harold FIRE KING Ovenware and new parts used. That's Ashton (nee Gladys Kersey), and SapphIre% heat-proof table your guarantee when you Mr. and Mrs. Sid Cornish (nee glau- afulllin fo letourskiled en ix Nellie Armou r), to be seated on glas - ful lie fo le ourskiled en IX the platform. Mrs. Bruce Hogarth ait requirements your radio. read a few appropriate lines to _______the happy young couples, and Eileen Wray, Madlyn Wilcox, Ruby Colwill, Bruce Hogarth, J. W i E ELLRoy . Ne ds averne Clemens and Austin Bar- ron participated in the presenta- J IN E E LRadio tion o lovely coffee tables to each PRO ZE 556 Sales & Service Each in turn made fitting replies King St. E. Bowmanville thanking their friends for the "W ru 20" gifts and expressed the desire that they mîght visit them in their homes. The following interesting program was given: piano solo by Ralph Peters; humorous reading "Halfway Doings" by Bert Stevens and solos by Mrs. Gordon Brent, .each number calling for an en- core. Salem friends presented a short play "Child Psychology"' which provided much humor, and other numbers were interespersed with many a joke by our genial chairman. At the close of the programn a social hour was en- joyed. Contests were conducted by Mary Niddery and refreshments concluded the evening's proceed- ings. Other Hampton news crowded eut, will appear next week. Ad- ditional Hampton news on Page 8. Blackstock Mr. Sutherland is taking a sum- mer course in Toronto. Mrs. Fred Bailey arrived home from Winnipeg on Friday and is at her cottage at Caesarea. Visitors: Mr. Bob Smitii, Vîmmins, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Weir Swain, Tim- mins, with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mariow. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lamb and baby with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Smith. Miss Wilma VanCamp, Toronto, with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Shook and Marjorie Anne, Toronto, with Mrs. Gertrude Marlow. Mrs. Kate Downey, Jane and Mary Ellen, Toronto, with Mrs. John Forder. Mrs. J. A. McArthur, Jessie, Betty and Ardis with relatives in Stratford. Mrs. Brent, Raglan, with her sister, Mrs. James Strong. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. King, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wannamaker, Port Perry, Mrs. A. C. King, White Rock, B.C., and Mr. and Mrs. W. Hawkins, Toronto, with Mrs. Ro- bert Bruce and Miss King. Mr. F. A. Beacock and Miss Mar- ion Beacock, Regina, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pîckard, Bowmanville, Mrs. A. W. Stephenson and Mr. Doug- las Stephenson, Richmond Hill, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Warren, Lindsay, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. T. Sameils and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Venning. Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Ferguson, Maryllis and Patsy, Avonmore, Ont., called on Mr. W. C. Fergu- son, Saturday, enroute to the Beacock picnic at Hampton. Other Blaekstock news crewd- ed eut, will appear next week. Pontypool A number of local residents at- tended the Strawberry Social at Ballyduff. A large number pat- ronized this first post-war social project which was greeted with delightful weather, good food and splendid entertainment. Young People of Cavan presented tbeir humorous play "Aunt Tilley Goes to Town." W. A. met in the church July 5th with a small attendance. The Minister lead in the devotional topîc "Lead Kindly Lighit." Plans were made for a W.A. picnic at Orono Park, Aug. 7th. Miss Jean Coulter, who for the past two years bas been teaching at Devitt's, has accepted the posi- tion as teacher of Burketon Scbool and nowspendin g hoiidays with her mother. Among those from out of town attending the Sparkes-Youngman wedding in the United Church on July 6th, were guests from Ty- rone, Bowmanville, Oshawa and Toronto. The United Church building is a hum of activity this week be- cause of the Vacation Scbool being held each morning with 33 child- ren in , attendance. The children are enjoying a full programme worship and games wbich are con- of singing, bible study, bandwork, ducted at the community park. Mr. T. E. Hancock, the leader, is ably assisted by Mrs. Louis Webb, Miss Jean Coulter, Miss Phyliss Stewart, Mrs. T. E. Hancock and Mrs. Adams. The school will close Saturday afternoon with the pic- nic and Open House at the cburch after the evening service on Sun- day when the work of the child- ren will be on display. Pontypool Public Sehool Results Senior Room To Grade VIl-Tom Bredin, Wmn. Hurst, Edith Irons, Wmr. Pe- war, Ruth MacDonald, Rachel Loffchick. To Grade VIII-Dexter Anstey, Dorothy Fisher, Ola Kirk, Barney White. To Grade X-Irene Hickey, Wm. Farrow, Kay Olan, Ora Cain, Alec Nimigon. To Grade XI-Morris Nimigon, Grant Stewart, Vivian Hudson. Principal, G. A. McEwen. Junior Room To Grade VI-Roy Bowins (H), Teddy Yacynuk (H), Walter Fish- er. To Grade V-Barbara Curtis, Shirley Bredin, Donald Fisher, Larry Bradley,* Tommy Badluck. To Grade 1V-Betty Manetta (H), Olga Pewar, Lawrence Lof- chick, Beverley Curtis, William Frederick (Cond.), Stanley White (Cond.), Iris Irons. To Grade II-Gordon McEwen (H), Marie Porter (H), Peter Crowley, David Trick, Ralph Irons, Jimmy Curtis. To Grade Il-Anita Cadeau, Helen Cadeau, Donna Curtis, Her- bie Curtis, Bobbie Liptrott. Grade I-Gordon Fisher, Leona Mitchell, Ronnie Porter. Teacher, Mrs. T. E. Hancock. Back Shop (Continued from Page One) belief that the park coeald bc made into a real playground, who has organized or spon- sored money-raising projeets te finance the park and, des- Pite opposition, has followed through to make it a credit- able Memorial Park. We need more men in this town who have ideas and are will- ing to sacrifice their time and energy to put them across. Another beauty spot in the town which is becoming more popular as the warm weather continues, is Jackman's Creek at thenort h end of the town. Young- sters can have a wonderful time bathing in the warm waters, pic- flics are perfect among the beau- tiful trees or on the shores of shallow, clear littie stream. And, best of ail, it is near at hand for townspeople without vehicles. Rotary Fair ivas last night and today you'l probably see more people with whispering voices than you've ever seen before. As this is being writ- ten just before the fair start- ed, we cannot give you any details of what went on other than to say that everything appears to, be in readiness 1- though many of the gads you saw last year, of necess- ity, will not be among those present. It appears that the provincial government has frowned on sueh things as lot- terles and gapibling ef any other klnd. Just why it ap- plies when all the moneY ralsed at an affair such as the Rotary Fair gees for a good cause, là; unknown, but this year ail games must be those of skllL Se, lnstead ot ev- eryone having a good chance te take home his or her fav- orite article, it is only the skilîful who wlll win. Sueh ls lite in thls puritanle age. We cannot gamble but we can drink our fool heads off wlth- eut anyone other than the local police and oiur families objecting. With the one hand it is given and with the other taken away. You can't win. Withal, we hope you had fun at the fair and if yeu didn't come over to the weight guessing booth and contribute Phone 778 Your dime to the cause or take away one of those super prizes you really missed somethlng. 1 certainly hope I'm diploma- tie and don't insult some thin waisted ladies by guessing their weights at 150 lbs. or above. Scientifie tra'ing, a rich heritage ef pharmacal experience and a constant awareness Ôf his responsibilities qualify your Rexaîl pharmacist te serve you faithfully in prescription work. Hayfever Remedies Razmah Capsules 50c-$1.00 Mendaco -------$1.25-$2.50 Estivm ------ -------- $1.23 V apex -------- --------- 44c Allergi Tabs. --- $1.00-$2.50 Vick's Va-Tro-Nol ----- 43c Lantigen "E" ---------$6.00 For Preserving Certo------------------------ 25e Certo Crystals -------- 12c Powdered Cinnamon ------ ---- oz. 5c Parowax --------- lb. 15c .Jar Rings ----- 12's 6c Memba Seal ------------1 c Studio Folder Special Vour favourite negatives may be enlarged to 4x 6 inches and mounted ln at- tractive Studio Folders. COMPLETE 2 for 29e Insectit FIy-Tox ------- F it - - -- - - - - - - «'Black Leaf 40' Sheiltox with D Skeeter Skatter Sketofax ------- 2-Way Insect Ru Sapho Liquid --- FIy-Kil -------- Foot Rei, Bluejay Corn P Bluegay Bunion Plasters ------ - J.& J. Moleskin Adheslve---- Sani-Ped Foot Powder Nu-Feet ------ Olympene -- Freezone.------ Putnam's Cern Remedy- British Army Foot Powder -- Corn Fix - .. Sanl-Ped FeIt Cern Fads -.- cides 24c-43e-73c ---- 23e-63c -- 33c-95c IDT --- 43c -- ----- - 5c - --- -- -5e epellent 39e * ----- 25e-SOc * ----- 24c-43c mnedies %lsters 25c -- ---- -- 2 5c --------- 25c --50c-$1.00 ------- 32eC -- ----- 24c ---- ---- 25c ----- -- 33ec --- --- -- --- zM C..R0Tcets ROPERM BowmanviM THE EEXALL DRUG STORE c WHEN WE TEST EYES IT IS DONE PR King St. W. ~- ,~ tes'd PRESCRIPTION Jury CgLove THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 0113 1 - THURSDAY, JULY llth, 1946 1