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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1946, p. 16

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PAGE SIXTEEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARJO THURSDAY, NOV. 2lst, 1946 Nestieton A number from this community attended the Royal Winter Fair and report a good time. Miss Margaret Steele, London, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele. Mrs. Ralph Emerson, Toronto, visited M~r. and Mrs. M. Emerson. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm and Wayne, visited Mr. atid Mrs. L. Joblin. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm spent a few days in Toronto and visited Mr. and Mrs. Scythe. Mrs. L. Joblin visited her mo- ther, Mrs. Jais. Malcolm, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Jackson visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hun- ter, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Malcolmn, Yel. verton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Vic- tor Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Malcolm, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. ter, Mrs. Dan Black. Mrs. John Bond and son Archer visited friends in Toronto. Mr. Allan Wilson spent several days at the Winter Fair. The Trail Rangers attended ser- vice in the United Church on Sunday. Melville and Anna Samelîs have A number of W.A. ladies met at Mrs. Tripp's for a quiiting. Mrs. Tripp very kindly served lunch and a cup of tea. Rev. Dr. W. A. Cameron, Secre. S A vE tary of the General Board, of Mis- sions for the Presbyterian Church in Canada, will be the preacher at Nestleton Presbyterian Church on Sunday, Nov. 24, at 7:30 p.m. He will conduct communion ser- vices, and' it is boped that many friends will join the Nestleton congregation in welcoming the churcb's outstanding minister. The play "Susie Steps Out" was W thoroughly enjoyed by many in Blackstock on Wednesday night. W£NE pices of Nestleton Presbyterian Ladies' Aid. have returned from a trip to Fort Erie, Buffalo, Tonawanda and Ni- agara Falls, celebrating their 25th Who, then, is the invincible F man? He whomn nothing that is J outside the spbere o! his 'moral C A T proecndsa.Eitts sidredasan essential of high. character.-Froude. W'here true fortitude dwells,j loyalty, bounty, friendship, and A fidehity may be found.-Sir Tho- IV mas Browne. rU 0O0'MISI To relleve disconiforts, L( O V MERone of the best things you can do L( Is put a good spoonful of home- tm tested Vcks VapoRub In a bowl cîi of boiling water. Then feel welcome relief corne as you breathe In the steamlng QI medlcated vapors that penetrate '11 to the cold-congested upper Mi breathing passages! See how this soothes irritation, quiets cough- Wi ing,.-An1-1-ps1c-ar4thehe- ar gai hai Full Value v COTSR eceivedJe A silent radio ls a poor dir wa: Invest ment. That's why our repafr service gives you tisi nui such full value for every Kir penny spent. For quick, ex- cIei pert service .call today. Nhe e.Ne( e Roy W.N Cros1èy Rad Records - Recori Amateur Sup] 85 King St. E. [eads H Boý ver bis E ,d Players ney ýplies bon wai Phone 580 tiox E DURHAM COUNTY TEACHERS 1946-7 (in part) Inspector: W. H. Carlton, Cobourg --ITI *IR~di S.S. i 2 3 4 5 7 8 u 9 10 13 14 15 i8 19 13 14 15 16 17 19 21 U 22 CA VAN Miss Maragaret Hart Mr. Donald A. Sutton Miss Dorothy Harker Miss Olga Metcalfe Mr. Reginald Sutton Miss Lola Gardiner Miss Wilda Harker Miss .Leatha L. Kidd Miss Velma I. Staples Mr. Neil H. Anderson Mrs. Winnifred Andrews Mrs. M. Brackenridge Mrs. Irene Ferguson Mrs. Freeda Henry CLARKE Miss Hazel E. Powell Miss Beula M. Hamilton Mr. Bruce S. Stewart Mrs. Hazel M. Booth Mr. Harold~ J. Shea Mrs. Dora McLaren .Miss Martha E. Belcb Miss Helen G. Dechert Miss Kate Foster Miss Gwendolyn Brooks Miss Ruth Goode Mr. Chas. Kenny Miss Kathleen H. Ard Mrs. Violet Moffatt Miss Phyllis L. Stewart Miss Marg. M. Powell Mr. L. W. Milîson Miss Catherine Stewart Mrs. Florence Gilbert HOPE Mr. Lionel W. Hughes Miss Margaret Hodgins Miss Doris Foster Miss M. Joy Preston Miss Dorothy J. Hicks Miss Betty Stewart Mrs. Myra Moncrief Miss E. Ruth Milîs Miss B. Beryl Challîce Miss H. W. Rutherford Mrs. Dora Kenny Mrs. Mildred Brothwell Miss Margaret Patterson Mrs. Mary Gardiner Mr. Allan R. Goheen Miss Ruth J. Peters Miss Mary K. Feldman NEWCASTLE Frank McMullen (Principal) Virs. Beatrice Jones -{attie Mason MILLBROOK Percy E. Hamilton Jean Burnham Gladys Williamson PORT HOPE (Central Scbool) Vm. Howard Jordan (Sup. Prin.) Janet F. Brownlee Alex Carruthers MIrs. Etheline Davidson Vills A. Dowler IN THE DIM AN From The 1 FIFTY VEARS AGO November 13, 1896 Bert Harnden of thé Chicag, entai College, has returnei orne. Mrs. M. C. Cryderman and Mrs hos. Hoar represented the Loca Jnion at the Dominion W.C.T.U rnvention, Toronto. In a keen plowing competition rider auspices of East York. Plow ng Association, at Markham, arlington boy, Master Willian ,eask, Taunton, son of Jame ,eask, won the first prize anc vo special prizes in the boys lass under 16 years. Two weddings took place or ýueen St. At the home of R ,renouth when his daughter lary, was united, in marriagE ith Thos. J. Sheridan, Oshawa id at the home of John Browrn ihere his daughter, Nellie, and Ir. C. H. G. Fletcher were mar- id. A furnished house was thE ift to the latter couple from Mr, etcher's father. Enfield: Alonzo Niddery and J. [exander have returned from lanitoba.-Miss Wigg, Oshjawa, as been engaged to teach here as Mackey is giving up teaching. Courtice: Ed. Worden has been igaged to teach No. 4 School, Mr. resley Hancock, the present tea- er, having çiecided to improve imseif for hiÉher usefuiness. Mount Vernon: W. Trenouth, >wmanville, succeeds. Norman eatlie as teacher at Baker's.- SW. Siemon, Haydon, hag- been *engaged to teach at Bradley's. Orono: Richard Hockin has ýited the Souch residence and 'n. Ballagh has purchased the hos. Vincent residence on Park Solina: William Oke has moved ýpossessions to the Heatîje 'm.-R. McLaren, our energe- Spedagogue,' bas been re-en- iged.-Peter Leask and family ive moved, into the bouse made iant by W. Jollow. ['WENTY-FIVE VEARS AGO November 10, 1921 Gordon Moorcraft and Harold ýwell have returned from spen- ng a few months in Saskatche- an. We have in Bowmanville an ar- tic painter who has lettered a- imber of rural mail boxes on rigston Road so neatly and arly that passersby can read em easily. This man is J. H. ýedham, Centre St. -Iugh Moore is the new C.P.R. ýrk at Bowmanville. HIazel Lenora Emerson, Port ipe, and JamesClifford Samis, )wmanville, were married, No- nber 2nd. Darlington: Miss Mildred Dow- y, Oshawa Business College, at ne.-Miss Stella Blackburn is delegate to the S.S. conven- in at Brantford. Enniskillen: Master John Sie- )n sang a solo at Sunday school. Stanley Preston and Russell Omemee, R.R. 2 Ida, R.R. 2 Idia, R.R. 1 Ida, R.P. 1 Ida Cavan, R.R. 1 Fraserville, R.R. 1 Peterboro, R.R. 5 Millbrook, R.R. 3 Millbrook, R.R. 3 Millbrook, R.R. 1 Millbrook,, R.R. 2 Pontypool, R.R. 1 Campbelleroft Newcastle, R.R. 3 Newcastle, R.R. 3 Newtonville Newcastle, R.R. 2 Newtonville, R.R. 1 Orono Newcastle, R.R. 2 Orono, R.R. 1 Orono, R.R. 1 Orono, R.R. 1 Orono, R.R. 1 Kendal Orono, R.R. 1 Orono, R.R. 1 Newcastle, R.R. 2 Campbellcroft, R.R. Orono, R.R. 2 Kendal Hampton Port Hope, R.R. 3 Port Hope, R.R. 3 Port Hope, R.R. 2 Port Hope, R.R. 1 Port Hope, R.R. 1 Port Hope, R.R. 1 Port Hope Port Hope, R.R. 4 Port Hope, R.R. 1 Port Hope, R.R. 3 Kendal Campbellcroft Port Hope, R.R. 1 Port Hope, R.R. 1 Port Hope, R.R. 2 Campbellc 'roft Campbellcroft, R.R. 1 Mrs. Grace Jordan E lda M. Launder Mrs. Winnifred Meldrum Mrs. Muriel Sanders Violet Scott Phyllis Smith Elsie Thompson Mrs. Pearl Wbite (Dr. L. B. Power) J. Lewis Roberts Theodora Black Myrtle Long Agnes O'Neil (West Primary) Dorothy McElroy Marian Hayden ID DISTANT PAST§ 10 ri, I Griffin have returned from the West. Solina: C. H. Scott has been in the North country hunting moose.-Wilfrid Dewell is home from the West after -an absence of two years.-Mr. AlldTead and fa- mily have moved into Frank Westlake's house. Courtice: Cedric Parsons and Clarence Penfound attended the S.S. convention at Gananoque. NOISE HAZARDS Output of an industrial estab- lishment may faîl as low as 40 per cent of normal, due to the noise hazard, declare industrial health experts. The Department of Na- tional Health and Welfare points out that noise is more than a mee nuisance-it has a detrimental ef- fect on health, particularly of workers in noisy industries. Sound-proofing and noise control measures, outlineci in a new de- partmental publication now on issue, are recommendecl to em- ployers ancl employees. The Last Warnîng **The Formula WREN youlbuy fire insur- ance keep these two things in nund - the home you have and the equally good home you'll want if you are burned out. Obvioualy, the amount of your fire insur- ance should approximate. the present high value of the home you own because this also is approximately the value of an equally good home you will want to buy after a fixe. Safety requires Insurance "To Value" Be sure you have it.- cal Stuart IR. James INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Quecessor to . . blason & Son Phones: Office 681 - Boume 493 King St. Dowmanville Get busy on your Christmas list today! Corne ln and'see for yourself how adequ'ately and how quickl3i our sparkling selection solves your problems. Quality Costume Jewellery $1.00 to $9.75 Our~ large collection o! costume pieces includes pins and ear rings to match; bracelets, chokers, necklaces, and pop- ular chatelaines. ..Rogers silver- plated flatware. Compiete service for'twelve. Price --- $17.95 up ...Heart-shape sterling s ilv e r compact. Price ----- $5.00 MARR'S JEWELLERY Terms ji Accordance with W4P.T. B. Square face, gold wrlst watch.---- Pink. $29.75 Gold filled cross and chain -- $1.00 up PAGE sixTF£N THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, ONTARIO ,lýt A L) L *s

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