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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1946, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOV. 2lst, 1946 BIRTiIS BALSON-Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Balson announce the birth of a son at Bowmanville Hospital, Tuesday, November 5, 1946. 47-1 CAMERON-H-ugh and Madeline Cameron (nee Veale) announce the birth of their daughter, Jo Anne, at Bowmanville Hospital on Saturday, November 16, 1946. 47-1 GRAHAM-Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham (nee Lorna Rahm) are happy to announce the birth of a baby girl, Rena Viola, on Novem- ber 12, 1946. 47-1 HAYES-Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn Hayes are happy tg announce the birth of their son, Gerald Allan, on Wednesday, November 13, 1946, in Bowmanville Hospital. 47-1* JOHNSON-Charles and Muriel (nee Baker) Johnson are proud to announce the arrivai of their son at the Civic Hospital, Peter- boro, on Thursday, November 7, 1946. 47-1 PAYNE-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Payne (nee Isabel Thompson), are happy to announce the birth of their daughter Julie Diane, on Monday, Nov. 18, 1946, at Bow- manville General Hospital. 47-11* RUTHERFORD - Mr. and Mrs. George Rutherford (nee Helen Fowler) wish to announce the ar- rival of their son on Thursday, November 14, 1946, at Oshawa Hospital. .0-147-1 a' d Phone or Write for Complete lnstalled - $1. 15 extra 57 King St. W. Phone 811 MÂRRIAGE TRULL-MORTON-On Novem- ber 18, 1946, by the Rev. R. E. Morton, Ada Ann Morton, of Tor- onto, to Frederick William Truil, of Orono. 47-1* DEATIl FAIRBAIRN-On Nov. 12, 1946, at the Parry Sound General Hos- pital, Rhys Dakers Fairbairn, 53A Clifton Rd., Toronto, beloved husband' of Idu. Aikins. Interment Mount Pleasant cemetery. SELDON-At his residence, 99 Howard St., Toronto, Nov. lth, Walter Seldon, husband of the late Edith Dobson and beloved father of Mrs. A. O. Parker (Adele), Newcastle. Entombment in the Massey Family Mausoleum, Mount Pleasant cemetery. THICKSON-At Christie St. Hos- pital, Toronto, on Nov. l9th, 1946, John Benjamin Thickson, lately of 67 Wilson Ave., Toronto, husband of the late Annie Wilkes, aged 68 years. Resting at the Morris Fu- neral Chapel, Bowmanville for service on Thursdlay, Nov. 2lst at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowman- ville cemetery. .IN MEMORIAM ASH-Memory's tribute to a dear husband and father, Gordon Ash, who died suddenly' November 19, 1938. -Wife (Mary Wetherell) and Daughters Margaret and Helen. 47-1* WILSON-In loving memory of our dear mother and grandimother, Hilda Victoria Wilson, who pass- ed away November 23, 1940. -Ahk'ays rememberedi by Bella, Art and children. 47-1* Cards of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hall wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their kindness in their recent bereavement. 47-1* I wish to express my sincere thanks to the friends and neigh- bors of Salem, especiafly Mr. Hertzberg, for their kindness shown me recently. 47-1 -Brenton Darch Ron. Brock wishes to thank his many frietnds for the fruit, candy, letters, cards and books sent to him while he was sick. 47-1* I wish to express my sincere ap- preciation and thanks for the, lovely cards and gifts sent to me during my recent illness. Also sincere thanks to Drs. Fer- guson and Birks and nurses of Bowmanville Hospital who as- sisted in any way.-Mrs. George Skelding. 47-1* I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to Bow- manville Hospital staff, Mrs. Nel- son Wilkins, Dr. C. W. Slemon, Dr. H. V. Slemon, Dr. Keith Sie- mon and Dr. il. B. Rundile, also to my many friends and relatives for cheery cards, letters, fruit and fiowers sent to me during my illness. -Harvey Hardy '47-1 WIE DELI VER ALL ORDERS OVER $1.00 L ____________________________________________________________________- COMINO EVENTS Dance at Tyrone Hall, Friday, Nov. 29. Ruth Wilson's 6-piece Variety Band.- 47-2* The Newcastle United Church Sunday School are holding their Christmas concert on Friday, Dec. 2th. Keep this date open. 47-1 Round and square dancing at Enniskillen Hall this Saturday night. AI Fletcher and his or- chestra. 43-tf Reserve Wed!nesday, Thursday, Friday, Nov. 27, 28, 29, for the Bowmanville High School Com- mencement. 44-5 St. Aidrew's~ Ladies' Auxiliary are having a Bazaar and Tea in the S.S. room on Thursday, Dec. 5. Reserve the date. Tea 25c. 46-2* Reserve Friday, Nov. 29, when Jr. W.A. of St. John's Church will hold their afternoon tea and sale of work. Everyone welcome. 47-1 Corne to St. Joseph's Church annual bazaar on Friday, Nov. 22nd, at 99 King St., starting at 2 p.m. Fancy work, homemade cooking, afternoon tea and draw. 46-2* The Chum Valley Folks in per- son, Canada's greatest old time music show at Town Hall, Bow- manville, Saturday, Nov. 30, 8:15 p.m. Admission 50c, 25c. Child- ren must be accompanied by aduit 47-2 Thursday, Nov. 28, Bowman- ville Women's Institute mofithly meeting in the Parish Hall. Miss L. E. Taylor, Public Health Nurse will speak. 47-1* Bazaar under auspices of the Hampton Women's Institute, will be held in the basement of the Church, Thursday, Nov. 28, open- ing at 2:30. There will 'be various booths and cafeteria lunch. 47-1 Hampton United Church Thank- off ering services will be held on Sunday, November 24, at 2 and 7 p.m. Speaker, Rev. G. C. Quig- ley, St. Paul's Church, Bowman- ville. Special music by the choir assisted by Dr. Geo. Werry, solo- ist. 47-1 Opening rally of Bowmanville Youth for Christ at Town Hall, November 30. Speaker, Rev. Wesley Hunnisett, of the Fred Vic- tor Mission, Toronto. Further particulars next week. 47-1 Newcastle High Séhool Com- mencement and Concert, Friday, Nov. 22, 8 p.m., at Newcastle Com- munity Hall. Demonstration of precision drill by the girls and boys, sfiall play, movie reel, sing- ing, etc.- Admission, silver col- lection. 47-1* Reserve Friday night, Dec. 6th, for the Social Evening and Dance at Newcastle Community Hall which is sponsored by the Durham Progressive Conservative Associ- ation. The public is cordially in- vited. Luncheon will be served and the programme of addresses and stage entertainment will be followed by a dance. Music by Russ Creighton and his orchestra. Programme will begin at 8 p.m. Admission, fifty cents. 47-1 Notice Dr. H. B. Rundle's office will be closed until Saturday, November 23. 46-2 BUSINESS CHANGE Jack Miller's barber shop is now located at 103 King St. east, rear entrance, opposite Stevens Taxi. Thanks to the public for patronage over many years with assurance that continuing service is the motto at the new location. 47-1* HYGIENIC Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 45-8 «'Doing business without advertising is like kissing a girl in the dark. You know what you're doing, butqiobody else dues." Bowmanville Ontario Wanltedý BOARDING home for 'boy, three years old. Must have reference.s. Write Box 801, Statesman Office. 47-1* Work Wanted LADY desires position as lady's companion, in or near Bowman- ville. Write Box 798, Statesman Office. 47-1* Wanted To Ou), GOOD milk cow, due to freshen soon, give particulars. Thos. Luke, R.R. 2, Newcastle. 4741* LIVE poultry and feathers, top prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone Bethany 7 r 13. 37-tf WANTED-300 live horses for mdink and fox food. We will pay top market prices. Margwill Fur Ziarm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone Bowmanville 2679. 35-tf SINGER Drop Head Sewing Ma- chines. Whll pay cash, cail or write, Singer Sewing Machine Co., Oshawa, 16 Ontario St. Phone 696. 14-tf FEATHERS and feather beds of ahl descriptions. Highest prices paid. Write particulars to Queen City Feather Co., 23 Bald win St., Toronto. 12-tf FARM, 100 acres, good land and buildings, preferably near Bow- manville. Apply George d3enetin, 467 Ritson Rd., S., Oshawa. 46-2* OLD horses for f ur farm, $1.00 per hundred, approximate weight, delivered here. For slightly less we will humanely destroy your horses on your own farm. Ran- kine Mink Ranch, Haydon. Phone Bowmanville 2888. 38-tf REGISTERED Ajax and Certified Beaver oats. Garnet Rickard, phone 2813. 47-1* SADDLE horse, a pony, for ten- year old boy. Phone Clarke 1914. 47-1 * 1936 or later model car, in good running condition. Write Box 800, Statesman Offiée, Bowman- Wanted to Rent IMMEDIATELY-From three to five rooms, for adults., Write Box 795 Statesman Office. 46-4* THREE or more rooms. Write Box 796, Statesman Office. 47-tf ROOM or rooms urgently requir- ed from November 30 to May lst. Apply Mrs. Mulholland, 24 George st. 47-1* Help Wanted' IMMEDIATELY-Domestic nurse part time, good wages. Apply Mrs. Clark Bell, 182 Church St. 47-1* SALES ladies wanted for Ladies' apparel and children's wear :tore in Bowmanville. Apply in writ- ing, stating age and experience, if any, to Box 799 Statesman, Office. 47-1 EXCELLENT earnings-bîg pro- fits-financial independence for keen, ambitious salesmen. For furthem information apply Famous Products Corporation, Dept. O.B.l 370 Guy Street, Montreal, P.Q. 45-4* AN OPPORTUNITY-Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55-have or can secure travel outfit, this is youm opportunity to get established in a profitable business of your own. For full particulars write toclay to The J. R."Watkins Company, Dept. 0-B-9, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que. 45-4 For Rent TWO light housekeeping rooms. Apply 2 Liberty St. S. 47-1* SINGER portable electric in your own home. $5 per month. Sing9- er Sewing Machine Co., 16 On- tario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 10-tf SEVEN-room house, corner St. BETWEEN Bowmanville and Newcastle wire wheel, with 550x 18" tire, practically new. Reward. Contact Frank's Garage, 72 Scu- gog St., Bowmanville, or phofte 2834. 47-1 Radio Service THE RADIO SHOP. Bowmar{- ville, offers honest charges, latest type equîpment and trained per- sonnel. Our two radio techni- cians both hold Govemnment Cer- tificates of Proflciency in Radio. Phone 573. 33-tf Trucking SCREENED sand, gravel, loam, fil, cinders, manure. We have it, you name it. We will deliver it. H. B. Evans, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, phone 2255. 33-tf Artièles For Sale McCLARY cook stove, suitable for small kitchen. Phone 622. 47-1*- FORD coach, '35, excellent motor, new tires. Phone 2403. 47-1* USED bricks. Apply Glen Rae Dairy, Bowmanvîlle. 1 47-1 BOY'S overcoat, size 16. $5. Phone 631. 47-1 NO. 12 Jacket Heater in goo>d condition. Phone 350 or 638.47-1* BOY'S overcoat, size 12, good as new. Apply Mrs. R. A. Morris, 15 Brown St. 47-1* SMALL kitchen cabinet, sliding porcelain top. Phone 434 even- ings. 47-1 STOVE - Medium size Quebec heater, nearly new. Apply 114 Elgin St. 47-1* LADY'S black winter coat in good condition. Size 36. Phone 2477. 47-1* GIRL'S bicycle, size 24", in good condition. Apply 116 Church St. 47-1 * CHEVROLET sedlan '29, good con- dition. For quick sale. Apply Bredin Bros., Pontypool. 47-2 MAN'S leather windbreaker, size 42. Nearly new, $10., Phone 2290. 47-1* TWO ladies' coats, size 16, beige and brown,, both fur trimmed. Phone 2183. 47-1* BRAND new Viking cream sep- arator, 250 lb. capacity, regular $75 for $60. Phone 811. 47-1* MIXED cordwood $10.50; sawed mixed cordwood $12.50, F.O.B. our yard. Delivery extra. Phone Clarke 4020. 45-tf CHEVROLET coupe, '31, good condition, five good tires, has pickup licence. Apply Jim Morris, Port Granby. 47-1* CULTIVATOR, spring tine, new, for Ford tractor, with row crop attachments. Morley Burgess. Phone 2386. 47-1* STUDENTS' Chemistry Set, used very little. Worth $12, new, will sell for $6. Phone 54 r 19, Or- ono. 47-1* TRUCK tires, tubes, mounted on wheels, new, 32x600. Phone 81 r 10, Orono. Neil Curtis, Ponty- pool. 47-1* LARGE quantity of carrots, by the hushel or by the ton. Apply R. Manning, Sixth Line, Kendal. Phone Orono 23 r 8. 47-3 BOY'S three-piece winter outfit and suit, size 7. Scout uniform, size 13. Write Mrs. H. Phillips, R.R. 2, Bowmanville. 47-1* TWO men's overcoats, size 34 and 36, in good condition; also boys' 2-piece suit, size 14 years. Apply 64 Church St., Bowmanville. 47-1* PONTIAC sedan, 1930, Serial No. 143864, in gooti condition through- out. Ross Richards, phone 2565. 47-1 * BARN tomn down, 48x28 ft., 16 ft. posts, purlines 6 in. square, other timbers 8 in. square, a pproximate- ly 3,000 feet of sheeting. Phone Benson Dunn 1654 W 1-2 Osha- war R.R. 1. 47-1 FOURTEEN Yorkshire pigs, 6 weeks old, Fleury grinder, near- ly new; girls' coat, hat and leg- gings, size 6. In zood condition, Cyril Avery, Maple Grove. 47-1* CHEVROLET '39 pick-up truck, heavy duty, 3/ ton, capacity 2 ton, complete with stock rack. Suit- able for farmer or delivery work. Good tires. Reasonably priced. Phone 439 Bowmanville. 47-1 TWO-horse spring tooth cultiva- tor with tractor hitch; one 4-set harrows, peg tooth and, evener.- Apply Brookdale-Kingsway Nur- sery. 47-1 MASSEY-HARRIS deluxe cream enamel cook stove with reservoir and warming closet, practically new. Also 25 New Hampshire pullets. Thomas White, Ponty- pool. Phone 20 r 12 Bethany. 47-1 * ideal for chicken farming. Write Box 797, Statesman Office. 47-1* SEVEN room house, five acres of land. Immediate possession. In Newcastle. Apply P; D. Milligan, Newcastle. 47-2* $3,000-8-room house, insulated, newly decorated, all blinda and electric fixtures, barn, garage. On 7A highway in Nestleton, buses stop at door. Apply T. Langfeld, Nestleton P.O. 46-2* 2 Cents a Word (Minimum 35c) Dead Line - Wednesday Noon Livestock For Sale TEN Yorkshire pigs 6 weeks old. Phone 2125. 47-1* SIX registered sows, 8 weeks old. Apply R. LeGresley, Newcastle. Phone 1130 Clarke. 47-1* EIGHT purebred Yorkshire pigs, 7 weeks old. Ross Cryderman, Enniskillen. Phone 2265. 47-1* TWENTY-nine thriving Yorkshire pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply Alf. Ri- chardson, Hampton. 47-l* ABOUT 40 B.R. pullets ready to lay. Mrs. Fred Bowen, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 3812. 47-if THIRTY Holstein heifers. Apply Walter FranLk, Bowmanville, phone 2403. 47-1* HEIFER, cross bred, Holstein and Shorthor-n, just renewed. Garnet Rickard, phone 2813. 47-1* NINETY W.L. x B.R. pullets, 3Y% months old "Bray stock;" 35 W.L. x W. R. pullets, 6 months old. Dean Grills, Courtice. 47-2* THREE Yorkshire pigs, 7, weeks old. Also pile of mnanure. Mrs. Wilfrid Cornish, Middle Road, R.R. 6, Bowmanville. 47-l* TWO hundired Red Rock hybrid pullets; 100 New Hampshire pul- lets, starting to lay. Each $1.50. George Knox, R.R. 1, Enniskillen. 47-2 REGISTERED bull caif, 6 months old. Top quality T.B. and Blood tested. Sch.warz Bros., R.R. 3 Bowmanville, phone Oshawa 491 W11.. 47-1"' EIGHT pigs, six weeks old; also grey Percheron horse, rising five years, about 1600 lbs. Joe Host, Hampton, Lot 19, Con. 6, Darling- ton. 47-1*, TWO hundred and twenty-five Barred Rock pullets, laying 10 doz. a day, 8 months old; 40 rod poultry fencing; 2-uto Trac and Oliver double furrow plow. Gor- don Wesley White, Hampton.47-1 REGISTERED Shorthorn cow, six years, due Nov. 29; registered Poil- ed Hereford cow, three years, due Feb. 15; team of Belgian horses. F(aymond Clapp, Tyrone. 47-1* YOUTNG Holstein cow, just renew- ed; two Durham heifers, two years old; black Percheron gelding, three years. Phone 2557. A. E. Billett, Hampton. 47-1* BRAY chicks in lig demand far the big egg and Ipoultry markets ahead. The Hatchery urge us to get in orders now to mfake sure January delivery. Don't be caught short. Agent is F. L. Byam, Tyr- one. 47-1 ON-1&RI O PROVINCE. 0F ONTARIO THE LIQUOR AUTHORITY CONTROL BOARD 0F ONTARIO TAKE NOTICE that the annual meeting of The Liquor Authority Control Board of Ontario for Au- thority District No. 7 will be held in the Court Room, in the Court House in the City of Peterborough, in the County of Peterborough, on the 28th day of November, A.D. 1946, at the hour of nine-thirty o'clock in the forenoon at which time it will hear and determine al applications for the renewal of authorities in accordance with The Liquor Authomity Control Act and Regulations. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person resident in the said Authority District objecting to any such application shahl file his grounds of objection in wmit- ing with tlie Deputy Registrar at least three clays before the date of the said annual meeting. DATED at the City of Peterborough, in the County of Peterborough, this llth day of November, A.D. 1946. JAS. F.ORDYCE STRICKLAND, 375 Watem Street, Peterborough, Ontario, Deputy Registrar. 47-1 Obituary MRS. JAS. B. <LILLIE) HOOEY The death occurred on Novem- ber 9th at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, of Lillie Hooey, widow of the late James B. Hooey. For many years Mrs. Hooey had been a well- known and loved resident of Von- dia, Sask. She had been in poor health for sevemal months and suf- fered a stroke after retumning from Vancouver where she hoped thé climate might prove beneficial. When she had recovemed suffi- ciently, she was brought to Lon- don, Ont., where she spent the past three months with hem son, James W. Hooey. After suffer- ing a second stroke, she died in hospital without regaining con- sciousness. Mrs. Hooey was born in Cart- wright Township, daughter of the late William Hooey and Agnes Mormow. Following her marriage, she lived for many yeams in Von- da, Sask., and returned from time to time to visit relatives in Cart- wright and London. Mrs. Hooey was affiliated with Erskine United Church, London, and the minister, Rev. Dr. W. J. Mortimer, conducted the service. Interment was in Woodland. cern- etery. Many beautiful floral tri- butes arrivedi from friends; in Sas- katchewan and Ontario. Mrs. Hooey is survivedi by hem son, Jas. W. Hooey, London, andi hem bro- ther, Herbert Hooey, Cartwright. A grand champion Hireford steer of Kansas City ha& brought $44,375 to a 15-year-old farm boy. This is a world record price of $35.50 a pound. Enfield Couple Enjoy Twentieth Anniversary Mm. and Mrs. F. Abernethy and family, Miss Elsie Samis, Peter- borough; Miss Corsina Samis, Oshawa; Donald Samis, Ajax; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Samis and Donna with Mm. and Mms. M. Samis when Mr. and Mrs. Abernethy celebrat- ed their twentieth wedding anni- versary. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Niddery, Mr. and Mrs. C. Niddery, Toronto, at W Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mutton, Mm. Ross Cook and George Marlowe, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith and family, Fleetwood, at F. R. Cook's. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ormiston with friends in Toronto and attended the Royal Winter Faim. Several from here enjoyed the convenience of goîng to the Royal Wintem Faim in a chartered bus. Passengers and bus met at Brad- ley's school. Many from this community at- tended the farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson, Union, who have sold their farm and are moving away. We are sorry to lose them as they are members of our church and highly regarded by their friends and neighboms. Farm Forum met on Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mms. D. Wilson with a real good attendance. The subject for dis- cussion was "Our standard of liv- ing as compared with other coun- tries", also our taxes. The est of the evening was spent playîng progressive euchre and Phyliss Williams and Oscar McQuade weme the lucky winners. Two solos by iittle Lloyd Wilson were then enjoyed, followed by a dainty lunch. The next meeting will be held at Mm. Bert Gibson's. Douglas Gibson, Warren Mc- Quade, Beverley Black, Ronald Williams-~and Robert Philp enjoy- ed a day at the Royal Winter Faim on Saturday and report a good time. The Continuation school at Blackstock chatered a bus and over 30 went for the outing. The community is sorry about Mrs. Sam McKee having the mis- fortune of breaking her arm. She is at Toronto East General Hospi- tai at present and ahl hope she will be able to corne home again soon. The pmoceeds from the crokin- ole party at Mrs. W. Sweet's were $5.10. Mm. and Mrs. E. G. Jennings and family, Acton, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hope and family, Mm. and Mms. R. C. Milis, Mrs. M. Wells, Port Pemry, Miss H. Hunter, Man- illa, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Milîs and family, Mm. and. Mrs. Leonard Stainton and family were weêk- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Milis. Mm. H. Milîs returned home with a deer on Sunday. Mm. and Mrs. C. Pethick and Mms. E. Stmutt at Mr. Grant Wii- son's, Kinsdiale. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mustard and family, Uxbrid'ge, Mm. and Mrs. F. Dorland Burketon with Mr. John Doland. Miss Helen, Ronald and Eaml Parrot, Chalk Lake, with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.,'A. Wearn. Mrs. Roy Graham and baby with hem parents, Mr. and Mms. W. Rahm. Glad to know Mrs. Roland Thompson is improving in Bow- manvîlle Hospital. Mm. and Mrs. W. Hoskin, Hamp- ton, Mm. and Mrs. F. Hoskin and family, Toronto, with Mm. M. Heard. Mm. and Mrs. W. J. Stainton, Orono, at Mr. L. Lamb's. MCUTEX M. Cuti-Case Bugle Cor!i leatherette Cancer Girl MPEGGY SA ÉFlying Colc Lm Tourlst - le CLIFTON: Bath Cryst, Guest Supe Wrisley Ho Cologne -- WRITING1 Highland 1I Deckle Parý ÉChamivoir MAGAZINI Subscil E Christmas àorder wlth [ANICURE SETS: ps- lni zipper case -------- - - - -- - - - - - - - - AGE SETS: [ urs - - --- lather case tals ------- erbe Soap-- obnail PAPER: Deckle -- cehment. Vellum.- IE GIFT: lptlons Kif ts. 1US. maki Lea% $1.00 $4.50 $6.00 -- $1.25 -- $2.50 --- 50C --- $1.00 --$2.50 50c-65e ----- 65c --- $2.50 e ideal ýve youn Phone 778 Bern Carter Leade Women's Bowling At the end of another week of the Bowmanville Ladies' Major Bowling League schedule, Bern Carter's team is on top with 27 points, followed by Ada Tomnlin- son with 25, Marg. E. King with 19, @and Dorc Mutton with 13 points. - Individual scoring honors went to Muriel Crago with a total of 561 for three games followed by Vi Martyn with 545. High smn-' gles: M. Crago 231, Onie Mu ton 229. Avemages: Bern Carter ------------- Ada Tomlinson---------------- 190 > Lola Marjerrison------------- 189 Vi Coole ------------------------ 177 Viv Pickard-------------------- 174 Ada Luxton--------------------- 172 Carol Martyn ----------------- 172 Marg. E. King ----------------- 169 Anita Piper -------------------- 168 The answer to "divide and con- quer" is "change and unîte." IF YOU ARE GIVING: 6 Toys - Games - Chemistry Sets Small Musical Instruments Sleighs - Toboggans - Ice or' Roller Skates Footballs - Gym or Bowling Shoes - Jerseys - Windbreakers Wool Toques - Socks - Mltts Darts ana Dart Boards Flashlights - Key Cases Fishing - Basebail - Tennis Badminton - Hockey and Ski Equipment Ski and Boat Carriers for automobiles Duck and Crow Cails Also Gun and Rifle Cleaning Rods - Brushes - Grease and 011 Bicycles - Tricycles - Scooters Wagons - Kiddle Kars - Joy- riders - Auto Baby Chairs Drums - Hunting Knlves Weil you won't have to order from Toronto or drive to Osh- awa to buy these gifts as they are aIl now in my stock. So shop early and take your pick Don't depend on old Saint Nick As he may be short of presents And also short of deer So cornei and look at my stock You'll find lots of it here. FOR HlM BACHELOR SHAVE SETS: Talc, Shave Lotion, Shaving Soap ---------- $2.35- Shaving Cream and Talc. ------------------- $1.00 M LAVENDER SHAVE SETS: Shaving Bowl -------- $1.25 M Talc, Shaving Cneam and Lotion ------------ $1.75M FITCH'S TOILETRIES: in Men's Gift Box -------- 980 PIPES: Frank Medico Pipe wlth Filter ------- - ----- $147; Plymouth Plpt - ----- --- $2.69 Waterman's Pen and Pencil Sets --$5.95-$9.52-$14.57-$15.47 Pensonallzed Photognaphie GREETING CARDS Made from your own nega- M tives. - 1 Doz. c Black and White ----------- = Hand Coloured ---------- 9 Lobveli r rRUG STOREi C.N.R. Tickets :T 18 DONE PROPERLY B.wmanvife mommaimr ---------- L- 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVELLE, O*TARIO . THURSDAY, NOV. 21st 1946 PAGE EIGHT

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