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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1946, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLR ONTARTO A ~7 ~Tt%~T I~~L 1I~AD Lii UIIDLJZ~ 1, £4 !..J V. &OI.Ii~ ÂU**~ I -BIRTHS.- HOSKIN-Mr. and' Mrs. Bert Hoskin are happy to announce the arrivai of their daughter, Lydia Joy, at Bowmanville Hos- ital on November 9, 1946. A aysister for Terry. 48-1 ENGAG EM ENTS kér. and- Mrs. Gordon Mont- gom~ery wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Helen Jeanne, to George Abert Somerscales, son of Mrs. Violet Somierscales and the late George Somerscales. The wedding to take place December 7 in Trin- ity United Church, Bowmanville. 48-1* Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne J. Wight wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Helen Jeannette, to Donald Gil- hooly, son of Mrs. Gilhooiy and the late Mr. Joseph Gilhooly, the marriage to take place in Decem- ber. 48-1* MARRIAGE PRESTON-DICKSON - In King St. United Church, Oshawa, on Nov. 16, 1946, 'by Rev. J. V. Mc- Neely, Hazel Beatrice Dickson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Dickson, Unity, Sask., to Alan Arthur Preston, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Preston, Maple Grove. 48-i ANNOUNCEM ENT on A Representative of The Singer Sewing Machine Co. wlll be ini Bowmanville to service ail makes of sewing mac.hines. Expert Workmanship Guaranteed [f I need of service write or phone before the above 4ays. SINGER SEWING MAC-HINE CO. Phone 696 - Oshawa 17-tf C. H. TUCK Registemed Optometrist 3-Day Service Special Arrangement By appointment: 9.30 to 12 and 2.00 to 5.00 p.m. DISNEY BLDG., ON> F.. OFFICE 1516 - RES. 2526 OSHAWA, ONT. *1i- - Z r -1 DEATH SCOTT-At Toronto General Hos- pital, Nov. i7th, 1946, Etta Scott in her 89th year, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Scott, and beloved aunt of Mrs. Alice Has- sard and Miss Marguerite Pope. Interment Bowmanville Cerne- tery. FITCHETT-Suddenly, at his res- idence, 731 Wilder Ave., Mon- treal, Que., Nov. 22, $1946, Frank Albert Fitchett, beloved husband of Marie J. Paînton, in his 59th year. LUMBY -At Toronto General Hospital, on Nov. 23, 1946, Mary Peqrl Lumby, Superintendent of Botvmanville Hospital, beloved daughter of the late Benjamin and Margaret Lumby, and dear sister of Mrs. Francis J. Thomas and Mrs. H. W. Moggach. Interment in Nairn cemetery, Ailsa Craig. MILLER-Suddenly, at the Pri- vate Patients' Pavilion, Toronto General Hospital, on Nov. 24, 1946, Gertrude Mae Philpot, dear- ly beloved wife of Charles T. Miller, Orono, Ont., and sister of Mrs. A. R. Park, Aurora; W. J. Philpot, Toronto, and G. E. Phil- pot, Winnipeg. LYON--Suddenly at his home, 85 IsabellaSt., Toronto, on Nov. 23, 1946, Walter H. Lyon, husbandý of the late Zella Brimacombe, Bowmanville, son of the late N. T. Lyon and Mrs. Lyon. SQUAIR-In Darlington on Nov. 25th, 1946, Annie Ellen Squair, widow of Frank L. Squair, aged 88 years. TENDERS Tenders will be received until Dec. 7, for the redecorating of the Newtonville Community Hall. Mrs. Bea Jones, secretary. 48-1 Lost LARGE grey Persian cat answers to name of Boots. Reward. Bob- by Duncanson, 92 Queen St., Bowmanville. 48-1 LICENCE plate-British Columbia 44-761 between Tyrone and Bow- manville. Please return to The Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 48-1 * Found HOUND. Owner can have same by proving ownership and pay- ing expenses. Phone 2807 aftem 6:30 p.m. For Rent FARM house for winter months. Phdne 2880. 48-1* THREE or four fumnished or un- furnished rooms. Phone 2859. 48-1 SINGER portable electric in your own home. $5 per month. Sing- er Sewing Machine Co., 16 On- tario St.. Oshawa, phone 696. 10-fl IN MEMORIAM GIBBS-In loving memory of ou dear little son, Donald Vernon Gibbs, age 1 year 5 months who passed away at Toronto on Nov. 3th, 1945, litle, son of Mr. mnd Mrs. Ronald Gibbs. We mourn for hum in silence No eyes can see us weep; But many a sulenttear is .shed While others are asleep. -Always remembemed by Mummie, Daddïies, Sisters and Brother Keneth. 48-1* FOWLER-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, George N. Fowler, who passed away, December 1, 1945. "W'hen ail is stili and sulent And sleep forsakes my eyes, My thoughts are in the silent grave Where my dear husband lies." -Sadly missed by his wife and daughters. 48-i MASTERS-In loving memory of a dear wife and niother, Martha Jane Masters, who passed eway December 2, 1945. "Just a thought of sweet remem- brance, Just a memory sad and true, Just the love and sweet devotion 0f one who thinks of you. -Sadly missed by husband and family. 48-1* McGILL-In re membrance of my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGill. Mother who passed away, Aug. 28th, 1935: In my heart your memory lingers Sweetly tender, fond and true. There is not a day, Dear Mother That I do not think of you. Father who passed away Nov. 1-4th, 1941: 0f hîm, I will neyer forget, His absence to us is a sorrow, His loss we will aiways regret. -Daughter Mildrecl. 48-1* Cards of Thanks Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy. Hamp- ton, wishes to thank ahl the friends who so kindly remember- ed her during her recent illness, also for the cards, flowers and fruit received. .48-1* The family of the late John B. Thickson wish to express their sincere thanks for the beautiful floral offerings and messages of sympathy received during their ecent bereavement. 48-il* I wish to thank my many friends who were so kind in send- ing me flowers, fruit and cards, both while I was in Bowmanville Hiospital and since I have been away. They have been greatiy appreciated. 48-1 Mrs. G. Thetford Mm. Frank Rogers would like to thank the doctors and nurses of Bowmanvile Hospital for their kindness and also all his neigh- bors and frîends for fruit, fiowers and cards which he received dur- ing his iliness. 48-1* Mr. George H. Pearce, 56 Lamb St., would like to thank his neigh- bors and other friends who took part in the presentation on Nov. 20 when he celebrated his 8th birthday anniversary. 48-1* John R. Nichols wishes to thank Drs. Storey and Birks, nurses of 'Bowmanville Hospital, Nurse Mrs. Gien Martyn; Rev. J. dePencier Wright, 2nd Midlands, Goodyear Supervision Club, and ahl his friends and neighbors for their kindness and practical gifts dur- ing his illness at Bowmanvilie and Toronto General Hospital. 48-1* I wish to express my' sincere thanks and appreciation to Bow- manville Hospital staff, Dr. Bimks, Dr. Storey and Nurse Mrs. R. Hetherington, also to the many friends and relatives for cards, letters, fruit, candy and fiowers sent to me during my recent iii- ness. 48-1* Mrs. J. Parkin SCREENED sand, gravel, loam, fill, cinders, menure. We have it, you name it. We will deliver it. H. B..Evans, R.R. 3, Bowmanvilie, phone 2255. 33-tf 2 Cents a Word (Minimum 35c) tra *COIVIING EVENTS Dance at Tyrone Hall, Friday: Nov. 29. Ruth Wilson's 6-piece' Variety Band. 47-2* Round and square dancing at Enniskillen Hall this Saturday night. AI Fletcher and his or- chestra. 43-tf Reserve Wed!nesday, Thursday, Friday, Nov. 27, 28, 29, for the Bowmanviile High School Comn- mencement. 44-5 NOTICE CHANGE 0F DATE. The CHUM Valley Folks in person, Canada's greatest old time music show at Town Hall, Bow- manville, Siturday, Dec. 7, 8:15 p.m. Admission 50c, 25c. Child- ren must be accompanied by an aduit. 48-2, A dance under the auspices of the Newcastle Juvenile Hockey Club will be held in the New- castle Community Hall on Friday evening, Dec. i4th. Russ Creigh- ton's Orchestra. Admission 50c. t 48-i Durham County Hoistein Breeders annual meeting and banquet will be held at Omono on Th1ursday, Dec. 5. Meeting at 10 a.m., banquet at 12:30 with spe- cial speaker, and program. Al 'breeders anîd friends welcome. Carlos Tamblyn, President. 48-i H. C. Muir, Secretary. Plan to attend the Lions Club Radio Artists' Concert in Trinity United Church, Dec. l8th at 8:15 p.m. Program of ail Christmas music by the "Golden Moments Trio," Sigmund Steinburg, violin; Gwladys Burslem, piano, and Ro- land Todd, organ, assisted by Margaret Kerr, mezzo soprano. Tickets $1.00 available from any member of the Lions Club. 48-3 Notice I will not be responsible for any debts incurred. by my wife, without my signature. David Noden. Bowmanville, November 26, 1946. 48-3*j Room and Board ROOM and board accommodation available for two gentlemen. Ap- ply 49 Horsey St., Bowmanville. Wanted to Rent TWO or three rooms. Appiy 12 Prospect St. 48-1* THREE or more rooms or house. Write Box 802, Statesman Office. 48-tf IMMEDIATELY-From three to five rooms, for adults. Write Box 795 Statesman Office. 46-4* Ilelp Wanted GIRL wanted, good pay. Olympia Cafe. Phone 1888. 48-1* PART time janitor, honest and reliable. Write Box 803 States- man Office. 48-i RELIABLE housekeeper wanted, good plain cook, modemn bunga- low, every convenience, sieep in. Apply personally 59 McLaughlin Blvd. 48-3 EXPERIENCED single man for dairy farm. Electrical and trac- tor equipment, yearly employ- ment and good wages. Phone Bowmanville 2471. S.* Edgam Werry, R.R. 1, Hampton. 48-l* EXCELLENT eamnings--big pro- fits-financial independence for keen, ambîtious salesmen. For further information appiy Famous Products Corporation, Dept. O.B .1 370 Guy Street, Montreal, P.Q. 45-,4* REPORTER to send news of new buildings, fire and engineering in- formation. Stationery and post- age supplied. Interesting work for spare time. Write now stat- ing qualifications. MacLean Building Reports Ltd., 345 Ade- laide Street West, Toronto, Ont. 48-1 AN OPPORTUNITY-Esta.blished Rural Watkins District available. Tf you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55-have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable business of your own. For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-B-9, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que. 45-4 Personal HYGIENIC Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, seaied envelope with price list. Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 45-8 AUCTION SALE I have been authorized to sel by public auction for Stephen Jeffery, Lot 19, Con. 4, Darlington (2 miles north of Maple Grove Church) on Wednesday, Dec. 4, four acres, more or less, of stand- ing timber (summer wood) to be sold in quarter acre lots, more or less. Purchaser will be given until April 1, 1948, to remove timber. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 48-1 AU persons having dlaims against the Estate of William Co- vert, late of the Town of Bowman- ville, County of Durham, bache- lom, deceased, who died on or about October 23rd, 1946, are me- quired to file their dlaims with the undersigned before December 2nd 1946, after which date assets of the Estate will be distributed, the Estate having regard only to the dlaims of which they shail then have had notice and to the exclu- sion of aIl others. Dated at Bowmanville, Ont. this lSth day of November, 1946. NINA E. NEADS, Administratrix 91/2 King St. E., Bowmnville: 46-3 Ontario Wanted Tb Buy GOOD used kindergarten set or kiçldie car. Phone 2830. 48-1 REAR wheel 1928 Chev. car, must be in good condition. Phone 2190. 48-1* GOOD mixed hay, also few loads of corn staiks. Write Box 804, Statesman Office. 48-2* ABOUT 8 squares of steel roofing new or used. H. Schmidt, New- castle. 48-1* LIVE pouîtry and feathers, top prices paid. M. Fiatt, R.R. 1, .Bethany, phone Bethany 7 r 13. 37-tf WANTED-300 live horses for mink and fox food. We will pay top market prices. Margwill Fur 2earm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone Bowmanviile 2679. 1 35-tf SINGER Drop Head Sewing Ma- chines.- WilI pay. cash, cail or write, Singer Sewing Machine Co., Oshawa, 16 Ontario St. Phone 696. 14-tf FEATHERS and feather beds of ail descriptions.. Highest prices paid. Write particulars to Queen City Feather Co., 23 Bald win St., Toronto. 12-tf OLD hors*es for fur farm, $1.00 per hundred, approximate weight, delivered here. For slightly less we will humanely destroy your horses on your own farm. Ran- kine Mink Ranch, Haydon. Phone Bowmanville 2888. 38-tf EGGS wanted. Ship direct to Do- minion Stores Ltd., 832 Old Wes- ton Rd., Toronto, Reg'd,. Grading Station No. 029. Highest prevail- ing prices paid. Cases returned free. Careful grading and prompt remittance. We pay a premium for: Poultry farm strictly fresh, large brown or white shell eggs. 48-3 Pets For Sale BONANZA Kennels present Boy- dox Broker's Bargain at stud. One Cocker pup, ideal pet for child, reasonable. Apply B. Dilling, 23 Nelson St.481 LABRADOR Retriever, Foxhound crossed maie pups, littie beauties, your choice $5; Fox hound maie, black and tan, eighteeen months old, excellent hunter $25. Geo. C. Wright, Newcastle. 472 Real Estate For Sale NEW brick house, ail modemn conveniences, on Alexander Ave. Apply J. J. Flett,- 23 Ontario St. 48-1 * SEVEN roomn house, five acres of land. Immediate possession. In Newcastle. Apply P. D. Milligan, Newcastle. 47-2* Livestock For Sale TEN Yorkshire pigs, eight weeks old. W. Baskerville. Phone Clarke 1912. 48-1 FIFTEEN Holstein yearling heif- ers. Walter Frank, Bowmanville, phone 2403. 48-1* PUREBRED Leicester ram, sev- en months old. Stanley Milîson, Enniskillen. Phone 2263. 48-1* SEVEN pigs, eight weeks old. W. Cooper, Middle Road, Bowman- NINETY W.L. x B.R. pullets, 3.1/2 months old "Bray stock;" 35 W.L. x W. R. pullets, 6 months old. Dean Grills, Courtice. 47-2* DURHAM cow, 4 yeams old, due to freshen end of February. Dan Kube, R.R. 3, Bowmanviile (Ma- pie Grove). 48-1* TWO Percheron colts and Perch- eron mare, bred, or will trade for Holstein cattie. H. Schmidt, New- castle. 48-1* ELEVEN Yorkshire pigs, seven weeks old.. Bruce Whitney, R.R. 3, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 2402. 48-i * TWENTY extra good pîgs, over two months oid, froin top quality bacon-type stock. Douglas Bar- ton, Enniskilien:' 48-i TWO hunclred Red Rock hybrid puilets; 100 New Hampshire pul- lets, starting to lay. Each $1.50. George Knox, R.R. 1, Enniskillen. 47-2 THREE registered Holstein bulis, one i year old, one 9 months, one 4 months. 0f record dams. W. G. Allison, R.R. .2 Bowmanville. Phone 2880. 48-3* FANTAIL Pigeons, white, the whole flock is offered. Young birds and breeders, get your boy a pair for Christmas. Come and pick thein out, must. seli et once. William Maw, 614 Dundas St. E., Whitby, Ont. 48-1* Inztafled in Any Type of Furnace Wanted SINGLE man wants board. Phone 645. p room and 48-11 Articles For Sale CIRCIfLATING heater good as new. Price $45. Phone 2290. 48-1 * HOSPITAL bed, neariy new, mo- dern style. Phone 429 or write P.O. Box 209, Bowmanviile. 48-2* CHEVROLET coupe, '32, in good condition. Apply Charles Fletch- er, Bowmanville. 48-1* CHEVROLET sedan '29, good con- dition. For quick sale. Apply Bredin Bros., Pontypool. 47-2 ELECTRIC heater. ski jacket, size 12; foldîng baby buggy. Mms. J. J. Flett, 23 Ontarlo St. 48-1* ESSEX sedan, '32, heater, serial C0536. Bud Bromley, 89 Liberty South. Phone 653. 48-i OAK sideboard and .six chairs; exceptionally good Westinghoijse battery radio. Phone 2620. 48-1 QUEBEC heater with 2- lid cook- ing top. Apply Mrs. J. Cully, 30 Wellington St. 48-if BOY'S overcoat nearly new, siàe 7 to 10. Gramaphone and rec- ords, ice refrigerator. Phone 2417. 48-1* FORDSON tractor and Oliver plow. Will sell or trade for hay. Jack Rogers, Hampton, Lot 16, Con. 6. 48-1* MIXED cordwood $10.50; sawed mixeçl cordwood $12.50, F.O.B. our yard. Delivemy extra. Phone Clarke 4020. 45-tf TWO heaters, radio, joist 15' long, doors, cupboard, glass case, 40 gal. water tank. Apply W. Wil- cox, Queen St. 48-l* BOY'S blue Chinchilla overcoat, size 12-14, practically new, $5. T. W. Buttery, 125 Scugog St., phone 2190., 48-1* FOUR pair boys' boots and skates, sizes 1-4 and 5, good condition. Too small for owner. Phone 2126. 48-i * ACME coal and wood, stove, good baker, good' condition, white en- amel back, $15. Also coal brood- er st ove $2. Thomas Luke, R.R. 2, Newcastle. 48-1* DE LUXE stroller, air force blue, chrome trimmed. Three-piece snow suit, blue, size 2. Both in Ai condition. Apply 29 Carlisle Ave. 48-1* ONE set Maple Leaf scales up- right type. Capacity 2,000 lbs., in good condition. Also one cut- ter fair condition. Apply W. J. Goheen, Pontypool village. 48-l* SALT and Oyster Sheli. We have received a car load of sait and a carload. of pyster Sheil. Special price for brne week. Vanstone Flour and Feed Mill. Phone 777. 48-i * BOY'S wagon, heavy duty trans- port, dual wheels and racks; boy's tricycle, suitable for boy up to six years. J. F. Martyn, 20 Div- ision St. 48-1* NEW Singer Sewing Machines are now available, eiectrics and trea- dies! For further information write or phone Singer Sewing Ma- chine Company, 16 Ontario St., Oshawa. Phone 696. 4-tf LADY"S Trench Coat, size 12; 2 two-piece dresses size 14; pair of brown suede shoes size 5; pair black suede shoes size 51/2. Ap- ply 93 Queen St., Bowmanville. 48-i * OSHAWA'S new furniture store- Everything in modemn. Chester- field, bedroom and dining room suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quai- ity merchandise at competitive prices. Before buying visit Brad- ley's New Fumniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 46-tf Solina Home and Schooi Club held itE first meeting of the season Friday evenîng with A. L. Pascoe pre- siding. Marilyn Leask and Donna Vice, Bradley's School, deiighted the members with the speeches they had given at the Durham County Oratoricai Contest at Orono, at which Marilyn won the silver trophy on the subject: "Abraham Lincoln." Donna's top- ic was "Franklin Delano Roose- velt." Vocal solo by Mrs. W. J. Leask; piano solo by Mrs. Isaac Hardy and monologues by Mrs. Luther Pascoe, Bowmanville, were enjoyed. Officers appointed for the current club year are: Pres., Bruce Tink; lst Vice-Pres., Mrs. Alex Potter; 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. H. Pascoe; Sec'y., Pearl Leach; Treas., J. R.XKivell; pianists, Isobei Cruicksharxk and Ileen Balson; Prograin Committees: Dec., Beth Miller and Ileen Balson; Jan., Mm. and Mrs. Biruce Tink, Mm. and Mrs. Lorne Hoskin; Feb., Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Davis, Mm. and Mrs. Tom Weslake; Mar., Mm. and Mrs. Wes. Werry, Mm. and Mrs. Tom Baker; Apr., Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hockaday, Mm. and Mrs. Walter Parrinder; Oct., Mm. and Mrs. Alex Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pas- coe. Y.P.U. met Monday evening with Ewart Leask and Mary Cmy- deryman in charge of the. program. Bill Leask and Eunice Leask as- sisted in the service of worship. The topic, presenting facts and impressions on Labour and In- dustmy in Canada, was given in six parts by Betty Sinales, Jean Montgomery, Mary Crydemman, Glen Eastwood, Ross Cryderman and Rae Pascoe. Readings by Barbera Leask and Ileen Baison concluded the progrein efter which Mary conducted gaines. Sinceme sympathr is expmessed to Mms. Don Yonson on the death o! hem brother. Mr. and Mms. J. R. Kiveil and Miss Pearl Leach et Cal Myles', Orono. Mms. A. J. BýlÈbn at Allan Bal- son's, Cataraqui. M. O. Tindali had a very suc- cessfui sale with a large attend- ance. Bruce Tink and Mrs.¶{. E. Tink, Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Mrs. Joe Chapman and A. L. Pascoe attend- ed the funeral of their cousin, Miss Jessie Heys at Toronto on Friday.. Beef ring meeting was heid in the Son's Hall and it .was agreed to have a ring for 1947 with these officers: Pres., Bruce Tink; Sec.- Treas., Harold Pascoe; Butcher, Jack Reynolds; Deiivery, Wilfrid Geenaway. Mrs. W. Ê~. Bray, Pickering, at A. L. Pascoe's. Some miserabie miscreants stole over two hundred capons froin Geo. Knox, a returned soidier on the Arthur Milison famm. Inspector L. R. McEwen visited our school Wednesday. The Brotherhood Committee of Hampton United Church Circuit met at A. L. Pascoe's, Saturday night and it was agreed to hoid four meetings for the winter, the first on Tuesday evening, Dec. 10. at Zion with J. J. Melior of Orono as speaker. Severai from here attended the Anniversary Services at Hampton Sunday. Maple Grove Mr. and Mrs. Norman Laird, Mr. Ted Laird, Mr. and Mrs. War- ren, Toronto, spent Sunday with the form-r's brother, Mm. Alfred Laird. Miss Edna Swallow has return- ed home after a pleasant holiday with Mrs. Waliie Pearson, Lake- field. Misses Mildmed Snowden, Jean Jarvie, Jean Burgess and Loryne White spent weekend with the fommer's sister, Mrs. Otis Prit- chard, Manotick. Messrs Ross Pollard and Char- ley Weeks, Misses Helen and Mary Snowden, Toronto, visited at Mm. R. R. Stevens'. Sorry to loose Mr. and Mrs. M. Munday froin our community. They have moved to town. Mm. Bowen, teacher of Sm. room. has rented the house formerly oc- cupied by Mr. and Mrs. M. Mun- day and wili move in at once. Christmas Tree and concert put dn by the schooi wiii be held on December l9th at 8 p.m. The Girls' Homemaking Club met at Mildred Snowden's home Monday, Nov. 18. Meeting open- ed with reading of the minutes and roll cali. After qonsidering many suggestions, "Teen Time Taleh't" was chosen as a name for the club I For practicai sewing work the fiat-f elled seam and sheli hem were demonstrated. Miidred served delicious refresh- ments. 1. WANTED HORSES FOR FOX MEAT Phone or Write F. C. BOULTBEE ORONO 77-r-4J Figs . Peel ChYstiiM usic Album Nutcracker Suite with sec e RI L1k C ehrysCmmo lai lyrics by Spiké Jones keeps on gvmng Perry COBIO and Bis orchestra ,ITSGE IO - -White Chrlstniss" Dramatid Fairy Tales GF UGSIN Freddy Martin wit musical backgrouind Cole Porter Album ..White Christmas" Milton Cross with the cast Dav4d Rose and Orchest, Dina. Shore of Th*%LadY Next Dor tSobt" Album nIe Nlght Before Christms Narrated bY Milton Cross with Victor Salon orchestra q) Corne Ail ye Faithf ul"' TrIfity Choir "iSient Nigit, Moly Night" Belen TraUbel, Soprano Tommfy Dorsey & urne5- - Music of Glenn Miller, Artie Shaw, Benny Goodman, Freddy Marti, Vaughn Munroe PHONE 89-t-i DIIII Evening in Paris ÉLadies' Gift Set: Face Powder, Toilet Water, Perfume, Talcum --- --$4.09f EGift Set: Toilet Water, E Talcum --------------- $1.25 EGift Set: Toilet Water, Face Powder ---------- $1.95 EEau de Cologne --- 75c-$1.25 Elizabeth Arden Gift Box: Dusting Powder, June Gernium Soap -- $2.25 Gift Box: Bath 011, Dusting Powder, lune Geranium Soap ------------------- $3.50 Gift Box: Blue Grass -Fiower Mist, Dusting M Powder -------------- $3.75 àWhite Orchid Perfume ---$1.75 Sachet - Blue Grass ----- $1.50 Metafieid Compacts ------$3.95 M4drienne Purse Pak --- $2.50 Jury ( î THE REXALL Phone 778 WHEN WE TEST EYES1 Kinigst. W. ORONO Seat orth Gift Set: Shaving Mug, Talc, Shaving Lotion -- $4.50à Gif t Set: Shaving Mug, Shaving Lotion --------- $3.00 Shaving Lotion --------- $1.50M Shaving Mug ----------- $1.50à Men's Cologne ----------$1.50à Early American Old Spice Shaving Lotion......... ----$1.25à Shaving Bowi ----------- $1.25 Talcum --------------------- $1.00 Wood bury Gift Set: Shave Stick, Shave Lotion, Taicum, Face Soap, Brilliantie -.$1.00M Gillette Gift Box: Giliette Tech Razor, 15 Blue Blades --- «98eM Gift Box: 50 Gilette Blue Blades ------------ $2.50à Gift Set: Shaving Cram, Blue Biades ---------- i RUG STORE IT I8 DON£ PROPERLY Bowmanvmfl 22!e Only 22 More Days UMMEDIATE 'DELIVERY DENDIX FULLY AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINES ut Enniskillen Mm. and Mrs. Sid Trewin and Mm. and Mrs. Earl Trewin attend- ed the Titcombe-Taylor wedding in Bedford Park United Church, Toronto, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Kersey, Osh- awa, with Mm. and Mrs. Harold Ashton. Mr. and Mms. J. H. Borrw-i dale and Bryan, Oshawa, wit and Mrs. E. A. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Trewin at Lomne Park with friends. 0 Mr. Floyd Pethick, Mrs. Verna Wood, Toronto, wîth Mr. Mrs. *S. Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Moore ane Evelyn, Port Perry, Mrs. Fred Toms and Jean;ý Pumple Hill, at Mm. Earl Trewin's. Miss Shirley Milis with Joan and Donna Lewis, Port Perry. Congratulations. to Mrs. M. Crriffin on ceiebmating hem 7th bithday, Nov. 26th. Her friends and neighbors showered hem with bithday cards and gifts. W.M.S. and W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Floyd Ashton, Nov. 2Oth with 27 present. Meeting opened by singing a hymn, pray- er and eading of a poem by Pre- sident Mrs. Harvey McGiil. Mrs. H. Milîs, group leader, was in charge of foilowing program: Solo by Mrs. Seymour; talk on W.M.S. and W.A. rally at Osh- awa b*y Mrs. H. McGill; piano in- strumnental by Mrs. Fred Griffin; reading on Christian Stewardship by Mrs. T. M. Siemon; vocal duet, Mrs. F. Werry and Mrs. H. Milîs; study book on India by Mrs. Sey- mour. Lunch was served by the group in charge and a vote of thanks was moved by Mrs. F. Dorland to the hostess and group in charge. Mm. and Mrs. H. Milîs and fa- mily were Sunday guests at Mm. D. Lewis', Port Permy. Mm. and Mrs. Lorne Griffin and Jean, Mm. T. Stînson, Pumple Hill, Mm. and Mrs. R. Griffin and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm weme din- ner guests of Mrs. M. Griffin, Wednesday evening. .% Mr. Charles Edgerton, Souris, Man., Mrs. James Oke, Greta and Marjorie, Mm. William Faimhead, Bowmanville, Mm. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton and Larry, Pumple Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rundle, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oke, Oshawa, at Walter Oke's. i_- à . PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTAIRIO z ç 1 % Ç-4

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