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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1946, p. 5

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bAV- lWV-f'Kith IBI We are glad to know that Mns. Frank Oke is convaiescing nicely at home. .Miss Helen Robertson, Duns- ford, spent the week-end with Miss Helen Osborne. Miss Lillilan Osborne, Peter- êborough Normal School, spent the..week-end witb ber parents. Mb. and Mrs. Ward Hoffman and daughter Andrea spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Win. G. James. ,ý]grs. Walter Foster, Toronto, ~~J' osterton, Sask., was, recent %uest with Mn. and Mrs. Geo. C. Foster, Glenn-Larra. Mrs. Plante, Southampton and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoar, Toron- to, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mns. E. V. Hoar. Dr. and Mrs. Harry Cauffield, Dayton, Ohio, are spending an enjoyable visit with Mrs. Cauf- field's mother and sisten, Mrs. John Percy andi Miss Beryl Per- cy, Silver Street. A case diagnosed as poliamye- litis was neported last week in Cobourg. -The patient is an in- HImHEAT. OIL DURNERS for Kitchen Stoves 2 &inch Burners Guarànteed 5 Years $40365 Complete Installed - $47-65 IN BOWMANVILLE 57 King. St. W. Phone 8111 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVILLE.ONTrARIO fant ageci 12 montbs, and bas somte weakness in one lower limb, finst noticed by the parents about 2 weeks ago, but is not ili now. Real winter anrived in this dis- trict Sunday, Dec. 1. Warned by radio to expect nain, the prophets we re crossed up by a colci north wind which, during the. night, changed thermometer readings from 50 above to an even zero. Skate shanpening is /now in full swing. With your Christmas shopping do not fonget to buy Christmas Seals. * Add ta the fund which will be spent entirely in figbting tuberculosis. 0f the amount raised, 90 percent will be spent locally for chest*X-Ray exam- mnations. We join with ber many friends in the "Homeland of Durham" in extending congratulations ta Mrs. Lucinda Bellamy, Box 671, Whit- by, on ber 85th birthday on Dec. lst. In a letter ta the editor Mrs. Bellamy says she is well and do- ing ail she can ta help others, and -will be glacl ta sec or hear from any of ber Bowmanville friends. Editor Geo. W. James lef t Mon- day on a 2-week's motor trip in company with three well known weekly pubishers, C. V. Char- ters, recently retired Managing Direct6r of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers. Association who is also editor of the Brampton Con- servator;Walter R. Legge, Gran- by, (Que.) Leader-Mail; and George Lake, Timmins Advance. Their trip is in the nature of a good-will tour when they wil cail on a number of American editors from states between Michigan and Kentucky wbo in recent years toureci Ontario as guests of the governiment and press association and visited many of the vacation and tour- ist resorts which are attracting more and more Americans ta this province. Some people make fears their best friends. Begin ta compromise andi you soon begin te criticize. Peophe who can't get their own way become either a noisy nuis- ance or a sulent menace. To earn yaur sait be satier- The 5TOWN SHOP Presents Lovely Holiday Dresses $ 12-95 to $25.00 Women's Housecoats Rayon Brocade, sizes 38 to 44 $10.95 LINEN AND LAWN I-andkerchiefs 19c to $1.75 Gloves, leather and wool . 98c to $4.50 THE TOWN SHOP King St. W. Crysa eadquàarters CrytalCraft A delightful way ta make yog. own pictures- in relief . "Model Light" Clay - For those wha like modelling smail birds, ani- r mais, flowersý, decorations, costume jewellery. Plastic r If you prefer ta make Christmas gifts-we can r supply sheets and rods. Decal Transfers To add distinction ta your handicraft or home brightoning-up program. Scarfe's Varnish Stains In walnut, liglit oak and mahogany. Scarfe'. Enamels, Paints and Water Paints To help you brigliten up that furniture or room for Christmas. Service For your ra4io. Help it to give you botter ser- vice by giving it botter service-call r. C. Ce rcwe -BOWMANVILLE - 52 King St. W. Phono 2174 Local Girl Weds R.AF. Pilot Fit.-Lieut. Maurice McK"nley married Nov. 2lst at the home of Proctor, R.A.F., and bis brid, the' the bride's parents. The groom is former Miss Marion Esth er Allun, son o! Mrs. Proctor and the late daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Harry Canon Joseph Proctor, Watford, Allin, Bowmanville, who were Herts, Englanci. Chamber of Commerce Wedding (Continued fromn Page One) WTESA BY ta pay taxes, wbich very conceîv- WTES-ABY ably could lead ta increased ta'x Rev. Dr. Semple officiated at rats ad husanyfacie ini-a double ring ceremony at the rats ad husanyfacie ini-Parsonage of George St. United vidual savings became nullhfied. Church, Peterboro, on Friday He suggested that the Chamber Nov. 29tb., at 4 P.M. when Dor- might well sponsor a scheme of othy Marie Tamblyn youngest weekly publicîty to emphasize daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Percy tha loal ercans ae pepaedTamblyn, Newcastle, Ont., be- toa merchanmpts re priep fared came the bride of Kenneth Witb- otid mee cmpeiiepicso.n ers son of Mn. and Mrs. Cynil outsde frms.Withers. Pe.+,roro Press Criticized With the question o! publicit39 thus opened, D. Buckspan, man- ager of the local theatre, comn- plained that The Statesman pub- lished ads of outsîde theatres and that patrons visiting outside the- atres thus took business away from town and, seeing store win- dows elsewhere were led ta buy there as weli. The matter was funther emphasized by the Mayor who claimed that some classified ads of outside firms appeaning in the local press were .misrepresen- tations. He submitted as evidence that local buyers had told him, after visits to the outside adven- tiser, that the goods advertised were eitber non-existent or pon value. Chaîrman Walter DeGeer sug- gested that the discussion was be- coming academic and questioned wbether a paper could refuse le- gitimate adventising by any firm legitimately established in busi- ness. The outcome was the sug- gestion that charge o! spuniaus ad- vertising should be submitted ta the Better Business Bureau since the local press bad no facilities of examining eveny mattress or gadget advertised by duly licensed merchants, bere or elsewbene. Selling to Empioyees Goodyear came under review in the assertion by a tire dealer that ils employees had the pnivi- lege o! buying from the firm at less than competitive netail pnices, bath tires and batteries.. A comn- pany official pointed out that it was company policy in the nature of public relations, just the same as that of a retail merchant who no daubt gave similar' concessions to bis own employees. President's View President DeGeer expnessed the view that the matters braught out were fnank, above-board, out into the open feelings that not only gave'emphasis ta the desire of im- proving the cammunity as a whole but gave a keynote ta the Cham- ber of Commerce ta approach its prablems ala-ng the uines of broad general pninciples. He accorded very bigb praise ta the chairmen and members o! sub-committees wbo be said were the backbone a! the organization. Secretary Reports Secretary Charles Carter, Sr., reported on bis attendance as del- egate o! the Chamber at the On- tario Association of Boards of Trade. It was the provincial a!- filiate o! the Canadian Chamber o! Commerce andi acted as the connecting link between the na- tional organîzation and provincial locals in dealing witb matters of provincial concern. Tounist bus- iness was higb on the agendafon the next few years, a resource o! immense possibihities. Finance Mr. Carter was inforrned that the membership o! the Bowman- ville Chamber, companeci witb of- ficial records, was nean the top on a percentage basis when com- pared witb population figures. The financial statement presented was most encouraging. Funds accru- ing fnom memberships amounted ta $715 out o! wbich general ex-, -penses were $209.55, leaving a bal- ance on hanci o! $505.45. A drive for new members wiil be contin- udas the Chamber continues with its very extensive program. Committee reports will be found in another column.- The bride wore a street lengtb dress of green wool crepe and brown accessories and a corsage of Red Roses. Mrs. Jack Goheen sister of the bride acted as matron of honor wearing fuchsia wool crepe and brown accessories and a corsage of yehlow roses. Mr. Jack Goheen, brother-mn- haw of the bride was best man. Mr. andl Mrs. Withers left amid showers-.of confetti for Tononto and points west and, on their ne- turn will reside in Peterboro. A reception will be held, at the home o! the bride's parents in Newcastle on Dec. 7th. Two More Weeks For Ladies Bowling ýThere are only two more weeks' bowling in the first schedule of the Ladies' Major Bowling Lea- gue. Marg E. King's team took seven points from Dorc Mutton ta put ber in first place. Bern Car- ter iost five points ta Ada Tom- linson ta be in second witb Ada Tomlinson third and Donc Mut- ton fourtb. High singles: Viv Pickard 260; Dorc Mutton 244 and Vi Martyn 241. High triples: Vi Mantyn 627; Ada Luxton 583 and Mang E. King 576. Averages Ada Tomhinson - ------- 186 Bern Carter ------------- 185 Loin Marjernison------------- 182 Viv Pickard -------------- 178 Vi Coohe ------------------- 177 Aida Luxton------------------- 177 Marg E. King ---------- 172 Vi M artyn -------- ------- 169 Muriel Henderson ------- 164 Carol Martyn ---------- 165 CHURCHES ST. .JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. J. dePencier Wright, Recton 2nd Sunday in Advent 8 a.m.-Holy Communion il a.m.-Morning Prayer Preacher, Canon C. R. Spencer Subject: "The Word of God" Nursery, childnen 2 years and over. 2:30 p.m.-Sunday Sehool and Bible Chass 7 p.m.-Evensong. Subject: "Getting Along Witb Adolescents" Preachen, The Recton EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE Paston: H. W. O'Brien Sunday il a.m.-Believers' Meeting 7:3-0 p.m.-Evangelistic Meeting Wednesday 8 p.m.-Pnayer ST. FAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Mimlster: Rev. G. C. Qulgley Onganist: Mrs. Reta Dudhey, A.T, C.M., F.C.C.M. Choir Dinector: D. Alex McGregor 10 a.m.-Sunday School il a.m.-Nunsery Scbool. il a.m.-Worship: "Dead Flies in the Ointnient." 7 p.m.-Worship: "The 91st Psaim" (Copie and Worsbip) . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -M C O SOCIAL AUD PERSONAL Ihwaste Branch of Red Cross Society Deciles. teDiscontinue A meeting of the Newcastle Branch Red Cross Society was held in the Council Chamber ýon Thiursday evenmng, Nov. 28th. Miss Beatr 'ix Mclntosh, président, presided, and in ber. opening re- marks explained -the purpose of tbe meeting was to fifialiy decide the future of the Newcastle Brancb, whetber it wouid be pos- sible to continue as a peace time Red Cross or wbether it wouid be acivisabie to discontinue as a so- ciety. This question bas been in abey- ance since the annual meeting in Januany wben Miss McIntosh in- formeci thé meeting that unless a new group would be wiliing to re- organize and ,~assume the lied Cross peace time pnognam, that it would be impossible to continue as a bnanch, as she and ber pres- ent executive and War Work Com- mittee wbo had carried on so faithfully for the past six years were weary and felt unable to assume this new work. In Marcb a meeting of the branch was held at which Mrs. Dewar of Toronto addressed the membens and impressed on them that the Redi Cross work is neyer done. She outlined the plans of the peace time Red Cross which included outpost hospîtals, service to veterans and families, national blood *ransfusion service to sup- ply free blood to those needing transfusion therapy throughout Canada,'and other services such as nutrition, first aid and disaster relief. It was decided at the conclusion of Mrs. Dewar's address that the question of disbanding or continu- ing the branch would be left over until the autumn in the hope that some interested person or persons could be found who would take charge of the peace time work. At the meeting on Thursday ev- ening the president, Miss McIn- tosh, explaineci that as no one seemed ta be wîllingý to undertake this work, the question of the fu- ture of the branch was again be- fore the.-meeting with a finàl de- cision to be made that evening. The president gave a short resume of the work accomplished by this branch during the war years, with over 20,000 finished articles ship- ped ta headquarters and with the branch raising aven $16,000. Rev. Douglàs Dewdney moved a motion that the meeting record thankfulness that the branch haà FOR P Special Box, 12 cards Hair Brushes Bubble Bath Gift Colognes - - 25c -$2.25 - $Z75 - $3.95 -25c -50e- $1 .00 m 60e to $2.00 been able to accomplish this work' WoMen's Insgtitute and also to convey to the officers Mqet gtn of the executive, conveners of difRe-ess ighin ferent committees and workers, a At Cartwright Council hearty vote of appreciation and ____ thanks for their untiring work Cartwright Council met on during the war years just past. December 2, with all members This motion was seconded by MissprsnadRevN.Genr- Naomi Horrocks. rsnan evN.Genp- It was decided to) send a dona- siding. Business conducted as tion of one hundred dollars as a follows: Dr McArthur's request contribution from the Newcastle for improvement to the Scugog Branch Red Cross to the Bow- Rd. will be given consideration in manville Hospital Fund. After considerable discussion it 1947. Mr. NMcNeeley's request was finally decided in view of the for representatlon to the welfare fact that no person or grdup seem- meeting in Cobourg was filed. ed 'wiiling to undertake the peace Women's Institute requested time work to.discontinue the New- castle branch Red Cross Society, through their secretary, Mrs. H. return charter and also remit bal- Hooey, that councîl asslst with ance of funds to headquarters in electric lighting of shopping Toronto. areas in the Township and also Miss McIntosh extended to the ta asial lqeb rce officers and members of the New- htasiblpaqeeerce castle Red Cross ber deep appre- in tlie Park in memory of the ciation for ail their help and co- boys who lost their lives in the operation during the past six hast great war; theclerk was in- years since the branch -was or- srce oifr h oe' ganized, and for ail the work un- srce oifr h oe dertaken and so successfully ac- Institute that some consîderation complished by the members. is being given towards these un- dertakings. Financial State- ments are to be presenteci as usual. N. H. Marlow's report Ennisillenon schooh. affairs received and _______filed. Accounts to be paicL as Miss Dora Clark andi Mr. Jack follows.-A. Wright 1 sheep killed HaggrtyKington;Margret$12*00; F. Harram-public toihet, HaggrtyKington; Margret$10.00; P. Phayre-refund of dog Seymour Toronto, at Rev. Sey- tax-$4.00; G. Prosser-refund of mour's. dog tax-$8.00; Imperial Oul Co., Mrs. E. C. Ashton with ber for Public Nurse's Office-$6.64; dau ghter Mrs. S. May Toronto W. H. Marlow, attendance officer and ber'brother Rev. H. Stainton, vilmico. Mr. Joe Bradburn and Joan, ~...... Ronald Rahm Cartwright, at........... Mr. Walter Rahm's. Mr. and Mrs. Sedore and baby, Island Grove, visited Mrs. R. Graham. Mission Band met Sunday Dec. 1 with Mrs. Floyd Beckett telhing C the story, elections of officers were as foll:-Pres.-Joan Hobbs; wil Vice Pres-Stuart Lamb; Secre- tary-Doreen Rahm; Asst. Sec.- Clarence Stainton; Treasurer- Egfin; Gr; ifthx-ay Ahon;MryREAT PUBUI Egrfin Hd; irthdx-ay ABoxar Temperance Sec.-Shirley Milis; vrcnew kq Peace Sec.-Teddy Werry; Pianist oe ewr -Doreen Rahm andi Joe McGill; Librarian -Clarence Stainton; From 8.00 to 8.30 p.., Supt.-Mrs. L. Ashton; Asst. Supt. -Mrs. F. Beckett, Mrs. L. Wearn, Mrs. H. Milis. Choir practice will be held at the home of Mr. A. Wearn Fni., Dec. 6 at 8.15. A good attendance is requested. Listen to Station C BL EVERYONE Here are same of the highlights from aur stocks of gifts. Prices caver a compiete range, with many fine gifts that are qu.ite inexpensive. Visit us and make your selection in the fi iendly atmosphere that is character- istic of your I.DA. Drug Store. Don 't delay. Shop soon. LADIES' GIFT SETS1 Max Factor ---- Vita-Ray -------- Evening in Paris DuBarry -------- Marvelous ------- -$3.45 to $11.35 ----$2.65 to $9.80 -------$1.45 up $1.25 t . $i2.50 $1.50 to $2.25 Bilifoids $1.00 to $8.50 Manicure Sets Cutex, Peggy Sage, Revion Chen Yu SOC -$1 .1$1.25 up Fitted Cases Brushes, Tooth Brush, Razor and Soap Holders, Manicure pieces etc. $6.954 1,0.954$13.50 Gifts for Smokers Pipes ---------------- $1,0 te$7.0 Cigarettes ----- 40's, 50's- 66( U Tobaccos, hall lbs ---------Sice up Tobacco Fouches ----49e te $2.75 1GIFT SETS FOR MEN Lentherie Fitch's ------------ Colgate's---- Woodbury's - Mennen's--- Palmolive--- Bath Salts soc to $2.00 Lovely $2.05 to $5.40 --------- 95C -------- $1.00 - $1.50 ----- ---- 60e, $1.00 --- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- $ .2 -- - - --- - -- - -- --- 0- --------------$1.75 to Look at iO~ <1< Three Flowers --- -----$1.80 Up Gemey ---- ----$2.25 te $7.25 Fetaltone -------------------60e Up Three Secrets------ 60e to $5.00 Molinard--- -- ---------$2.25 up qis PR£SCRIPTIONS A SPECqALTY ALEX LAURA SECORD CANDIES McOREOOR DRUGS PHONE 792 - WB DELI[VFM At YoufI1. D. A. Drug Store SCHRISTMAS CARDIS 2 for 5c, 5, 10, 15c1 GIFT STATIONERY Fancy boxes 25c to $3.00 Wood Chests $1.50 up Correspondence Cards 25c - 40C - 60C Baby Gift Sets - 60c- $1. 10 - $2.00 Bath Dusting Powders - 75e to $2.20 Gift Perfumes fancy pkgs. - SOC up DRESSERWARE SETS Latest Styles - $5.95, $6.95 and up 5-PIECE SETS ------ $5.95 BABY Brush, Comb set $1.50 Seals - Tags « Cards- Tissue, etc. Sc-lOc - 15C- 25C Remington Electric Shavers 19.95-23.95 Shaving Bmusheï - 50c to $7.50 Photograph Albums- $1 - $1.50 - $2 Thermos Botties $1.19 - $1.35 Cigarette Lighters - 69c to $7.50 PEN and PENCIL SETS Waterman Taperrite -------- ---- $15.47 - 9Parker "51" - GoId Top ----------$28.00 Waterman ----------$5.94 - $9.52 - $14.57 Eclipse - ---- ----- -------$1.73 - $2.60 Individual Fens---------- $1.15 to, $18.00 for Men1 Compacts Choice of designs ln metal $5.45 - $5.95 to $13.! Cosmetic Sets PAGE' FlvE. $60.00;'R. Ferguson, H. Hooey, T. Devitt and N. Taylor each to get $50.00 as councillors; Clerk's salary (balance) $250.00; School Area Board ,: Treas., -$4,086.00; CountSr levi.eà to County Treas.,- $12,395.78; Bank of Commerce, Deb. No. 9 $571.33; Bank of Com- merce Deb. charge .94; Continua- tion School levy (bal.> $978.23'. 0. Hyland, Sec. Treas., S.S. Nb. 3 $199.83; M. McKÇ*e, 1 sheep kill- ed $14.00; R. F' guson, 1 lamb killed $13.00; R. Wall, sheep val- uator, $6.00; Treasurer's salary ('balance) $150.00; S. S. Venning, repairs to hall, $9.88. Council adjourned to meet on Dec. l6th., at 2 P. M. It's not change of face we need, nor change of pace, but change of heart. C. H. TUCK Registered Optometrist 3-Day Service Special Arrangement By appointment: 9.30 to 12 and 2.00 to 5.00 p.m. DISNEY BLDG., OFF F.. OFFICE 1516 - RES. 2526 OSHAWA, ONT. PREMIER nORGE DREW in speak on a subject of C I MPORTANCE of Ontario stations ,THIIRSDAY, Decembor 5th - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 74010

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