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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1946, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO He addressed the audiencePotpoan Dl.... Veteran of the late war, Major invited to the social evening and Scoutand_ Harold Timm-4ns, K.C., M.P., To- dance sponsored by the Durham The Christmas meeting of the ronto, became the junior member County Progressive.-Conservative Pontypool W.A. was held Friday of the Prgesv-Cnevtv Association, and held in the New- evening at the parsonage. The ....hlights Assoc. Banquet Party ini the House of Commons castle Community Hall, Friday devotional service was conducted in the recent by-election, Park- evening. by Mrs. John Crowley, based on ________________________________ the Christmas Story. The i¶iain The annual meeting of the service. -a= i iMN... feature of the meeting was the el- Bowmanville Boy Scout Associa- RE- ection of officers for the coming tion held in St. John's Parish Ladies Help year which resulted as follows: Hall, on Friday evening, was In his closing remarks, the President, Mrs. Harry Richardson; featured with a banquet served speaker made aplea for the co- R OY L T EATvice-president, Mrs. John Crow- by the Ladies of St. John's operation of the ladies and ley; treasurer, Mrs. Wm. Rennie; Church followed by a program mentioned that Ladies' Auxil- B130WÙANVILLE - PHONE 589 secretary, Mrs. Mel Gray; associ- Of unusual interest which in- iaries were proving a great help TOP$ IN ENTERTAINMENTM The other cotnmittees are to be tivities relative to Scout life, he would like to see an auxiliary eletedlatr. rs.Renietre- eveal rie skts y te cbsorganized in Bowmanville. surr, av a ommndblefin ad sout ilusratngther cde Major O'Neill thanked the I THURSDAY - FRIAY, DECEMBER 1213 ancial report for the year. It wa of ethics,-as helping others, help-spaefothinrsigad NE MN . NW R~ET..NE MXTP FR shown that this organization a ing in emergencies and noso- rs and also Howard Bickle a NE ME .. NE MERIMNT . NW MX-US FR Mdone a great deal for the church in.g, etc. A very inspiring ad- convener for the fine program. THESE YOUNG AND GAY GIRLS! and for the good of the community dress was given by Fieldi Comn-________ -GAIL RUSSELL - DIANA LYNN - BRIAN DONLEVY= during the year just closing. The missioner Harwood in charge of meeting closed with a social ga- CnrlOtravso.. Shaw's H. & S. Club ilthering. Major Joe O'Neill, M.C., Presi- * One rt W reWe are glad to report that Mr. dent of the Association welcomed Hears Address Our e rsW rM George White who has been con- teget hc nlddMyrBy Mrs. C. W. Siemon fined to his bed for two weeks is C. G. Morris and Mrs. Morris and f1making steady improvement. ledgfiusintebies At Shaw's Home and School Pete an Pasy Cowly sentand professional life of the coin- rowinPrefte week-end i Toroy nt munity. In stating the purpose Club December meeting at the SAUDADEE BE 4gome esdnto Pnypo, e i owavil wt ra go ithere wsa goodutrtend- vsneedaqntances here.insofoleadreand67gcbsMar.tOp-thothreiaelala a a r.Anre Reni, ornotols f scots.The wscanutrnciso.ebr ndafwvs James Oliver Curwod's wîah his paents, Mr. and Mrs excellent spiri amon. the boys Wmr. Rnie; hand Mf r ntoMrs. an h ws ur soain ws ntroued by Caisran, Mr- É foth e t Tr i"Gorge ientafgh nt her pare- nsavll ihrelgo Mr anRMrs.Ed.DCin. ig yea4 to eisen ers otherig hgho leecin a wetoff qiet ad ectnd ofO67 cer he tn anndecriedhe eau Pontpoo wih th reula vi- Elctin o oficer reultd ~tif usenSatss angdrasThe JOHN LITEL JOAN WOODBURYr. tory celebainneihe or-tothretirofments.of M ajr'nlFriendcisof h eo a BOB sElerMAGEBELAY ngoHllatniht a'esdent. Heiwit a rmîheby strse n hyotnpoe - A reahtamg ad snsaionl drma f te Nrthiest -WAith evie at the ntd tankew uei Cmisinr Har- ha. trangcer îs Cafrmen whom be n oenig prio o caol ingdtinfor the fneeaderhip hen- thospake, r scrbedufive ne ~ 5.*mg inwhichall wll beinvitd to as n eredfo svraoyar e stefrsnejoyabl tpoa *~ ' 'rhv s r i 'r àL Mr. îg gi heodfaoie hit an ws eectd Hn. resden.nalieti n des to enjyvthingeau AA AElVI e mscto arols.of Citl i lffSais ofices thenwPei a cry aodcndition; good mTps É Podent, Howard ticklegis Vice--and informationfbooklets;ulongen- JOATURINGTE SENSAIOL UNT =StATyR JUSrTioAne inIteO- thereietadSdemen t f aon waseil copany a itoftheleope strs BOB TEEL ________AM agHllt ih.sPreletSe. re as.Denni stsgseradly en ittedn IRahain n ENE ioldrARE t osmmf esoteneda, icardwa eecedDitrictya s taesf he ar fo h A COLOR CARTOON ~tthe aeseovie ariethessnierdctaer. enire np o 8,0 mils wa on in nturl coorplusCtichtrss of theveol Laurean Ray ud nbl entetaiedAsswith Thealspeakerovesrnihtaccommo- sea poensaingly iodof the oydein-sol, osrndthe fCommidsi edtmsfndobecaprhn ing in whSlpstckcoml wl edy! ah!"tetio songndewhich e ev eary hetalk warmaneore ter-a hiagth raeodfaqureCsnie.scotand cub et ok pr. Een twing wthessoing of fryilms ý"F o rWh ic atdîgît s threin akng folowth mmissioene reandcbautfu inowerscndshrubs ove-ap peoplelaughI mak them ery." How rBiccyiamstVide- land olmonlbuilns; in Ken- Maethmcr! rjindMislht mane r tucky as snd ennesseanathern IRNEDRM At a summe Drsle."Ayoion ca do Majr O'Nel in itrcg shthe c fthelcaforbun ULNL IILKflNUthe ate bucalou shoMaee a ve-cthe saer flta hegter- glow ntrcciof the0 miesert.on tcaleshath ae the Laugh?"eng RaDuvey fortaeindihg Pcuewresonfthr- à MO. TES. WE.,HENRY1 FONDA LibyThateddtheiscsso. o vrmisspionerHarwood pan asutti on ey eclnoth an toe spoe dspaagiglyof he oydn slosandtheCo is now- nd omewarud toughWheter hn IrTt;flMrEXPRs teUROPEs Commîen na sigsonr'sanddnress other TYRNE HERYAnaditiona 90 o undsBa!"th commsoner inarwoohin.hiswere akpia ademeAnnter- Whata wy tomak a lvi ablte and nformativ ereaddrserman anchdeen Ahelinetwoavo- OWER* FODA FAJJJ beeleaed fr eontto con- Souwthoe mt sanionsra-dbatfloes n hu oe Norkethern Eu"reoead Mtse tion to bystoda fulerlif ît.cyadTnese n at MDominio. nypatmnt of cAg-do in Majod'ersipl nand efrelacne. Repreetiative, showed some- M thES r ut.cnlyhe anten- the spake l that the a i ergauflow sdli f Candian rd toalethtmerg en gooo Council the hoerschol, urc nh and itrswr sono h e Fro C.ur-~ThEagreed thandiscussing./2commusiny-all thesea esud r. WalenrthRickansconded Dir.ced b' E illinYpouds red c soe ker, t ne scoun uros a w- nddf oMKeSquarovedste BPRiTsh se.TotalURxPErs fre o tht lad onri deness i-goup ervmerfs hents. The clovr sed fom Cnad fro trss ad cime illbe dfeae etameeing wil be Aneld orJa-i cess1946Hcrop eiol be well inoemisThenPrensHIp oys uain.lOth An- îarget atity ex00,00 pou the scoutingoplantise to teh mnad ee lin w o FOX LATE NEWS EyomiCnain inrecent er s. ui- I confidente, sifreance and oftoe MrlsoloA. DelveO T.ron Erientsupieofthi sEuoe adrehe [ive utobyste prmiesan law if st Uited ingnda t me et 7 the trs.nng Ha sedevthat the E..tedPrsd retu requiemet rsedng.ofA parentslivderhtotheselfrlsande.alWomeean's Missionary I JAME 'AG riultre.Recetlythe ntena-Help idthi osto blegoodacit -________e o Cnaia br From20# cetur.Fo ageed o Cnad reeasng 1/comuintyari w yth eir WodM.len' issioar Avixiliar friendly b chefliepn fofPrStUntdCucws milio pond o re cov i te Coiine rprooead gave in.Ke devotilrod was an ineresingoccouneof owote n chae ofMss Kelly, anda scR uoean h l ot e deelope i lthe xinteorofacadegt KINGÉ BrtishIsle. Toal eport of erieces tatad tmd o tefoud s rvic e SedwasasstbyMs.Th clovr sed fom anad frmidessancrimdte glbe adefatene Wamseetiss M. DavyMrs.on anA theg196Ideopl In bLifel dicx- and' rs. Meor csof3mlinputer aepntsio i mmnet DrmmnrsB.o.yobbe E laQuotingutheiScoutppledgeby henTTeesfollowinplonficers were odcmy duty to God eand A ev;ls iepesdnMs N omnoni rcntyer. ufi ing;pto thelp eproes and Mav;2d aicwrsiet obOXscot lasNtheSpeaer rs. S. Litle ood rd vce taind i Caadato me af94 ir ed therse waskeno highe preî drsdent .M .Sals arnslife. Amtong escous teereadngscetrdMr C reqirmetsforsedig. heprie their unift bos andWod; correspninscary, ï lines a dre or a.00cvuadT-eChLogtan;Csmetingsthed dcoortpaicipnaio nwodcrft hip omscearMs. A.A Dlirum fihrs adeiemhsaving ad therthmon omunitayefrndi aomf neauin ng ad hi h cetrMrs. . obledick;id Comisionrmarossgae naryhe motonhlyeretday .......i n h a r e o M r s . W .Kob le l yc , a s u p p y . . . . . .. .. sout deadevlope inthe crin tear, rs. W.Couch;a ssîst- I perincesand ind f th f n seric.ply a ssecetary, Mrs. W idea ircld th gloe acitizenWash isMv, Mrs. WAlsA. era f epanson s iminet. pianis, Mrs. . . ro. --IA. e;vceadress onTheis my Kng; o hlp al poEconodMistay;nd .thie Frmier", EE,'.lrt gowhfl?' soiation Ctcwere mno hsJsp oe rnia cn~ VET~ tr~hetOWL r JLO i giulture, gave an insight in- SEofeea i 1fe ASOCStîfl acte ife reresntaîve the hardiestpros- charto the work of the economist, a s 5 f o u n d e d , o n ly t h e- m e np a ti c l a l y i n e s e c t t o a g -and silver mn Confederationthie frttocrythe priual nrsett g petd og nue rvainand were anion the carry~A riculture. Bath the farmer and blce o 0 ndr rvto enefits ofeinsurance toth an asthe businessman, he said, are reae filnd that wealth. -Few lruites ofCndfrnw1 interested in securing from pro- trsP frs Cnds nnConditions called fr~e duction the highest possàble net amongthe coaserc cies, y cangngConfederation Life rtr.Freshv ocnie aigiOjandg on we Carefully selected te- rtr. Fr es hv o c nie in adry cp o u anin yes of policis msadsc rbesa h ido âderleriandurinkulkept abeatof the tue a waligious programns are ladthy as kithe c t b peritchb90 urnimdn o th f«stCaada coplete uoffered on the day of grown, the live stock enterprises of. anc compalesPtoto be developed, and the amount wete spectrCame GroUP Insurane Sriemtpnlg tst, fhlngof labour and equipment to make pnin&P? t c anls and the r IflploYees week of BALAN CED a successfulfarm business. econ- fdYion wh «carryh~- broadcasts on CFRB. omists try to provide some of the Of the same nerva 'cthen h n o hmnwîththss answers. thieereCO c for an institution Group Inslrnewtht The economist uses different the *d life insur c iatiOfl. tools than his colleagues, the tht ?I rvi ntand for Old c-CurhSrie chemist and the biologist. He has nfordPn no laboratory. He uses no test prtci jr osult tubes. He does use statistical Bejore yos' onsr O1 11 :00 a.m. methods, accounting, and logic to assure proper analysis. He gets 7: 00 P. M. his first-hand information from farmers and business men. The Coufde atioiUîj' SUNDAYS first thing an economist has to do eder1toRNTOis to assure ail who work with him that no one's business will be MOVINO WEST w- VHIREYOUR M. RawUinson Llmit.d regularly anake Upand shlp Housebold Purniture. Cou- FAVOURITES ddted Pool Cars to Manitoba, Smkatcb- *wanAiberitisrh Columbia and te ARE ifoua. Write, wlre or hnfor rduced ______________________ ______________________ 610 Yonge Sc, Toronto. £AaUdaI.6125 m~xTTnaTIA~7 T~W' 1O4~ lOIR talked about in the presence of neighbours or competitors. The economist is tnt an enforcement officer. He does not investigate the farmer. He only endeavours to find out where an inefficiency, if such there be, may lie and suggest a remedy. The economist searches for truth in the interest of aIl. While there are many in- stances where accounts and rec- ords are available to economists, sometimes they have to compile the record. In such cases, they make what they cali a survey which ià based- on a sample of farms. These sm-veys are care- fully planned. In the first place, the economist will look up the census, thc number o! farms, the types of farms, the size, acreage of crops, number ofive stock and so on. He will. then decide how many farmers he will have to interview to get a good cross section. Jet Propelled "Where docs this train go?" asked the dear old lady. at King's Cross Station. "It goes To Newcastle in twen- ty minutes," answercd the port- er. "Goodncss!" she exclaimed: "Are you sure its safe to go s0 fast." Tennis Equipment Racquets, 'Nets, Balls, Shoes Badminton Equipment Racquets, Presses, Birds, Shoes The head of the family will like this smart new fishing tackle Reels-- 75e to $14.95 Rods-- $1.00 to $12.50 Lines -- 25c to $2.95 Skis & Equipment Ideal for the outdoor sport this wlnter. High quallty. $1.80 to $7.70 Harnes* $2 to $7 Skates and Hockey Equipment Full range of quallty goods at popular prices Ladies' and Men's Bowling Shoes $4.45 and $4.75 Didn't Report Crash Car Driver Fined Appearing in local court under a summons for leaving the scene of a car accident without report- ing it, a district housewife living north of Bowmanville was fined $25 and costs and ordered to pay damages to the owner o! the other car involved. Total costs will run close to $100. The accident occurred on Tem- perance St. last week, when in backing out from the parking1 space, the offender crashed into ai parked taxi opposite owned by1 King's Taxi. People upstairs' who heard the crash, caught thei WANTED For inunediate use au $1.50 per hund (Live W UNTIL DEUXFM MARGWI LL1 Phone Bowmi A LAIJA%~~~ A * *.'J~5'..... ~ 1.1*. AZ~ i liêense number. Learning the name o! the driver, Night Constable Kitney was as- signed to investigate and the court summons resulted. Evidence ad- dyced brought to light the state- ment that the offender, a driver o! many years' experience, was un- aware that such an, accident had to be reported before leaving the 'scene. This is the second occasion in which motor vehicles have back- ! ed out and damaged King's taxis at this place. A former offender had to go good for damages. Chief of Police Sidney Venton points out that parking space for Kingé- Taxis has been approved 7N marked by municipal authority:.4' "> OLD HORSES Fox and Mink Food red Plus Bonus V'eight) [BER 15 ONLY FUR FARM Lanville 2679 GIFTS The Whole Family Will Want From McNulty's Sports Shop 1Equipment Caps, Masks, Shoes and Baîls P Roller Skates finest quality 1$3.95 MceNultY's sports Shop LOTS OPF FUN WITH THESE SLEIGHS $2.50 and $4.95 Boys! Nake a Bobsleigh this year $7.50 up 1'~ I cum InTTTnqnAv nW4 19fil l"R 0 i:7 m

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