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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1949, p. 10

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PAGETEN ANADAN BATESAN, OWMAVIUZ ONTRTO EU M)AT, lunE SkUr&p I________________________________ BIRTHS CALVER-Born in Bowmanville Hospital, Sunday, June l2th, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. William F. Calver (nee Ruth Hooper) a daughter, Susan Elizabeth. 25-1 GARTON-Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Garton wish ta announce the birth of their daughter at Peterborough Civie Hospital, Friday, June 17th, 1949.25-1 MEADOWS-Roger, Carolyn and Bruce Meadows announce the ar- rivai in Bowmanville Hospital on June lth, 1949, of their brother, Paul. 25-1* ENGAGEMENT Dr. and Mrs. Robert MacKinlay, Sarnia, wish to announce the en- gagement of their eldest daughter, Marion Janet, R.N., ta Mr. Harold Henry Casbourn, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Casbourn. The wedding wilI take place July 16, 1949, at their home, Lakeshore Rd., Sarnia. 25-1 Mr. and Mrs. Orville Knight Osborne announce the engagement of their eider daughter, Lillian Beatrice, to Alex Murray Wight, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wight, Hughenden, Alberta. The wedding will take place on Sat- urday, July l6th, at 3 o'clock in Trinity United Church, Bowman- * ville. 25-1* MARRIAGES ANGER.- DILLING - On Satur- day, June llth, 1949, at 2 o'clock in St. Paul's United Church, Bow- manville, by Rev. G. Cameron Quigley, Rose Aileen, daughtcr af Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dilling, ta Victor Roy Anger, son af Mr. and Mrs. Francis Anger of Kingston. 25-1 LAW.- IVES - On Saturday, June llth, 1949, at Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, Ruth Elean- or Ives, B.A., only daughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ives, was unit- ed in marriage wîth Bertram Gar- don Law, B.A., son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Law, Kingston. Rev. J. E. Griffith, Castîcton, assistcd by Rev. S. R. Henderson performed the ceremany. 25-1* ÉCA l ,1D S 0 F TH AN KS Reg. Nesbitt and f amily wish ta lhank their many friends and neighbours who loaned their car, gave blood donations, gifts, carda, ar assistcd in any way during Mrs. Nesbitt's lflness. 25-1 Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Eddyj wlsh ta, thank the Superintendent, Miss Harding; nurses and ail the staff of Bawmanvillc Hospital for &Il the kindncss and care received while there. They also wish ta thank Rcv. W. W. Patterson, Dr. Weîssgerbcr, the W.A. and other organizations, neighbours and fri- ends for cards, flowers, fruit and ather kindness shown while in the hospital and since returning home. 25-1 Custom Work TRACTOR Custom Work, plough. lng, cultivating and seeding. "F. S. Allen, Phone 594. 16-tf V_ N-1 --i1 IN MEMORIAM BARRETT-In loving momory af a dear mother, Annie Barrett, who passed away June 2lst, 1947: Ta-day recalis sad memories Of a dear raother gane ta rost, And the ones who think ai ber to-day Are the anes who loved ber best. -Sadiy missed by the family. 25-1 GOODALL-In loving memory af aur dear mother, Mrs. J. H. Gaad- ail, who passed away June 27th, 1948. -Sadiy missed by the family. 25-1* GRAHAM-In laving memory af a dear husband and father, T. H. Graham, who passed away June 26th, 1946: Memories are treasures no ane can steal; Death is a heart ache no ane can heal. -Sadly missed by bis wife and daughter Verena. 25-1' OKE-In loving mcmory ai aur parents, Wm. L. Oke who died April 5th, 1924 and Emma J. Oke who died June 23rd, 194â: Deep in aur hearta you are fondly remembered, Swcet happy memaries dling round your namos, True hearta that loved you with deepeat affection Always will love you in death juat the same. -Sadly missed by daughters Leta, Aima and Annie. 25-1 COMING EVENTS Recital - organ, piano and acs- cordion, by Phyllis R. Chals and pupils, Friday, June 24, at Trinity United Church at 7:30 p.m. sharp. Admission 25e and 15c. 24-1 Dance aI Caesarea Pavilion, Fri- day nighî, June 24,' featuring Ai Stack and bis orchestra. Round and square dancing. Admidssion: ladies, 25c, gentlemen, 50c. 25-1 Leskard Church Stewards and W.A. cordially invite ail ta attend their anniversary supper follow- ed by the play "She's My Daisy," Wednesday, June 29th. Supper fram 5:30 on. Admission: aduits, 75c; children, 35c. 25-1 The Thank-Offoring Services af Nestieton United Church Sunday School will be heid Sunday, Juno 26th. at il a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Rov. R. M. Seymour ai Enniskillen, will be gucat speaker at bath services. Special singing in the morning by the Sunday School choir and in the evening the Buma girls wil supply the music. Offering wil be in aid af Sunday School funds. 25-1 Hampton Sunday School Anni- versary services will be held Sun- day, June 26th at 2'30 and 7:30 p.m. with Rev. F. J. Whiteley af Centre St. United Church, Osh- awa, as gueat speaker. Music by the school under the direction ai Mm. R. G. Harle, Bowmanviile. At Park on July lst sports will com- mence aI 3 a'clock with ladies' softbaîl game, Salem vs. Hamp- ton, and Junior football, Solina vs. Hampton. Picnic supper aI 5:30. At 7 p.m. League football game, Enniakilien vs. Hampton, follow- cd by a play by Yelverton Young People: "Caim Yourself." 25-1. r or. baie or Exchlange Proa NINE acres oi land and 9-roomcd P ro a frame bouse, modemn kitchen, HYGENIC Snpplies - (rubbe good celiar, roof insulated, barn goods) maiied pastpaid in plain With gaod stables and goad hen scaled envelope with price liat. bouse. Wired throughaut. Wiil Six samples 25c, 24 sampies $1.00. veil or exchange for bouse in or Mail Order Dept. T-38, Nov-Rub- near Bowmanviîîe. Phono 2819. ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 24-1 18-9 SPRAY WEEDS AWAY The Weed-No-More Special! Handy Sprayer and Enaugli 2,4-D Wecd Killer ta do 1250 sq . ft. - of lawn.- Regular $1,84 SPECIAL 96' GREEN CROSS SPRAYS AND DUSTS 5% D.D.T. Hausehold Fly Spray ----- 24c-43c-73c D.D.T. Flower Spray --------- 30c-90c-$2.25 Pyradee-Ant Poison 4-oz. tin ---- -------------25e Gardon Guard 1-lb. gun - ------ 49e Tomata Dust 1-lb. gun - ---49c 50% D.D.T. Powdor % -lb.- -- - - --------- 35C 2-lb.9c GREEN CROSS POISONS Arsenate af Lead 4-lb. bags $1.35 ea. Bordeaux Mixture 4-lb). bags 85e ea. Dry Lime Sulphur 4-lb, tins $1.50 tin Potato Dust 4-lb. bags 75ce n. 3 %D.D.T. Basi-Cop Duel 25-lb. bags ----- $3,35 ea. 3 % D.D.T. Dust 5-lb. bags 60e ea. 25-lb. bag 2,0 e. SATURDAY SPECIAL CONTINUOUS SPRAYER I- Quart Capacity Bronze Nozzle Bdaufor Garde, Bdanfor GHoe, Regular 98e SPECIAL 73e Notics Dr. Birk's office will be closed fram July lOth ta August 6th.' 25-5 Dr. Harald Ferguuon's office wiil be closed from June 3th ta August 6th, inclusive. 24-2* Dr. Storey's office will be closed June 27th ta August 7th inclusive. 23-8* Bawmnanville Public Library will be closed from Juiy lst-l7th inclusive. F. E. Morrili, Secretary. 24-2 WE DELIVER Texaco Gasaline Mator Oils and Greases ta ,Baw- manville, Enniskiilen, Tyrone, Orona and Newcastle Areas. Bob Stocker's Garage, Phone 804 or 864, Bowmanviile. 22-tf Real Estate For Sale. LOT on Jane Street. Apply 57 Liberty St. S. 25-2* ONE acre or 4 building lots an Lamb's Lane and Prospect St. Sewer and water availabie. Phone 2648. 25-1* CHOICE building lot an Brown St., 42' frontage by 69' deep, with additional garden plot at the rear, 90' x 100', new sewer. Mrs. C. A. Bartlett, King St. East. 22-tf 1HAMILTON & SMIfTH $l0,000-Bowmanville, soiid brick suitable for duplex, 15 rooms with twa extra lots and gardon. Rev- enue $115.00 per month, can easily be increased. $7,500-On No. 2 Highway, 1 mile cast af Bowmanviile, 2 acres in- cluding good orchard and gardon. Solid brick 8-roomed bouse with bath and hardwood floors. Lavely lawns. Barn 42x28 and garage with cement floor. Hamilton & Smith Brokers Orano, Ont. Phono 32r10, 1r16, 39r2 25-1 COOKE REAL ESTATE We stand for good service and fair deaiing. If yau are thlnking af purchasing a farm, buying a private home or investing in a good business praperty contact Evelyn E. Cooke, Realtor, New- castle, Phone Clarke A2621. 25-1 $4,500-7-roomed house in Orona, sun-room,. hydro, new furnace, large cistern, force pump, septic tank instailed, well and gardon. Terms. Summer cottage at Bowmanviile East Beach, 3 roams and a sun- roam, hydro, partly furnishod, $500 down and terms. JAMES NIXON Phone 682 Broker Bowmanville 25.1* BOWrdANVML x REAL ESTATE $12,650.00-Ten-room brick resid- once, superior in every detail. beautiful grounds, ail sorts of fruits. If you are looking for a fine home this is one of the best homes in Bowmanville. Immed- iate possession. Suitabie ternis may be arranged. $5,700.0 0-Five-room brick bunga- low, h.a.. beating, first class con- dition throughout, lovely gardon, garage with overhead doors. Nice residential district. $1,500.00 dawn-Double bungalow with four apartments, excellent revenue producer, anc apartmnent vacant, large grounýds and garage. Will pay for itseif in a few years. $4,000.00 - Four-room. bungalow. sun-raam, 3-piece bath, hardwood floors. Terms.- Immediate poss- ession. Have client with $ 1,000 cash down for a fsrm. What have you? Residentiai and business praper- tics af every description. Contact Bowmanville Rosi Estate 78 King St. West Phone: Office 326 Residence 2017 J. Shehyn D. Maclachian 25-1 Help Wanted HOUSEKEEPER wanted for Osh- awa. Live in or out. Phono Bowmanville 2763. 25-1 RELIABLE,, experienced salosgirl wanted. Apply Glory Ann Shop- pe, 57 King St. West. 25-1 HOUSEKEEPER, must be fond af chiidrcn, liberal time off, $15.,0 a week. Sleep out preferred. Apply Mrs. M. Breslin, Phono 436. 25-1 WOMAN for housework, anc day a week, no washing or ironing. Apply Mrs. M. Brealin, Phono 436. 25-1 MALE-A fcw openings are avail- able for boys' supervisars at the Ontario Traininig Sehool for Boys, Bowmanville, Applicants shouid be over 30 years of age, ex-service and have Grade 10 standing. Ap- piy in persan or telophone 600. 25-1 ATTENTION PLEASE-Wanted, Reliable man as dealer in Baw- manville. Experience not neces- sary. A fine oppartunity ta step inta aid profitable business where Rawleigh Praducts have been sold for years. Big profits. Products furnished on credit. Write Raw- ieigh's, Dept. ML-F-140-163, Mon- treal. 22-5 Pets For Sale TERRIER pups. Phone 63r7 Orono. 5-1e Articles For Sale 1938 PLYMOUTH sedan, in good condition. Phone 543. 25-1 BOAT, 12 f t. fiat bottom boat. Phone 2190. 25-1* CASE tractor, Model V. 1942, in goad condition, Phone 2695. 25.1* KITCHEN cupboard, $20. Apply 89 Liberty St. S. 25-1* 1931 FORD Sedan Deluxe. Apply T. Staan, clo C. E. Allin, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. 25-1 LAWNMOWER, good condition, $7.00; rug, 54"x70", $3.00 Phone 2602. 25-1* RE-CLEANED buckwhcat. Apply Tyrone Miil, L. J. Goodman, Phone 2305. 25-1 BARN framework 20x35, choice timbers. For partîculars phone 2540 evenings. 25-1 ICE box, 100 pound capacity; also odd pieces of harness. Phone 419. . 25-1* WHITE metali ce box, 50 lb. cap- acity, fuily insuiatcd. Appiy 72 Brown St. 25.1* 1940 HUDSON coach, radio, heat- er, overdrive, good condition. Phono 446. 25-1* GRAMAPHONE, good appearance and excellent running condition, $10. Apply 25 Church St. E. 25-1* TEN l;ags ai potatoes at $1.00 a bag. Fred Cowling, Burkcton. 25-1* ICE box, 100-lb. capacity, in good condition. Appiy 26 Libcrty St. N., Phone 2830. 25-1 RANGETTES-table top, twa top caoking surface, aven with heat indicator, $24.50. The Radia Shop, Bowmanville. 25-1 FOUR-Burner new electric stove, made for 3-wire cabie, $99.50. The Radio Shap, Bowmanville. 25-1 VERANDAH and rocking chairs, sofa, dining table, eloctrie plate, tub stand and other articles. Phone 2287. 25-1* COOL off for summer. Canada's finest Vonetian Blinds nieasured and instalicd. Free estimates. F. F. Marris Ca., Phone 480. 25-tf MASSEY-HARRIS two-row corn scuffler for tcam, in good working condition, $35. M. H. Pedweli, Phone 3823 Clarke. 25-1* TWENTY acres standing.,niixod alfalfa and timothy bay. Fred G. Smith, R.R. 1 Tyrone, Phone Orono 62r8. 25-1 McCORMICK New Four mower, in faim condition, $10; 6 cement well tule; 13-tooth cuitivator; Mas- sey seed drill, 11l-hoe. Phono Orono 56r19. 25-1* TEAM horses and colt; mower; wagon; secd drill, il-bac; bar- rows; sleighs; team and one-horse plough. E. W. Downcy, 95 Lib- erty St. North. 25.1* MASSEY-Harris No. 7 cylinderi hay loader, new in 1948 and used for anly 30 loada. Colin Smith, R.R. 4 Bowmanville, Phono Orono 56r6. 25-1* CONCRETE Mixer made by Lon- don Concrete Machinery Ca., cap- acity 7S (approx. 1/4 yard per batch) rubbem tired, engine recent. iy overhauled, spare cabies. Phono Bowmanvile 318. 25-1 HUPMOBILE sedan, '31, good running condition, body very goad, tires ail new, extra matar and transmission, new parts available. Priced ta soul. 25 Church St.. E., evenings. 25-1' BONDED Brake Shoe Exehanges, no rivets. In stock eady ta go; Chev., Dodge, Plymouth, Chry. s1er, Oldi., Pontiac, Buick (drums lathed>. Bob Stacker's Garage, BawmanvWie. Phone 8ot. 22-tf Articles For Sale ALL kinds af meat, good quality, smoked bacon and hama, sausage and hamburger. Darlington Abat- toir, Hampton, Phone 2836; also custom kiliing, pickling, smoking and sausage making, rendering lard. 23-tf SPECIAL OFFER - Bran, $50.00 per ton. Ground grains at prices from $38.00 per ton ta $48.00 per ton FOB Port Hope. Enquire for details phone 228 Port Hope. De- livcry Bowmanville district $2.00 per ton. Four ton loada, $1.50. Gea. G. Wickctt, Port Hope. 25-1 FLOOR COVERINGS -New de- signs in Iniaid, Mouided and Gran- ite Linoleum, just arrived. Canvas back Linoleum, Congoleum and Rexoleum yard goods now in stock, 2 and 3 yds. wîde. Bring in your measurements for quotatians at F. F. Morris Co. 25-tf NEW Case VA tractor; ncw Case VAC tractor; used Case D tractor; used Case C tractor; new DeLaval milk cooler; new hayloader; De- Lavai and Beatty pressure systems and 1 set used spring-tooth har- hows. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497. 25-1 ROYAL Deluxe venetian blinda by expert craftsmen ai Met-Wo Industries, guaranteed in every way. Ten days delivery. Also the new Screen-O-Matic automatic window acreen. J. W. Melley, Box 421, Oshawa, Phone 4101. 25-2* THRESHING machines-3-22x38 McCormick-Deering, steel grain machines; 3-28x46 McCormick- Deering steel grain machines; 1- 28x46 Case grain separator; 2- 28x46 Goodison grain separators; and others ta choose from. Mach- Inery is ail irf the best ai con- dition. We deliver. Terma and cash. Phone or write Hanley Bras., Schomberg P.O., Phone 6531. 25-2* TRADE-INS - Premier vacuum cleaners, compiete with polishing brush, $19.50; rangettes, $29.50; Beatty washer, reconditioned, guaranteed, $69.50; combination Westinghouse radio, flbar model, regular $229. seliing, $154,50; com- bination Stewart-Warner radio- phonograph, table model, $29.50; combination battery and electric. radio, compîcte with new battery, $24.50. Murphy's, Phone 811. 25-1 * BRAD)LEY Fumniture Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bedroom suites, $69.00; steel bed outfits, complote, $26,95; feit base floor covering, 49c a square yd.; chrome chairs, $6.95, ail colora; 3 pe. allover velouïr chesterfield suites, $149,00; 6-pc. natural finish breakfast suites, $66.00; spring- filled mattresses, $24,95; tri-light lampa, complete, $12,95; rangettes, ranges from $59,00; 3-pc. aibover velour bcd chestemfield suites, $119.00; 9 x 6 A-xminster campets,1 green or wine oriental designs, $49.50; chenille bed apreada, $6,95; table lampa, $6.75. Everything for the home at Bradley's. 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Phono 271. 6-tf Chiropodist T. M. VANT, D.S.C., Chiropodist, specializing in diseases af the foot and leg. Gencral chiropody work. Suite 2, 47 Prince St., Oshawa, Phono 4538J. 24-6* Wanted DEAD harses and cattie for fre pick up. Phono Toronto AD .3636 or Cooot:rg 48J. Wc pay phono charges. Gardon Young Ltd. 13-tf 0. CUSTOM baiing, pick-up or sta- tianary. Can bale up ta ten tons per hour. Hay or straw. Moderato prices. W. L. Morton, Phonol Clarke 4332. 24-3 DEAD Stock! Free Service. We wiii pick up ail dead or crippled farm animais froc ai charge. Highest prices paid for old hamacs. Phone; Peterborough 4026 CoUlect. Auction Sales Household contents, property of Mrs. Len McGill at Nestleton, July 2nd at 1:30 o'clock. See bis. 24-2 SOLINA SALE EXCHANGE- Twilight Sale to-morrow night, Friday, June 24th, at 7:30 p.m. at Baker Farms, Hampton. Holstein, Ayrshire, Jersey and Shorthorn, fresh and springing cows and heif- ers, buils; well started yaung pigs and saws; cedar posts; impiements; plus many post entries. Terms cash. Ted Jackson, auctioneer; Jack Baker, manager; Phone 2180, Bawmanville. 25-1 I have received Instructions from Adam Keane, Lot 22, Con. 6, Clarke Twp., 1 mile north af Orono, ta seli by public auction on the evening of Friday, July lat, at 7:30 p.m.-22 acres mixed grain; 14 acres mixed hay, and some machinery including a Massey- Harris 7' grain binder in excel- lent condition. Terma cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 25-2 M.-H. Tractor, Tractor Equip- ment, Farmn Machinery, 50 Head Cattle, Swine, Hay, Grain, Wood, Furniture, etc. The undersigned bas received instructions from executar af the estate of the late Robert Aluin ta seli by public auctian at Lot 23, Con. 8, Clarke Township, Con. North ai Kirby, 1/2 mile East, at 12:30 p.m. an Friday, June 24th. Terma cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 25-1* The undersigncd has rcccivcd instructions from the executor ai the estateofa the late J. P. John- stan, Lots 22 and 23, Coil. 4, Clarke Township, 1 mile east of Orono and 1/2 mile sauth, ta sel by public auction an Tuesday evening, June 28th at 6:30 p.m. sharp, a ful une ai exceptîonally good farm machincry, clectric grain grinder, electric crcam sep- arator, 30 acres ai standing hay, 200 bus. seed grain and some furniture. For further particulars sec bills. Terra cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 24-2 ATTENTION FARMERS - The llth Durham County Community Auction will be hcld at the Sales Barn, Orono, on the cvening af Thursday, June 30 at 7 p.m. As this is a busy time ai year for farmers, there will be no further sales until July 28th. Anyonc wishing ta put livestock in this sale, picase contact the auctioneer well in advance as.thia promises ta be one ai the largeat sales we have had yet. Remember the datc-June 30-the Sales Barn, Orono-the place where ail farm- ers meet. Time 7 p.m. Terma cash.r Jack Reid, auctioncer. 25-11 Chicks For Sale- STARTED Chicks, 2 wceks, non- sexcd Barred Rocks, New Hamp- shire x Barred Rocks, Light Sus- sex x New Hampahires, White Rocks, $21.95. New Hampahîres, $21.45. Light Sussex, $22.95. Pul- lets: Barred Rocks, New 1namp- shires x Barrcd Rocks, Light Sus- sex x New Rampa., Ncw Hamps., $30.95. White Rock, Light Sussex, Black Australorpa, $32.95. White Leghorns, $33.95. Cockerels: Bar- red Rocks, New Hampshire x Bar- red Rocks, Light Sussex x Ncw Hampahires, New Hampahires, Light Sussex, Black Australorpa, $20.95. White Wyandottes, White Rocks, $22.95. Three week aid add five cents per chick. Also other breeds. Day olds, 12 pure breeda and 13 cross breeds, non-sexed, Puilets and Heavy Cockereis. Prompt Delivery. AIso Turkey Pouits. Also Pullets eight weeks ta Iaying. Send for complete Pricc List. Tweddic Chick Hatch- cries Limitcd, Fcrgus, Ontario. 25-1 For Rent COTTAGE - Appiy Gerald Bai- son, Hampton. 25-1* FIVE room, modern apartment available July lat, $50 month. Apply Apartment 7, 63 King St. West, Bowmanvillc. 25-1 PASTURE with running water and shelter, Phone 2200,O.P. Hcrtzberg, R.R. 4, Bowmainville. 24-1 STOREY and a half brick build- ing, suitable for workshop, at rcar af Walker apartments. Immediate possession. $15 month. Apply Apartment 7, 63 King St. West, Bowmanviile. 25-i LOOKING for that "secluded spot?" Have your rest at the "Friendly Cottage," a tree shel- tered haven one-haîf mile north ai Tyrone. Two ta three beda available, kitchenette, electricity. Splendid fishing nearby. Fresh farm products available. Phone 2523 or sec for yourself. 25-1* Repairs FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom work, try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Shop, King St. West. 9-tf REPAIRS toalal makes ai refrig- erators, domcstic and commnercial. Higgon Electric 42 King St. E., phono 438. 26.11 COMPLETE brake service, brake drum lathing. grînding and hon- ing. Brakemaster cylinders anci wheei cylinders honed and pouash. cd. Permafuse Raybond brake bonding. no rivets, Raybestos brake linings. Brakes shoes ex- changes in stock ready ta go. Bob Stockem's Garage, Phono 804, Bowmanviile. 22-tf Lost BROWN waliet, containlng sum of money. Reward af $5 ta fmnder. Please phone 2920. 25-1* LEFT in Tyrone Church May 22, pair brown kid gloves, gold trim. Will the party who took them by mistake please phone 2344. 25-1 IN Bowmanville, and passibly on Church St., May l3th, a three- atone diamond ring and a dinner ring set with diamonds, bath with platinum setting. Liberal reward offered by awner. Finder please contact The Statesman Office. TENDERS WANTED TENDERS for Coal, both stoker and furnace, are requîred by the South Darlington School Areà. Particulars of requirements may be obtained from Secretary-Treas- urer M. J. Hobbs, Enniskiilen. Tenders must be received by July lSth, 1949. 25-1 Seed for Sale SEED Buckwheat - Gavernment Grade No. 1 seed, priced $1.50 per bushel; also Millets, Sudan Grass, Seed Corn, Dwarf Essex Rape, mixed oat chop, etc, $48.00 per tan. A. W. Glenney, Newcastle, Phone Clarke 33-12. 24-2 Wanted To Buy CHICKENS for American Mar- ket. Phone 2833. 23-4 BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are higher. M- Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone 7 r 13, reverse charges. 17-tf Work Wcmted WELLS DUG. Phone Oshawa 2767R3. .24-2* TILE work wanted, glazed color- ed wall tule, rubber or mastic floors. Phone 2902. 22-4 CAMERA FANS-Special 0f fer, June 18 ta, July 16: Rolis, 120-620- 127 finished for 25 cents; 116-616 30 cents; 16 evposure films, 10c extra. Bring or mail ta Alpha Photo Studio, Bowmanville. 24-4 Strayed DARK red, year aid steer with horns, strayed from Lot 22, Cart- wright. Please notify Harold Larmer, R.R. 3, Burketon. 25-1* Room and Board ROOMS with board at Mrs. Pin- negar's, Newcastle. Phone 3234 Clarke. 25.1*1 Livestock For Sale YOUNG dairy caw, due ta freshen, about 1500 Ibs. Phone 2338. 25-1 TWELVE pigs, 7 weeks aid. Biake Short, Phone 2,479. 25,1* FIVE pigs, 8 weeks aid. Wauid seli singly or ini pairs. R. Stmsomm ELEVEN pigs, 7 weeks aid. ïhI Hila, Enniskiilen, Phone 2495. 25-1 JERSEY caw with caif; also six manths aid Jersey heifer. F. Har- rington, Phone 870, Bowmanviile. 25-1* ZION Miss Jean Nyshta, Oshawa, spent the weekend with Helen Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Biandforet and. son, Toronto, att Russell Per. kin's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dart Sr, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dart Jr., and David, Mr and Mrs S. Maybury, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dart and Judy, Scar- bora, Mr. and Mrs. N. Patter, To. ronta, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dart, West Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Keeler, Malvern, were visitors *at Henry Dart's. Messrs James Killen and Miche ael Nemis at Niagara-on-the. Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Gerry, Mr. and Mrs. John Gerry anid sans, Toronto, at Alex McMaster's. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Ayre attend- ed the Nokes-Crossman wedding at Bowmanviiie on Saturday. Mr. R. C. Stainton, Mr. and Mrm. H-. Stephens, Shirley and Carole Stephen at TJxbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Tomn Currie, To- ront 1o, at Robert Killen's. Mrs. Currie is staying for a holiday. Mr. R. W. Bail and Dora, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bail and f amiîy at Anson Balas, Moffatt. Mr. Jas. Randal at Lynbrook. Park on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glaspel and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott and family at Port Boister. Mr. Hans Geissberger Jr. Mim Mary Geissberger at Gordon Wernham's, Berry's Bay. Mr. Keith Stainton, M~isses Mur. iel and Beth Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Maore attended Décora- tion Service at Wick an Sunday. Mrs. F. B. Glaipeil at Ralph Glaspe11's, Tyrone. It was once beiieved thaQIývk human beings piaced in cuvir. stanes would ensure the stabillty ai a building. Ink normally -accounts for three ta five per cent ai total printing expenses ai newspapers. Low initial coat PLUS fre.domt front~ maintenance coste add up te unex- c.cIlle value for the CANADA'S LOWEST PRICED WASHERS Costs Less ta Buy -Casts Less ta Own ~Î~- Modela from $117.50 wlth pump or hoater irmI .- m ~ ssp»M l-u= m M m F. F. Morris 'Co. This gay ltffle Kit holcis the basic, incomparable proparations that evory woman needs For beauty in her life. Guard your beauty with Elizabeth Ardon Essentials for Lovliness ... treasure added radianco with delightful and flattering Elizabeth Arden mk-up . .. In Black, Brown, Red or Green simulatod alligator, $5. JURY & LOVEJL' BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 4U R 12,000 READ]ERS PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIM ICOST 35c PER AD -THE CANADIAN STATESMAN Classilied Advertising Riates EFFECTIVE .ANUARY 23, 1948, BIRTHS - DEATHS - ENGAGEMENTS - MARRIAGES CARDS 0F THANKS - $1.00 Per Insertion IN MEMORIAMS - $1.00 plus 10e a Une for verses per Insertion NOTICES - COMING EVENTS - ARTICLES FOR SALE LIIVESTOCK FOR SALE - FOR RENT - WANTED - ETC. Cash Rate: 2c a word (min. 35c). Must be pald bofore Insertion If Charged: 3c a word (min. 50c). Add 25o extra for box numbers or replies directed ta this office. (Additional Insertions at Same Rates) ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE IN NOT LATER TRAN ~NOON WEDNESDAY. Cash, stamps or money. - order with ordor ta getlo1w rate.- CLIP THIS OUT FOR HANDY REFERENCE Don McGregor Hardware Co. PHONE 386 DEIEYTRc AL ING ST. W. !---- - w wýw w bd 1 PAGE TEN "M CMADUN STATESUM. BOWMANVff.M ONTAMO

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