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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1949, p. 18

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PAGE RYGETEEN TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, DOWMMtVTLLE. ONTAMO tsi-A ~MO 'Screech Owl' Stages Comeback With Marked Success by Students (by Collette Ferguson) The highlight of a very success- fui rochool year for students of Bowmanville High School is the production of "The Screech Owl." "With this issue this school pub- lication is making its reappear- ance alter a lapse of 15 years" as stated by Principal L. W. Dippeil. A school magazine such as this filla a very important part in the lite of any student. Not only is it a permanent record of most of the school activities that have tak- en place during the year, but it also in its publication provides practical experience in journal- ism, business management and lit- erally work for ail those who have had a hand in its compilation. During the last 2 years numer- Oua pupils have written a column in the Statesman as a substitute for a school magazine. However, this year due to the formation of the Student's Council which took over manv of the dutie-s of the Il COME TO il Peterboro Grassland Day Wednesday JUNE 29TH, 1949 ROWLAND'S FARM Lindsay-Peterborough Highway No. 7 4 Miles North-West of Peterborough Lîterary Society, the latter or- ganizatian was given more time and dccided that "The Scmeech Owl" should make a comcback. The editomials which constitute the introductory pages ai the ma- gazine arc exceptionally well writtcn and show a promising future for the editor-in-chief, Gregory Friend, and the assistant editor, Gwenyth Griffith, if they decide ta, make a career ai this type of work. The pictures with their humour- aus and terse captions ai the Grad- uatîng Class will be treasured and cause many chuckles la ycars ta came. The literary section which mak- es up the greater part ai the mag- azine is remarkabhe with its col- lection of excellent short staries and poems. The outstanding con- tribution, In aur estimation, was the short stary "The King ai Thirty" written by Marie -Mar- tin, a student in Second Form. The story reveals an amazing and mature insight into the human mind for so young a writer. Hu- mour, sentiment and pathos are represented la the stories and paems. Many parents will chu- ckhe when they read the amusing poem by Ross Souch "Whea Pa Goes Away." The Commencement, athletic activities and the activities ai the variaus school organizations are commendably reported. The bu- moraus section "Schaol's Like That" pravides ample evideace that school is not ail work and no play. One ai the mare origi- nal features ai the magazine is the "B.H.S. Panorama" which will help ta jog memories la fu- ture years ai the fashions, movies, sangs and schaal colhoquialisms that wcre ail the rage la '48 and '49. A schoal magazine would net be complete without pictures and this year's publication is not lack- iag la this respect. With t he ca- pable help ai Mm. Hugh Mac- Donald, the staff have added ta the 24 DIVISION STREET Army Boots MW Reconditloned New Soles and Heels Special $3.95 Blankets Army ',Special $395 A U. Army Shirts Special $1.49 BOWMANVILLE GENT'S Expansion Bracelets Stainless Steel Special 98C Men'is Broadclofh Shirts ]Reg. $4.50 $2.95 m irncoe St. N. Oshawa excellence of the magazine wit many pictures not oniy of the dlt erent forma, school organization but also shota of the Comnienct ment proceedinga. This year's "Scmeech Owl"j ane ai the fincst school magi zincs la the province. The stal should receive extra praise fc their splendid effort, becaus thcy bad no previaus example t follow. The follawing studenl who canstitute the staff ai "«Th Screech Owl," ai 1949 are ta b congratulated for their successft achievement: Editor - la - Chief,, Gregoz Fricnd; Assistant Editor, Gwynel Griffith; Busiriq-ss Manager, Ge: ald Marris; Circulation Managei Ralph His; Advemtising Mans gem, .Duncan Phillips; Advertisin Staff: Maria Clarke, Nancy Var coc, Colleen Clarke, Marjori Mutton, Lois Wilson, Bemnice Han sen, Wilma Richards, Marie Mai tin, Norm Allia, Isobel Criuck shank; Literary Editor, Virgini Hopkins; Humour Editor, Robez Knox; Sports Editor, Pat Bowlci Bob Galhagher; Photogmaphy Edi tor, Bihl Robinson; Art Editoi Marie Martin; Alumni, Peggy Dip pell; Commencement, Mary AI. dread; Exchanges, Isobel Carte Socicties, Bihl Rundle; Consultin, Editor, Miss J. Cunningham; A] sistant Art Editor, George Buch an; Reporters: Colleen ClarkE Vemonica Friend, Muriel Steven! Audrey Slurrock, Jeanne Rey nalds, June Bicklc, Jim Fran]i Earle Brown, Joan Rice, Pat Col( Catherine Teeple, Ken Crawford Form Representatives: V-StlU Bonk; IV-Frank Mohun; 111-ls obel Cruickshank; Commercial Roy Gorham; 2A-Mary Bowmar Ken Hockin; 2B-Jeannette Lobt Keith Shîackleton; lA-Banni Hawley, Harvey Dilling; 1B-Nor ma Hagerman, Carl Merritt; 1C Gloria Robson, G-ordon Riittei Typing Staff - evcryoae la Com mercial assisted. Thanks should also be given ti the businessmen la Bowmanvilli wbo se freely gave their financia support by advertisiag whicl made the publication ai 'Thi Screech Owl" possible. As a final plug for this exce] lent publication we would sugges tbat ex-students ai B.H.S. shoul( secure a copy, wbich we are suri wihl rcnew memnories of tbeir hal] py days spent at their AIma Ma ter. Hold Annual Picnic At Kiwanis Camp About 1845, Chas. Prescott, wh( hailed from Devonshire, England and Elizabeth Prescott from York. shire, England, were married ané settled about two miles irorn Mount Carmel School and Churci in Reach Township, Ontario Coun. ty. To themn were born ten child. ren, ail of whoni have passed or except Sydney Prescott who live! i n Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Prescott have rested for man3 years in Mount Carmel cemetery The church is now tomn down, bui YGUIR EYES and Vision - ~ Rewmitter imom previou: copyrights oi - Optometrisi Disney Bldg. <Opp. P-0.) Oshawa., Phono 1516 No. 60 Glare aiten bastens a persan ta the assistance ai an eye correct- ion because those subject ta glare are ail the more subject ta any- thing that will cause eye fatigue or eyestrain. General tircdness and cye fatigue and ai course ia- tolerance ai ight are among the first symptoms. We are selýomn callcd upon to direct aur eycs to the sua, yct we aiten notice reilected rays even fromn the pavement. Because ai stady fixed positions office dcsks, windows and white paper and me- tal furniture give a more intense glare than the source ai ligbt it- self. Eyes subject ta glare marc than others are subjet ta it once the eyes are apencd. Sec your Optometrist. (Copyrighted) PHONE 30 4 th Pw l- o~1eM m ~ dBoIc~ tffTZC no personal coat. We overlook if- opulr Co pleMarred a Brokli WED ING the fact that this is the way you produce toadstools. NOE-CEOSSZMAN The other day, dlpplng into a ~ ~ eauifulpln an whie pon-book by Louis Bromfield who, by e provl ide te adkwritnd n the way, is a very good wrlter and ,a ~; Trinity United Church, Bowman- ~eetaa~aeamrw orJune 18, when Jean Isabel Cross- tiIn his book "Malabar Farm"l ansaehe i r.ceci, we read: "In ail lite on earth, as Ctamnadte aeM.Cos in ail good agriculture, there are Lte Crosman ani te in Mr. ro -no short-cuts that by-pass Nature .-. James F. G. Nokes, son of Mrs. adtentr imnhmef. b ..........................JmsNksadtelt r Every attempt at a formula, a DflJmNokes an th eM. short-cut, a panacea, always ends .:.. Noes Rev. S. R. Henderson per- iormèd the ceremony and Mr. egto addsruin.. 'r&" .Hrepaydtewdigmsc In that lies the whole answer to r..Harle sadth eng muserfct the eternal and inevitable failure th of a pure Marxian doctrine. It is Love prcedng he ereonylike trying to farmi by a commer- r,~~~~~~ ane Thog teYer"duigcial fertilizer alone, ignoring the a- thl igning of the register. immense plower of ramn and water, 19 Given ia marriage by hier unclte, the beeties, the bumblebees, the r- Mr. N, Crossman, Oshawa, the fungi and moulds, the earth- ie bride wore a lovely white brocad- worms, the minute invisible bac- ed satin floor length gown with teria deep in the soul without r- a sweetheart neckline and a full which the whole scheme of the skirt falling from points at theunvrend anseltotoi La ~~~~~~~~waist. The bride's headdress was adbswoelewudedi ýrt of brocaded satin with a fingertip annihilation." veil and she carried a cascade bouqet r mc roes.It seems that here is suggested the wholeness ai man's life, that r, Miss Joyce Kilburn, Oshawa, p- as the best of fertilizers cannot 1- ws bidesaidandworea geenassure abundant crops without the brocaded floor length gown and assistance of ain or water sa man r; bonnet wit-h a bow of yellow veil- g 1n.Secrida acd fyl cannot be saved by piecemeal mem- so oe.M.W.Kun s- edies in which he has only a pas- t- .'..', .,.~~~~~~ . awa, was best man and the usherssiepr. usiidmahns e, were J. Graham and G. Hoar. guaranteed wages and universal schemes of security are not en- *., After the ceremony, the recept- ough for man does flot live by ion was held at the Lions Com- hs hnsaoe elvsi ...munity Centre, the luncheon be- the solitude of his own Identity ingpreare an sevedby em-under the law that in the sweat 4a bers of Trinity W.A. The bride's of bis face shall he eat his bread. S~ 4mother received wearing a navy To devise other means ta shorten S- faille gown and a corsage of pink the process sa that theme is no IMR. AND MRS. WILLIAM ANDREW WERRY roses. The groom's mother assist- set algsaehmit vr n watalgsat int vr b, who were married in Brooklin Saturday, June llth. The bride, ed and wore a grey crepe gown îasting security is to remove the .e who is the former Miss Helen Annie Jackson, is the daughtem an d a corsage of pink roses. incentive that made man part and of m. nd rs illam ackon f Bookinandthebrie- For the wedding trip ta the master of his progress. Perhaps g- o rmaisdthesnWiofim adkMson Cfarnce F. errydofhebrdon. Huntsville district, the -bride wore tega smr ucl civd groo isthesonof r. nd rs. larnceF. err ofKedon. a green gabardine suit, pink hat, but is it as womth whîle. A toad- ' r;-Courtesy Oshawa Times-Gazette gloves and blouse, brown shoes stool may grow overnight, but it' 1_ - and purse. On their return, Mr. takes a generation ta make a man. taGrandma Prescott was one of the who was buried Saturday in and Mrs. Nokes will reside ln le faithful workers ln the church, Nestîcton Cemetery. Bowmanville. aand made the cemetcry her special Don't forget anniversary servic- "TIPKEN" SIL EPI le The grandchildren of this wor- mour, Enniskillen, will preach. oua cam. e intheUntedChuch.Rev Sy- p uneBrie WALL-FLAME thy couple Plus their childmen and Mr. and Mrs. L. .Joblin visited Feted ai Showers grand-chilciren, held their annual visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Johns. v t famîly e-union at Kiwanis Camp Mrs. H. Vine and Ralph, Mr. Popular June bride, Miss Jean Id on June 18 with about 75 present Wilfred Vine and Miss Helen Crossman, was given many show- OA V ,e af the appraximate 200 invited. Bowers visitcd Mm. and Mrs. Regcrbfoehrwdiwic A goodly number gathered for Middleton, Islington.1 dinner and more for supper. Miss Margaret Steele, R.N., tok place, Saturday, June 18 in Saves Fuel 1 During the afternoon a pragram Sunnybrook, visited her parents A nty sef hor ws v ai sports was enjoycd, under the Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Steele. Aen at hehelfsof Mr w Jim a- NM cLAU( canable leadership of Mrs. Wilbcrt Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm tn and ahcupoand saur showenMr-CO L ND SU Smith, Oshawa, and Mr. Will and family visited friends at Ycl- at the home of Mrs. Elmer Wil- C A N U Hemphill, Long Branch. The aid- vertan. bur, Hampton. Mrs. Walter Kil- 110 KING ST. W. er folk enjoyed the hours of chat, Mrs. Harvey, Vancouver, Mm. burn, 51 McLaughlin Blvd., Osha- reminiscences, political discus- and Mrs. Alf Coulter and Mm. Jack wa, aunt af the bride, gave a For particulars Phone Osha Ssions with many a joke thrown ln. Coulter, Millbrook, visited Mr. shower and among the many gifts 1, Those coniing a distance re- and Mrs. M. Emerson. was a lovely chenille bedspreadPeaeFrarFrhr u -mamned for the wcekend and con- and an electric iran. laeFrrd uth If d tinuied their visit on Sunday. Ah T1KmrI The girls in the Goodyea r Office nare looking forward ta next year's HUAMPTON Uh. eld a miscellancous shower and Name Il picnic to be held in± Western On- ____ Mrs. Boyd Ayre, Hampton, also Address ----- -tario. Mm. and Mrs. Sam-Dewell were held a miscellaneous shower. Miss- guests at the Baird-Howsam we- es May and Winnic Trewili, Hay- Phone No. -- nT9~T,,-~ ding la Port Perry on Saturday don, entertaincd for the bride- J. ESL ETOLLU1 and visited Mm. and Mrs. Elmer elect with a linen shower. The Mail to:- S.Gibson, Blackwater, on Sunday. guests in'zluded many Ei.niskil- McLAUGHLIN COAL y Nestîcton W.A. and W.M.S. met Mrs. Fred Blencoe (nee Helen lenneigh!bours. 110 King St. W i. Virtue) Toronto, callcd on friends The bride and groom were pre- lt at the home of Mr. and Mrs L. -Joblin, Thursday evening with here on Sunday. sented with an occasional chair by - 23 ladies and 8 gentlemen preseat. Mm. and Mrs. Elmer Wilbur the Goodyear Office staff. IMeeting was in charge of Mrs. F. were guests at the Nokes-Cross- Crawford's gmoup. Scriptume and man wcdding la Bowrmanville on MEN OR TOABSTOO)LS tapic were gîven by Mms.G. Saturday. Johns. Reading-"Do Flowcrs A number fmom here weme in By Joseph Lister Rutledge Quarrel?" by Mrs. W. Lamb; Bowmanville Satumday mamniag Someone bas said that if you Rcading-"Famous Women" by ta sec the Prime Minister at the want ta produce a man it takes Evelryone i Mrs. F. Crawford; Reading- C.N.R. station, a generation, but a toadstool can "Hehping Others" by Mrs. L. Job- . %r. and Mrs. M. Mountjoy be grown in a night. That is a lin. We werc glad ta bave anc of visited at Everett Mountjoy's, Ke- very simple truth indeed. Too s o l n our older members with us, Mms. dron, and attended the anniver- simple, perhaps, sa the tendency [S W. D. Ferguson, who was present- samy. ai aur days is ta dismegard if. We ýf cd witb a little emembrance fram Mrs. Carl Wilbum, Oshawa, and are impatient with slow processes aur saciety. Ladies planned a Mm. Ralph Wilbur, Oriole, visîted of development and look around quilting and ice-cream social in at E imer Wilbu r's. the corner for somne easy formula ;t the near future. A dainty lunch Mm. and Mrs. Jackson Wray and that promises ta settle our econ- was served by the group. Alweetwa daughters, Oshawa, visited oi n oilpolm.N n given a vote ai thanks for anather hsprnso udy with the slightest knowledge af pleasant and profitable meeting. Miss Phyllis Niddery, nurse- bistory can doubt the steady and Next meeting la charge af Mrs. ln-training, St. Michael's Hospi- accelerating process of buman bet- Win, teel's goup.tal, Toronto, spent a few days at ferment. Yet we will hazard all Wm.Stele' grup.home; visitors witb Phyllis while this, the solid progress, the solid Mr. John Hoskin fromn B.C.* i at home were Misses ]Jarothy Ev- qualities it assures, la our uneasy __ visiting bis brother Mr. R. M. ans, Bowmanville, Evelyn Taylor, at aacmls ialsa Hoskin.Sauna, Francis McCormick, King, Mrs R. Ncsbitt is impraving and Doris Mitchell, Kitchener.HE able ta be out la the car. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Niddery and A LLIS-C A LMS Mm. and Mrs. L. Joblin visited Coanie, Bawmanville, spent Sun- À CH A LM ER5 Mm. and Mrs. M. Henry. day with Mrs. S. G. Niddcmy and Mm and Mrs R M Hoskin and Miss Mary Niddemy. Laurie visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Mel- Misscss Margaret and Dora ville Henry, Oshawa. Purdon, witb their parents. Dora Mrs. R. W. Marlow visited Mrs. retumned ta bier, work as Healqth OE Wm. Seel.Nrs nsut ice ony yorpoetyl dqGoin'g East and West 6:30 p.m. mounted tools permit clear, straight- pumnping. gril yor rpetyi aeuately Going West 10:00 p.m. ahead vision. Handies front-mounted wood, etc. Mail Arrives lnsured atainst every hazard From East and West 8:30 a.m. -nhmodadpowiaere SOME FARMI whih cn bingyoua ttal From West 12 noon 1-nhmlbadpo naeae wdss whlh cn rin yo atotl rom West 3:15 p.m. soils. Any tool can be attached or die. los, ss FromEast8:00P.M.tilizes, mows, h or crlppllng loss? Cut this schedule eut and paste tached in 5 minutes or Iess. Operates TRUCK FARM! up in a andy place for reference. on 2 to 3 quarts of f uel per hour. band lmetbods; If you are not sure, let . Starter, lights and full size rubber tires or flat surfaces this agency help you with Skinny men, womer are standard equipment. spectal loi' gu friendy couizel.gain 5, 10,15 Ibse The Model G bas a full ZUne of lools for allfjarm ok Ajk us f or information. I S cdt h»Pop,Virii, vlgurSL S Wh"S & tbrill BDoni limbe ii out; uulyflv DU Up: n.B. no longeu ,crawny bco IobU Stuai R Ja e srved. alckly be-pole 12ý-iook. T orc girls. women. Men. Who e neeud Bain ,belone. INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE They thankthe apeial',igor-bulidtng. ileei-buldIng Phone: Office 681.. Res. 493 gpe an d d=..... hot OU vomore King Street, Bowmanville th ett 1 r0inglo. muneeStop whn ou'm a wed a le o t Tr fmus(-qrz oicTblt frn<ew io 20 King St. E. Bowmanville Rabbita breed 4 to 8 Urnes a year. Stafford Bros. Monumental Worku Phone Whltby 552 318 Dundu S t. E., WhItby FInE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MAIKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention to detail are your assurance when you choose from "the wide selection of imported and domestic Granites and Marbies in stock. H3ARDWOOD FLOORS LAID, SANDED and FINISHED tFloor Sanders Edgers & Polishers To lent For Particulars PHONE OSHAWA 3744w1 M. LEGGETTE OSHAWA I NTAUTOMTIC SOIL BURNER 'AILABLE Operates QuietlyI1 FGHLIN ?PLIES LIMITED OSHAWA kwa 1246 or Mail Coupon 'ormatlon: À& SUPPLIES LTD. W. - Oshawa FD FARM TOOLS - A bandy helper ln busy ses. field, around the barn and on eplaces that last team. Economi- fr chore jobs sucb as hauling, nding, fencing, sawing cord- AS- does ail farm work - harrows, plants, cialtivates, fee'.ý iauls, and handles light beIc jobsý AS AND NURSERIES - RepIacesý s; plants and cultivates on beds es; works in close quarters. Has ear for close, precision work. ,LESANDSERVICE 9 Sales Phone 487 WAR SURPLUS STORE FAINT ALL COLOURS GUARANTEED INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR $3.25 per gallon Riere Thev Are! %C7C2ýi Lûwn 6 room 1 % storey brick bouse just released for civilian sale. Early occupancy, nionthly payments only $40.38 Including principal, interest and taxes. Living-room, dining-room, kitchen and bedroomn on main floor. 2 bedrooms and four- piece bath on Znd floor. Aima available are a few 5-roomn bungalows priced to suit your incarne. If vou require any further Information on these homes pieuse ask for Mr. Nash ut Oshawa 4400. ~chofte1d- NS URANCE Reaflors .1 j For Election Information or Transportation te the Polis Election Day VISIT THE COMITTEE BOOMS AT THE BALMORAL HOTEL INSERTED BY THE BOWVMANVILLE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION qý PAGZ MORTEM Tim CANADUN STATZUL4» gowmANVM=, ONTAMO "MRMAIV, M" "rd. lm' Ilý enfitled to VOTE

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