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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1949, p. 6

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PAG sx TE ANAIM ~TT~a umJ UfM%.#lWmAn y T.T.1! fq 'PLU I11JAUNUr 9 Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wood were Mr. and Mrs. George Armour, Hampton, Mrs. Delbert Flintoff and Brian, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Or- miston, Wayne and Sharon., Bo~- nianville. Mr. J. Mason spent the week- end with Mrs. J. Dickson. Mdro. Pboebe Jordon, Michigan, la spending two weeks with friends in Orono. Mi. and Mrs. A. H. Keane were i.ý Toronto Wednesday when their son John was decorated with the IF.C. in a ceremony at the Eg- linton Hunt Club. John was a Flight Lieut. during the war, and Orono is proud of his distit.guish- ed war record and wish to con- gratVilate hlm in receiving this bonor. Mr. Will Eck, Toronto, had charge of the church service on Sunday morning and brought a very interesting message of his work as Probation Officer of the Famîýly Court in Toronto. Will is an -bld Ororia boy having lived with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. R. H. BroWn, who have passed away in recebt years. The scripture read- irig was read from the Bible pre- sented to him by the Orono Ep- worýh League, 38 years ago when he ieft Orono. The choir sang a welll rendered anthem with Mrs. A. A. Drummond singing the so- prano solo. Mr. A. H. Keane bas received word that bis sister Mrs. A. Simp- son and ber daughter Valerie, are saiing from Ireland to visit bim and bis family. They are expected to arrive about July 5. It is over 25 years since tbey have been to- gether. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Barlow on Sunday were ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Malley Cow- ling, also ber brother with bis wife and family. Her brother's wife and children are staying for a week's visit. Misses Kate and Agnes WaddeIl have returned from a pleasantj LET TE being put in. The work will con- tinue through the summer. Mr. Percy Chapman us the carpenter in charge and much of the work is voluntary by the church rnem- bers. New plumbing will ibe in- stalled and a complete new kit- chen will be furnished by the W. A. who will also put in a memor- ial window. two week's holiday spent as Ap- sley. Mns. J. J. Cornish is a patient in Oshawa hospitai. We hope for ber a speedy recovery. Mn. Ray West and Mr. Dean West are home from Bowman- ville bospital, having bad thein appendix nemoved. Tbey are do- ing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood at- tended the wedding of their neice Miss Frayne Johns who became the bride of Mr. Ronald McDonald in Trinity United Church, Bow- manville, on Wednesday aften- noon. The reception was beld on the lawn at the home of the bride's parents on Concession St. Miss Marion Brown, R.N., Osh- awa, is baving a holiday at ber home. She bas been nursing Mn. Milford Sherwin for the past five weeks in Oshawa hospital. Mrs. W. Mitchell entertained Mn. WiIl Eck on Sunday and at- tended the service at Park St. cburch. On Friday evening the pupils of Orono High School had a party when they presented Mr. L. Mc- Ginnis with a pen and pencil set and Mrs. McGinnis with a bou- quet of roses. The Evening Auxxiliary W.M. S. held their June meeting at the home of Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn on Thunsday night. Mrs. Varee Coop- ers' broup bad 'charge of the meet- ing and Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn was the speaker. Miss Jean Rainey and Miss Gwen Chatterton sang a duet and Mrs. Herb Duvail play- ed a piano solo. Refresbments were served at tbe close and al enjoyed a social hour. Mr. Sam Keane, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Keans and Glenys, Brighton, Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Keane and son, Osbawa, were Sunday visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Keane. Park St. Church is being made larger and completely redecorated. The old seats arc being replaced with new ones. New windows, many of tbem to be memorial, are CADMUS Cadmus W.A. and W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. W. Philip June 15. They plan to have a tea and entçrtaýners There is a of Cad- mus church on July 1 for the new minister. There wiIl be an induct- ion for him also at Blackstock on June 30. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Robinson and- Gay, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gibson and Babe, Hamilton, with Mr. and Mns. Edgar Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Samells and babe, Peterboro, witb Mr. and Mrs. Larmer Highland. Mrs. Oscar MeQuade, who is ln Oshawa bospital is improving and we hope she will soon be home Miss Madeline Henry, Oshawa, with Audrey McKee A number from bere attended Yelverton Garden Party Friday night. Miss Joyce Larmer and Mr. Donald Larmer, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Larmer. Miss Vivian Cowling, Haydon, with Mr. and Mrs. Don Jobnston. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Hanna and family, Osbawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vivion. There is a shower Friday night at Devitt's Hall for Mr. and Mrs. John Artcher. Miss Madeline Henry, Oshawa, Miss Audrey McKee and friends spent Sunday at Wasaga Beach. ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Prescott and family, Aylmer Prescott, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harris and Linda attended the Prescott fam- ily picnic at the Kiwanis camp Saturday. Those from a distance who attended the pîcnic and re- mained for the weekend with rel- atives were: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Moore and Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ra- char, Mr. and Mrs. Orr, Mr. and' Mrs. R. Treleven and Mr. N. Moore of Mount Forest; Mr. and Mrs. E. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. L. Moore and children and Mr. andf Mrs. G.* Bridge of Palmerston; Mr. and Mrs. K. Ellis and David of Holstein, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hamp- hill, Long Branch, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Hempbill, Leaside. Mr and Mrs. Russell Cochrane and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lycett and family, visited friends at Carnbray and Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Len Stephenson and Ronnie, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ste- phienson and Hlarry visited friends at Lindsay. Mr, and Mrs. Godfrey Bowman, Wilfred Bowman, Jack Hooper and Mary Helen Bowman visited the O.A.C., Guelph, Thursday. Last week was "open week" for farmers with programs featuring a variety of new ideas presentedr every day In spite of the drought which bas been severe in that dis- trict the O.A.C. grounds and flow- ers were in fine condition. After Lake Supenior, Lake Vic- toria in Africa is the largest lake ýn the world. Lake Anal in Siber- ia is third and Lake Huron fourth. To relieve its congested busi-M ness streets and alleys, Denver.M Col., is now spending $500,000 'a year on underground wiring facili- Lies.I Th e Orono News Mms. R. E. I "'4 y SOLINA The Married Peopl&'s picnic was heid at Lakeview Park, Osh- awa, on June 16, with about 50 attending. Officers for thse next yean are: President, Burney Hec- ey; finst vice president, Harold Pascoe; Secretary, Mrs. Roy Langmaid. Mr. and Mrs. John Knox, Helen, Patsy and Kenneth, attended the Anderson-Malcolm wedding at Brougham on Saturday. Mrs. Harry Beauchamp la ma- king satisfactory progress after an operation at Bowmanville Hos- pital and is now convalescing at home. We wish ber a speedy re- coveny. No church or Sunday Sehool ser- vice on Sunday on account of Hampton anniversany services. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Anthers, Jean and Lorraine bave been visi- ting Raymond's father at Port Coîborne. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Patsy, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Hamer and Doreen attended Ked- non anniversary services Sunday CLARKE COUNCIL Council Chambers, Onono r June 7, 1949 Clarke Council met June 7 with all Counciliors present and the Reeve presiding. Two representatives from the Shell 011 Company advised the Council on the advantages of noad »side spraying as compared to brushing. This subject bad been discussed at previous Council meetings and was a contnibuting tactor for the presence of the two nepresentatives. For trial pur- poses this discussion was formally concluded by Resolution. Reeve and Clerk were appoint- ed to be a committee in orden to draft a new Building By-law. These nesolutions were passed: Requesting Clerk to correspond with Dept. of Municipal Affains to inquire by what method this Township shall be compensated because of the cancellation cf the one miii subsidy. Reeve and Deputy Reeve are de- iegated to investigate the possibi- lities for the County cf Durham to fonm thein own individual ad- ministration. This Council accepts two tend- ers for the construction of bridges: Contract No. 49-1; Contract No. 49-2 and 3. The above contracts are awarded to J. C. Duff Limîted. Bolton, on the conditions and ap- proval cf the Dept. of Highways. Authonized Road Superintend- ent to spray road sides at bis dis- cretion and not to exceed a total cost of $600. Council will meet on July 5 at 9 a.m. MAPLE GROVE Mrs. Otis Pritchard and sons John and Peter, Manotick, are spending this week with ber mo- th, Mn.. L. C. Snowden. Misses Ruth Snowden, Wing- bam; Edna Snowden, Manotick, are spending this week witb their 'parents, Mn. and Mns. Allin Snow- den. Mrs. R. N. Rea, (nec PFlorence Morris), Portage la Prairie, Man.. is visiting ber sisten Mn.. Ross Stevens. Church School on Sunday at 2 p.m. A number of friends were en- tertained'at the vanlous homes on Sunday. and viaited Mr. and Mns. Walter Davis. Mrs. J. W. Yellowiees with ber sisten Mn.. Harry Westley, Bow- hianville. M-r. and Mr.. Jack Davies and Karen, and Mrs. Charles Scott, Southampton; Mn. Charles Scott, Delhi; with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Scott and Mr. B. G Stevens. Women's Institute met at the church last Tuesday with Mns. Roy Langmaid pnesîding. The plat- forms of the three major political parties were presented by Mrs.. Langmaid and Mrs. Bruce Tink. Mrs. Isaac Hardy neported on the District annual meeting. Vocal solos by Mrs. J. C Smales and Miss Pearl Leach were enjoyed. Lunch wàs senved by Group 1, under leadership of Mrs. Bruce Tink. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink, Lorne and Dianne, with Mrs. W. A. Ormiston, Brooklin. Messrs.. A. L. Pascoe and C. E. Shortridge attended the funeral cf the latter's uncie, Mr Sam Kiv- cIl, Brookiin. Sevenal from bere attended the man at Bowmanville. Sincerest sympathy is expressed tothe rela- tives on bis tnagic passing. School Trustees attended the Trustees and Ratepayers meeting at Bowma nville. The pea vinery north of the vil- lage commenced operation on Wednesday. BLACKSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard, Bowmanville, and Mr. T. A. Bea- cock, Regina, wbo is visiting his relatives before making a visit to Ireland, with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hill.1 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ritches, Mr. Ed. Ritches and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoopen, P 'eterboro, caîl- ed on Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mount- joy and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. For- der on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hill with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Beacock, Prince Albert. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Devitt, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Creîghton Devitt. ROTARY E CLUB 29 GROUNDS FUN FOR TEE ENTIRE FANILY! I EXPERTS DO IT - Give us a cai te-day for free estîmates. Phone 438 42 King St. IL H.IGH SCHQOL Featuring Dýenefit Soccer STARTING AT 7:15 Pi.e Cam TORONTO v S. DURHAM TICKETS -MAY BE OBTAINED FROM ANY MEMBER 0F THE BOWMANVILLE ROTARY CLUB EXCIT-ING NEW- UNES NEW FEATURES GOGD CLEAN FUN HORSE RIDES GIGANTIC Display - Be Sure Io Siay! DO WMAN VILLE ED., h -~ '- i AT THE UL 'STER ALL m STARS Tes, give us a eall When yen requfre any electnical Installations to be miade. Oua experts have had years of practical experience at repairing and Installlng ail types cf eleetrical wirint and fixtures. Not only that . but you can be assured that when we do a Job for you that only the best of matenials go Into each and every Job. Thse two thing a sre you cf years of practical trouble-free service from your electrical installations. !I ERRY-GO-ROUND: HIGGON ELECTRIC Tour General Eleetrie Appllanee Dealer flowmanville Fireworks This Yeur a Diggor and Bolier Firowork8 Display ha: boom Planned Io Conclude a Clorions Eveaing of Fun and Enbortaiumont PROCEEDS FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN'S WORK TMMDAT, 3VM UM, 19« Carol in Oshawa with Mr. and has been very sacÈ with an attack Mns. Tom DeMille. of poison, îvy. Mrs. Arnott Neals and ber Best wishes te Mu Norma pupils enjoyed a picnic on Satur- Malcolm wbo completed her day at the Cream of Barley. Bow- course at the Bowmanvifle Busi- manville, and aftenwands at thse ness College and haa a position theatre. in Toronto. Sympathy is extended to re- Mrs. Geo. Fowler vjsited Mn. latives cf Mrs. Wm. Barton wbo and Mn.. Norman Edgerton, Cad.. was buried on Saturday. MUS. Mns. Osmond Wright in Toronto Misses Joyce Venning and Wil! with Mr. and Mrs. Goldwyn da Steele are working in Say. Faint and family. well's Gendral Store. Mr. and Mrs. John Beacock Mn.. John Marlow is In Toronto arrived home on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Shook. from their wedding trip and were There ar'e now three fine swings greeted wîth a charivari by the in thse Communlty Park. On Fni- young people. day evening when tbey were .Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. completed there were 38 childnen Percy Collins on the arrival cf waiting te use them. There la a fine baby boy in Oshawa Hos- also a teeter-totter and a sand pital on Monday. box for the very young. We are Mr. and Mrs. George Rutherford very grateful te ail who belped and Allan, Oshawa, Mrs. George by work and donations of mater-.ý Fowler and Mrs. Luther Mount- il. Our next aim is to get a' joy spent Sunday at Lake Scugog. picnic table for the park. Mrs. Oke, Port Perry, with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snooks. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swain Wbat we truly and earnestly and family, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Mc- aspire to lie, that in some sense Gi and family spent Sunday at we are. The mere aspiration, by Port Boîster, Lake Simcoe. changing the frame of the mind, 1 il PAR - Mx THE CANADUN STATESMAN. BOWIUNV=. nXTAIM ý e

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