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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1949, p. 1

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be "Durham Coutnty's Q~at Fczmily Journal" VOLUME 95 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, TURSDAY, AUGUST l8th, 1949« 6c PER COY NUBE 3 Dm ~~~Three Brilliant B.H.S. Hsia br scLocal at Peerboo Win'~~ t "I PStudetssObtin Hiqrfor D view of Durh am Century St'Marks O tin- hg s ialB a d arovincilaaGowT Wn he and alue ~~ ;. Ld~~.MarksiniDept. kxams-Covernment, or ghe r GrantS Gladioli Show0fV eraia inC ad mm m~m am~vvaThree Bowmanville High Schoo k Col. T. L. Kennedy,Onai students that tried the De! u It VVC ' VfA on tr cto Minister of Agriculture, gave te M Due Rsings Co stru tion opening speech at the oriu]- Sy D .W li m tN s l t n 1949 obtained a very high stand- tural show at the armouries in h.. lA7a.,u1 _____ing as s nby te *rsthat The architects' plans for the ,this year ending July 3ist.* AI- Peterboro on Friday night._____ were published last week. new Memoriai Hospital Will take., though th< hospital i$ showing a The Horticultural Society and Rtrascm wyfo ieigVtrnr eiiea Mis Gwnet Grffih, dauh-another few weeks to complete ' deficit of $887.64 for thjs period oaan cme wy MsGwntGrfihdag-and then it is iikely that tenders the receipts do flot show an ad- theiPeteboroand istritiGgd-ot ter of Rev. J. E. Griffith, who ou Society u nited their bloom, erwe] etn nFia aerms aeapriua tried 10 papers obtained 7 firsts for construction will be called. ditional Provincial Grant and wius odn t r.Br with a better knowledgeofteodnsfraims.B tish for. This was learned at the Counties grant that will total ai- veterinary. his work and his d-dd' enapriua oeo and 3 seconds. Gwyneth has been Hick of Lindsay, one of the c in r onH er aept u elfrf nmi.Bfr an outstanding student through-rgarmeigothHsptims$30. judges, rated with the recent Ot-ifraieo i a ~at cus sncs ou hrfieyer a .HS adBoarcheld Friday evening in the Receipts a veryinomtv address h h wo te enra Pofcinc piz urses' Rcesidence with ChairmanPainstwaFo rSh. professional work to the metn sayhtheavatestfu Melville . Dale i the chai. $27,8037 The local growers who were of the Bowmanville Rotary Cu otspatclfr xeine last year. Besides lher excellent Scrtr-earrRyDi- Old Accounts 129.83 successfuî in capturing some Of held in the Balmoral Hotel. h orei h atbscn work in the ciassroom, Gwyneth erty-eaurRyDil Out Patients 5 1.55 the prizes are: played on the basketball team, ing read the minutes of the July Dr. Werry who -reently stu itdo oryaso nesv wasAssstnt Ediorof hemeeting, and then entered into* el ne4.8 Special awards in the Gladiolus practice on Carlisle Ave., wasi-suybtcmecn nSp Screc Ol ndisalo n ccm-the correspondence. It was with Cfe----------22 Society's show were: The T. troduced to the club by Rotaintme ieya orei e rerendatth50.00acete Eaton o rpy for most points Bill James. He mentioned t~ig±agrtd plished musician. She plans to Eregretethatnthe) Board accepted n Co.a troph attndVitoiaColeg, nierite resignation of nurse MissEchne(ota -- 81 scored by exhibitors: Mrs. Gor- r er a aiesno olg tde ty of Toronto, this year with hopes Irene Cunningham, who has' ac- UMifclos onra21.40dn95reBwavle West Durham having been on Digthfrsyerhetu of doing missionary work when cepted a position at Sunnybrook Uinsrs Condta)140 Cnd akrsLm95ca- h eci sno r n she graduates. Hospital. Toronto. A letter will Di ary Credits ----47M Cnadaupack tes Lt becatho uertsedsonof Mr.andrs.dn sinrdcdt cleelf be entte he remer f Ot i tr . @5Grl ors oo r n n h iitro elhaking'Dispensary Returns -- 190:78 gladioli went to Rev. W. W. Pat- ovshpDuigiseryeastkvrosemrrsngoms .,~.. and the Miniser 0f Heath asing rants---- --------- 2,7 08 terson of Newcastle. T e a a e i t de u h a Mrs. C. G. Morris, receîved 6 forincr-a-d-grats fromt-h-e---natins-- 00na ldou oceycp hmsrZolgBooy t. .'~-,'... firsts and 3 seconds in the nine Province due to rising costs 0 o__fDoain1.or te bs ix splaiksoifeety Iae ut otiutinofHg 4-~papers that he wrote. Gerald also building. frtebs i pks ifrn has been an outstanding stu- Cnieal isuso ok$31,063.28 varieties, was awarçled to Mrs.~fu±sjcs [o~e Cosdrbedsuso okGordon Osborne.. ' aemrprciasuetssc dent and was winner of the Cana- pacereadn denuetc-."....,... ..... :4,ph rburdng ementntai The George Clarke Cup folte ~a nmlfeig reiî n wnthe Dramatic Award for his a huh httestaio xhne------ 75 best spike in the show was cap-maagmen.a...v.toc..d. portrayal of the Judge in "Trialcodberiee smehtb PintRfds-203 tured by Dr. E. W. Sisson of by,.Jury" that was- presented atYThisn thé'B.HS. ommecemnt astnotifying the various municipal- Statîonery and Office- 218.39Bwavleonhsarepe- a..agernumbr.o . .lepones12173 enof the variety "White Chist- Dr. nd rs.L. . Wilias yar.Law is Gerald's chosen pro- sibie indigent patients. Dietary ---«------------ 4,345.65 mas." fession, and lhe also plans to at- HLeresting anail. Real specimensvill shuttled back and forth on the and would not attempt an address However, judging by the excel- acting Superintendent in the ab- Cenn D.1436arluram ersnaie cin, and anatomy1 most in-, silver screen at Williams' Point, on either the political complexi- lence of his sport reports that he sence of Superintendent Lenore Bidns625 retired minister at Brighton, ~ -mrnrteudrrdaeian Caesarea, Friday evening, Aug. ties leading to forming of a num- bas written for The Statesman Harding, presented the following Equipment 352.04 were first prize winners in thebysenaddog.Tepro 12, when Dr. L. B. Williams, un- ber of Ontario Counties under this year, perhaps the newspaper report for July. LudySple 07 seediing section of the gladiolus ~, olwn hsya ssetwt der he uspces f Nstjtonthe Baldwin Act of 1849 or the worid is losing a top notch jour- Vital Statistica Dispensary------------ - 1692.37 displays. avtrnra ngnripatc Branch, Women's Institute, Jin a vicissitudes of time during the naiist. 1948 1949 Pathology 141.00 The three-spike section de- technîcoior panorama, wove the century since. Miss Vrginia Hopkins, daugh- No. of Admissions -- 117 86 Salaries--------7276 erved speciai mention. It was whetesudnrcivsago fabrie of Durham County's Cen- The programi highlighted three ter of Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Hop- No. of Discharges -----113 124 Surgical and Sterile- 680.83 a big display in a wide range of tespriino h ulfe tennial being celebrated this year, features; kins, R.R.2, Bowmanviile, was No. of Births --------- 24 32 Fuel and Heating--- 1,245.98 "glad" colours. In the class for . eeiain 14.. Durham County's Centenniai successful in obtaining 4 firsts No. of Deaths------- -2 4 Light and Power 334.72 baskets of gladioli there were il PrtcaWoI The scariet thread runnîng 1048-1949. and 5 seconds out of 9 papers. No. of Stillbirths -- O 1 Water---------------- 51.03 entries. First prize went to Rev. Têmr rcia ieo h through the piece was "Home Women's Instute's first baif Virginia won the Generai Pro- Patients in Residence 20 14 Operating Room W. W. Patterson of Newcastle ~us oe ntetidya S'weet Home", Seemingly al etury. ficiency Prize in 1945-46. She Days Stay ------------554 617 Supplies-----------69.34 with the variety "Corona," white *we ag ato h td Lake Scugog colony, many from ca lopoen hesl obanMjr aorO Bnrad with flushed edge. He also took theatifaceni ontrned out tod Naketurahly in v e of te adi-excellent oratoricai speaker by No. of Operations ---- 5 10 Water Control - 812' 78 first prize for the best displaytramtsec.unrthgu- benjautirleal colorul rndouram. enaeu p, thi ve pograheadwinning awards in the school Minor Minor Miscellaneous 1,114:10 of gladioli. D.Jh .Wryac fteciiini hre e Dnoubties the oou r on bis to askend ovte pr awadscontests. Her favorite sport at 46 30 sids.tisoDr.Werr.sttedtha Dobls h otro i oams edoe akad colwas baseball. Planning to The above number of births $29,678.87 he worked on his father's fr h tdn ted etrso Wyto Williams' Pit elce ln LkeSuo hrs i cba hoo hoSerymaherand recei foedubis educationudeatwthsetsacteriologys tandapathoocogyurstudy- on the cbanged scene since lbe and lhe is billed to give another Dur- e27H2.0coo5techrVirina orJul, 94, ncude to et Juy ccuns i py - ,2 MsWilasfrtetblse an Cnena rga twill take Modern History at Mac- of twins which is somewhat of a- Returns to Hoilland Blackstock Continuation Sceoligvrosdiesdseies Mrs Wllamsfist esalis e castenniura progrta atMaster Uiest, Hami in, , record for te hospialin one $Î,5.9Served OverseasThfiatemsspnlrgy their summer home atlCesara, N mastntSaurdayntghrAu5 Univrsit Htt the-th h tl $19509 the, wa when a beautiful woods of tower- 20, we venture bis first love, er ot..ii~'£ LaSA h ustoftewrh nteciisadtelbrtre îpgtrees, in a carpet of wild Lake Scugog will be forgotten Bowmanville High School bas Beîow is the financiai state- Excess of Disbursements ____ joined the R.C.A.F., advancedt hietesudn eevsa x ,,,PîMwers shaded in dark earth and Lake Ontario's Duram Shores set a marvellous record in the ment for the seven months of over income ----«ý$ 887.64 After 25 years away from bis the commissioned ranks andwnteletgudigbfrginot ýeY~ustitsel.f into the lake-shore. getelieigtowfce! astheyarwth tuns native country, Andrew "Andy" overseas where lie joined notewrdo i w.O -',>e4-To-day, the wild fiowers are After the screen in the first passing in over 90% of the papers Local Law Student Porpular Tourist Home Lunnemann, left by plane last Fighter Squadron, first statiedgauto hercvsbsd- still there, but are out on beauti- pictures got tbe ice out of the written. Just to gîve readers an ~ Wednesday, August 10, for Hol- in England and t1ýen on thecn-geofotrofeeiayM- fui lawns, around flower beds lake, so the tourists could get idea of what an excellent record Awarded First Prize "Glenn Larra" Sold land. His main object on going tinent. After bis d ischarge-he n iiefo h nvriyo o thrvig n te lat fodofAs here, the Doctor with a much en- this is, in the Port Hope High____ on this visit is to be with bis par- tered the Ontario, VeterinaryCo-rno pirin and ice-cream, dolled up in .1oyed old crow's nes't high in a Shotesuet a~di General Proficiency Ms.GogC.oteanMi- ents at Boskoop, Hoiland, on the lege at Guelph from *hibe RhOI scant leafage of swimming suits, tree top, noted that in the time 82.7% of the papers written this VivianGeorgele Foster aveis occasion of their 5th Wedding graduated this year after servn h e rdaevtrnra slacks, or less and ail tarred with before bim hle could not JshowB.ySear. Thison cails for congratulaul toris..homeA - ersary on Ags 2 i nenhpwt elk the saine stick-a good coat of every crow's nest of developmenît tions to the students and alsoto ms. . . Southey, of on- "Glo eiLrrbautfu o ristomeRd.Antimporantgusion22. . bisphiterinwtarw-w i honinotewri orv tasnE.C.inuteyofrhwam- Glenrarr" o Kigsoncd.ntttisymprtathocasonMr Guiphvetriary fo hisel ad my coosgt tan. e seve n he sh re u rham udurng is entry the tcefrs to h omi shoudidg o ville as been awarded the first East, where they have been es- Lunnermann will also be able In 1946 bie married Miss Ev y ol w oeo aiu iis b u Like temseivs on te shoe, butrather unde a pîn tree he crdit fo thisiigh stnding0prizeoffor0.00efr tgreaestlai-ttabished n i het ouristbusinss tosisitswthtbi brothrs andsis- bilp o Mrs. ixty prcentofiailv.teriaraan ___________e______________onthe _____________onPage________ round proficiency in the subject for 22 years. During this time ters wbo are ail coming home for Werry bave one daughter, An naei rvt rcie i Successful Tag Day of Civil Practîce and Procedure they bave gained wide epute for the celebration. Two sisters and Marie. Dr. Werry is the first vt okmyb narrldsrc SuccessfulTag Day inthe firstyear oftwholbrothurrstnowr resideaHol-acerinaryonsetwouprpracticew beree wnere herimainly sctnce nnedawith F o e o l P r t he is ye ar o t a o us e t he r c m o ta i c o olto s and, one sister and one brother in quite a few years.t e we ar of ar ma , or i Miany Staff Changes Announced FrM m ra ak aOgodHlTrno e Thotourchasers of the Foster wili be coming from England and Inbsonig earsD.nyanuancte eaofWrdWar IIli e stoo borne are two gentlemen fo rte wl emng fro Inerrystate that etiary himnsof daigwt Avr ucsfltgdywsthird in his class in teannual TrntMm. Harold Buse and oFrancetthe science and art such as household petster A vmy su cesfu tg d y asexaminations, and obtained the Mr. Edward Scott w o ave oper- F andynnenn.ftbMpa etatdiasne it the c een ti A t Ontario Training School for B0oys heid on Satuarday with the total bighest mark (80) in Civil Pro- ated a very successful tourist fromTorontoan1left o via ne cur ealevito n xemna h ie the veternaria ______proceeds of $152.69 to be used cedure, also gainng an "A" rat- oei ha iyfranme fein byno plwllgova Netncou ie, ae a mongndmet cnta asrn secal hs f r im p ro v e m e n ts f o th B o w - in g o P ra c tic e g ro u p a n d o ra l e r .Y k . H wi - l a v b y p n e t o of d s s s a m g d m A farewell party was held at charge of aIl House Life under the manville Memomial Park. examination work. Mfrose nd brt om Th erdale-KonAgstu-cue n ramn2o6h.i-te eia otr ebsavr BheOfontaffwborarein mcovinfon Jamleso pson o f oresr.y The 23 cbildren that were tag- Second prize of $50.0 goes t gteMrs. bveprcaeda mlleries bave b T e o ae-ngftuae nuhav- order s wich ateaubetlagaeaocoe.Hisuae to new duties at the close of the heldid st underKn therrylacgigfromn 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. were: R. H. Carley, son of T. J. Carley, er residence on Elgin St. in Osha- eige srvic-bes fofr. Luneneha- ode fwo ieg ae suttogeaebi ainai summer. Mr. Stan Rickard, Mr, ment safudrKn er. CrHughes, Wasn . Bly arrieB.Worl a wyer h an.Heob-w hr hyhp emoeo n h evcsofM.Ltn-ToCle aroghges, aWn . Bre,aiePeeoro lWawyI er wboisHaioba- beete hp omoeOmann for the past seven years Eami Fairman and Miss Inez Sy- Mr. Bill Bagnel who bas work- bospital andes lngtie herbee asisn urbryduly Cnadandi-retw nions were recipients of momen- ed in close barmony with M. Young, R. Goulah, J. Brooks, G. tained a mark of 78, the third rsieptmber lst. Thesedlong timw heeb a enNreyS- I aaa hr aetovt apdb h ntr urud i tes and well wlhes from their Braden on programn work wil Quackenbush, D. Allun, S. Young, bigbest, and stood 29th in -the eseiîy i Tiiy Uieri toend tsidhre operatipos trioVernary College at uepiso the ums motneta fellow workers. continue as Physical TraiRnM. Mutton, R. Elliott, P. Mason, class as a whole, also obtaining Churc whein re Mrs. Foster wa dauHeisn aed, quliie at his. riofihite ith tuoegUierity ftevtGiuinb aie sso Mr. J. J. Brown, prominent Instructor. Replacing Mr. Braden JonnFyPprM.ouh very active member of the Wo- . Toronto and secondly the Quebe Bdn n ebrofteBTS ilb M.TdSmkn .Quinney, B. Allison, T. Allison, Tvn rdatdfo h or ontasannanmal i notîed tobe ab Lio, nd mmbe o te BT.. whlbeMr.Te Sipknswho Billie Luxton, S. Farrow, Hon men's organizations. ticuiture Sehool of Holland after Veterinary College, which is e-nra.Mn nmi staff of long standing, is the new graduated this year from the Uni- Mutton.ech ma be an i Assistant Superintendent. During versity of Toronto with a degrewihbesre isapetce ieyFrnbsekigadi a-svdbyerydagoi n in Heaith and Physical Education. Winners of the prizes donated Inter. Bail Club ship with two of the leading filiated with McGilI Universtretnt This team of Ted and Bill will by Reeve N. Allison for collect- French Nurseries. Montreal.MayVcie provide the school with a very îng the most money were won by - Issues Statement On coming to Canada lie was The speaker then explainedte strong recreational staff. marie Hughes-$25.03; J. Mason SEx enirs first employed by the H. C. various steps necessary in ore Tevtrnaansai c- Th caeiesaf il e $8.7 RnMutn-1.5.Downam Nurseries at Strath- to become a veterinarian. h endwt h rvnino strengthened by the addition of The Memorial Park Committee roy. Sne htim25yasgoHhScolrduewo Miss Mory Blue who this yarwish to thank the taggers, belp- At a special meeting of the In--lbe bas worked for-a number of cverted bier Quebec teachn ers, citizens of Bowmanville and temdaeBsbî soito te edn aaian nursery certificate into an Ontario First the visitors at the Beach for their beld Friday night the Treasurer establishments as weil as being Class paper, and Mr. Ray Bow.en support in making the tag day a was hecuested te publish the fol- in business for bimself. L gion a n v iowing information for the bene- Hfe was brought to Bowman-Lear va to b fg N gh wbo as t ught at he M p'ie of the local sport fans and ville by the late J. H. H. Jury * a - j ~~Grove Schooi for the past few The ladies who sponsored the -'supre.whmaeaoitfinrsin supotes.wh mdea oit f ntretigOw t eason,_ rd y Au st2 years. tag day were Mrs. A. Lyle, Mrs. - - l\'iss riezSymns lavesthe . Jefer, Mr. O.Sellrs, rs.In previous years it has been bimself in bringing in the best _____ -' .T.. saffto akeupburar . Mtto, Ms.N. lliori Mr. , cutomary to spenda certain men possible for the thriving nur- amountof tiafandt±ndsaon - serubusinssD. MowmanviieM-sowmNnvilelBrrich Mrthe bautifu streahîne Cevrooe -duties at the Ontario Training T. Johnson, Mrs. W. Barrett, Miss al m ove o me afntsa tebsebl sr uiesi omnil, Cariadian Legion have gone alcr 0b ueta o aepr cutltimaketheircamnsalawhcthchsed aticke Scbool for Girls in Cobourg. Rose Bate and Mrs. J. Large. dionuMinyfrtecofr îlt take plae Frdcay nghtAug ill il heLgonbv In spite of these many changes The Memoriai Park Committee r ofsorwfn wo eigoultfl-PstOfiePeeies utcete iget ndbsti e- ellnpanh awndrflnAh - --Mr. J. J. Brown is confident that are planning a big drive among us26 the borne gamesdof theiv hee bas a top-notch staff and lie the merchants to raise money te osbrbaltmsnteow[N w Fc Lfig tertainment of the season. o netimn o ekfo is alre-ady laying thep lans for ir]uld clb ous atthepak. 4 41- is yar bollthays douts Te îrt ttrctonofthenîFtFrdaynihtiobe ur t b o Mr. Jim Parkbili wbo bas been TusSet -rasbtt o danywelypblses a tey rt, y hseudr etybineh blnc f b unheaeairih oeCodaanntae- hegreswllbionad o eey-caani1efr opl4f6or a member of the B.T.S. staff for and Commercial Travellers' pleant eclectubioseof avt ery igib ol fcr eueohstakbein lTee tanpotaio regal-es t o kep on pin epthm.engaes etriimb nhafreri.As el a-o udMt e ft o bas ba sorn 18 yars' xperince Fi., Spt. 9Iriteproviciaî rid te Roan boreiineDcambe ofna actie par in pometigobete thon the oad, ails ndabasbaatsThosdrespeisibi for he at tracion the bethe PndacBironmd theiocatntoe m.andaî',t has hadprincipal iri Nortbern ntar Serv 9ice Clubs' D a an 1947 wheri real southeri bospitali- relations between lawyers anid a other eqaiprnent. A complete tractive appeararice of the Post Bootb.ft-esfamwchwsntbi le a nipael iualfiethe taeSa.,' ardCa ty was extended te these traveil- better public understaridirig of statement will appear at a later Office are Stan Preston, bis sons, The Ladies Auxillary of t1 iiiy i ahrwsFe ch arge of telqaaidic k a.,Sp. 0Ctie and vo- de-Da. ng jourialists by Mm. and Mrs. the iawyers' task. It was fourid- date. Dave and Douglas, Harvey Rowe, Legion wili bave a boetb n reSa and bi.rnfabrEo catare ogheam at em scndo- ta. Roach and their charming daugh- ed iri 1922, with thbe late Mr. Jus- The following is a statement of Don Ferguison and Don McNeviri. aise featuririg a draw on a dol.Saw ndtefmybo std ctoa rga ttesho.ter. Shelbyville is the centre of tice Davis as presiderit, and from the mon'ey spent on the grounids: Hewever, in praising the appear- Just te, make sure t-bat the kid-wskona TeCdr" h During thbe past twe summers Jirn With the coming Christ-mas anid orie of the iargest tobacco grow- time te time ifs presidents have Sheppard & Gi for dugouts anid ance of thIs building we must aise dies bave a goed ime, wberi theyei-r nbet upytb n Parkbill bas attended summer New Year's failirig oil Suriday, irig industries la the United States been asked te serve on thbe law stands $30.76; Mason & Dale, mention Russell Candier, the ef- enter tbe grounds, slips wiiiblomtosogttebhpo courses in Guidance. the goveriment- bas decided te aridcri our visit there we had the revisiori cornrittee appointed by paint, brushes, etc. $33.12; Labour ficient and painstaking caretaker, giver te t-hem that will eritit-le tesvraoltirsatwnbto Mr. Waily Braden, D.S.O., is declare t-be foli.iwing Monday, unique and interesting experierice the Attorey Gerieral of the pro- on dugouts and on diamond, grad- who always keeps the wastepaper nolder te a free ice ceam coneorieaa.Ifny fouradr being moved up from Supervisor Dec. 26 and Jan. 2-legai bolidays. of visit-ing the buge tobacco ware- virice. lt-s mernbership, originally ing, etc. $23.00; Mason & Dale fer baskets enîpty anid sees that thea bottle of pop.knwayhgabutisaml of Program iwbere be bas scored Se do your Cbristmnas shopping h ouses and seeing a tobacco auc- twenty-fivè, bas grown te fivé,new bases $19.20. Total $106.08. building is spic and span at al I The grand climax of t-be everi ilte laeavs h ta-s an eutstanding success t-o "ae eariy t-is à-ear. tion in operation. hundredi. Robert K<ent, 5ec. Treas.' times. ing will be t-he draw on t-b a Lie a

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