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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1949, p. 3

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IHURSflAY, AUGUST 13, 1949 L'EN CANADIAII STAT~SMAN. BOWMAN V1LLIZ, rnITAEJO MÂAPLE GROVE Church School service last Sun- tay was very well attended. Ser- ice wes in charge of Miss Far- ner and solo was nicely sung by Wiss Joan Munday. Service next Sunday will start at 2 p.m. with a ipeaker from Bible Society, To- ronto. Misses Pearl Collacutt, Jean Burgess have returned home after R pleasant week spent at Wood- mere Lodge, Presquile Point. Miss Shiela Munroe, Toronto, ts visiting Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Mns. Roy Topping, son Jimmny, Islingaton, visiting her parents Mr. Naturally Tanned CHAMOIS Savings of OVER 50%, Exceptional Good Value IDEAL FOR MANY USES Washing Cars lVashing Windows Lining Coats, Etc. approx. 30 x 30.... $2.25 each Z4 x 24. . 1.49 each 20 x 20 .98 each 14 x 24 - .69 each ) 216 .49 each DON McGREGOR *HARDWARE CO. hrPoue 386 King St.W. .and Mrs. Fred Stevens. Mrs. Albert Brown, Billie Betty, have returned to Han after visiting her parents Mr Mrs. C. H. Snowden, Mfs. S den returned home witk for a few days. Mn. Chanlie Smith, Camp visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred yens. Admission ta Bowman Business School for the fali will be on September 6 anm tober 3. Mrs. C. A. Bartlett give your problems her ca personal attention. See ad on 6.-Advt. KIRBY 1 - -- - . -. W.A. had a very successful sup- per and an excellent play put on by Maple Grove ladies. Don't forget Sunday School is at 10:30 a.m. during August while Rev. Eustace is holidaying. Mrs. Youngman entertained the ladies of the W.M.S. on Wednes- jday aftennoon. A short business meeting was held followed by a laveiy picnic lunch on the lawn, and social time. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lawson and Bruce, and Mrs. Jas. Lawson, Yel- verton, with Mr and Mrs Wm. Wann an. Mn. and Mrs. P. J. Bigelow and farnily, with his parents. Mr. John McKelvey, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Wannan and Ross at Caesarea. Mr. and Mrs. S. B Rutherford at Peterboro. Mrs Patterson with'Mrs. C. V. Cooper, Orono Mrs. Robt. Allin with her daughter in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilkins and son, Bowmanville, with Mr. and M rs. A. J. Bigelow. ZION (Hope T-wp.) Miss Wyllene Wilson, New- castie, with lier cousin Miss Elaine Caswell Mrs. Harold Caswell, Jean, Iris and Brian visited Mr. and Mns. Elmo Anderson, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. George MeCul- lough, Newtonville, with Mn. and Mrs. W. J. McCullough. Many young people attended the Junior Farmer's meeting at Wesleyville Beach, Tuesday even- ing. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Casweil were: Mrs. Bowv.>rs Mrs. Stout, Miss Coulter, Miss Bennett, Peterboro; Mrs. Edgar Barrowchough, Wesleyville; Mrs. E. Crosthwait and Miss Donalda Crosthwait, Canton. Miss Gwen Joncs visited in Janetville. Mr .and Mrs. Donny Wilson and Wyllene visited Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Caswell, Sunday even- ing. Mrs. Moore, Toronto, visited Mrs. Edwin Ruthven, Bunker Hill. £ The George White Avery Mo<Iel 'A' Tractor The Model ««A" la a tractor designed for Ia impIe- mente wlth ample Power and weight to pull them, thua givlng maximum economy under ail operatlng conditions- The bulit-in hydraullea remove ail labor from farming. We have this. tractor on display and will be only to. willing to demonstrate Ias outstanding performance. A fulliline of Tractor Equipment is available through us. ORONO ELECTIC E. Dent Phone 55-r-i Orono H. Duvail G. Duval nilton r. and Snow- them Shilo, 1Ste- riville term d1 Oc- bt wîll irefui, ipage Stainton's, ENNISKILLEN W M.S. met at the home of Mrs M. Stainton on August 9. Mrs. R Seymour gave a description ai the school for leaders. Devotiona] was in charge of Mrs. M. J. Hobbs. Mrs. T .Beckett had charge of the program which apened with a piano solo by Miss Dorathy Stain- ton. Guest speaker was Miss Doris Millson, recently returned a mis- sionary from hohivia, who in a pleasing inanner gave an inter- esting and educational talk on the women and children af Bohivia. Mrs. R. Seymour gave a humorous reading. At the close Group 4 senved lunch. Saturday, August 14th marked the 82nd birtliday of aine of aur aider fohk, George Rei4. The oc- casion was celebrated with a quiet dinner and tea. Those pre- sent were Mn. and Mrs. John Pearce, Mn. and Mrs. Lau Pearce, Miss Mary Peance, Port Penny, Mr. and Mrs. John Osborne, Oshawa. Mrs. M. Stainton, Dorothy and Clarence called in the evening ta offer congratulations. ý Mn. and Mrs. Walter Rahm and Doreen, Tynone, and baby Junior Perger, Hamilton, were Saturday evening guests with Mns. Mary Griffin. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Fer- guson with Mr. and Mrs. George Bowens, Nestleton. Mr. G. Fleet, Toronto, with MrI. and Mrs. J. Fleet and Mn. and E'rs. L Wearn Mn. and Mns. R. J. Weaving, To- ronto, with Mn. and Mns. W. H. M1oore. Miss Gail Pethick who lias been hlidaying with ber cousin Miss N~ancy Wood has neturned ta To- ronto. Mr. Invin Wotten, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Oshawa, were Friday evening guests with Mns. Mary Griffin. Mn. and Mrs. R. ope, Mn. and vIns. C. Milis, at Penny, with Mrn. and Mns. . Stainton. Mn. F. Ellis and Rev. R. M. Seymour attended the Royal Mllbrook on Satunday Mr. and Mrs. L. Weann with Mrn. and Mrs. R. Acton, Victoria Corners, and Mn. and Mns. C. B. Wagg, Uxbridge.4 Mn. and Mrs. O. C. Ashtoit, Lo'is nd Charles, Enniskillen, Mn. and Irs. Bruce Ashton and Larny, Purple Hill, with Dr. and Mns. C. 1Austin, at thein cottage, Stur- geon Lake. Congratulations ta Mn. George Reid on celebrating bis 82nd )ithday on August 14. Mn. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick and Vancy Wood with Mn. Oswald Pe- hick, Barrie, and Wasago Beach. Mn. and Mns. Gondon Whitta- ter and Eva Ann, Mns. Alex Per- ler, Hamilton, with Mns. Mary xriffin. Mn. and Mns. John Osborne, 'shawa, with Mr. and Mrs. A. ýeadbeater. Mr. and Mns. Ed Jenninga, Ac-I on, accom-panie<j Mn. and Mns. c 'i 'i c N i I t 1 L tc G. BDy Train #0 the NATIONAL AT TOfOnTo Av@. 26 te SN. iol L@w Rail For«s P ARE AND ONE-NAIF F O TUE ROUN TIPj Good golng Thursday. Aug. 25 to soturdoy, Sept. I1O hduuIv- *ewi LwntuS...14 orfolofol..yfl. m 1 ZION Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Gerry, Ton- onto, at Mrs. F. B. Glaspel's Mrs. A. Knopsel, Toronto, has been holidaying at Hans Geiss- berger's Mr. and Mrs. Percy Davidson, George and Peggy, at Orville Knapp's, St. George. Mr. and Mns. R. C. <Sammy) Stainton were chivaried on Mon- day night at Russell Stainton's. Messrs Bert Beckel and Ntf 1 Gifford took a motor trip to North Bay, Ottawa and Thousand Is- lands. Mrs. A. Robb, Coutright, visit- ed her sister, Mrs. Percy David- son. Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Hoskin, Ir- ma and Stanley, Eric Stevens, Thornton's Corners, at Ray Cam- eron 's. Miss Jean Nyshta, Oshawa, spent the weekend with Helen Davidson. Miss Inez Cameron visited Gwyneth tCarrington, Oshawa. Master Russell Mitchell, To- ronto, is holidaying at Russell Perkins'. Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Braiden and grandchildren, Oshawa, Charles Braiden, Toronto, at Robent Kil- len 's. Mr. and Mrs. L. McKenna, Mr. and Mrs. Lea Moffatt and Paul, Oshawa, at Percy Davidson's. Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Hoskin and Stanley, Mn. and Mrs. Ray Cameron and family visited friends at Osaca. The school children and their parents met at Gerny Glaspel's and presented Mr. Henry De- Mille with a suitcase. Mr. DeMille has been our teachen for six years and we are sorry ta hase him. We wish hlm eveny success at Cour- tice school. Mr. Arnold Vennr has been engaged as teacher for the com- ing year at S.S. 12. Miss Rae Venner, Toronto, is holidaying at home. Mrs. Reford Cameron and Mrs. Russell Stainton celebrated their Ail is in readiness for the final series for the Darlington Softbal Cup. As was the case last year it is agarn-Caurtice Impenials against Maple Grave Hawks. Maple Grave disposed of Shaw's *in two straight games for the right ta enter the finals as they fwon the second game at Shaw's 14-7 in six innings. once again *it was ail Maple Grave from the first inning. Ted Hoar pitched ta B. Snowden and they had \the game weil in liand. For Shaw's Dick Rickard started and pitched steady hall but he could flot get support from his infield an d Maple Grave ran the score ta l1-6ý before Noirm Horn came in ta finish the game. Again Ray Mun- day was leading the way with the bat. In the two games lie has hit seven for ten. The series 'between Courtice and Ebenezer was one of the most sensational series seen in saftball for some time. After Caurtice won the first garne 6-5, the second gamne ended in a 6-6 draw. The third game was played before, undaubtedly, the largest crowd this season and they were treated ta an exciting bail game which Courtice won 6-5 scaning a nun in the seventh. Ebenezer opened the sconing in the first inning by virtue of Pickie's home run smash ta lef t field. Countice quickly tied it up in their haif of the first inning. Courtice led 3-2 when Ebenezer put on a rally which moved the score ta 5-3 and appeared ta be the bail game right there. In this innîng Gien Pickhe hit a triple. However, a couple of costhy er- rars tied the score at 5-5 in the sixth inning and paved the way for the thrilling climax. Jack Gay was on 'by errar but was torced ta second by Melntyre. Mclntyre stole second and taok1 third on a pass bail and scored from third on a fly ball ta lef t field after the catch was made by Con Battams. It was a well pitched game as Jerry Peterson pitched ta, Sam Battamis for Ebenezer and Jack Gay pitched ta Bob Jahinson for Caurtice. The Maphe Grove-Courtice series opened August 16 at Cour- tice with the second game at Maple Grave, Friday, Aug. 19 and the third game at Courtice Aug, 23. If more games are nec- essary they will be played Aug. 26 at Maple Grave and Aug. 30 at Courtice. *1 i Ih Coming or Going? -%' ues i aRany a3 u- ference when you have the Protection of the Personal Property Floater. With this grand Insurance Policy, the propert3' you leave at home, the belongings you take with you on trips ... are covered against theft, loss, fi re, explosion and Just about eVery other ýhazard You can think of. Don't settie for Iess. Ask us about the Personai Prop- erty Floater today. StuaiEL Ja'mes INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Phone: Office 681. Res. 493 King Street, Baw manville I _______________________________________________ DO WMAN VILLE IH. Mills on a motor trip through Northern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. A. Oke with Mr. and Mrs. George Rahm, Saintfield. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Werry, Osh- awa, with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. McGiUl. Miss Barbara Acton, Victoria Corners, with Miss Lorna Wearn. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pethick, Patsy and Mrs. E. Strutt with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cain, Pontypool, Mrs. E. Strutt remained for a week. Mr. and Mrs. R. McGill and Reva, with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gimblett, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Frank JPenby, Haydon, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke on a motor trip to Lake Simcoe. Mn. Melville Griffin and Doris, Mrs. Jas. Henry and Sheron and Norman Summers, Blackstock, Mrs. George Bradley and Mary Adeline, Burwash, Mrs. J. E. Griffin, Laura and Muriel, Yel- verton, with Mrs. Mary Griffin. Mrs. William Wright, Newton-! ville, with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright. MIM. and Mrs. George Roache and family, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. P. Ellis. Master Don Wearn at his uncle's Mr. R. Acton, Victoria Corners. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mr's.1 Carl Ferguson. P 1 Mrs. George Preston, now Thoman, of Kitchener, an old resident of Enniskillen visited Mrs. H. Stevens and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Wearn and Mr. Gordon Fleet spent Thursday on a mator trip to Fene- lon Falls and Lakefield. Dr. C. W. Siemon will speak on Churches Abroad at Aduit Bible Class, Sunday marning. A cordial invitation is, ýextended toaia]t corne. FEATURING PETERDORO SRSB BASEBALL DRAW PRIZES- 1. Ladies Gladstone Watch - Value $35.00 2. Gents. Gladstone Watch - Value $35.00 3. Silver Serving Tray - Value $12.50 4. Panda Bear - Value $5.25 5. Panda Bear 6. Panda Bear 7. One $5.00 Bill 8. One $5.00 Bill TICKETS THE GAY CARNI VAL STARIS Driitg the Entire Family For a Night Ont and Enjoy the KIDDIES' RIDES Ail the New and Popular Games GRAND PRIZE DRAW CHEVROLET 1 l' HIGH SCHQQL Proceeds for Legion Building Fund and Veterans Welf are I - - PAGE HRXE LEGION vs. OSHAWA SRSF . . . 25c eac h Fast radio pick-up service means no more long walts for % taxi. KING'S RADIO TAXIS 24 HOUR SERVICE Phone: Day 561 - Night 561 - 707 - 922 FOUR NEW CARS - ALL PASSENGERS INSURED PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE OPERATED BY LATHANGUE BROS. MERRY-09-URUUND CAR I B 1 N 0 a 11:30 PoUs FOR A 1949 GROUNDS Iranch No. 178 Maple Grove and Courtice Teams in Softball Finals ------------ c r- sq m m Ci w Pt 1. ge FU VE à: ce yge 1 MI ýe 01 1 6:30 P.M. IN REVIEW m FRIDAY, AUGUST 26th VÀ BE SURE TO PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS NOW FRON ANY NENDER 0F THE LEGION 1 1 Ini Case of Rain Carnival Wil 1 be Held Saturday, August 27 Bowmanville 1 HARDBALL GAME 1 THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1949 l'EM CANADIAN STATSMAX BOWMA.N luilis, viNTAMO ', The price 8 8-230 Puble

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