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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1949, p. 4

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................'- *UfA* IAIAN TATES AN .OWSeM= - - Duhm o nt of a this work, three articles wene no real rao why the surplusf boy" himself, 7 having alreaq OLN Featured Ini PMovin to Quebec in 1936, Dr. ized as sport and food." *'"Pop" has overlooked, includin Alii bcae drecoro! he n- During his eleven years at the 1a lamprey he obsenved oni ta Women's Institute me»-t with &a e e dSetà W eam ieti oih n akehead, the doctor has widely 1shores of Thunder Bay, near the President Mrs. R. Langmaid in glish speeking bird group of that exploned the territary fnom Empire elevator. The creaturb charge of the businesl perlod. [t Many Statesman readers who province. Wherever the AllUns Whtefish Lake ta Rossport at al 1 was flot theý dreaded sea laniprey was the "Young Mothers' Meet- are relatives, friends or former moved, they found their keen in,- times of the year, and studied its but a rare species found in Lake ing" with a numben in attendance. wild life. As a result of these Supenion. Group Convener Mrs. Toin Baker B.H.S. school mates of Dr. Albert explorations, some thinteen pa- Editor's Note--Albert is a son Jr., presided for the following E. AllUn wil be interested In fthc pers have appeared in Canadian o! the late Mn. and Mrs. Fred program. Paper on Current Events 4ollowing article which appeared and Amenican magazines con- Allin of Hampton, and bis wif e 15 read by Mrs. Cecil Pascoe; vocal recently in Font William Dally cerning local nature lare. These the former Dorothy Kirkton o! trio by Olive Cryderman, Donna Tims Jurnl udertheheaingrange fnom unusual orchids dis- Bowmanvilie, and sister of Mrs. Vice and Victoria Bruderick. «imee oa l ueces nd the edn covered at Thunder Cape and Robt. Stocker and Mrs. Rance Guest speaker, Miss Doris Mill- "L-jaehead Setce"ad rte Pigeon River ta a mass hiberna- Dilling of this town. The photo son, recently returned frorn Bo- ~~Y Joan Nuinie: ~~~tion of bats in a cave north-east af Albert used in this article 1 iviSuhAeia aeasn 5civi, nd sx icyles rom hig- o! the city, as well as articles on not a recent ne as many of is teesting aîd 'ducational talk on ~ch~ol, and bicy ling to Bbw man-unusual fish, biM ~s, and records f iends w ill realize, but he sii t ec n ii n tane afrm Hmptor o A.kE On- f new species o! birds nesting retains that look and. smile of a etc., cfteopl Bli . is t~ rio fford d. Dr. A. E. Allinin th e area. y ou th fu l and h ap py lad.M i s n al oo e v r plenty of tîme for observation o!f________________ displayed sm ey Wild life ard stimulated an earîy The cave of bats, near Cavern beautiful leather work donc by interest in nature study. Lake, was discovered in Navem- Loca Mou. Iet the Bolivian people. Lunch was Director of the Provincial ber, 1943, and cantaincd about ..oa irs Jt served by Mrs. Baker and ber gth 1,a7oratoryinFr Wil- from the ceiiing. A group o! peia ention In gop and District Pt i not and : theceatuss ret:ned Spcîc MMr. and Mrs. J. W. Yelwes BaeialoLgist-for the Attorney th .n atfaladfud the merican MIvagazine and Gladys, Miss Dooty Wood-1 Meen'eal's L'eoartment, Dr. Allun bats stili there, only in Éomewhat rfM.adMs e elw haàd h:s ;rzft article, "A Black smaîîer numbens. Since opening his new florist ices and Harold, visited Mn. and SwlowatButterfiv," published Na obt' reD.Au shop in Bowmanvil eea Mrs. Hanry Westley, Bowman- in the Toronto Star Weekly while years ago Mn. M. E. Atkins haË ile he ivas ýti1l attending public and Col. L. S. Deere of Port Ar- been known throughout the town Donald Prescott, Ray Pascoc, school. During high'school three thur located the nesting territory and district as a merchant wbôBueTyohndHre elw sets c. f his 1)îrd observations ap- o! a barned owî, one o! the larg- nat only preaches but practices lees were on a mator trip ta pearcd in Bird Lore.esofte pci.Dr ln good-will. Now bis famne bas cx- Kcmptville Agicultural College, clinibed the tnee cantaining the tended to international flonist Parliament Bldgs, Ottawa, and Thc hintcrezt continued whilc Dr. AlbertE. Allia nest and found the first- egg of crlsi i nevu optNrhBy Dr. Ahlin u'v.s an undergnaduate fthe barrcd owl to be located west cBowma nviendteau p ut N.h adMy. Ryod1nhs of Toràn t,-jlUniversity, and be was terest in nature was an "open o! New Brunswick. A companion Invithe 'ugstisuo the JeanMr and LrRane, visitcd Mn adinittcd'o 'cthe Erodie Club, an sesamne" ta making new fniends ree oInm hetebc te Ags su fteJa adLranvstdM cxcfilFix'e '.roup of Toronto natur- with similar hobbies. was probably excellent judgment Teegraph Delivery Spirit", offi- Arthur Anthes, Port Colborne. ah mcc r t in the Royal On- Dr. Allin is a member cf the on his part, for on returning to ~ ra !teTlgahD-Mr. and Mrs. Don Harris anld triro Mr'..rn of Zoology, limit- Thunder Bay Field Naturalist th -re fwwek ltrt ern Service, publisbed in Los John, Mn. and Mrs. O.S.M - r c(,nhcrship to about Club and a past president of tha thear discoer eheksroten treAngeles, California, Mn. Atkins bray, Oshawa, Mr. and MS. Mcw- t1 "organization. He is also past pres- in ruins cn the ground. At th e :s given very favourable comment Grath, Maple Grave, at Harveye laIn 19i t he Toronto Ornitholo- ident o! the Thunder Bay Fish time of the discovery of the egg, on bis gooc-will measures. With Harris'. gca 1i Ch' was formcd and Dr. and Game Association, and for teolatce r'Au the publication o! the article in- Mr.JcLagansoow are wodetihebow lngng ta hsck andr.' etin byquiniesahaveabeenandecenved from Allin became a charter rmember. people who aewnefloo lign ohi akad etn iissh aeberos Cnad and the anville, arc visiting ber par-C Durir.g lbs vacations and wcek- he can be a naturalist and a bunt- bis bead and face with its huge Statess asking formorCentaMn and Mtheate ar ends be worked for the Depant- er at the same time, Dr. Allun wings. i tats skgfolmr informa- enndr. adMs.slerPr nic t c G me nd Fis en es ay , " s ong as the e re 0- D r. A lln is a m em ber o ! the W c reproduce the article from M . G rry M ilson, Toronto, is arolind Lake Erie and in Halton telligent laws ta protect the fîsh American Ornithological Union, the magazine ta let aur readers spending a fcw de's under the ri and Muskoka, whcre be made a and gamne, and providcd that the Wilson Bird Club, the Amer- sec wbat the othen people tbink parental roof.1 study of the fish lîfe. As a resuit these laws are obeyed, there is ican Society of Mammalogists and o n !aretrnsn e- Mn. J. Cruicksbank bas be the American Society o! Ichthyol- chants: quite ill requiring much medical ogists and Hcrpetoliogists (fish "Building Good-WiII"l cane. We bope for a spcedy ne- 91 Pefcinand reptiles). "'Mn. M. E. Atkins, owner o! the coveny. .p Perfecion inDr. Alliri's ninc-year-old son, Atkins Flower Shop, TDS, of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Wottcn visit- 'y __- David, who attends Isabella Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada, is cd Mrs. Arthur Gibbons, Toronto. I O I .L - u - iM C IC school, is proving quite a "nature dcveloping good-will through Mn and Mrs Walter Parrinder ai the use' o! two advertising stunts aq;d Helen in Tyrone W OIL HEATING Do You or About wbicb are bath popular and pro- TccutyodShCnces- fialRsosuho!bn sudron - EVERY DROP 0F ~ Your Valuables? M.Akn ed aynvl much improvement, dcepening the w EVER DRP O OI ISty to every mother in the hospi- ditches, widening the road bcdv taIs o! bis city. The mothers ap- and setting back some o h CONVERTED INTO THE LAST Proper Protection Means preciate the flowers and remcm- fen ces and Puloig thetees Less Cost ia Long Rua ber bis name on future flower Thetomtagoutrs reettig POSSIBLE UNIT 0F HEAT. occasions. busy pickingrthes e das.The g B With the numerous burglanies Another form o! advcrtising drught bas b tee vcysbardeon -r -wc read of these days, do you found advantageous, is to send the crop.B !ind yourself worrying about the double the amount o! flowers or- Mr. W. R. Westlake, Oshawa BG safety o! the valuables you kccp dered ta service clubs. Credit is visited Mn. and Mns. Frank West- Now Is the time ta Instal ail at home? If so, you can case akdfrti etr, n h aeS.S hcaingor a bing your yound in an inexpensive way extra cost is charged ta advcr- MsScmaGletba eni as thousands o! Canadians have tisiflg. visiting friends at Trenton. s al i etngsse qready done. «Mn. Atkins observed that ser- Mnr.and Mrs. Bill Nesbitt, Car- s ol ilhatn sscm. vieSimply transfer your preciaus vcclub ;budgets for flowers are rol and Jim, Mns. E. Nesbitt and an« up o dte nd avemon beongngsto he ankof ont Lsully limited t such an extet John and friend, Brooklin, M up ta date aadesavfomaa-fbelon ing t e B nk o o t that proper decorations cannot Mn adso.ld'avs M s ey n ou fel oss. rel or afkepig.You can be provided with the money ai- MarilyndMs . Davisaa, Miss ey onyour uel csts. store documents like wills, bonds. lotcd. B13 iving twice the value KýayHlit ojaRapD- birth certificates and ilisurance ordcred, the Meeting room tables vs. yHlit oja ap a policies, and articles o! *value is such as jcwcîs, silvcrwarc, art are decorated sufficicntîy and the Rev. E. S. Linstcad will be reasures and hcrlooms. TheMrneAtkins much bac k in bis pulpit next Sunday Phon orConulttresie n erlos h aorable publicity and patron-atrbngo liys Phone or Consult ~B o! Mis vaults can guard them age rom the club members" - atr big o oia s J' K-B OU Rall. aMr. and Mrs. Manley Adams In publishing this article Wc n baby, Red Lake, Mn. and Mrs. JA CK B R O G laIf you want maximum protec- believe in giving credit -whcre Harry, Westley. Bowmanvilîe, at tion for your valuables at mini- credit is due and wish ta con- Wes Yellowlces'. PLUMBING AND HEATING mum cost - just a cent or twa gratulate Mn. Atkins on bis noble Phone 2384 BOWMANVH.LE Division St. S. a day - -drap in and talk to G. E. efforts. C_________ ________________________________________________Moody, local brancb manager, next time you pass the 3 o! M. Blackstock NESTLETON Continuation School Cottagers Sunday in United UpperSchol Reuitschurch ncxt Sunday at 11.15 whcn ~T e Y ~ I ______ r. R. P. Bowles will address us. _lLt T a lit) lif l Nàw f àJgg1 inI I ailev N'ei1 .T p,.m,, (1 r' r :a Miss Margaret Steele, .N..~ rO rE qvv- WL'/1-F P' .-p " r 7&U/gL& V' 1 y &A1ut WhenThirst A rrives AtokibesWar d Cou-Coi.mandir contacmi vtEs CouCela Ltd, Hambly's Oarbonated Beverages OSJAWA PHONE 7M ,Hist. 3, Alg. C, Phys. C.: u nboowith Mn. and Mrs. Cm.C a Wm. Steele. Camp , e-Ti. C. Mn. and Mns. Edgar Emerson Borso, Jean.-ig. C. and Ian are visiting Mr. and Mrs. rgusn, W .-op.2 M. Emerson and Dr. and Mrs. T amltng.isCop.1,Bowles. H mr on Dri-Cmp.1 Miss Marie Marlow bas return- Tnig. 2. nn-Co c . d ta work in A & P store in Osh- Larmer, Glenn-Camp. 1,Trg awa a!ter spending two weeks at Ma2. lr-Cm.1 ng the cottage with ber mother Mrs. VaP Cmhysad-~. C, Mn. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm P isoG-t. C it.2 and family visitcd Mn. and Mns. Wrilson he , GcnLt. AC , ist. 2,L.Joblin. TC. , bem . 3, FLat.hA. 3 . Mrs. R .C. Jackson visited C. 3 Frcch . 1,Frecb C 3. friends at Nestîcton Station. Standing: Class 1-75% ta 100%;l" Dr. Williams Pictures Put on Class 2-66% ,ta 74%; Class 3- F iday night at William's Point 59 %.t 5;Cas -5%t avilion and sponsored by W.I. 59%. were much enjoyed and appreci- R. P. Allin, Principal atcd. Mn. and Mrs. George Johns and The feature musical attraction Billy visited friends at Woad- at the C.N.E. this ycar will be the. bridge. famous ban-d o! the Royal Mar- Miss Ruth Henderson and Mn. ines, Portsmouth Division. The Ralph Malcalm, Yelverton, visited band is said ta be one o! the finest Mn. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm. musical organizations ever ta Mn. and Mns. Norman Malcolm, leave England. Tbey will play Blackstock, visited Mn. and Mrs. afternoon and evening at the L. Joblin. bandshcll.- W.I. ladies had a succcssful quilting bavîng finished tbnee in a few manths Go By Train to the Mns. R. M. Hoskin is recovering !rom an openation in Barrie Hos- T ORONTO ptlWe hope sh wilsaonbe Canadian National Peterbora, and Mr. Laurie Hos- AUuist 26 ta September 10 their cousin Arthur Swain wbo LOW AIL ARES was burid at Valentia LOW AIL ARESMnrand Mrs. Kcnneth Samelîs Fram Bowmanvilîe and family visited Mrs. Duncan Viewlake. $225$25 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Nicklc, Mn. Coach First* and Mrs. Albert Nickle, Madqc, *Panloun Car or Bcntb Fane Mn. and Mrs. George Cbapman, Extra Ballydu!!, Mn. and Mrs. Percy Preston and Gcnald, Lifford, Mn. Good Going Thursday, Aug. 25 and Mrs. Bill Chapman and Jack, ta Saturday, Sept. 10 inclusive Pont Penny, visitcd Mn. and Mrs. George Jobns. Return Llmt-Sept. 14 Mns. Reg Middleton, Islington, Mrs. Herbent Vine and Ralph, - - visited !nicnds in Pont Hope. The Wilson JRe-Union was hcld O T TÀA w A at the home o! Mn. and Mrs. Her- man Samelîs with friends from E X I BI T O N Toronto, Hamnilton, Peterboro, August 22 ta 27 Mr. and Mns. Alfred Chubb and Mrs. Bunt, Michigan, visited Mn. Fromn Bowînanvilîe and Mrs. Herman Sameils. $ 10.65 $12.25 Congratulations ta Miss Gwen Wilson wlîo passed al ber exams Coach First* and is rcady for University. *Parlour Car or Berth Fane Miss Mabel Bruce visited Mn. Extra and Mrs. Ed Mitchell, Lifford. Gaad Going Saturday, Aug. 20 Mrs. Gordon Metcalf visitcd Misses Mabel and Blanche Bruce. to Saturday, Aug. 27 inclusive.I Mrs. Fred Crawford and Mary Return Limit-August 29 Lou visitcd Mns. Lawrence Mal- colm and baby Gaîl. Pull information fnom anyr Mn. and Mns. Willard Cook, agent Oshawa, visited Mn. and Mns. Stanley Malcolm. ~~ Mn. and Mns. EI.mer Gibson, Grccnbank, visited Mn and Mns. La wrence Malco lm., Mnr.and Mrs L. Joblin visited - a**Mr. and MrsG. jon 1 TMWA, AUGUST le, 1941 SOUTH NESTLETON A.Po understand Mr. and Ms this extended holiday in OWnAtaTrEo Mr. M. J. Gray ait his home for as a gift fromn their two daught.rswD the weekend. George returned to and son, in honour of their golden Yo n Maiton with him where be has se- wedding anniversary which willo ngW m cured a position. be celebrated in January. Friendsfo Mrs Nott, Port Perry, visiting n arw g t wsh te a plea- Hfarvesaun Peaches, Plu ma, with Mrs. Jas. Hedge. sant return boat trnpand extený "aa pla rps o Jas. Hedge is 9 working at te oriecsonrtltoso.hs Pas Pls rps o General Motors, Oshawa. tehappy ocso. a0sand vote al frits Mr. and Mrs. E. Colbey andan etbls heria hom e. spent a holiday at Accomodation in he hmehue.SIN IImenjIVUIIIel' Faim Service Force CaMpg Miss Myrtle Beacock with Mrs. ( *~ ~ u uutlt.t gai .ii os amer mut rl Mrs. L. McGill and Mrs. H. g i y 0 5 keug1ts hetdpo ca-ses Bailey, Blackstock, calied on miss aCet NewmPep, Vim, Vigor McKee CtNwPp iVgrkt,9et n ilwee Mr. and Mrs. Norman Warming- Wbat a thrlli Bony limbe fi,, out;uly bou For further Information ton and Jifi, Toronto, are visiting ell -nek Dolonersér:îY; body oeshae- wiite:. taredsicly bea-poe Iook. Tousande 0 at Grant Thompson's. girl, women. men who novOr could ain befoo nalo Fi evc W e are pleased to know A rnold They tank the sp@ci v or-buildig , 9 Rlc mon Str et, Ea Taylor is home from hospital. Itent. 'vî:mîn . caîcî nies. i&nod,1 aors, 9 Rchorou tretou Sympathy is extended to the IPp tite ad On 00o food rvosbYO more oono1. Onltaio family of the late Mrs. S. Sander- D'tere t r 0 a.~o hn o~e ~ Asie: son who was 'buried in Union czt iilîo. Ow ..gacQ &n e' , n# : Dominion-Provinciaî Farm M r. H arry Philp and M r. Claude a a ed oun- . tblev r<a . At au a o r C m ite Tucker, Stirling, called on friends___________ on Friday and report Mrs. Philp home from hospital and much improved. Davison and Gist have complet- ed a fine new well at the store, tje H-oskin brothers of Oshawa were the contractors. Mrs. George Hicks is having roer house shingled and George Bowens has taken the fence away and filled in a fine new lawn at fris home. Several local folk attended the evening at William's Point when Dr. L. B. Williams showed such fie pictures of Durham County's Centenary in aid of Nestleton ?Women's Institute and report a splendid evening. n Some local boys helped Law- rence MeLauglilin celebrate bis 12th binthday at Rev. and Mrs. VIcKibbons, Blackstock, on s0l ,Vednesday. This is a weekly mieeting at which boys and girls nre taught handicrafts and Sn e adsoigayc manual training and enjoy ae atho ers say smokingIdvicu lunch together. Nestieton boys we ahr a SoeOdCu. re high in thein praises of ti- Enloy the fresh, rich flavour that makes wonthwhile effort on the part VéOdCu i ih o dyfdyoisoig Rev. and Mrs. McKibbon an-;OdCu utrgtfrdyidyotsoig àelpers. Start today ... wlth a package or half-pound tir, Mrs. Alice Jackson, Oshawa, who bas been visiting hen son Wilfred Jackson, called on Mrs. <.Burton and Mr. John Proutt. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Beacock, Mon whIlk ic a tobacc. 3ruce and Lucille visited Mrs. F. »ic,'s always god.,. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson,li> urketon, visited Mr. and Mrs. eo. I3owers. Congratulations to the High :hool students who did so well .D H U M .due ,,it aa.tS'8! -their Senior Mtiuainre- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ThompSon ndLynda, Oshawa, with Mr.and O0 * frs. Donald Thompson. i PAGE FOUR, $Ignpost OÈ, c, ton" Il m rAvAnTAM

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