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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1949, p. 7

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T)UfiDAY, AIYOUST 18. 1940 TI!Z CAINAD!AN STATESOMAI4, AOW7'<ANV=LL. ONARIO OBITUARY lotary Club Wegt Bêrieh ?eWr Mr. James Bottreil were suc- cèesful in obtaining their Senior So E S N LWILIAIM LESLIE PATUSION (Con"iueo from PageOn.)Beach Comber) RMiCssswthrnme Dilligest. Pes63The passing of William Leslie disease among animais by using Mr. and Mrs. Burgess and bara Goddard, Margaret Hayes, ___ __ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ Paterson after an illness ci se. vaccines and bacterins, etc. Thelm a,b Toront, w ith M r. and G ladys M arsh all. Joan W onnaco-,t veral months was deeply feit in Cattie rnay be lmmrunized against Mrs. Mathews in "Idylw Id." and Bill Swertzer earried their Mr. and Mrs. Ted Clarke and Bancroft, ad Mrs A. Hawkins, Bowmanville and district by his future attacks of shlpping fever, Mr. and Mrs. McAdams and Places in passing the Reéd Cross Kareno are holidayinig at Orillia. Rorne, N.Y., spent several days large circle of frierids. He passed blackieg, Bfacellogis; swlne family and Mrs. Briarton, Toron- Intermediate Swimmers Test. Mayor and Mrs. Lawrence Ma- with their cousin Mrs. W. J. away in Bowmanville Hospital againat hog choiera, shipplng te- to, are in tLhe Goddard Cottage. Teddy Goddard and Teddy son and family are holidaylng at Leask. on August 9th at the age of 49. vrer and enteritis and dogs against Mr. and Mns. P. J. Brennan and 1-alman were successiul in win-. t Bala Musoka.Mr. nd Ms. R L. itchll Born in Arthur,, Ontario, in rabies and distemper. In this man- Roddy, Toronto, and Miss D. ning their Junior Red Cross Bala, . un le nMdughtoka.a Me . aain Mrs R L. i tcauhell 69, the eldest son ofM rs. Pater- neir an ounce of vaccine 15 Worth Phillip s, are holidaying w th M r. Swimmer's Badge. Wfl a TrnodliedM.and ters, e aatonhnd wîth their au'son of Sarnia andth~e late Rev. J. a pound of reatmnt. adMrs. V.M.Mat1hewson. w Th e anxstcor adgie h uahr 469* Mns. P. E. Greenfleld. cSiencer, Petawawn, and Dr. ands J. Paterson, DD., he spen1. the tePoionMr.Bnyad3la whaeaxout gv teohr Misses Patricia and Wlnona Msp. Jack Virtue, Montreal. n mnajor part ai his youth in Sar- Another large percentage of ber sister-in-law, Mrs. J. Heeny boys and girls the saine instruc -_______________________________ nia wher e he recelved his ele- Veteinarians are employed by and Jacqueline. tion and tests as son es they can ,.le are enJoying a motor trip Miss Donalda Creaser of Mc- mentary education. During the the Health oi Animais Branch of Mr. and Mrs. Norman tottreiJ find opportunity for thelesnbeomson rsHrld a. 41~ g etenOtno Gregor's Drug Store has returned First Great War, although under the Federal Departmnent ai Agri- and sons Jim, John and Harvey, and are ready for the tests. The Mr. Keith Gibbs, Dunbroocou. j_ and Mns. Rae Dilling are from spending an enjoyable va- the age limit, he enlisted with the culture. This graup may be di- Toronto, have been holidaying at Beach Association wihl present visited Mi:. and Mns. Ed Gram MsJonPrzPrtH . odayiîng at "Glenvenlean," cation with her cousins, Mr. and Royal Canadian fHorse Artlllery vlded into twa sections, those who "S Idom Inn".echntatndgdutwih n. aidPae vitng ihMssMieAsi. HalsLaeHaibrtn.Mrs. Harold Needham, Quebec as a gunner. are employed in meat inspection M. ad Mrs. F. Hay-ward and their crests. Congratulations Io his grandfather M. C.Wodn Mr. and Mns. George Graham City. Immediately foilowing bis in the various packing plants Shirley. Toranto. and Mrs. Mit- the boys and girls, especial&y as Kitchener.MrMunyPneantu- and aughter Barbara are enjoying Mr. John Collingwoad Reade, honourable discharge he entered acrosa Canada and those who are cRev. and Mrs. Dick ndBrceLyans and ucpsfu su à iotan trip in the U.S. well known news commentaton on the Ontario Agnicultunal College concenned with the irradication at "Cheei" Cottage. dent and won is or hen crest. .avsng s teirdugtn aiCicnntar iatn Mr. and Mrffý. W. H. Webb left station CFRB, Toronto, will be at Guelph whene he studied for of disease in the vaniaus herds ai Mn. and Mrs. Jack Stonie, Lind- Our sincere thanks ta Miss Mar- (Rev.) A. E. Eustace.MnanMr.Pcynel this week ta spend some time at guest seaker nt Bowmanville Ro- twa yeas. He then went ta Arn- livetock. To thse departmnents say. M. and Mrs. Bob Ivey, De- garet Hayes for 'Corbng' the Mr. Ken Gamsby as rEtund MneadPaiAsi pn their farmn at Elbow, Sask. tary lub this coming Fridy herst, Mass., where he took a spe- we we a great deal, not nly fan trit, Miss Yvonne Jackson, Town. beach for news. from visiting In Hamilton. Tusa teno ihMs Mr. and Mr$. Walten DeGee, noon at almotal Hotel. pialized course in Landscape Gar- the diagnosis and iradication ai with Mrs. Chas. Severs, West __________ is M ni ons s vstn d a ar w lu h 1?ým and Jim, are holidaying at M. and Mrs. Mel Sutherland, dening. In 1921, lie enteed the contagous dliseamse, but also for Beach Store. iset UMn.ssndMns. Ra Cornish, ot isHee Bntd pntSi their cottage at Rice Lake. Tanonto, Passed through aur emp]oyment ai the H. C. Down- the amnount of research that bas Mn. Jack Doak viitd tMr adMI. a Crns M . J o h n K e n t, A s s is ta n t P o s t. to w n r e c e n tly a n d M e ll, w h o is a h a m N u r se r y C o . a t S tr a th ro y . H e b e e n d e v e l p e d a s r e s u lt a th e ir " E E E E 's . I _ _ _ _ _ _ te d c n t o s r i e t n a l P a d r i r' o a S m aster, la holidaying at Bigw in D m n o F u t a d V egetable n m i e ih t i i m t e e u - fn i g ..M . W m . Curie, M iss Joyce cdt.thes dictingtiiobro her Mn I n nnL, k a iaa y , Mok okBa y apt o r cs knog naa t u I a t te ht h e til 1 9 3rwh no s i tist rn sfe rfdO t h rvpo i t i n sno rret e i n a i aM iC usi e n d i s s D o r i L a s o nM i s M v tlT oam b yn toont o N e w a nvnl e c e m t e n o n u r l a y . H e r oane n clenhiea aiaurtan ad arIo Bowmanvilie and establisheti may include laboratory techni- haeveundt oot itnvsited relatives her e aven thé Mns. J. J. Mellon is spefdn n .dMa e inrat Mis Lenore J. Harding, Super- weîî tiîed fams. cans, research w akers, Instruct- vacatining n the beach.we k n.wa e ks i To no wih br am y wi M. nt M . pita,denvataiowmnat n i o- Mran r.EiEread ors or public healtb workes. The M. Sid Smith, Mn. L. Rider, M. and Ms. Ge. Armour. brother M. Collins. Sel ver.aia in tsoid Rf n .D a tid, MT ro n io, a de a ntir value ai the vet. in the public M . B. M cLeish and M . and M rs. Ham pton, with M r. and M s. R. M n and M rs C. Jônes w e e n v -. ar n Elit, P t H p , vr. an rs arnala d a . i d al ion a hu l f i n s r- hea th field is quick y be ng réa- R. M cD onald w e e guests ai M rs . H . W ood Po t H ope attending the d e o a v n M nd y a er o n w t n . aenti Ms . w eK ani H and Mar- cently . They are spen ing part lize , especialy in the contr ai of B. C. Latim er. Visitors with M rs. Elizabeth tion service on Sundav.Mu r y P ne i l y a e n t h a t w e k v a c t i n i n o a t h e r w e l e a r n e d v a c a t i o n i n d i s e a s e s s u c h a s b o v i n e T . B . , M . a n d M s . W m . C u i c k s h a n k , a b y e e n n i M s e .M . a d M s a g a e . T _ _ _ _ _ aWosB all Algonqquin Park. Eric was one Brucelîlisis, Strep. Throat, e t ronto in "Taan r wM"h w W arren, Swift Cu rent, Miss rnto. visiteti M . andi M n. . W ood. aio the few lucky people tiiving w hich are tran a mnissable t a u- ' 4 A V I d * Eppie Warren, Buffalo,anMs.M ar. -Miss Novelda Berry anad Miss a new car. mnans thnougb the metiium ai miik. Mis ajr G rM. and J, Cowan anti Miss Otidie War- Mrs A. Rav is viRiting e ___ Dooh lvr ootaeMrs. Reubben Cahiard, Mr. anti nen. Newcastle. datîghter Mrs. J. Annott i r.Wl ai a s edro yg lo e, T na t, ae M . an ti M s. H. J. Babco k Collete Rese rh M s. E. Callard anti M s. S. Red. n n r. Chs nia ta a.mlo ,a q an p nt ng thein vacation in the spent a ew ays at Trenton, :,Whe On a ioker fry Cole eal Otteaewe in A dinondacks, U .S. g e t i F L A . a t r.Th n a i e e i a y C h e e m an, Toronto, visiting M rs. A . chM r e nd TM M n oC ha s ieti her ta cenidt e il ag a M nd y M .anti Mrs. Owen Nicholas Aston at their cottage n the sa l stani gpactite i t e i ne sFo leTher ad i"parents M . anti Mrs. C. Cooper T e ee a e -i h u ss wt aoi:hen Thnt e e- for Veir nTTI ti i auht erGlen y rde a ca a i une at h e t eeof~D~ rt e t a Preventiv Me Hamilton, with M s. Do ney at home at Camp B rden. ~i. Lhe e w mig t m nio t at a diin o acives a dia nostic av- rs A . nunmtn evnPhoeoe lavnro t ernen ntr. Wm ilga. J s tike ani a t on ve d a ," H l' accompaie i thM rt.N p e and Mdici r o vthide a d not ic laCl nt har."M iss Sylvia Young, Peterboro.lst y a' C. E. M F î wa Lak., autns. EGeefe ewtndAtbndandth anns. ' ~oaayfrteidniiaina n niMrs. D. Murchison. s holidayig with Miss Gwenyth Sunday Scool was hel ttelcywne itemtet haeben enjoying a visit with D.Mni r.9ub nt onherc tes nfcios Drea. s ecaic bate in t ca n- Ca in" M . ntnds. Hasyoun ansn i n. Cae c Nch îs ct g a t S9 . Mn. anti Mrs. Russell Williams, pMante anti Bihtris t con Miami,30witFalanîdandnc Mn. anti ist r MrWsJ..esk C. D pF. Rt1 ic ' M . daughter M arguerit , C leveland, superinten tent. C hu ch fol ho e iA o . o t - i r v h e i b MnoatiMa.EaxtemponnEgnstietoonrrveindw-ai.M, anti . . n lte Oihaebènvstigrlaie wt ev ik yn, i M.adMs alTopoEgnSre.Tariei w-and Research under the direction Oshawa, at "Santiyhuns"hn.pecigaslni emo na ieLk nWdedyat P&t3y anti Larry visiteti Mn. anti manvihle the party tauneti acnoss ofDr. F. Schofielti maintains a M.adMrs.J Pett Toron- . M ss ay DunanaMlbroo, enec eace Mns. Jack G. Smith, Babcaygeon. the Unitedi SatestasalMfaniDtuncaseondta nne. onnv. cn. en'stPac. Lar em ne or h ldys tte o C lionafieldi diagnostic research labora- to, M s. Catherine Gallagher with 1 visiteti M . anti Mr. red Dun- On Wednesday aftenon W- wtsatig te itr itn L a r y r e a n e t f r o h d a s. t e n c e u p t a B r itis h C o lu m b ia t r y s c o d o n o n h e. A g e n d e i M . D an ti n. Pcay s an t n . a t i S. B n t M i îs T - i c s ' A s sc t t ei l oe tO n MnS. Manie Dunlop anti Judy anti acrass the western provinces on j, arc , wr hBbd nianr. anton it.Haes atr.augd v sieiM. Bant i N on- Hitks'abot tagcntv ldel reet outWaha 1nrun have returnedti taToronto aiter tiawn inta Ontario. onBnucelss Mastitis, poultny Bin ano, iherdu- ronto. iie M.adMns. Nr ihaottet aisp sp n ig t o w e s h ld y t a p iae c r m n n S .diseass anti many othes. ten M argaret anti Audey at man Alln. A gft of $10 xas eceiveti fo e ea t re h r o a e tm sph eding twa e ek M s alie il a At aUni ate hcn mo y l t . -*--o Th ough the efforts ai this de - "GarY's Paradise". Ms a h n o pr b s n- M s ate i W li go h n vt u ni te n w so hooly. Mosdock SuntiCyopeug.al4te, Rev. Williamof.Weatinston with ber mot enyMra.gOli e4Gil-RPaul WUnitemiLCh rPatetstno art .r.n*, which has com pléte M iss W . Jackson witb er aunt turneti hom e aften visiting her usedt taréside in W egeyviihe Mra. E. Laundry anti son, Bill, G. Cameran Quiggley adminiater- contraI of calihooti vaccination in Mrs. C. Sevena at the Store. grantiparents Mn. anti Mns. C. vote af thanks xvas given toM.vlewi'.isfillovtin edtehl ieo ats pnthe Bowmanvilîe Bnanch ai the Ontario, ir1ýctious abortion in Dr. anti Mns. J. Milen, anti Mn. Coooer. Toppini who upl'olstered th E pl hn vsagr' dtbl l eti he oly iteai Bptim u oDwnham Ca. an the olti fair cattle bas been cansiderably ne- anti Mns. N. Milen, Mrs. Denni- Mns. May Johns, Tyrone, is pit anti chairs of the cbunch. f ac eeSatra vnn Mn. ani rs Stephen hieant .ofg rounds at King Street East. He duceti. son. Mrs. M. Millen. Miss June visiting relatvsbn.Fia'vnn oile'nn ewe ccsl niNwou were remainetitahmanageraainthi Maintains Health Millen, anti Miss June Huis, Ton- Mns. W. Mitchell neturnedti t was helti an the lawn at thehoe ilenutngi wnfath NO FAITH? ' rnhutltetm fhsdah no tte"otWe-n" Wit n sse t tîssarent banhHntluletie i istiat Dr. WerrY conclutietihis ati- ota hhLotWe-n" er home last week frnm a To- ai Mn. anti Mrs. Canroll Nih s oa em NO GOD? aughter Sharon. Wile manager ere, Bill Pat- reÉss tating that this talk in a M. anti Ms. D. Robinson, Shal- ronto hospital. We hope for er where Rex. Lyons showedsmerTesaloniM.atiM. Th etr itr nteerson, as he was familiarly known. small Way stbnves ta show the how Lake, at 'Goad-E-Nuff" continued impnovcment. moving pictunes ofa i tp tath Doga LitriinbeSc No CHUIRCH h etr1pcueo h travelleti a great deal aound va!ue of the Ontario Veterinay Satuday. Mrs. (Dr.) Shenwin who has Rockies anti then ýsome fiamh hle' optlfrosra iront page ai the Auguat il issue the surrauntiing rural cammnuni- Callege. He bhopeti that it ah-a Mr- Bruce Caverley. Hamptin, been a patient in Oshawa haspi- pictunes. These wene fahlowi b ii.Te rpr rm Fa H O M E ? ~~i T er s terbono t e ninB a m-tR s and t tboug out Ontario helpedt i t ilustrate the value of holitaying with M . Terry M as- ta] for the past tw a weeks is feel- a sing-song and re reshm entsIS a lt n i ha e C ni u s t meB le e W a r ier ws take on ted Bb ra R, cwbef r iend aily inH e as et bso cm- the Veterina ian in m aintaining m uch betten anti xpects to M. and m rs-. .lnsen, Ori n w . i p o e W e EeIe've We C.n Ruiser owBch is awnv e . C .eanin-s e wa lo eythe ealt y conditn a the Live- M . an ti M s. E. Pa ham an tid_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hel Yo E.Rhtie aiBawanihl. Cm-active memben ai the Nursery- stock Industry in Canada on whicb aiyhootbhdyn in menin a te bauain hemen's Associations in Canada we dependi 50 much fan aur ex- camp Cozv. Corne to the scenery tbnough the Trent waten- ant the Unitedi States, A iewpottdeMnatiMsA.Bchyni ways the captian goes on ta say years ago he purcbased tbe Bick- otananDr. KeihMSrmo L nd'Tw Mrs. aca n ,DAPTIST GOSPEL skipper, CinEtiiepier, awner- elTrucngCo aswbe ownedmoveti a very fitting vote of T. Sl~eehan.SatiisJon ni ter, Barbara Rhetien, Mitige Web- thanks forth exceptionalîy in- Ms .SudrJa n SER VICES ber, Brockville anti Jean Armn- A prominent chunchmnan, Mn. formative atidress given by Dr. Mrs W J. Sen vns i 'Santin" stro g, aih ebor , a e aPaterson w as Cle k ai the Ses- r .W J.son , B i eb o a e a t W errv. H e m ent'oned in m oving Ierani rs i m. S eveî'an ti . heid ~ha py amiy on a cuise. sion of St. Antrew's Presbteî.ian the vote oi thariks tattrne.eraDn d MOsba wa, at Mn. an ds der o thechurh, H wa el-_ onl o yp of doctons thatB .Svr'Ctae S unday ven ~ rg Smith a uend w h s Hatt n te n i t e cb r h e wa o a people iitn't complain about. B. J Sev r' C ta . 7:30 Prythe Sm ith -Bn wo also atte dei form cr Sun tay School Supe nn- Pediatricians anti Vete ina ians ig M r ati M. e ï nt outc ison 7:30 .M. te mnditun S tihnsing-a tendent of the same chuc. He neer bear complaints from the in r n r. etHthno antnM stJoe Ke t-w ork with this ouniq e Mgnp t a nt sRtani a re te atN g eel as an ry Nf-eal oono iitn r 'l C o r e Iii thelcan Churcb on Satuday, Aug. Latge in Strathoy. tey d ntkov b w t ak Miss D. McLean visiting with~. ,S rr c Uno- al 6 were: M. anti Ms. W. Stuckey On fTi anhbisi e o' nwhwt ak isEihRbno.Fienfly C an ti d a u g h te rs R e ta an ti G len n a , O nNil s m i o b i s i ~ -?ew F a th e n i s E i h o i s n iDamascus; Mn anti Mrs. ar cent years was the Wood's Sen- Besities Dr. Wenny's -speech ber daugbten in 'Bosky Dell." D ilvs on S treet Stuckey, Ken an ti Bu i, W eston; ate ai w i cb he was a charter a ob n bg lg t a i etn n. S ii go ni M . at o ... . c d O O . .-KEI P astor : BMr. and M rs. F red S tuc key n em be . H e i ti con si e a ow s h e i li pr t ato n m ati eg M rs. SRet tn i co an tir a dI . E EAc d 1 z . e g . 5 - -- L.W.MTHSNB. o, an; M. anti Mrs. ChanKes ng- gret teal unitue gfin aci a pca rsnainmd Ms etr i ,adM anti Mn. el ftefnaca oRoainPteNwl hoHryNal oot, iiigthé Calamine Lotion reg. .25, .45 - .9 3 L. W.rsey tH B.. ne 655 SyAcns, MrLeamndn;Mrs. cond anti moral obligations an bis awn recentiy jaineti the iathen's club latten's mathen, Mrs. Wm. Quinn ____________________________ _____________t._Phone____5____ oinson angtso rtby Cooso uiies.bythe bintb ai bis son. Rotanian wbo is making a splendid necav- ____R binsnanMis________oop-______rs John M. James, M.P., matie a bnil- eny i£rom a broken hip.C sc r T b et , 1 0 , 5 gr er, Paquis Junction: Mr. anti Since the Bowmanvile Boardi liant adress ta the new father Miss June Harmen,100 Toront.o., ai Etuication was establisheti he stnessing bis new responsibilities -ith Miss Faye Lawson in 'ýRtsty- Crg lt o dr.3 4, ~ASRNE has been a member anti wbihe and wonnîes anti stateti that be Nook". rg PaePo dr------.1@3 3 r serving on this govenning. body hopecl that Pete woulti stand up Mis; Joy1ce Allun, Summcnvilhe, ne was twice electeti Chairman. under the ordeal, Fitting gitswib ercunMsCahin R bbrGo s.1 Whnte ct polm ia-fnom the mnembers ai the club Dilling. ]ubrGoe (seconds) pr. 1 I J E i'Scommodtiang the increasing num- wee then presentedti t Rotarian Ms. William Waace, Sr~.. Miss-------1 ber ai students in the present Pete wba thanketi the mnembens Mairy Wallace anti Gary. Wbitbv.T L IESjschool buildings becamne apparent on behali ai bis wîfe anti new with Mns. Forrest Diiling in Lii- T ompson Shave Cream-.9 lie was the prime moyen in pro- son. g.3Lngr. cRM T E O I N teetingthave uithenw nanaComing Events Ms. Fred Cle. "Gay's Para- r Green CrossflO mpn F' O P [ I' I E O R E N Stee shol uit.Unter the eaing ai SpeciuAI dise," was hstess for the weeklY lvp n His sporting activities were Events Ratanian Tom Palmer an- cuebcre, The next bingo will be for-Aces 1, mani'y canfinedti t football. In rounceti that the Oshawa Rotary at 'Cliii View," whcn Mns, Bert f5%AchDDan IS P IE C I A L D IS P LA Y his early yeas in Bowmanville Club is holding an inte-city utchinsn %ill be hostess on 3 D lie took an active intereat in themetn inheMtrCtan husayeeig Caeat HOS OLPin30U ,j¾1I fr ie n ts c a m e t a p a y t h e ir la s t p a r t . T e s i g s a e t e n t S i s I D A r n , b - - - - -3 H N MA Espects and to bring floral tributes Mn. anti Mns. Bey.-Jaynes. pre.Tesigaetobr- to hei 'dpared ried Mny Mrs. Roy McKay anti boys, Mn. placet by new anes in the e Healt polcaefn itnt'.poinys anti Mn. Ge. Inglehat ati Mn, future. (The Euchre ant i Bngo -________ pefop hee fnomdseristntpont Laverne Stone, Bronte. Miss B. cormttees are warking hardtot<~ S CHINESE LACE TABLECLOTHS BOtefnena erie.sCye Sr Hamilton, Braughm. anti Mn, Don ae tcm t aa) The pro- Wl tawberry omp. IDA -2 George Downbam, ie' uncan. Green River, wt M.ceetis fnom these evcnnigs go for TO Large Size - - - - 9SogOr0. F. Robson, XM~anti'Mr Robin Ahîdret. Playgnounti equipment anti beaul, OI SPECIAL OFFFR anti~ ~ ~ ~~ale betterm ent. Mrs. F. Cle ani er Rfi it 12 Alfo $9.5 Reyo d swa d Bill James. The M . an ti M rs. W . Cann, Ca ton, ýcom mittee av ee kn g Sp-in ui erit s12.00 fo ___ __ __:body___ __ __ asle interre in B wm an. M iss Johnon, Peterboro, anti M . h atrt anti have th e vrk c ie in C rle R se2.25 ville__ __ _ __ __ _cemet env. Jonhson, Newtonville, sîg ht avIeor the Ia bc ivit nti -- ns .1 m ot in .S.,th n I a n ti M n s. . A d a m , M n . t h e c o n s e q u e n t a r k o f ' . T o ta l v a l u e 3 .5 0 o r v . ~ . ,2 Mrs Smith anti Canol. Farming- Mr. ~andi Mns. W. Adams adcom-1 ation was discusseti anti the sec-~ FRHYFVRf AG our USU d the ron t. s o t vis tti Mrs Fred Bowen, get an "Ice C ntract" o n the , DUKE-FINGARD Al i W I D w ell know n G ordon M acK ay Linens ton,9,Masd Dan ndMr. .e B uc T- e Ca . i ssib mle T~ he un- -Eu ~1so s o wingran ge fhonce; Co.ta, e ns. B i c u i g T b e L n n o e ln o N o 9,Mr. an ti M .Rant Mrs h m,, Bruce f a*.yph n a d fP E . u j in l di g T bl i enioeli gw ich cnducts the Waniors' Day Bown s, wiiMrand Mrs Cas, booth, (upon this Associa tionsi Elii m e H 7me a nd T o w e ls Pa ade at the C anadian N ational A lldred. fo h d n e u nc i __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __s7_ _ __ _ _ __ _ __9 5_ _ __ _ _ _ Exhibitin us aut orixo the Mr. anti Mns. James Antierton al Cottages anti beach visitors. If atatement that thene will be be- anti iamily, Lansing, Mich, with us locateti on the Main St. or' PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIAT tween 40,000 anti 50,000 service Mn. anti Mrs. Ken Dean. ;boardi walk, in iront aof yln /amen-and Wmen in the parade M. anti Nfrs. E. Brown, Orono, Phre. Nxt regular meeting A .&a this year. Fonty banda will pro. with Mn, anti Mra. Bill Lake, wili be on Sundayv Aug. 28, when I- A r r y . n d i r F o r e w l l b e r e p - t i c e , w i t h M . a n t i N f s . A t h U r eur b t e r s e PHONE 451 DSOWMlANVILLE 8 KING ST. E. resentêti. Bedwin. ehii i otg wesaeYu oa D Fmily Allowance paments 1 M. anti M s. Roy'Webber andti f nqe tetabe rsn t i.m as o rL ' . .A. d uring 1949 will total $276-million1coadMs te Wbr.d their Redt'Cross simn -a ttalwhih amuni top3- iBawmnanvîhie, with Mn. andi Mrs. 'tests an Fritaiv. -wmigDuas RG ments ai $525 every minute. Ahf Brown.' Miss Donothy Anne Curnie andtM NI y t

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