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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Aug 1949, p. 12

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PAGE TWZLVE THE CANADIAN STATESMA!(, EOWMAF<VUL~Z. ONT&ftL~ T1ItTN5~DAY, AUGUST 25, !uw Juveni1es Win Semi-Finals By Dol eatingWhitby Sauthýpaw Jack Buttonshaw gave up anly anc hit over seven innimgs as Bowmamville swept Senies A of the Lakeshore Juve- nile "B" playdawns in two straight games by tramplimg a hapless Wbitby aggregation 17-1. Buttonshaw was robbed of a no-bitter when Haire, a left-band bitter. lifed a slow blooper that dropped square on the left field foul lime just behind the third basem.n. The freak bit scored Ward, who had gained one of two free passes issued by Buttonshaw. Having dispased of Whitby in such a decisive manner, Bow- nianville mow enters the league finals agaimst Cabourg, winner of semi-final Series B. This fimali series will open at Bowmanville, Trhursday, Aug. 25, at 5 p.m. The second takes place Friday ia Cobourg. If a third game is necessary, the teams will retun ta Bowmanville Satunday after- noon, Aug. 27. Should Bowman- ville win the series in two games, tbey will probably meet Port Per- ry in the first round of the OBA.i playdowns at Bowmanvilie on Saturday. In the. game with Whitby, Buttonsbaw's mastery was. so complete that Haire's bit was the sale bal which Bowmanvilie's outfield was called upan ta handie. On the other band two Wbitby pitchers saw their Sun- day pitches go saiiing Tfan into the extremities of the park, as aine Bowmanville batters participated in the onslaugbf. Spence Creamer led the way with a terrific borner, a single, two walks, and was bit by the pitcher for a perfect day at bat. Gallagher had a perfect day with two singles, two waiks and a sac- rifice. Falls and Masters were close to perfect, while Sellers found bis batting eye. and paund- ed the bahl with neckless aban- don. Lime Score: R H E B'ville 016,206,3 17 12 3 Whitby 000,001,0 1 1 8 Earned ruil-s-Whitby 1, Bow- manville 15; Home Runs-Cream- er; Doubles-Haire; Lef t on Bases-Whitby- 6. B'ville 6; First Base on Erroirs-Whitby 3, B'viile 3; Base an Bails: Off-Crawford 14, Buttonshaw 2; Struck out by- Buttonshaw' 10, Crawford 3, A. McDonald 1; Hit by pitcher: by- THEATRE - EOWMANVILLE- COMFORTABLY - AIR - CONDITIONED THURSDAY - FRIDAY, AUGUST 25- 26 Gary Cooper Ann¶Sheridan "GOO0D SAM5 A, Caritoon in Teçhrdcolor SATURDAYI AUGUST 27 A SPORT NEWS Gerald Morris, Sports Editor Bowmanvilie and Cobourg met in Port Hope, Monday evening, in a battle ta break their first- place tic. Inspired by a desire ta own first place, occupancy of which allows them to meet the weaker fourth place team. Ca- bourg played fan over their beads. RayaIs, with no prefenence in the matter of appanents, seemed ta enter the game witb a fatal- istic attitude and .played a brand of baIl whicb was definitely not ain-tigbt. The nesult was an easy 12-3 win for Cobourg. Do ug Furey started for RayaIs, but was the victim of taa many errons and too many bits. In the seventh ining manager "Lau Boudneau" Osborne. came in ta put out the fine. Max Younth gave the crowd something to yell about with a towering 365 foot borner. Hooper, Furey and Gallagher coiiected the other Royal hits. Lime Score R H E Cobourg 12 10 2 Royals 3 4 8 Royals-Giihooley 2b, Cowle cf, West f, Younth ss, Hooper lb, Piper 3b, Furey p, Gallagher rf, Martyn c, (Osborne p. in 7th.) AT TRIS TIME NEXT YEAR You can be well estabiished in office work, earning a good saiary, with pienty of time for social activities. Good Secretaries, Stenographers, Bookkeep- ers and Generai Office Workers aie always in' de- mand. At Bowmanviile Business School this fal Mrs. C. A. Bartiett wiil be in charge to give spe- clal attention to individual probiems. -.Appiy-now for enroiment Septeniber 6 or October 3. Iowmanville Business School 152 King St. East Phone 434 Crawford 1, (Creamer>, Button- shaw 1, (A. MacDonald). Bowmanville-West ss, Hamil-1 ton 2b, Creamer lb, Gallagher c, Buttanshaw p, Falls If (cf in 3rd), Wilson cf, (Heath If in 3rd, Crook in 6th), Masters 3b, Rice rf, (Sel- lers in 3rd.) Whitby-A. MacDonald rf, (p in 7th), Deeth 3b, G. Ward lb, K. MacDonald c, (Lyons in 4th), B. Ward 2h, Haire If,* Colins ss, Hayes cf Crawford p, ,(rf in 7th.) Royals Drop Firsi Place Play-Of f With Cobourg 12-3 The netunn game in Oshawa on Aug. 18 proved ta be even more unexpected as Bowmanviile had oly 9 players and were minus their pitcher Ace Richards and catcher B. Smowden as well as iielders Phil Fimney, Ed. Walken and Carl Schwarz. H. Snowden pitched to Ralph Mclntyne for Bowmanville and except for er- rons would have won easily. How- ever it was a pictune boob finish for the score was 11-9 for Oshawa with two out in the seventh wben M. Tighe walked, H.. Snowden bunted saIfely and bits 'by E. Pin- ney, B. Bi d, R. McIntyre, P. Chant and E. Bragg clinched the game for Bowmanville. Pickering have eliminated Cana- da Bread amd Oshawa have de- feated Whitby. Pickering and Osh- awa have defeated Whitby. Pick- erng and Oshawa play off this week to decide the opposition for Bowmamvih'ie in the final round for the McCabe Tropby wbicb is a 3 out of 5 senies. Play off dates mot yet decided. Map]e Gnove-B. Snowden c, T. Hoar p, K. Sumnmensford lb, M. Tighe 2b, E. Finney 3b, H. Snowden ss, P. Finney cf, K. Staîker 1f, R. Munday nf. Subs. B. Holmes, B. Stevens, S%. Snaw- dem. Maple Grave 200,322,0 9 Courtice 313,100,0 8 In the second game at Maple Grave the game started off in ter- nific fashion and bad the cnowd stalking to tbemselves as the score read 2-2 at the end of the 5th. However, the lights went out in the sixth as fan at Maple Grove was cancerned and Countice won easily 11-3. Maple Grave com- pletely feil apant at the seams. Leading the way for Courtice was fiery Bob Johnson. Almost single hamded be won the game for Countice. His terrific hitting and bis base running was uncan- ny. Also bis all-around pep kept Countice in the game and he handled Jack Gay very well. Jack was the next star as he pitched a billiant game. Only twice was he in trouble with the second inning being the most senious. A bit by E. Finney, a walk to B. Snowden and a single by H. Snow- den loaded the bases with no one out. Then a pop fly tunned into a triple play as the Hawks defin- itely looked 'bad on the play. This Royals End Schedule With 9-3 Victory Over Cobourg Bowmanville juimped on two Coiborne pitchers for ten Wts and a 9-3 win in their last scffeduled game bere Wednesday evening. A small crowd of r.abid fans en- dured a light, intermittent nain, until darkness halted the contest in the sixth inning. Gond Sturrock was Royal's starting pitcher and be neyer lost control of the game. In the fifth inming, whem he had acquired a substantial lead, lie was benched ta avoid over-working bis arm, and West finished the game, giv- ing Up anc rua. Bath Royal pitch- ens look in good shape for the play-offs. At bat for Royals Cox led the way with two bits for two appean- ances while Gilhooley and Stur- rock bashed out long triples. Line Score R H E Coîborne 000,021 3 5 4 B'vilie a2l,012 9 10 2 Royals-Gilhooley 2b, B. Bag- mehl cf, T. Bagnell ss, Yourth 1f, Furey lb, Cox rf, Piper 3b, Mar- tyn c Sturrock p, (West in th). Dates in Football Finals Announced After a very successful football season the scbedule bas got down to the finals. In the playdowns with goals ta coudt Hampton beat Courtice 1-0 in the first game and in the second game Countice white- washed Hampton 5-0. Thus Cour- tice entens the finals. In the other Piayoff games Orono held Enniskihlen to a dnaw 0-0 in the first game and in the second game Enniskillen edged out a narrow victory aven Ornoo 1-0, whicn sent E'nniskillen into the finals agaiast thein old rivais of Countice. Dates of Finals The dates of the final games in the senior senies between Cour- tice and Enniskilhen are as fol- lows, with games ta start at 6.30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 24-Courtice at Enniskillen. SatUrday, Sept. 3-Enniskiilen 'at Courtice. If a third game is necessary it will be played at Solina on Wed- nesday, Sept 7 at 6.30 p.m. Junior Finals In the Junidir finals teams from Emiskillen and Courtice again join in combat, with home and home games, goals ta count. Saturday, Aug. 27-Courtice at Enmiskilleii. Thursday, Sept. 1-Emniskillen at Countce. Maple Grove and Courtice Tied In Sof tball Playof fs Maple Grave Hawks and Cou, - tice Imperials bave each won one game in thein best of 5 senies for the Darlington Suftball Cham- pianship. la the opening gamte at Countice on Aug. 16 bath teams showed a certain amount of to'seness wbich resulted in severai errons which generaîiy would not occur. Cour- tice struck quickly and had the Hawks hanging on the ropes and led 7-2 at the end of the third in- ning. Many of the bail fans wene wandering how Maple Grave Made the finals. However this was soon answered with a terni- fic barrage-of bits which resulted in a 9-8 victory for Maple Grave. The hittiag star of the game waâ- Ken Summensford with 4 bits in 5 trips. Ken Staiker had thnee bits for the winnérs. Fan Courtice Bob Johnson was the big noise with 3 bits inciuding a home nun and a triple. Ted }{oar pitched steady baîl for Maple Grave and B. Snowdea did the catching. For Courtice Jack Gay pitched ta Bob Johnson. McIntyne did the catcbing in the 7tb. Durng this year Canadians wil provide the fedenal government- a revenue of $385 million thnougb'. Six Local Juveniles 'Chosen on League Ail-Star Team (Picked by Oshawa sports-writer) Pas. Player Team Bat. Ave. lb Lingard Cob. .285 2b Hamilton Bow. .246' 3b Lawrence Osh. .323 ss West Bow. .309 cf Wilson Bow. .278 If McSporan Cob. .341 rf D. Ashton Pt. Hope .287 c Gallagher Bow. .564 Pitcher Team W L Bat. Ave Mrozek Osb. 7 2 - .265 Buttonshaw Bow. 8 2 .250 Falls Bow. 9 0 .291 Bowmnanville C.O.F. Def eat Oshawa Br"' Wba t was considered a neal upset has happened in the C.O.F. men's softball league. Bowman- ville defeated Oshawa Breweri: in two straight 'games by scoret of 9-4 and 15-11. At Bowmanville Aug. 10 with Ace Richards hurling a master. fui 3 hit job Bowmanvîlle clubed their way- ta a 9-4 victory. Ralph Mc'Intyre and Ace Richards bathi bit home runs with- one 'mate aboard each time. Bowmanville couýited early -with 5 runs in the first innimg which proved to be tbe margin of victory. H. Smowden used 13 players during tbe game for the winners. P, 2. Midget Averages Player AB I1r E. Brooks 60 21 J. Stainton 64 20 R. White 46 14 D. Stephens 39 il L. Dewell 36 10 T. Dadson 54 là C. Ferguson 29 8 R. Jeffrey 37 10 D. Bate 30 8 R. Lane 22 5 M. Brooks 38 7 K. Piper 45 8 Ave. .350 .313 .304 .282 .278 .278 .276 .270 .267 .227 .184 .173 Dinner cl la camp fire -Lake Roa8eau IN ONTARIO'S GREAT OUTDOORS Want the grand fellowship of a carapers' fireside - the appetizing smell of bacon sizziing, and beans cooking, wben a great day's fishing is over? Tbere's mothing like the shimmering lakes, rushimg streams, and rolimg woodlands of Ontario for a carefnee camping holiday. Want ta hean mare? Write ta the Department of Travel and Puhlicity, Parliament Buildings, TorC'to 2, Ont. You'Il meet rnanS' visitors from the U.S.; make tbern feel at home in hospitabie Ontario. LET'S M.4KE THEM WANT TO COME BACKI Mr CADMUS Mn. and Mns. James Stewart, Peterboro, Mn. Will Hutisbson, Mn. Scott Hutishson and son, To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lang and Barrie, Omemee, at Mn. and Mrs. Burney Hooey's. Mn. and Mns. Hooey are soon Ieavimg for their new home at Solina. Mn. and Mrs. Norman Green and Donny with Mr. and Mns. Jamse McKee. Sonry ta bear that Mrs. Oscar McQuade was sick again, but is feeling a littie betten. Mn. and Mns. Larme McKee and family a'ttended the Henry picnic an Sunday at Wm. Iienry's, Pur- pie Hill. There were thinty-two, including the grandchildnen, Mn. and Mns. Frank Tnipp and family, Mn. and Mrs. Frank Wilson and family, Mn. and Mrs. Melville* Henry and family, Mrs. Irene Hem- ry and family, ail of Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Kenneth Bray, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Larme McKee and family, Nestleeton, Mn. Lloyd Henry, Bowmnville, Mn. and Mrs. Jack Wilson and Allan, Purpie Hill, Mn. and Mns. Leslie Thampson, Tyrone. 1 Mn. and Mrs. Dave Wilson, Lloyd and Mrs. McQuade, spent Sunday at Port Hope. -Mn. and Mrs. Bil1 Robinson and play alane played the most im- portant part in the Courtice win. Both teamns started with the same Unme up as the opening ganie but Mapie Grave made several changes in the last inning, but it was too late. Courtice 010,104,5 il Maple Grave 101,000,1 3 Third game is scheduled for Courtice, Aug. 23 and the 4th Maple Grove, Aug. 30. New Floodlights For Tennis Courts At a general meeting of the Bowmanville Tennis Club, held at the Lions Community Centre last Friday night, final plans were macle for the installation of flood- îlights. Dave Higgon was present to outline the cost of equipment and labour required for such an un- dertaking. When a vote was taken' by_ President A.rt Hooper, the members unanimously supported the.-praject. Mr. Higgon was in- structed to proceed at once with the installation. SThe floodlights wilI be up as soon as poles can be purchased and the light fixtures delivered and also When enough tennis en- thusiasts can be raunded up to assist in the labour. Mrs. Bill McFeeters was ap- pointed to replace Mrs. Donald Ferguson on. the Social Commit- tee.' Mrs. Ferguson resigned as skie js now taking up residence in Ham'ilton after lier recent mar- riage. The Social Committee promised a social event to take place in the near future and club members are asked to watch for further an- nouncements. Mutton's Midgets Win f rom Markham In Semi-Final Game In their first game of the best of three series Bill Mutton's Bow- manville Midgets raced homne to a 15-8 victory over Markhami in the Ontario Semi-final playdowns. The game played Monday night at Markham showed the local aggregation to have considerable edge on their opponents. The second game of the series will be played in Bowmanville at the Memorial Park Diamond Sat- urday evening with the game caîl- ed for 5.30 p.m. sharp. These youngsters who deserve a great deal of credit for keeping their team together aIl summer without a proper league are looking for your support. At Markham Monday evening the visitors were outplayed for five runs in the first frame to Bowmanville's one rally by Tled Daqdson. The second innimg was a different story witb Bowman- ville becoming accustomed to the strange field tbey knocked out seven runs to put them well in the lead. Bowrnanville easily kept this lead and added singles in the 4th and 6th innings plus three more runs in the seventh to make Up their total of 15. Line up for Bowmanville in- cluded the foliowing players, the numbers after their names are the runs each scored Russell White, 1f, John Stain-1 ton cf, 1; Ted Dadson lb, 3; IIr- win Brooks c, 2; Larry Dewell 3b, 3; Ross Jeffrey rf, 1; Don Stephens ss, 1; Carl Piper 2b, 2; Don Bates Local Girls Retain Collette Cuùi C.O.F. Tournament The Canadian Forester Bal Tournament held at Pleasure Valley Ranch, North Oshawa, Aug. 20tb, was officially opened by Mayor, Michahel Starr. Larme Haynes' smart girls team from Bowmanville retained title ta the Collette Beauty Salon Cup. Cana- da Bread team, Osbawa, wbo were eliminated by Pickering in the regular senies, came down in front by taking both Bewmaniville and Osbawa C.O.F. teams ta win the Axteli Tropby. Mayor Starr welcomed tbe bali teams and congratulated the managers, coacbes and those re- sponsible for the league's activi- ties in the good job they were do- ing in assisting the youtb in their respective communities. Sport created strong healthy bodies and cleart wbolesome mimds, continueci His Worship, and fitted Canadian youtb into the part tbat tbey bad to play in the future destiny of Canada. The point, aoiot only in sport but in life, was not whether you won or lost, but bow yon play- cd the game that really counted. His Worsbip came ta bat with Emma Sbred of Bowmanville on the mound, and Charles Ferguson, President of the Boy's League, bebind the plate, taking hold of Sbred's high hard one for a home run in amy league. In tbe opening game Harry Snowden's Bawmanville Forest- ers went down ta defeat before Jokimie Kirkbride"s rejuvenated Canada Bread Club with 14-8. The baker 'boys gat ta Smowden, Who went the nauts for Bowman- ville. Shaky support, caupled with inability ta produce in the clutches, paved the way for the Foresters downfall. Ken Fleming started for Canada Bread, 'but was hoisted for Frankie Kelman wbo played outstanding bail for the bakens. Fleming, Patte, Kirk- bride, Kelman and Terwilleger shorie for tbe bakers wbile Bragg and Morey looked good for the losens. In the only girls game of the day Larme Haynes' starry Club coasted to an easy victary over Bob Craig's game little Salem team. Emma Sbred was again the big noise for Bowmanville, pitching an excellent game and knocked out two home runs. JDan Cý-aig pitcheci good bail for Saiem. but erratic support, and tbe ina- bility of bier teami mates to salve Sbred's slants cbalked ber up with the loss. Final score 8-14. In the final game Ted Twin- ning's Oshawa Foresters Club faced Canada Bread for the Ax- tell Tropby. Frankie Keiman was again ternific for the bakers, and bis club could do no wrong. Ken Parish pitcbed excellent 'bail for the Forester Club. When the dust had. settled the score read 10-4 for the bakers. Lince, McCleliand and Menzies looked good for the win- mers, while Morey and R. Twin- ning had a goad day for the losers. Tbe games were cannied aver the P.A. system with Cal Braun at the mike. The systei was kindly donated by George James, and Club Bayview royally enter- tained baIl teams and fans in the evemimg wl.1en the cups were pre- sented. Miss Joan Woolley, in the absence of Mrs. Hughes, present- ed te Collette Cup ta .1. Snow- den, C. Schwarz and V. Budai. Ken and Ted Parish presented the Axteil Tropby ta Ken Fleming and Johniec McCleliamd. Adeline Andor, talented littie night club singer-for Cluba Bayview sang "Careless Hands" for the benefit of the Oshawa Bahl Club. Canadian Foresters Sports Ex- ecutive wish ta lhamk Oshawa Times Gazette, C.K.D.O., Bow- manville Statesman, management of Club Bayview, Mr. George James and Shirley, the Umnpires and ahl the loyal bail player3 and fans who helped ta make the day a success. Lime Ups: Canada Bread-Patte, Fleming, Kirkbride, Kelman, Potipco, Lince, Menzie, McClelland, Ter- willeger, Thompson and Cale. Bowmanville -H. Snowd enm Staîker, C. Schwarz, Bird, Polley, Bragg, Morey, Budai, King, Craig, and B. Snowden. with nails and cernent both by other members and by the galleries, including particular- ly the press gallery; and the ac. oustics of the chamber are notor. iously bad. Everyone will be glad ta be able io hear more easily the speakers wbo have somelhing worthwhile to say, but how many o! the 262 speakers does that include? lohns-Manville Ready Roof REGAL ROOFING - Srnooth surface 108 sq. feet, 45 lbs with nails and cernent ------------------------$2.25 PILOT ROOFING - Smooth surface 108 sq. feet, 55 lbs. wlth nails $2.95 $1 .90 $2.35 JOHNS - MANVILLE RockLAToNl Rock WTool Cornes in handy Super-Felt Io Battsj. that fit snugly between wali studs or ceiling joists Inexpensive - Easy to Instal Save up to 30% w inter fuel Batts, 15"1 x 48", 2" thick, sd. flo --.-5c llatts, 15" x 48" 3" thick, sq. ft. 7c Cartons- 2"- contain 75 sq. feet.......-- -------- -- $3.75 Cartons 3"1 contain 40 sq. f eet-------------- - $2.80 Don McGregor Hardware Co. Phone 386 Bowmanville 59 King St. W. M L K Helps Io Build Strong Bones Keep plenty of milk on hand where your youngsters can reach for it often. It's rich in calcium and other body-building elements which make it a necessity in the diet of a growing child. And it's so refreshing! Pour yourself a glass while you're pouring one for your child. You'1l enjoy it. GLIEN RAIE DAIRY Phone 444 for Delivery King St. W. Bowmanville Gay with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Fallis cele- brated their 25th anniversary at their coktageat Cadmus Saturday, when they had a few friends mn. Mrs. Percy Elliott is stili on the sock list, but we hope she will soon be better. Cadmus W.A. wiii be held at the home of Mrs. Clarence Mount- jay Wed. night. We are glad to hear Mrs. Harry Phiiip of Stirling, is home from the hospital and improvimg fine. She was one of our good members og Cadmus W.A. and W.M.S. when she lived here. Mr. and Mrs. James Brooks, To- ronto, with Mr and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt. Mr. Ross Philip spent last week at his home an holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jackman and family, Toronto, and Mrs. Wm. Williamson at Wooclville at Mrs. Davey's (nee Gertie Williamson). Mr. and Mrs. Jackman and fam- iiy and Mrs. Williamson were at Mr. and Mrs. Percy Williamson's. Mr. and Mrs. Sam McKees have rented their farm to Mn. and Mrs. Wesley Sweet Jr., and have bought a bouse in Nestleton. They have iived there for a good many years as it was the homestead. We are aUl glad tbey are flot moving too far away. NEW TEST FOR MP's (The Financial Post) A new test faces the 262 men who will converge on Ottawa in September as the representatives of the Canadian people. The members of the House of Corn- mons, both new and old, will find installed an amplification system intended to ensure that their words are heard aIl over the cham- ber. On the face of it this seems a splendid idea. Speeches made in the House of Commons are pre- sumably intended ta be heard Cornpiete stock o! text books, work books, pens,, pencils and schooi bags. High School We have the lists of text books needed for each forrn and have la stock ail that are ready from the publishers. Zipper Binders A wide range of colouru, rnaterials and prices. J. W. JEWELL 27 King St. W.. Bowmanvllle BMIG 20" PHONE 556 and cernent --------------------------- - SLATEKOTE ROOFING - Siate surface 36", 108 sq. ft., 18", 54 sq. ft. nails and cernent-$.6 nails and cernent (Colors - Red and Green) THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWBIANVTLLLr. c)14-rAmu iTruTMDAT, AUGUST 25, lutu Roll-Bric Sidinq Easy to apply - and inexpensive. Costs littie rmore than regular roll - roofing Per roll, 50 sq. feet 1 . PAGE TWELVE

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