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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1949, p. 2

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A PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVILLE. ONTABTO 'TT1T1~qnAV ~WD~' 1.4 IBAê - --------- - a.. *0t, *V~WO. SUESCRIPION RATES $5Oa Yoam. trictly in advanCe $3.00 a Yoar -in the United Staitos P b7idb THE JAMES PUBLISHI}G COMPANY B owmanville, datcrlo GEO. W. IAMES. Edito:r Municipal Goverrnent The Foundation of Our Free Democratic System * The main th ng te kcep in m mnd when con- siderlng lie. present problema of municipal geverinent la thol il wdts conceived as lie broad banc cf aur froe democrolic structure. Bringing lie problerna cf public affaira rigilta lie daorslop of the common people, pioneoring a now notion, introduced factors which our fore- foliers cierlahed, exerclsed, and defended. Thon, local- autonamy was acccpied as çq aphere cf educotiorn and ditlzensip -in which individual aptitude apened the door ta higiier public arn- * bitions. Service on municipal councils was considored an honar and a duly and '"democracy" was ield ta be something more than a more phrase. Tod y wc find greai changes and many new prablema fqcing thej present genoralion in the administration of municipal government. The rapid pace cf industriolization and transporta- tion; the trend ta decentralization; lie public demond for mare and more social services have ail comhined te liraw new weights and stresses ie hithereaini cf local goveranent. At tie same time we f ind a lendency among the. younger generation net only te hypasa the. sludy of gev- *rnment but te shy arway frorn public office and the. respon>isibililies and criticisma liai go witi * Many cf us are old enough ta recallie earnestness witi which aur fathers tackled lie problema cf municipal gavernment. Tiey liter- ally threw thiemselves int local election con- tonts, accepted outhority, witistood criticisme and ccarefully financed thie public works liai mode lie.. moîern towns and chties we live in today. They viewed with a wary oye tie pater- naliam cf senior governments. Tiey held liaI true dcmccrocy required rigid adierenco 10 tie principle cf untrammeled local auhonorny. But theh fast pace cf modern living has brought voit changea whici toc rnany cf us appear ta accepi wlth lile shudy and with capt complac:ncy. Municipal counicils now euts from senior auliority ho finance local needa. Subsidies for education, hospitals, recreotion, read an<d streeis, fire protection, or w1iml have yau, have become tie order cf lie day. And wti ail ti, local public debt seema ta be steadily maunting wiihoh large burden stili carrted by lie praperty owners. Take Bewrnonvillo as an oxomple. Only throe years ago aur debenture deht incurred througi lie installation cf waterworks, aewers, pavements- and scioci Improvements, had heen reduced te boss lion $100,000, and our lax rate steod ai 36 raills. Todoy our debenlure debt has risen ho approximatoly $500,000 and lie tax rate in 53 milis. Ta keep pace with normal industrial expansion iu ncw oppears imminent ta top Lake Ontario for our increased water auppiy. This an top of debentures for a new school, dew haspital, new areno, new pavements and sa forth, will raioethe public debt ho appraxirnataly on* million dollars ho b. borne hy a preseni population cf 4,500 people. This nxounting burden cf purely municipal debi han gene along wltii greatly izicreased provincial subsidies. Tii. old warning thou handouta from outaide sources simply invite in- croas.d spending seems ta apply protuy weli taday. But thiere is ac breaklng point. There may well corne a lime when the source liaI payathie money colislie lune. With every handeut goos along a weakening of local auten- orny and a lessenlng cf a sense of individual reaponslbility on lie level cf muniýcipal goverri- ment. This ia net only an accepted theory but ci grewinq fact. Whero lie" authorilorian principle is per. mitted te intrude, ai hhat point precisely in wier. true democracy begins ta fray and unravel. Tii. consciouanns cf tuas trend ioday is brougit farcihly homne te tthe editars of weekly newa- popers of Canada. They liv. and move among the. very peopleo ia ke up the. grass-recta prosperiy cf lic wiolo nation. No section of th. -public press in more cencerned with pr.- aervlnq freedom than lie weeklies, and true frcedom cannot have fulli ay witiout tie pre- nervation cf lthe fulloat measureocf local autanomy exorcised an lie levol cf municipal government. Tho lime la here for ai broad readjusiment In thus country of the. wiole sciome of reapon- sibi., ropresontativo goverinent. Tiere is a growlng trend loward a botter undersîanding in Domiion-Provincial affaira. Ituweuld appear te b. tho part ef wisdom' and stalesmonship ta breaden tic conferences on national welfare ta include autmandlng auliorities on municipal qaveramoni and bulld a new framework aleng lines Indicated linith Sirola Report. Certoinly w. cannai afford muci longer ta continuo aleng h.e casual linos liat are toc much in evidence aOU ocrais Canada today la tho realm cf imunici- Pal affairs. History plays Ca VerY important part in our livec - whothcr wc liko il or net. Il will play is part ovon If wo are ignorant cf il, but il wili play an even greafier part if we are consciaus cf IL. Canada la ci yaung and virile notion wlth a greait futur. aioad of her - wich stems frem an hiaterlcal poil, whici if nel se ancleni an cther nations cf lthé Old Werld, ia yet crammed wlth drama <md ntret.-Viacount Alexander. wtlb whicb las lncorpoat.d Me. BbwmanvM New.. Tb&Newcastle Ldependeal cod The Oo»Ne.Iws 94. Y.eri Continuoua Service ta the Town ai Bomanvilio and Durham County -.-AizIhota.d o.Second Caa$ Mail. Poo Ollc Department. Ottawa MANLDEPENDENT' NEWSPAPER Jobs for Parliament Wiat are the main jobs liai Parliameni sioubd lackbe this caming session? This ques- tion was put ta a group ai Canadians hy Tic Financial Post. The rnajarity cf themn mentionod thie Trans-Canada Higiway. Tiey want lasnec liai project compleied aoon. Considorable stress was also laid, as would ho expected, on aur trade and dollar difficulties. Dominion-provincial relaiionsiips ratodigi on lie liai logetier with social securily plans, wile several readers point le double taxation and govornmeni spending as mallers dornonding iiigh priarity. Immigration proved ta o b5h11l uppermesi in many minda; on. roader tieugit a Canadian flag on important issue. Immunization Week National Immunization Weok, sponsored hy lie Healti League of Canada in co-operatian with depariments cf healti tiraugieut Canada, eccurs tuis year from Sept. 111h ho 171i. During lhii week a determined effort will he mode la otîracl Dominian-wide attention lethie need and pessibilities of attacking especially lias. two communicable diseasea of ciudicod - diph- theria and wiaoping cougi. As in previaus years lie active co-operation cf press, radio, maving pictures and o groat variely cf volunlary associations will ensure tiot knowledgo as te tic rusons of pr.v.nîing tioe. diseuses will ho mado aval lable ho lie public. Tiero are nome other communicable dia- eases wiici will receive attention in smre parts ef Canada ah least. Telanus is one cf lies.Ia somne ports cf Canada, BCG in reognized as an of fective means cf preventing luborculosi. h in lntereating te noee laI during a number cf years recenîly lier. han been neoarnalîpox li lie Dominion. In 1948 lier. wcre 898 cases cf dipilieria in Canada with 85 dealia, and 7,084 cases of whoeping cougi witi 155 deatis. The numnbor cf cases cf whooping cougi ian fallen front 19,082 in 1943 le 7,084 in 1948. These dis- cases have diminished largoly becouse cf wide- spread use af preventives wiici are considered ta bo effective. LasI year hier, were almeat as mony doalis frcm wiceping cougi ai froni dipitieria, acarlet lever and poliomnycitin corn- blned. While, unforiunately, poliemyelitis ianet yol a proventable disoase, dipitheria and wieeping cough are preventablo. Tii. expenditure of lime, onergy and maney in seeing ho iltioht preveni- Audit Surecru Canadicin Wookly N.wapatper Significance of Labour Day When Peter J. McGuire, a New York City labour loader, auggesicd back li 1882 that labour hold a big parade, h. aiartod omthing whlch spread te many ceunties. Thal- lirai Labour Day emphaslzed tihe digniy and werih cf work and the spirit of the. pienocra cf the. labour niovemeni, wiio burnod with a passion ta improve the. lot of the workers of the werld. not oniy in the materialiatic csens., but apirit- ually and culturally as well. The vision of tiiese lpioncera han flot been' loat. William Green, Presideni of the. American Federation of Labour, in his 1948 Labour Day message said in pari: "Organized labour in celebraiing Labour Day, reminds the nation that wage sarners whose dally wo# ia ossentlol te mainta.ining th. industries sorving the nation, are aIso citizens with a human deaire Io croate and ta henefit by their work. They too want lif e mare abundani - spiriiualiy, inieli.ctually. cm well as piysically." And Phillip Murray, Presideni cfthe Caon- grecs of Induatrial Organizations, in hia Labour Day message pointed out that major union groupa in the United States and Canada have heen playing an important rabe for several years in the struggle between the forces cf democracy and totalitarianism. None should underestimate thie importance of labour in the ideologicai struggie, ho said. Most labour leaders have cause ta realize that the. world has moved ia an idealogical age. Current history has heen demonairatlng in a startling way hat t >he sirongesi force in aur world today is the power of an idea. When the. Communists wanied ta demonsirato againsi the Marshall Plan in France, they called a strike in the. French coal mines a f 0w monuha aga. This succeeded in cutting production ta an omount which, il was estimated, equalled tie Marshall Plan benefits that poured into France during liai period. The strike had praciically ne economnic causes, but it was due eniirely le the grip whici the. Communiai ideology had on a proportion of the workers. Tiie C.S.U. sîrike and ils world-wide rami- fications shows thal Canada toe is invoived. Tii. sound mon in bath management and labour will serve their country well if liey face thie f oct liai lhey are, or siauld ho, ranged on the. same side in thua ideological war and liai their strongesi weapon ta overcome subversion cf evory form la the application in ail their affaire of absolute moral standards. Fourth Series of Canada Savings Bonds in October A Fourli Series of Canada Savings Bonda will go on sale across Canada in October. This was announced ai Ottawa by the Hon. Douglas Abhott, Minisier of Finance, who, ai lie smre lime, gave notice thal Canada Savings Bonds, Series Three wil ho wilidrawn frorn sale on August 31. Tie Minisier said thai lthe decision la issue a Fourli Series of Canada Savinga Bonds was prompted by lie enthusiasîic rom- panse liai had atlended the previous uiree of- ferings. Since 1946, wiien tie Firsl Series of lisse bonds was issued, Canadians have made mare than tiree million purchases of Canada Savinga Bonds, ho a total value of more than $1 billion. Last year purchases on tho Payroll Savinga Plan hy employees of thousanda of Canadian corn- panies, reacied a new high of $118 million. More than 43% of ail employees la whorn the payroll plan was made available bought bonds. Allhough terme of lie new issue have flot yei heon announced, il is expected tiaI 1he Fourth Series will rotain lie features whlci proved sa popular in the first three. As in tho past. ithe bonds will b. available througi banks and investiment dealers as well as on tie Pay- roll Savings Plan. In the Edlitor's Mail 9941-87th Ave., Edmonton, Aug. 26,'49l My Dear George; -15 V-= Enclosed please find meney order for annual subscription ta The Canadian Statesman.' There were two items in the last number af special interest ta nme. One wvas tic Sketch of Dr. Albert E. Allun showing hirnita be a genurne naturalist. I knew him as a babe in Hampton and arn delighted with bis growth. The other related to Dr. L. B. Williamns telling of the splendid service he has and ia rendering in causing the best in Durham's past ta Live in the present and aise in the future. Edmantan bas a unique example of the same type af service in thc restaration of the City's first building-a church-apart tramn thc fur-trading Post established 75 years earlier. In 1841 Rev. George McDougahl built a par- sonage and then started ta build a Methodist Church which he tinished tic next year. The log building was covered autside and in by whip-sawn lumber, planed and bcaded. It iad been meved four times and for years had flot ibeen used, but it bas, been restored ta become a shrine and Museumn for the cultural fea- tures of Education Up ta thc close Trafflc Accidents Show Big Increase Over Last Y.cxr A checkup in the number of accidents In this district revealed that there has been a definite Increase this year. This inform- ation was received fram the Pro- vincial Police who are in charge of this district which goes west to the House That Jack Buit and eust to Welcome. This year, there have been a total of 91 accidents, as compared lith 57 last year and te date three prsona have been killed li this aeand ail three have been localpepeOftelvpesn killd lst ear nlyonellvedini this district. The actual property damage * this year has beezi less wlth the majority et the accidents only miner crackups. In very few cases have tie accidents been due te mechanical faults in the vehicles lnvolved. Perhaps the greatest number of the accidents have been caused by carelessnesssand a lack cf courtesy by cutting out in heavy traffic and faillng to allow cars back into Une. Ail drivers are advised te obey three rules whiie driving. care, courtesy and common sense, in order that there may be fewer traffic accidertq for the remain- der ef this year.Â" frs musical terms are derived rom the Italian laxguage. Lincoin 's Philosophy of Lif e In every difficult period in theti.last 85 years, and today mare thon ever beforo, ovonis have proved the wladom of Abraham Lincoln when ho sald: "You cannai bring about prosperiiy by dis- couraging thrif t. "You cannot strengthen the weak by woak- ening the atrong. "You cannai heip strang nmen hy tearing down big mon. "You cannot holp the wage earner by pull- ing down tho wage payer. "You cannai further the. brotherhoodl of mon by encouraging class hatred. 'Tou cannai help the poor by dosiroying the rich. "You cannai esiablish sound securiiy on borrowed meney. "You cannot keep oui of trouble by spend- ing more than you earn. "You cannai buiid characier and courage by iaklng away moan'. initiative and indopendence. "You cannai help. mon permanenîiy by do- ing for them what they could and should do for themsoives." Editorial, Notes "Sociaiism in essentially a systern for divid' ing up more equally somelhlng liaI will ceose to exist hecause thieonterprise liai weuld otior- wise have praduced ht has been extinguished." -Dr. Virgil Jordan. "Goverament help is licble te ho connecied with governmonî ocatrol, and suci centraIs are apt ta dosirey initiative and invontivenesa which lie aI lie root cf ail arllstic accomplisimeni." -Sir Staffard Crippa. Inceme tax revenue mn 1943 frorn individuala in Canada was 481.1 million dollars; f rom cor- porations, 348 million. Budget estimates for 1850 are 591 million from individuals; 558 million frern corporations. In lie same period revenue frern succession duties increaed froni 13.3 mil- lion deors ho 26 million. What ia il thai mokes men fre. in socleiy? Net wealti, ner civlc position, nar dominion governiment, ner business power, but knowledge intelligently applied. W. need te b. centin- uously oducated and re-oducated. Educoted in lie fundoniontais cf essential freedorn, and re- educaled la keop us up-ta-date in a cianging world. Undcr aur democratic systom wo - all cf un - are lie gevernmeni. Ahl we need la do to gel better governm"ent ia ho know wiat we want, and then tell our reprosontalivesata Ottawa liai w. want IL. If w., lie people, fou tao take suf ic- lent interesi in wiatis againg on, tien a amali group may contre! gavernaient and lie country. Tie upahol will b. liai wc&hail base tie power we naw have. Our mont Important funclion as lnîerested Canadians la ta apur each' membor cf porliament ta exert his own influence an each national off air la make Canada a botter place in wiici ta live and werk. of the past century. The portraits et the leaders et the difterent denominations cf Education, ef industry, et tic H. B. Co. and af civic life arc hung upen Uie walls. What other city has such a toun- dation? (I arn enclosing a souve- nir booklet). This week I have had the pica- sure et entertaining my two bro- thera, Sam and John, sa the latter's wife and son, Roy, with bis bride, al et Orono, I had not seen theni for 21 years. (Rev.) J. P. Berry Hiqliway Traffic Act Amnendment Interests Farmers An amendment ta thc Highway Traffic Act which was enacted in 1949 and breught into effect in April should be ot great interest te farmers. One af tie sections of thc act states that boys under the age of 15 are forbidden te drive tractera on the bigiway. Tractors are classitied as mater vehicles with the exception that ne license is required ta drive them. This amendment does net prohibit boys under 15 driving tractors on the farm or tram crossing tie highway tram one field la another. Persons who have had their li- censes revoked for driving of- fenses are aise prohibitea tramn driving tractera gin thc highway. A T TRIS TIME NEIT YEAR You cau b. well established ln office work, earnins a go salary. with plenty cf-Urne for social activities. Good Secretarli, Stenographers, fleokkeep- ers and General Office Workers are always la de. rnand. At Bowmanvllle Business School ibis fal Mms. C. A. Bartlett wIll b. ln charge to, give spe- ciai attention to individual lrobierns. -Apply now for enroiment Septeniber 6 or October 3. Dowmanviile Business School 152 King St. Eut Phone 434 Take Your Choice ahi. maladies are prevented is more than justi- fied. Il is ioped liaI parents tiiroughoul lthe Domninion will co-operate witi lie healti authar- ities in soeing te il that their children are Irn- munized. 3 ~'on Guaranteed 3% Trust Certificates ISSUED for any amount . .. . for a term of five year ... . guaranteed both as ta principal and interest . . .. Inteiest cheques inaiied te ,reach holders on due date, or, at hoider's option, rnay be ailowed ta accumulate ai compound interest. An ideai investment for individuals, corn- panies; authorized by iaw for cemetery boards, executors and other trustees. TH E STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION 372 Bay Streot, Toronto 1 38 y..., ln Business I. DACK TO SCHOOL TIME IS TIME FOR . Home Study . Indoor Play In another few weeks your chiidren wilI be golpg back te achool. This means more time spent indoors under artificiai litht. Proteet their vision by making suri Illumination ls adequate. We wiil be giad to advlse you on your electrical iighting problemase that you and your famiiy wili get tho benefit cf proper lightlng at ail times. Corne ln and taik your problem over wlth one cf our experienced and competent electrical experts. HIGGGN ELECTRIC Yeur General Electrie Appliance Dealer Phone 438 Bowmanvle 4Z King St. B. The Factory Dollar THE CANADIAN STATESMAN,'BOWMANVMLP. ONTARIO THURMAT. SEPT. IrL 104t' y 1 In elino witi tiose progressive London indus- trialists who pooled information in a newspaper adverlisemcnt t tellu th. public exaclly how much of each sales dollar went for wages and how muci for profits, eighi Canadian Manufac- turera Association mem-bor companios in Brant- ford did lie same tiing early in May in a mont effective fashion. The eight firms, on roquesi of th. Board cf Trade, replied ta survey questions which enabled the readers of Tii. Brantford Expositor le become helter acquainted with the. division cf tie factory dollar heiween materials, wages, taxes and shareholders. Tii. information, covering a ful page cf advertlsing space, proved the following points: The co-operoiing campanies were not controlled by the fow, because for every 100 employees there were 92 shareholders; the. aver- ago annual pay for eaci cmployee was 27 limes the. amouni paid tao aci shareholder, il took an average of $4.764 to provide a job for each per- son on the. payroll. Ail told, 56 companies participated in pub. lishlng luis outslanding example of a community service message. Meaning of Propaganda Few company publications worthy of the name fou 10o provide the. employees with some information about their company. Unforlunate- ly, however, many refrain from providlng as mucii information as mont of the employees would like for fear of the charge that il is pro- paganda. 0f course it's propaganda, and so was lait Sunday's sermon. Propaganda is an innocent word which in recent years has heen somewhat hesmirched, se liaI it is now used in a sens. as if nothing were propaganda but error and deception. Tii. root idea cf tie word is liai of planting or propagat- ing a seed. By extension ht came te include the propagation cf idoas. Any form cf mass communication is propa- ganda. And propaganda is presenîed for a purpose; il is lie purpose liai makes it propa- ganda and flot ils truthfuiness or unîrutifulneas. Fear of information, trutiful or untrutiful, in born cf th. idea liai propaganda bas power over tho public (employee) mind. Yet af ter ail it is noltie seed sown, but the. mental soil liai determines whaîtihe growîi wil he. It han yet ta ho siown liai ideas, subversive cf their principles, or misinformation inlended to mis- lead them, have ever heen deeply 'or porman- enlly effectuai wihh le Canadian people. Any company which han a management thai holds suci a low estimat. cf employes in- telligence aa dehhberately ha try ta mislead them would net romain in business long under lias. conditions.

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