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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Sep 1949, p. 6

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ý.IAGE six, ____________ ---w-----.-. onn I V ài.W qgAý ALUJ -, N E8A . --? at Ii CAOXUS * Iym %aIhy aextnded ta M&às Eoblianao! adus Ia the pass. 14 ! r. 1~nna. eUdmu W.A. mét at the home et Mrs. Clarence Mountjoy. There wrs a good attendance lnclud1ng tAr.vIsitors. They are geing tc have a booth at Mr. Sameil Me- K[ee's Sale. Mr. and Mr&. Frank Trlpp and tjyvs7Oshawa, Mrs. Wmn. Henry, Purpie Hill, with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Mcee. AIlan and David Vivian Hamp- ton are holldayig with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vivian. Miss Marie Hanna là home from ,worklng at St. Cristopher Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vivian visited friends«ataiHampton. Mr..and Mns. James Brooks, Toronto, are atili with Mr. and Mns. Marvin Nesbitt. DONYT Miss OUR GREAT LABOUR DAY, Wh.r.'s smoko there FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE Famous Reading Anthracite is aobsoi<tely .cmokelcss! Helps keep your home and community clean. Nature neyer made a bitter fuel than this long-burn- ing, low ash Penn sylvania Hard Coal. Phone us for Famous Reading Anthracite-the Red Trademarked Coai. OWEN NICHOLAS FUELS Ikete 410 or 2249 Bowmanvillè COURTICE L A large gatherlng was beld at -the home of Oeo. and Mn.. John- ston, wlth Chris and Mmi. Tooley eas guetta of hanor. Mrs. Clangnce ePerifound was in charge of con- testa and latin carred out the programn, wbich included the pre- *sentation of a console desk, oc- casional chair, and vase of !lowers, The young couple responded in a very fitfing manner. Lovely nefreshments wîre served. Having punchased the home of the late W. H. Nichols, south of Trull Grocorteria we welcome them to our coznmunity. We also extend a welcomne to Mrs. Raymond Barber, ahe with her husband, who was a Courtice boy, wIll mxake their home in Mn.. Jesse Tooley's bouse. Tc Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Os- borne we extend congratulations, wha have done sa, well in The Gladiolus shows at Peter-boro, Glelpb and Oithawa. We are sorry to lose Miss Doro- thy Winters fmom our midst as she is planning f0 make ber home in Aurons.. Affer a prolonged illness, Mrs. J. S. Felton nee Bannie Richards> passed awy at ber home in Nor- dolk,- Virginia, on Aug. 27 with interment on August 30. She leaves one son, Alan K. Arnott,- Norfolk, Virginia, one step-son John S. Felton, Williamsburg, f wo sisters, Mrs. Harvey Hager- man, Oshawa, and Mns. John Bal- son, Hampton, 'to whom iheir mnany friends and relatives here extend sympathy. RIAMPTON Mm,. L. Hindman and Murîi spent e week et Mms. L. Trulî's cottage et William, Point. Mr. and Mm,. R. J. Thomas, Beilwood, viited hem sister, Mrs. L. Hindman. Alan Smith, Cobourg, with his uncle and aunt Mm. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith. Miss Hazel Cunningham, Ceam- cran, is visiting hem, aunt Mms. Hemland Trull. Mm. and Mm,. T. Wray Mm. and Mm.. C. E. Horn with Mm. and Mms. Jackson Wray Qshawa. Miss L. Reynolds with ber bro- thers R. J. and Dm. E. C. A. Rey- nolds Toronto. Miss Neomi Horn, London, was a weekend guest o! Mm. and Mrs. C. E. Horn anid other relatives. Mn. and Mme. Russell Luke Itrisi- ted Mr. acd Mm,. Clarence Brad- ley, Ashburn. Mmi. Jas. Knight. Miss Helen Knlght, j Mm,. F. Vandenb'urg, Bayonne, N.J., Mm.. T. B. Hill and Mm,. Dan McQueston, Osha- wa, were gucat, o! Mr. acd- Mm,. Russell Luke. Mr. and Mm,. Sidney Nash and fr andson, Master Dennis Per- ing, Gnose Point Farms, Mich., Miss tGladys Petit acd Raymond Petit, Toronto, wene guests of Mr. mcd Mm,. Will Chapman. Mm. and Mm,. C. J. Hamilton, Oshawa, witi their deughtem Mm.. Cecil Lockwood acd Mm. Lockwood. IMm.. Ada Temblyn, Omono, with relatives. Mn. and Mm,. Edwin Wood, Mm. and M:rs. Ommiston, Bow- manville, Mm. and Mn,. Charlie Nelson, Toronto, af Mm. S. Wil- liam',. Mr. and Mn,. George Bawcott and deughfer Linda, Whitblý, Mm,. R. J. McKessock, Mm,. Bryce Browc mcd daughter Jean, Osha- wa, at' Percy Dewell's. *, Mm. mcd Mm,. Gardon Slemon, Toronto, visited Mm.. C. Johns acd Naccy, mcd Mm. acd Mm,. Will White prior fo lemving for Ecg- land, wheme lie will attend the University o! London for a yeem. Douglas CaveHly ha, returned fmom. Banff mcd otier points in Western Canada wheme hi spent thmee montis. Mm.. M. Goodman mcd Miss Louise Goodman enjoyed. a trip to Bale, Muskoke. A happy trne wms spent in the park one evening reccntiy when members of the Service Club and their husbends met for a soc ial evecing in honour of anc o! their members, Mm,. M. L. Davey, who was pnesented with a Watemman set. Tic evening wes spent in games affer which. wcemes mcd mails weme served. Mm,. Davey was misa the recipient of a much appmeciated gift fmom the cast of the play "Sic', My Daisv" in whici sic took a prominent part1 and wbich was pmesented first at Hampton mcd leter et several ceighboumicg places, a short time mgo. We welcome ta aur village andr community lite, Mr. mcd Mm,. J. Ic A. Warrack mcd daugiters. Mms. J. R. Reynolds wes hastes, at e recepf ion held et hem home on Friday affernoon for Mm,. War- rack and deughters, when over eighty ladies called. Mmi. W. W. Horn paumed tfianmd fia assistantsF were Mm.. Harold Salfer, Mm,. K. Cmvenly, Mm,. Jack Reynolds f and Miss Fmy Reynôlds. Sympathy i. extecded ta Mm,.' C J. W. Balson in tic lois o! hem sister Mrs. John S. Felf on o! Nom- v folk, Virginia. F Women's Institute will meef WRESTLING ln BOWMANVILLE .... .. . . .Tuesday, Sept. 6 8:45 p. 3BOUTS .3 Main Bout - 1 hour Ilnit 2 out of 3 tail. Wppr"BlllY" Wat.son Vs. Bill Staek Remi-fInal- 30 minutes 1 fail Tut Carlson vs. George O'Malley Prelimlnary, 1 tai! -30 min.. SeeUie Bornra va. Abe Zvonkin ulstaek this Thursday afternoon-Pro- gram ln charge of East group. Guesi speaker, Miss Doris Mill- son of Solina; subject-*'Educa- tional trends ln South Amczica". AUl ladies welcome. TYRONE ýd Mm.. G. Phare and Lance. MIr. and Mmi. Lloyd Alldmemd, 's. Irene Graves visited Mm. and 'e. G. Rahm, Saintfield. MIr. and Mmi. W. Rahm mcd cmald acd Miss Jean Heynes, )wmmnville. visifed Mr. and s. Lamne Griffin, Pumple Hill, Mrn. and Mm.. Erie Stainfon, )wmanville. vîsited Mr. and Mm.. nry Steinton. Mr., Gardon Graham and Doug- sTorocto, Mr. Douglas Mac- iRoberta and Laurel, Nestie- ncmlled on Mr. and Mrs. A. imilfon. Mrn. and Mm.. A. Spanks, To- nto. wmth Mr. and Mn.. A. Lingman. vins. J. H. Muttan. Bowman-j, le, visited Mr. and Mrs. A 1 c n A h h E p E a w m i r a0 "f . an an ter ite( Le] Mr H. anc if Mr Mn Roi Boi Mr! Bo% Her N las, kay ton Hai N ror Yoi vill Hawkey. Mr. and Mrm.Et. JeWvell attend. ed the funîral of Robent Dîlve Ir Oshawa, who died as a result o an accident at Minden. Mr. and Mn. P. Murdoch anc gils, Base Line, wlth theil dàughter, Mr. and Mn,. Murray Tabb. Mr. Chanles Nichahls, Oshawa, vlslted Mr. and Mns. Lloyd AU. dread.. Mmm. E. Deeley attended the Toronto Ex. Saturday.1 Mr. and Mns. D. Stainton and family spent the weekend al Guli Lake. Miss Joyce Murray has neturfl. id ta Toronto alter vlsiting her aunt, Mmi. K. Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. -Ivan Richards, Ronald. and Elaine, OshawaMm Mary Findlay and Bruce, Urnîon. ville, Mr. Dean Findlaý', Sunder- land, Mr. and Mrs. C. Bigelow, Mns. T. H. Richards with Mr. and Mr@. A. Richards. Miss Florence Gardiner, Bow. manville. a.nd Mrs. Alma Rend- micks, Simcoe, with Mrs. Annie Philipp. Miss Edlth White, Toronto, and Mr. D. C. White, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mns. Everton White. 1Tyran. Harvest Home Services were beld Sunday. The church was nicely decamated with a pro- fusion of lovely flowers. Rev. H. S. Cobb of St. Enoch's United Church, Toronto' wlo was a student minister on this circuit wben the laie Rev. Higgs was pastor, gave a very inspining mes- sage at emcb service, leaving much food for thought. Tyrone choir furnished splehdid music in the afternoon with Gardon Brent sing- ing a solo "The Lord's Prayer"' In fine vaîce. At the evening service Enniskillen choir fumnish. ed splendnd music which wes much appreciaied. IMr. and Mmi. Walter Devitt, Peck, Midi., wlth Mr. and Mrs. Otto Vîntue. On Frlday Mn. and Mm,. Virtue and Mm. and Mrs. Devitt attended thé funeral oi their cousin, Mrs. Ethel May 15énny, ln Toronto. Mm. and Mm,. Wm.#aTape and Mr. W. J. Tape. Port Erie, with Mr. and Mn,. R. Hatherly. MIr. and Mxp. Lerne McCoy, Brooklin, Mm. Fred Moore and Miss Leta Jackson, Mm. -and Mmi. Garnet McCoy. Bowmanvllle, at Mr. and Mm,. Norman Woodley's. Mr. and Mme. Harry Collacutf, Bowmanville. Mm. and Mmi. Gar- don Yeb and Thmily, Enniskillen, with Mm. and Mme. Clarence Woodley. Mms. M. Silver, Mm. and Mmi. George White and Jean, Bowman- ville, Mm. Chenui Smith, Bran- don, Man.. witb Mr. and Mmi. F. Wemry and Percy, Mm. Smith me- maining for a few day. Mr. and Mm.. Alex MeMaster, Joan and Ross, Mm.. J. W. Mc- Master and Mms. F. B. Glaspeil, Zion, with Mr. and Mm.. Raiph Glaspeli. Mm. and Mrs. Lomne Annis, Brian, Elaine and Charlotte with Mm. and Mms. Alan Annis, Osh-' a wa. Mm. and Mrs. Wiimot Brent, Mm. Wm. Brent, Uxbridge, -Mr. and Mms. Ras. Paoley, Oshawa, and Mm. and Mm.. A. H. Brent wif h Mr. and Mm.. Howard Brent. Miss Dorothy Skinner, Toronto, et home. Mr. Ross Drew and Brian, Mr. and Mm.. Roy Cornish and Linda and Mr. George Drew, Oshawa, with Mms. W. T. Womden. Mm. George Dmew returned homne affen visifing Mm,. Womden. Mr. and Mrs. Wightson Wight, Bowmanville, with Mm. and Mms. L. J. Goodman. Mr. and Mms. Eaml Stephens, Joan and Louise, Sutton, with Mr. and Mms. W. F. Park. Visitors with Mm. and' M. Douglas Cale weme: Miss Ethel Cole, Bowmanville; Miss Winni- mred Cale and Mm. W. Gilbert, Toronto; Mr. and Mms. E. A. Wermy and family, Enniskillen;, Miss Ethel Cale end Bemt Wemmy me- maeming. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mounfjoy, 1<edmon, with Mm. and Mm.. S. rewelî. Mm. and Mm.. Albert Wood, Audrie and Teddy, Bowmanville, Mciss G. Wood and Mn. Colin Tay- lor, Omono, with Mr. and Mme. Hemb Camenon. Mm. and Mrs. J. Llllicrapp, 1 'eterboro, and Mr. and Mm.. Eaml Byem, Bowmanville, with Mr. cnd Mms. F. L. Byem. Miss Dewn Miller, Haliburfon, ,'it h hem gmandmother, Mms. Wal- lce Miller. Mr. and Mm.. Jim Graham, Bowmanville, with Mm. and Mm&. Vm. Macdonald. Mms. T. Philp, Picton, wifh Mm. and Mm.. Howamd Pbilp and Miss ean Philp. Mr. and Mmi. Ait. Pmescott, "nfield,-.and Mm. and Mm,. Harry ishton, Haydon, with Mm. and &rs. Robt. Hlodgson. Mm. Amthur Thompson and Miss oreen Hardy, Bowmanville, with Ir. and Mm,. George Alldmead. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Yellow- ees, Hampton, Mms. Mary Cann id Joan, Bowmenville, with Mr. imd Mm.. Neil Yellowlees. Mm. and Mms. W. Rahm and Mn. id Ms. O. Becket t atfended the rcLaughlin - Rahmn wedding at 'aictfield on Satumday. Audrie Wood, Bowmenville, ith Joan, Kay and Joyce Dmvey. Rev. and Mms. H. S. Cobb, To- onto, Miss Helen Cobb, Oshawa, Ir. and Mms. Neil MacEechemn, 4 Vaterloo, Mm. and Mns. S. T. Hoar ith Mr. and Mms. Russell Wright ,d Mm,. E. Wight. Mr. and Mms. Dawson Timiin id Mms. Eric Kelley, Roseneath, ith Mm. and Mms. Willis Stewart. Mm. and Mms. Kyle Squaim, Miss oan Rîce, Bowmanville, Mm. and 'ms. Geomge Armour, Miss Mad- n Wilcox, Hampton, Miss Ida tephens and Mr. Laurence Squair fSalem, with Mr. and Mrs. AI- 'rt Hills. Mr. and Mm,. Stewart Daw, owmanville, wit h Mm. and Mrs. ohn Hilîs. Mr. Don Muray, Miss Helen luray, Mr. Jack Connell, Ta- nta, Misses Ruth and Rose, WANTED Young Women for Harvestlng Peaches, Pluins, Pears, Apples, Grapes, To- matois and other Fall fruits and vegitables. Accom modation la Fanai Service Fonte Camps August i5th - te - Nov. 1Sth Camper. must bring blan- kits, sheets aad pillow cases For furtier information write:-' Ontario Fanai Service Fonce 9 Richmond Street, Eapt Tononto 1, Ontario Auspices:- Domininon-Provincil îFanai Labour Committe Naturally Tanned CHAMOIS Savings of OVER 50% Exceptional Good Value IDEAL FOR MANY USES Waahlng Cana Wathing Windows Lialng Coats, Etc. apprax. 30 x 30 -. - 2.25 each 24 x 24 20 x 20 14, x 24____ 12 x 16 1.49 each .98 eaeh .69 each .49 each, DON NCGREGOR HARDWARE CO. Phoe 886 King St. W. 1 Miss Gmyle Chambers, Oshawa, with hem aunt, Mms. J. R. Kiveil. Mm. an'd Mm,. Gardon Scott and Norman, Guelph, et R. C. Scott's. Mm. and Mmi. Arcoft Van Ne. t, 1Paul and Nancy, Brantford, et tNarval Wotten's. L Mts. Charles Smith and Anna, Oshawa, at Harold Pescoe's. Mm. and Mm.. Gardon Siemon, iToronto, et Russell Gilbemt's. Mr. and,.Mrs. Bruce Tink, Lamne mcd Dienne, at Booklin. Mr. Jerry Milîson, Torocto, at home. Miss Megan Burn§, Toronto, with Miss Velma Gilbert. Mr. and Mm.. Raiph Davis and1 Pafsy et Mm.. E. W. Nesbitt's, Brooklin. Mm. and Mm,. Gordon Scott, Raymond, Wayne and Chrysogon, Agincount, et A J. Baison's. Mm. and Mmd. Wes Yellowlees and Hamold, Mr. and Mms. J. W. Yeluowlees spent last weekenid ai. Niagama Falls and visited Mm. and Mm,. Howard Wonnacoft et Dixie. Mr. Lamne Hoskin and sons, Murray and Ailyn exhîhitced hors- es et Petemboro Faim lest week. Mm. Ras. Crydemman assisted Mm. Bob Flett with hi, livestock exhibit et Petemboro Faim. The Football team piayed Clanemont again Saturday 'niglît with no scome.c Mm. 'and Mmi. Narval Watt en,t Francis and Amnott and Mm. A. L. Pascoe attendcd Dm. Williams' film entemfainment et Bumkcton. Mm. Isaac Hardy et Peterbomo.s Abmenethy and Son Decomators, have been painting et Sauina echo ai. Mr. and Mmi. A. L. Stevens, John and Joe, attendcd the C.N. E. ox Set unday. Y.PU. members held a corni moast et the school grounds lestr Thursday evening. Mmi. Bruce Montgom'erv con- ducfed the Tempemance pragrem et Sunday Scinol when Mm,. Ralpli Devis gave a reading and Donnaf Vice and Olive Crydemmanl sang. Mr. and Mis Ivan Ellicoti,1 Sandra and Donald, Pet embomu; Mm. Archie Cation, Hamptonx, &It Ernest Hockaday's. f Mm. and Mm.. John McNevic and family, Belleville; Mr. ands Mm.. Gardon MeNevin, Ileaboro, et Lance Keliett's. MAPLE GROVE Miss Ruth acd Master Lance Pm.coc, Tymone, visited Mm. acd Mm,. Wallace Mucday. Miss Elsie Semis, Enfield, acd cousin fmom States celled on Mm,. Ernest Twist and Mr. mnd Ms.. W. J. Snowdec. Mm. and Mm.. Evemett Hall. Lon- don, Mm.. S. T. Bertlett, Toronto, with Mm mcd Mm,. H. R. Foley. Sommy ta lose Mm. and Mm,. Ray Bowen and family from aur cam- m runity. Mr. Bowen ha. been en- gaged et fie Boys Trainincg Sehool. We welcome Mr. mnd Mm,. McGurk Toronto, ta aur coin- mucity. Mm. McGurk ha. been ecgagcd fa teech tic Sm. moom. Mm,. Gardon Moffatt ha, been m-engaged fa teach Jr. raom. There wes a feirly good turc out an Sundey ta welcome aur pestor back mter hi, holiday.. Miss Dom- een Jeffemy sang a solo verypice- ly. Chumch School will conrtinue cext Sunday et' 2 p.m. with Rcv. Lenke, Gares Landing, as speak- er. Our peston is exchmcging for mccivensemy services. Mm. J. Hoop- er mcd two daugitens, Oshawa, will ssist fie choir. Mme. Rass Stevens, Miss Mumiel Stevens and Miss Fermer attend- cd tie School for Leaders at OL. C., Whitby. Mare are expecfed ta go on Tiursday. The Evening Auxiliamy held fueir Auguit meeting in the tom o! a birfhday pmty' et the home o! Mns. Ken Summensfarçi, when ech member or gueit brougit a cent for eci year o! age. Over $12.00 wms reelized. President Mn,. J. Munday opened the meet- ing. A pîmylef "Wanted-Gifts galome for Europe and Asie" wes pmscnted by fie gmaup in charge -Mm,. Summersford, Mrs. Wal- lace Mucdmy, Mme. W. H. Brown,1 Mm,. Howard Crydemmen, acd f Mm.. Seward Tyler, assistcd by Mrs. Morley Flintof!. The Presi- dent took charge of fie business' period affer which ail retimed ta the lawn, wiich wes nicclyý lit up, for games mcd lunch. Binfh- day cake, icelcreer, coakies, can- dy acd punch weme ecjoyed. Miss Edna Swallow voiced fie regret o! fhe gmoup et losicg Mm,. Ray Bowen, tic popular schooi- feacher', wife, from aur commun- ity. Sic wes prcsected with a cup acd saucer. Mm.. Bowen, thougfi completeiy 'surprised, !itfingly eplied mcd xnvited mii ta visif hem in Bownianville. Mms. Art Coverley waon fie prize for the bitiday nemmest date of meeting -Aug. 25. There wee27 prescnt. in charge for Sept, meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Snowdec and daugiter Ruth, Winghem, acd Mr. and Mms. Reg Taylor matored ta Kitchener ta visit Mns. HRwksbaw acd Mmm. Reveil, sis- fers o! Mns. Taylor acd Mm,. Snowden, acd brng Billy Taylor hiome aftem 2 weeks holiday at Reveil'. f I r (Intendid for Last Week) Tic holy rite o! bapflsm wms administered an Sucday affen- noon et the chumch. Rev. A. E. Cmssweil offici4ed. Tiose of- femed weme Eva Lynce, deugifer of Mm. and Mm,. Artiur Read; William Henry and Marlene Viv- ian, soc and dmughtem and Mm. and Mm,. Fred Ashfton; Eddy AI- bert mnd Margaret Lea, soc and daughtem o! Mm. and Mm,. Bert Ashton; Mary Fuances mnd Cethe- ine Jean, daugiters of Mm. mcd Mrs. John Ross; Frederick St. Clair Ashton. Tic gmacdpmments, Mn. and Mms. Jack Rass, Toronto, and Mr. and Mm.. Henry Ashton weme present. Mm,. Jim Martyn mcd Anne Elizabeth, Bawmanville, et Mr. W. Tewin's. Mrs. James Esson, Highland Creek, et Mm. Frank Denby's, Mm. mnd Mm,. Allun' Malcolm and famly, Mm,. Rut Legeme, To- Siafford Brod. Monumental Works Phiono Whitby 552 318 Duadas St. E., Whltby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise wokmensiip mcd cameful attention fa det ail are youm assurance when vou choose fmom the wide sciection o! impomted anid domcstic Granites acd Membles in stock. Eavetroughing Furnaces AND Furnace Rairs' Water Pressure Systoms' Out of Town Work a Speclalty S. G. BARNES Write on PHONE 72-r-2 4A A & ià Mullen, Harold, ai RAussel étain- ton's. . Mr. Herman Haaus haà flmished his new cernent silo. Silo filling is the bnder of the day now. The sarliest on record fur corn in this community I be- hiçve. Mr. and Mmi. JE(ck Crozier and David, Utica, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wideman, Canal and Glen, Jerry Pratt, Islington, Mr. and Ms.. Murray Morgal Gale àhd Lynn, Toronto, at M. Morgan'.. Mr. and Ms. Fred Rolins and Imobel at Orville Ouborne's, Bow- manville. Mn. and Mm.. Harold Gifford attended the Golden Wîdding Anniversary o! Mr. and Mrs'. Fred Wilson et Oshawa on Monday evening. Some vemy welcome sbowers came on Sunday. A lot more rein is needed. Mr. and Mms. Harold Gifford et Frank Bell's, Merkhamn. Par hoe.use VlaeOttfer RoguIor ~"peuke or perse six. bo«o la' ::cr 25 toofmIcal 98e emcmk.1 urge six, y@ ' orge se 59~ 1u aySae For Hay Fever HAYDON A corn and weiner' rost was held iln, the shed on Monday even. ing under auspices of the W.A. Rev. A. E. Cresswefl acted as Chairman. Misas Mien Aked, Ty- rone, held the attention of both children and grownups with her beautiful moving pictures, taken at home, out West, and ln Ber- muda. Miss Vivian Cowling sang a solo, accompanying herseif on the guitar. Gloria Wright and Ruth Lamb favored wl h a piano solo. Marlene Ashton played an instrumental. Mary Lou Ashtoný gave a ballet dance. Solos were rendered by Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and Mrs. Chas. Rankine. Mrs. Theron Mounfjoy gave a humor- ous reading. After the program aIl sat down to a bounteous lunch. Sympathy of the community i. extended to Mr. Edgar Staples ln the sudden passing of his wife. Miss Vivian Cowling bas pro- cured work at the Whiz factory. Jock Potts got seýýeral alivers m his hand while workîng on bis house and had to have them re- rnoved by the doctor, Arthur Read eut his arm on a piece of protruding steel at work which required stitches. Church Service was withdrawn on Sunday evening on acc.ount-of Tyrone Anniversary Services. Several f rom, here attended. Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr went to Fonthili on Saturday and re- turned with a car full of peaches. Several from here attended the Legion Carnival at Bowmanville on Friday night. Although we lied several showers here during the evening the weather menaged to sf.ev fine out there for the C arnival. The hind wheels of Ashton's newest Transport truck went through the bridge by the oid mili early Wednesday afternoon. The truck was tipped to one side and was resting on the housing and drive-shaft. Our local garage came f0 the rescue with its tow truck. It took the rest of the et- ternoon and severel men t0 get the transport jacked up into po-i sition and then Graham's tow truck eased the transport off the bridge to safety. Many interestedI spectetors came during the after- noon f0 view the proceedings. Luckily the transport was flot damaged. The iiext morning a new top wves put on- the bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Henry AshtonI af Mr. R. Hodgson's, Tyrone. 'Mr. and Mrs. Brock lPerry, To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Robin- Il son and Donna Lea, Ancaster, af MVr. Melville Bertrim's. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Trewin,r MViss Vivian Prout, Mrs. W. M. Rudeil and Scotty, Bowmanville, Mrs. Herb Scott, Orono, Miss 8 Grace Trewin, Toronto, Mrs. Sid- ney Trewin, Enniskillen, et Mr. 1 Win. Trewin's. 1j Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Downey 8 and Amie Marie, Shew's, et Mr. Don Cameron 's. f Mr. and Mrs. Don Cerr and 1 family at Mr. Cecil Rahm's Union. Mr. and Mrs. Alymer Beech et M./r. Austin Larmer'a Cottage at C iiaesarea. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn and fainily, Mrs. T. Cowling at Lind- say.F Misses May and Winnifred ['rewin et Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and 8 famly, Toronto, -at Mr. Henry J Aslhton'É, with Brad stayîng forI nonto, with 1Mr..end Mrs. David Malcolmrn and David Legere. Mr. and Mr.. Harry &rooklng, iPort Britain, ai Mr. CecilSle- mon's. ENNISKILLEN Mn. E. C. Ashton and Miss Mary Virtue, have bien holidayt Ing with the former'. daughtens Mrs. S. May, Sundridge, and Mrs. S. Rodman, Port Penny. Miss Kay McNell, Mr. and Mn,. H. J. Slemon Toronto, vlîlted Mr. and Mn. à. MeNeil.' Mrs. Pearl Avery, Bunketan. with Mn. and Mrs. C. Pethick. Master Ted Yeo, holidayed with Mr. and Mrs. C. Woodley, Ty- rani. Mir. and Mrs. .' Fecker, Mr. S. Frecker, Toronto, Mr. and Mnâ. A. Moore and Keith, Enniskillen, with Mm and Mn.. A. Leadbeaten. Mr. and Mmm, M. J. Hcbbs and Joan, Mm.. H. Stevens, Mn:. T,. M. Slemon, attended the funenal o! Mms. E. Staples at Lindsay Aug. 29. Mr. and Mn,. Harold Ashton and Clame, with Mn. and Mrs. S. Kersey, Hampton. Dr. C. W. Slemon, Bowrnanville, gave a short telk on bis trip aven- seas, telling the chIîdmen of many intereât4ng things of Holland and Ptely, on Sunday, Aug. 21, Mr. and Mr&. L. Stainton and family with Mn. and Mmi. C. MiIîs and Mrs. J. Mahan, tu Coboconk and Fenelon Falls. Miss Lincia Yeo is holidaying with Mn. and Mn&. H. Collacutt, Bowmanvi île. Mm. end Mm.. L. Weamn and femily et Mm. and Mrs. Geo. Ir- win's, Enniskillen. Miss Joyce Woadley, Tyrane, with Miss Donelda Griffin. Sympethy la extended to rela- tives of the late Mme. Edgar Staples, Befheny. Miss Helen Cole, Bethesda, wifh Mr. end Mms. E. A. Wemry. Mm. and Mrs. Stanley Hodgson, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and rs. Roy McGi1I. Mm. and Mrs. Russell Ormiston with Mm. and Mms. Gordon Wermy and Mr. and Mms. Arthur Jackson, Toronto. Miss Elsie Bottrell, Newcastle. Mir. and Mn.. Fred Ferguson, Bowmenville, witb Mr. and Mns. Carl Ferguson. Mm. anci Mm,. P. Ellis and farnily szith relatives et Kadone Mines. Miss Donalda Griffin with Miss L5ois McMullen, Bowmanvhlle. Mm. end Mm,. Walter Oke with vMr. and Mmi. Bruce Ashton, Purpie illi. Congratulations fa Mr. and vIns. Jim MeLaughllin on their canniage. Mr. and Mmi. Edgar Wright visifed Miss Marguerite Wright et 'St. Cathemines. Mr. and Mm,. Sfanley Hodgson, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mm,. WJI- iam. Lamb, Nestleton, wifb M. and Mrs. Lomne Lamb. Mm. Fred Ellis aftended the funerel of Mm. James Eagleson at Lindsay, staying avern nght af Fenelon Falls wif h relatives. Miss Ruth Lamb with Miss Glorie Wr-ight. Mm. and Mir. Donald Lee and Wayne, Mm. and Mn.. Bemwin Adms and femily, Mm. Hamry Perguson, Oshawa, with Mr. and tMs. Walter Ferguson. Mm. and Mms. 0. C. Ashton, Lois, nd Chales with Mm. ad Mrs. Bmuce Ashton, Pumple Hill. Mm. . E. Stmutt bas returned orne affen visiting Mm. and Mmi. Ed Cain, Pontypool. Mm. and Mms. A. Sharp accorn- enied M. end Mmi. A. Brunt, ith Mm. and Mm.. Russell Robin- ;n, Campbellcmoft. Mm.. M. Wells, Port Perry, Mn. Frank Gemrow, Scugog, Mm,. ;eomge MeGmegr Rochester, NY.. vith Mm. And Mns. H. Mili. Hundmeds of wild horses travel nbands ln Arizona, A Miami hotel offers free ment my day hotter than 90 degmees. Indie plans complete probibi- ion of alcohol. NEW Toni SpDin Curlers In rm clse ry pniateut. Studio 33 Beecb Ave. il ~ PHONE 2606 ý The Kelly Kirby Kindergarten PIANO METHOD w7tat n9"1 1 ploy for yPms? A simple and attractive ap proacb te the study of musie for children 3 ta 8 yeans of age, under apecially qualifled Kely W byxihsdegls A Tndmr For panticulans apply toi MARGARET EtWORKMAN A.L.C.M., R.M.T. Organlat Park St. United Church, Onono Piane pupils prepaned fer the varlous Toranto Studio 33 Beech Ave PHONE 2606 Nyal Creophos Relleves Branchial Coughg Buld resistance against colds Lge. Bottie - $ 1.25 Dodd's Pilis --- --- -- 49e Gin Pis -- 49c-74c Olympene 75c-$1.25 Enos Fruit Saits 59c-98c Vaseline Hair Tonic 55c-95c AbsFbiies Jr.4 AbsorbinespJr S1c-299 Blae.Asinn Sc29c-7 Aka-StOIrNT, 9c47e ZABK OINT. - - 4 WErsPIKLe' MIXETURCKE 1gal. -35C MIXReTURE' Rmzmah Cap..------ 7.5-5 DarUen Eut ---t- $.001 Lasde gInha r .... -*6,0e Privine NoeiDrops --75e Kleenex, bol>. ises 2 for 35e Kleenex, Mn': .2e 5Feelle, Mca': .-- 5 Bot Waten BaIlles VRGETABLE LAXATIVE Large .conomny ai* package 49 PRO flW EFIT 695 COWLING'S DRUG STORETRSE Engin. toota are the engiflords talk to the-train crew. CONCRETE DLG0CKS PLAIN BLOCKS Icacli -_ _ neli ROCK FACED BLOCKS Each---------------28c st the yard ala. 41, WEEPING TILE Port Hope - Bochk and Tile 210 Hope Mt. N. Phone 2557 FFNTLE BIIT OH. SO fHOROUH! mmm" i 1 ATTENTION uoi Pupils W.E. C. WORLKMAN L.L.C.M., R.M.T. Onganiat and choir master St. John's Chumch Teacher of piano, organ, vielia, singîln lis variaus branches and theory. ZION Mr. and MIrs. Wm. Dart Sr., Mr.-and Mrs. Ross Dart and Judy, Scarboro, Mr. and Mrs. R. Apsley, Highland Creek, at Henry Dart's. Mr. Jim Stainton accompenied by Mr. Douglas Skinner, Misses Ruth Shew and Betty Henderson. Oshawa, visited Hamiltion and Niagara Falls on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Ayre attend- ed the Nayior Pîcnic at Geneve Park. Mr. and Mrs. George Killen, Mrs. Robert Killen, Mrs. Michael Nemis attended the C.N.E. on M on da Master Bob Dart spent the weekend with his aunt Mrs. N. Potter at Wasega Beach. Mn. and Mrs. Percy Davidson and family at Tom AbÈbott's, Osh- atwa. Mr. and Mrs. Lomne Baiiey, Marilyn and Linda, Mrs. Jas. Me- Fruitatives 25c-48e 1 1 . price, i TM CAlqADL4M KTAT29MAM UnWUAWVW.T.V É%WMAikW% -- -L- . - --- - -

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