PAGE SIX I ' l I A i f A ~ ? f ' ' ! E R A If Ps A , 1 m Vu n'w h * f JI4. * L J V A V U L J .F . O N A IO f t J U L J S E P T ' ! 2 n b d ' " 4 1 'j Mr ndMrs Go. ndrson, Hanilion, spent the weekend wihthe Misses Morrison. lier, Miles in Oshawa on Thurs- day. Mrs. (Dr.) Nun of N-orth Battie- fard, SD- kI., is visiting her brother Mr. M. H. Staples and family. f The rcrnodeiing of the Park St. United Church is going forward rapidlyý. L:ýst week a new hard xvooci flcir xvas completed and the decorators are now at work. J Miss Murel Welsh and Mrs. Z, hMar hyeon ning wiedo t. 9.- day evening at the home of Mrs. C. oodinhonour of Miss Bever- ly Paync, a bride to be of this " weck. Thcre v;as about-25 ladies prescnt. During the evening Be- \erly was presented with boudoir lamps and a wainut table. Taken ~-compefcly by surprise she made -a siiitable reply. Mrs. Wm. Arm- stronIý 51'wvcd several reels of mno%7ing prictures and a delicious lunch wzý, served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Powers, To- -.ron'o, x î:Itcd his mnother Mrs. C. M nd I Mrs. Ken Fraelick and fan. lIv, Prince Albert, visitedr M M"s i. Davey. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hay, Bow-r *manville, are holidaying in U.S.A. Z; Eilly is visiting with his grand-1 parents IMr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan. Phone 438 E. Logan Bowmanvüle TONI Home Permanent -Twice as easy -Twice as fast SPECIAL Combination Offer $2.79 'NOXZEMýA SPECIATeOFFER 93e Size Noxzcma---- 79e NE W 42 KLng St. E. De Bright! Feel Right! Cliocolate Ovaltine 58c-98C TAE"RI Amnien ooh ase59C A EENOSSL Ammiident Tooth Poivd. 59C FACELLE RU OA 5 e 8 SPECIAL OFFER - 50e W'orth - Now----- 3c Nyal Creophos Stops Stubborn ]Bronchial Coughs Builds up your system agalnst colds. Lge. Boille-- $ 1.25 MLAF e e EGULLAR D SLAE : 1 Miss Manjanie McLaren, B.A., bas returned ta Toronto ta resume studies at the University Misses Gwen Phasey, June Cooper and Wanda Malley are taking a business course in Bow- manville at Mrs. C. Bartlettys school.11 Miss Shirley Porter, R.N., Osh- awa, and Miss Audrey Bilings, Toronto, spent the weekend at thein homes here. Mn. and Mns. Bert Billett, Hamptan, have rented Mrs. C. L. Power's bouse hene and will te making thein home here in the near future. Mn. Fewster, aur local tank manager, bas moved his family ta Orano, and are naw accupying the Billings home. We welcome them ta aur village. ~Jr. and Mrs. Jack Leslie, Peter- bora, aiter spending a week with ber parents Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Riddell, leit for Detroit for a week's visit thene, and will also visit in Hamilton. Mn. and Mrs. Carl Billings and Mrs. Harry Bailey visited in To- ronto. COURTICE W.M. Society held thein meeting with Mrs. Hopkins Mrs. Will Bickle in charge af pragram. President Mrs. Rus Gay apened the meeting business Items were dealtv whicb included, the Eve: t. id le M] id h ig Sept anÈ E thE issel' anc with ning For School Eversharp Pendis -...-_Soc Eclipse Pens --$1.00-$1.45 Eclipse BaIl Point----- $1.00. Waterman's BaIl Paint $1 .50 Itolit BaIl Point-....$169 Waterman's Pens $3.15-10.25 Lactogen - -69c-$1.59 Corega ---- -23o-39c-69o 100 A.S.A. Tabs. -.-1e Hot Water Bottles 98c-$1.29-$1.59-$1.75 Ay7erst 10!D Cod Liver 011 - 75c-$1.75 p 1 91 CO WLING'S ORUG STORE TUSI The Orono News Lake Shore, Clarke Mn. and Mrs. Frank Wilson and Kathleen, Cleveland, Ohio, with Mn. and Mns. W. Baskerville. Mn and Mrs. W. Baskerville and iamily with Mn. and Mrs. Frank Johns, Oshawa. Mn. and Mns. W. H. Brown, Bewmanviile, with Mr. and Mns. Gea. Skeiding. Miss K. Riches visited Mn. and Mrs Harvey Bougben, Dale. Mn. and Mrs. Robin Alldred and family and Miss K. Riches witb Mn. and Mrs. E. H. Hagerman, Maple Grave. Miss May Erskine, Dumfries, Scatland, visited ber cousin Mrs. John Hendny. Mns. Bruce M~urray and chul- dren, Stirling, visited Mn. and Mns. John Hendry, Miss Enskine returning to Stirling with lhem and aise will visit friends at Ban- crof t. Mn. and Mrs. S. Powell visited Mn. and Mns. S. A. Powell, Eliza- bethvilie, and also Mr. Carl Selby at Western Hospital, Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Holmes, Bobby and Dennie, with Mn. and Mrs. Gien Pollard, Brampton. Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Springham, Gaît, with Mr. and Mrs. Ahf. Brown Mrs. Kathleen Trewin Straug- han, Torante, Mn. and Mrs. Les Alldred and family, Onono, and Mn. Robin AlIdred and Lois witb Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alldred and Mns. Hotson. Our regular K. S. & C. Club meeting was held at the home ai Mrs. W. Homes with a good nuin- ber present including Miss May Erskine, a cousin ai Mrs. Johnt Hendry, fram Scotiand, who is an ber way ta New Zeaiand. Miss Erskine bas hbeen rnany interest- ing places and gave us an infor- mal travelogue on Burma as shec saw it. We could bave stayed around a goad wbile longer listen-f ing, but then there was suppert 'o prepar>e and se we bad te leave Burma and journey backc ta reality and hubby's suppen. S OBITUARY DAVID GEORGE BONE The death accurred suddeniy at bis homle, Mapie Grave, on Wed- nesday, Septemben 14, ai David George Bane. Born in Osbawa in 1879 the deceased was the son of the late John and Margaret Bone. Mn. Bone is survived by bis wîdow the former Luchla Bunk, two daughtens Mns. Bill Begley (Veina), Mns. Kenneth Flint (Irene), six gnandchiidren An- leen, Bruce and Canais Begiey and Donald, Lanry and Blayne Flint, two sisters Mrs. Sarah Zns Cleveland, Ohio, Mns Maude Mann, Oshawa, 'three 'brothers, Sam, Oshawa, Joe, Tarante and AlEec Lansing Mich. Funenai services were cenducted on September 17 by Rev. H. F. Yandley, Mapie Groive, frei the Marris Funenai chapel. Internent Oshawa Union Cemneteny. MRS. . X . SANDERSON Suddenîy on Wednesday, Sept. 14> Margaret Rowan passed away at the home ai ber son Richard Sandenson îîean Haydon. She was predeceasedby ber husband seven yeans ago. She was the daugbter ai Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rewan and was bern near Caesarea, Oct. 8th, 1869. Mns. Sanderson spent Most ai ber lufe in Cartwright but in later Years nesided nean Haydon with ber son. The funenal took place frein Narthcutt and Smith funeral par- leurs an Sept. 16. Service was con- ducted by Rev. A. E. Cresswell, assisted by Rev. Milton Sander- son, Tarante, who spoke veny bighly ai the deceased. Paîl bearers were Adam Sharp, Wiiired Sanderson, Douglas Hig- gins, Ralph Vintue, Richard and Arthur Rowan. Many floral tnibutes expressed sympathy with the beneaved anes inciuding a Pilaw fron the fami- ly, grandchidren, neî-ghbours and Haydan Sunday Scbool. She leaves ta mourn her ioss three sons and daughters, Richard af Haydan, William ai Janetville, Evenard ai Hespeler, Mrs. Philip (Mary) ai Toranto, Vera ai Hay- don and Mns. Higgins (Marjonie) ai Toronto, and nine grand- children, also a sister, Mrs. Wm. Steehe,. Nestleton. A daughter and son predeceased, their mether in 1912 and 1947, respectively. Auxiliary aecepted an invitatio: for Oct. 5. A special coUlectioi for relief overseas was $9.70. É Parcel will be sent -to Miss Rorlu Japan. Worship period was con. ducted by Mrs. Elton Werry, witl Mrs. Alan Dawn reading tht Psalm, and prayers ofiered b: Mrs. B. Courtice and A. J Gay. The Study Book was intro- duced by Mrs. Hopkins, "Growink with the Years" and impressed her listeners with the fact thai eaeh member should read this re cord of the first 25 years of th(î United Church of Canada. Thi was also emphasized by the Presi. dent who closed the meeting. N The Evenlng Auxillary helc their Sept, meeting at the homE of Mrs. Beckstead, with a gooc attendance. The Guest speakei Miss Margaret Farmer, Bowman- ville, gave a most appreclative talk. Readings were given by Mrs. Garnet Goyne and Mrs. A]ec Muir. Meeting was carried out by President Mrs. Muir and Mrs. Yardiey was in charge of devot. ional. A social time was enjoyed at the close. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Griffin are enjoying a trip to Alberta and Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Hogle are visiting the latter's sister in Toronto. Woman's Courtice Association are holding their Sept. meeting In the church on Wednesday evening. Silo filling, corn and tomato picking are keeping the farmers really busy and with help flot any too plentiful, which seems too Mn. John Fisk spent Saturday with Mn. and Mrs. Jake Fisk at Pan typool. Mn. and Mrs. Bill Kent and famiily, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mns. Bob Kent. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Hunten and three sons, Lakefield, with Mn. and Mrs. Austin Turner and Helen. Every tiine one picks Up the Papers the headlincs blaze in one's face ai murdcr, robbenies, breakzins, etc. It îs an aid story for farmers ta iind grain bags in the hay mew wbene saine veary tram"P bas sPent the night. Saine- one with ne gond in bis mmnd, that eins te bave bis eye an this dis- tict is a littie bolder than that. Last Friday niglit around eleven *vben we wcre ready te go ta bed, amreane walked past the kitchen window. Ininediately we turned on the verandah light. One watch- ed the front gate and the pain oi us ran out the backc way, I in night attire and nubber boots and hubby armed with flashlight and gun. He searcbed the yard and barns, fnund the barn yadgt open but ne one araund. This is 'et the iirst ttirne this bas bap- cened. In fact it's tbe second turne in a montb, and we are getting nretty tired oiit. Ase at the '~ r==nF, il c e( : 1 j I AND MOISTURE RESISTIN It's so easy to re-new the beauty and freshness of woodwork, furniture, floors, cupboarcls and eVen cookig utensils with Nepto-Lac Enamel. Drices to a porcelain-like finish that even boiling oil can't harm! DON NcGREGOR HA~RDWVARE CO. Phone 386 King st. W. le In t. le re in e ýy tt Is Thank Offering Service wll b( held in Sunday evening. For par ticulars see Coming Events. Congratulations ta Mr. anc Mrs. Lloyd Beech an tbe arriva, ai a son. Sympathy 15 extended ta thE famnilY ai the- late Mrs. Johir Sanderson in thein bereavement A corn raast was held at thE home ai Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ran. kine's on Saturday evening wben about thirty friends Of Miss OlivE Rankine's were present fnom To. ronto. Mn. and Mrs. Nelson Gage, Billie, Mary and Rickey, Thorn- hili, are spendinga lew days at Mn. M. Bertnim's.ý Scbool opened the first part o: the month xvith 23 pupils on the, rail and Miss June Anderson as teacher. The tbree new pupils in GrageI are Aileen MeAlpine. James Tabb and Jimmy Esson. Mrs. Clara Topping, Edmonton. Alta., is visitîng at Mr. A. Beecb's. Mns. Lloyd Beech and babe with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Rahin, Bunketon. Miss Joan Frecker, Toronto. accompanied Miss Marie Ashton home for the weekend. Mn. and Mns. M. Blackburn, Miss Bessie Blackburn, Hampton. Gracie Blackburn, Mn.- Gerald Shackleton Salem-, at Mn. W. Blackhurn's. Mn. and Mrs. Don Cameron at Miss Lola Down's, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and family, Tarante, at Mn. Henry Ashton's. Mrs. Roy Grahamn with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter flahin, Tynone. Mrs. T. Prout, Mn. and Mrs. Clîfford Trewin, Bowmanville, at Mn. W. Tnewin 's. Mr. Fred Ashton and Billie, Toronto, at their cottage. 1 We want to make your shopping- as quick and easy as possible and your advice wiIl help us makce your A&P store a better plac- to shop. Please write: Customer Relations Dept, A&P Food Stores, 135 Laughton Avenue, Toronto. Ont. ASSORTED CLARK'S 'SOUPS - SHORTENING FLUFFO.... CHKEESE MILD b 39c -AUNT JEMIMA-Redeem Vour 15e Coupon at PANCAKE FLOUR- FANCY RED SOCKEYE SALMON ANN PAGE FAMOUS MAYONNAISE... ALL PURPOSE PURITY FLOUR - CREAM STYLE CHOI CE COIN 2 A&P CHOICE TOMATOES - TIME FOR KÀEENdS MUSTARD Send 26o & 2 Box Tops for 5 JelIy Mouids PEPPER SQUASH - 2/15c CELERY STALKS - 2/19c BRADFORD, TENDER, WASHED CAhROTS No.1 3 'bs 25e NEW CROP, WASHED & WAXED TURNIS No. 1 lb. 01NIONS Large, I. Ng3 Ilb. CAEAE Fresh Tender IL.e ANN PAGE M&I&ILIK DREZW SLICED WHITE CHOICE HALVES-BSRIGHT'S HEACHES -*lTin STAFFORD'S CHOCOLATE SYRUP Tin ~*25e CORNSTARCH D)URHAMf 2 Pkos. 29e AYLMER CATSUP « iZ:16e MoCORMICK'S CHOC. DEL 'GHT BISUITS lb, 29e BULK GATS ROLLE D 3 lbs. 9 MASON PRESERVING JA S SrniI 69eLarge A&P CUSTOM GROUND Dà%KIMR âOFFEEi m m 2 tinsl5c m m Twenty eigbt membens present n at the Sept. meeting ai Maple *Grave Womens' Institute enjeyed 1a fine program under the leader- *ship af Mns. Howard Bradley, "Social Welfane" convener. r Fan the tapie, "They wbo Plant Kindness Gathen Love", Mns. M. M. Munday read the poem "Let us Sinile". Mrs. L. C. Snowden, iirst speaker ai tbnee an Social Welfare, mentiened the gnowth ai social weliare irom cammunity rBees and fidividual help ta each rothen in times ai need, ta the pre- sent multitude ai arganizations wanking apparently for the coin- mon good but net in ca-openation. The Wamen's Institute's basic prograin cf gaad nutrition and child cane in the home and later in schoois bas braadened until to-day the W..bas a representa- tive on the board ai "The Cana- dian Association ai Consumons and the W.I. is aifiiiated with the Ont. Fed. ai Agriculture whîch arganization bas made the Health Unit a reality in Durhamn and Northumberland Counties. In giving a bnief review ai fig.. unes tram the 1948 annuai report ai the Heàlth Unit, Mrs. Snewden stated that the per capita cost including the Provincial grant was $1.29. Mrs. Jas. Geddes gave a most bumorous selection "These Cnazy Foeds ai Ours") (se full ai littie bugs as well as vitamins.) Mrs. J. D. Stevens spoke an the persanality developinent of the pre-sehool cbild. Little folk need early recogni- tion as individual pensons, they should rata the saine caurteous treatment, cansidenation and a so- cial atinophene suited ta thein age as is appneciated by aider gnoups. Each yean develops difierent activities and traits. It is natural for a veny young cbiid ta be saine- wbat ai a show-off but wben kept within bounds this gives humi a sense ai importance and at the saine turne provides pleasune and ententainment in the home. Mrs. Ken Summersiord dnessed in the garb ai the lazy fariner, chanted, with ber mother Mrs. J. D. Stevens at the piano, "Lufe gets Tedieus". The audience beginning ta feel sarry for itseli brigbtened up with the encore "Paon Old Lady Swaiiowed a Fly." Mns. A. J. Campbell speaking an "Good Nutrition" named tbe vitamins and foods in wbich each is provided with the part eacb plays in sound nutrition. In the fist wanld wan-time, the people ai Denmank sold theinseives s0 short ai butter and dairy praducts as ta cause seriaus eye trouble. The Limeys ai the British Navy derived that nick-name from limes provided for long voyages to prevent scurvy. Edible argans af animais are nicb in ail vitamins. Xitamins B and C are required every day since they are not stored in the body. Lack ai Vit. B may cause bain ta tunn gray. Mns. Ivison Munday, lst Vice President, presided for the busi- ness periad wben a delegate was appainted ta attend the 2nd con. fenence ai the "Cammunity Wel- fare Council ai Ontario" ta be beld in Toronto on Sept. 22-23-24. Mns. Edwin Ormiston repanted for Good Neighbaurs Commnittee and Mns. A. J. Campbell on sizes' and pnices ai mnetal cupbads smce soniething mause preai is necessary for books and djshes. A discussion failnwed on the possibility ai the W..purcbasing n electric steve fan the church kitchen. A letter from aur adapted Insti- tute mn Wales was read by Miss S. Laird and a pnogram frein the cerseas Institute was passed around. Lunch was senved byMs Bradicy's greup and a social tie ýnjoyed. The truc work ai art is but the radew ai the divine perfection. -Michelangelo. If yeu wish success in lufe, make )ersenverance yaur bosom friend, ,perience yaur wise caunsellor, sution your eider brother, and 'ope yaur guardian genlus.- Lddison. OLD lb 43C tA&P apkgl9c 1/a's tin 39c 8-zjar 19c 5-lb pkg 34c 20-oz tins 29c 1oz fin15c 'A's i n35c PEACHES Bumy Right -Buy A &P "Super Right" Quality Meats REDVrYBCUT ELLBRANMD B STEAKRORDOor BLUED BRAD BE STEAK O ROUN 9eSRMOKDSLICEDO FLAT RIB BRIS ET . lb25e PR SH OU D R BONELESS ROLLED, SWIFT'S PREMIUM PURE MAPLE L E VEAL FRONTS I *Lb.49e PORK SAUSAGE -EMAE MILK FED GRADE "A" 4%.4 b 6 Ibs. COTTAGE ROLLS 53, BOASTING CHICIKERS PGRK SHOULDERS SMOKED SHANKLESS PODK SHOULDERS SM0K ED COTT~I~ !I~LLS * lb.3j~ * "" 6I~ COD FILLETS -'1 5e FRESH 13LUE l. PICKEREL FILLETS lb 5 SNOIKED FILLETS lb. 59e 1 b. 51e b- b.45e lb. 35e 1~ Salem Womens' Association met at Mrs. Leslie Coombes' on Sept. l5th. wîth 23 ladies in at- tendance. Mrs. Barrie apened the meeting with hymn IlWill Your Anchor Hold" foflowed by the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. L. Welsh read the Bible lesson. The bazaar wil be held in the Lions Community Centre Nov. 25. Mrs. Ken Shackle- ton, had charge ai the following pragram: Reading by Mrs. Mc- Clure, "What a Cbild Enemem- bers", Musical trio by Bessie Blackburn, Mrs. Shackleton and Mns. K. Shackleton accompanied by Mrs. Butteny; Reading by Mrs. Hall, "Limited *Days". Mn. Cresswell gave an interesting short talk. John Low sang a solo accompanied by Mrs. Cole. The -President closed the meeting witb the Mizpah Benediction. Mns. Shackleton and her group served lunch. FoIlowv nature's example prepare for the long winter montlhs now. When yau are thlnklng of wlnter be sure te, thitîk af youn electnical winlng. If you have ta have your present system madernlzed - naw Is the time to da It so, yau ivili get the most value out af It during the long wmnter montlhs ahead. If yau are ini doubt as ta what should be donc don't hesitate ta consult us. We wIll be glad to advise you free of change what Is best In yaur particular situation. - CALL US TO-DAY HIGGON ELE CTRIC Your General Eleetria Applance Dealer 1.4 1 t z: - Baby Scales for Reni - 1 - SALEM last "Silee, Sisters"' meeting, a Peeping Tom interrupted and gave most of us a fright and upan returning home saw someone run fromn the side of aur neighbour's house. There are* several good watcb. dags around here and by the snarl ai ours the other night the scoundrel may -be lucky he wasn't niissing the seat ai bis pants. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Gray and 2 children, Waldemar, spent Sat- urday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pedwell. Master Brian Rickard is spend-. ing a week's holidays with bis grandparents Mr. and Mrs. H. Pedwell. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Geddes, To- ronto, and Miss Betty Allin, Peterboro, with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Allin. We were ail sorry to hear ai Mrs. Geo. Rickard's paqsing. The sympathy of the community goes ta ail her family. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gibson mo- tored ta Malton Air Port Satur- day and met Leslie wbo has e- turned from Sault Ste. Marie. He came home for the weekend but bas gone Ia Toronto ta continue his course at University. Mr. John Gibson was home on the weekend. We are sorry ta hear Mrs. WV. H. Gibson bas been ili at Mrs. Harold Gibson's. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Harold Hughes and Elaine, Oshawa, at Art Gibson's for the weekend. There was great excitement Monday, on the east efid of the line when an aeroplane landed in Schmidt's field opposite BÉtanch's. The plane was travell- ing fromn Trenton wben it ran low on gas and had ta land and fuel up. The cbldren were just returning [rom sehool so got a good view from aUl angles. Miss Muriel Gibson celebrated her birthday on Satunday with a party. Ail the school cbildren were present. Happy Birthday Muriel! MARLE GROVE 1 1 - - eý- W- . 1 1 Corner Many of our stores now have express checkout stands reset veci for the use of cus- l tomers with only one or twe small purchases. Is there such a stand ini your A&P? Do you ever use it? Does it speed up your shopping? If there is no expre rs c-ccoiit li your store would vrou like ta se SHIRRIFF'S LUSHUS ~ 1b54c I 3 pi<gs 25c I.. - 1 i Dr. M rq M Cretd e Institte tand&th ed.ther as atTh h s grand and yet Becomes Head of Econoris Association with ead- the greatest elevation-both iu ar- 51Macdonald Institute fred and acquairitances greet ts n npbi.Ail Dr. Mcçready and wish for ber With the retirement of Miss a full measure a sucess. T ICK ET S Do othy Lindsley, M.A., Associate ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TO EVERYWHERE Director ai MacDonald Institute A frieçd should be one in whose Ar. Rafi or Steasshp who endeared herseli ta a consid- understanding and virtue we can1 Consuit erable numben ai students *n re- equally confide, and whose opin- J UR Y & L OV EL L cent years, a Director for the Mac- ion we can value at once for its Bowianville donald Institute bas been chosen justness and its sincerity -Robert 15 King St. W. Phone 778 in the persan ai Dr. Margaret S. Hall. - McCready. Miss McCready is not unknown in Guelph, having spent life bere. She is a daugbter of P r o e s s o r S . B . M c C r e a d y , s o m e -V t b ' / f ' U V % P I 4 h Ç V W P W ' time ago proiesson ai Botany at the Ontario Agicultural College and previously connected with JJ pfg , the nature study division oi Mac- 0WW ' W OVA L donald Institute. Miss McCready - taok ber public sc ool work at -C O L a d W D R A G Macdonald Consolidated School CO Lo dW O A G Collegiate Vocational Institute. Etalrefrbxmksi She com p eted ber Collegiate In-Ex r la g re o m ke h i stitute work in Toronto and at- wonderful heater, and a quick tained the degree of B.A. in even baker. Burns 24" wood. Houschold Economnics at the Uni- versity ai Toronto. Large, fast-heating e- Following this she rogistened e v i wl h a w tr for post graduate wark in the * e v i iI h a a e School for Child Study at the Uni- to boiling point in a versity ai Toronto under Dr. W. sottm.Oe E. Blotz, and officiated as dietitian shorty rtimhOea ai St. George's Nursery School for c p ct o h sane time. Miss McCready next largest family. Easy became Directon ai Visiting House 4d to keep dean - Keeper and Nutrition Division of p pie Ontario Red Cross frorn whichm de a e p c . she was gnanted leave oi absence See it roday! ion two years ta further pursue post-graduate wonk, at the Uni- versity ai Aberdeen under Sir John Boyd-Orr. At the conclusion 1 - of this she was granted a PhD She returned ta Canada as Direct- 4 v q . ' ~ m on ai the S ebool ai Household H r w r n p r i c o d Science at Macdonald College, PHad re ndS ot g o s Q., where she bas spent the lastFrgd ieA p an s ten years. beFr g d i e A p i n s I suighrduties at Mac- Phone 408 Bowmanville donald Institute she is coming in ,two capacities, one as Dinector ai 1 TffE CATfAnTAM qTA"P-qVAV IM'VnffAVV" 11 DAILY 0 HAYDON S.S. No. 9,, Clarke lb 31C ý 4 jàý-. .